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School Of Medicine And Medical Sciences

NAME: Elohdie-Doxa Kabasu

ID# : 190102566

COURSE: Physiology


The ovulation cycle is dependent upon the hormones produced by the hypothalamus. There are two
different nuclei in the hypothalamus that secrete different hormones; the preoptic nucleus and arcuate
nucleus. These nuclei secrete gonadotropin-releasing hormone which goes to the anterior pituitary
gland simulating the gonadotrophs to secrete follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. The
follicle stimulating hormone stimulates maturation of follicular cells surrounding the oocyte. The
growing follicles produce oestrogen.

In the final stages of follicular maturation, luteinizing hormone is required, it elevates the concentration
of maturation-promoting Factor which causes the primary oocyte to complete meiosis 1 and initiate
meiosis 2. Luteinizing hormone also stimulate the production of progesterone by follicular stromal cells
and causes follicular Rapture and ovulation.


Menstrual cycle results due to breakdown of endothelial lining of the uterus in its blood vessels which
form the liquid that comes through the vagina. During pregnancyall events of the menstrual cycle stop
and the corpus luteum secrete large amount of progesterone (hormone that is esential for maintenance
of endothelium so that it does not break down). Progesterone also inhibit release of follicle-stimulating
hormone and luteinizing hormone which are responsible for initiating ovulation which in turn leads to

Gestational diabetes is a condition in which non diabetic woman develops high blood sugar levels
during the course of pregnancy. It is characterized with hypoglycemia and and insulin resistance. This is
due to pancreatic beta-cell hyperplasia and insulin sensitivity decrease (reduced effects of insulin in the
maternal blood). The glucose in blood is not taken up into the tissues effectively. The hyperglycemic
blood travels to the fetal circulation making the fetal pancreas to start secreting insulin leading to more
growth of the foetus. This is due to increase in hormone production by the pancreas.


Progesterone inhibits follicular development by inhibiting release of follicle-stimulating hormone and

luteinizing hormone thus preventing ovulation. It accomplishes this by its negative feedback
mechanisms, decreasing the pulse frequency of gonadotropin-releasing hormone at the hypothalamus.
No follicle development means decrease in oestrogen levels. Progesterone also has the ability to inhibit
the sperm from penetrating through the cervix and upper genital tract by making the cervical mucus


Gravindex is an agglutination inhibition test performed on a urine sample to detect pregnancy. It is

based on double antigen-antibody reaction.The test detects the prevention of agglutination of HCG-
coated latex particles by HCG present in the urine of pregnant women(HCG is excreted from the
mother’s urine).

If HCG is present in the urine, it binds to proteins called antibodies.If the level of HCG is too low, the
antibodies will remain to agglutinate. If agglutination occurs,the subject is not pregnant.On the other
hand, if the level of HCG is high, the HCG will bind to the antibodies, and thus no agglutination with the
HCG-coated latex particles occurs.If no agglutination occurs, the subject is pregnant.


1. Graham JD, Clarke CL(2012). Physiological action of progesterone in target tissues.Endocrine

[PubMed]. New york.

2. Beckmann, Charles R.B.,ed (2010). Obstetrics and Gynecology. Lippincott Williams Wilkins.Boston.

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