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1.0. ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................................................ 1

2.0 INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………2

3.0 LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………2

3.1 The concept of Green Building Construction ................................................................................. 3

3.1 Sri Lankan Current Condition of Green Building Construction Concept .......................................... 3

3.2 Barriers Associated with Green Building Construction concept in SL.............................................. 3


4.1 Analyzing identifying Barriers for Green Building Construction sector in SL..................... 3
4.1.1 Financial Factors Barriers ............................................................................................ 4
4.1.2. Social Barriers ............................................................................................................ 5
4.1.3 Knowledge Barriers ................................................................................................................. 6

4.1.4 Regulatory Barriers ................................................................................................................. 6

4.1.5 Financial Barriers .................................................................................................................... 6


CONCEPT FOR IMPROVING AWARENESS …………………………………………………………………….…………………7

5.1 Making Recommendation for identify Barriers ................................................................... 3

5.1.1 Financial Factor Barriers ............................................................................................. 4
5.1.2. Legal Framework and Application Barriers ............................................................... 5
5.1.3 Public Commitment Barriers ................................................................................................... 6

5.1.4 Organizational Barriers ........................................................................................................... 6

5.1.5 Experience & Knowledge Barriers .......................................................................................... 6

6.0 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 3

7.0 REFERENCES ……………………………………………..…………………..………………………………………………………22

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According to the world tendency for the green building concept, Sri Lankan government has
taken considerable attempts to encourage it. Although it has not become as a significant
concept in Sri Lanka due to the barriers in construction sector in Sri Lanka.

According to the barriers that has emerged it could be classified under 5 sections as follows,
Industrial barriers, Social Barriers, Knowledge Barriers ,Regulatory Barriers, Financial Barriers.

This research aim to studying the concept of green Building Construction in Sri Lankan
construction sector with the objective of recognizing probable barriers to Green Construction
in the Sri Lankan Construction sector.

Key word: Green Building Concept, Sustainability, Green Building Construction, Barriers,

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GBCSL –Green Building Council Sri Lanka

QS –Quantity Surveyor

LEED (leadership in energy and environmental design),

BREEAM (building research establishment environmental assessment method),

BEAM (building environmental assessment method),

CASBEE (comprehensive assessment system for building environmental efficiency),

GBI (green building index).

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The Green Building Construction concept has become the most important concept in the
worldwide construction sector and also is considered to protect the environment with
sustainable development. (Michael Petruello, 2018). According to the world Green Building
Council in United States, there are more than 93,000 construction companies registered and
certified in Leaderships in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) project around the world
from 167 countries. (Ramanujam, 2018). The LEED project is a certification program for
construction building where they ranked buildings according to point system. The more you
score in the system the more the building is sustainable. China & India have taken 1st and 3rd
place for globally fastest growing of sustainable building construction practices. And also
according to (Facility Executive Live Conference. , 2019) India is the second best country in
the Asian continent on LEED program.

The Government of Sri Lanka has taken regulations & actions to improve the Green Building
construction concept among the public & private construction sector. However according to
(Jayamaha, 2016) there are many barriers associated in order to achieve the green
construction goal of Sri Lankan construction industry and as well as there are no proper
significant result on Sri Lankan Green Building practices to achieve those goal of the
sustainable construction. According to the Green Building Council of Sri Lanka there are 61
numbers of buildings which have been certified under GREENSL rating system (GBCSL, 2020).
However according to the World Green Building Trends report (Douge Data and Analysis,
2018) it was revealed that there are various barriers which slows down the green building
concept growth among the Asian countries. For example, the lack of construction market
demand for Green building concept, the lack of government rules and regulations, lack of
organization and coordination, lack of knowledge about green building concept and lack of
trained professionals in the field, lack of public sensibility about green construction concept,
large initial cost etc. Furthermore the misconception and lack of awareness within the
association are the causes for less achieved of the sustainable development concept (Bandara
, Dissanayake, & Karu, 2018) . According to (Abdul Kadir Bin Marsono , Ali Tighnavard
Balasbaneh, 2015) the Construction sector is one of the major reason that directly affects the
environment sustainability as well as a reason for the Global warming. This is the huge
problem that faced globally and local construction industry. As well as there are less research
effort in study areas to identify those barriers while suggesting practical solutions to control
such barriers mainly to the Sri Lankan context. As well as, the misconception and lack of
understanding within the association are the cause for not achieving the Green Construction
Concept. ( Djokoto, Dadzie, & -Ababio, 2014) Stated large problems can be happen to face as
a result of the lack of awareness with regard to Green Construction Concept.
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Hence, this study was continuing to examine what are the current barriers that we have to
face when implementing the concept of Green Building in Sri Lankan construction sector.
Additionally this study is aimed to improve the awareness of green construction concept with
sustainability in Sri Lankan construction industry. Hence this study focused to make recommendations
or solution for those identified barriers, and also those solution can be implemented to overcome the
barriers of improving awareness of Green Building Construction Concept.

Next section of the paper continue with Sri Lankan condition of Green Building Construction

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3.1 The concept of Green Building Construction

Worldly Building construction industry is a very critical sector in green building construction.
Because it’s a huge resources consumption and also it has negative natural environmental
effects. According to (Zhou, Tam, & Qin, 2018) revealed considering numbers of construction
industry use more than 40% of primary materials and final energy. As an outcome the building
construction sector responsible for production of 40% co2 emission and solid waste. And also
on site construction works are main reason for generated above negative impacts. On the
other hand, on site whole construction activities have never been effect environmentally. It
is not that every construction project has and environmental impact but we cannot ignore
where there is an impact on environment

They consider about how to upgrade on the construction Practices, as well as keep at
minimum their negative effect on the Natural Surroundings (Thomas & Costa, 2017). Stated
when consider about global construction industry, which is the largest greenhouse gas
emission contributor is China. Thus, when considering about the developing countries in the
world, such as China, India, limited by the substantial method of construction and the less of
natural environmental aware of site individuals personal and organizational management
team, on -site construction duration has been study as the difficult period in rehearsing the
view of Green building construction.
Many Government enacted various type of Green construction rules and regulations to guide
and monitor construction project works. As an example in Sri Lanka Ministry of Environment
published guidelines for National Sustainable Development Strategies (NSDS) (Ministry of
Sustainable Development, Wildlife and Regional Development, 2018)

Numerous considers have been conducted on the boundaries and driving powers of green
construction adoption in nations around the world.

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3.1 Sri Lankan Current Condition of Green Building
Construction Concept

According to report (Weerasinghe , Ramachandra, & Thurairajah, Life cycle cost analysis,
2017) it is clear that there is a rapid progress of adopting Green Building Construction Concept
in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan Government has already taken to implement necessary rules and
regulations in making the Green Building Concept more famous throughout the Sri Lankan
construction industry. Environmental Council and Central Environmental Authority published
an Act to regularize the environmental effect of SL Construction sector and also other local
industries with various rules and regulations. The National Solid Waste management policy in
2008 and National Environment Act 2009 were some policies established by the Sri Lankan
government which secondarily forced the local green concept movement (Hemachandra,
2019). However, before Tsunami disaster happen to Sri Lanka, there were less regulations to
follow on green construction concept in the local construction sector. But after that during
reconstruction period they had to follow Tsunami Sustainable Building Guideline for
construction projects. As a result (SKAT,Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for
Development, 2007) report shows that the government has obtained various environmental
friendly, safe and economic benefits. Considering these benefits, Sri Lankan public and private
sector can make positive attitude about the Green construction concept and additionally
identifying those challenges and barriers that makes the Green building concept less popular.

As a result we can increase the awareness among construction industry in Sri Lanka. On the
other hand, by giving their maximum effort to make GBCSL works as the primary institute in
SL to make Sustainable Buildings. Sri Lanka already has 29 numbers of LEED certified buildings
and also there are construction buildings awaiting to obtain LEED certification in future
(GBCSL, 2020)

As above mentioned before among the LEED certified building “Heritance Kandalama” hotel
is the first LEED awarded hotel in the world. (Jayasinghe, 2016) Stated that South Asia logistic
park in Colombo is the best and first fully conditioned warehouse. This Logistic Park was
awarded with a LEED Gold certification. And furthermore Sri Lanka major green building and
sustainable project Clear Point Residencies – Rajagiriya became the tallest vertical Garden in
the South Asia. Thus MAS Intimate Thurulie – Thuruliya was awarded with a LEED Platinum
award. It is the world’s first clothing factory powered with zero carbon source. Considering
those above mentioned details about Green Building Construction in Sri Construction
industry. (Saranaweera, 2017) States that Sri Lankan Green buildings have achieved a much
more progress rate than compared with other global construction industry. But as per
(Bandara , Dissanayake, & Karu, 2018) report the above concept has been narrowed and
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limited only for few Green Buildings only. As a result, that concept is very important in
recognizing the barriers and challenges for Green Construction industry in Sri Lanka. And also
to analyze those barriers and challenges in order to overcome them. Hence, that study help
to minimize those barriers and challenges in improving awareness of the green construction
concept through the Sri Lankan public and private sector.

3.2 Barriers Associated with Green Building Construction

concept in SL
However, ( Weerasinghe, Ramachandra, & Thurairajah, Life cycle cost analysis Green
vs,conventional Building in Sri Lanka, 2019) revealed through an analysis Green Building
Construction cost 28% higher than a normal standard construction Building in Sri Lanka. The
Major Barrier is the higher initial cost for green construction. Furthermore, the MAS Intimate
Thruliya Clothing Factory Green Building initial Construction Cost 30% higher than comparing
with other normal factory Buildings (Holcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction, 2018).
Barriers of financial Green Building Concept is raised up by the reality that, most of profit from
Green Building Constructions can be obtained after long payback period ( Wimala, Akmalah,
& Sururi, 2019). This financial challenge also a major reason for construction sector who has
a lower adaptability towards the green building concept.

Furthermore, Barriers due to Legal framework, considering the study conducted by

(Rathnasinghe & Abeynayake, 2020) stated that in Sri Lanka the legal rules and & regulations
are totally enough to save the environment in Sri Lanka and also there are some legally gaps
in Sri Lanka but not properly defended according to the Green construction concept. Even
though some political problems and lack of awareness of the construction sector as a result
legal challenges can be arise. In the Construction Sector public commitment is a major part of
promoting Green building construction concept. Some people lack of awareness about the
Green Building construction concept and furthermore, in the construction sector most people
try to believe in Green concept practices must be promoted by other parties, such as
Government and Architecture. As well as, Barriers due to in the Organizational intervention
and interrelate of green construction practice in SL. (Zhou, Tam, & Qin, 2018) Revealed that
the Green Building construction concept may be very hard to achieve with less of support of
other organizations & parties, such as Management, Engineers, Architecture. Even though
(Zhou, Tam, & Qin, 2018)point out some other barriers. Technical barriers for Green
construction as less knowledge of special materials those are eco-friendly, lack of technology
experience knowledge. Furthermore, in Sri Lanka there were National Strategies published
for Green construction development, but there are no any issue publish strategies which pivot
on the green construction sector (Senadheera, Gunasekara, & Perera, 2019)In the SL for
promoting Green Construction Concept there are same responsible Organization take

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authority to assist the green construction concept in SL.As an example Green Building Council
in SL.

(Athapaththu, Karunasena, & Ekanayake, 2016) Mention that in the construction sector many
characters are professionally unqualified. Furthermore it has been stated that, the
implementation of green building construction concept can be improved if some construction
parties, including Engineer, Quantity surveyors ,Architecture do their Original role in council
the developers on the achievement of green construction practices.



4.1 Analyzing identifying Barriers for Green Building

Construction sector in SL
According to the above revealed facts and other information, in Sri Lankan Green building
construction sector Barriers can be categorize. Even more, Researchers has been conducted
several types of studies in order to identifying the barriers and challenges that can happen
when implementing Green Building concept in the world. Thus, ( Thalpage & Karunasena,
2016) analyzed some of the barriers when implementing Green Building Construction
industry in Sri Lanka. They have stated five major barriers namely;

 Barriers due to Financial Factors,

 Barriers due Legal Framework and application,
 Barriers due to Public commitment
 Barriers due to Organizations
 Barriers due to lack of Knowledge and experience.(refer Figure 01)

Below table 1 summarized the earlier studies, the barriers which can be practice to contribute
obtaining Green construction goals depend on how well these Barriers are controlled
properly. Furthermore next section deeply discuss continuously about Sri Lankan Green
construction barriers.

Green construction practice the SL Construction industry.

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-Pay back/Re Pay period is long time
Financial Factors
-Initial Cost is very Higher

Legal Framework & -Less Specific Policy

Application -Less of Paticular Rules & Regulation
Barriers. -Less of impementation

-Unwilingness to accept Change

Public Commitment -Less of people awareness
-Ordinarry Misunderstand

-Organizatinal management's low support

Organizational -Unprdictability & Posibility
Barriers -Less Knowledge about new technology
-Less of Confermation

-Unpredictability and Posibility

Knowledge & -Less of Technology
ExperianceBarriers. -Green Building stuf
Organizational management less supportment

Figure 1: Barriers for green construction industry in Sri Lanka

4.1.1 Financial Factors Barriers

Monetary boundaries can’t be recognized as a major challenge to go for green buildings (
Athapaththu, Karunasena, & Ekanayake, 2016).Furthermore it has been stated the beginning
cost of green buildings are not continuously higher in rates. It may depend on a few variables
as building plan and the technology utilize. Hence, maintainable development practices are
accepted to extend project cost as they ought to have higher capital forthright

Within the preparing of choices related to the implementation of green development, taken
a cost efficiency is considered to be the foremost imperative.

Execution of a green project is more expensive, additionally the payback period is reasonably
larger time period. When the payback period is too large duration, the inflation might
moreover affect the productivity of construction projects in Sri Lankan construction industry
due to frequent fluctuations (Weerasinghe, Ramachandra, & Thurairajah, Life cycle cost
analysis Green vs Conventional Building in Sri Lanka, 2019). Accordingly, in Sri Lanka, most
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institutions have suggested numerous projects with solar power frameworks and day lighting
systems. ( Thalpage & Karunasena, 2016) Revealed there's a challenges it obtains approvals
from the administration. As well as payback period and the capital cost of these ventures are
significantly large, confirmations may be postponed or can be rejected. Other than, the
administration may not allow permission when the cost is maximum. Many green
construction projects are costly with large payback durations. Moreover, it is expressed that
in the event that there's a return on investiture which surpasses to a long time, top
administration can dismiss the project proposal.

4.1.2 Legal Framework & Application Barriers

It is a fundamental to have an effective lawful system which guaranteed the sustainable
construction inside the every country. As well as, Sri Lankan government needs to
straightforwardly mediate to the improvement of sustainable practices within the
construction industry.

When it comes to the Sri Lankan construction sector, there are several legal challenges, such
as, no proper rules and regulations for some cases, according to some cases lack of
enforcement and unavailability of a responsible authority, no specific policy, etc.

The study of (Rathnasinghe, Rathnasinghe, & Abeynayake, Proceedings of the International

Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, 2020) stated, that the Sri
Lankan legitimate framework has adequate arrangements to protect the natural environment
as well as a great framework strategy for physical arranging. Be that as it may, empirical
investigations expressed that there are a few crevices within the legitimate system in Sri Lanka
because it isn't recognized real concept of sustainable construction. However, there are
arrangements inside the legitimate system in Sri Lanka to achieve natural environment
sustainability, there are minimum arrangements for financial and social aspects. In any case,
obsolete Acts and Statutes are still represented by law without essential amendments to suit
sustainable development. As well as, there's a gigantic issue with requirement of the legal
principles which conducts to sustainable construction due to political Challenges and the law
consciousness of the stakeholders. It shows the levels of legitimate requirements are changed
from project by to project.

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4.1.3 Public Commitment Barriers
Barriers are mentioned in the beneath of this category, comprising environmental and
biological. That both barriers are outside barriers which may cause distinctive issues inside
operational stages. Many problems are related to indoor & outdoor natural changes. As an
example: climate conditions. According to the ( Djokoto, Dadzie, & -Ababio, 2014) revealed
some construction designs are not sustainable, such as public location etc. Because of energy
emission is very high (like using Co2). Lack of proper method using from the design stage
and the poor attitude of the people are another two reasons.

4.1.4 Organizational Barriers

In Sri Lanka there are few challenges within the organizational intercession and the
coordination of sustainable construction practices. ( Athapaththu, Karunasena, & Ekanayake,
2016) Stated and also, there were promulgated national techniques for sustainable
development, and no any published national methodologies which center on the construction
industry. Accordingly (Athapaththu, Karunasena, & Ekanayake, 2016) revealed In Sri Lanka
there's no any national stage or management agency to advance sustainable construction
while no management between associations, government or the inquire about and
improvement units in Sri Lanka.

And also there are exceptionally few social capable associations to require administration to
advance sustainable construction, such as Sustainable Energy Authority, Green Building
Council etc.

4.1.5 Experience & Knowledge Barriers

(Athapaththu, Karunasena, & Ekanayake, 2016) Has revealed in construction industry

considering, Experimental information highlighted there are numerous players within the
industry and generally most are not professionally qualified. And also stated, the usage of
SCP can be progressed if many development players, comprising Architectures, Engineers,
and Quantity Surveyors play their job using their experience and knowledge in advising the
developers on the merits of seeking after sustainable practices As well as, there are quite
some experienced and educated professionals in green construction. But many of the workers
are neither have proper knowledge and education nor experience on Green concept in
construction sector. These laborers are not able to anticipate to nonstop improvement as
requires within the construction industry day by the day ( Davies , 2017).

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5.1.1 Financial Factors Barriers

The green buildings initial costs are not higher in constantly. It can be on a few variables, such
as building plan and the technology utilized. According to the Green construction project,
initial cost can be essentially decreased by taking after basic and supplemental green
strategies rather than utilizing more progressed green technologies. However, ( Thalpage &
Karunasena, 2016) have stated in Green construction project, to preserve energy, that
buildings must be plan outlined to obtain normal light and ventilation as much as conceivable
considering of the principles such as proper orientation, using many cross ventilation and
many openings. As a water protection technique, can be utilized more improvement fittings
for machines which utilize small amount of water with huge pressure, can used pipelines with
small distances across and utilized rain water gathering strategies.

However, the green concept fosters utilizing of brown field lands rather than using vegie lands
additionally decreeing the material waste. Thus, such essential green techniques really
decrease the superfluous costs of constructions (Athapaththu, Karunasena, & Ekanayake,
2016). Utilizing advanced technology method, such as solar panels is another step for
achieving green concept and those are not compulsory things for constructing buildings to be

In some cases the costs of green buildings are pointlessly expanded by a few parties by
deliberately (Athapaththu, Karunasena, & Ekanayake, 2016). Hence, the client must all the
time use caution to choose an appropriate and legitimate green building professional
consultant as major duty of decreasing the cost is having for the specialist. A main portion of
the green construction concept can be accomplished within the plan stage of building without
any extra cost. Hence, if the building design stage has been done properly with a larger part
of green functions, it can be accomplished a make lower initial cost as well as a shorter
payback period.

As far inside sustainable practices, more highlighted challenge is cost factor, Discoveries
acknowledged that to fulfill with this large cost related with sustainable construction, it
should very mindful of these concepts by all the partners within the construction sector. As
the cost figure adversely, unequivocally influence to the sustainable construction, it can be
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managed positively by presenting assessment criteria which gives large credits to sustainable
contractors within the choice handle of the contractors.

5.1.2 Legal Framework & Application Barriers

According to the Sri Lankan Construction industry there are many identified barriers from the
past studies, such as no properly modified specific Rules and Regulations & according to some
challenges no responsible authority and rules and regulations, some construction cases have
no proper specific policy, lack of enforcement. In Sri Lanka Construction sector one of the
major challenge for the green building concept. It is way better to make an arrangement for
green buildings in any existing act such as, Construction Industry Development Act, National
Environmental Act etc.

In Sri Lankan Green Construction context implementing mandatory regulation for green
construction is compulsory ( Thalpage & Karunasena, 2016) stated, Such as,

 If month water and power bill higher than certain limit range, force to those buildings
to extra high charge
 can be Implement to building wall change to green color,
 can be implement the green rooftops with solar boards for buildings in which the roof
range is more than a certain restrain, If month power and water bill than certain limit
area point, force to those building to extra high charge those buildings
 Can be issue implement mandatory regulation for the rain water harvesting for all the

It should be connected several green building construction concepts into the presently
existence policies, such as Energy Policy, National Environment Policy, Bio safety Policy, Air
Quality Management Policy etc. Sri Lanka has several acts, but those acts are restricted but
not in action. Less of political supporting is one of the major reasons for the decrees
requirement of acts and regulations in Sri Lanka.

Furthermore, as a result, basically using the presently existing acts and path ways ought to be
taken into the activity with difficult and quick act with the bolster of all political parts. Mainly.
For the implement enforce GBCSL rules and regulations, GBCSL has to work with each other
authority collaboration. Those authorities are, Green Building Council of Sri Lanka,
Construction Industry Development Authority, National Environmental Authority, and Urban
Development Authority.

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5.1.3 Public Commitment Barriers
Public Commitment Barriers are another Barrier to follow through the green construction
concept in Sri Lanka. ( Thalpage & Karunasena, 2016) Has revealed Green concept can be taken
into the near with common public, by using workshops, exhibitions, courses, competitions
and grant ceremonies, etc. As well as public media can carried this green concept capable part
to attract the end users. The professional person and consultant must give the accurate
awareness provide to the employer in arrange to correct the common misguided judgments
of common public. Furthermore, can be arranging many green building showings and describe
them to with their advantages in arrange to decrease the resistance of people to go for green
buildings. It must be given a critical clarification to public about the risk in front of them in
case they overlook about this green concept. Furthermore, it can be established some social
media /clubs for green concept in arrange to advance this concept among young people.

According to the professional expert’s conclusions about green concept, it must be make a
mental transformation in our public at to begin with (Senadheera, Gunasekara, & Perera,
2019). Thus, more people try to follow Green Concept for obtain such as benefit, certification,
award, or profitable thing. But people must change their attitude about Green concept.
Hence, every people’s attitude and states of mind must be refresh as to go for green building
concept deliberately with a mindful of saving our Mother Nature and future eras.

5.1.4 Organizational Barriers

In Sri Lankan construction industry has no more challenges according to the vulnerability and
need of innovation. They are our mental obstructions in green building construction. In Sri
Lanka Presenting green generation strategies as self-occupations the village people. It could
be a viable solution arrangement to increase the green development materials in nearby

Encourage, it can be energized the green product manufacturers by giving motivating forces,
make the interest of free advances, charge decreases and other benefits. The government of
Sri Lanka is the main political party who must understand the significance and take the
administration in changing over buildings into green. Hence, it ought to be begun from

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government public buildings such as universities, schools, clinics, libraries, government
workplaces and other open places as bus stands, train stations, parks and cities (Athapaththu,
Karunasena, & Ekanayake, 2016). To persuade the construction industrial companies as well
as other industrial companies’ administrations, it ought to be presented some reward
frameworks with large acknowledgments for those who go for green inside their industries.
The construction services sector of the Sri Lanka can be introduced to session of practice this
green construction building concept by presenting a green service credential system or
awarding system and certification system.

5.1.5 Experience & Knowledge Barriers

In Sri Lanka, conquering Experience and knowledge/skills boundaries is exceptionally
imperative for fostering green constructions. Creating knowledgeable experts by performing
training and CPD program is fundamental because they are the very best people who can take
to this green building concept into common people. (GBCSL, 2020) . In case the authentication
certification as a green proficient is reviewed as a vital making qualification, then the experts
continuously try to the get knowledge and to be certified as a green building proficient.

( Thalpage & Karunasena, 2016) Stated in Sri Lanka to grant an instruction on Green
construction concept, green associated subjects can be excluded into the universities, college
courses, technical college courses and school syllabus. It is exceptionally imperative that, the
information about the green concept ought to be given in all 3 fundamental dialects of the
nation in Sinhala, Tamil and English.

Contractors and on Construction Industry Development Authority (CIDA) can introduce

training programs to workers who are the interest construction workers on green practices.

Promotion of Green building development cannot be done overnight or just by one party.
Assistance from other parties such as public media, government, organizations, professionals
from schools, universities are needed in implementing this building concept ( Thalpage &
Karunasena, 2016).

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No Barriers Barriers Suggestions for Overcome the Barrier
01 Financial Initial Cost is very high -Take after straightforward and essential green
Factor techniques
Barriers - Select an appropriate and legitimate green building
- Purchase green items from a presumed company for a
reasonable cost and warranty.

Pay back/Repay period -Take after the most excellent plan technique as to attain
is long time a shorter payback period.
-Study the buildings’ life expectancy when applying green
-Decrease the cost of green buildings with minimize cost
green strategies.

02 Legal Less particular rules and -Revising an arrangement in current acts.

Framework & regulations. - Follow critical required rules for green buildings

Less specific policy - Make relationship among current policies

- Apply more green building concepts into current

Less of implementation -Takings acts and regulations into the action with difficult
-Take politically aware encourage to perform and uphold
the rules
- Carry out a appropriate review for executed rules.

Unavailability of a - Designating an accredited organization for green

responsible authority buildings.
- Create relationship between present authorities.

03 Public Unwillingness to accept -arrange more green building exhibits and publish them.
Commitment change -Clarify to the individuals almost the threat of
Barriers disregarding this concept
-encourage publics’ thoughts with devout concepts to
think about others and nature..
Less of people - Conduct workshops, courses, exhibition etc.
awareness - Arrange competitions within workplaces, universities,
school etc.
-Conduct award ceremonies for green buildings and
green professionals

Ordinary -Make people’s awareness with heartfelt concepts to

Misunderstand think about others and environment.
-Grant the proper publicity by social media

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04 Organizational Organizational -Grant rewards for the administration of green
Barriers management’s law organizations
support -Present a green services certification framework
Less Green Construction - Present green generation production strategies as self-
stuff occupations for village individuals
- Energize producers who take after green production
Less Confirmation - Government takes the administration in changing over
construction buildings into green.
05 Knowledge & Less of professional - Arrange CPD programs for construction sector
Experience experience & professionals
Barriers knowledge - Incorporate green concept related subjects into schools,
university and technical college courses.
- Conducts training programs for experts as construction
company wise.
Less of skilled workers - Arrange district or provincial wise training program for
construction workers.
- Designate a few sum from the contractors’ expenses of
renewing their grades, to training works.
Less of Education - Provide the information & Knowledge about Green
concept in all 3 fundamental languages of the Sri Lanka
- Change over the universities, schools, and other
educational institutes into according to green concept.

Figure 2 Recommendation for Identified Barriers ( Thalpage & Karunasena, 2016)

This study was set out for identify barriers to Green Construction Concept in Sri Lankan
Construction industry. As a result this study has identified five major barriers, in Green
Building Construction industry. There are, Financial Factors Barriers, Social Barriers,
Knowledge Barriers, Regulatory Barriers, and Financial Barriers. In line with this development
of skills industry is mostly required.

This study suggest, that require for rules and regulation on green construction barriers, which
may be comply by the action promoted by Sri Lankan government. As well as, there is another
pressing requirement to energize demand for Green Construction concept in the Construction
sector in Sri Lanka.

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