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Tips and tricks for a sustainable trip:

We all love to travel and when we are travelling, we tend to not think about the damage we
may be causing the environment. All that matters during our travels is the picturesque views
and how many mai tais you might be having on the beach.

All the fun aside, travelling can be done in a sustainable way and believe it or not it is fairly
easy to do so.

1- Staying at a house

We all love staying in hotels and indulging ourselves at the minibar or going crazy with room
service. It is also easy to get housekeeping services into your room when you are out
exploring the city. Even though it is very comfortable it is not as sustainable as you may

A way of making your trip more sustainable from the get-go is to stay at a house. When I say
house, I don’t just mean going in and crashing in the living room of relatives like you would
during the holidays with all of your cousins in matching sweaters. Websites like
allow for locals in your destination to put their houses/rooms for rent. You can stay for
however long you’d like and have access to all the amenities that the house has to offer. You
can binge watch the tv series you like the most while enjoying a dish you made to your liking
in the kitchen itself.

When you rent a place instead of a hotel room you end up creating a source of income for a
family that may need some extra funds to get by. Another perk is that since you are also
passing on the daily cleaning and the non-stop air conditioning working in the room you are
making a save on energy and resources.

As a person who loves travelling and has seen her fair share of hotels all around the world, it
is easy for me to say that nothing beats the comfort of a house. I personally love lounging on
the couch with coffee and Netflix on.

2- Transportation

When we travel, we usually tend to fly to our destination. Environmental activists all around
the world have been very vocal about the amount of carbon one single plane ride creates
and therefore how much damage it causes on the environment itself.

With that being said one of the most sustainable ways of travelling is rideshares. There are
many apps around the world that allow you to carpool together with other individuals who
are going to a similar location. This way you get the carbon you are creating cut in half or
even a third while creating an income for locals.

If you do not want to rideshare with complete strangers there is always the option of public
transportation. It is even better than ridesharing in terms of sustainability since you are
using a vehicle that is being co-used with hundreds of other people.
Everything said, I personally love ridesharing with friends or using public transportation.
When you are in a car with your friends you can blast your music or simply ask the driver for
the AUX cord if you are using an app.

3- Rentals

If however you do not want to use public transportation or rideshare through apps there is
always the option of renting a car through a company. This way you can also keep all of your
snack or the toys your kid may have in order by just tossing them in the back seat.

When you are travelling with kids we all know how much of hassle it can be to get your
stroller, bassinet, crib, and many other baby stuff that I do not know the names of in order.
Just like car and house rental companies there is one for baby stuff as well.

Babonbo Baby is committed to helping travelling families while allowing them access to local
baby gear instead of dragging their own from who know where. They created a platform
where locals can upload their own baby gear that might be collecting dust in their attic and
make some income from it while travelling families can easily rent them in a more
sustainable manner.

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