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USMLE High Yield Biochemistry Diseases

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1. What happens in Gout excess uric acid

2. What is prophylaxis for gout allopurinol which inhibits Xanthine


3. What is issues with Allopurinol and 6-mercatopurine is elminated by

6-mercaptopurine xanthine oxidase which is not work-
ing if you take allopurionol

4. What happens in lesch-nyhan syn- X linked absence of HGPRT


5. What pathway is increased in De novo purine syntheiss as you

Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome have deficiency of HGRPT

6. What is seen on peripherla smear of Heinz bodies and bite cells

glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase

7. Patient presents with self-mutilation, Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome

hypotonia, and chorea as a young
child what is diagnosis?

8. What happens in orotic aciduria? Defect in UMP synthase leads to

inability to form pyrimidines

9. What is presentation of orotic You will have megaloblastic anemia

aciduria? which cannot respond to B12 or fo-
late alongside orotic acid in urine
and growth retardation

10. Patient presents with megaloblastic Orotic aciduria

anemia which cannot respond to B12
or folate alongside orotic acid in urine
and growth retardation what is likely

11. What is treatment of orotic aciduria? Uridine

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Why do you have increase orotic acid You are unable to combine
in Ornithine Transcarbamylase defi- carmaboyl phosphate with ornithine
ciency? so carbamoyl phosphate is shunted
to makre orotic acid

13. What disease presents with orotic Ornithine Transcarbamylase defi-

acid in urine with hyperammonia ciency

14. What disease presents with orotic Orotic aciduria

acid in urine without hyperammonia

15. Patient presents with hyperammonia, Ornithine Transcarbamylase defi-

encephaltiis, and orotic aciduria what ciency
is diagnosis?

16. What part of thymidine synthesis is required to regernate THF from its
Vit B12 needed for? modified form essentially recycling

17. What happens in Glucokinase defi- pancreas thinks there is low blood
ciency sugar when it is actually high and
does not secrete insulin leading to
hyperglycemia as the liver does not
take up enough sugar after a meal

18. What conditions increase LDH in hemolysis, myocaridal infarction,

plasma tumors

19. What is pathology of muscle cramps? elevated NADH/NAD ratio leads to

LDH activity to recover NAD+ which
in turn increases lactic acid and
leads to cramps

20. What happens in Pyruvate Kinase De- rbc do not have enough ATP to
ficiency maintian their membrane leading to
hemolysis and splenomegaly

21. What is presentation of Pyruvate Ki- newborn with extravascular hemol-

nase Deficiency ysis and splenomegaly

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22. Newborn presents with extravascular Pyruvate Kinase Deficiency
hemolysis with splenomegaly what
metbaolism diasease could this be

23. What is presentation of Biotin defi- dermatitis, glossiits (tongue inflam-

ciency mation), nasueae, and anorexia

24. What happens in Von Gierke Disease defeicny in glucose-6-phosphatase

which means you cannot turn g6p
to glucose

25. What is presentaiton from Von Gierke infancy with lethargy, seizures, and
Disease lactic acidosis and sever hypo-

26. Infant presents with infancy with Von Gierke disease

lethargy, seizures, and lactic acido-
sis and severe fasting hypoglycemia
what is diagnosis?

27. What happens to lactic acid in Von increased

Gierke Disease

28. What is treatment of Von Gierke Dis- oral glucose


29. What happens in Pompe Disease deficiency of a1,4 glucosidase in


30. What is presentation of Pompe Dis- cardiomegaly, hypotonia, and en-

ease larged tongue

31. Newborn presents with car- Pompe disease

diomegaly, hypotonia, and enlarged
tongue what is the diagnosis

32. What is cause of death in Pompe dis- heart failure


33. What happens in Cori disease deficieny in debranching enzyme

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34. What is presentation of Cori disease mild hypoglycemia, hepatomegaly,
and hypotonia

35. Is there lactic acidosis in cori disease no

36. infant presents with mild hypo- cori disease

glycemia, hepatomegaly, and hypoto-
nia what is diagnosis

37. What happens in Mcardles disease muscle glycogen phosphorylase


38. What is presentation of MCardles dis- presents in adolesence with excer-

ease cise intolerance, fatigue, poor en-
durance, and cramps as well as my-
globinuria (urine turns dark after ex-

39. What defieicny causes fasting hy- glycogen synthase deficiency

poglycemia in absence of he-

40. What substance accumulates in cori limit dextrins


41. What two monosacharides do you galactose and fructors

avoid in von-gierkes disease

42. What amino acid will be elevated in Alanine as the conversion of pyru-
von gierke disease? vate (which alanine is converted to)
to glucose is disuptred in the liver

43. What happens in chornic granu- loss of function of NADPH oxidase

loamouts idsease

44. Which type of organisms are in- catalase positive

creased in chornic grnaulomatous

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What are the 5 important organisms staph aurerus, psuedomaons, sera-
of chornic granulomatous disease tia, nocarida, aspergillus

46. glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase NADPH

defieicny will cause an inability to
form what substance

47. What is inheritance of glucose 6 This is a X linked disorder

phosphate dehydrogenase

48. Patient presents with recurrent he- glucose 6 phosphate dehydroge-

molysis leaidng to dark urine after ex- nase deficiency
posure to an oxidative stress trigger
what is the diagnosis

49. What is presentation of glucose 6 recurrent hemolysis leaidng to dark

phosphate dehydrogenase deficien- urine after exposure to an oxidative
cy stress trigger what is the diagnosis

50. What are triggers of glucose 6 phos- infection as macrophages generate

phate dehydrogenase deficiency free radicals, fava beans which con-
tain oxidants, and drugs

51. What drugs can trigger glucose 6 sulfa drugs, INH, dapsone, and
phosphate dehydrogenase deficien- anti-malarials

52. How is NADPH used in regards to NADPH serves as a cofactor for

degerdation og H2O2 production of glutathione via glu-
tathione reductase

53. Why will RBC in glucose 6 phos- accumulation of H2O2

phate dehydrogenase defieicny un-
dergo hemolysis

54. Test for Glucose 6 phosphate dehy- flourescent spot test

drogenase is done through that exam

55. NADPH is required for synthesis of fats

what type of macro in the body?
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56. Incidence of wernicke-korsakoff is altered transketolase activity in their

through to arise to small population fibroblasts
of alcoholics with?

57. What happens to magenisum levels hypomagensiemia

in alcoholics?

58. What form of glutathione will be in- Glutatione disulfide

creased in glucose 6 phosphate de-
hydrogenase defieicny patients?

59. What substance can you not make in Superoxide O2-

chronic granulomatous disease?

60. What happens in Essential fructo- benign deficiency of fructose kinase

suria leading to fructose in urine

61. What happens in Hereditary fructose deficiency of aldolase B leading to

intolerance buildup of F1P and depletion of ATP
in the liver

62. What happens to phosphate in Hered- body cannot metabolize F1P which
itary fructose intolerance causes sequestering of phosphate
leading to decrease in glycogen

63. What is presentation of Hereditary hypoglycemia and hepatomegaly

fructose intolerance leading to liver failure in a baby
that has just been weened off from

64. Child just weened off breast milk Hereditary fructose intolerance
presents with hypoglycemia and he-
patomegaly leading to liver failure
what is diagnosis

65. What is treatment of Hereditary fruc- Avoid sorbitol, sucrose, and fruc-
tose intolerance tose

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What happens in Classic Galac- deficiency in GALT with Galactose
tosemia 1 Phosphate accumulating in cells
leading to accumulation of galactitol

67. What is presentation of Classic neonate in first days of life with liv-
Galactosemia er failure, jaundice, hepatomegaly,
and catarcts

68. neonate in first days of life with liver Classic Galactosemia

failure, jaundice, hepatomegaly, and
catarcts is likely what diagnosis

69. What is treatment for Classic Galac- avoid galactose


70. What happens in Galactokianse defi- glactose cannot be converted to

ciency Galactose 1 Phosphate resulting
in galactose accumulating in blood
and urine

71. What ocular issue can Galactokianse cataracts

deficiency cause

72. What will absnece of galactokianse decreased

do to hepatocyte ability to take up

73. What happens in Thiamine deficiency Beriberi and Wernicke-korsakoff


74. What happens in Wernicke-korsakoff malnourished, poor vitamin absorp-

syndrome tion, confusion, confabulation

75. Do you give glucose or thiamine first you give thiamine first before you
to an alcoholic give glucose because without it you
will not be able to convert pytuvate
to Acetyl-CoA as it is a cofatcor for
Pyruvate dehydrogenase

76. lipoic acid

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Arsenic will inhibit which cofactor of
pyrvaute dehydorgeanse

77. arsenic gets oxidize leading to what garlic smell of breath


78. What happens in PDH complex defi- inborn error of meatbolism where
ciency pyruvate is shunted to alanine and
lactate as these patients are unable
to make acetyl CoA

79. What is inheritance of PDH complex X linked


80. What is common mutation in PDH mutations in PDHA1 gene

complex deficiency

81. What is presentation of PDH complex elevated alanine, lactic acidosis,

deficiency poor feeding, grwoth failure, devel-
opmental delay

82. Child presents with elevated ala- PDH complex deficiency

nine, lactic acidosis, poor feeding,
grwoth failure, developmental delay
what metabolism issue is the diagno-

83. What is treatment for PDH complex thiamine and lipoic acid to optimise
deficiency the remaingin PDH enzyme and ke-
togenic diet

84. Carbon monoxide can inhibit Cy- Fe2+ iron

tochromes by binding to what form of

85. Cyanide can inhibit what part of the Complex 4 by binding to Fe3+ iron

86. What is a major sign of Cyanide Poi- Bright red venous blood (oxgyen is
soning not getting extracted)
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87. Patient presents with almond smell cyanidie posinoing

and lactic acidosis what is likely di-

88. In a clinical setting what substance Nitroprusside

can restult in cyanide poisoning

89. How does amyl nitrites work as treat- converts Fe2+ to FE3+ and cyan-
ment for cyanide poisoning dide is then sequestered by RBC
and protects the mitochondira in the

90. what macrolide antibiotic which in- Oligomycin A

hibits ATP synthase preventing pro-
duction of ATP

91. What is firstline treatment of cyanide Hydroxocobalamin alongside pos-

toxicity? sible thiosulfate

92. What are causes of Carnitine defieic- malnutrion, liver disease, hemodial-
ny ysis, and trauma such as burns

93. What happens in carnitine deficiency inhibition of transport of

long-chain-fatty-acids into mito-
chondira resulting in accumulation
of long-chain-fatty-acids in cells

94. What is seen on labs of carnitine de- low carnitine and acylcarnitine lev-
ficiency els

95. What is presentation of carnitine de- muscle weakness during excer-

ficiency sie, cardiomyopathy, hypoglycemia
without ketones during fasting as
you cannot metabolize fatty acids
into ketones

96. What happens in Primary systemic mutation of carnitine uptake into

carnitine deficiency cells presenting in first 2 years of life

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What is presentation of Primary sys- encephalopathy, hepatomgely, hy-
temic carnitine deficiency perammonemia, hypokeotic hypo-
glycemia, low serum carnitine

98. What happens in medium chain poor oxidatoin of 6-10 carbon fatty
acyl-CoA dehydrognease Deficiency acids

99. What is presentation of medium hypoglycemia without ketones dur-

chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase defi- ing fasting with dicarboxylic acids
ciency with 6-10 carbons will be seen in

100. How do you distinguish MCAD from high acylcarnitine levels in MCAD
carnitine deficiency

101. What is treatment for MCAD avoid fasting

102. What happens in Methylmalonic defieicny in Methylmalonyl-CoA

acidemia mutase which would normally con-
vert it to succinyl-CoA resulting in
anion gap acidosis and CNS dys-

103. Why do type 1 diabetics have in- they have low insulin which leads
creased ketone production? to glucagon sending oxaloacetate
to gluconegogensis which reduces
the amount of oxaloacetate in the
TCA and Acetyl-CoA is then instead
shunted toward production of ke-

104. Why is ketone production increased NADH levels increase from metab-
in alcholism? olism of ethanol which forces ox-
aloacetate to mvoe towards malate
to recover NAD+ this reduces the
amount of oxaloacetate in the TCA
and Acetyl-CoA is then instead
shunted toward production of ke-

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105. What are the 4 conditiuons for in- starvation, DKA, insuffiicent insulin
creased ketones in urine? in diabeteics, alcholism

106. How can lactic acidosis induce gout the uric-acid lactic exchanger is
overactive trying to remvoe lactic
acid so uric acid is pulled from urine
into the blood which results in gout

107. What happens if you combine aceta- CYP induction by alcohol use leads
minophen with chronic alcohol use? to acetaminophen toxicity which is

108. What happens to levels of mal- increased

onyl-CoA in hepatocytes in al-

109. If you have hypoglycemia, lactic aci- Classic Galactosemia and Heredi-
dosis, and ketosis after feeding what tary Furctose Intolerance
metabolism error can it be

110. If you have hypoglycemia, lactic aci- Hereditary Furctose Intolerance

dosis, and ketosis after feeding fol-
lowing cessation of breast feedinf
what metabolism error can it be

111. If you have hypoglycemia, lactic aci- Classic Galactosemia

dosis, and ketosis after feeding fol-
lowing begining of breast feeding
what metabolism error can it be

112. If you have hypoglycemia, lactic aci- Von Gierke disease

dosis, and ketosis when you are fast-
ing what metabolism error can it be

113. What happens in Maple Syrup Urine deficiency of A-ketoacid dehydro-

Disease- genase leading to an inability to
metabolize valine, leucine, and

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Why do you have sweet smell in A-keto acids build up in urine with
maple syrup urine disease sweet smell

115. do you have hypoglycemia in Maple no

Syrup Urine Disease

116. What happens in Ornithine transcar- inability to combines ornithine and

bamylase deficiency carbamoyl phosphate into citrulline
which increases carbamoyl phos-
phate in serum which is shunted
into pyrimidine synthesis which in-
creases orotic acic

117. What is inhertiance of Ornithine tran- X linked

scarbamylase deficiency

118. What is presentation of Ornithine hyperammoeniea, increased orot-

transcarbamylase deficiency ic acid, and increased carbamoyl

119. what is error in Orotic Aciduria UMP synthase deficiency

120. What is presentation of Orotic normal ammonia levels with orotic

Aciduria aciduria and megaloblastic anemia
which can not be fixed by Vit B12 or

121. in sickle cell aenima you replace what glutamate for valine
with what

122. What happens in sickle cell anemia in the replacement of a polar amino
regards to polarity of new hemoglo- acid for a non-polar acid changes
bin the protein structure

123. What happens in Phenylketonuria deficiency of phenylalanine hydrox-

ylase activity

124. What accumulates in Phenylke- phenylalanine


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125. What is presentation of Phenylke- lack of melanin leading to pale skin,
tonuria fiar hair, blue eyes as well as retar-
dation, seizures, and tremors and
musty smell of urine

126. Patient presents with pale skin, fiar Phenylketonuria

hair, blue eyes as well as retarda-
tion, seizures, and tremors and musty
smell of urine

127. What is treatment for Phenylke- restriction of phenylalalnine (syn-

tonuria thetic sweetners such as aspar-

128. What is issue in Maternal Phenylke- high levels of phenylalanine act as

tonuria teratogenic leading to microcephaly

129. What is a rare case of Phenylke- BH4 deficiency


130. What happens in Oculocutaneous al- Absent melanin arising from defi-
binism ciency in tyrosinease or tyrosine

131. What happens in Alkaptonuria deficiency of homogentisic acid oxi-

dase causing increase of homogen-
tisic acid

132. What is seen on X ray of Alkaptonuria calcification of intervertebral disks

is seen

133. What is presentation of Alkaptonuria urine turns black on standing,

arthritis in large joints, and pigment
is depositied in connective tissues
causing ochronosis

134. Patient presents with black urine, Alkaptonuria

arthritis in large joints, ochronosis
what is diagnosis

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135. high Metanephrine levels may be a pheochromocytoma due to being
sign of what cancer a sign of high catechloamine turn

136. What happens in Hartnup disease absence of amino acid transporter

in the proximal tubule leading to
loss of tryptophan by urine

137. Hartnup disease presentation mimics niacin deficiency

what deficiency

138. What happens in niacin deficiency pellagra: hyperpigmentation rash,

glossitis, diahrea, dementia

139. What is treatment of Hartnup disease treatment is high protein diet and

140. What enzyme is used to breakdown a-keto acid dehydroge-

branched chain amino acids nase/branched chain a-keto acid
dehydrogenase complex

141. What is presentation of homocystin- lens dislocation, long limbs, chest

uria deformities, osteoproosis, mental
redaration, and blood clots

142. Patient presents with lens disloca- homocystinuria

tion, long limbs, chest deformities,
osteoproosis, mental redaration, and
blood clots what is likely diagnosis

143. how does homocystinuria differs marfans does not have blood clots,
from marfans mental retardation, or osteoporosis

144. What happens in Classic homo- deficiency of cystathione B syn-

cystinuria thase leading to homocystinuria

145. what is difference in cystine and cystine is 2 cysteine molecules

cystiene linked together2

146. What happens in Cystinuria

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decreased reabsorption of cystine
in proximal tubule of nephron result-
ing in kidney stones

147. What is treatment of Cystinuria methionine free diet

148. Hexagonal crystals in a kidney stone Cystinuria

indicates what pathology

149. what accumulates in the blood of homocystine and methionine

Classic homocystinuriapatients?

150. anti-cyclic citruline peptide antibod- rheumatoid arthritis

ies are seen in what disease

151. What are signs of hyperammonemia asterixis (termor of palms up hands

flapping), cerbeal edema, memory
impariment, vomit, slurred speech,

152. Patient present with asterixis, vomit- hyperammonemia

ting, and slurred speech what is likely

153. treatment of hyperammonemia is to further lactulose is a laxative will

place them on a low protein diet lower colonic pH which lowers plas-
ma ammonia

154. What is a laxative treatment of hyper- lacutolose which will lower colonic
ammonemia pH and in turn lower plasma ammo-

155. What is the treatment of hyperam- sodium phenylbutyrare is a detoxi-

monemia secodnary to enzymatic de- cant which is conjugate with gluta-
ficiency mine and is excreted in the urine

156. What happens in Citrullinemia deficiency of argininosuccinate syn-

thase resulting in an inability to re-
cycle citruline to ornithine

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157. Patient presents with increased citru- Citrullinemia
line, low arginine, and hyperammone-
miawhat is diagnosis

158. What is presentation of Citrullinemia increased citruline, low arginine,

and hyperammonemia

159. What is presentation of wet beriberi high output heart failure, tachycar-
dia, edema polyneuritis and muscle

160. What is presentation of dry beriberi polyneuritis and muscle atrophy

161. Patient presents with high output wet beriberi

heart failure, tachycardia, edema,
polyneuritis and muscle atrophy what
is diagnosis

162. Patient presents with polyneuritis dry beriberi

and muscle atrophy what is diagnosis

163. Patient presents with confusion, con- Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome

fabulation, ataxia, blurred vision and
smells of alcohol what is likely diag-

164. Patient presents with deramtitis, B2 aka riboflavin deficiency

glossitis, and cheilitis what is diagno-

165. What diet will result in niacin defi- Corn diet


166. patient presents with dermatiis, diar- pellagra aka niacin deficiency
rhea, dementia what is diagnosis

167. How does INH therapy induce niacin decreased B6 activity which results
deficiency in inability to make niacin from tryp-

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168. How does hartnup disease induce absence of amino acid transporter
niacin deficiency in proximal tubule leading to loss of
tryptophan into urine

169. How does Carcinoid syndrome in- using up all the tryptophan to make
duce niacin deficiency serotonin

170. Patient presents with burning feet B5 deficiency

with numbess and paresthesia what
is diagnosis

171. What is seen in b5 deficiency burning feet with numbess and

paresthesia and possible adernal

172. pyridoxal phosphate is a further re- it is required to make gam-

quried for synthesis of what part of maaminoleuvlinic acid to make
RBC heme leading to sideroblastic ane-
mia in it's absence

173. Vit B6 overdose can result in what sensory neuropathy commonly in

presentation the legs

174. deficiency in either Vit B12 or folate megaloblastic anemia and in-
would both result in creased homocysteine

175. What Drugs induce folate metabolism Phenytoin, trimethoprim,


176. What is MOA of Phenytion in regards inhibits absorbtion of folate from GI

to folate

177. What is MOA of Tirmethoprim and both inhibit dihydrofoalte reductase

methortrexate in regards to folate which stops foalte from being made
into THF

178. Vit B12 is found only in what food meats

179. Vit B12 is absorbed in which part of terminal ileum

the GI

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180. Ileum or gastric bypass can also in- Vit B12
duce deficiecny fo what vitamin?

181. Do you continue hydroxyurea in preg- no

nant sickle cell patient?

182. What happens in deficiency of Vit A night blindness and keratinization of

the corena, in children will lead to
grwoth failure

183. Vit A can be used as therapy for what measles


184. What is Treatment of methomoglobi- Vit C


185. Excess Vit C leads to what presenta- iron overload and kidney calcium
tion oxalate stones

186. What happens to PTH in renal failure increased phosphate which se-
qusters Calcium from plasma which
induces hypocalcemia and increas-
es PTH synthesis

187. Excess Vit D leads to what hypercalcemia and hypercaliuria as

well as kidney stones

188. What happens in Vit E deficiency hemolytic anemai with muscle

weakness, ataxia, and dysmetria

189. Patient presents with hemolytic ane- Vit E

mai with muscle weakness, ataxia,
and dysmetria what substance is ab-

190. Vit K deficiency will show what labs elevated PT and normal bleeding

191. Why do newborns have low Vit K sterile GI at birth

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192. Why can antibiotics induce vit K de- antibiotics may kill GI abcteria
fiecny which produce vit K

193. What happens in Acrodermatitis En- impaired zinc absorption


194. What is presentation of Acrodermati- hyperpigmented skin which is peri-

tis Enteropathica oral and perianal with loss of hair,
diarrhea, and poor growth

195. patient presents with perioral and pe- Acrodermatitis Enteropathica

rianal hyperpigmented skin with loss
of hair, diarrhea, and poor growth
what is likely diagnosis

196. What happens in Abetalipoproteine- defect in microsomal triglyceride

mia transferance where chylomicrons
and VLDL lack Apoprotein B thus
chylomicons lack B48 and VLDL
lacks B100

197. What happens in Abetalipoproteine- chylomicorns without b48 results in

mia if you don't have B48 lipids accumulate in intestines and
you cannot absorb KADE vitamins
and induces vitamins

198. What happens in Abetalipoproteine- low levels of VLDL, IDL, and LDL
mia if you don't have B100

199. What is presentation of Abetalipopro- steatorhea, abdominal distention,

teinemia failure to thrive, poor vision, aaxia,

200. Patient presents with steatorhea, ab- Abetalipoproteinemia

dominal distention, failure to thrive,
poor vision, ataxia, hemolysis and
on biopsy you see accumulation of
lipids in enterocytes what is diagno-

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201. What is seen on biopsy of Abetal- accumulation of lipids in entero-
ipoproteinemia cytes

202. What is seen on peripheral smear of acanthocytosis (spikey membrane

Abetalipoproteinemia RBC's) will be seen

203. What are Pharmaceutical causes of beta blockers and Hydrochloroth-

Secondary hyperlipidemia iazide (small increase)

204. What are Signs of hyperlipidemia xanthomas, tendinous xan-

thomase, conreal arcus (seen on

205. What happens in hypercholymicrone- deficiecny in lipoprotein lipase or

mia apo-C2 deficiency resulting in in-
ability to break down triglycerides
into fatty acids

206. What is presentation of hyper- very high triglycerides and chylomi-

cholymicronemia crons and recurrent pancreatitis

207. What happens in familial hypercho- absence of LDL receptors leaidng

lesterolemia to inability to clear LDL form serum

208. What is presentation of familial hy- very high LDL and severe athero-
percholesterolemia scelerosis at a young age

209. What happens in Type 3 familial dys- ApoE2 subtype mutation resulting
betalipoproteinemia in accumulation of VLDL and chy-
lomicron remnants

210. Patient presents with xanthomas familial dysbetalipoproteinemia

and premature coronary diseasewhat
should be considered

211. What happens in Type 4 hypertriglyc- excess VLDL leading to increased

eridemia triglycerides

212. not fasting before drawing blood

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What is most common casue of iso-
lated high triglyceride levels in pa-

213. How can you differntiant Lipopro- Lipoprotein lipase deficiency will
tein lipase deficiency (hyperchy- have isolated triglyceride increase
lomicornemia) and familial dysbetal-

214. What is seen on labs of familial dys- high cholesterol and triglycerides

215. Patient labs shows isolated exterem- hypercholymicronemia (lipoprotien

ly high triglycerides >1000 what lipase deficiency)
should be considered?

216. Patient labs show elevated total cho- familial hypercholesterolemia (ab-
lesterol and high LDL what should be sence of LDL receptors)

217. Patient labs show increased choles- familial dysbetalipoproteinemia

terol and triglycerides what should be (APOEe2 mutation)

218. Patient labs shows isolated in- hypertriglyceridemia

creased triglycerides 200-500 what
should be considered?

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