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Cafe Astrology Natal Chart

Cafe Astrology .com

Free Natal Chart Report

The following free birth chart tool lists planet signs, house positions, and aspects. It also allows you to compare multiple house systems.
(The default house system is Placidus).

You will only find some interpretations right now (many of the major factors, such as Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, and Venus in signs
and house), but I am working on adding more interpretations frequently, so please check back here from time to time!

The interpretations in the following birth chart report are written by myself, Annie Heese, and are typically expanded interpretations
already found on this site.

**Note: The free report on this page is an alternate free interpretive report that is meant to supplement the Cafe Astrology’s Free Report
section which is still fully functional with multiple free reports, including natal, transits, and compatibility.

**Important: Under normal circumstances, you don’t need to change the time zone offset that appears after you enter your birth location.
Please don’t adjust the time zone offset unless you know for certain what you’re doing since the default offset incorporates crucial factors
(such as daylight savings time) and is in the majority of cases accurate. See also notes below.

Start Over

21 June 1982 at 07:20 (7:20 am) (time zone = UTC +1)

Universal Time: 06:20

Pljevlja, Pljevlja, Montenegro

43°N21' 19°E22'

Tropical Zodiac

Placidus Houses

Chart Data For Danica

The following lists positions of planets and points in your natal chart with interpretations for key factors.

Planets and Points in The Signs

Sun in Gemini 29° 33' 38"

The Sun in the chart shows our character, personal identity, and ego. It represents our will to live and our creative life force. Just as the
planets revolve around the Sun in our solar system, we derive our life purpose from the Sun in our natal charts. The Sun is our “adult”–
the part of us that censors our “inner child,” reasons things out, and makes final decisions. The Sun also gives clues to our overall vitality.
The Sun directs us and can be considered “the boss” of our chart.
When people ask you "What's your sign?", Gemini would be your answer. Technically, though, it's your Sun sign that is Gemini.

With your Sun in Gemini, your urge for self-expression is powerful. You are often just as interested in collecting information as you are in
sharing it. Curious to a fault, you have a finger in every pie. You're flexible and changeable, and your ability to adapt quickly to new
situations gains you plenty of friends and social contacts. You're likely to be quite clever and witty, enjoying intellectual conversations, and
you're easily bored if you are not getting enough mental stimulation.

Often quite adept at fitting in with others, Geminis quickly adopt the moods of those around them. They are friends to people from all
walks of life, and they're not easily intimidated. As a Gemini, your ability to detach yourself can make you highly objective and observant,
but a little difficult to get close to! Although you may have many friends or acquaintances, intimacy doesn’t come as easily to you (unless
you have many indications otherwise in your chart).

It can be difficult for others to know what you really feel at any given moment. You're highly impressionable and sometimes quite
scattered. There is usually a nervous air about you that can make people who seek a more personal approach a little uneasy. It is not
always intuitive to trust Geminis to be loyal or to keep secrets. This is usually not about the trustworthiness of their character but more
about their love of talking, sharing, and variety!

Geminis often flit about, moving quickly and keeping busy every step of the way. Many people with this position of the Sun have gained
quite a bit of knowledge in their lifetimes -- they know something about everything! If you're such a Gemini, you can be a thoroughly
engaging conversationalist. Your attention span may be short, however, unless you also have Mercury in Cancer (which many Geminis
do), and restlessness can keep you from sticking to one thing for too long.

If you're like most Geminis, you're really quite affable, and you thoroughly enjoy the “light” side of life. This tendency to take things lightly
makes you quite pleasing to be around, but it can be maddening to people seeking support on the deeper issues in life.

Geminis are both interesting and interested. As a Gemini, your wit can be dazzling and your changeability dizzying. At the very least,
you're never boring!

Your Sun sign is modified by various factors, including the aspects it makes to other planets and points, its house position, the house with
the sign the Sun rules (Leo) on its cusp, and your Mercury sign since Mercury is Gemini's planetary ruler. These positions add more
layers to the Sun in Gemini interpretation. Gemini is a Mutable Air sign. More on Gemini.

Ascendant in Leo  8° 56' 42"

The Ascendant defines, in part, the first impression we make on others in a personal rather than professional sense. It represents our
physical appearance, our physical bodies and overall health, and the body ego. It can be the mask or costume we wear to greet the world.
It reveals our natural and personal defense mechanisms that we use to adapt to - and cope with - our environment. The Ascendant also
shows our first impressions of the world around us and our expectations of same –whether we are naturally hesitant or enthusiastic, for
example. How we begin new projects and our attitude towards new experiences come under the rule of the Ascendant.
Leo rising people cannot help but be noticed. They radiate a unique energy and magnetism that gets others’ attention. Sometimes it’s
because they are loud people who pay a lot of attention to their personal appearance (especially their hair!); other times it’s due to a regal
manner that simply demands interest from others.

You are very self-aware and body-conscious. You are acutely aware of others, and how you come across. In fact, you are especially
aware of your personal "backdrop" – you consider what the people you're with, and the environments you're in, do to your own image.
Often, Leo rising natives feel as if they are on stage, even in the privacy of their own homes!

You are given to rash decisions, temper tantrums, and excesses. However, you have plenty of staying power and drive, and your idealism
keeps you from getting into too much trouble. The desire to oversee the goings-on in your circle can sometimes amount to bossiness or
the appearance of bossiness. If this wish doesn’t go too far, however, it's really about making sure the people you love are alright. Many
Leo rising people are managers, either by profession or character.

The tendency to overestimate things, and yourself, is entirely possible with this rising sign. This is due to your natural enthusiasm and
optimism about any new undertaking. Sometimes, people with this position are walking commercials. In fact, Leo rising people make
excellent promoters.

You can be quite demonstrative and given to grand gestures, although if your Sun is in a less outgoing sign or house, this may not be
quite as evident. Quiet power is perfectly fine. Drama does come naturally to you either way. In fact, sometimes you can be so caught up
in fiction that you're a little blind to fact. You have an unusual need to be admired and respected.

Whether or not you're popular, you can be hard to resist. In fact, it's probably up to you whether you want to move with the "in" crowd or
not. You can be quite selective about who you give your full friendship to, probably because you're tremendously loyal and whole-hearted
with those you do, so it's not something you take lightly. People can be intimidated, however, upon first meeting, mainly because you
come across as quite self-assured and self-sufficient. You do want to appear in control, and you very much exceed at doing so. This might
work against you at times when you could use a bit of help.

No matter your age in real-world terms, you are a kid at heart. You are fun-loving and warm, generous and spirited. In childhood, you may
have acquired the label of the strong one, and much was expected of you. Even so, caregivers might have also treated you very carefully,
tiptoeing around you, as they knew how easy it was to hurt your pride. As a child, when you were happy, you were a true peach, but when
you weren't, everyone around you suffered! This may have been a reason for this kind of "special handling." As you mature, ideally you
learn that recognition and feedback are not what make you powerful, even if this message was absorbed at an early age.

You can often find yourself in the position of leader, whether or not you've chosen that role - you simply radiate the kind of energy that
suggests you're in command and know what to do next. While you try to hide it, you are worried about failing or coming across as weak
and ineffective. You are very proud! You have a strong sense of bravado and performance. Almost to a fault, you take the high road.

It's quite likely you have a strong physical constitution. You pay particular attention to your personal appearance and mannerisms. You
often choose clothing and hairstyles that are youthful and stylish. Your manner is authoritarian and stable, and also quite warm. You
always seem to make a strong impression. There is something about you that is substantial, and people usually consider you to be

You can be intensely, and quite stubbornly, loyal and giving. It's imperative that others treat you with the respect and recognition you
deserve -- you are unlikely to forge a real bond with someone who doesn't. You often attract people who are a little more emotionally
detached than you, and those who tend to go their own way rather than follow the crowd.

Just how magnanimous and outgoing you are will be modified by the placement of your Sun by sign and house, as well as the Sun's
condition by aspect. This is because the ruling planet of your Ascendant (which is often called the chart ruler) is the Sun. For example, a
Leo rising person with Sun in Virgo may not come across as strongly as a Leo rising person with Sun in Aries. No matter the placement of
the Sun, however, you are quite self-aware and optimistic. You have a natural flair for presentation, an eye for quality, and a hard-to-resist
warmth of style. You want to make things happen, and you can create quite a stir, sometimes with your mere presence. More on Leo

Moon in Gemini 26° 16' 41"

The Moon in the signs reveals much about our habits, reactions, and instincts. It shows how we express and deal with our emotions.
Most obvious in our homes or in private, our Moon sign reveals our innermost needs. The Moon can represent our experience of
nurturing; it also shows how we nurture ourselves! It's important to note that Moon signs change every 2 or 2-1/2 days, and on some
days, can be one of two signs, in which case an accurate birth time is necessary.

You were born when the Moon was in Gemini, and this is an important placement in your natal chart. You are pleasant, witty, and
charming. People with Moon in Gemini are always interesting people–they have a finger in every pie, are curious to a fault, and are
usually well-informed.

Nervousness and worry are common traits with this lunar position. An underlying restlessness is characteristic, and you seem to need
more stimulation than others. You're likely to read a lot, talk a lot, and think a lot with this airy, mutable position of the Moon (the sign of
Gemini belongs to the Air and Mutable families of signs). At home and with family, you can be moody and irritable at times.

Your home may be a perpetual work-in-progress. You generally dislike housework since you prefer to socialize or keep your mind busy,
but you can be big on home improvement. Re-organizing your home in little ways seems to keep you happy, as you can be easily bored
by both routine and constancy. It's likely that this is a reflection of your inner world -- "the grass is always greener..." applies here. You
may be more adept at handling the intellectual needs of others than emotional ones, although you're competent all around. Complicated
emotions, in general, can be difficult for Lunar Geminis to handle, primarily because it takes some time for them to get out of their heads.
This doesn't mean that people with the Moon in Gemini are less emotional -- it merely means that they're more comfortable in the world of
the mind.

In your family, you may take on the job of organizing get-togethers. You're all for talking things out reasonably. You are at your best when
you have plenty of things to do beyond routine.

Moon in Gemini people almost always have a way with words. They are clever and witty, and more often than not can be found chatting
with others. They are sociable and friendly, and they feel comfortable in crowds. Some pay too much attention to what everyone else is
doing and consequently lose touch with what they genuinely want to do. More often than not, Lunar Geminis have a million and one
projects going. They are impressionable folk, and their imaginations are boundless.

With your Gemini Moon, your openness to new ideas is admirable, although decisiveness and persistence take a blow as a result. Still,
versatility and adaptability are some of the stronger traits of this position of the Moon.

When irritable, you can quickly become snappy. Your moodiness is complicated. Usually, difficult behavior stems from inner restlessness.
As a Lunar Gemini, you want to do it all, and you can have trouble sticking to any one project. In fact, you often have many projects going
at once, and this is satisfying.

When problems arise, your first instinct is usually to talk things through. Your tendency to analyze can give you the appearance of
emotional detachment. In reality, you may be comfortable talking about your feelings, but feeling your own feelings doesn't come as
easily! If you don't take time out to really emote and understand your own needs, you could end up baffling others. Feeling misunderstood
is common for Moon in Gemini natives until they do get into better touch with their emotions.

You love variety and, in fact, thrive on it. Staying the same holds no appeal to you. You are quick to adapt to changing circumstances, and
if situations call for changing plans on the fly, you adjust much more readily than others. You are very often a breath of fresh air.

You are highly observant and bright. People generally love to be around you. Your intelligence, resourcefulness, and wit stand out. You
remain youthful and fun throughout life.

Mercury in Gemini  8° 38' 27"

What's your style of communication? How do you make decisions? How do you pick up, process, absorb, and exchange information?
These questions are answered, in part, by Mercury's placement by sign in your natal chart. Someone may be an assertive Aries, but they
could also have Mercury in Taurus, with a style of communication that's slower, patient, and not quite as spirited as one would expect from
an Aries, as an example. Mercury refines the Sun sign, and it helps to define how we take in--and give out--information.
With Mercury in the sign of Gemini in your birth chart, you are quick-witted. You may come across as scattered at times, but this is most
likely to do with your many eclectic interests. You may hop from one interesting tidbit to the next. You seem to know a little about

People can safely turn to you for a large assortment of facts and figures as well as broad knowledge. Your learning may be a little
superficial -- you generally have too many interests to delve too deeply into any particular one (unless Mercury is in strong contact with
Saturn or Pluto).

You learn best in a stimulating environment. You get bored easily, but you're a fast learner. Impressionable to a fault, you pick up more
from your environment than most, and you process information at lightning speed! The restlessness of Gemini is especially apparent
when Mercury is placed in the sign. There is a nervous energy here that is unmistakable.

Although Gemini is a rather open-minded sign, there is often a bias towards logic. Unless Mercury forms a strong aspect to the Moon in
your birth chart, you're not inclined to rely heavily on intuition, nor do you take into account the world of emotion in your decision-making
processes. In this sense, you can come across as a little too intellectual or just plain logical. The lack of heart behind what you say and
think can be frustrating to more personal communicators. You can separate your emotions and your communications, and those who can't
may believe you are indifferent or insensitive.

Although you are an interested and interesting speaker, you can also be quite detached, easily discarding or ignoring more personal
issues. You don't get attached to your opinions and ideas for too long, and the result is a changeability and coolness that can be
frustrating to some. On the other hand, your curiosity and willingness to adapt to the environment around you often endears you to others.
Because you have a versatile mind, others appreciate that you're not rigid and stubborn.

Mercury in Gemini natives can be smooth talkers, even a little deceptive, although this is generally not with cruel intent. It's done, usually,
with a sense of humor. In fact, it's more of a mental exercise than anything. You can quickly spot human weaknesses and then play
around with them. You're full of stories, and you're not against adding some embellishments to keep your audience amused and intrigued.

Decision-making is generally done quickly and expertly. You have fun with words, you're good on the phone, and you make an engaging
speaker (unless Saturn strongly connects with Mercury and you're less inclined to communicate spontaneously). You communicate with a
strong sense of fun, and you can communicate with people from all walks of life with equal ease.

You have an enviable presence of mind, and you often impress others with your wit. You're certainly never boring!

Venus in Taurus 24° 59' 21"

How do you attract things, situations, and people into your life? Venus rules our sentiments, what we value, and the pleasure we take in
life. Grace, charm, and beauty are all ruled by Venus. Through Venus, we learn about our tastes, preferences, artistic inclinations, and
what makes us happy. We look to Venus in the natal chart to see how we approach relationships of the heart, as well as what gives us
pleasure. We also turn to Venus to show how we spend our money, the types of gifts we buy, and how much we spend on leisure
activities (not to mention the kinds of leisure activities we seek). Venus rules attractiveness--both the ability to attract and attraction to
others (and things). Venus rules, amongst other things, the arts, love and romance, beauty and the beautifying process, money,
entertainment, leisure, sensuality, and comfort.
With your Venus in Taurus, love centers on the physical world and creature comforts -- you revel in sensual surroundings. You're likely to
project yourself as solid and comfortable. In fact, something about your manner promises you'll be a satisfying lover and partner. You
need a certain measure of predictability and dependability in your relationships, even if your Sun isn't Taurus and is instead in the more
spontaneous signs of Aries or Gemini.

You can be possessive in love, and you're threatened by fast-paced, high-energy situations in the context of relationships and love. You're
a sensual partner who requires lots of hands-on expressions of love. Your lovers may complain that you can get a little too comfortable
and settled. It's true that you resist change in your relationships, but even when you seem stuck in a groove, you're constant - a rare trait.

Pleasing you involves emphasizing loyalty and worth. Others may need to give in to you more often than not in love matters since you can
be quite stubborn! You like it when a partner is physical with you and does comfortable things. You don't want to be pushed in love -- you
need a lot of time. Your partners may need to cultivate patience. You appreciate a partner who is simple and natural and you respond
most to those who promise you a comfortable, cozy time.

Venus in Taurus Personal Ad Bio: "I am dependable. My ideal date consists of good food, fine wine, and cuddling up with each other at

You're a very physical lover with a great appreciation for scents, sounds, feels, and pleasing form. You can be very patient in love. Your
charm is natural and earthy. You believe that actions speak louder than words and are not as easily charmed by sweet talkers as most
people. You can be unflagging in love, and you don't quickly get over betrayal.

You can be possessive in love and with possessions and things, too. You're attracted to products of high quality and durability. You're
generally good with your money, spending lavishly only on objects of beauty, long-lasting objects, and food. Venus in Taurus is not usually
especially generous people and are typically quite practical and patient when it comes to saving and spending money. Harmony and
peace are essential characteristics of the art and music that draws you in. You dislike gaudy, cheap, tacky, or excessively loud/bold art,
clothing, and possessions.

Mars in Libra  8° 59' 13"

Mars in Libra natives like yourself often reflect about things before they act. Decisiveness is not your strong point, but you do, eventually,
get things done. You may tend to procrastinate, generally because you feel the need to weigh all of the alternatives before taking action.
This trait is also a strength--you can see more than one side to a story.

Life isn't always fair, as some say, but you will seldom accept this notion. You can quickly get entirely caught up in defending yourself and
others. Although your overall goal is to live peacefully, you stir others up with your desire to bring everything to balance. Still, you are
inclined to play innocent when you're challenged, and you can generally charm the birds out of the trees to win someone's favor if you're
seeking it. Passive-aggressiveness is practically the hallmark of this position. You are generally above pettiness, and you don't want to
look like you are mean or unfair, but aggression has to go somewhere! Too often, this results in sneaky behavior and subterfuge.

On the other hand, you may turn this Mars energy into action, and you fight for justice and fairness in the world--you're brilliant at this!
Injustice fires you up. You also quickly become frustrated when others just aren't seeing your perspective or letting you explain your point
of view.

You seem to get more done when you have a companion--you're inclined to enjoy partnering up, and you might often discover that a
special person or "significant other" in your life is integral for boosting your confidence or encouraging you to action. You may want to
watch for expressing anger reactively instead of asserting yourself directly.

You're adept at predicting when problems and discord will occur well in advance. You know how to compromise (not everyone's good at
it), and you're excellent at conflict management. You're also quick to defend the underdog.

Jupiter in Scorpio  0° 30' 00"  Rx

With Jupiter in Scorpio, you seem to attract the most fortune when you put your “all” into a project or undertaking, draw on your inner
strength and courage, and use your magnetic powers to heal others.

You are enthusiastic for deeper studies and meanings, all that is taboo or mysterious, psychology. You value decisiveness, intensity,
willpower, commitment, and strength. You are a very strong problem solver who cuts to the chase. Science and research may be
prosperous avenues for you.

As a Water sign Jupiter, you have a strong belief in a higher power. You are most able to attract luck and rich life experiences to you
through your intuition, imagination, and compassion. Helping those in need boosts your morale.

Saturn in Libra 15° 30' 15"

Saturn in our charts shows where we limit ourselves due to fear or insecurity. With your Saturn in Libra, you may weigh the different sides
to a situation so much that decision-making can be painful at times. You weigh the pros and cons to the point that it's hard to decide. You
have a well-developed sense of fairness and justice.

Your sense of responsibility for others can be so strong that you instinctively resist new connections. You'd rather skip to the comfortable
part of a relationship! Watch that you don't convince yourself that you don't care when you care so much that you avoid situations that
might call for a firm commitment. It's not that you can't make commitments--it's that you take them very seriously. There can be a vicious
circle situation in which you feel the need to be independent but then feel lonely in that role. While you're capable of cooperation and
playing nice with others, you sometimes concentrate on the superficiality of what you may see as a social game, making it difficult to take
part in it -- or trust it. The partnerships you form may be few, but they tend to be long-lasting.

Uranus in Sagittarius  1° 30' 52"  Rx

You're most interested in making changes, innovating, and updating traditions related to beliefs, the seeking of meaning, freedom of
speech and thought, philosophies, attitudes, religion, cultures, education, spirit, and vision. You seek more freedom in or through these
areas, and you don't feel much need to conform! You may believe in breaking through some of the inhibitions or taboos related to
preconceived ideas as well as current education and belief systems. Despite the need for progress, you can be very stubborn and set in
your ways in these areas. You may challenge authority or rules and laws in place only if you feel they are limiting our progress, seeking to
revolutionize the ways we view others, different cultures, and belief systems. You are optimistic and believe in progress and change,
although you are not always as interested in the details of a particular pursuit as you are the big picture or vision. Since you believe in the
power of inspiration, rote learning can be unappealing. You have an excellent feel for trends and work best on inspiration, impulse, and

Neptune in Sagittarius 25° 33' 32"  Rx

Your vision of an ideal world may center around the truth, tolerance, freedom, liberty, generosity, and intellectual understanding. You may
idealize truth, justice, and the power of positive thinking. Your optimism is a breath of fresh air, but may at times be taken so far that you
are somewhat blind to the practical side of an endeavor. Or, your goals and ideals are set so high that it can be challenging to reach them.
Fantasizing about something better is your escape. Your openness to mystical or alternative interpretations of life is refreshing.

Pluto in Libra 24° 09' 55"  Rx

The quest to bring reform or to distinguish yourself through your relationships and connections with others can be so fraught with pressure
at times that you have a hard time letting go or feeling content and satisfied with your accomplishments in these areas. The goal should
be to feel more personally powerful through your ability to compromise and treat others fairly, not to seek your power from your
relationships. You have brilliant insights into people and relationships. You know that improving the world starts with reforming the ways
we interact with one another.

Chiron in Taurus 25° 14' 53"

You may very well hold onto guilt for enjoying material things, comfort, luxury, and so forth. In your head, you know you're entitled to spoil
yourself from time to time, but it's hard to truly convince yourself of this deep down. You're wonderful at helping others understand that
they're worth it, however! Whether you compensate by over- or under-indulging, you're likely holding onto too much guilt. Your needs for
security and safety run very deep, and sometimes they work against you if you're not careful.

Black Moon Lilith in Capricorn  0° 03' 36"

You may have been made to feel ashamed or otherwise wrong for your desire to excel, succeed, or reach for worldly goals and ambitions,
and you can feel uncomfortable around people who seem materialistic, status-conscious, or particularly business-minded and practical or
ambitious. It can be hard to connect with your own ambitions and need for others' esteem, but going there and allowing yourself to feel
these needs can be life-changing.

North Node in Cancer 13° 20' 11"  Rx

One theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node) suggests that we all come into this world with some
underdeveloped and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to these specific qualities: the South Node
represents our overdeveloped character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here, but if we overdo this area of life
or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North Node suggests the
qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance.
With your North Node of the Moon in Cancer, your South Node is in Capricorn.

You may often seek to be in control, and you tend to take responsibilities too seriously with this position of the North Node. You are
excellent at getting things organized, but you should watch for a tendency to fall back on this talent, because if you do, you may become
quite rigid or fearful of being dependent on others. Aim to let go of your tendency to over-manage your life and others' lives from time to
time, and to relax your standards of perfection and achievement. When you're young, you may fall victim to living through the eyes of
society instead of valuing your own personal (as opposed to professional/status) achievements, but you grow out of this as you mature,
and doing so improves your life considerably. Being dependent on others is a fear, but only when you release some of your need to be in
control will you achieve your goals more fully. Work on allowing yourself to be vulnerable, exposing some of your insecurities and
personal needs without fear, and making more time for your home and family life. By working on your inner foundation and base of
operations, success will rebound back to your public and professional life. Learn to trust following your instincts instead of feeling driven
by your ambitions, and you can achieve greater happiness, balance, and fulfillment in all areas of life.

Part of Fortune in Leo  5° 39' 45"

Bringing your personality, spirit, an element of fun, and creativity to what you do seems to be most fulfilling and successful for you. You
find success and joy when you can entertain, share yourself, express generosity and warmth, and display self-assurance. You tend to
take charge, the lead, or center stage, and ventures that allow you the opportunity to do these things are often your most fruitful. Fields
that involve jewelry or adornment, play, self-expression, drama, sports, and fashion can appeal and prosper.

Look to the Sun, planetary ruler of Leo, for more clues to where and how you improve your lot in life.

Vertex in Sagittarius 26° 31' 28"

Midheaven in Aries 25° 20' 49"

Planets and Points in The Houses

Sun in Eleventh House

The Sun's house position modifies and refines its position by zodiac sign. With the Sun in your eleventh house, you are a humanitarian
who aims to treat everyone as equals. You are unique and original, and you do your best to avoid bias and prejudice. Social status is less
important to you than belonging to a group of diverse personalities. Your identity, in fact, is somehow linked to a larger unit than yourself.
You have high hopes and goals and tend to look at life in terms of opportunities. You have magnetic appeal, as people sense your broad
tolerance and openness. The friendships you establish are crucial to your development. If you identify too much with your associations
and your friendliness or ability to build bridges, you may become too impersonal and alienate those who would like to get close to you.
You are a team player and can have a significant impact on groups and among friends and networks.

Moon in Eleventh House

The Moon in the houses can reveal where and how we go about seeking emotional satisfaction. If it's an issue, we can discover vital
clues to the reason for perpetual emotional unrest through the study of the house position of the Moon, and these can manifest as
constant changes or ups and downs in the areas of life ruled by the house. It is in these areas that we should aim to make deep
attachments rather than chase superficial and temporary emotional thrills if we are seeking out a genuine feeling of belonging and
emotional fulfillment. It's important to note that house positions are quite sensitive to birth times.
This position of the Moon indicates an emotional need for a feeling of belonging with, and support from, friends and associations with
groups. You look to acquaintances for support, and you offer the same in return. A changeable or unstable social life might be a reflection
of inner emotional unrest. Certainly, waxing and waning feelings for others can be at the root of some problems in your relationships.

With the Moon in the eleventh house of your birth chart, you're a person with many dreams, wishes, and hopes for your future, and most
of these are altruistic and good-hearted desires. You might change your aspirations frequently with your changing moods, and you could
have a hard time settling on goals to work towards as a result. This shouldn't serve as a big problem in life, but if it does, you might focus
on looking within for answers rather than seeking emotional satisfaction through others. You're likely to need, more than most people, a
sense of a mission or meaningfulness in your work and leisure time. It's important that you don't fall into the trap of thinking that you can't
do something on your own or that others are more talented than you.

Your independence is extremely important to you, but you also find your "home" amongst friends or groups. You are an amazing friend.
Your interests, passions, and friends are likely to be varied, creative, unconventional, and unusual. You seek out others with shared
passions or visions. You, yourself, are a visionary of sorts!

Mercury in Eleventh House

You are endlessly curious about people, group interactions, community affairs, trends, and teams, as well as wonderfully open-minded.
You are attracted to people who bring new ideas into your experience, and who have something novel to contribute on an intellectual
level. You are very forward-looking and fair-minded. Fair play, impartiality, and unselfishness are essential ideals for you. There can be
many changes or fluctuations in your personal wishes, dreams, plans, and ideals. You might attract friends who come and go, or who are
dishonest or duplicitous if Mercury is challenged here.

You are friendly and an engaging conversationalist, although you tend to go off on many different tangents, rarely following a neat, logical
line or train of thought. Sharing ideas with others is vitally important to you. While your ideas can be unconventional, you work well with
others or in a team.

These traits are Mercury in the eleventh house in pure form and are modified by Mercury's sign and aspects. [Note that house positions
are highly dependent on birth time.]

Venus in Tenth House

With Venus in the tenth house of your chart, you can be an excellent negotiator. You are very skilled, and thoroughly enjoy, managing and
organizing efforts. For some, a profession in the arts is favored, and for others, your ability to get along with others is a boon to your
career. Your reputation is likely favorable. Others tend to respect you for your charming manner, and you have many admirers, although
some of these are admirers from afar, as there is an aura about you that is charming yet strangely (and intriguingly) distant.

You have a great need to be recognized or admired for your charm, beauty, or loving manner, but should be careful not to become too
wrapped up in what others think of you, as you might come across as phony or superficial. Some people with this position are “married” to
their work or to their image. You are good at making contacts and organizing social events. This is a generally favorable position for
financial prosperity.

Mars in Third House

With Mars in your third house, you speak your mind quite readily, sometimes shooting from the hip when it comes to expressing your
ideas and opinions. You know a lot about a variety of subjects, and you enjoy sharing that knowledge with others (sometimes too
forcefully!). You are generally very direct and clear when communicating. You can easily get worked up about what others might think are
trivial matters. You're passionate about your ideas and projects!

You love a good debate. Whether you know it or not, or no matter your intentions, you can be provocative in your communication style.
You are likely gifted with manual dexterity, although you might quickly become impatient with tasks. At your best, you are enthusiastic,
animated, and lively in the ways you express yourself, and this can inspire others. You will fervently defend your opinions and beliefs, as
well as your family and childhood. Watch that you don't push yourself too hard or become so impatient with others that it negatively affects
your wellbeing. It might help to learn to relax and decompress more frequently for your health.

Jupiter in Fourth House

With Jupiter in your fourth house, you have strong instincts that guide you, particularly on a professional level. You readily make warm
connections with others, particularly valuing your family and close loved ones. Old age is expected to be pleasant and rewarding. Strong
morals were reinforced in your childhood. You dream of--and have a good chance of attaining-- a large or spacious home. You likely feel
that "happiness is home." You can be a collector of objects of sentimental value, or you take a great interest in history.

Saturn in Third House

Uranus in Fourth House

NOTE: Since Uranus is very close to the next house cusp, the next item is also relevant.

Uranus in Fifth House

Neptune in Fifth House

You are an imaginative and creative person with a strong sense of drama. You are inspired by art and feel compelled to express yourself
in a fantastic or dramatic manner. You could be an excellent actor. You might also be an exceptionally creative teacher or caregiver,
perhaps drawn to helping children with special needs. You have a powerful need to be appreciated, particularly on romantic and creative
levels. Your love life involves a lot of fantasy, and often your deep need for drama can lead you to see things that you want to see, and
your romantic perceptions may not be accurate as a result. You might attract unusual, chaotic, or secretive circumstances in your love life
if you are not spiritually content. You might be attracted to lovers who you feel need to be saved somehow, but you could end up with
people who are confused, distant, non-committal, or dependent. Keeping a high level of drama in your love life is important to you, but it
can also be exhausting over time. Finding a balance will be vital -- keep your ideals, but try to avoid expecting far too much from ordinary

Pluto in Third House

You rarely accept what you hear or read as the truth. Your mind is very analytical, and you instinctively search for hidden meanings. You
can be exceptionally persuasive in the way you express yourself, whether through the spoken or written word, primarily because you
communicate with authority, conviction, strength, and decisiveness. You tend to learn through observation rather than by asking
questions. In fact, you can be quite resistant to learning directly from others, preferring to be self-taught. You might fear the loss of self
through self-expression, and thus you might choose your words carefully as to avoid letting others know too much about you.

NOTE: Since Pluto is very close to the next house cusp, the next item is also relevant.

Pluto in Fourth House

Early experiences may have led you to feel self-protective or to be secretive about yourself. A caregiver might have been secretive or
ashamed, for example, and this pattern is deeply ingrained in your psyche. You might feel a sense of guilt for where you came from, even
if most of you feels proud of your roots. A parent/guardian might have been very protective of you and attempted to shield you from
negative experiences, and you subsequently grew to fear change. Or, your early experiences might have included a shocking, intense, or
scary event that lives within you. Alternatively, you might have absorbed the intense fears or obsessions of a parent. A parent/guardian
might have encouraged you to look beyond the surface of matters, and might have encouraged in you a love for psychology, mystery, and

Chiron in Tenth House

Black Moon Lilith in Fifth House

North Node in Twelfth House

The theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node) suggests that we all come into this world with some
underdeveloped and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to these specific qualities: the South Node
represents our overdeveloped character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here, but if we overdo this area of life
or hold onto these traits to feel secure, we may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North Node suggests the
qualities that we need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance.
With your North Node in the twelfth house, your South Node is naturally in the sixth house.

You are an expert at handling your practical affairs. Watch for overanalyzing things - your path is to believe, take a leap of faith, let go of
the need to control, and focus on emotional health not just physical. Allow yourself to surrender to the unknown from time to time. This is
your path to greater fulfillment.

Part of Fortune in Twelfth House

Vertex in Fifth House

Sun Conjunction Moon (orb 3°17')

Unless this conjunction of the Sun and Moon occurs in different signs, you have a “double dose” of the same sign, and that sign assumes
considerable importance in your chart. This position also means that you were born around the time of a New Moon. Whether you were
born before or after the New Moon is significant, too. A Sun-Moon conjunction can behave somewhat like an Aries personality, even if the
alignment doesn't occur in Aries.

Because your wants (Sun) and needs (Moon) are aligned, you have a notable singleness of purpose. For the most part, you come across
as rather uncomplicated concerning what you want out of life and your means of getting to where you want to go. You are able to make
decisions without too much struggle, primarily because it is not your tendency to spread yourself around to find all of your options--you
prefer to settle on a particular route and then go for it. You don't like to struggle with many options, and you often have your finger on the
pulse of exactly what you need, want, and are willing to do.

You can also be very much in touch with your need for others, or at least a significant other. You are very sensitive, and quite possibly a
creature of habit. You are attached to the past and your heritage. Even so, you can also be emotionally impulsive. You possess
impressive vitality if you don't burn it all up too quickly, and you don't have much understanding of people who go through a lot of physical
and emotional ups and downs. You can be highly intuitive. Because you are in touch with the moment, you can read people and situations
quite readily.

Sun Trine Jupiter (orb 0°56')

Sun Quincunx Uranus (orb 1°57')

Sun Opposition Neptune (orb 4°0')

Sun Trine Pluto (orb 5°24')

Sun Opposition Vertex (orb 3°2')

Sun Sextile Midheaven (orb 4°13')

Moon Trine Jupiter (orb 4°13')

Moon Opposition Neptune (orb 0°43')

Moon Trine Pluto (orb 2°7')

Moon Opposition Vertex (orb 0°15')

Moon Sextile Midheaven (orb 0°56')

Mercury Trine Mars (orb 0°21')

Mercury Trine Saturn (orb 6°52')

Mercury Sextile Part of Fortune (orb 2°59')

Mercury Sextile Ascendant (orb 0°18')

Venus Quincunx Neptune (orb 0°34')

Venus Quincunx Pluto (orb 0°49')

Venus Conjunction Chiron (orb 0°16')

Venus Quincunx Vertex (orb 1°32')

Mars Square North Node (orb 4°21')

Mars Sextile Part of Fortune (orb 3°19')

Mars Sextile Ascendant (orb 0°3')

Jupiter Sextile Neptune (orb 4°56')

With Jupiter forming a sextile to Neptune in your birth chart, you are gracious and compassionate, and you appreciate subtleties. You
have a spiritual side and intuitive, natural understanding. This aspect alone does not give discipline so that we would have to see signs of
pragmatism elsewhere in the chart to see whether you only feel these things or you also take action on these feelings.

You're inclined to believe in karma, and you generally try to do what you feel is right. Your ideas of right and wrong are not rigid, however,
as you believe that there is a backstory to every person and situation. This aspect is one indication of protection, sometimes at the last

You are usually quite flexible and understanding, as well as noble in your ideas. Your empathy is well developed, you look out for the
underdog, and you possess a distinct generosity of spirit. Open-mindedness is a gift and can assist you greatly in your life. Your faithful
approach to the world tends to earn you the confidence of others. You are trusting but also within reason so that you don't frequently lose
your sense of proportion. You're quite talented at turning difficult situations around. You can be a mystic, and to what degree this is the
case depends much on the rest of your chart.

This influence often suggests good fortune in businesses or circumstances related to the psychic arts, psychology, social work, education,
cruises, travel, and the sea. Performing helpful services can be rewarding, but you should watch for selling yourself short. This aspect is
one indication of reduced interest in the practical and material side of things such that if you don't have other more grounding influences in
your chart, you might benefit from getting help with money management.

Jupiter Square Part of Fortune (orb 5°10')

Jupiter Sextile Vertex (orb 3°59')

Jupiter Opposition Midheaven (orb 5°9')

Saturn Square North Node (orb 2°10')

Uranus Trine Part of Fortune (orb 4°9')

Neptune Sextile Pluto (orb 1°24')

Neptune Quincunx Chiron (orb 0°19')

Neptune Conjunction Vertex (orb 0°58')

Neptune Trine Midheaven (orb 0°13')

Pluto Quincunx Chiron (orb 1°5')

Pluto Sextile Vertex (orb 2°22')

Pluto Opposition Midheaven (orb 1°11')

Chiron Quincunx Vertex (orb 1°17')

Part of Fortune Conjunction Ascendant (orb 3°17')

Vertex Trine Midheaven (orb 1°11')

Compare House Systems

Moon North Part
House System Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Lilith Node Fort

Alcabitius 11 11 11 10 3 4 3 4-5 5 3-4 10 5 12 12

Campanus 11 11 11 10 - 3 4 3 5 5 3-4 10 - 11 5 12 12

Equal 11 11 10 - 11 10 3 3 3 4 5 3 10 5 12 12

Koch 11 11 10 10 3 4 3 4 5 3-4 10 5 12 12

Meridian 12 12 11 10 - 3 4 3 5 6 3-4 10 - 11 6 12 1

Moon North Part
House System Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Lilith Node Fort

Morinus 12 12 11 11 3 4 3 5 6 4 11 6 12 1

Placidus 11 11 11 10 3 4 3 4-5 5 3-4 10 5 12 12

Porphyry 11 11 11 10 3 4 3 5 5 3-4 10 5 12 12

Regiomontanus 11 11 11 10 3 4 3 4 5 3-4 10 5 12 12

Topocentric 11 11 11 10 3 4 3 4-5 5 3-4 10 5 12 12

Vehlow 12 12 11 11 3 4 3 5 6 4 11 6 12 1

Whole Sign 11 - 11 11 10 3 4 3 5 5 3 10 6 12 1

Danica's Planets' and Points' House Positions By House System

House System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Alcabitius  8° 56'  3° 29' 29° 24' 25° 20'  1° 33'  4° 58'  8° 56'  3° 29' 29° 24' 25° 20'  1° 33'  4° 58'
42" 43" 11" 49" 59" 12" 42" 43" 11" 49" 59" 12"

Campanus  8° 56'  6° 54'  0° 40' 25° 20' 25° 54'  3° 23'  8° 56'  6° 54'  0° 40' 25° 20' 25° 54'  3° 23'
42" 56" 25" 49" 56" 37" 42" 56" 25" 49" 56" 37"

Equal  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'  8° 56'
42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42"

Koch  8° 56'  4° 16' 29° 48' 25° 20' 11° 22' 12° 41'  8° 56'  4° 16' 29° 48' 25° 20' 11° 22' 12° 41'
42" 10" 24" 49" 10" 03" 42" 10" 24" 49" 10" 03"

Meridian 21° 44' 21° 06' 22° 54' 25° 20' 25° 49' 24° 01' 21° 44' 21° 06' 22° 54' 25° 20' 25° 49' 24° 01'
21" 11" 37" 49" 05" 24" 21" 11" 37" 49" 05" 24"

Morinus 25° 20' 25° 49' 24° 01' 21° 44' 21° 06' 22° 54' 25° 20' 25° 49' 24° 01' 21° 44' 21° 06' 22° 54'
49" 05" 24" 21" 11" 37" 49" 05" 24" 21" 11" 37"

Placidus  8° 56' 28° 57' 23° 45' 25° 20'  2° 30'  8° 36'  8° 56' 28° 57' 23° 45' 25° 20'  2° 30'  8° 36'
42" 43" 34" 49" 44" 29" 42" 43" 34" 49" 44" 29"

Porphyry  8° 56'  4° 24' 29° 52' 25° 20' 29° 52'  4° 24'  8° 56'  4° 24' 29° 52' 25° 20' 29° 52'  4° 24'
42" 45" 47" 49" 47" 45" 42" 45" 47" 49" 47" 45"

Regiomontanus  8° 56'  0° 45' 24° 06' 25° 20'  5° 59' 12° 33'  8° 56'  0° 45' 24° 06' 25° 20'  5° 59' 12° 33'
42" 21" 43" 49" 08" 04" 42" 21" 43" 49" 08" 04"

Topocentric  8° 56' 28° 56' 23° 45' 25° 20'  2° 22'  8° 22'  8° 56' 28° 56' 23° 45' 25° 20'  2° 22'  8° 22'
42" 18" 33" 49" 21" 42" 42" 18" 33" 49" 21" 42"

Vehlow 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56' 23° 56'
42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42" 42"

Whole Sign  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'  0° 00'
00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00"

Danica's House Cusps

You might also try the Natal Chart generator in our Free Report section.

Some notes about this birth chart calculator:

Please be patient when entering your birth city to allow the program to call up the list of locations as sometimes it’s not
instantaneous. If you’re just not getting results and can’t submit, it may be that the atlas is busy (GeoNames has certain limits per
hour and per day). In this case, you can use this same tool on my sister site, Astrology Cafe here.
It’s important to enter the city name only or the first several letters of the city in the Birth City field, not the country or
state/province/region. For example, if you were born in Fuzhou, Fujian, China, you should enter “fuzhou” or similar and not “fujian”
or “china.” It’s better not to overtype – for best results, type in the CITY name and scroll through the list for the correct city.
**Important: Under normal circumstances, you don’t need to change the time zone offset. Please don’t adjust the time zone offset
unless you know for certain what you’re doing since the default offsets incorporate crucial factors (such as daylight savings time),
and are in the majority of cases accurate for births after 1970. There are some discrepancies in all historical time zone atlases,
particularly for birth years before 1970, however, so if you need help with the time zone offset value, send an email to Be sure to mention why you’re writing and include full birth data. **Note that the atlas in this software is
not as particular about historical time zones (before 1970 births) as the atlas in our Free Report Section, but is excellent for post-
1970 time zones. It is always a good idea to check up on older dates since time zone changes, especially regarding Daylight Saving
Time, were erratic in some areas and not well-documented.

I have received many emails from people who feel they should be changing the +/- value of the time zone offset number, quoting
time converter formulas. Doing so will give you incorrect results. Please see the FAQ here for the reasons not to change the +/-
value. Bottom line: astrology software converts local time to UT and not vice versa, and the +/- values produced by this software are

Do you prefer Whole Sign houses? If so, you can create your free natal chart report with Whole Sign houses here. We also have a birth
chart generator that draws the chart using Koch houses and using Equal houses.

You can also produce a free chart wheel with a list of planetary positions only (without the interpretations).

See also Cafe Astrology’s Free Reports site, including full interpretations of the natal chart, transits, and compatibility.

Note about house systems: If you’re new to astrology, simply stick with the Placidus house system on this page and later in your studies,
you can explore different house systems. Mind you, many astrologers do end up sticking with Placidus after further study. Using Placidus
is not a sign of an unevolved astrologer, in other words, as some will have you believe!


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