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Thousand years ago in the hillside of Mount Tinjau, people lived in harmony with very
blessed nature. The abundant natural wealth, fertile land and peaceful society. There they
lived a family who had no parents. They were Bujang Sambilan with their the only daughter,
Siti Rasani. In another place but in the same there lived a tribal chief Datuak Limbatang and
his son, Giran.

Siti Rasani and Giran grew up together. Siti’s brother Kukuban, Kudun, Bayua, Malintang,
Galapuang, Balok, Batang, Bayang and Kaciak protected her always. However the affair
between Sani and Giran were unavoidable. One day, Giran met Sani silently and some people
saw them.

He took his smarphone and chat Sani through Whatsapp. They made appointment to meet.

“Hi Beib. I will wait you near the paddy field.

Sani received Giran’s text.

Oh my darling. Sure I will see you there soon”.

Then she replied the text.

“Ok darling. Wait for me”.

In a hurry, Sani put her make up, blow her hair and wore a yellow beautiful dress. Without
them knowing, some people saw them and the people reported it to Datuak Limbatang. At the
same time to Kukuban the oldest Bujang Sambilan. Kukuban told Sani not to do that wrong
thing and neither did Datuak Limbatang. Giran was punished by him. Since that time they
never met each other. They started had communication through social media such as
facebook, and whatsapp and etc. One day they had video call. Sani was in her bedroom and
Giran was in the back yard of his house.

“Hi Giran my sweetheart I really miss you to the moon and back”,said Sani.

“Oh my baby I couldn’t made my day without you by myside” said Giran.

When they were in the line of video call suddenly somebody appeared behind Siti Rasani, he
was Balok.
“I get you both. You did the same thing again. I will tell Kukuban about it.” Said balok.

“Please dont don’t! I beg you!!” said Sani.

Ok, I will let you free this time but Sani please dont do that again. You know what will you
face if Kukuban know about this and I beg you. Dont behave like we never be taught by our
parents”. We dont have parents indeed but your brother has been here for you always in bad
and good time. Sani realized her mistake and plained to end her relationsip. Giran, the was
broken heart man tried to forget Sani. He thought he has disenchated his father Dt.

One day there was Pencak silat’s match in the village. After few weeks Sani didn’t have a
walk out her house, she decided to go to this event. She supposed to be there to support her
brother, Kukuban in the match.

What a coincidence Sani saw Giran from the distance and Giran caught Sani’s eyes were
looking to him. Then they walked away together and stop under a big tree. Only two of them.
Someone caught them by surprise and report it to the tribal chief, Dt. Limbatang. He asked
the people to gather in order to hear Sani and Giran’s explanation. They told that they were
innocence and nothing happened. In contrary, the man who saw them told differnt story.

“I caught them that Giran hold Sani’s hand and then they were hugging”, said the man.

Kukuban defended his sister. “That is not true. I believe my sister. Unbelievable she did
insulted thing like that” said Kukuban.

Batang spoke up and the other Bujang Sambilan stood together in line to protect Sani. Balok
didn’t tell the truth to the his brother about what he knew before.

The people asked Dt. Limbatang to punish them even Giran was his son. But Dt. Limbatang
didn’t believe the story at once. He forced them to proof that they were innocence. The
people agreed. The man challenge to ask Giran, Sani and Bujang sambilan to jump to the
crater of Mount Tinjau.

“If the Mount explode that means they were innocence. But if they did deviate act so the
Mount would explode and it will become a lake and all of you will be the fishes” said the
All people agreed. Dt. Limbatang couldn’t say anything anymore. Then, they stood together
on the top of Mount Tinjau and jumped. Terrible. It exploded and become a lake.

Thousand years after that it called the lake as Lake Maninjau. The name of some village
around Lake Maninjau was aken from the name of Bujang Sambilan, Siti rasani dan Giran.

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