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Board of Directors

The board is responsible for stewardship.The company's and directors certify Good governance at
board level and below The foundation of good principles provided The framework of how the business is
run.The members of the board consist of People with multiple industries/careers The backgrounds they
acquired Effectively contributing excellence Decisions taken by the Board to guide the LOLC money to
achieve its objectives. in the In line with best practices, offices

Chairman and CEO Separate and Chairman is a non-executive Director. This ensures balance of power
and Improves accountability. Bring a bigger one The element of independence appointed by the Board
Mr. PA Wijeratne as Senior Independent Director (SID). Subject to the appointment of directors With
subsequent approval by the Central Bank Approval was obtained from the shareholders at an annual
general meeting (for re-election).

At these meetings, an opportunity is given To all shareholders (common and non-common)to approve
or reject such appointments.Proposals for new appointments / re-appointments will be notified
Shareholders through “Notice”.Annual General Meeting”, as prescribed Notification.

The Board approved policy on the Role of the Board defines its responsibilities and the matters which
are specifically reserved to it for approval.Additionally a Board-approved Terms of Reference have been
established for Executive and Non-Executive Directors, including Independent Directors.

It is the chairman's responsibility to lead, direct and manage the board to ensure that It operates
effectively and fully meets its legal and regulatory requirements. The chairman has delegated this task
to company secretaries.This is included in the Board's Policy on Relationship with the Company
Approved by the Secretariat.

A board-approved communication policy covers this aspect. The annual general meeting of the company
is its main forum Maintains effective communication with the Board including the Chairman
Shareholders.Periodic announcements to the Colombo Stock Exchange also contributeFor this purpose.

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