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Linings and seat materials

Elastomers ,ue used in valves for a variety o.C
seaJing functions. The bodies of concemric
burredly valves are mostly lined with moulded
seals (sleeves, li11ers or seats). This conscruction
prin­ci pie includes the seat sealing, tht: sha �
Fig.11: sealing .rnd rhe flange sea ling i11 a single
Concen1ric bul1er11y component (Fig. ·1 I). fo :-iddirion, rhc valve
valve with elasto­ body is Lotally isol:ited from rhe operating
merlc hner
meJium. lt is possible to use differem liner
qu:i.lities for the same valve body.

Integrated shof1 sealing

S1obilisa1ion ol lhe liner

This opens up a lar�e number of combinations.

In vacuum applications, it is also possible ro glue
replaceable elasLOmer liners onto the valve body
For better sLabilisation, hut gluing can he unreli­
able, leading to lamination and failure. Alterm1-
tively, elasromers can be vulcanised dh·ecrly o.nio
the body. As a consequence, a high swbility can
be achieved even at a hi�h flow rate and also in
vacuum applications. The Jisadvanrag-e of this
design is that these Lypes of liners cannot be
easily exchanged or repaired.

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