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L3 AI Solutions in Real World Issues

Question 1.Define the term sustainable development .

Sustainable development means fulfilling the needs of current generations
without compromising the needs of the future generations, while ensuring a
balance between economic growth, environmental care and social well-being.

Question 2.Explain the term sustainable development goals.

Ans. Sustainable development goals are the set of 17 goals. 193 nations of the
world have adopted at the United Nations Conference in Rio de Janeiro in the
year 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy
prosperity and peace by 2030.

Question 3: Explain the two smart products that lead to contribute towards the
achievement of SDGs.
● Smart water management system Is used to attain the SDG. It has
helped in reducing Water consumption by 15% .These smart
systems use Smart pipes, soil sensors, Smart rainwater harvesting ,
Smart water meters, Smart water control software etc.
● AI Technologies like Smart farm management, Smart irrigation,
precision agriculture Are helping in boosting the farm productivity
and reducing wastage.
Question 4:
List any 3 SDGs which are interlinked with achievement of no poverty.
Answer: No Poverty is the Goal 1.The world Nations accepted the greatest
Global challenge restricting sustainable development. Most of the SDGs are
linked to it. For example, without addressing poverty we cannot address the
issue of Hunger (Goal 2) or Good Health and Wellbeing (Goal 3), absence of
quality education (Goal 3) increases poverty and poverty makes it difficult to
attain Quality education.

Question 5:
Explain the two challenges that restrict adaptation of AI in Real World Issues.
● Unavailability of Data and accessibility: Data is the primary domain of
AI.Data is not freely available and accessible. Ethical and Bias issues can
be caused by the collection and retention of Data.
● There is a Lack of Skilled resources such as data scientists and NLP
engines,who are needed to improve models and implement solutions.

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