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Life skills

These days there is a lot of debate about how to teach life skills. Some people say schools should
teach life skills because this prepares students better for life in the real world, whereas others say it
is not necessary because young people can learn these skills at home.
Personally, I think this would be beneficial in preparing students for adult life. However, I believe
that, in most cases, we can learn useful life skills at the same time as traditional subject. By the way,
financial skills such as budget planning and saving money are extremely important to avoid falling
into debt.
On the other hand, some people argue that there is already a lot to do and teachers and students do
not have any spare time for extra subjects at school and that life skills should be learnt at home. In
my opinion, we already learn many life skills while doing conventional subject. For example, we learn
teamworking by doing group projects, and organising our homework teaches us time management
shills especially online at school.
To sum up, I think in addition to traditional subjects, it would be a good idea to teach life skills at
school. There are many arguments for and against it but on balance I believe that in mosr cases the
advantages outweigh the dasadvantages.

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