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Drag force
Drag force
• A force is exerted on the solid by the fluid while moving through itd
• Drag force is of 2 types 1 ) Frictional Drag and 2) Form drag
Drag force
• Frictional drag comes from friction between the fluid and the surfaces
over which it is flowing. This friction is associated with the
development of boundary layers, and it scales with Reynolds number.
Pressure drag comes from the eddying motions that are set up in the
fluid by the passage of the body. This drag is associated with the
formation of a wake(eddy), which can be readily seen behind a
passing boat, and it is usually less sensitive to Reynolds number than
the frictional drag.
Drag force
• Significant frictional
loss occur because of
acceleration and
deceleration when the
fluid changes path to
pass around a solid
body set in the flow
Drag Force
• Drag is one of the main forces acting on an object that will move through a
fluid. For aircraft or projectiles, drag is one of the four aerodynamic
forces that determine the motion of an object, but it also acts to slow
down a moving automobile or lamina moving through a fluid.
• Drag is related to the relative velocity between the fluid surrounding a
moving object. More specifically, the drag exerted on an object by a
moving fluid will be some function of the fluid velocity, fluid density,
viscosity, and the shape of the object or surface where the fluid interacts.
In total, the drag force comprises the sum of two contributions:
• Skin friction, which is due to the viscosity of the fluid.
• Pressure drag, which is due to collisions between the moving object and
stationary fluid.
Drag coefficient
Drag coefficient
Drag coefficient

Correlations are usually presented

graphically on logarithmic plots of
CD as a function of NRe
Drag coefficient
Change of drag coefficient
Change of drag coefficient
Change of drag coefficient
Drag coefficient
Math solution
Pressure drop calculation
Math solution
Pressure drop calculation
Math solution
Math solution
Math to be solved
• 13.4,13.5,13.6,13.7,13.13,13.14

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