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everything about all consequences of the environmental pollution in order to prevent the worst from happening. Let's protect the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the soil we use to grow our food. Drug Addiction Drug addiction includes the use of heroine, ice and other medicinal drugs. The use of drugs is liked because these are anxiety reducing agents. Their sedative hypnotic action plays a vital role in the relief of symptoms of anxiety, suffering, restlessness and sleeplessness. Frequent use might paralyse the power and deprive the man of self-confidence, and even blur the senses. With total or partial distortion of the functions of consciousness, the addict becomes inhabitant of the world of fantasy, illusion and dream. The possession and use of drugs in Pakista illegal. tt is believed that smoking of weed leads to mental disorder and deterioration of physical health. Thousands of addicts are in our society which is a serious problem. Many criminals are often found to be drug addicts. It means that drug addiction creates criminal tendency in the addiets. According to data available, 66% of drug dependent criminals belonged to the age group of 20-29 years. From this statistical analysis, itis clear that narcotic drugs create a number of physical and social problems in Pakistan. The drug addicts may be treated as social patients and rehabilitated in society as its normal members. They must be given due status in society in various social situations so that they may be absorbed in society. Drug addiction has its causes as explained by various scientists and psychiatrists. A person finding little role in his daily life, easily falls in drug addiction. it means abuse of leisure can make one drug addict. A person in the company of addicts gets into this bad habit, Failure in aims of life also drags one towards drug addiction. Religious beliefs and practices keep one tightly organised in the activities of social life. Losing importance of religious beliefs and practices may lead to drug addiction. Mental depression is another major factor of drug addiction. Very few are those who compete against these failures of life. These are the people who have developed strong religious courage and strong forces of knowledge in their healthy brains. These people are normal persons of society. The solution of the problem lies in the fact that one should not build so many high ideals which have no foundation and no logic. Our society should collectively try to eradicate this problem by bringing addicts to their social circle. All this can be achieved by following our religion and social norms. Moreover, government should educate youngsters about the devastations of drug addiction. In these ways, we can clean and save aur society from such deadly addictions and ultimately use our youngsters to work positively for their country and humanity.

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