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Can smoking be prevented by making tobacco illegal?

Smoking is considered as one of the top causes of lung cancer and other illnesses of
the lungs, so it is natural that someday we will ask ourselves if the smoking can be
prevented by declaring tobacco illegal. From my point of view this act alone won’t be
enough to stop it’s use.

The first fact supporting my belief is based on the human’s greed, which will stop this
temporary solution from spreading to many other countries since some are ruled by
people who don’t care about the vow they had given to protect their citizens. And
this will render the effect of the before mentioned law.

The other fact has foundations on the individual’s will to give up his vices. It is known
fact that many people are unable to keep themselves away from their vice, so it is
expected that they will find illegal ways to obtain tobacco.

As the facts concerning our greed and willpower previously mentioned show my
opinion is that this is a good start but not enough if we want to halt the use of

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