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Project Proposal to Mentor Company February 21, 2020

Business Information Group

Ms. Dangro, Ms. McGowan, and Ms. Olschefski

Dear Ms. Dangro,

We are pleased to submit this proposal to the Business Information Group.

We want to make sure our work for you is aligned with your expectations. This proposal is our
current understanding of the assignment you have given us. We ask that you and your team
review it and make any changes or add any clarifications to assure that we are working to meet
your expectations.

Mentor Company Challenge

Underutilization of the companies LinkedIn pages for recruitment and interaction.


The assignment is to focus, primarily, on creating a careers page on your LinkedIn account. Your
goal is to more effectively use this page as a recruiting tool for finding new employees who fit
and live by your company’s core values. Also, if there is time remaining in our assignment, you
would also like us to look over your Facebook page and see if there are any modifications that
can be made to improve engagement.


There are several different factors that we need to consider when constructing your careers page
on LinkedIn. The first factor is to have your page stand out from the other companies in your
industry. The second factor is to humanize your company on the careers page. We also need to
consider that BIG has subpages on LinkedIn that should be used more effectively.

Ideal Outcome

Our ideal outcome for this assignment is to provide Business Information Group with a step by
step plan to implement these recommendations and additions to your LinkedIn page. We also
want to be able to test the work we have done and see how the changes are received by potential
employees and people visiting your LinkedIn page. In the end, you would like to see an increase
in interaction on the LinkedIn page and applications for open positions at BIG.

The first step our team will take is researching other LinkedIn pages that are in the same industry
as your business. We will be seeing what key features they have and if we are able to implement
those features into developing your careers page. We will also need any LinkedIn data your
company has collected in order for us to see what has worked and what hasn’t so we are able to
implement this information into developing your careers page. We hope to have all the
information collected and analyzed by March 17th and come present to you with our findings on
how we are going to implement it into your careers page. Feedback would be appreciated on
these possible changes. We also would like to sit down with various department heads at your
company and get a better understanding of what they are looking for in an employee.

We plan on having this assignment completed around April 14th where we will be giving you
our final presentation on all of our findings and a step by step process on how to implement these
recommendations to your LinkedIn page.

Our team members have different backgrounds that will aid us in our work with this task. Here is
a brief listing of our team’s experience:
● Zachary Ruggiero
○ Team management experience with programmers
○ MySQL and Access experience
○ Microsoft Office proficient
○ Editing and proofreading background
● Colin Mooney
○ Personal and Business Tax preparation
○ Excel Proficient
○ Computer Literate
○ Training experience
● Beck Roman
○ Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop Proficient
○ Business Social Media management experience
○ Advertising materials creation for non-profits

We wanted to thank you again for this amazing opportunity of working with your company and
allowing us to do this assignment, it will be a great experience for our team. We look forward to
continuing to work with your company.

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