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Shen’s top lane matchups

Difficulty Levels:
Very Hard




Moderately Easy

Very Easy



This matchup guide is generally focusing on how to play the ​early laning phase​ in each
specific matchup. In most matchups you can get a lead one way or another, and then it’s just
about correctly driving your lead home and snowball your lane and then transitioning your
personal lead to other lanes while containing it best you can. There’s A LOT of matchups
that outscale you in the 1v1 later on if you haven't accumulated enough of an early lead, and
this matchup-guide won’t be how to deal with those situations.

Level 1 cheese bush:

For the champions with an ​ “ ​*​ “​ ​beside their name you want to do the ​lvl 1 cheese​. To do it
properly follow these steps: ​Walk into the tribush​ (if you’re blueside) / ​riverbush​ (if you’re
redside) at ​1:27​ and press​ Q​. Then ​Q​ again at ​1:36​. That way you’ll likely get ​1-2 normal Q
auto’s​ off on the enemy while still getting the Q cd back in time to Q through them, slow
them, and get ​3 additional Emp. Q​ autos off.

Aatrox Hard Try to bait out his Q’s by stutter stepping close to him
and backing out, and then do the extended trade*
when they’ve run out, and make sure to block his
passive-Auto with your W. Be very careful about him
running you down in an extended trade with R after
lvl 6 though.

Akali* Challenging Utilize your passive shield to block some of her Q

poke and only go in for trades once she's used up
most of her energy for poke/push. Her shroud is 2
seconds longer CD than your lvl 1 E, so use that 2
sec window if she walks close when your taunt gets
up after an fW if it’s up. Try to look for extended
trades pre 6, because after 6 she will just hunt you
down unless you’re MUCH healthier than her at the
start of the trade.

Camille* Moderately Force use of your slightly longer attack range when
Easy she’s last hitting. Whenever she uses E to jump you,
instantly press both Q and W to deny her, and trade
back for a second before backing out. IMPORTANT:
Always stay far enough away from the walls so you
can always react with the Q+W presses in ime when
she E’s.

Cassio* Challenging Most Cassio's use their Q's constantly trying to poke
you as soon as you get into their range. Use this fact
to bait out Q's and turning around at the last second
before you enter her range so you don't risk getting
hit. When she misses a Q, look for chances to go for
a taunt into 3 emp Q's trade and then back off. If the
cassio plays this matchup perfectly it's not much you
can do, but almost everyone does a mistake
eventually if you look out for it. If your jungler comes
it's also a freekill if you just taunt-flash her. She can't
get away.

Cho'Gath* Moderately Contest the push lvl 1 with Q and try to hit lvl 2
Easy before him. if you do, just taunt him and hard trade
lvl 2, preferably with the 6-Emp auto trade if you can
position the blade correctly before you hit lvl 2. Avoid
getting into long trades where he gets to E-auto you
3 times (if you’re equal levels), and don’t get hit by
Q’s and you should win this lane every time early on.
Punish your lead hard, don’t let him free farm once
you got one.

Darius Challenging Try to go forward baiting for his Q and backing off
without getting hit whenever you can. If Q is on CD,
then you can go for short trades, blocking his W with
your W and getting out of there asap. Never do
extended trades in this match-up except if he's
already low and you KNOW you can kill him before
he kills you. If you’re in the middle of a trade that
looks good for you HP-wise, then once he starts
Q’ing, E inside the middle of it to deny most of the
dmg and all of the healing.
Diana* Very Easy Try to get a slow push early to hit lvl 2/3 spikes first. If
she uses Q or W to contest the push you can freely
trade, and if she doesn’t you will be able to hit lvl 2
before her and can instantly taunt in (same on lvl 3
spike). Also always look for short trades (or single
grasp auto's) once she has used her emp. passive
auto on creeps.

Dr.Mundo* Moderately If he walks up to creeps to last hit you should be able

Easy to force winning trades early on and push the
advantage. If he constantly stays back and farms
with Q, then be an evil mastermind and bodyblock
the cannons and some melee minions with your
passive shield whenever it’s up until he grows angry
and walks up to last hit after all (and you force trades

Fiora* Challenging Be wary of her vitals, but do small grasp trades

whenever you have passive up and she goes for a
lasthit. You should almost never use your taunt in
this matchup except to disengage or to go in on her if
she wastes her W for some reason. But you should
be able to outtrade her lvl 2-5. It’s fine to rush
Bramble Vest in this matchup.

Gangplank* Very Hard This is my personal ban, it’s just a terrible matchup.
Try to stay out of his Q range for most of the time
except when you *have to walk up for a lasthit. Try to
utilize your shield as much as possible to stay
healthy, and save your TP if possible so you can R
away later, because you’re likely never gonna have
the chance to push the wave out in this matchup.

Garen* Moderately Position the blade up constantly, try to force short

Easy trades where you W (or passive shield) his Q dmg
and auto him a few times with your Emp. Q’s. Repeat
until he gets low and force him out of lane.

Gnar* Challenging Stand behind minions / juke his long range Q’s. Stay
back most of the time except the time you walk up to
last hit. Deny his poke with your shield and your W,
never let him proc his W and it should be survivable.
If you’re getting pushed in, then look for/threaten
taunts while he’s under your tower. If you’re gonna
all-in any time that’s not under tower, do it either
when his bar is low or optimally right when he turns
from big to small.

Gragas* Moderately You should be able to simply force trades in this

Easy matchup at every early lvl (1-5). Since he can
interrupt your taunt with his E, you want to just trade
with Q's until he uses it, or if you're close enough you
know he won't be able to react to the taunt. One
special thing to keep in mind is that if he E's you past
lvl 3, then try to instantly press Q-W, to deny his W
auto while you're CC'd, and then keep kiting/trading

Hecarim* Very Easy As long as you don’t get into very extended trades
where he gets to use his stacked up Q over and over
you should win all trades in this matchup. Do either
very short or decently short trades until he’s around
half hp, then you can all in him with an extended
trade if you’re still healthy. Just be careful early on if
he’s running ignite/tp.

Heimerdinger* Hard This one is rough, he’s constantly pushing you in and
poking you under tower, and taunting him is too risky
in most situations. The only saving grace is that your
W blocks his turret auto’s, which can be helpful to
survive. If you survive the lane without dying you will
be impacting the game more than heimer soon
enough with your R’s.

Illaoi* Hard It’s possible to win trades if you bait out her E without
getting hit, but once you get even a bit low trading vs
her becomes risky since her hitting 1 E can mean
you get pushed out of lane. If you hide behind your
minions it’s also possible to do short 1-grasp-auto
trades when you got your shield up, since your shield
will eat up her W (but you have to dodge her Q’s).

Irelia* Moderately The single most important thing vs irelia early on is to

Easy trade before she gets to stack up her passive. With
the passive stacked up she can just chop you down
and kill you, but without it you’re free to take short but
really efficient trades whenever she goes for a last hit
(starting lvl 1). And with every good early trade her
opportunities to contest for the lane gets less and
less. If you play the first 2 levels correctly it then
shouldn’t matter if you fail to dodge one of her stuns,
since she won’t be able to all in you from it anyway

Jax Free You need to punish Jax super hard early on to keep
him from scaling. Similarly to the irelia.matchup a a
key thing is to force trades before he’s fully stacked
up his passive. Just drag the Q through him and start
going at him, and the moment ​he presses E you
want to stand inside him and taunt back war ​so
he doesn’t get the stun off on you. That way he gets
0 value out of his E and you can just keep trading.
And without his E jax is basically useless early on
which is why this is such a free matchup.

Jayce Hard Jayce is one of the few champions you’ll never be

able to take good trades with early few levels (1-3)
even if you get onto them with several empowered
Q’s, just because he’s got too many abilities early on
with his 2 forms. So your goal here is to just survive
early on and get as much farm as you can while
staying healthy using your passive shield. Most
Jayces push you into towers, and a little later on
around lvl 7 you’ll have kill potential on him if you
manage to land a taunt while he’s under tower if
you’re still healthy. You’ll likely need to use TP to
lane in this matchup, but that’s fine if you stay close
to the farm since he scales poorly. If the Jayce walks
up to poke you inside of your creep wave it’s possible
to punish him even at lvl4+ by taunting in.

Karma* Challenging Contest the push lvl 1 with Q, because you wanna
avoid being pushed under tower in this matchup. It’s
possible to taunt onto karma for some empowered
Autos, but she will trade back heavily onto you when
you run away. But it’s worth it to take even trades so
you’re both kinda low around the same HP, because
then your all-in will be able to take her down before
she gets to trade back onto you. If you’re losing early
trades, then try to just farm it out until later where
you get titanic. Then you should be able to trade well
unless you’ve already died earlier.

Kayle* Okay Contest the push with Q lvl 1 while trying to shield
her poke. Lvl 2-5 you should be looking for extended
trades with 6 empowered auto’s whenever you can
and push her out of lane or kill her. Try to get the
blade up the lane while farming and when she walks
up to get the Q on you drag the blade through her to
shield the damage and taunt onto her while she’s
slowed and walk with her to Q again.

Kennen* Very Hard The #1 priority is to stay as healthy as you can during
the early lvls. Do this by staying far back whenever
there’s no minion to last hit, and to utilize your
passive effectively whenever you walk up for CS.
The only time you’ll ever have kill pressure on him is
if you get a well-timed taunt on him under your tower.
Then it can be possible to chase him down. If you get
jungle help, make sure to start off with instantly
taunt-flashing onto kennen to setup your jungler. If
you don’t do that he’ll just be free to E / Flash away
and he’s hard to catch.

Kled Moderately Contest the push lvl 1. The whole early laning phase
Easy you wanna try to bait out his Q (mounted) and dodge
it. If you do you’ll have a window where you can
freely win trades with your empowered Q’s. If you get
hit, you just walk backwards to deny the second
activation and it’s not too bad. ​You’ll win short
trades​ with your Q’s and W’s while saving your
Taunt for disengage if he dashes at you. ​But NEVER
go for an all-in​ vs him unless you’ve already
dismounted him twice or he’s low enough that you’re
100% sure you can kill him before he remounts.

Lissandra* Moderately Contest the push lvl 1. If she tries to poke you with Q
Easy instead of pushing, you'll hit lvl 2 first and can go for
an insta-taunt and outtrade her. If she uses Q to
push lvl 1 you'll stay healthy while contesting the
push evenly with Q's, which lets you start trading lvl
2-5. Just be sure to ward and keep in mind where the
enemy jungler could be, since Liss has really good
gank setup and can chase you down.

Lucian* Moderately Contest the push early on while soaking some of his
Easy dmg with your shield. Avoid getting close to him
every time his double-shot is available. He’ll only
have really scary dmg if he uses his E to chase after
you, but that’s also when you have your chance to go
back at him. If he dashes forward while you have
both W and E up you can taunt him and use W to
deny him while pummeling him with emp. Q’s and
you should win the trades. And if he doesn’t E onto
you, then just farm. He’s the one that wants to punish
you early on and if he’s not able to do that you’ll have
more impact later on.

Malphite* Free Malph’s trading patterns are very predictable, and

he’s got no way of stopping you from just taking short
grasp-Q trades when he’s farming. Try to block his
Q’s with your shield, and keep poking him down until
he’s low enough for you to go for an extended trade.
Make sure you don’t go for the all-in too early,
because his atkspeed-reduction + his W dmg is
strong in those situations.

Maokai* Very Easy Position your blade, make 1-2 emp. Q auto’s and
apply your grasp whenever it’s up, and back out, and
repeat. You’re simply so much stronger all early
levels than he is, abuse it to the max with short
trades. The only thing you should be careful about is
taking longer trades inside a minion wave, since he
can lock you down for a long time with W + Q, while
healing himself up with the passive. So keep short
trading him down for every CS he goes for until he’s
low enough for you to all in him.

Morde* Okay His Q windows are kind of telegraphed, so make

sure not to get hit by it too many times. Either shield
it or juke it. Try to force extended trades with 6 emp.
Q auto’s. And if he misses /his E-grab at any point
you can force trades even harder. He’s also one of
the easiest champs to gank, so if you call your
jungler up there he’s got no way out. The matchup
can get tricky if he ends up ahead of you, but until
then you should be winning trades if played correctly.

Nasus Free Nasus is the single a weakest top lane matchup early
few levels. Combined with how strong shen is early
on you shouldn’t let him take ANY cs for free.
Position your blade up the lane constantly while
dragging it through him and trade every time he goes
for a last hit. He should be forced to last hit only with
his E if you play it correctly. Try to get a freeze going
if possible, but if you end up pushing (which it will
often do if you force trades) then it’s possible to use
the “Towercrash exploit” very effectively against
nasus to poke him down under tower while not taking
much dmg back.

Neeko* Very Hard I don’t really know how to deal with this matchup tbh.
Her W and E are really good to deny you from
taunting in for trades, and her poke is really strong.
And she runs away from ganks with W super quick
and roots the jungler with E. I think the best thing you
can do it just to try your best to farm while staying as
healthy as you can (gl) and hope she makes a
mistake under tower and opens herself up for a
taunt. If not, then just accept the lost lane and try to
help other lanes out with R.

Nocturne* Moderately His passive heals quite a lot, so you either need to
Easy take super advantageous trades or make sure to
keep trading to stop him from healing up. Lvl 2
onwards you can trade with emp. Q's and use your E
to disengage once he tries to prolong the trade. Use
your W early in the trades.

Olaf Challenging The first 2 levels is just about surviving and farming
safely. He’s strong in all-in’s and his axe throwing
can easily chase you down if you ever taunt him
without killing him.Lvl 3-5 you can manage short
trades whenever you got everything up. Deny his
tradeback with W and just run back after the short
trade. Repeat this until he’s low enough that you can
kill him with 1 rotation, be wary of his lifesteal while
low. Again, important: ​Never taunt forward unless
he’s basically dead. ​He’s an easy gank pre-6.

Ornn* Moderately Contest the push lvl 1. If you hit lvl 2 first all-in him.
Easy Otherwise you can go for short trades soaking his
burn dmg with your passive. But it’s mainly lvl 3+
you’ll start winning trades hard. Go up with your emp
Q’s and start attacking him, and when he applies his
“thing” onto you with his burn and prepares to do the
special auto on you, just deny it last second with W
and keep trading for a little bit then back off. Once
you start getting a health lead you can start to taunt
onto him and force trades while still blocking his
special auto with your W.

Pantheon Challenging Lvl 1-2 is hard. If he lets you have the push early,
then push, but he can stop you from doing that if he
knows how to punish you correctly. If he knows, then
just let him push and try to survive lvl 1-2. Try to force
trades extended trades lvl 3+ if his passive isn’t
stacked up, since his Emp. Q is very scary poke.
When doing this, remember not to taunt before he
uses E, so you can taunt behind him to do dmg (if
you use taunt and he still has E after you’re
screwed). He’s easy to gank if your jungler comes.
Your R is also better and more reliable than his for

Poppy* Okay Shield or avoid her passive auto’s. Trade when her
passive shield is on CD. Bait out her Q’s by walking
up and back again so they don’t hit you. Don’t stand
near walls. Do short grasp trades and basically never
use your E except if her W is cd or you’re winning a
trade and you’re already inside her model so she
doesn’t have time to react. If played cleanly you
should be winning trades in this matchup.

Pyke* Very Easy Position the blade and force trades with your shield +
emp Q’s when he walks up to cs. he’ll heal up a lot of
it when he backs off, but you’ll be winning trades so
hard it won’t matter much. Contest the push and
make sure you hit lvl 2 and 3 before him and exploit
that. Just be wary of jungle ganks since pyke has
great setup.

Qiyana* Moderately Qiyana is decently short range with her poke, so

Easy she’ll give you chances to go for taunt trades. Be
careful lvl 1 and start trading lvl 2 and 3. Just
remember that if she gets off her Invisibility at the
same moment she’s taunted she’s locked out of auto
attacking and will stay stealthed.

Quinn Hard Try to survive and stay healthy best you can lvl 1-3,
using your shield to farm. Lvl 4+ you can look to all in
her if she uses her E wastefully to poke you, but this
lane is mostly about surviving and saving your TP so
you can R away and help others. She scales poorly
unless she manages to snowball herself. Remember
to ping your midlaner if she’s lvl 6+ and goes
missing. She’s fast af.

Renekton* Challenging Do a lot of short grasp trades, while trying to block

his Q poke with your passive shield. Position your
blade up a lot. If he ever dashes onto you lvl3+, then
press W and keep trading with Emp Q’s and be
ready to instantly taunt out when your W ends
(through him if you can). Try to exploit your slightly
superior range with Emp’s q’s while he goes for last

Rengar* Okay Since he sits in the bush except when he lasthits a

minion or jumps on you, your only window to take
good trades is when you know he’s gonna jump for a
lasthit. Walk up beforehand and prepare yourself to
make 1-2 Q (Emp if possible) auto’s and then
backing off out of his range if he tries to get back into
the bush. Be wary of him when he has full or close to
full ferocity stacks, and trade more when his bar is
low or empty. Lvl 3+ you wanna deny his Q’s with
your W and taunt out (through him if possible) if he
tries to extend the trade. Once he’s much lower than
you you can start going for extended trades instead.

Riven Moderately Contest the push lvl 1. Go for 1 auto Q trades lvl 1,
Easy and then back out. Position your blade up constantly
throughout the lane. Never taunt in aggressively
unless it’s super clear your gonna win the trade,
she’s good at chasing you down. Lvl 3+ is when
you’re gonna start winning the trades while both your
W and E are up. Use W early on in the trade, and if
she tries to keep trading when it ends just taunt
backwards (through her if you can) and wait for them
to be up again. You’ll win trades this way, and if she
tries to just not trade you, just force her to by making
an Emp Q auto every time she walks up for a lasthit

Rumble* Hard It’s hard to position the blade up in this matchup

since he’ll burn you for it, but try best you can if he
gives you chances. The only times you can trade are
lvl2+ when he’s just used his Q to farm or poke. If
you’re not already lower than him at that point you
can taunt in and go for a 3 quick emp auto’s and then
backing out. He’s one of the best champions at
trading back while you’re running out though, so you
need to make sure you do enough damage to him
initially for it to be worth taking the dmg while
disengaging. The best way to kill him is honestly to
ask for a gank, rumble has a really hard time
surviving them, since he perma pushes and has no
movement ability.

Ryze* Hard Try to contest the push early while staying as healthy
as you can. If he lets you push so you get lvl 2 first,
then look for a taunt while he’s still lvl 1, if he doesn’t
let you, then just keep farming while positioning your
Q as far up as possible and looking for chances to
drag it through him and look for a taunt lvl 3+. If you
get a good start to trades you can win early game vs
ryze, and you need to do this because he will
outscale you. There’s a lot of difference between a
good and a bad ryze. This matchup can be one of
the easiest if he gives you openings to take extended
trades, or hard if he doesn’t.

Sett Hard Try to get the push lvl 1 if you can. This is only
possible if he either lets you OR he’s leashing and
you’re not. If you get the push you can look for trades
if he ever uses either E or W.His W has a very long
CD early on (18s until he puts in more points), keep
this in mind and abuse it. His passive is really strong
if the trade gets extended for too long, so make sure
you either have a way to disengage or to be in a
position to kill him at all times when going for trades.

Singed* Very Easy As long as you can keep him from proxy farming this
is a really good matchup, while it becomes terrible for
shen if he gets to do that. So focus hard on trading
the first couple of levels and punish him for his weak
early game. If he tries to walk into your wave to apply
his Q, punish him with emp. Q’s. Both short and
extended trades work vs him, just make sure to be
aggressive. You have kill threat on him early.

Sion* Okay Contest the push lvl 1. Take short grasp trades, and
if you’re very close to him and he starts charging his
Q past lvl 2, then just instantly taunt him to interrupt it
and take a good trade.You should win extended
trades using 6 emp. auto’s as long as you don’t get
hit by a long-charged Q. Only start going for the
extended trades after you hit lvl 3 though, short
trades before then. Be mindful to not die to his
passive if you kill him.

Swain* Very Easy He’s slow, immobile and squishy. As long as he

doesn’t have a big minion wave or you’re already
poked down, you should win extended trades pretty
hard vs him, so contest the push early on and try to
get lvl 2 before him. If you do, just taunt in instantly
and trades with emp. Q’s. If not, you can still look for
taunts, but then you have to make sure to dodge his
root while disengaging after the trade. While
pressuring him, remember to position the blade up
the lane for even better trades when you can drag it
through him. He’s also an easy gank for your jungler.

Sylas* Very Easy Contest the push lvl 1, and if he uses his Q to push,
then just run at him and trade with empowered Q’s. If
he doesn’t, then taunt in (or zone if he backs off) at
lvl 2 and keep trading throughout the lane using
extended trades. Position the blade up a lot.
As a general rule Sylas does a lot of dmg in short
bursts, but once he’s used up all his abilities and
passive auto’s, he’s very very weak with long cd’s.
Meanwhile Shen will quickly get his Q back in the
extended trade and wins it out in the end.

Tahm Kench* Moderately Look to short trade often with either a couple of emp.
Easy Q's or just a single grasp auto. Try to do this while
standing behind one of your minions to deny him
from Q'ing you. If it ever seems like you will get 3
stacks onto you, taunt away before it happens. Only
use your taunt aggressively if you have a big HP lead
already and know he cant turn on you and kill you
with 1 combo.

Teemo* Challenging Just survive the first 2 levels. If he ever uses his blind
to poke you, you can win the all-in by taunting onto
him and using 3 emp Q’s. If you manage to not die or
fall ​too ​much behind in CS early on, you’ll have more
impact on the game than him just by R’s. Save TP if
you can early on so you can R freely and get back,
since he will be pushing you in constantly.

Trundle* Okay Take small trades over and over early levels. Try to
contest the push best you can while doing so, so you
can hit lvl-ups at the same time or before him. The
way Trundle trades is very distinct and easy to
predict and play around. He's gonna start with Q'ing
you, so just make sure you either block it with your
passive shield or your W. Never go into a longer
trade until the HP difference is big enough so that
you know you can kill him if he commits. Also make
sure to NEVER use your taunt aggressively after he's
lvl 6 with R up. You'll always die. But lvl 1-5 is good
for you, punish him hard.

Tryndamere Free Here you wanna abuse him every time where he’s
not stacked up his rage-bar yet, starting level 1. Take
short trades with empowereover while not letting him
downall in you for any extended traded Q over and .
He can and will chase you if he gets the chance, so
don’t let him. You win short trades lvl 1-2 if played
correctly, but lvl 3+ it’s impossible to lose the short
trades utilizing your W. Just position the blade, walk
up and trade with Emp. Q’s and W and then walk
back when W ends. If he tries to extend the trade by
E’ing into you, then just deny him with a disengage
taunt. He’ll lose trades so hard he can’t even close to
heal back up.

Urgot* Okay If he ever misses his Q while trying to poke you while
you’re level 2+, you can taunt in and win trades and
then back out. Your W is very effective in blocking his
machine gun W, but if you stay for too long he’ll
eventually outtrade you, so do medium sized trades
and back out and repeat. Try to contest the push
early on if he lets you, since if you get lvl 2 / 3 before
him you get free trade windows. But if he pushes you
in you’ll have to sit under tower trying to survive

Vayne* Challenging Try to stay healthy early 3 levels while still walking up
to CS when you have your passive up. You can’t
stop her from pushing you in, so just let her push you
to tower and farm best you can the early couple of
waves. If she gives you a chance to taunt her under
tower, great. If not, then you can start winning trades
lvl 4-5 anyway if she ever tumbles in to poke you just
instantly taunt her and pummel her with Emp. Q’s.
Try to never make it obvious when you’re gonna
taunt her, or she can just deny you with her E.

Viktor* Moderately Viktor lacks consistent dmg in longer trades, and

Easy want to whittle you down slowly, so this matchup is
all about forcing trades as much as you can past lvl
3. Use W to block his Q-auto. Try to just farm while
staying as healthy as possible lvl 1-2 and you should
be able to start hard winning trades lvl 3-5, since he
can't really poke you without walking into taunt range.
He's also an easy kill if you taunt-flash onto him
when your jungler is ganking.

Vladimir* Moderately Try to push with Q early on so it pushes slowly into

Easy him while blocking his Q’s with your passive shield. If
you managed to push faster, then walk up to him
right before you hit lvl 2 and instantly taunt in when
you hit 2 for a trade. If he picks E lvl 2 keep
punishing him. Once he has his pool it’s all about
forcing him to use it by taunting in for a trade, and
then using the long pool CD of 28 seconds to taunt in
again once your taunt’s up again. Position the blade
up the lane between the taunts, so you can get the
initial slow with Q.

Volibear* Very easy Short trade over and over (from lvl 1) until his
passive pops. Do it by moving the blade up the lane
first, dragging it through him and emp. Q him while
being ready to press W once he uses his Q. Save
your E to disengage if needed. When hish passive is
on CD you can all-in once he's below half if you're

Wukong* Moderately You should win trades every single level pretty hard
Easy up until lvl 6. Abuse that to the max. Slowpush lvl 1.
Start doing short trades lvl 1 with Emp Q’s and your
shield, and if you hit lvl 2 first then taunt in for a
trade. If you don’t hit it first, just keep short trading
with Q and save E until he commits or uses his W.
Lvl 3 you win even harder if you use your W to block
his Q. You have huge kill threat in this lane if you
play trades well.

Yasuo Moderately Be careful to not take extended trades lvl 1-2. Only
Easy do short trades when you have a full minion wave he
can’t fight inside. Once you hit lvl 3 though, you can
start winning trades using your W and keeping your
E for disengaging if he ever tries to all-in you. Once
he grows low and you wanna finish him off but he’s
dashing around everywhere, a tip to hit your taunt is
to look which minion is the obvious “dash-target”, and
once he starts that E just instantly taunt the spot he’s
gonna arrive at.

Yorick* Challenging The biggest risk in this matchup is to get 100 to 0’d
(or close to it) if you ever taunt in for a trade and then
get boxed in when you try to back out. So never use
the taunt aggressively unless he’s already in kill
range OR you’re getting a gank. If he ever uses his E
to poke you and misses, that’s when you can walk up
to him and trade with short grasp Q’s (and keeping
taunt for disengage if needed). He’s an easy gank if
your jungler comes.

Zac Very Easy The only thing in Zac’s favour early game is his
healing. So get the slowpush lvl 1, trade hard
whenever you can and do not let him farm for free.
Punish him constantly. And once you’ve taken him to
half, do NOT let him heal up again with his passive.
Keep the pressure up and stepping on his blobs. The
only way you lose this lane is if you die to a gank, so
remember to ward and respect the enemy jgl when
he’s topside.

Zed* Free If some autofilled mid laner dare pick Zed into your
Shen, make sure he never does it again. Only let him
farm with Q, looking to punish him every time he
steps up to auto one. You hardwin trades lvl 1-5 even
if he hits everything, but he probably won’t if you’re
decent at sidestepping his Q’s or staying behind your

PS: If you’re missing a top laner you think should be added to the Doc, just message me
through my Twitch account sending helpful or type it in my twitch chat while I’m

To add: Voli, Kayn, Kalista

Recently added: Zac
Recently updated: Vayne

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