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The 1950s and 1960s is often considered the golden age of marketing.

During this
time, the economy was booming and businesses were competing fiercely for market
share. Marketing strategies during this era were heavily influenced by the rise of
mass media, such as television, radio, and print advertising.

One of the key marketing tactics during this time was the use of brand loyalty and
customer loyalty programs. Companies would offer incentives, such as coupons and
loyalty points, to encourage customers to return and continue purchasing their

Another important marketing tactic was the use of celebrity endorsements. Companies
would hire famous celebrities to promote their products and appear in
advertisements. This helped to create a sense of aspirational glamour and appeal to

The 1950s and 1960s were also the era of the Mad Men, a term used to describe the
influential and innovative ad executives who worked in the advertising industry
during this time. These ad executives were known for their creative and persuasive
marketing strategies, and helped to shape the way that marketing has evolved over
the years.

Overall, the 1950s and 1960s were a time of great innovation and growth in the
marketing industry, and laid the foundation for many of the marketing tactics and
strategies that are still used today.

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