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PROJECT DAY (2022 – 2023)

Project Scrapbook – Subject Content

Class: VII

Instructions and Guidelines:

1. You are instructed to draw lines on the right hand side of the scrap book.

2. Please note the content pages allocated in the order given below.

· Title page

· Table of contents (allocate the pages according to the content of subjects)

· Introduction about the theme is important

· English

· Maths

· Science

· Social Studies

· II language (Tamil/ Hindi)

3. The left side of the scrap book should be used to stick relevant pictures supporting the

4. Parents can support their ward to complete the same and the scrap book and submit on or
before 14th Dec.

5. Worksheets based on the same will be done during their subject hours.

Symbolism can be defined as the practice or art of using an object or a word to represent an
abstract idea. An action, person, place, word, or object can have symbolic meanings.

Humans, consciously and subconsciously, are always striving to make sense of their surrounding
world. Symbols such as gestures, signs, objects, signals, and words help people understand that
world. They provide clues to understanding experiences by conveying recognizable meanings
that are shared by societies.

The world is filled with symbols. Sports uniforms, company logos, and traffic signs are symbols.
In some cultures, a gold ring is a symbol of marriage. Some symbols are highly functional; stop
signs, for instance, provide useful instruction. Trophies, blue ribbons, or gold medals, for
example, serve no other purpose than to represent accomplishments.

A police officer’s badge and uniform are symbols of authority and law enforcement. The sight of
an officer in uniform or a squad car triggers reassurance in some citizens, and annoyance, fear, or
anger in others.



A symbol can be an object, an idea, a visual image or a gesture that helps in the effective
entrenchment of a brand. Symbols can also include words, phrases, or sounds that connect
customers to a brand. Symbolism is fundamental to a brand and is inherent in most of our
interactions, from the logotype and colours, to a branded environment or a digital experience.
Each time someone interacts with a brand it serves as an opportunity to influence them, to trigger
their emotions and influence decision making.

Different types of advertisements

● Billboards.
● Flyers and brochures.
● Vehicle wraps and bus signage.
● Newspaper and magazine ads.
● Direct mailers.
Thus,symbols are used to attract consumers' attention and make them believe that one brand is
better than another or that they need something that they really do not.


Square root, in mathematics, a factor of a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives the
original number. For ex, both 3 and –3 are square roots of 9.
Definition : The square root of any number is equal to a number, which when squared gives the
original number.
Let us say m is a positive integer, such that √(m.m) = √(m2) = m
In mathematics, a square root function is defined as a one-to-one function that takes a positive
number as an input and returns the square root of the given input number. f(x) = √x
For example, if x=4, then the function returns the output value as 2.
Square Root Symbol
The square root symbol is usually denoted as ‘√’. It is called a radical symbol. To represent a
number ‘x’ as a square root using this symbol can be written as:
‘ √x ‘ , where x is the number. The number under the radical symbol is called the radicand. For
example, the square root of 6 is also represented as radical of 6. Both represent the same value.
Square Root Formula
The formula to find the square root is:
y = √a

Since, y.y = y2 = a; where ‘a’ is the square of a number ‘y’.

Activity: Paste the picture of square root clock


An electronic symbol is a pictogram used to represent various electrical and electronic devices or
functions, such as wires, batteries, resistors, and transistors, in a schematic diagram of an
electrical or electronic circuit.

There are five commonly used symbols in Electrical – Switch, Wire, Contactor, Motor, and
Transformer. These symbols can be used in any electrical drawings. Switches are used for
ON/OFF any control circuit.

Circuit symbols and names are small images that represent an electrical or electronic device or
function. Circuit symbols and names are used for creating diagrams. And these diagrams show
how a circuit is connected. They are essential in designing circuits or making printed circuit
boards for a project.

Activity: Design a circuit board

Draw a simplified representation of the components of an electrical circuit using the above
mentioned symbols

1. A circuit board with open switch

2. A circuit board with closed switch

“Men of quality respect women’s equality.” Women are the primary caretakers of children
and elders in every country of the world. International studies demonstrate that when the economy
and political organization of a society change, women take the lead in helping the family adjust to
new realities and challenges. Gender equality requires equal enjoyment by women and men of
socially-valued goods, opportunities, resources and rewards. Where gender inequality exists, it is
generally women who are excluded or disadvantaged in relation to decision-making and access to
economic and social resources. Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls. It's
essential for economic prosperity. Societies that value women and men as equal are safer and
healthier. Gender equality is a human right. Gender equality has a positive impact on society and
gives women and men an equal share of resources. This applies to all countries, irrespective of the
political, social or cultural environment or level of development. Gender equality is an important
key to change.
The benefits of gender equality
• Gender equality prevents violence against women and girls. Gender inequality is a root
cause of violence against women.
• Gender equality is good for the economy.
• Gender equality is a human right.
• Gender equality makes our communities safer and healthier.



நாணயங் கள்

குறியீடுகள் என்பவை நிகழ் வுகவள நநரடியாக நிவனவு

கூர்ைதற் கானவை ஆகும் . இவை ஒன்றன் அழவக நமம் படுத்துகின்றன.
சங் ககால நாணயங் களில் பபாறிக்கப்பட்ட சின்னங் களும் அதன்
நநாக்கங் களும்

· யாவன சின்னம் - அரசர்களின் ைலிவமவயயும் நமன்வமவயயும்

காட்டுைதற் காக இருக்கலாம் .

· மீன் சின்னம் – ைளமான ைாழ் வையும் , நீ ரின் ஆற் றவலயும்

பைளிப்படுத்துகிறது. மீன் குஞ் சுகவள காப்பது மன்னனால் மக்கள்
எதிரிகளிடமிருந்து காக்கப்படுைர்.

· நைங் வகபுலி – நைங் வக புலி பவகைவன தாக்குைது நபால

மன்னன் எதிரிகவள பாய் ந்து தாக்குபைன்.

· காவள – பசல் ைத்வத குறிக்கும் .

· குதிவர – பபருவமயின் சின்னம்

· சிங் கம் – மண்ணகத்து மன்னன் சிங் கம் நபான்றைன்

இை் ைாறு சங் க கால மன்னர்கள் தங் கள் பபருவமகவள நாணயத்தில்

பபாறிக்கப்பட்டுள் ள குறியீடுகளின் மூலம் பைளிப்படுத்தினர்.
मंत्र-तंत्र-यंत्र की अलौककक शक्तिय ं

मन की चंचलता हमें सामान्य रूप से ककसी भी क्षेत्र में या कायय में सफलता नहीं किलवा सकती है । जब हम
अपने को भौकतक जगत में असफल पाते हैं तो मंत्रों के रहस्यपूर्य अलौककक जगत में कैसे सफल हो सकते
हैं ?

हम िै कनक जीवन में आने वाली बहुत-सी समस्याओं का समाधान एवं इच्छित पिार्थों की प्राच्छि मंत्र की
साधना से प्राि कर सकते हैं । कायय कोई भी हो, व्यच्छि कवशेष के भाग्य के अनुसार ही पूरा होता है । उसी
प्रकार मंत्र-यंत्र-तंत्र की साधना का फल भी भाग्य के अनुसार ही कमलता है । ककसी को कम ककसी को
ज्यािा। सोये हुए भाग्य को जगाने में भगवत आराधना, तंत्र-मंत्र-यं त्र साधना, अकत सहायक कसद्ध होती है ।
मंत्र शास्त्र के अंतगयत कवकवध कायों के कलए कवकवध मंत्र कमलते हैं जो मानव के कवकभन्न कायों के अनुसार
कनकित हैं ।

मूल रूप से वैकिक, साबर एवं तां कत्रक मंत्र हैं । वैकिक एवं साबर ये िोनों मंत्र एक सार्थ नहीं जपे जाते। साबर
मंत्र अपने आप में स्वयं कसद्ध है । गुरु गोरखनार्थ एवं भगवान ित्तात्रेय कृत ये मंत्र अत्यंत चमत्काररक एवं
प्रभावशाली हैं ।

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