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Free Natal Chart Report

The following free birth chart tool lists planet signs, house positions, and aspects. It also allows you to compare multiple house systems. (The
default house system is Placidus).

You will only find some interpretations right now (many of the major factors, such as Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, and Venus in signs and
house), but I am working on adding more interpretations frequently, so please check back here from time to time!

The interpretations in the following birth chart report are written by myself, Annie Heese, and are typically expanded interpretations already
found on this site.

**Note: The free report on this page is an alternate free interpretive report that is meant to supplement the Cafe Astrology’s Free Report section
which is still fully functional with multiple free reports, including natal, transits, and compatibility.

**Important: Under normal circumstances, you don’t need to change the time zone offset that appears after you enter your birth location.
Please don’t adjust the time zone offset unless you know for certain what you’re doing since the default offset incorporates crucial factors (such
as daylight savings time) and is in the majority of cases accurate. See also notes below.

Start Over

27 April 1998 at 06:05 (6:05 am) (time zone = UTC +10)

Universal Time: 20:05 26 April 1998

Belmont, New South Wales, Commonwealth of


33°S2' 151°E40'

Tropical Zodiac

Placidus Houses

Chart Data For James

The following lists positions of planets and points in your natal chart with interpretations for key factors.

Planets and Points in The Signs

Sun in Taurus 6° 23' 01"

The Sun in the chart shows our character, personal identity, and ego. It represents our will to live and our creative life force. Just as the planets
revolve around the Sun in our solar system, we derive our life purpose from the Sun in our natal charts. The Sun is our “adult”– the part of us
that censors our “inner child,” reasons things out, and makes final decisions. The Sun also gives clues to our overall vitality. The Sun directs us
and can be considered “the boss” of our chart.
When people ask you "What's your sign?", Taurus would be your answer. Technically, though, it's your Sun sign that is Taurus.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and with Taurus as your Sun sign, there is something substantial and solid about you, no matter what the
rest of your chart says about you. Though you are dependable most of the time, this shows itself more in habit than in outright helpfulness.
Taurus natives are sensual folk–-and this includes sex but extends to pleasures in all areas: they delight in the sensual pleasures of food, a
comfortable blanket, a richly colored aquarium to look at, the smell of flowers or spring rain, pleasing melodies coming from their stereos, and
so forth. Some might even say they live through their senses more than most.

When you work, you work hard. You do it with a steadiness that may rarely be considered quick–rather, it’s a dependable, plodding, and steady
effort that has its payoffs. Security is immensely important to you–some Taureans actively seek wealth, while others are content to be
“comfortable.” The Taurus definition of “comfortable” may not be exactly the same as the rest of the signs, but comfort is a driving force.

Although hard-working, your fixed and comfort-loving nature sometimes makes you appear lazy. This is only because you separate work and
leisure so expertly. When you work, you work hard, and when you play, you don’t actually “play” as such…you relax. A Solar Taurus who has
kicked their feet up is rooted there–others would be hard-pressed to get you to move. On a mental level, people around you likely have the same
problem. Taureans stick with things and ideas, and therein lies one of the reasons why they are known for their stubbornness. Taurus is a Fixed
sign, and with your Taurus Sun, there is a fair measure of tradition and steadiness in your makeup that keeps you rooted.

The possessiveness associated with Taurus shows up in all areas of life in some way. Taurus likes to own things (and sometimes people, in a
sense). A nice home, a piece of land (this can be modest), a paid-off car, that aquarium mentioned earlier, a couple of pets, maybe a stable
business…In love and relationship, there is an earthy kind of possessiveness that may be considered jealousy by some, but there is actually quite
a difference between being possessive and being jealous. Taurus natives are rarely jealous and petty. You may, however, think of the people you
love as yours–it adds to your sense of security.

You feel accomplished when you build something solid that endures over time. While you can be slow to start, once you gain momentum, your
strength and vitality become evident. Your memory is retentive. You'd rather that instructions are demonstrated to you than verbalized. You are
nature-loving and feel comfortable with earthy activities. While you are generally reliable and consistent, watch for a tendency to stick with
something that no longer serves you well.

Your Sun sign is modified by various factors, including the aspects it makes to other planets and points, its house position, the house with the
sign the Sun rules (Leo) on its cusp, and your Venus sign since Venus is Taurus' planetary ruler. These positions add more layers to the Sun in
Taurus interpretation. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign. More on Taurus.

Ascendant in Taurus 1° 42' 22"

The Ascendant defines, in part, the first impression we make on others in a personal rather than professional sense. It represents our physical
appearance, our physical bodies and overall health, and the body ego. It can be the mask or costume we wear to greet the world. It reveals our
natural and personal defense mechanisms that we use to adapt to - and cope with - our environment. The Ascendant also shows our first
impressions of the world around us and our expectations of same –whether we are naturally hesitant or enthusiastic, for example. How we begin
new projects and our attitude towards new experiences come under the rule of the Ascendant.
Slow, steady, and capable are adjectives that we can safely attach to individuals born with a Taurus Ascendant. You are likely to possess
tremendous stamina and staying power, or, at the very least, you come across as very stable and comfortable. You are often quite loyal to the
people you care about, and even to places, objects, and situations. Although you typically don't come on strong, you have a strong personal
presence, and you fairly radiate stability. There is also a wonderfully healing and sensual aura surrounding you.

The sign on the Ascendant reveals how individuals start or approach new things and situations. Taurus, by nature, is resistant to change as a
Fixed Earth sign. It can be difficult to sway Taurus rising natives –they're often rather stubborn and fixed in their ways. Your first instincts are to
feel things out in the realm of the five senses. You have a well-developed sense of smell and touch, and you respond powerfully to the material
world. You adopt a practical approach to life, and you are often very methodical. Security is one of your first considerations before undertaking
anything new.

You may be very cautious and careful, at least at first or in appearance. With a Fixed sign on your Ascendant, you are definitely NOT known for
your flexibility. Rather, you possess determined single-mindedness. You may have been labeled the slow and cautious child in your early years.
Sometimes, this placement indicates a childhood in which there was a little too much emphasis on the material world. However, you are likely to
have fond memories of your early years unless Venus is very challenged in your chart.

In fact, Venus is your first house ruler, and its position and condition by sign, house, and aspect have a particularly profound impact on your life.
The placement of Venus can also influence and color your appearance, mannerisms, and approach to the world around you or new situations.
For example, if you have Venus in a Fire sign, you may come across as more assertive or impatient than other people with Taurus rising.

You may very well be a creature of habit. While you are a tolerant person, changes to your routine can be difficult for you to accept. In fact, one
of your pet peeves is to be pushed into new situations. People have a hard time getting you to change your mind once it's made up.

More than most, Taurus rising prefers the "good things" in life. Self-indulgence can be a weakness for many with this Ascendant. You may very
well be a collector in a significant way -- you place a lot of value on your possessions. More than most, you may want to own your own home or a
piece of land, for example. You also thrive on physical touch.

You often avoid atmospheres that are very noisy or chaotic. You come across as quite easygoing, and, for the most part, this is true. However, you
do have a breaking point, and once beyond it, you are unlikely to come back.

Security and certainty are tremendously important to you. Perhaps you take your time on new beginnings because once you set out on a course,
you rarely stray from it. Stubbornness and persistence can get you places. However, it can sometimes cause interpersonal problems, mainly
because people close to you can be tempted to approach you in roundabout ways simply to get their way. If this persists, relationships can
become toxic. Aim for more flexibility and place more value on others' honesty and directness than peace and harmony in the moment.

You often prefer to dress in quality clothes with a comfortable feel to them. You are rarely ostentatious in your presentation. Many people with
this rising sign have strong and sturdy physiques or the appearance of robustness. You tend to move in a graceful or sensual manner. Many
people with your rising sign have beautiful, soothing voices. You radiate contentment and peace. While this endears you to others, at times this
can lead you to feel misunderstood. There can be times when you're feeling anxious and off-center, but you rarely appear this way.

Often rather possessive in partnership, those with Taurus rising don't easily break up their relationships, or their routines and habits! Although
you are not particularly jealous, you have some tendency to view your partners or friends as your personal property. Intensity and loyalty are
especially important to you. You are a highly sensual person, often preferring the comforts that a one-to-one, stable partnership offers. Although
you value harmony and calm, your partnerships may be on the passionate side.

You are often very comforting to be around. You radiate a certain stability that is soothing to others, as well as an inner harmony that is
attractive. More on Taurus Rising.

Moon in Taurus 11° 20' 48"

The Moon in the signs reveals much about our habits, reactions, and instincts. It shows how we express and deal with our emotions. Most
obvious in our homes or in private, our Moon sign reveals our innermost needs. The Moon can represent our experience of nurturing; it also
shows how we nurture ourselves! It's important to note that Moon signs change every 2 or 2-1/2 days, and on some days, can be one of two
signs, in which case an accurate birth time is necessary.
You have the Moon in the sign of Taurus in your natal chart, and familiarity is vital to Lunar Taureans. You are earthy and strong-willed. You
feel with your senses, and you are pretty much rooted in your ways. You may very well revel in material comforts–in fact, building a stable and
comfortable home and foundation helps to keep you feeling safe and content.

It isn’t wise to try to push you into doing anything, as you tend to dig in your heels if you're rushed or dominated, but once you've committed,
you're remarkably persevering.

There's a steadiness to this position of the Moon that is comforting to people close to you. But there is also a conservative streak in you that can
be maddening to more progressive personalities. You tend to go out of your way to avoid messy or unpredictable situations, crises, and
emotional displays. You'd rather focus on creating a reliable and secure life around you. In relationships, Lunar Taureans such as you may not
easily recognize their partner's need for change, growth, or emotional stimulation. Staying on top of this tendency is essential.

Moon in Taurus natives are usually very romantic, although not typically in a flowery way. Instead, their affections are strong, deep, and
unwavering, and they are sentimental and warm. Since Taurus is a practical Earth sign, the placement of the Moon in this sign suggests an ability
to protect themselves and their own interests. They will rarely make a move without first determining that it is safe and that there's something in
it for them! With your Moon in Taurus, you have a strong need for predictability in your home and family life, even if other aspects of your
personality prompt you to seek out excitement in various other life departments.

Generally, you have reliable instincts. You can be very much tied to the physical world, and you're likely to have a particularly well-developed
sense of smell. Sensual but simple pleasures delight you tremendously. In this way, you are wonderfully straightforward and easy to please.

Relationships for you are often quite enduring. Many Moon in Taurus people hang onto their mates longer than most, even in the face of severe
conflict. Taurus is a fixed sign, so break-ups don't happen easily.

There is a serenity to you that others can find very calming. In fact, it takes a lot to really get to you. However, you do get off-center every once in
a while. You are not the most adaptable of people when your own routine is interrupted, for example.

Though some Lunar Taureans might be considered anal, most simply have a stubborn streak that keeps them rather resistant to change. Rarely
are you a spontaneous sort unless there are many other factors in your chart pointing in that direction. Uncomfortable with surprises, you value
stability. Your needs are robust but quite simple at the same time – you love the “good things” in life. The world of the five senses is all-
important to you. Your love of stability and steadiness can make you somewhat of a slave to routine at times. However, you are loyal and
capable, and this kind of stick-to-it energy is wonderful.

Mercury in Aries 11° 30' 42"

What's your style of communication? How do you make decisions? How do you pick up, process, absorb, and exchange information? These
questions are answered, in part, by Mercury's placement by sign in your natal chart. Someone may be an assertive Aries, but they could also
have Mercury in Taurus, with a style of communication that's slower, patient, and not quite as spirited as one would expect from an Aries, as an
example. Mercury refines the Sun sign, and it helps to define how we take in--and give out--information.
With Mercury in Aries, you make quick decisions--so quick that it may seem as if you don't enjoy thinking things over. The truth is, Aries
communicators don't have a lot of patience for mulling. You can be quick and to the point in your communications. You're typically direct and
candid, and some may find you crude at times. You may even come across as aggressive but that usually happens when you encounter
opposition to your opinions and ideas and is more a result of frustration and impatience. Mercury in Aries people almost childishly assume that
others will accept their opinions smoothly. There is a defensiveness to Aries that is distinct. Sensitivity, too. And, when Mercury is placed in the
sign, natives tend to be quite personally attached to their ideas.

You tend to prefer streamlined learning and hate to become bogged down in details. You're adept at dismissing what you feel are irrelevant
details! You usually make quick decisions, and you don't always understand when others hedge issues or stay "on the fence." In fact, you can be
extraordinarily impatient with slow responses and beating around the bush.

There's a certain innocent charm to Aries communicators such as yourself. Many people appreciate your utilitarian approach and enjoy that they
can pretty much count on you being straightforward. Some may find you a little brusque or too direct.
This Mercury position favors starting new things. Aries is not attached to outdated ideas and is enthusiastic, although not necessarily flowery or
gushing. Criticism or negative feedback can be taken personally. Still, you're not afraid of a fight or a challenge, on a mental level. You have a
visionary intelligence that is sometimes on the idealistic side.

New projects and ideas are taken on with an unmatched enthusiasm with this position of Mercury. However, because there is no shortage of new
ideas in life, you can be quick to dump one mental pursuit, way of thinking, or opinion for something fresher and more exciting. You love
generating new ideas, plans, and projects, but may not enjoy the follow-up work involved.

You're excellent at promoting your new ideas. When you're excited about something, your style of communication can be so motivating and fun,
your enthusiasm is downright infectious. Aries is a leader, quick to adopt absolutely new and innovative methods--you get a rise out of leading
too! You want to be number one, and since this is communication-ruler Mercury in the sign, it's about the idea, inspiration, and information.

If your Sun Sign is in Pisces or Taurus, you might sometimes wonder why others get frustrated with you. The truth is, your style of
communication may lead you to come across as more brusque and impatient than you actually are.

Venus in Pisces 22° 12' 53"

How do you attract things, situations, and people into your life? Venus rules our sentiments, what we value, and the pleasure we take in life.
Grace, charm, and beauty are all ruled by Venus. Through Venus, we learn about our tastes, preferences, artistic inclinations, and what makes us
happy. We look to Venus in the natal chart to see how we approach relationships of the heart, as well as what gives us pleasure. We also turn to
Venus to show how we spend our money, the types of gifts we buy, and how much we spend on leisure activities (not to mention the kinds of
leisure activities we seek). Venus rules attractiveness--both the ability to attract and attraction to others (and things). Venus rules, amongst
other things, the arts, love and romance, beauty and the beautifying process, money, entertainment, leisure, sensuality, and comfort.
With your Venus in the mutable, Water sign of Pisces, you attract what and who you want into your life indirectly and magically. You project
yourself as a dreamy, soft-hearted partner. Everything about the way you flirt promises a lovely time. In fact, you may not even be flirting much
of the time, but you still manage to leave others intrigued. Yours is an elusive charm -- you can be sweetly playful, a little moody, and perhaps a
little irregular. You appreciate romance and poetry or simply subtlety and pleasantness. You prefer to "feel out" both a person and the
relationship you share, so it's better if a potential partner doesn't expect too much in the way of planning. Letting things flow spontaneously is
essential to you for uncovering your feelings which are fluid and best left to develop and unfold without pressure.

Your sensitivity can be a little misleading at times. Yes, you are sensitive folk, but lovers may find it maddening that this sensitivity is not only
directed at them, but towards one and all. In this way, your love can seem a bit impersonal.

You're unimpressed by someone's status, and you love and accept a partner for all that they are inside. You favor the underdog, and you can be
quite attracted to wayward folk or those in need of a little help. With your rather romantic view of the world, you can be unusually attracted to
states of suffering and martyrdom, so you may fall easily into the role of saving someone--or of being saved. For you, inequality can be
appealing! You can be somewhat confusing and hard to pin down as you feel your way through your relationships. As much as you may want to,
you find it hard to make definite statements and commitments. This is not to say you can't be loyal or stick with someone in the long-term, since
you very much can; it's just that you have such a strong sense of the changeability of people and circumstances that you don't like to make
promises that life itself may not allow you to keep.

A partner pleases you most when they share tender moments and romantic times with you. The person who's right for you accepts that they
won't always be able to count on you, not because you don't care, but because you prefer some element of mystery and prefer not to be boxed in.
They understand that you might stretch the truth every once in a while because they recognize that you do so usually for fear that you might
otherwise hurt their feelings. In fact, you hate to see someone you love suffer. Watch, though, that things don't become convoluted. Your
empathy and compassion are well-developed, so much so that that you can quickly find yourself in complicated emotional entanglements. Your
ideal partner lets you leave some things up in the air, too. In truth, you may have a love affair going with the idea of being misunderstood! You
are so receptive and open to all possibilities that it is hard for you to commit to any one thing, idea, or course of action. You make an intriguing
partner and will reward your partner with a love that is accepting and comes as close to unconditional as humans can get.

My Personal Ad Bio: "I will love you for you. I will accept you. Even if the rest of the world thinks you are unlovable, I will see you for what you
really are."

Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms--they see all the colors of the rainbow. With the goddess of love in Pisces in your chart, love
for you is all-embracing. You forgive and understand, you're seducible and seductive, and you show tremendous compassion. Venus in Pisces is
tender and affectionate, although hard to reach nevertheless, as there is a longing for something that is hard to define and hard to satisfy.
Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. The shadow side of this position is allowing oneself to be victimized or deluded, as well as
evasiveness. The first instinct with Pisces is to escape. You might watch for a tendency to want to fade out of a relationship if you're unhappy so
that you can avoid the confrontation. You may be unclear both about the beginning and end of a connection!

You might often be attracted to situations of giving, martyrdom, and mercy. You may want very much to forgive, allow, and give unselfishly.
Because this is not always possible -- you're only human after all! -- there can be problems with seeing a lover or a relationship accurately, and
you run the risk of building resentments for being put upon or used.

In love, Venus in Pisces gives a lot, but not everything. Most important to remember is this: it's a mistake for your lover to assume you are weak,
but it's also a mistake to assume you are strong in love--you are both. The message is: it's best not to push you beyond your limits because
although it might appear that you have none, you do draw the line at some point. Others shouldn't take advantage of your good nature and
willingness to make sacrifices. You see your willingness to forgive and understand as a strength, and the right partner should too.

You are entirely subtle, and you don't care much for coarseness. You're forgiving and bending, and you're generally willing to please. At times
romantic and gooey, you can be a bit of a chameleon, and it can be hard to pin you down to any one style. You can be talkative one day and
withdrawn the next, for example. You often prefer non-verbal expressions of love and are attracted to imbalance. Self-sacrifice and compassion
are more prominent themes in your love life, and perhaps in the kinds of art and entertainment you find most appealing, too. You are forgiving,
and you'll even let someone go if they so desire, and then love them forever anyway. Although you can be shy and yielding, a partner can
sometimes find you maddeningly detached and spaced.
As much as you love people, you also need your space, and for that reason, you value solitude and privacy. You need to learn to receive as much
as you give.

Mars in Taurus 10° 13' 35"

"Slow and steady wins the race" could easily be your motto with your Mars in Taurus. You are goal-oriented and not known for your speed, but
your staying power is tremendous.

Generally calm and easygoing, you can have a powerful temper when you're provoked. However, you typically don't fly off the handle as quickly
as others unless many other factors in your chart point to an impulsive nature. Most of the time, you can be passive-aggressive. Your desires are
quite firm, clear, and set. You can be stubborn but persistent and steady. You're also usually very determined to get what you want, and you're
not easily influenced!

You greatly value strength and stability. In fact, you're often driven by security and a particular fondness for personal possessions. You're
inclined to work for what you want, and broadly speaking, you have patience. If it takes a few years to achieve your goals, so be it.

You tend to prefer a regular routine, and you're a consistent worker. While you do enjoy getting comfortable, you're also responsible, and you'll
work for the security and predictability you crave. Your physical drives are healthy. You love good food and comfortable surroundings.

You prefer to have clear long-term goals, and you can be quite determined to achieve them. You prefer not to take on too many projects at once.
While others can frequently misjudge their capabilities, if you don't think you can do it, you won't! It is almost impossible for others to get you
moving once you've made up your mind on a matter. Immovable is the only way to describe Mars in Taurus people who have made up their
minds since adaptability is not their strong point. In a similar vein, attempting to rush you is a lesson in frustration. You won't alter your pace for
most anything.

You don't have a reputation for spontaneity or variety, but you're good at what you do nonetheless, and you're very present when your interest is
piqued. You're also quite reliable and robust, and most people will find you well worth the wait!

Jupiter in Pisces 18° 43' 10"

Jupiter in Pisces individuals like yourself attract the best fortune when they are charitable, tender, devoted, compassionate, giving, and when
they look out for the underdog.

You value compassion and charity, and you're motivated by a universal vision. Yours is a peaceful personal philosophy, and your faith in the
goodness of life brings rewards.

As a Water sign Jupiter, you have a strong belief in a higher power. You are most able to attract luck and rich life experiences to you through
your intuition, imagination, and compassion. Helping those in need boosts your morale.

Saturn in Aries 25° 01' 50"

You are highly resourceful. Your ability to start fresh helps you achieve your goals. Saturn in our charts shows us where we limit ourselves due to
fears. With Saturn in Aries, you don’t always feel comfortable asserting yourself or pointing/singling yourself out or with acting egotistical or
self-centered. You may avoid confrontation and fear taking decisive action. You need to be careful not to limit yourself too much for fear of
failure or fear of making a poor decision. Stifling your normal and healthy, more aggressive, competitive, or self-centered qualities can be
detrimental to you, possibly causing headaches. You don’t like showing weakness.

Some of your life lessons are to allow yourself to be self-centered sometimes without apology– in moderation, of course; to build the courage to
make mistakes; to let yourself to be wimpy from time to time, and to learn that NOT coming first is okay. Mind you, you learn to be very self-
reliant because you rarely ask for help! However, it’s a lonely way to live. Watch for relentless self-justifying, as this doesn’t allow you to grow,
and it also contributes to the making of poor choices. This can be a vicious circle since making bad executive decisions is another big fear.

Uranus in Aquarius 12° 33' 56"

You're most interested in making changes, innovating, and updating traditions related to technology, friendship, community, liberty,
individuality, kinship, and fraternity. You seek more freedom in or through these areas, and you don't feel the need to conform--you're ready to
rebel if need be. You can feel compelled to break through some of the inhibitions or taboos related to cooperating, connecting, and interacting.
Despite the need for progress, you can be very stubborn and set in your ways in these areas. You believe in openness to new ideas and free

Neptune in Aquarius 2° 08' 49"

Your vision of an ideal world may center around humanitarianism, celebrating individuality, freedom, and impartiality. You’re invested in
humanitarian ideals, and you have a keen interest in electronics, psychology, and social science. When it comes down to it, you prefer to put your
faith in humanity, and you’re generally open-minded regarding different philosophical or religious beliefs. Most important to you is for each
person to stand out as uniquely individual. This Neptune sign position is more idealistic and theoretical than most others.

Pluto in Sagittarius 7° 29' 55" Rx

You take your beliefs and philosophy of life very seriously, more than most. You believe deeply in personal freedom, tolerance, and bringing
cultures together. Uncovering the truth can be a mission. You tend to question beliefs and ideologies in place if you consider them limiting, and
your quest to distinguish yourself through--or bring reform to--beliefs is so intense or pressured that you may rarely feel satisfied with your
efforts in this area. You may want to watch for a tendency to move from one cause to the next or one project to another, perhaps as a result of
this dissatisfaction or from inhuman expectations. However, your faith in humanity is strong, and you are moved and motivated by your positive
vision of a better world.

Chiron in Scorpio 16° 19' 38" Rx

Your awareness of attachment and loss is exceptionally well-developed, perhaps to the point that you limit yourself in your relationships and
with projects and goals. Because of your keen understanding of power dynamics, personal psychology and motivations, jealousies, and intense
emotions, you make an authoritative guide and powerful counselor. However, applying your perceptions and philosophies to your own life can
be a challenge. Learning to embrace your feelings, attachments, and the power of loss and recovery is another story altogether. Fear of loss of
self is intense, yet you are also drawn to situations where you might lose control or lose yourself.

Black Moon Lilith in Libra 14° 45' 50"

You may have felt ashamed or wrong for needing companionship or for seeking approval from others. Deep down, you may feel that dependency
and compromise are weak and not “right,” and you can feel uncomfortable with people who seem to need these things. Empowering yourself
involves learning to accept your very human need for companionship and approval.

North Node in Virgo 8° 55' 41" Rx

One theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node) suggests that we all come into this world with some
underdeveloped and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to these specific qualities: the South Node
represents our overdeveloped character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here, but if we overdo this area of life or hold
onto these traits to feel secure, we may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North Node suggests the qualities that we
need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance.
Note that with your True North Node of the Moon in the sign of Virgo, your South Node is in Virgo's opposite sign, Pisces.

A tendency to avoid dealing with the details and practicalities of everyday life, to lead a rather haphazard and unorganized existence, to avoid
formulating clear goals, and to put too much faith in a grand plan while neglecting practical concerns are some of the struggles of the North
Node in Virgo. With this position, you may need to work on developing some healthy and practical routines and schedules. Otherwise, you may
fall victim to vague worries and anxieties. Winging life is fine to an extent, but without clear goals and some orderliness, you may easily feel not
very much in control of your life.

You have great compassion for others, and this is a considerable strength. Taken too far, of course, you may feel put upon or taken advantage of
at times. Your goal might be to establish limits for yourself and boundaries for people in your life, as well as to develop a more focused mind and
more orderliness that can serve to boost your confidence, both in yourself and life itself. You might strive to create systems that will help you to
be more productive, and make a point of paying more attention to deadlines, details, and rules that will enrich and enhance your life. Bringing
more structure to your life can take you closer to achieving your dreams.

Part of Fortune in Aries 26° 44' 36"

Vertex in Sagittarius 19° 13' 52"

Midheaven in Aquarius 5° 10' 46"

Planets and Points in The Houses

Sun in First House

The Sun's house position modifies and refines its position by zodiac sign. With the Sun in the first house of your chart, you identify strongly with
the image you present to others. You make an impression on others -- you have "presence" -- and you know it. You are self-conscious, although
you may prefer to project a confident image. Whether you're quiet or loud, you make a mark in the world, but avoid obsessing over what others
think of you. Accept that you need to be a leader or an innovator, and go for it, but be careful not to be overbearing with others. Your personality
shines, and you're always noticed. You're a natural leader in your personal life, and you're incredibly enterprising.

Moon in First House

The Moon in the houses can reveal where and how we go about seeking emotional satisfaction. If it's an issue, we can discover vital clues to the
reason for perpetual emotional unrest through the study of the house position of the Moon, and these can manifest as constant changes or ups
and downs in the areas of life ruled by the house. It is in these areas that we should aim to make deep attachments rather than chase superficial
and temporary emotional thrills if we are seeking out a genuine feeling of belonging and emotional fulfillment. It's important to note that house
positions are quite sensitive to birth times.
With the Moon in your first house, your feelings are right out there for everyone to see, and you can come across as emotional and impatient, or
nurturing and caring (or both). Your first reaction to most stimuli is emotional, especially if the Moon is in close proximity (within ten degrees)
to the Ascendant degree. Your decisions are usually emotionally-driven and can be changeable as a result.

You need emotional stimulation, movement, and freedom to express yourself in order to feel happy and fulfilled. Your moods are very
changeable, and this can be quite obvious to others since you tend to have an expressive face! You are extraordinarily adaptable and you often
pick up all kinds of signals from the environment around you that others don't typically notice. You tend to greet others with warmth. Because of
your emotional sensitivity, you might often take things very personally, and react rather quickly. Developing an awareness that others' emotions
are just as important, even if they are not as overt and immediate as yours, will be important. As well, learning to pay a little less attention to
changes of mood can be beneficial for you. You are extraordinarily observant, quick to act and respond, and emotionally courageous.

Mercury in Twelfth House

You may not be very quick to speak or communicate, especially in childhood, as you need to develop trust in your own abilities to express
yourself. You make an excellent confidante--you are very discreet, and secrets go into the vault. You might make matters more complicated than
they should be by overanalyzing motives or hunches, and then have problems acting on your intuition as a result. You are very attracted to
symbols, sentiment, imagery, and paradoxes. You prefer not to focus on facts and learn best when ideas are presented visually, emotionally, or
imaginatively. Learning to communicate clearly is a challenge for you, but one that might put an end to feelings of guilt, of being misunderstood,

and to attracting unpleasant situations or duplicitous people into your experience. Watch for procrastination or a roundabout style of speaking
that can sometimes get you into trouble. Defining things too tightly bothers you since you see so many different sides of a situation. You are
enormously perceptive and understanding and your sense of humor is unique.

These traits are Mercury in the twelfth house in pure form and are modified by Mercury's sign and aspects. [Note that house positions are highly
dependent on birth time.]

Venus in Eleventh House

With Venus in your eleventh house, you treat others kindly and fairly, and this has an excellent impact on your social life. You are friendly and
idealistic. This is a good placement for personal popularity. Many with this house position have an unusual and interesting group of friends. In
love, the friendship level of your relationship needs to be genuine for you to sustain romantic interest. You tend to focus on a person's unique
qualities — those traits that make them stand out — as the most attractive.

Your relationships should possess an unconventional element to keep your interest levels high. Calves and ankles are either erogenous zones for
you, or parts of your body that are particularly attractive! You may meet lovers through group activities. Although you value friendships and
group affiliations highly, you may jump into friendships without considering the responsibilities they might eventually entail.

Mars in First House

Mars in the first house of your chart is a commanding position and is even more so if Mars is also conjunct the Ascendant. Your reactions to new
situations are immediate and pressing. You are an active, energetic, dynamic, enterprising, and possibly even forceful or aggressive person at
times (unless Mars is in strong aspect to Saturn or Neptune).

You often begin new endeavors with enthusiasm, although follow-through may not be present, depending on the rest of your chart. Some of you
might be rash, inconsiderate, or overly assertive. People are often impressed with your energy and stamina! You need to be involved, take the
lead, and act independently. You don't enjoy following others or playing waiting games.

You can be fiercely independent, and you are usually direct and straightforward--and this is wonderfully refreshing! Spontaneity is extremely
important to you. Some of you might stir up trouble--whether consciously or not--when you're bored. Your approach to life is physical and
active, and your love of competition is notable.

Jupiter in Eleventh House

With Jupiter in the eleventh house of your chart, your social life means a lot to you, and you take great pleasure in connecting with your friends
as well as your involvement in teams and groups or with your community. You might benefit through friends who are influential or simply
helpful. You are altruistic by nature, and you especially value people and personal freedom. You are very open to new methods and progress,
and you display great tolerance and humanitarianism. Warmth and generosity are strong themes in your social life.

Saturn in Twelfth House

Uranus in Tenth House

Neptune in Ninth House

With Neptune in your ninth house, you're inclined to believe that anything is possible and to put extraordinary faith in the universe. This faith
can bring about favorable circumstances, but if taken too far, might lead to wastefulness and laziness. For example, you may depend too much
on being saved "one day" and avoid certain practical responsibilities in the meantime. You might make lofty plans that don't get off the ground
or that fail to materialize because you have neglected some concrete details. In some cases, people with this position can become blind in their
faith, as they don't always take the time to think about why they believe in what they do. Others might be easily led astray by concepts, religions,
or cults that do not serve them well. In some cases, there can be some confusion or chaos when it comes to getting a higher education, but this
can be countered by discipline to complete your studies if you are seeking a degree.

However, in most cases, this position is very beneficial. You are refreshingly open-minded and open to mystical ideas or interpretations. Positive
spirituality can figure strongly in your life. You are excellent at inspiring others to go after their dreams. The faith you have can certainly carry
you far if you keep your feet on the ground and recognize that you are in the driver's seat when it comes to steering your life in a particular
direction. Your spiritual beliefs are well-developed. You are very open to unusual or avant-garde concepts, and you are especially attracted to
anything exotic. You could be excellent at promotion and marketing, coming up with very creative methods of persuasion. You might also be a
uniquely creative and compassionate teacher. Strive to keep your larger plans and goals realistic, while maintaining your ideals.

Pluto in Eighth House

You have a natural attraction to all that is hidden, taboo, or "dark." This fascination can lead you to experience more unusual events than others.
A natural psychologist, you are expert at cutting through appearances and getting to the heart of matters. You are endlessly interested in
motivations and sources. You may be especially interested in hypnosis, healing therapies, occult sciences, as well as great mysteries and the
darker side of life. Sexual relationships are very intense and perhaps complicated. You are both fascinated with and fearful of deep intimacy, and
crave unusually deep, passionate, and intense experiences with others. This fascination can bring you intense experiences with others, and
attraction to nontraditional sexual experiences, particularly those that involve domination and submission, control, and possession. If you are
attracting controlling people into your experience and are uncomfortable with it, strive to examine and understand your deep-seated fears
regarding power and sharing issues. Some of you might engage in power struggles with money, particularly with a partner. Themes of control
are entirely possible with Pluto in the eighth house. You would likely be quite talented in the healing professions, especially helping others deal
with crises and trauma.

Chiron in Seventh House

Black Moon Lilith in Sixth House

North Node in Fifth House

The theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node) suggests that we all come into this world with some underdeveloped
and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to these specific qualities: the South Node represents our
overdeveloped character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here, but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these
traits to feel secure, we may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North Node suggests the qualities that we need to
work on and develop to achieve inner balance.
With your North Node in the fifth house, your South Node is naturally in the eleventh house.

Your path is to believe in yourself enough to feel comfortable expressing your unique creativity, to be the center of attention, committing yourself
to a definite path rather than shooting in the dark. Allow yourself to be on stage once in a while! Although you feel less pressured and more
comfortable in a group or informal setting, moving out of this comfort zone more often can enhance your life tremendously.

Part of Fortune in Twelfth House

Vertex in Eighth House

Sun Conjunction Moon (orb 4°58')

Unless this conjunction of the Sun and Moon occurs in different signs, you have a “double dose” of the same sign, and that sign assumes
considerable importance in your chart. This position also means that you were born around the time of a New Moon. Whether you were born
before or after the New Moon is significant, too. A Sun-Moon conjunction can behave somewhat like an Aries personality, even if the alignment
doesn't occur in Aries.

Because your wants (Sun) and needs (Moon) are aligned, you have a notable singleness of purpose. For the most part, you come across as rather
uncomplicated concerning what you want out of life and your means of getting to where you want to go. You are able to make decisions without
too much struggle, primarily because it is not your tendency to spread yourself around to find all of your options--you prefer to settle on a
particular route and then go for it. You don't like to struggle with many options, and you often have your finger on the pulse of exactly what you
need, want, and are willing to do.

You can also be very much in touch with your need for others, or at least a significant other. You are very sensitive, and quite possibly a creature
of habit. You are attached to the past and your heritage. Even so, you can also be emotionally impulsive. You possess impressive vitality if you
don't burn it all up too quickly, and you don't have much understanding of people who go through a lot of physical and emotional ups and
downs. You can be highly intuitive. Because you are in touch with the moment, you can read people and situations quite readily.

Sun Conjunction Mars (orb 3°51')

With your Sun conjunct Mars, you have personal presence. You may discover that people are rarely indifferent towards you. You have a
courageous air about you, and you exude confidence even if you're not always feeling it. Many with this position are highly active and energetic
people, and most are confrontational. You get right to the point, go right for the jugular, and make things happen. Some might say that you're
impatient, but not in a nervous sense of the word--you simply can't wait around for things to happen. You prefer to be involved.

You have a competitive spirit, and you like to win. Channeled into sports and games, you make a formidable opponent. Mind you, sports that
require strategy may not be your forte, simply because you are inclined to apply force to get to your goals, unless other strong indicators in your
chart suggest otherwise. If not channeled this way, you make a formidable business opponent! Those without a "channel" run the risk of stirring
things up or looking for a fight, getting all fired up and hot under the collar, and stirring up trouble at every turn. Watch for a need to prove
yourself. Properly channeled, though, you're gutsy, not afraid of conflict, bold, and quite daring. You enjoy a good chase or challenge. You're also
a survivor!

Sun Square Uranus (orb 6°11')

Sun Square Neptune (orb 4°14')

Sun Quincunx Pluto (orb 1°7')

Sun Trine North Node (orb 2°33')

Sun Conjunction Ascendant (orb 4°41')

Sun Square Midheaven (orb 1°12')

Moon Conjunction Mars (orb 1°7')

Moon Square Uranus (orb 1°13')

Moon Opposition Chiron (orb 4°59')

Moon Trine North Node (orb 2°25')

Moon Square Midheaven (orb 6°10')

Mercury Sextile Uranus (orb 1°3')

Mercury Trine Pluto (orb 4°1')

Mercury Quincunx North Node (orb 2°35')

Venus Conjunction Jupiter (orb 3°30')

Venus Trine Chiron (orb 5°53')

Venus Square Vertex (orb 2°59')

Mars Square Uranus (orb 2°20')

Mars Trine North Node (orb 1°18')

Mars Square Midheaven (orb 5°3')

Jupiter Trine Chiron (orb 2°24')

Jupiter Square Vertex (orb 0°31')

Saturn Conjunction Part of Fortune (orb 1°43')

Saturn Trine Vertex (orb 5°48')

Uranus Square Chiron (orb 3°46')

Neptune Square Part of Fortune (orb 5°24')

Neptune Square Ascendant (orb 0°26')

Neptune Conjunction Midheaven (orb 3°2')

Pluto Square North Node (orb 1°26')

Pluto Sextile Midheaven (orb 2°19')

Part of Fortune Conjunction Ascendant (orb 4°58')

Ascendant Square Midheaven (orb 3°28')

Compare House Systems

Moon North Part of
House System Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Lilith Node Fortune

Alcabitius 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Campanus 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Equal 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 10 8 7 6 5 12

Koch 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Meridian 12 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 7 7 6 5 12

Morinus 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4-5 12

Placidus 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Porphyry 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Regiomontanus 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Topocentric 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Vehlow 1 1 12 12 1 12 1 10 10 8 7-8 6 5 1

Whole Sign 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 10 8 7 6 5 12

James's Planets' and Points' House Positions By House System

House System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Alcabitius 1° 42' 4° 11' 4° 28' 5° 10' 2° 55' 2° 24' 1° 42' 4° 11' 4° 28' 5° 10' 2° 55' 2° 24'
22" 32" 14" 46" 21" 21" 22" 32" 14" 46" 21" 21"

Campanus 1° 42' 2° 30' 4° 17' 5° 10' 4° 19' 2° 38' 1° 42' 2° 30' 4° 17' 5° 10' 4° 19' 2° 38'
22" 26" 28" 46" 43" 09" 22" 26" 28" 46" 43" 09"

Equal 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42'
22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22"

Koch 1° 42' 0° 10' 29° 47' 5° 10' 3° 42' 2° 44' 1° 42' 0° 10' 29° 47' 5° 10' 3° 42' 2° 44'
22" 52" 29" 46" 01" 42" 22" 52" 29" 46" 01" 42"

House System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Meridian 9° 56' 9° 13' 6° 55' 5° 10' 5° 44' 8° 12' 9° 56' 9° 13' 6° 55' 5° 10' 5° 44' 8° 12'
29" 24" 08" 46" 20" 10" 29" 24" 08" 46" 20" 10"

Morinus 5° 10' 5° 44' 8° 12' 9° 56' 9° 13' 6° 55' 5° 10' 5° 44' 8° 12' 9° 56' 9° 13' 6° 55'
46" 20" 10" 29" 24" 08" 46" 20" 10" 29" 24" 08"

Placidus 1° 42' 0° 26' 1° 54' 5° 10' 7° 45' 6° 54' 1° 42' 0° 26' 1° 54' 5° 10' 7° 45' 6° 54'
22" 49" 32" 46" 11" 34" 22" 49" 32" 46" 11" 34"

Porphyry 1° 42' 2° 51' 4° 01' 5° 10' 4° 01' 2° 51' 1° 42' 2° 51' 4° 01' 5° 10' 4° 01' 2° 51'
22" 50" 18" 46" 18" 50" 22" 50" 18" 46" 18" 50"

Regiomontanus 1° 42' 28° 07' 29° 28' 5° 10' 8° 38' 6° 35' 1° 42' 28° 07' 29° 28' 5° 10' 8° 38' 6° 35'
22" 40" 44" 46" 30" 53" 22" 40" 44" 46" 30" 53"

Topocentric 1° 42' 0° 29' 1° 58' 5° 10' 7° 45' 6° 54' 1° 42' 0° 29' 1° 58' 5° 10' 7° 45' 6° 54'
22" 28" 10" 46" 01" 34" 22" 28" 10" 46" 01" 34"

Vehlow 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42'
22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22"

Whole Sign 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00'
00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00"

James's House Cusps

27 April 1998 at 06:05 (6:05 am) (time zone = UTC +10)

Universal Time: 20:05 26 April 1998

Belmont, New South Wales, Commonwealth of


33°S2' 151°E40'

Tropical Zodiac

Placidus Houses

Chart Data For James

The following lists positions of planets and points in your natal chart with interpretations for key factors.

Planets and Points in The Signs
Sun in Taurus 6° 23' 01"

The Sun in the chart shows our character, personal identity, and ego. It represents our will to live and our creative life force. Just as the planets
revolve around the Sun in our solar system, we derive our life purpose from the Sun in our natal charts. The Sun is our “adult”– the part of us
that censors our “inner child,” reasons things out, and makes final decisions. The Sun also gives clues to our overall vitality. The Sun directs us
and can be considered “the boss” of our chart.
When people ask you "What's your sign?", Taurus would be your answer. Technically, though, it's your Sun sign that is Taurus.

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac, and with Taurus as your Sun sign, there is something substantial and solid about you, no matter what the
rest of your chart says about you. Though you are dependable most of the time, this shows itself more in habit than in outright helpfulness.
Taurus natives are sensual folk–-and this includes sex but extends to pleasures in all areas: they delight in the sensual pleasures of food, a
comfortable blanket, a richly colored aquarium to look at, the smell of flowers or spring rain, pleasing melodies coming from their stereos, and
so forth. Some might even say they live through their senses more than most.

When you work, you work hard. You do it with a steadiness that may rarely be considered quick–rather, it’s a dependable, plodding, and steady
effort that has its payoffs. Security is immensely important to you–some Taureans actively seek wealth, while others are content to be
“comfortable.” The Taurus definition of “comfortable” may not be exactly the same as the rest of the signs, but comfort is a driving force.

Although hard-working, your fixed and comfort-loving nature sometimes makes you appear lazy. This is only because you separate work and
leisure so expertly. When you work, you work hard, and when you play, you don’t actually “play” as such…you relax. A Solar Taurus who has
kicked their feet up is rooted there–others would be hard-pressed to get you to move. On a mental level, people around you likely have the same
problem. Taureans stick with things and ideas, and therein lies one of the reasons why they are known for their stubbornness. Taurus is a Fixed
sign, and with your Taurus Sun, there is a fair measure of tradition and steadiness in your makeup that keeps you rooted.

The possessiveness associated with Taurus shows up in all areas of life in some way. Taurus likes to own things (and sometimes people, in a
sense). A nice home, a piece of land (this can be modest), a paid-off car, that aquarium mentioned earlier, a couple of pets, maybe a stable
business…In love and relationship, there is an earthy kind of possessiveness that may be considered jealousy by some, but there is actually quite
a difference between being possessive and being jealous. Taurus natives are rarely jealous and petty. You may, however, think of the people you
love as yours–it adds to your sense of security.

You feel accomplished when you build something solid that endures over time. While you can be slow to start, once you gain momentum, your
strength and vitality become evident. Your memory is retentive. You'd rather that instructions are demonstrated to you than verbalized. You are
nature-loving and feel comfortable with earthy activities. While you are generally reliable and consistent, watch for a tendency to stick with
something that no longer serves you well.

Your Sun sign is modified by various factors, including the aspects it makes to other planets and points, its house position, the house with the
sign the Sun rules (Leo) on its cusp, and your Venus sign since Venus is Taurus' planetary ruler. These positions add more layers to the Sun in
Taurus interpretation. Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign. More on Taurus.

Ascendant in Taurus 1° 42' 22"

The Ascendant defines, in part, the first impression we make on others in a personal rather than professional sense. It represents our physical
appearance, our physical bodies and overall health, and the body ego. It can be the mask or costume we wear to greet the world. It reveals our
natural and personal defense mechanisms that we use to adapt to - and cope with - our environment. The Ascendant also shows our first
impressions of the world around us and our expectations of same –whether we are naturally hesitant or enthusiastic, for example. How we begin
new projects and our attitude towards new experiences come under the rule of the Ascendant.
Slow, steady, and capable are adjectives that we can safely attach to individuals born with a Taurus Ascendant. You are likely to possess
tremendous stamina and staying power, or, at the very least, you come across as very stable and comfortable. You are often quite loyal to the
people you care about, and even to places, objects, and situations. Although you typically don't come on strong, you have a strong personal
presence, and you fairly radiate stability. There is also a wonderfully healing and sensual aura surrounding you.

The sign on the Ascendant reveals how individuals start or approach new things and situations. Taurus, by nature, is resistant to change as a
Fixed Earth sign. It can be difficult to sway Taurus rising natives –they're often rather stubborn and fixed in their ways. Your first instincts are to
feel things out in the realm of the five senses. You have a well-developed sense of smell and touch, and you respond powerfully to the material
world. You adopt a practical approach to life, and you are often very methodical. Security is one of your first considerations before undertaking
anything new.

You may be very cautious and careful, at least at first or in appearance. With a Fixed sign on your Ascendant, you are definitely NOT known for
your flexibility. Rather, you possess determined single-mindedness. You may have been labeled the slow and cautious child in your early years.
Sometimes, this placement indicates a childhood in which there was a little too much emphasis on the material world. However, you are likely to
have fond memories of your early years unless Venus is very challenged in your chart.

In fact, Venus is your first house ruler, and its position and condition by sign, house, and aspect have a particularly profound impact on your life.
The placement of Venus can also influence and color your appearance, mannerisms, and approach to the world around you or new situations.
For example, if you have Venus in a Fire sign, you may come across as more assertive or impatient than other people with Taurus rising.

You may very well be a creature of habit. While you are a tolerant person, changes to your routine can be difficult for you to accept. In fact, one
of your pet peeves is to be pushed into new situations. People have a hard time getting you to change your mind once it's made up.

More than most, Taurus rising prefers the "good things" in life. Self-indulgence can be a weakness for many with this Ascendant. You may very
well be a collector in a significant way -- you place a lot of value on your possessions. More than most, you may want to own your own home or a
piece of land, for example. You also thrive on physical touch.

You often avoid atmospheres that are very noisy or chaotic. You come across as quite easygoing, and, for the most part, this is true. However, you
do have a breaking point, and once beyond it, you are unlikely to come back.

Security and certainty are tremendously important to you. Perhaps you take your time on new beginnings because once you set out on a course,
you rarely stray from it. Stubbornness and persistence can get you places. However, it can sometimes cause interpersonal problems, mainly
because people close to you can be tempted to approach you in roundabout ways simply to get their way. If this persists, relationships can
become toxic. Aim for more flexibility and place more value on others' honesty and directness than peace and harmony in the moment.

You often prefer to dress in quality clothes with a comfortable feel to them. You are rarely ostentatious in your presentation. Many people with
this rising sign have strong and sturdy physiques or the appearance of robustness. You tend to move in a graceful or sensual manner. Many
people with your rising sign have beautiful, soothing voices. You radiate contentment and peace. While this endears you to others, at times this
can lead you to feel misunderstood. There can be times when you're feeling anxious and off-center, but you rarely appear this way.

Often rather possessive in partnership, those with Taurus rising don't easily break up their relationships, or their routines and habits! Although
you are not particularly jealous, you have some tendency to view your partners or friends as your personal property. Intensity and loyalty are
especially important to you. You are a highly sensual person, often preferring the comforts that a one-to-one, stable partnership offers. Although
you value harmony and calm, your partnerships may be on the passionate side.

You are often very comforting to be around. You radiate a certain stability that is soothing to others, as well as an inner harmony that is
attractive. More on Taurus Rising.

Moon in Taurus 11° 20' 48"

The Moon in the signs reveals much about our habits, reactions, and instincts. It shows how we express and deal with our emotions. Most
obvious in our homes or in private, our Moon sign reveals our innermost needs. The Moon can represent our experience of nurturing; it also
shows how we nurture ourselves! It's important to note that Moon signs change every 2 or 2-1/2 days, and on some days, can be one of two
signs, in which case an accurate birth time is necessary.
You have the Moon in the sign of Taurus in your natal chart, and familiarity is vital to Lunar Taureans. You are earthy and strong-willed. You
feel with your senses, and you are pretty much rooted in your ways. You may very well revel in material comforts–in fact, building a stable and
comfortable home and foundation helps to keep you feeling safe and content.

It isn’t wise to try to push you into doing anything, as you tend to dig in your heels if you're rushed or dominated, but once you've committed,
you're remarkably persevering.

There's a steadiness to this position of the Moon that is comforting to people close to you. But there is also a conservative streak in you that can
be maddening to more progressive personalities. You tend to go out of your way to avoid messy or unpredictable situations, crises, and
emotional displays. You'd rather focus on creating a reliable and secure life around you. In relationships, Lunar Taureans such as you may not
easily recognize their partner's need for change, growth, or emotional stimulation. Staying on top of this tendency is essential.

Moon in Taurus natives are usually very romantic, although not typically in a flowery way. Instead, their affections are strong, deep, and
unwavering, and they are sentimental and warm. Since Taurus is a practical Earth sign, the placement of the Moon in this sign suggests an ability
to protect themselves and their own interests. They will rarely make a move without first determining that it is safe and that there's something in
it for them! With your Moon in Taurus, you have a strong need for predictability in your home and family life, even if other aspects of your
personality prompt you to seek out excitement in various other life departments.

Generally, you have reliable instincts. You can be very much tied to the physical world, and you're likely to have a particularly well-developed
sense of smell. Sensual but simple pleasures delight you tremendously. In this way, you are wonderfully straightforward and easy to please.

Relationships for you are often quite enduring. Many Moon in Taurus people hang onto their mates longer than most, even in the face of severe
conflict. Taurus is a fixed sign, so break-ups don't happen easily.

There is a serenity to you that others can find very calming. In fact, it takes a lot to really get to you. However, you do get off-center every once in
a while. You are not the most adaptable of people when your own routine is interrupted, for example.

Though some Lunar Taureans might be considered anal, most simply have a stubborn streak that keeps them rather resistant to change. Rarely
are you a spontaneous sort unless there are many other factors in your chart pointing in that direction. Uncomfortable with surprises, you value
stability. Your needs are robust but quite simple at the same time – you love the “good things” in life. The world of the five senses is all-
important to you. Your love of stability and steadiness can make you somewhat of a slave to routine at times. However, you are loyal and
capable, and this kind of stick-to-it energy is wonderful.

Mercury in Aries 11° 30' 42"

What's your style of communication? How do you make decisions? How do you pick up, process, absorb, and exchange information? These
questions are answered, in part, by Mercury's placement by sign in your natal chart. Someone may be an assertive Aries, but they could also
have Mercury in Taurus, with a style of communication that's slower, patient, and not quite as spirited as one would expect from an Aries, as an
example. Mercury refines the Sun sign, and it helps to define how we take in--and give out--information.
With Mercury in Aries, you make quick decisions--so quick that it may seem as if you don't enjoy thinking things over. The truth is, Aries
communicators don't have a lot of patience for mulling. You can be quick and to the point in your communications. You're typically direct and
candid, and some may find you crude at times. You may even come across as aggressive but that usually happens when you encounter
opposition to your opinions and ideas and is more a result of frustration and impatience. Mercury in Aries people almost childishly assume that
others will accept their opinions smoothly. There is a defensiveness to Aries that is distinct. Sensitivity, too. And, when Mercury is placed in the
sign, natives tend to be quite personally attached to their ideas.

You tend to prefer streamlined learning and hate to become bogged down in details. You're adept at dismissing what you feel are irrelevant
details! You usually make quick decisions, and you don't always understand when others hedge issues or stay "on the fence." In fact, you can be
extraordinarily impatient with slow responses and beating around the bush.
There's a certain innocent charm to Aries communicators such as yourself. Many people appreciate your utilitarian approach and enjoy that they
can pretty much count on you being straightforward. Some may find you a little brusque or too direct.

This Mercury position favors starting new things. Aries is not attached to outdated ideas and is enthusiastic, although not necessarily flowery or
gushing. Criticism or negative feedback can be taken personally. Still, you're not afraid of a fight or a challenge, on a mental level. You have a
visionary intelligence that is sometimes on the idealistic side.

New projects and ideas are taken on with an unmatched enthusiasm with this position of Mercury. However, because there is no shortage of new
ideas in life, you can be quick to dump one mental pursuit, way of thinking, or opinion for something fresher and more exciting. You love
generating new ideas, plans, and projects, but may not enjoy the follow-up work involved.

You're excellent at promoting your new ideas. When you're excited about something, your style of communication can be so motivating and fun,
your enthusiasm is downright infectious. Aries is a leader, quick to adopt absolutely new and innovative methods--you get a rise out of leading
too! You want to be number one, and since this is communication-ruler Mercury in the sign, it's about the idea, inspiration, and information.

If your Sun Sign is in Pisces or Taurus, you might sometimes wonder why others get frustrated with you. The truth is, your style of
communication may lead you to come across as more brusque and impatient than you actually are.

Venus in Pisces 22° 12' 53"

How do you attract things, situations, and people into your life? Venus rules our sentiments, what we value, and the pleasure we take in life.
Grace, charm, and beauty are all ruled by Venus. Through Venus, we learn about our tastes, preferences, artistic inclinations, and what makes us
happy. We look to Venus in the natal chart to see how we approach relationships of the heart, as well as what gives us pleasure. We also turn to
Venus to show how we spend our money, the types of gifts we buy, and how much we spend on leisure activities (not to mention the kinds of
leisure activities we seek). Venus rules attractiveness--both the ability to attract and attraction to others (and things). Venus rules, amongst
other things, the arts, love and romance, beauty and the beautifying process, money, entertainment, leisure, sensuality, and comfort.
With your Venus in the mutable, Water sign of Pisces, you attract what and who you want into your life indirectly and magically. You project
yourself as a dreamy, soft-hearted partner. Everything about the way you flirt promises a lovely time. In fact, you may not even be flirting much
of the time, but you still manage to leave others intrigued. Yours is an elusive charm -- you can be sweetly playful, a little moody, and perhaps a
little irregular. You appreciate romance and poetry or simply subtlety and pleasantness. You prefer to "feel out" both a person and the
relationship you share, so it's better if a potential partner doesn't expect too much in the way of planning. Letting things flow spontaneously is
essential to you for uncovering your feelings which are fluid and best left to develop and unfold without pressure.

Your sensitivity can be a little misleading at times. Yes, you are sensitive folk, but lovers may find it maddening that this sensitivity is not only
directed at them, but towards one and all. In this way, your love can seem a bit impersonal.

You're unimpressed by someone's status, and you love and accept a partner for all that they are inside. You favor the underdog, and you can be
quite attracted to wayward folk or those in need of a little help. With your rather romantic view of the world, you can be unusually attracted to
states of suffering and martyrdom, so you may fall easily into the role of saving someone--or of being saved. For you, inequality can be
appealing! You can be somewhat confusing and hard to pin down as you feel your way through your relationships. As much as you may want to,
you find it hard to make definite statements and commitments. This is not to say you can't be loyal or stick with someone in the long-term, since
you very much can; it's just that you have such a strong sense of the changeability of people and circumstances that you don't like to make
promises that life itself may not allow you to keep.

A partner pleases you most when they share tender moments and romantic times with you. The person who's right for you accepts that they
won't always be able to count on you, not because you don't care, but because you prefer some element of mystery and prefer not to be boxed in.
They understand that you might stretch the truth every once in a while because they recognize that you do so usually for fear that you might
otherwise hurt their feelings. In fact, you hate to see someone you love suffer. Watch, though, that things don't become convoluted. Your
empathy and compassion are well-developed, so much so that that you can quickly find yourself in complicated emotional entanglements. Your
ideal partner lets you leave some things up in the air, too. In truth, you may have a love affair going with the idea of being misunderstood! You
are so receptive and open to all possibilities that it is hard for you to commit to any one thing, idea, or course of action. You make an intriguing
partner and will reward your partner with a love that is accepting and comes as close to unconditional as humans can get.

My Personal Ad Bio: "I will love you for you. I will accept you. Even if the rest of the world thinks you are unlovable, I will see you for what you
really are."

Pisces never sees the world in black-and-white terms--they see all the colors of the rainbow. With the goddess of love in Pisces in your chart, love
for you is all-embracing. You forgive and understand, you're seducible and seductive, and you show tremendous compassion. Venus in Pisces is
tender and affectionate, although hard to reach nevertheless, as there is a longing for something that is hard to define and hard to satisfy.
Borders and boundaries blur under Venus in Pisces. The shadow side of this position is allowing oneself to be victimized or deluded, as well as
evasiveness. The first instinct with Pisces is to escape. You might watch for a tendency to want to fade out of a relationship if you're unhappy so
that you can avoid the confrontation. You may be unclear both about the beginning and end of a connection!

You might often be attracted to situations of giving, martyrdom, and mercy. You may want very much to forgive, allow, and give unselfishly.
Because this is not always possible -- you're only human after all! -- there can be problems with seeing a lover or a relationship accurately, and
you run the risk of building resentments for being put upon or used.

In love, Venus in Pisces gives a lot, but not everything. Most important to remember is this: it's a mistake for your lover to assume you are weak,
but it's also a mistake to assume you are strong in love--you are both. The message is: it's best not to push you beyond your limits because
although it might appear that you have none, you do draw the line at some point. Others shouldn't take advantage of your good nature and
willingness to make sacrifices. You see your willingness to forgive and understand as a strength, and the right partner should too.

You are entirely subtle, and you don't care much for coarseness. You're forgiving and bending, and you're generally willing to please. At times
romantic and gooey, you can be a bit of a chameleon, and it can be hard to pin you down to any one style. You can be talkative one day and
withdrawn the next, for example. You often prefer non-verbal expressions of love and are attracted to imbalance. Self-sacrifice and compassion
are more prominent themes in your love life, and perhaps in the kinds of art and entertainment you find most appealing, too. You are forgiving,
and you'll even let someone go if they so desire, and then love them forever anyway. Although you can be shy and yielding, a partner can
sometimes find you maddeningly detached and spaced.

As much as you love people, you also need your space, and for that reason, you value solitude and privacy. You need to learn to receive as much
as you give.

Mars in Taurus 10° 13' 35"

"Slow and steady wins the race" could easily be your motto with your Mars in Taurus. You are goal-oriented and not known for your speed, but
your staying power is tremendous.

Generally calm and easygoing, you can have a powerful temper when you're provoked. However, you typically don't fly off the handle as quickly
as others unless many other factors in your chart point to an impulsive nature. Most of the time, you can be passive-aggressive. Your desires are
quite firm, clear, and set. You can be stubborn but persistent and steady. You're also usually very determined to get what you want, and you're
not easily influenced!

You greatly value strength and stability. In fact, you're often driven by security and a particular fondness for personal possessions. You're
inclined to work for what you want, and broadly speaking, you have patience. If it takes a few years to achieve your goals, so be it.

You tend to prefer a regular routine, and you're a consistent worker. While you do enjoy getting comfortable, you're also responsible, and you'll
work for the security and predictability you crave. Your physical drives are healthy. You love good food and comfortable surroundings.

You prefer to have clear long-term goals, and you can be quite determined to achieve them. You prefer not to take on too many projects at once.
While others can frequently misjudge their capabilities, if you don't think you can do it, you won't! It is almost impossible for others to get you
moving once you've made up your mind on a matter. Immovable is the only way to describe Mars in Taurus people who have made up their
minds since adaptability is not their strong point. In a similar vein, attempting to rush you is a lesson in frustration. You won't alter your pace for
most anything.

You don't have a reputation for spontaneity or variety, but you're good at what you do nonetheless, and you're very present when your interest is
piqued. You're also quite reliable and robust, and most people will find you well worth the wait!

Jupiter in Pisces 18° 43' 10"

Jupiter in Pisces individuals like yourself attract the best fortune when they are charitable, tender, devoted, compassionate, giving, and when
they look out for the underdog.

You value compassion and charity, and you're motivated by a universal vision. Yours is a peaceful personal philosophy, and your faith in the
goodness of life brings rewards.

As a Water sign Jupiter, you have a strong belief in a higher power. You are most able to attract luck and rich life experiences to you through
your intuition, imagination, and compassion. Helping those in need boosts your morale.

Saturn in Aries 25° 01' 50"

You are highly resourceful. Your ability to start fresh helps you achieve your goals. Saturn in our charts shows us where we limit ourselves due to
fears. With Saturn in Aries, you don’t always feel comfortable asserting yourself or pointing/singling yourself out or with acting egotistical or
self-centered. You may avoid confrontation and fear taking decisive action. You need to be careful not to limit yourself too much for fear of
failure or fear of making a poor decision. Stifling your normal and healthy, more aggressive, competitive, or self-centered qualities can be
detrimental to you, possibly causing headaches. You don’t like showing weakness.

Some of your life lessons are to allow yourself to be self-centered sometimes without apology– in moderation, of course; to build the courage to
make mistakes; to let yourself to be wimpy from time to time, and to learn that NOT coming first is okay. Mind you, you learn to be very self-
reliant because you rarely ask for help! However, it’s a lonely way to live. Watch for relentless self-justifying, as this doesn’t allow you to grow,
and it also contributes to the making of poor choices. This can be a vicious circle since making bad executive decisions is another big fear.

Uranus in Aquarius 12° 33' 56"

You're most interested in making changes, innovating, and updating traditions related to technology, friendship, community, liberty,
individuality, kinship, and fraternity. You seek more freedom in or through these areas, and you don't feel the need to conform--you're ready to
rebel if need be. You can feel compelled to break through some of the inhibitions or taboos related to cooperating, connecting, and interacting.
Despite the need for progress, you can be very stubborn and set in your ways in these areas. You believe in openness to new ideas and free

Neptune in Aquarius 2° 08' 49"

Your vision of an ideal world may center around humanitarianism, celebrating individuality, freedom, and impartiality. You’re invested in
humanitarian ideals, and you have a keen interest in electronics, psychology, and social science. When it comes down to it, you prefer to put your
faith in humanity, and you’re generally open-minded regarding different philosophical or religious beliefs. Most important to you is for each
person to stand out as uniquely individual. This Neptune sign position is more idealistic and theoretical than most others.

Pluto in Sagittarius 7° 29' 55" Rx

You take your beliefs and philosophy of life very seriously, more than most. You believe deeply in personal freedom, tolerance, and bringing
cultures together. Uncovering the truth can be a mission. You tend to question beliefs and ideologies in place if you consider them limiting, and
your quest to distinguish yourself through--or bring reform to--beliefs is so intense or pressured that you may rarely feel satisfied with your

efforts in this area. You may want to watch for a tendency to move from one cause to the next or one project to another, perhaps as a result of
this dissatisfaction or from inhuman expectations. However, your faith in humanity is strong, and you are moved and motivated by your positive
vision of a better world.

Chiron in Scorpio 16° 19' 38" Rx

Your awareness of attachment and loss is exceptionally well-developed, perhaps to the point that you limit yourself in your relationships and
with projects and goals. Because of your keen understanding of power dynamics, personal psychology and motivations, jealousies, and intense
emotions, you make an authoritative guide and powerful counselor. However, applying your perceptions and philosophies to your own life can
be a challenge. Learning to embrace your feelings, attachments, and the power of loss and recovery is another story altogether. Fear of loss of
self is intense, yet you are also drawn to situations where you might lose control or lose yourself.

Black Moon Lilith in Libra 14° 45' 50"

You may have felt ashamed or wrong for needing companionship or for seeking approval from others. Deep down, you may feel that dependency
and compromise are weak and not “right,” and you can feel uncomfortable with people who seem to need these things. Empowering yourself
involves learning to accept your very human need for companionship and approval.

North Node in Virgo 8° 55' 41" Rx

One theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node) suggests that we all come into this world with some
underdeveloped and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to these specific qualities: the South Node
represents our overdeveloped character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here, but if we overdo this area of life or hold
onto these traits to feel secure, we may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North Node suggests the qualities that we
need to work on and develop to achieve inner balance.
Note that with your True North Node of the Moon in the sign of Virgo, your South Node is in Virgo's opposite sign, Pisces.

A tendency to avoid dealing with the details and practicalities of everyday life, to lead a rather haphazard and unorganized existence, to avoid
formulating clear goals, and to put too much faith in a grand plan while neglecting practical concerns are some of the struggles of the North
Node in Virgo. With this position, you may need to work on developing some healthy and practical routines and schedules. Otherwise, you may
fall victim to vague worries and anxieties. Winging life is fine to an extent, but without clear goals and some orderliness, you may easily feel not
very much in control of your life.

You have great compassion for others, and this is a considerable strength. Taken too far, of course, you may feel put upon or taken advantage of
at times. Your goal might be to establish limits for yourself and boundaries for people in your life, as well as to develop a more focused mind and
more orderliness that can serve to boost your confidence, both in yourself and life itself. You might strive to create systems that will help you to
be more productive, and make a point of paying more attention to deadlines, details, and rules that will enrich and enhance your life. Bringing
more structure to your life can take you closer to achieving your dreams.

Part of Fortune in Aries 26° 44' 36"

Vertex in Sagittarius 19° 13' 52"

Midheaven in Aquarius 5° 10' 46"

Planets and Points in The Houses

Sun in First House

The Sun's house position modifies and refines its position by zodiac sign. With the Sun in the first house of your chart, you identify strongly with
the image you present to others. You make an impression on others -- you have "presence" -- and you know it. You are self-conscious, although
you may prefer to project a confident image. Whether you're quiet or loud, you make a mark in the world, but avoid obsessing over what others
think of you. Accept that you need to be a leader or an innovator, and go for it, but be careful not to be overbearing with others. Your personality
shines, and you're always noticed. You're a natural leader in your personal life, and you're incredibly enterprising.

Moon in First House

The Moon in the houses can reveal where and how we go about seeking emotional satisfaction. If it's an issue, we can discover vital clues to the
reason for perpetual emotional unrest through the study of the house position of the Moon, and these can manifest as constant changes or ups
and downs in the areas of life ruled by the house. It is in these areas that we should aim to make deep attachments rather than chase superficial
and temporary emotional thrills if we are seeking out a genuine feeling of belonging and emotional fulfillment. It's important to note that house
positions are quite sensitive to birth times.
With the Moon in your first house, your feelings are right out there for everyone to see, and you can come across as emotional and impatient, or
nurturing and caring (or both). Your first reaction to most stimuli is emotional, especially if the Moon is in close proximity (within ten degrees)
to the Ascendant degree. Your decisions are usually emotionally-driven and can be changeable as a result.

You need emotional stimulation, movement, and freedom to express yourself in order to feel happy and fulfilled. Your moods are very
changeable, and this can be quite obvious to others since you tend to have an expressive face! You are extraordinarily adaptable and you often
pick up all kinds of signals from the environment around you that others don't typically notice. You tend to greet others with warmth. Because of
your emotional sensitivity, you might often take things very personally, and react rather quickly. Developing an awareness that others' emotions
are just as important, even if they are not as overt and immediate as yours, will be important. As well, learning to pay a little less attention to
changes of mood can be beneficial for you. You are extraordinarily observant, quick to act and respond, and emotionally courageous.

Mercury in Twelfth House

You may not be very quick to speak or communicate, especially in childhood, as you need to develop trust in your own abilities to express
yourself. You make an excellent confidante--you are very discreet, and secrets go into the vault. You might make matters more complicated than
they should be by overanalyzing motives or hunches, and then have problems acting on your intuition as a result. You are very attracted to
symbols, sentiment, imagery, and paradoxes. You prefer not to focus on facts and learn best when ideas are presented visually, emotionally, or
imaginatively. Learning to communicate clearly is a challenge for you, but one that might put an end to feelings of guilt, of being misunderstood,
and to attracting unpleasant situations or duplicitous people into your experience. Watch for procrastination or a roundabout style of speaking
that can sometimes get you into trouble. Defining things too tightly bothers you since you see so many different sides of a situation. You are
enormously perceptive and understanding and your sense of humor is unique.

These traits are Mercury in the twelfth house in pure form and are modified by Mercury's sign and aspects. [Note that house positions are highly
dependent on birth time.]

Venus in Eleventh House

With Venus in your eleventh house, you treat others kindly and fairly, and this has an excellent impact on your social life. You are friendly and
idealistic. This is a good placement for personal popularity. Many with this house position have an unusual and interesting group of friends. In
love, the friendship level of your relationship needs to be genuine for you to sustain romantic interest. You tend to focus on a person's unique
qualities — those traits that make them stand out — as the most attractive.

Your relationships should possess an unconventional element to keep your interest levels high. Calves and ankles are either erogenous zones for
you, or parts of your body that are particularly attractive! You may meet lovers through group activities. Although you value friendships and
group affiliations highly, you may jump into friendships without considering the responsibilities they might eventually entail.

Mars in First House

Mars in the first house of your chart is a commanding position and is even more so if Mars is also conjunct the Ascendant. Your reactions to new
situations are immediate and pressing. You are an active, energetic, dynamic, enterprising, and possibly even forceful or aggressive person at
times (unless Mars is in strong aspect to Saturn or Neptune).

You often begin new endeavors with enthusiasm, although follow-through may not be present, depending on the rest of your chart. Some of you
might be rash, inconsiderate, or overly assertive. People are often impressed with your energy and stamina! You need to be involved, take the
lead, and act independently. You don't enjoy following others or playing waiting games.

You can be fiercely independent, and you are usually direct and straightforward--and this is wonderfully refreshing! Spontaneity is extremely
important to you. Some of you might stir up trouble--whether consciously or not--when you're bored. Your approach to life is physical and
active, and your love of competition is notable.

Jupiter in Eleventh House

With Jupiter in the eleventh house of your chart, your social life means a lot to you, and you take great pleasure in connecting with your friends
as well as your involvement in teams and groups or with your community. You might benefit through friends who are influential or simply
helpful. You are altruistic by nature, and you especially value people and personal freedom. You are very open to new methods and progress,
and you display great tolerance and humanitarianism. Warmth and generosity are strong themes in your social life.

Saturn in Twelfth House

Uranus in Tenth House

Neptune in Ninth House

With Neptune in your ninth house, you're inclined to believe that anything is possible and to put extraordinary faith in the universe. This faith
can bring about favorable circumstances, but if taken too far, might lead to wastefulness and laziness. For example, you may depend too much
on being saved "one day" and avoid certain practical responsibilities in the meantime. You might make lofty plans that don't get off the ground
or that fail to materialize because you have neglected some concrete details. In some cases, people with this position can become blind in their
faith, as they don't always take the time to think about why they believe in what they do. Others might be easily led astray by concepts, religions,
or cults that do not serve them well. In some cases, there can be some confusion or chaos when it comes to getting a higher education, but this
can be countered by discipline to complete your studies if you are seeking a degree.

However, in most cases, this position is very beneficial. You are refreshingly open-minded and open to mystical ideas or interpretations. Positive
spirituality can figure strongly in your life. You are excellent at inspiring others to go after their dreams. The faith you have can certainly carry
you far if you keep your feet on the ground and recognize that you are in the driver's seat when it comes to steering your life in a particular
direction. Your spiritual beliefs are well-developed. You are very open to unusual or avant-garde concepts, and you are especially attracted to
anything exotic. You could be excellent at promotion and marketing, coming up with very creative methods of persuasion. You might also be a
uniquely creative and compassionate teacher. Strive to keep your larger plans and goals realistic, while maintaining your ideals.

Pluto in Eighth House

You have a natural attraction to all that is hidden, taboo, or "dark." This fascination can lead you to experience more unusual events than others.
A natural psychologist, you are expert at cutting through appearances and getting to the heart of matters. You are endlessly interested in
motivations and sources. You may be especially interested in hypnosis, healing therapies, occult sciences, as well as great mysteries and the
darker side of life. Sexual relationships are very intense and perhaps complicated. You are both fascinated with and fearful of deep intimacy, and
crave unusually deep, passionate, and intense experiences with others. This fascination can bring you intense experiences with others, and
attraction to nontraditional sexual experiences, particularly those that involve domination and submission, control, and possession. If you are
attracting controlling people into your experience and are uncomfortable with it, strive to examine and understand your deep-seated fears

regarding power and sharing issues. Some of you might engage in power struggles with money, particularly with a partner. Themes of control
are entirely possible with Pluto in the eighth house. You would likely be quite talented in the healing professions, especially helping others deal
with crises and trauma.

Chiron in Seventh House

Black Moon Lilith in Sixth House

North Node in Fifth House

The theory behind the Nodes of the Moon (the North Node and South Node) suggests that we all come into this world with some underdeveloped
and overdeveloped aspects of our character. The Nodes of the Moon point us to these specific qualities: the South Node represents our
overdeveloped character traits that we automatically fall back upon. We're talented here, but if we overdo this area of life or hold onto these
traits to feel secure, we may undermine our lives or prevent growth. On the other hand, the North Node suggests the qualities that we need to
work on and develop to achieve inner balance.
With your North Node in the fifth house, your South Node is naturally in the eleventh house.

Your path is to believe in yourself enough to feel comfortable expressing your unique creativity, to be the center of attention, committing yourself
to a definite path rather than shooting in the dark. Allow yourself to be on stage once in a while! Although you feel less pressured and more
comfortable in a group or informal setting, moving out of this comfort zone more often can enhance your life tremendously.

Part of Fortune in Twelfth House

Vertex in Eighth House

Sun Conjunction Moon (orb 4°58')

Unless this conjunction of the Sun and Moon occurs in different signs, you have a “double dose” of the same sign, and that sign assumes
considerable importance in your chart. This position also means that you were born around the time of a New Moon. Whether you were born
before or after the New Moon is significant, too. A Sun-Moon conjunction can behave somewhat like an Aries personality, even if the alignment
doesn't occur in Aries.

Because your wants (Sun) and needs (Moon) are aligned, you have a notable singleness of purpose. For the most part, you come across as rather
uncomplicated concerning what you want out of life and your means of getting to where you want to go. You are able to make decisions without
too much struggle, primarily because it is not your tendency to spread yourself around to find all of your options--you prefer to settle on a
particular route and then go for it. You don't like to struggle with many options, and you often have your finger on the pulse of exactly what you
need, want, and are willing to do.

You can also be very much in touch with your need for others, or at least a significant other. You are very sensitive, and quite possibly a creature
of habit. You are attached to the past and your heritage. Even so, you can also be emotionally impulsive. You possess impressive vitality if you
don't burn it all up too quickly, and you don't have much understanding of people who go through a lot of physical and emotional ups and
downs. You can be highly intuitive. Because you are in touch with the moment, you can read people and situations quite readily.

Sun Conjunction Mars (orb 3°51')

With your Sun conjunct Mars, you have personal presence. You may discover that people are rarely indifferent towards you. You have a
courageous air about you, and you exude confidence even if you're not always feeling it. Many with this position are highly active and energetic
people, and most are confrontational. You get right to the point, go right for the jugular, and make things happen. Some might say that you're
impatient, but not in a nervous sense of the word--you simply can't wait around for things to happen. You prefer to be involved.

You have a competitive spirit, and you like to win. Channeled into sports and games, you make a formidable opponent. Mind you, sports that
require strategy may not be your forte, simply because you are inclined to apply force to get to your goals, unless other strong indicators in your
chart suggest otherwise. If not channeled this way, you make a formidable business opponent! Those without a "channel" run the risk of stirring
things up or looking for a fight, getting all fired up and hot under the collar, and stirring up trouble at every turn. Watch for a need to prove
yourself. Properly channeled, though, you're gutsy, not afraid of conflict, bold, and quite daring. You enjoy a good chase or challenge. You're also
a survivor!

Sun Square Uranus (orb 6°11')

Sun Square Neptune (orb 4°14')

Sun Quincunx Pluto (orb 1°7')

Sun Trine North Node (orb 2°33')

Sun Conjunction Ascendant (orb 4°41')

Sun Square Midheaven (orb 1°12')

Moon Conjunction Mars (orb 1°7')

Moon Square Uranus (orb 1°13')

Moon Opposition Chiron (orb 4°59')

Moon Trine North Node (orb 2°25')

Moon Square Midheaven (orb 6°10')

Mercury Sextile Uranus (orb 1°3')

Mercury Trine Pluto (orb 4°1')

Mercury Quincunx North Node (orb 2°35')

Venus Conjunction Jupiter (orb 3°30')

Venus Trine Chiron (orb 5°53')

Venus Square Vertex (orb 2°59')

Mars Square Uranus (orb 2°20')

Mars Trine North Node (orb 1°18')

Mars Square Midheaven (orb 5°3')

Jupiter Trine Chiron (orb 2°24')

Jupiter Square Vertex (orb 0°31')

Saturn Conjunction Part of Fortune (orb 1°43')

Saturn Trine Vertex (orb 5°48')

Uranus Square Chiron (orb 3°46')

Neptune Square Part of Fortune (orb 5°24')

Neptune Square Ascendant (orb 0°26')

Neptune Conjunction Midheaven (orb 3°2')

Pluto Square North Node (orb 1°26')

Pluto Sextile Midheaven (orb 2°19')

Part of Fortune Conjunction Ascendant (orb 4°58')

Ascendant Square Midheaven (orb 3°28')

Compare House Systems

Moon North Part of
House System Sun Moon Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto Chiron Lilith Node Fortune

Alcabitius 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Campanus 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Equal 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 10 8 7 6 5 12

Koch 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Meridian 12 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 7 7 6 5 12

Morinus 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 4-5 12

Placidus 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Porphyry 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Regiomontanus 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Topocentric 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 9 8 7 6 5 12

Vehlow 1 1 12 12 1 12 1 10 10 8 7-8 6 5 1

Whole Sign 1 1 12 11 1 11 12 10 10 8 7 6 5 12

James's Planets' and Points' House Positions By House System

House System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Alcabitius 1° 42' 4° 11' 4° 28' 5° 10' 2° 55' 2° 24' 1° 42' 4° 11' 4° 28' 5° 10' 2° 55' 2° 24'
22" 32" 14" 46" 21" 21" 22" 32" 14" 46" 21" 21"

Campanus 1° 42' 2° 30' 4° 17' 5° 10' 4° 19' 2° 38' 1° 42' 2° 30' 4° 17' 5° 10' 4° 19' 2° 38'
22" 26" 28" 46" 43" 09" 22" 26" 28" 46" 43" 09"

House System 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Equal 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42' 1° 42'
22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22"

Koch 1° 42' 0° 10' 29° 47' 5° 10' 3° 42' 2° 44' 1° 42' 0° 10' 29° 47' 5° 10' 3° 42' 2° 44'
22" 52" 29" 46" 01" 42" 22" 52" 29" 46" 01" 42"

Meridian 9° 56' 9° 13' 6° 55' 5° 10' 5° 44' 8° 12' 9° 56' 9° 13' 6° 55' 5° 10' 5° 44' 8° 12'
29" 24" 08" 46" 20" 10" 29" 24" 08" 46" 20" 10"

Morinus 5° 10' 5° 44' 8° 12' 9° 56' 9° 13' 6° 55' 5° 10' 5° 44' 8° 12' 9° 56' 9° 13' 6° 55'
46" 20" 10" 29" 24" 08" 46" 20" 10" 29" 24" 08"

Placidus 1° 42' 0° 26' 1° 54' 5° 10' 7° 45' 6° 54' 1° 42' 0° 26' 1° 54' 5° 10' 7° 45' 6° 54'
22" 49" 32" 46" 11" 34" 22" 49" 32" 46" 11" 34"

Porphyry 1° 42' 2° 51' 4° 01' 5° 10' 4° 01' 2° 51' 1° 42' 2° 51' 4° 01' 5° 10' 4° 01' 2° 51'
22" 50" 18" 46" 18" 50" 22" 50" 18" 46" 18" 50"

Regiomontanus 1° 42' 28° 07' 29° 28' 5° 10' 8° 38' 6° 35' 1° 42' 28° 07' 29° 28' 5° 10' 8° 38' 6° 35'
22" 40" 44" 46" 30" 53" 22" 40" 44" 46" 30" 53"

Topocentric 1° 42' 0° 29' 1° 58' 5° 10' 7° 45' 6° 54' 1° 42' 0° 29' 1° 58' 5° 10' 7° 45' 6° 54'
22" 28" 10" 46" 01" 34" 22" 28" 10" 46" 01" 34"

Vehlow 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42' 16° 42'
22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22" 22"

Whole Sign 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00' 0° 00'
00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00" 00"

James's House Cusps

Some notes about this birth chart calculator:

Please be patient when entering your birth city to allow the program to call up the list of locations as sometimes it’s not instantaneous. If
you’re just not getting results and can’t submit, it may be that the atlas is busy (GeoNames has certain limits per hour and per day). In this
case, you can use this same tool on my sister site, Astrology Cafe here.
It’s important to enter the city name only or the first several letters of the city in the Birth City field, not the country or
state/province/region. For example, if you were born in Fuzhou, Fujian, China, you should enter “fuzhou” or similar and not “fujian” or
“china.” It’s better not to overtype – for best results, type in the CITY name and scroll through the list for the correct city.
**Important: Under normal circumstances, you don’t need to change the time zone offset. Please don’t adjust the time zone offset unless
you know for certain what you’re doing since the default offsets incorporate crucial factors (such as daylight savings time), and are in the
majority of cases accurate for births after 1970. There are some discrepancies in all historical time zone atlases, particularly for birth years
before 1970, however, so if you need help with the time zone offset value, send an email to Be sure to mention
why you’re writing and include full birth data. **Note that the atlas in this software is not as particular about historical time zones (before
1970 births) as the atlas in our Free Report Section, but is excellent for post-1970 time zones. It is always a good idea to check up on older
dates since time zone changes, especially regarding Daylight Saving Time, were erratic in some areas and not well-documented.
I have received many emails from people who feel they should be changing the +/- value of the time zone offset number, quoting time
converter formulas. Doing so will give you incorrect results. Please see the FAQ here for the reasons not to change the +/- value. Bottom
line: astrology software converts local time to UT and not vice versa, and the +/- values produced by this software are correct.

Do you prefer Whole Sign houses? If so, you can create your free natal chart report with Whole Sign houses here. We also have a birth chart
generator that draws the chart using Koch houses and using Equal houses.

You can also produce a free chart wheel with a list of planetary positions only (without the interpretations) .

See also Cafe Astrology’s Free Reports site, including full interpretations of the natal chart, transits, and compatibility.

Note about house systems: If you’re new to astrology, simply stick with the Placidus house system on this page and later in your studies, you can
explore different house systems. Mind you, many astrologers do end up sticking with Placidus after further study. Using Placidus is not a sign of
an unevolved astrologer, in other words, as some will have you believe!


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