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初赛 10 月第 1 场议论文-

Livestreaming sales
There is no denying the truth that livestreaming sales--or air marketing--has made a fundamental
impact on the present and future of online retailing business. As all new trends do initially, both
retailers and customers alike embraced this revolutionary business model with open arms.
However, the other side of the coin revealed its negative effects soon after. Thus, the explosive
growth of livestreaming has ignited heated debates on whether enthusiastic live streamers are to be
trusted or not. judging from personal experience, l hold firm that overall, the benefits
livestreaming brings about outweighs its negative aspects.

First of all, the practice of live steaming is justifiable from the customers' perspective. In order
to solidify a customer's resolve to purchase goods, there must be proper motivation as well as a
detailed depiction of the product. Live streaming provides virtually all the necessities. Live
steamers who chose to participate in this commercial battlefield all have an arsenal of skills to
effectively direct the customers' tendency towards their goal. For instance, a seller of nutritional
diets must be fit and slim herself so as to unconsciously display the potential of her product.
More than often, live streamers even test their products online. As one can imagine, previous
doubts that might ultimately hinder the customers' purchase are much more likely to be dismissed
upon seeing real-life effects of a product. What's more, unique "in-store" shopping scenario
fabricated by livestreaming makes customers follow live streamers on a fantastic shopping trip.
Traditional brick-and-mortar shop sand online retailing merely enable buyers to pick goods
from a shelf--be it a real one or a virtual one--based on a brief introduction either by a clerk or on
a webpage and cast suspicions aside. Customers prefer to be more personally involved in their
experience rather than simply be led around, so livestreaming makes it possible for audiences to
connect with live streamers and guide their actions to some extent. A multi-dimensional view of
products and a first-person perspective will surely win the hearts of customers.
Secondly, livestreaming is a profitable marketing strategy for producers and retailers. Their
goal can be divided into two aspects: to attract more customers and to lower the budget as much as
possible. Owing to the magic of the Internet, livestreaming platforms can sustain millions of
audiences simultaneously. Therefore, live streaming introduces products to a number of customers
like never before. The more people get to know a product, the more likely potential buyers will
emerge from the mass. To further provoke their interest, livestreaming platforms hire renowned
figures as live streamers and offer a relatively low service fee compared with conventional
retailers for those who wish to display their products. While a commercial advertisement starring
Jay Chou may cost tens of millions, a live streaming session featuring the same star costs the same
budget while covering a significantly larger variety of products. Thus, there's no wonder that
customers and producers alike engage in livestreaming with great enthusiasm.
Naturally, the booming livestreaming industry raised more than a few concerns. Due to the
temporary cooperation between producers and live streamers, live streamers may not take
sufficient responsibility for misleading information in livestreaming. Furthermore, the nature of
marketing and

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