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Ingredient Checklist

7 large eggs

¼ cup mayonnaise, plus more for spreading

2 teaspoons Dijon mustard

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon freshly ground pepper

4 slices sandwich bread

Sliced ham, lettuce, sliced olives, peas, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes, pickles, and grated carrot, for

DirectionsInstructions Checklist

Step 1

Make egg salad: In a medium saucepan, cover eggs with water. Bring to a boil; cook, uncovered, 2
minutes. Cover pan, and remove from heat; let stand 10 minutes. Hold eggs under cold running water to
stop the cooking. Peel eggs.

Step 2

Slice 2 eggs with a knife or an egg slicer. Set aside eight of the slices for eyes, and place remaining pieces
in a bowl. Add unsliced eggs to bowl, and mash with a fork. Add mayonnaise, mustard, salt, and pepper;
stir to combine.

Step 3
Spread a thin layer of mayonnaise over each slice of bread. Cover bread with egg salad, or layer on sliced
ham. Make faces using the egg-yolk slices, egg salad, and the remaining toppings, as desired. Serve

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