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 Create a project> epics > versions> stories> tasks> subtasks> Sprint> Start Sprint (board will be created

automatically)> Move Stories form To Do to In Progress, Board Settings

 ISSUES: are Epic/Story/Task/Subtask/Bug
 Add versions, maybe multiple sprints can add up to a single version.
 Add Epics, an Epic could spin to multiple sprints.
 Stories could have multiple tasks.
 Sub tasks are checklists for tasks/stories.
 Bugs are technical issues.
 RELATE A TASK to and EPIC (EPIC link or Drag it) & to a Version, same with subtasks.
 Story points form numbers top row
 Add sprints creates boards.
 Drag status on a column.
 Refresh after adding Time Tracking field.
 A bug is blocked by certain task.
 A duplicate or Resolution….
 Time Tracking = None, for automatic calculation.
 You can user Releases tab & Versions to know what new features have been added & what bugs have been
 LABLES are tags for easier searching or for grouping similar stuff together like a specific epic with specific
tasks & bugs…
 Try to complete a sprint with some issues not done.
 Issues, manage filters, to add a filter and save it, e.g. to show only done tasks of a specific project….. or use
the global search box.
 Create dashboard.

،‫ خالل سبرنت معينة‬D‫ والغياب‬D‫سعة الفريق هو إجمالي عدد النقاط التي يمكن أن ينجزها الفريق بدون أيام العطل‬ 
،‫ ساعات في اليوم‬8 ‫ إذا أستطيع أن أعمل‬:‫ للتوضيح‬.‫أو عدد األيام التي يستطيع أن يكمل فيها الفريق تلك السبرنت‬
.8 ‫فهذه سعتي‬

،‫السرعة هي املخرجات‬ 

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