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The chart we are going to examine today focuses on the use of mobile phones and land lines
in different countries.

The first thing to notice when observing the chart before us is the difference in the use of
mobile phones in Canada and the US, versus its use in the different European countries
presented: Germany, Denmark, UK, Sweden, and Italy. In these, its use is greater.

On the other hand, and speaking about the use of land lines, there is not a progressive
increasing or decreasing. In most European countries its observed that the use of this land
lines is usually smaller than that of the mobile phones. However, both Canada and US, along
with Denmark, present a higher rate in the use of landlines in comparison with the mobile
phones one.

If we compare the use of this technology made by those born, for example, in Italy or in
Sweden, to those from Canada, there is a huge, huge difference. Cultural factors weigh on
this contrast. The higher mark reached is the number of mobile phones (per a hundred
people) we find in Italy, being followed very closely from Sweden and both Uk and Denmark.
Germany is the European country whose mobile phone use is closer to the non-European
ones in the chart. The country with the lower use of Land Lines is also Italy, which seems to
be the country where these types of technology are most used and common.

In conclusion, we can say than the use of the mobile phone is much more extended, while
the Land Lines are stable and but usually lower in their use. European countries, as we can
see in the chart, use this kind of technology much more than both the US and Canada, which
is an interesting fact and difference.

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