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Name: Liza Mae P. Jaminden

Course Facilitator: Arlena Araneta


Activity 1. Essay

1. Describe how state emerge, expand and restructure.

* The state emerged from the embers of medieval Europe. In the Middle Ages, European
governance had been dominated by the Roman Church and feudal lords. The church formed a powerful
transnational authority placed above mere monarcs, with kings acting only as secular agents of the
church higher authority. Even within their nominal territories, rulers were further limited by feudal
noblemen who exerted extensive authority over me of lower rank within their domain. State expand
during the nineteenth century, the cage of the state became more precise, especially in Europe. Borders
slowly turned into barriers as precise maps marked out defined frontiers. For most of the twentieth
century. Western states bore deeper into their societies. The restructing of state has two additional
factors that encouraging the final decades of the twentieth century: first, military demands were for
once consistent with a deminished state: spending on the armed forces declined after Cold War. Second,
in an increasingly global economy, trade grew more rapidly than overall production, leading many
commentators to speculate about the fundamental irrelevance of the state in a new order dominated by
multinational corporations.

2. How do non- settler colonies emerge and acquire statehood?

* Four waves spread over two centuries that help non- settler colonies emerged into statehood;
first wave of decolonization occurred early in the nineteenth century, colonial settlers had dominated
without eliminating indigenous people. These early wars of independence occured soon after the
American and French revolution but lacked the liberal, egalitarian basis of their more famous
predessors. New constitution were produced but they were neither democratic nor even fully
implemented. The second wave of post colonial states emerged in Europe and the Middle East with the
final collapse of the multinational and religiously diverse Austro- Hungarian, Russia and Ottoman
empires around the end of the First World War. The third and largest wave, this wave of decolonization
grew into a veritable tsunami. The fourth and the final wave occurred in the final decades of the
twentieth century triggered by the collapse of communism.

3. Compare and contrast the intergovernmental organizations and non- governmental organization.
* Intergovernmental Organizations and Non governmental organization have a common
similarities. IGO and NGOs greatly rely on states, finance and support, especially superpowers. Despite
the similarity there are significant difference between Intergovernmental Organizations and Non
governmental Organization. IGOs are formed by states. States come together to form an organization,
and they establish a structure based on a formal instrument of agreement. However, the NGOs are
generally private, voluntary organization whose members are individual or group of people.


1. The Peace of Westphalia (1648)

2. Natural Rights

3. General Will

4. The Schengen Agreement

5. Collapsed State



1. Direct Democracy 8. Second World War

2. Ancient Athens 9. Third Wave

3. German Philosopher Jurgen Habermas 10. Deliberative Democracy

4. Representative Democracy

5. Illiberal Democracy

6. Liberal Democrac

7. Wave of Democratization



1. Authoritarian Rule

2. Mar Weber

3. Monarch

4. Primogeniture

5. Despot

6. Theocracy

7. Autogolpe

8. Military coup d' eat

9. Vlademir Lenin

10. Military, patronage, media

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