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People are increasingly purchasing personal vehicles because they

believe it is a more convenient means of transportation than public

transportation. However, some people disagree with this opinion and
prefer to take public transportation. This essay makes a comparison of
the two and chooses the most preferred option.
On the other hand, having a private vehicle means you save time.
You can go out whenever you want, whether it's late at night or early in
the morning. Not only do you not have to wait for anybody, but you also
have the freedom to travel wherever you choose. Having your own
vehicle also means you get to do whatever you want with it. If you put
stickers on your seat on a bus, that’s vandalism. But if you put stickers
on your own car seat that’s just creative expression. Also, you can eat
some food in your car. As great as having your own vehicle is, it does
cost quite a bit of money. Driving your own vehicle is also not that
environmentally friendly. Having full control over your transportation
also means you need to be in control of your transportation. You have to
navigate, find parking and pay for parking.
Using public transportation to go around is, on average, far less
expensive than purchasing a car. You don’t have to pay for petrol,
parking, maintenance, cleaning, or any of that stuff. When compared to
private automobiles, taking public transportation has a significantly
lower environmental impact. Another advantage of taking public
transportation is that you don't have to think too hard about it.
Navigation is taken care of, you can read a book, watch films, play the
game, or even take a nap. Public transport is also time-sensitive. You
have to catch them when they’re available. This means while you can go
most places, you can’t go there whenever you want. For the most part,
you still need to walk a little bit to get where you really need to be.
Conclusively, it looks like public transportation may be the way to
go if you’re in a densely populated urban area with plenty of stops and
services, but private transportation is better if you can afford the hassle
and costs.

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