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Plas tic Building
Building Blox Combat
Combat System


Mike Rayhawk


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Plastic Building
Building Blox Combat
Combat System

Mi chael Rayhawk 


Copy right ©1995-2003
©1995-2003 Mike Rayhawk.
For more information and the complete rules, please visit

Cover image by Mike Rayhawk 

 Text design
design and layout by Wayne McCaul (

© 2003

 All rights reserved.

 This is a modified
modified version
version of the Winter 2001

Dis claimer

 The concepts,
concepts, rules, infor
tion, and general
general philos
ophy presented
presented or linked to in this text (which mate
rial shall hereaf
ter be referred
to as “This Stuff”) are completely
completely unau
rized and unsanc
tioned by anyone,
anyone, any where, with the possi
ble excep
tion of Mike
Rayhawk, who pledges to autho
rize and/or sanction
sanction them only half-heartedly and on a very occaoc casional
sional basis.
basis. This Stuff is espe
un autho
rized by the LEGO Group, TYCO, Ritvik, or by any producer
pro ducer of any type of plastic
plastic construc
tion toys, or in fact by anyone
any one
even remotely
remotely connected
connected with any producer
producer of any type of toys, plastic
plastic or construc
tion or other
other wise.

 The original
original edition
edition of Brik Wars was largely based on the games Lego Wars  and  and Lego Wars II, copy
II, copy right © 1991, 1995 Eric O’Dell and
R. Todd Ogrin
Ogrin (which persons
persons shall hereaf
ter be referred
referred to as ‘Our Di vine
 vine Ances
tors’). A small and ever-decreasing
ever- decreasing amount of mate
rial in This Stuff is still based on ideas and phi loso
phies presented
presented in these games. Any such mate ma terial
rial may still be under
un der the copyright
of Our Di vine
 vine Ances
tors, and is used without
without their explicit
explicit permis
sion (our apologies
apologies to you two guys, but you stopped respond
re sponding
ing to
e-mail six years ago). Lego Wars and Lego Wars II were not authorized
author ized or sanctioned
sanctioned by the LEGO Group. The word ‘LEGO’(R) is
a registered trade
mark of the LEGO Group, and its inclu in clusions
sions in the titles
titles of Lego Wars and Lego Wars II were quite specifi
spe cifically
cally pro-
tested and prohib
ited by the Lego Group.

LUG NET™ is a trademark
trade mark of Todd S. Lehman
Leh man and Suzanne
Suzanne D. Rich, and is mentioned
men tioned in several
several pages throughout
throughout the rulebook 
 without their permis
 without permission.
sion. Their website
website at is an incredi
bly rich resource
resource for plastic-brick
plastic-brick enthu
asts and we
could never recom
mend it highly enough.

 All mate
rial contained
contained in or related
related to the Brik Wars rulebook
rulebook or made available
available at www.brik that can’t be proven to belong 
to one of those enti
en tities
ties mentioned
mentioned above is created
created by and copyright
copyright (c)1995-2001
(c)1995-2001 Mike Rayhawk.
Rayhawk. If you have any further
further questions,
please visit www.brik or e-mail
e-mail the author at rayhawk@art

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

For the BrikWar



Fore word xiii

A Nutshell xiv

The Enlight
Enlighteened BrikWarrior xiv
BrikWars Hyperabridged xiv

Don’t Be An Anorak!—A
Anorak!—A Caution
ary Overv
Overview xv

Optional Rule: The Hammer
Hammer of Disci
pline :) xvii

0 Intro
ducttion 1

0.1 A Brief Pre

Prellude 1
0.1.1 Rules 1
0.1.2 Depth 3

0.2 Some Assem

bly Req
Required 4

0.3 A BrikWars Glossary 5

0.3.1 Plastic Brick Terms 5
0.3.2 Game Terms 6
0.3.3 Some Notes About Points and Pips 9

1 The Bas
Basic Guide 11

1.1 The Grand Overview 11

1.2 Game Cycle 12

1.3 The Trooper 13


BrikWars: Contents viii

1.4 Basic Comb

Combat 16

2 The Troopers’
Troopers’ Arse
nal 19

2.1 Weapons an
and Eq
Equipment 19
2.1.1 Breaking Stuff 21

2.2 Ranged Weapons 21

2.2.1 Pistols 21
2.2.2 Rifles 22
2.2.3 Death Guns 22
2.2.4 Explosives 23
2.2.5 Archery 24
2.2.6 Thrown Weapons 25

2.3 Close Combat Weapo

Weapons 26
2.3.1 Bludgeons 26
2.3.2 Blades 27

2.3.3 Spears 27
2.3.4 Axes 28
2.3.5 Flails 28
2.3.6 Incendi
ariies 29

2.4 SpecialPurpose Items 30

2.4.1 Armor 30
2.4.2 Equipment 31
2.4.3 Commu
tions Syst
Systems 32
2.4.4 Magikal Potions 32

2.5 Creat
ing New Weapons
Weapons and Equipm
Equipment 33

3 Advanced
Advanced Comb
Combat 34

3.1 Ranged Combat 34

3.1.1 Ranged At
Attack Mo
ers 34
3.1.2 NearMiss Rules 35

3.2 Close Combat 37

3.3 More Ways to Attack 38

3.3.1 Attacking on an Oppon
Opponent’s Turn 38
3.3.2 Responding to an Oppon
Oppo nent’s Actions 39
3.3.3 Cumula
tive Damage/Com
Damage/Combbined Fire 40
3.3.4 Automatic Fire 40
3.3.5 Rasslin’ 41

3.4 More Ways to Die 42

3.4.1 Overkill 42

BrikWars: Contents ix

3.4.2 Explosions 43
3.4.3 Fire 43
3.4.4 Getting Stunned 44
3.4.5 Poison 45

4 Inter
ing With The Envi
ment 46

4.1 Moving Around 46

4.2 Non-Combat Action 48

4.3 Brik Physix 49

4.3.1 Determin
miniing Mass 49
4.3.2 Acceler
eraation 49
4.3.3 Carry
ing and Throwi
Throwing Objects 50
4.3.4 Shoving an
and Dr
Dragging Objects 51
4.3.5 Falling Objects 52
4.3.6 Collilissions 52

5 Large Targets
Targets 54

5.1 Building Platf

Platforms 54
5.1.1 Size 55
5.1.2 Armor 56

5.2 Platform Compo

nents 56
5.2.1 Power Sources 57
5.2.2 Controls 58
5.2.3 Propul
pulssion 59

5.3 Destroy
ing Large Struct
Structures 60
5.3.1 Compo
nent Dama
Damage 61
5.3.2 Gener
ized Dama
Damage 62

The Statis
tic Ker-Pow! Tab
Table 62

6 Vehi
Ve hic
cles 65

6.1 The Pilot 66

6.2 Vehi
cle Perfor
mance 66
6.2.1 Acceler
eraation, Deceler
Deceleraation, and Turni
Turning 68
6.2.2 Propul
pulssion Types 70

7 Siege Weapo
Weapons 71

7.1 Mounting Siege Weapo

Weapons 71

7.2 Using Siege Weapo

Weapons 72

BrikWars: Contents x

7.3 Siege Ranged Weapons 72

7.3.1 Ammo-Free Guns 72
7.3.2 Ammo-Dependent Guns 73
7.3.3 Ammo 75
7.3.4 Siege Close Combat 76
7.3.5 Siege Equipment and Armor 77

The Heisenberg Ker-Pow! Tab

Table 79

8 Standard
Standard Combat
ants 80

8.1 Soldiers 80
8.1.1 The Trooper
Th 81
8.1.2 Trooper Perfor
mance Modi
cattion 82

8.2 Special
cialiists 83
8.2.1 Amazons 83
8.2.2 Scouts 84

8.2.3 Synthetix 84
8.2.4 Slaves 85
8.2.5 Pilots 86
8.2.6 Mechanix 87
8.2.7 Medix 89
8.2.8 Technix 90
8.2.9 Kamika
kazzes 91

8.3 Elite Troops 92

8.3.1 Nin jas 93
8.3.2 Heroes 94
8.3.3 Champi
ons 94

8.4 Civil
viliians 95
8.4.1 Normal Peop
People 96
8.4.2 Abnormal Peop
People 96
8.4.3 Bellig
ent Peop
People 97

9 Alter
nate Spec
Species 98

9.1 Custom Spec

Species 98
9.1.1 Form 98
9.1.2 Movement 100
9.1.3 Intelliliggence 100
9.1.4 Special Abili
Abilities 102

9.2 Animals 102

9.2.1 Domesti
cated Anim
Animals 102
9.2.2 Savage Beasts 103

BrikWars: Contents xi

9.3 Monsters 103

9.3.1 Monster Special
Specialtties 104
9.3.2 JawJaws and Dimmies 106
9.3.3 The Horri
fyiing Undead 107
9.3.4 Cave Monsters 108

9.4 Human
oids 108
9.4.1 Fantasy Races 109

10 Campaign
Campaigniing 110

10.1 Gather
ing Oppo
nents 110

10.2 Game Types

Ga 111
10.2.1 House Games 111
10.2.2 Club Games 112
10.2.3 Hosted Games
Ho 112
10.2.4 Conven
venttion Games 113

10.2.5 Internet Games 114

10.3 Gaming Style 114

10.3.1 Gaming Experi
Experieence 114
10.3.2 Age vs. Youth 115
10.3.3 Minifigs vs. War Machines 115
10.3.4 Many vs. Few 116
10.3.5 Messy vs. Neat
Me 117
10.3.6 Scenar
nariios and Goals 117
10.3.7 Speed 118
10.3.8 Refer
ereees 118
.9 Cam
ns and
and Dip
macy 119


Play well, not nice! 

 – Chris Phillips,
Phillips, in a post to

BrikWars, in its current

current form, would never have been possi pos sible
ble without
without the ideas, sugges
suggestions, praise, and criti-
cism that have been e-mailed to us or posted to LUGNET(tm) newsgroups ( by fans
and well-wishers
well-wishers from around the globe. We greatly appreci appre ciate
ate the input of this dedi
ded icated legion of BrikWars
play ers, who have allowed us to exploit their efforts and cynically use them as an unwitting unwitting and unpaid
playtesting, edito
rial, and promo
tional staff. Our thanks to all of you; we owe you a great debt.
How ever, some players
players cause us nothing but pain. Whether we hear from them directly or hear about
their exploits from the players
play ers who have encountered
encountered them, it is clear that they misun
mis under
derstand BrikWars’ basic
phi loso
BrikWars is not intended as a cerebral exercise
exer cise or a ‘seri
ous’ wargame. There are plenty of games available
at your local gaming
gaming store which are realis
real istic,
tic, accurate,
accurate, logi
logically vig
ous, and numerically intense; if that is the
type of game you’re looking
looking for then you’re encouraged
encour aged to go and shell out a few bucks and buy one. We have
 worked hard to make the the BrikWars rules consis
consistent, bal anced, and detailed enough that it would be possi sible
ble to
play it as a ‘seri
ous’ wargame, but to do so would be missing the point entirely and you would be likely to
offend and alienate
alienate any true BrikWars play ers in your group.
 A BrikWars game is a social event more than a com compepeti
tion, designed for people
people who love to play with
plastic build
ing bricks. BrikWars games give players play ers the opportu
nity to share their enthusi
enthusiasm and show off 
and compare
compare plastic-brick
plastic-brick creations.
creations. Many BrikWars games have become showcases for the tal ent and orig origiinal-
ity of groups of plastic-brick
plas tic-brick enthusi
asts from around the world.
 These enthusiasts, by and large, are of a superior breed. They don’t need to be told that fun and creativ creativity 
are much more important
important than such petty con cerns as win winning
ning and losing. They tend to view rules and restric-
restric -
tions as they would a phys ical building-brick
building-brick construc
tion; while they can appreci ciate
ate and respect the systems’
design and structure,
structure, they can’t resist the urge to cre atively improve, transform, or demolish rules to suit their
par ticu
ular taste.
 We have spent an inordi
inor dinate
nate amount of time and effort trying
try ing to design the rules to sup port this type of 
play. The BrikWars rules are flexi flex ible (easy to change in order to adapt to new game types), modu modular (small or
large sections
sections of the rules may be included or omitted
omit ted at any point in the game like so many plastic
plastic bricks), and
robust (no matter how loosely the rules are interpreted or how intricately
intri cately they are mod ified, they still tend to be
bal anced and functional).


Brik Wars: Foreword  xiv

In A Nutshell Brik Wars Hyperabridged


 The hun
dreds of pages of rules available for Step 1: Setup
BrikWars can often be intimidat dating
ing to new or Each player gathers
gathers together
together an army of mini-
casual players,
players, so we’ve boiled down the game to figs and equips them with minifig weapons
weap ons
its simplest
simplest form. Using this BrikWars (army size is left to the discre
dis cretion of the play-
play -
Hyperabridged version
version will allow you to safely  ers). They then estab
es tablish
lish a battle
field (which
ignore the entire remainder
remainder of this rulebook. might be a com plex construc
con struction of plastic
bricks, or simply a bare patch of ta blebletop
top or
floor). Each player sets up his army on his side
The Enlightened BrikWarrior  of the battle
 The players need to dedecide
cide the order in which
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glori
glo rious
ous tri- 
they will take their turns. Tradi
Tra ditionally,
tionally, all play-
umphs, even though checkered
checkered by failure,
failure, than to take rank
ers roll dice; the highest
highest roll goes first, the next
with those poor spirits
spirits who neither
neither enjoy nor suf fer
 fer much,
because they live in the gray twilight
twilight that knows neither
neither vic- 
vic-  highest
high est goes second,
second, and so forth.
tory nor defeat.
 – Theo
Theodore Roose
Roose velt Step 2: Gameplay 
During a player’s
During player’s turn, each of his minifigs
minifigs can
Because you will be playing
play ing with plastic-brick 
plastic-brick  move up to five inches, and make one attack 
enthusi asts, the standard of behav behaviorior is much on an enemy
enemy minifig.
higher than if you were associ asso ciat
ing with mere If a minifig
minifig attacks
attacks with a hand-to-
 wargamers (a supersti
tious and cowardly
cowardly lot). Your  weapon, he must be close enough to the en en--
goal is to make sure that everyone
everyone involved enjoys emy minifig
minifig to touch it with the weapon. The
them selves so thoroughly
thoroughly that peoplepeople reading  attack
ing player rolls one six- sided die. On a
about it on your webpage months later will turn five or a six, the enemy
enemy mini fig is killed.
green with envy. If you get in an argument,
argu ment, make
If a minifig
minifig attacks
attacks with a ranged weapon, he
con cessions. Take time to appre appreci
ate the crafts-
must be within ten inches of the enemy
enemy minifig
man ship of your opponents’
opponents’ construcstructions.
tions. Be a
and have a clear shot at some part of the ene-
ene -
cun ning and challeng
ing adversary,
adversary, but when your
my’s body (he can’t shoot through walls). The
oppo nent blows your prize creation into its com- com -
ing player rolls one six- sided die. On a
po nent bits, share in his excitement
excitement and the sheer
six, the enemy
enemy minifig
minifig is killed.
glory of destruction. Play as if you were drunk 
(many players
players will not need to fake this); when If for some reason
reason a minifig has no weapons,
weap ons,
faced with diffi
cult decisions,
decisions, ask yourself what he will have to borrow
borrow one from an ally or loot
Homer Simpson would do. If at any time you one off a dead minifig.
become angry or bitter,bitter, don’t blame it on your  When a player has moved and attacked
attacked with all
oppo nents; take responsi
bility for hav
ing taken the the minifigs
minifigs he desires
desires to, his turn is over and
 wrong atti
tude towards the game. If you become the next player can go.
con fused and frustrated
frustrated on the other hand, then it’s
probaably our fault; it means there is some glitch in
prob Step 3: End game
the rules that needs to be addressed. Make sure you If the players
players continue
continue fighting
fighting long enough
tell us about it. We take our responsi
bility in this that only one player (or team) has sur viv
regard very seriously. units left on the field, then he is the winner
 Wargamers, by and large, tend to be Anoraks Ano raks and the game is over.
- inflexi
inflexible, detail-oriented,
detail-oriented, possi
bly semi-autistic,
and happy to have a tightly-constructed
tightly-constructed box of   That’s all there is to it. The best way to begin

rules in which
pro tected from to hide
ever havthemselves
them selves
ing to so right
use the they will
half be
of  playing
 ver ing and
sion Brik Wars adisd whatever
then add to start
what everwith thispieces
bits and condensed
their brain. When organiz
organizing and preprepar
ing for a the rest of the rulebook
rulebook seem cool.
game, Ano rak skills are invaluable. The Ano
rak will Good luck!

Brik Wars: Foreword  xv

research all the possibiliities offered by the rules, and write out explicit lists of his sta
tistics and unit capa
so he will never have to delay the game by looking up charts and tables in the rulebook. Ano A norak
rak players
players will dis-
cuss which optional rules will be allowed and what overall
over all modi
cations and restric
r estrictions will be made, and their
decisions will pre vent arguments and frustra tration
tion during
during the game. For a large group, an Anorak will secure the
gam ing venue, set the schedule and make sure all the players have accu accurate
rate direc tions. There is usu
u sually
ally at least
one Anorak
Anorak who has the rulebook nearly memo mem orized, and this facili
facil itates gameplay tremen mendously.
dously. Even if he
remembers every thing wrong, it’s worth it not to have to be flipping pages every few minutes. Diehard
remembers Diehard Ano-
raks take the time to reflect on the impli ca cations
tions of every line in the book and send us criti critical anal yses
yses of details
that should be clari
clarified and changed, and that’s where ninety percent of our ideas come from.
Hope fully, all this prepa
tion will satisfy
satisfy the players’ Anorak
Ano rak impulses, because once the game has begun
NO ANORAK BEHAVIOR IS ALLOWED. No matter matter how innocent
innocent it seems, Anorak
Anorak thought crimes
impair and can even destroy a group’s
g roup’s enjoyment
enjoyment of the game and must be swiftly and severely punished. pun ished. If you
have n’t prepared
prepared a punitive
punitive Hammer of Dis Disci
pline, you might try having all play players
ers tackle the Anorak
Anorak to the
ground and giving
giving him painful
painful noogies or grinding
grind ing the knuck
knu ckles of their thumbs in the spaces between his ribs.
 To deliver a sharp kick to the offender’s shin or groin is satis satisfy
ing but should be reserved for especially
especially egre-
gious offenses. Even in extreme cases, resist the urge to shoot the Anorak Ano rak or to cleave him with a hatchet or
sword. Any minifigs or vehicles
vehi cles that get knocked over during
dur ing a proce cedure
dure of Anorak
Anorak Thought CorrecCorrection are
con sidered
ered to have clumsily
clum sily fallen over with out taking
tak ing any damage.
 While phys ical vio lence is by far the best rem remedy,
edy, it may be inappro
inap propri
priate in cer
tain situ
situations; in these

drink aanything
sigthing quick
nif quanand
tity anti-cerebral
quantity anti-cere bral pose
of beer, com will do.
bol lent retri
ist poetry ret
listen involve forc
to a series ofing the Ano
brick-related to
koans, or remove articles
articles of clothing and perform a short song and dance routine.

Don’t Be An Anorak!—A Cautionary Overview

 The unrepen
tant Anorak
Anorak will experi
ence only frustra
frustration and disap
ment in a BrikWars game, and will tend
to make such an ass of him self that he ruins the fun his opponents
oppo nents might oth
o therwise have had. In order that
players might gird themselves
them selves against this tragedy,
tragedy, we have created
created this list contrast
ing the behavior of the
insipid Anorak
Anorak with that of the heroic BrikWarrior:

· The Plodding Anorak

rak care
fully reviews his options each turn and takes the most conser
con ser vative
 vative actions; he
knows they will best advance his position
posi tion and offer him the greatest
great est chance of eventual victory.
vic tory.
· The Dashing
Dashing Brikwarrior’ s actions are daring
daring and even suicidal; he knows they are likely to have the most
comedic and entertain
comedic entertaining
ing results for the highlights
highlights reel. Victory
Victory is an important
important concern,
concern, but victory 
 without glory is no victory
victory at all.
· If he discov
ers that his opponent
opponent has no units to field except a couple swordsmen, The 
couple dozen swordsmen,
Unsportsmanly Anora k builds assault helicop
ters, know ing foot sol
diers have no way to attack air units.
The Chival
rous Brikwarrior  always
  always finds a way to give his opponent a fighting chance—either he also
restricts himself to ground units like jeeps and dune bug
gies, or he gener
ously allows his opponent
opponent to
cap ture and comman
deer some of his advanced war machines prior to the start of the game.
· The Gutless
Gutless Anorak
rak  abuses his detailed famil iar
ity with the BrikWars rules, deliber
ately try ing to find or
create loopholes
create loopholes that will allow him to create invinci
ble units. If his suppos
edly invinci
ble unit gets
destroyed, he throws a tantrum like you would n’t believe.
· If The Enlightened
Enlightened Brikwarrior
Brikwarrior were given an invinci
invin cible unit, he would
wo uld immedi
immediately invent clever and cre-
ative weaknesses
weaknesses for it, because he knows that a unit’s entertain
ment value is primar
primarily based on its
ability to get blown into a million
mil lion tiny plastic
plastic bits.

Brik Wars: Foreword  xvi

· The Obsessive Ano

rak wastes
 wastes everyone’s
everyone’s time by double-check
ing statis
tics and rules on every turn, mak -
ing sure everything
everything is done By The Book. He debates every last point, inch, and degree, trying
trying to
advance his posi tion by the evil and insid
insidiious technique
technique known as Rules Lawyer
Law yering.
· The Liber
ated Brikwarrior  contents
 contents himself
himself with a lot of hand-waving,
hand-waving, estima
tion, and group consen
If he finds out after the game that everyone
everyone did everything com pletely wrong, it is a source of amuse-
amuse -
ment to him and noth ing more. Expo
E xposure
sure to Rules Lawyer
ing causes him to writhe in pain.
· If The Infantile
Infantile Anorak
rak finds
 finds out his army is a few points
p oints smaller than his opponent’s, he whines and
cries and throws a fit, demand
d emanding repa
rep ara
tions and using phrases like ‘no fair’ and ‘cheater.’
· The Princi
Princi pled
 pled Brikwarrior pays so little
little attention
attention to points that he never notices the dispar
ity, and takes
no interest in it when it is brought to his attention.
atten tion. ‘No fair’ and ‘cheater’ are not in his vocab ulary.
· The Unimaginitive Anorak
Anorak wants
 wants every thing spelled out to the last detail and refuses to build vehi
cles or
bases until their specific
specific statistics and build
ing instruc tions are pro vided to him!
· The Smarter-Than-A-Pile-Of-Dung Brikwarrior  finds
 finds it impossi
impossible to believe that anyone would behave
b ehave in
this bizarre manner,
manner, even when witness
ing it first-hand. The opportu
oppor tunity
nity to build vehicles
vehicles and bases of
his own invention
invention is what attracted him to BrikWars in the first place.
· The Hypo
critiical Anorak
Anorak refuses
 refuses to allow himself to be whacked upside the head with the Ham
mer of 
Dis cipline
cipline (described below) for being an Anorak.
Ano rak.
· The Sagacious Brikwarrior  has
 has respect for divine justice
jus tice and will always allow the Anorak to get whacked
on the head for being an Anorak.
· The Soulless
Soulless Anorak
rak has
 has no sense of humor and cannot
cannot cope with the fact that we just proponed whack -
ing people mallets. The Fun-Loving
people with mallets. Fun-Loving Brikwarrior  takes
 takes it all in stride. Besides having
having a healthy sense
of humor, he secretly agrees that the disease of Anorakism is best treated with a repeated applica
of blunt force to the cranium.
cra nium.
· The Inconsid
ate Anorak
Anorak takes
 takes no interest in the comfort
com fort of his fellow
fel low players
players and will disre
gard the
importance of taking
importance taking showers or brush ing his teeth for days or weeks at a time. The Courte
brushing Courteous 
Brikwarrior  remem
 remem bers to attend to any outstand
out standing
ing hygiene issues before associ
asso ciat
ing with others.
others. The
best BrikWarriors go the extra mile by bringing
bringing doughnuts
doughnuts for everyone. doughnuts and 
everyone. If he brings doughnuts
beer, he can be as much of an Anorak
Anorak as he wants.
·  When happen
ing across an infestation of Jaw-Jaws or Dimmies, The Godless
infestation Godless Anorak
rak never
 never allows them
to distract him from his primary objectives.
objec tives. He may even have sunk so low as to have a secret affin ity 
for these creatures of pure evil.
· The Righteous Brikwarrior  cannot
 cannot toler
ate such an affront to good taste and will drop everything
everything to eradi-
cate the Jaw-Jaw and Dimmy species.

BrikWars is a very flexi

flexible game and will accom
date the playing style of any group that does not
include Anoraks,
Anoraks, Jaw-Jaws, or Dimmies. A game of BrikWars may even pro vide the useful useful function
function of reveal-
ing one of these infidels
infidels hiding
hiding in your midst. As long as everyone
everyone keeps an open mindset and a cre ative atti -
tude, you can have a great deal of fun fighting
fight ing almost any type of plastic-brick bat tle scenario.
sce nario.

Brik Wars: Foreword  xvii

Optional Rule:
Rule: The Hammer of Discipline :)

For, besides the things that have been said, the nature of peo ples is vari
able; and it is easy to persuade
persuade them
them of some
thing, but dif- 
 ficult to keep them in that persua
 ficult persuasion.
sion. And things must be ordered in such a mode that when they no lon ger believe, one can make 
them believe by force.
Machiavelli, The Prince 
 –Niccolo Machiavelli,

 Way back in the sumsummer

mer of 1993, we developed
devel oped an invention
invention that came to define all subse
subse quent
quent gam ing expe ri-
ences: the Hammer of Dis Disci
cipline. Created to propromote
mote philosoph
philosophiical purity through a system
sys tematic
atic applica
tion of 
physiical abuse, it became a symbol for the highest
phys high est standard of chivalry and sports
ship. It was eventu
brought into play even in non-gaming
non-gaming situations, when the group agreed that the behavior of one of its mem -
bers had been inappro
ately callous,
callous, inconsid
ate, or unfair.
 To make your own Hammer of Dis Disci
pline, head on down to your local hard ware
hard ware store and pick up a two-
or three-pound rubber
rubber mallet, at least one foot in length but no longer
lon ger than one and a half feet. Make sure it has
a wooden handle
handle so you can carve it with a dremel tool. Engrave the word ‘DISCIPLINE’ in large block letters let ters
along the handle,
handle, and fill in each letter
let ter with a perma
nent ink stain. Now you’re ready to go. The mere presence
of this tool at the BrikWars table is is usually
usually enough to pre vent Anorak
Anorak thought-crimes; however,
however, do not hesi hesi-
tate to use it on any player who refuses to respect its ity. Lacking a hammer, you may sub substi
tute an
appro priately-dec
ately-decoorated wooden hockey stick.
 There is one caveat: it would go against the very ideals sym bol bolized
ized by the Ham mer to use it to whack 
someone appre
bly smaller or weaker than yourself.
yourself. To attempt to do so is itself a Hammer-wor
Hammer-worthy offense.


War fare
 fare is the greatest
greatest affair of state, the basis of life and death, the path to survival
sur vival or extinction.
extinction. It must be thoroughly
thoroughly pondered
and analyzed.
 – Sun-Tzu, The Art of War 

0.1 A Brief Prelude

 This game is the prod uct of many hours spent playing with plasticplas tic build ing bricks. As such, it is pretty build-
ing-intensive - you are likely to spend at least twice as long assem
bling your vehicles,
vehicles, buildings and scenery as
you will spend actually playing the game. Cre Creations
ations you spent days or weeks construct
con structing
ing will get blown to
pieces in the first thirty seconds of battle. The plastic-brick enthusi
enthu siasts
asts among you enjoy those hours of con -
struc tion for their own sake, and recog
rec ognize
nize that destruction
destruction is nothing more than an opportu tunity
nity to build again.
If the thought of hav ing to build and design all your units from scratch frightens
frightens you, take heart - there are
plenty of other wargames available that will more closely fit your style. Checkers,
C heckers, for instance.
Par ically, the true BrikWarrior consid
con siders
ers BrikWars itself as nothing more than an afterthought,
merely icing where the process
process of construction is the glori
ous cake. BrikWars pro vides a context for construc-
tion ideas to ger minate, a social venue for models
mod els to be shown off and appre ci ciated,
ated, and an entertain
ing way to
return completed models
mod els unto the mess of compo
com ponent
nent parts from whence they sprung, facilfa ciliitat
ing the return to
that blessed intital phase of con struction. Play ers who come to BrikWars for the wargaming
warg aming aspect alone expe ex pe-
rience an early period of darkness,
rience dark ness, but if their exposure to the Brick can be prolonged they will become

0.1.1 Rules

 Any fool can make a rule,

rule, and any fool will mind
mind it.
  –Henry David Thoreau

 There are an awful lot of rules in this manual.

man ual. Many players feel that this runs con trary to the spirit of playing 
 with plastic
plastic building
building bricks. This is not actu ally the case. This opinion stems from a mis taken belief about the
nature of rules.
 Almost any person involved with the creation and enforcement of rules will try and con vince you that
you are obligated to respect and obey them - whether they are the rules to a typ ical board game, the local traffic
traf fic


BrikWars: Introduction 2

laws, the Ten Command

ments, the laws of physics, The Rule Of Fudge
your national tax code, or the Geneva Con ven  vention.
 This is simply
sim ply not the case; rules have no inherent
Fudge everyrything
thing your oppo
o pponents will let you get
author ity and human beings have no inherent
inher ent obli-
away with.
ga tion to respect them. Which rules you choose to
For instance, if two of your minifigs
minifigs are playing
follow, and to what degree, are entirely a mattermat ter of 
per sonal choice (although most people peo ple choose to catch,rangyou
for range, could
e, pos turego
of so far asmove
catcher, to cal
mov culateofmodi
ement fiers
remain blissfully
blissfully ignorant
ignorant of this fact). The conse
the weight of a baseball, etc., and then make Skill
quences of o f breaking rules may be quite severe
Rolls for both the thrower and the catcher, but why 
(which is why, for example, most peo people
ple elect to
bother? Unless
Un less one of your oppo nents raises some
con tinuually abide by some form of the Laws of 
objec tion, just toss the ball from one minifig to the
Grav ity), but in many cases the crime is more than
other and move on to some thing more important. impor tant.
 worth the punish ishment.
ment. The only danger
danger when
For some rules, like splitting
splitting turns into phases
break ing a rule in BrikWars is the possibil bility
ity of 
or limit
ing how sharply a vehicle can turn, it’s betterbetter
angering the other play players;
ers; as long as you can keep
to decide before the start of the game how or
them happy then you’re encouraged
encouraged to break and
 whether you are going to use them (but there’s noth noth--
ignore as many rules as you like.
ing stopping
stopping you from fr om chang ing your mind mid-
 When you go to a restaraunt, do you order
 game if the group so wishes). For most rules, such as
one of every item on the menu? Unless your name
ing NearMiss
NearMiss damage
damage or Skill Modifi
ers, you
sel of
tion Agdern, the answer
items based is no!
on taste, Youappetite,
bud get, make
appe tite,a  will decide whether to employ or ignore them on a
case- by-case
case basis, depending
depending on whether any player
and what ever fad diet you cur currently
rently follow.
follow. When
thinks that the rule would make enough of a differ fer--
you crack open a phonebook or dic tio tionary,
nary, do you
ence to be worth the extra effort.
try and memomemorize every page? Of course not! You
 While all BrikWars rules (except the Rule of 
go straight to a specific
specific entry, put it to whatever
what ever use
Fudge) are optional to a certain extent, some rules
is required, and more likely than not, for get all
are more optional
o ptional than others and are ar e separated
separated into
about it within a few minutes. If you’re going to
their own Optional Rules boxes. box es. Play ers may pick 
play BrikWars, you have to treat the rules like your
and choose from these th ese in order
or der to best accom mo mo--
col lection
tion of plastic bricks. Get a feeling for fo r which
wh ich
date their particu
lar gaming
gaming style. Some optional
pieces are available,
available, choose the ones that best suit
rules come highly recom recommended,
mended, while others will
the model you are trying trying to build, and go. The
only be fun occasion
occasionally, or for play
p layers
ers with unusual
pieces you’re not using are best left in the box, but
tastes. We have developed
developed a rating sys system
tem for
keep the box handy in case you need to make mod- mod -
tions later. Optional
almost eveRules,one so
ry andyouwhich
can tell
are which are only
included fun for
 When you were a small child creat ating
ing plas-
com pleteness’ sake or for unique situa
situ ations - look for
fo r
tic-brick cities
cities and castles,
castles, you didn’t need any rules
a face in the upper right corner
cor ner of the Optional Rules
at all; your natu
natural imagi
tion was enough to keep
box. These ratings
ratings are often subjective, and you
things running.
running. This is the aesthetic
aes thetic height to
should expect to disagree
disagree with a few of them.
 which BrikWars aspires. Unfortu Unfortunately,
nately, as life pro-
gresses our minds are subjected
subjected to a steady blud-blud-
geon ing from such things as publicpublic “educa cation,”
gain ful employment,
employment, bureaucracy,
bureaucracy, legal disclaim
disclaimers, and tax forms. Our O ur brains atro
phy and we become depend-
ent on the rules and regu regulations that are imposed on us. This is the only rea reason
son this rulebook is pro vided at all;
it is a set of mental
mental training
training wheels. The less you need to use it, the prouder you should be.
 We’ve designed the sys system
tem so that you can (and should!) safely ignore ninety-nine per cent of the rules
ninety-nine per cent of the time. This is especially important impor tant for first-time players,
players, for whom the rules in the

later chap
ple and ters offor
straight this
straightfor bookinare
 ward, simto
order plygive
too play
inten sive
ers tochance
the be appro
ate. Awhich
decide group’s
of first few battles
the Optional should
Rules theybeenjoy 
sim -
and which are a waste of time, and to estab
lish the group’s gam ing style. Play
P layers
ers that try to take all of BrikWars
in one bite tend not to play a second time.

BrikWars: Introduction 3

 The major
ity of the rules are included to Smiley Ratings
resolve argu ments that may arise in unusual situ sit ua-
tions. If you can find quick and easy ways through
For those who like this sort of thing, this is the sort of
less-con ven
tional situ
situations without
without heated debate, thing they like.
then you can avoid having
having to deal with these rules.  – Abraham
Abraham Lincoln
Only the most fool hardy player will wi ll try to use all
the rules, all the time; it will quickly become appar-
appar- :) - Happy Face
ent which rules are essential, which will be reserved
for occasional
occasional use, and which are never likely to be  An Optional Rule marked with a Happy Face is
used at all. In BrikWars, only oneo ne rule is absolute: highly recom
mended. This rule is fun for almost all
If you have an argument
argument over something
something for game types and playing
playing styles and you should look 
 which we have
n’t yet created
created rules, make up new  for excuses to use it.
rules yourself
yourself and roll some dice. If you come up
 with some new rules that you’re espe especially
cially proud :P - Indiffer
ent Face
of, be sure and tell us about them and we’ll be glad Optional Rules marked with an Indiffer
ent Face do
to steal your ideas. not tend to make the game more or less fun. Playing 
the game using these rules may be almost equivalent
0.1.2 Depth to playing
playing the game without
without these rules, or it may be
that the benefits
benefits of these rules are counter
coun terbal
In Italy for thirty years under the Borgias they had war fare,
 fare, by the extra effort involved to use them.
terror, murder
murder and bloodshed
bloodshed but they produced
produced Michelan
Michelan- - 
 gelo, Leonardo
Leonardo da Vinci and the Renaissance.
Renaissance. In Switzer
-  :( - Surly Face
land, they had brotherly
brotherly love; they had five hundred
hun dred years of Optional Rules marked with a Surly Face are usually 
usu ally 
democ racy and peace and what did that produce? pro duce? The 
more trouble
trouble than they are worth. These rules are
cuckoo clock.
included only to cater to unique play
p laying styles or
 –Orson Welles
game types, or to solve argu ments in unusual cir-
cir -
cumstances. You should try to avoid situations
BrikWars is designed to quickly accommo accom modate
 which would require you to use these
these rules.
many levels
levels of depth. The manual
manual is divided into a
series of Books, each book adding
adding a layer of com-
com -
plex ity. While you are encouraged
encour aged to change,
ignore, and make up new rules however
how ever you like, it can be a lot of work to wade through pages and pages of 
mation, checking
checking off exactly which rules to keep and which to toss. The Book divisions
divisions make it very easy:
each Book repre
sents an incremen
tal jump in complex
ity, so by choosing
choos ing a Book at which to stop, you can find
your com fort zone very quickly.

Book Divisions
Book One: Skirmish
Skirmish introduces
introduces you to basic combat
combat and a selection
selection of
o f infantry weapons
weap ons and equipment.
equipment. This
gives you the freedom
freedom to set up a landscape
landscape and toss a few squads of Troop ers at each other.
Book Two: Battle
Battle gives rules to let the Troopers
Troopers inter act more fully with their environ
envi ronments. It also gives
guide lines for the construction of buildings and vehi vehicles,
cles, and the heavy siege weap ons you can use to arm
Book Three: War details the many types of special specialized
ized combat
ants, civilians,
civilians, and other creatures
creatures which
may become involved in your battles
battles along with
w ith the generic Troop ers.
Book Four: Campaign
Campaign steps back and discusses discusses the practi
cal and real-world aspects of running
running a
BrikWars game, and some of the sty stylis
tic deci sions that can be made to change the over all nature of the game.
plements can be used or omit ted at any level of depth; they are optional chap ters intended to cater to
specific battle
battle scenar
ios. They are not
n ot included with this rulebook, but are or will be made avail able sepa

BrikWars: Introduction 4

0.2 Some Assembly Required

 You will need more than just this rulebook to play BrikWars. Fortu
nately, every thing else you do need is some-
thing you ought to have any way. If you don’t have some of these
these things, go out and
and get them.

The Things You Will Need List

Plastic Bricks. It just isn’t much fun to play BrikWars with without
out a good supply
supply of plastic
plastic bricks. If your collec-
tion is limited,
limited, you can supple plement
ment it with soldiers,
soldiers, vehi
cles, and bases built out of paper,
pa per, cardboard, clay, or
any number
number of other ma te teri
als. You can even use non-constructible units like green army men. However,
How ever, none
of these work quite as well as a really nice sup ply of plas
tic bricks. If you do go out and buy plastic bricks just to
play BrikWars, make sure you get the high-quality
high-quality ones and not some infeinferior
rior clone brand or you’ll be kicking 
your self later and all the other
o ther BrikWars players will laugh at you.

Dice.  You will need some dice.

dice. Specif
ically, d6’s, d10’s, and d20’s. If you are any kind of a wargamer, you will
have no problem
problem coming
coming up with these. If you are a normal
normal human be being,
ing, you only have regu
regular six-sided dice
(d6’s). You can buy the more exotic dice at your lo cal gam ing store. (If you really don’t want to have to go out
special dice, you can con vert any 1d10 to 2d6-1, and any 1d20 to 3d6, although
and buy special although this will screw up the
odds to some extent.
extent. For more inforforma
mation on con vert
ing between differ
ent types of dice, see 0.3.3: Some
Notes on Points and Pips.)

Paper And Pencils  We’ve done ev every

thing we could to make BrikWars a ‘paperless’ wargame, but these are still
handy to have around if you need to do some quick math, pass secret se cret notes, or draw mean pictures
pictures of the op -
posing general.
general. You will espe
cially need paper
paper if you have designed
designed heavily-custom
ized vehi
cles, weapons, or
troopers. If you draw up a sheet of paper
pa per with the impor
im portant
tant stats of all your unit types before
be fore the game begins,
you won’t have to re-calcu
re-cal culate
late them or constantly re refer
fer back to the rulebook charts while the game is in

Table. Or some other playing

playing surface,
surface, like a floor. Large battles
battles have been known
k nown to range
rang e from ta ble to floor,
up and down bookshelves,
bookshelves, and from roomr oom to room. If you are playing on an un uneven
even playing sur
face such as
shag carpet
carpeting, standing up even if you mount them on 4 ´ 4 or 6 ´ 6 plates.
ing, your soldiers will have a hard time standing
(If they fall over frequently,
frequently, you may rule that it’s be
b ecause the terrain is so rough and they are constantly
con stantly trip-
ping.) If you don’t have a table or a floor, you can build one out of plastic bricks.

Terrain.  Ter
rain pro vides cover and scenery
scen ery for the battle.
battle. Sometimes
Sometimes you’ll want to build this out of plastic plas tic
bricks, because
because it makes it a lot easier for your minifigs to stand up. You will often often want more terrain
terrain than you
can con ve
niently build with plastic
plas tic bricks—fortu
bricks—fortunately, al almost
most any thing can be used for ter terrain.
rain. A pile of 
books makes a good mountain,
moun tain, a couch makes impass passable
able cliffs, a blue sheet makes a fine ocean, a bookshelf 
book shelf 
makes a great bombed-out skyscraper, and your dog can be the terri ter rify
ing 10-story Dogzilla monster.
monster. Set up
pock ets of plastic brick for
ests and plastic
plastic brick buildings
buildings and you’re good to go.
If you don’t build any terrain,
ter rain, and just play on a flat field, your infan try units will be at a severe disad
dis ad van
 versus vehicle
vehicle units. If you build extremely dense, rough
r ough terrain, like a jungle
jun gle or ruined metrop olis, infantry
infantry units
 will have a great
great advan
tage over vehicle units. The type of terterrain
rain you create will sig
nifiicantly affect game balance.

 Measuring Device.  You can measure distance

dis tance by counting
counting the dots on the plastic
plastic bricks: three dots is about
one inch. When you’re checking
checking to see whether the enemy CoffeeShop is within range of your ICBM or mea-
suring the turning ra
dius of an AircraftCarrier, it can be tedious
te dious counting
counting all those dots—see if you can’t get a
tape measure
measure or even a string marked off in inches. It’s much better to have a flex
f lexiible measuring device that can
bend around obsta
cles than, for instance,
instance, a wooden ruler.

BrikWars: Introduction 5

If you’re not big on measurement, there are alteralterna tives to using strict inches–see Inches   under 0.3.2:
Game Terms.
 You may also want a specially
spe cially pre pared 30–60 tri
gle, if you decide you want to try some of the more
advanced optional rules in Chapter
Chap ter Three: Advanced Com bat.

If you doPlayer.  You
not have will need
an other
another at least
player, onecon
you can opponent,
oppo nent,one
struct unless
unless youplastic
out of areticreally
plas rebricks.
ally bored and want to play by yourself.
your self.

Some Free Time.  You should not play this game at work be because
cause you are sup posed to be working.
work ing. If you are
in tech support or are a net work
 work admin it might be okay. If you are an airline
air line pilot
pilot or a neuro
surgeon, please
 wait un til your shift is over. If you can find a way to build free time out of plas
tic bricks, be sure and let us

0.3 A BrikWars Glossary

0.3.1 Plastic Brick Terms

If you have been playing

playing with plastic bricks for awhile, you know what a pain it can be some times to try and
describe a specific
specific piece to some one else. To avoid
avoi d confu
con fusion
sion later, we’ll define some of the terms we’ll be
using throughout
throughout the rulebook:

PBB, Plastic Brick, or Plastic Building Brick.  A name for any kind
kind of piece.
piece. We use this term in or
der to avoid us-
ing the copyrighted name of any spe specific
cific company’s plas
tic brick; the last thing we need is for them to get angry
and set in motion
motion a sequence
sequence of events that would require
re quire us to go through all the trou ble and admin
ad minis
overhead of arrang
ing the deaths and maimings of an en tire cor po
rate legal department.

Dot. Dots (some peo ple call them pegs 

them  pegs  or
 or studs,
studs,   although studs  is
  is a word more appro
ately used to describe
BrikWars play ers) are those lit
l ittle
tle circu
circular pegs on the top of most bricks. A minifig has one dot on the top of 
his head. Dots are often
often used to measure
measure horizon
zontaltal distance
distance in BrikWars. Three dots are approximately equal
to one inch. Bricks are de fined by their Dot dimen sions; a 2 ´ 4 brick is one with two rows of four dots on its

 Minifig (or Fig for short). Short for min

ture figure.
figure. A
 A minifig is one of those little people
people with the yellow, smil-
ing faces. Don’t let their small size and cheery dispo
dis posi
sition fool you—they’ll cut your heart out and eat it if you
let them. A good-sized human
hu man heart can feed a minifig village for months.

Brik (not brick).  A Brik is the funda

mental plastic
plastic building brick. Any rectan gular brick of nor
angu normal 
mal  height
 height (about
three eighths of an inch) is a Brik. The height of o f Brix are often used as a unit of verti
ver tical
cal measurement in
BrikWars. A regular minifig, with no hat or backpack,
back pack, is exactly
exactly four Brix tall.

Blok (not block).  A Blok is the classic

classic 2 ´ 4 Brik. Because it is the most stereo
ste reotyp
typiical plastic
plastic brick, it is used as
the standard
standard unit of mass. A regu
regular minifig weighs one Blok.

Plate.  A plate is a much flatter

flatter version
version of a Brik. It takes several
sev eral plates stacked atop one another
another to equal the
height of a sin gle Brik.

BrikWars: Introduction 6

POOP. Short for Piece with Only One Pur pose. Some

 pose. Some PBB compo
nents are so special
ized that there is really only 
one pur pose you could put them to—for in instance,
stance, a Jaw-Jaw head will never be anything
anything but a Jaw-Jaw head.
Many minifig equipment
equipment items are POOPs. (This defi def ini
tion is different from POOP  as
different   as it it slung about on
LUGNETä, where it is used to describe
describe a Piece made Out of Other Pieces.)

Cylinder.  A cylinder is like a 1 ´ 1 Brik except

cylinder except that it’s round. If you end up using
us ing a lot of them as Pips (see be-
low), you may end up calling them Sil Sillies 
lies  for
 for short. Don’t worry. This does n’t make you any less of a man.

 Antenna.  An antenna is a long pole with a one-dot base, four Brix high. The pole can be gripped by minifigs,
and the base can be stuck to things.

0.3.2 Game Terms

Many of these game terms will be explained again at greater length in the chapters
chapters in which they appear, so
don’t worry too much about memo
memorizing them right off the bat.

 Aenorak.  A player who allows

allows his compul
compul sive
sive fix ation
ation on mathe
ics and legal
legal seman
tics to detract
detract from his
own and other play ers’ enjoy
en joyment
ment of the game. The best known cure for this behav
ior is a con tin
ued expo
to plastic
plastic bricks. For a more imme
diate rem edy, you will need the Ham mer of DisDisci
pline, the shining
shining beacon
beacon of
truth and justice. Noth
ing induces the Anorak to re reeval
uate his mode of thought more quickly than a quick 
 whack on the head with a shining
shining beacon
beacon of truth and justice. (Foreword)


I think he just got too attached to the power of BrikWars’ ultimate

ultimate weapon, the Sling.
  –Eric Jos
lin, NELUG member

BrikWars’ point statistics for slings were once severely unbal

anced. Although they have since been repaired, the
 word Sling  has
 has come to stand for any glitch in the rule system
sys tem which can become an object of abuse and fixafixation
for Anoraks.
Anoraks. (If you think you have found an unaddressed
unad dressed Sling in the rulebook, it is vital that you send us an
email at

What I Say Goes.  Any argu

ment in BrikWars that appears as if it may become sig nif
nifiicant may be quickly and
easily re
solved with a What I Say Goes Roll. This is a ritual rit ual of the gravest
gravest solemnity and should be pre
ceded by 
a moment
moment of o f silent meditation.
 All players
players in the game, regard less of whether or not they are involved in the argument,
argument, roll one die. Who-
ever has the high est roll is granted unilat
uni lateral
eral author ity to dictate the proper course of action. No further dither-
ing or delaying
delaying is allowed at this point; it’s more important that the deci sion is quick than whether it is cor
decision correct 
rect  or
 fair. This
 fair. This ruling
ruling is invio
inviolable until at least
l east ten min
utes past the end of the game, at which point players may 
resume any debate which still seems important.
 Any one suspected
suspected of abusing
abusing the What I Say Goes rule may be subject sub ject to a whack with the Hammer
Hammer of 
Dis cipline, but this does not change the invi ola labil
bility of the ruling.
(The authority
authority conferred
conferred by the What I Say Goes Roll may not be used to extort money, pizza, ser vices, ser vices,
or other consid
consider erations
ations or valuables
valuables from other players,
players, because then you are gambling
gam bling and may be subject
subject to
fed eral prose

Turn.  A period
period of time in which a single
single player moves all the units he wishes to move and resolves
re solves all the at -
tacks he wishes to make. (1.2: Game Cy cle)

BrikWars: Introduction 7

Round.  A longer
lon ger period
period of time in which all players
play ers in the game have
h ave each com pleted one turn. Try not to
confuse rounds with turns, or many of the rules will make even less sense. (1.2: Game Cycle)

Inch.  The distances

distances in this rulebook are described
described in inches, but any other standard
standard unit of measure
ment will
do. You may choose to con vert an inch into some num ber of centi
ters or dots (three being
being the usual num -
ber, although
although you can exper
experiiment with larger or smaller num bers, depend
depending on how large your play ing field is).
 You might decide
decide that the distance
dis tance between
between the tips of your thumb and forefin
ger is six inches, and make esti
mates based on that measuring tool (thus giving the advan vantage
tage to players with big
ger hands).
hands). You can even
 veto all forms of measure
ment and simply
simply make rough guesses if you are feeling especially lazy.

Unit.  Any person,

person, machine, or ininstal
lation that has the power to per form actions
actions in the game. A soldier,
sol dier, a ro-
botic tank, a computer-con
trolled machine
machine gun
g un emplacement, and a mon monkeykey are all units. A tree, a coffee
cof fee mug,
an assault
assault rifle,
rifle, and a dismem
dismembered corpse are ar e not units unless
un less magikally animated.
 The rulebook will occa sion
ally make distinc tions between a unit  (an
distinctions   (an actor in the imagi
imaginary game-reality)
and a model   (the PBB conconstruc
tion that repre
sents the unit in physi
phys ical real ity). In the same way, a disdistinc
 will also be made between a PBB
PBB (a physical brick) and a com po
 (a physi  ponent 
nent  (the
 (the chunk of an imagi
imaginary con
struction that
the PBB represents).

Skill.  The number

num ber of dice in a unit’s Skill rat ing deter
mine its chances of success in any en deavor the unit is
able to attempt.
attempt. Non-trivial
Non-trivial actions
actions are given a Usage
Usage Rating
Rating (UR), and a unit must roll this number
num ber or higher
on his Skill dice, or suffer
suf fer igno
miniious failure.
failure. This roll is called a Skill Roll. Differ
ent situ
situations might add bo -
nuses or subtract pen
ties from the unit’s Skill Roll in a given attempt;
at tempt; these bonuses or pen penal
alties are called
Skill Modi
fiers. The Skill Roll that you make when attacking a tar target
get is also called an Attack Roll. (1.3: The

 Armor (or AV for Armor Value).  This number, often often a number
number of dice, tells how much dam age a unit can take
be fore being
being injured or
o r destroyed. Every
Ev ery attack
attack causes a certain
certain number
number of dice of Damage.
Damage. When struck by an
attack, if the defend
ing unit’s Ar mor Roll is as much or higher than the attack
at tacking unit’s Dam
age Roll, then the
de fending unit suf
fers no harm. (1.3: The Trooper)

 Move.  This num ber describes

de scribes the maxi
maximum num ber of inches a unit u nit can travel in a sin
gle turn. Certain
Certain ac-
tions and situ
situations will increase or dedecrease
crease the speed at which a unit can move. Any effect effect that decreases
decreases a
unit’s Move is called a Movement
Movement Penalty, either ex pressed in inches ( -MP”) or as a percent
Penalty, which is either percentage
age of to-
tal Move ( -MP%). Some effects
effects in crease a unit’s Move by a percent
per centage;
age; these are called Movement
Move ment Bonuses
( +MB%). A Movement
Movement Penalty
Penalty incurred
incurred by an item carried
carried by, mounted on, or stuck to a unit is called a Cargo
Move ment Penalty,
Penalty, or -CMP". Movement
Movement Bonuses
Bonuses and Penal
Penalties are cumulative. (1.3: The Trooper)

Cost (or CP for Construction Points). Every unit, ob

ject, ability, or advantage in BrikWars is asassigned
signed a point
cost, measured in Construc
tion Points. By compar
com paring
ing CP values,
values, you can see the rela
rel ative value of differ
types and groups of units. (1.3: The Trooper)

Critical Roll.  Any time a player makes a Skill Roll or an Armor Roll, if all the dice end up on a one then thethe roll
is an Auto
matic Failure.
Failure. If all dice end up on their highest-numbered face (all sixes when roll ing d6’s, all tens
 when rolling d10’s), then the roll is an
an Auto
matic Success.
Success. These are called Criti
Critical Rolls. (1.4: Ba sic Combat)

BrikWars: Introduction 8

TekLevel (TL).

You can’t say that civi

tion don’t advance ... in every war they kill you in a new way.
  –Will Rogers

 TekLevel is a number that
refers to an army or unit’s
teknological sophisti
tion. Tek
Level Age Generic Trooper Types
 A unit can make effec effective
tive 0 StoneA
Stone Age. CaveMen–Clubs, big rox. Dimmies–jun mies–junioriz
ing zombie
zombie venom,
use of any weapon or stupid
stu pidity,
ity, freckles
equip ment from its own 1 ToolAge TribalMen–Spears, shortbows, horses, ziggu ziggurats, tiki
masks. JawJaws– 
 TekLe vel or earearlier.
lier. One explo
ex plosive
sive breed
ing, poi
ous slime, the word meesa.

 TekLe and they can 2
vel later and MetalAge BronzeAge Ancient cientMen–Chariots,
Men–Chariots, pyramids,
pyramids, agri
ture. Ancient
Gods–thun derbolts,
bolts, sky fortresses,
fortresses, earthquakes
equipment at -2
use the equipment
IronAge Classi
lanxes, marble
marble columns,
columns, mounted archers.
Skill Penalty.
Penalty. Anything  Faeries–pixie
Faer ies–pixie dust, pastel
pastel colors,
colors, faery magik.
more high-tek than that SteelAge:
Steel Age: Castle
berds, catapults,
catapults, castles,
castles, heavy cavalry
can not be used for its 3 Rennai
ge Pir
ns, mus
kets, cannons,
cannons, modern
modern ma jor gener
intended function.
function. NapoleonMen–dragoons, artil artillery,
lery, musket
eers, funny hats
 TekLevels in Brik- Frontiers
Fron tiersMen–wooden
Men–wooden forts, minuteminutemen,
men, steam engines,
engines, rodeos

 Wars 4 Moder
ge WorldW
–mac achi
ne gu
ns,, tan
ks,, hydro
gen bombs
lows. are
fol detailed as
S.W.A.T.Men–sniper rifles,
rifles, armored
armored trucks, headset
headset radios
PostModernMen–stealth aircraft,
aircraft, cruise missiles,
missiles, the Internet
NearMiss.  An at attack
tack that 5 SpaceAge SpaceMen–phasers, spacefleets, force fields, holograms
misses its target
target tends to 6 StarAge StarMen–death guns, energy blades, citystars,
citystars, battle
strike in the neighbor
hood 7 Hyper
Age InterDimensionalMen–time mamachines, sentient
sentient planets
of the missed target.
target. If  GodMen–omnipotentt con
GodMen–omnipoten contin
uum, ability
ability to under
understand women
there is a friendly unit in
that general
general vicinity, it al
most al ways
 ways gets hit. NearMiss rules are used to deter
mine where the missed shot lands. (3.1.2: NearMiss

Explosion Damage.  Any Damage Roll measured in d10s or d20s causes Explo plosion
sion Damage. Ex
sions dam-
age every
thing within their blast radius,
radius, and tend to set things on fire. (3.4.2: Explo

Burn Level.  When an ob object

ject is on fire, the Burn Level tells how vio
vi olently the fire is burning. You can tell an ob -
ject is on fire because
because fire-colored
fire-colored Brix will be piled all around it. (3.4.3: Fire)

Story.  A Story is a measure

measure of height equal to six Brix (or 2 and 2/8 inches), and is used to measure
measure larger
l arger ver -
tical distances
distances like the alti
al titude
tude of planes, the height of buildings, and the splat
ter radius
radius when your minifig falls
off a cliff.

Blok-Inch (or b”).  The unit of force in BrikWars (more ac

rately called Blok-inches per turn per round or
b”/tr). One Blok-Inch is the amount of force required to accel
ac celer
ate an object
object weighing
weighing one Blok by one inch
per turn, per round. (4.3.4: Shoving
Shoving and Dragging
Dragging Objects)

Power.  The measure

measure of a unit’s
u nit’s strength. One point of Power is equal to five Blok-Inches (5b”) of force po -

tential. All minifigs, ex cept where oth
er wise
 wise noted, have 1 point of Power.

BrikWars: Introduction 9

Platform.  Any large con struc

tion. Station
ary Platforms
Platforms are called build ings. Mobile
Mo bile Plat forms are called vehi
ve hi-
cles. (Chap ter Five: Large Targets)

Siege Weapons.  Weap

ons that are too big to be troop-por tatable.
ble. Siege Weapons
Weapons are designed
designed to be mounted
on vehi
cles or buildings, in or
der to blow up other vehi
ve hicles
cles and buildings.
buildings. (Chapter
(Chapter Seven: Siege Weapons)

Civilization. BrikWars armies

armies are fielded by Civilizations
zations of one form or another;
another; most are fairly generic.
generic. Over
time a player’s Civi
tion may come to be asso
as soci
ated with specific
specific atti
tudes, strate
strategies, person
aliities, and char-
acters. (10.3.9: Campaigns
Campaigns and Diplomacy)

Character. Most BrikWars units fit into certain generic cat ego gories.
ries. A Charac
ter is a unit with per son
ity, with
unique stats and abili
abilities, who would be able to ad vance and im improve
prove over the course of several
several battles
battles if it
 weren’t for the fact that the mortal
ity rate in BrikWars is extremely
ex tremely unforgiving.

0.3.3 Some Notes About Points and Pips

Every unit statis
tic (Skill, Move,
Mo ve, Power, etc.) is rated with a cer tain num ber of points (some com
nation of 
num bers and dice). In later chap ters, you will be given the option to buy or sell points from each of these statis
sta tis-

different youtypes
how many points
the number
num a die
ber of is worth,
faces on theindieorder to pur
by two andchase more
add one dice,
half or toThis
point. con vert
con vert betwee
will give youn
the average roll on that die. For instance, 1d6 is worth three and a half points, 1d10 is worth five and a half, etc.
 After all
all the dice’s point costs have been added together,
together, any fractions must
must be rounded up in the final total.
In general,
general, when buying mul multi
ple points, buy dice when ever possipos sible (e.g., buy +2d6 rather than +7 or
+1d6+4). Skill Ratings,
Ratings, especially, num ber higher than +3; convert them to d6’s.
especially, should never include a number
Remem ber that d10’s and d20’s are usually
usually only used for weapons
weapons causing
causing Explosion
Explosion Damage,
Damage, or for the
 Armor ratings
ratings of vehicles
vehicles and buildings.
buildings. For everything
everything else, use d6’s.
In order to avoid having
having to write things down, you can use a system sys tem of Pips  to
 to keep track of changing 
point values.
values. 1 ´ 1 Brix or Cylin
ders make good
go od Pips, since
s ince they are small, easily stackable, and com common
mon in
every color. However,
However, you can use anything
anything you feel is appropri priate.
ate. For vehicles or build
ings, Pips are stacked
on or next to the affected com po nents. For minifigs, place the minifig on a 4 ´ 4 or 6 ´ 6 plate, and then stack 
the Pips behind the fig on this stand.
 We’ve listed our preferred
preferred color choices for Pips below, but you may choose to assign any color Pip for
any purpose.
Blue. Blue Pips stacked next to a Flyer in di dicate
cate its alti
tude in Stories.
Stories. When keeping
keeping track of accel celer
(4.3.2: Accel
eraation), a stack of blue Pips next to an object
object indi
cates the direc
tion and ve loc
ity of its movement.

Red. Red Pips are stacked next to Platform or land landscape

scape compo
nents that have suffered
suffered Structural Dam
If you decide
decide to use a system
system of HitPoints for one or more of your Char
ters, you can keep track of them with
a stack of red Pips. Whenever
Whenever your Charac
ter loses a HitPoint, remove
remove one Pip and leave it on the ground next
to it, to give the battle
field a pleasing
pleasing blood-stained appearance.

White.  White Pips indi

indicate time lim its, such as a bomb that will go off or a spell ef
fect that will run out in a
certain number
number of turns.

Grey.  A gray Pip is placed next to a unit that has been Stunned or Exhausted. A stack of gray Pips on or next
to a Platform
Platform compo
nent indi
cate Functional
Functional Damage.

Black.  A black Pip is placed on a Plat

form compo
nent that has been dis abled, or two black Pips if it has been
dam aged beyond
beyond repair.

BrikWars: Introduction 10

Yellow. Rather than having

having to keep track of all the differ
dif ferent
ent colors
colors of fire, stacks of yellow
yel low Pips can indi
Burn Levels
Levels in differ
ent areas.
Green. Green Pips indi
indicate the Poi
son Level of a unit that is feeling
feeling the ef fects of disease or venom.

The Basic Guide

Thus, a prince should have no other object, nor any other thought,nor take anything
any thing else as his art but that of war and its orders 
and disci
disci pline;
 pline; for that is the only art which
which is of con
cern to one who commands.
Machiavelli, The Prince 
 –Niccolo Machiavelli,

1.1 The Grand Overview

Regardless of the size and scope of the bat
tle you’re staging,
staging, every BrikWars game fol lows the same basic steps.

Pregame Setup

1. You
You and
and yo
ur op
nent need to clear off a table or suitable flat surface
sur face on which to play the game.
Hardwood floors are good for larger battles. Partic
ularly huge battles
battles may range over several
several pieces of
niture and into adjacent
adjacent rooms.
2. Next
Next you
you have
have to set
set up som
somee sort
sort of ter
rain for the game to be played p layed on and in. This will determine
deter mine
much of the spirit of
o f your battle. Flat, feature
fea tureless
less plains are killing
killing fields for infantry,
infantry, offer ing them no
cover from snipers
snipers and war machines. Dense jungles jun gles and urban ruins are impassi
impas sible
ble to most ground
 vehi cles, and excellent staging
stag ing grounds for ambushes and close combat. combat. Unless you have some prefer pref er-
ence, a mixture
mixture of several
several terrain
terrain types is usually
usually the most satissatisfy
ing solution.
solution. You might use the fancy
modeled ter rain you can buy at your local gam g aming
ing store (if you don’t mind looking like a completecom plete
idiot for spend ing way too much money on flimsy pieces of crap), or you can set up piles of books
and furni
furniture as obsta
cles (this is quick and effective
effective but detracts from the ambiance
ambiance some what). The
best solution,
solution, of course, is to build terrain out of plasplastic
tic bricks the more, the better. No normal per -
son will ever think you’re cool because of the wargames you play, but if you can show them pic tures
of the really cool landscape
landscape that you built out of plastic
plas tic bricks, you have a fighting shot at impressing 
3. Now it’s time to amass armies. Each team assembles as many soldier diers,
s, weapons,
weapons, vehicles,
vehicles, and
emplacements as are approappropri
priate to the bat
tle. Army size may be determined
deter mined by Construc
Construction Point
lim its, by the size of the battle
bat tlefield,
field, by scenario
scenario constraints,
constraints, or by ego. If your army size is limited
lim ited by 
the size of your plastic brick collection, it means you need to go out and buy more plas plastic
tic bricks.
 Armies do not neces essar
sarily have to be of equal or even remotely sim ilar strength, especially
especially if there are
a large number
number of players.
players. (In fact, when the armies are so dispro
dis propor
ate that it is clear from the


Brik Wars: The Basic Guide 12

beginning who the eventual

beginning eventual victor
victor will be, the players
players on the los ing team often have more fun; appar-
ently they are less prone to compet
com petiitive petti
ness and more open to the simple joys of ultraviolence
and mayhem.)
4. Finally,
Finally, you have
have to
to place
place your
your troops
troops and equip
ment. You can do this in any way that seems rea-
sonable, as long as each side’s initial
ini tial place ment is out of it’s ene mies’ weapon ranges. Once all the
players are satis
satisfied with each other’s set
ups, the battle can begin.

Sometimes the battle you’re stag

ing will require you to do these things a little
lit tle differently. For instance, if 
one player has a base and the other player is assaulting
assaulting it, the first player will place his troops in and around the
base, while the other player will put his troops in the surround
sur rounding
ing country
side. If there is some kind of ambush
sit uation, troops might start out within each other’s weapon ranges. If one side has the advan tage of surprise, surprise,
they will get the first turn. If one side has superior
superior advance intelli
gence, the other side has to set up its troops
first. Most of the time these changes will be pretty obvious;
obvi ous; just go with your instincts.

1.2 Game Cycle

You can discover

discover more about a person
person in an hour of play than in a year of conver

Players alternate tak

Players taking
ing turns for the duration
duration of the game (as you would expect). Victory
Victory is gener
ally achieved
 when all enemy armies have conceded
conceded or been destroyed, although other victory
victory condi
conditions are possi sible,
ble, such
as assassi
assassi nating
nating all enemy leaders,
lead ers, captur
ing all enemy flags, or escaping
escaping with the pirate booty.
Probaably around half of all BrikWars games
Prob g ames end with one side declaring victory,
vic tory, but oftentimes
oftentimes the
groups playing
playing BrikWars are more interested in socialsocializa
tion and the appreci
ation of one another’s construc-
tion skill, and less interested in spend
ing the extra hours required to determine
determine an eventual victor.
vic tor. Again, these
players often seem to enjoy themselves
them selves more than those who emphasize the compet petiitive aspect of the game;
g ame;
they will finish
finish four or five rounds and call it a night.
During a player’s turn, he chooses a unit, moves it wherever he likes (within the limits
lim its of the unit’s Move-
ment rating),
rating), and makes whatever
whatever attacks he wishes (most units can only make one attack per turn). A player
repeats this process
process for every unit he con trols, and then his turn is over.

Optional Rule: Phases :P 

Thus, the victo

ous army first realizes
realizes the condi
tions for victory,
victory, and then seeks to engage in bat
tle. The vanquished
vanquished army fights 
 first, and then seeks victory.
 –SunTzu, The Art of War 

 Wargaming purists may choose to divide turns into strict Move

M ovement
ment phases and Combat
Combat phases. This isn’t
really recom
mended, since it can get to be kind of a pain.

 Movement.  The player whose turn it is moves all his troops and vehi hicles
cles their allot
allotted dis
tances. Noncombat
actions, such as oper
ing comput
ers, eating piz
zas, and mailing let
ters are also handled
handled during
during the Movement
Phase. Bomb drops by Flyers
Flyers and Colli
sions (includ
ing charg ing at tacks with lances or spears) may be made at
no penalty
penalty during
during this phase; any other attack
attack made during
during this phase is taken as an Oppor
Op portu
tunity At
tack, with
 what ever penal
ties apply
apply (usually 2 to the Attack Roll).

Combat.  When all movement

movement is com plete, all the troops and ve
cles that wish to make attacks
at tacks may do so.

Brik Wars: The Basic Guide 13

Optional Rule: Simultaneous Action :( 

Other wargaming purists may choose to have every one take their turn at the same time. Each player handles
the movement
movement and attacks for one unit (or squad, if mov ing indi vid
ual units takes too long) under his control,
and then the next player han dles the move
ment and attacks for one unit (or squad) under his control,
con trol, and so
on, until all players
players have moved all the units they wish to move (no unit may move more than once in a given

not you This can become
may have to put acon fusing
white ing
Pipin large
next to battles,
eachtles, as as
unit play
for getit which
to indicate haveitmoved
cate that and
has used itswhich h ave
for the round.
If players
players are real grognards, they can choose to play with both Phases and Simul ta taneous
neous Action, each
taking turns moving
moving one unit at a time, and then each taking tak ing turns handling
handling the attacks for one unit at a time.
 This can become incred
incrediibly tedious in large battles,
battles, and is not really recom
rec ommended.

Optional Rule: Dual Action :P 

Normally, in a given turn, every unit can move once and attack once. If you wish, you may also decide that a
unit has the option to spend its turn moving
moving twice and not attacking,
attack ing, or attacking twice and not
no t mov ing. A unit
that moves or attacks twice in one turn may not make Close Combat
Com bat counter
tacks or take Opportu
 Actions that round. Only selfdirected  units
  units (usually
(usually minifigs or wild animals)
animals) can take advantage
advantage of Dual
 Action; machines and animal
animal steeds cannot
Do not try to use Dual Action and Phases in the same game; you will only experiexperience
ence frustra

Optional Rule: Initiative :P

 At the beginning of each round, the players may roll dice to decide the order in which which they will take their
their turns
that round.
 The player with the highest
highest roll goes first, followed
followed by the player with the next highest
highest roll, and so on. If 
you decide to use this method, it is best to use a differdifferent
ent color of dice for initia
tive rolls than for other game
rolls. Each player sets his ini tia
tive die in front of him self with the num ber of his roll facing upward, and leaves
it there for the duration
dura tion of the round. In this manner,
manner, no one forgets
forgets the order of initia
tive or becomes con-
fused about when the round is going to end.
 An inter
ing varia
variation on Initia
tive is Hidden
Hidden Initia
tive, in which a num ber of folded slips of paper
equal to the number players are put into a hat, labeled First, Second,
number of players Second, Third, and
Third, and so forth. The order of turns is
deter mined at the beginning
beginning of each round, by letting
let ting all players
players draw a slip of paper from the hat. Each player
then keeps his number
number hidden
hidden until his turn actually begins.

1.3 The Trooper 

What luck for the rulers

rulers that men do not think.
  –Adolf Hit

 The Trooper is your most basic BrikWars unit.u nit. He will unques
ingly obey your every command and will
carry out even the most suicidal
suicidal orders to the best of his ability.
abil ity. Thanks to the regretta
ble quality
quality of minifig 
pub lic educa
tion, fear and selfpreservation mean nothing to him.
Depend ing on the set ting, your Troopers might be island
ers with spears, sailors
sail ors with cutlasses,
cutlasses, medi -
eval swordsmen,
swordsmen, gunslinging cowboys,
cowboys, spacemen
spacemen with laser rifles, Indian braves, members
mem bers of the local
S.W.A.T. Team, elven archers, army rifle men, etc. the list is end endless.
less. The Trooper has been fully 
combattrained,, and is pro
combattrained profi
cient in the use of all weap ons appropri
appro priate to his cul
ture (e.g., a medieval knight
 would have no prob
lem using a hal berd, but would be hard pressed to use a semi au auto
matic rifle for much
except as an unwieldy bludgeon).
BrikWars’ sys tem of unit classi
clas sifi
tion is almost simple
sim ple enough for a Dimmy to under stand.

Brik Wars: The Basic Guide 14

Classification. Units are intro

duced by their desig
tion and a brief de- Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Trooper 
scription of their battle
field function. General
General Purpose
Purpose Dispos
able Infan

 Move.  This stastatis

tic describes
describes how far a unit can move dur ing a sin single
gle Move: 5"

round. In this case, the Trooper can move five f ive inches. If you don’t have a Arm
Ar mor: TL + 1 AV (min 2)
ruler handy, an inch is a little
little over three dots. Five inches is almost
al most pre- Skill: 1d6
cisely sixteen dots.) A unit’s Move ratrating
ing may be modi
modified by vari
various types
Cost: TL + 1 CP (min 2)
of Movement Bo Bonuses
nuses and Penal
ties, which are covered
covered in later chapters.
Move ment Penal
ties ex pressed in inches are sub subtracted
tracted directly
directly from the Speccialty:
Spe None
unit’s Move rating.
rating. Bonuses
Bonuses and Penal
ties ex pressed as per
ages affect Rattio:
Ra None (troop)
how far one inch of Move will take the unit. With a +100% MB, it only 
costs 1” of Move to walk two real inches, while with a 50% MP the unit
 will only go a half inch for every
every 1” of Move. If a unit suffers
suffers from enough Penal
ties to take the cumu
tive to-
tal to 100% or lower, it can’t move at all!

 Armor.  The Armor

Armor statis
statistic (or AV  for
tic (or AV 
 for Armor
Armor Value) tells how much damage
dam age a unit can take from a single
single at-
tack without
without ceasing
ceasing to function. For minifig units such as Troop
ers, Armor’s ef
tiveness increases with the
unit’s TekLevel (see 0.3.2: Game Terms.) Up through the Tribal Age (TL1), Troopers Troop ers have an AV of 2.
MedievalTroopers have an AV of 3. SpaceTroopers
Sp aceTroopers have an AV of 6. Some units in later chapters
chapters have a vari-
able AV (like 2d6+2), which is rolled every
ev ery time the unit takes dam age. Rolls made using
us ing a variable
variable AV are
called Armor Rolls.

Optional Rule: HitPoints :P 

Some players feel that the Armor system is over oversim
plified and unreunreal
alistic, and want to use a sys system
tem of 
HitPoints instead. A moment of reflection
reflection on this prob lem immediately reveals that this is a dumb idea. Try Trying 
to keep track of the HitPoints of doz ens of dif differ
ent minifigs and vehicles
vehicles (not to mention build
ings, trees,
 wild life, rocks, etc.) would try the patience of a Buddha.
Bud dha. If realism
realism is this important to you, simulated combat
com bat
using tiny plas tic men is not the way to go. g o. Go out
side and spend a couple
couple of hours beating
beating each other up for
real until you’ve either gotten
gotten these bizarre ideas out of your head or you realize real ize that actual com bat was the way
to go all along.
If you have one or two Charac
Characterter units to whom you are especially
espe cially attached, losing them in BrikWars’
instantdeath system
system may seem unneces
sarily arbi trary and trau
matic. In this case, you may use a HitPoints sys-
tem for these units only. In this way, you can avoid the sud den denness
ness of a crisp, clean death and instead enjoy 
 watch ing your prize units suffer, weaken, wither, and die over a more extended period of time.
Every Charac
ter for whom you will be keeping
keep ing track of HitPoints should be placed on a stand. Behind
the Charac
ter, on the stand, build a stack of red Pips equal to three times the number num ber of points in the Char acac--
ter’s Armor rating.
rating. If there are dice in the Charac
Char acter’s
ter’s AV, you will need to convert them to points first (0.3.3:
Some Notes About Points and Pips). If the Char ac acter
ter is struck by an attack, remove one red Pip for every point
of Dam age it takes, and scatscatter
ter the Pips around the Char ac acter
ter as if they were blood. Under this system,
sys tem, a Char-
acter using HitPoints is more likely to sur vive
sur vive a single
sin gle large attack than under the Armor system; system; however, he
can now be brought down by a series of small attacks, where under the Armor system he would be unharmed
For a Charac
ter using HitPoints, there is no differ
ence between normal
normal Dam age and Stun Damage (3.3.6:
Get ting Stunned). When a CharacCharacter’s
ter’s HitPoints have been reduced to half their orig inal num ber or less, it is
Stunned. If its HitPoints have been reduced to precisely precisely one, it is Unconscious.
Unconscious. If all its HitPoints have been
removed, it is Extremely Unfortu
Unfor tunate
nate (some people
people call this condi tion Dead  ). If a Medik spends an entire turn
treat ing a wounded Charac
ter, he can heal 1d10+TL HitPoints per turn (7.2.7: Medix).
If a player feels that one of the units belong ing to another player is too heavily armored to kill in a sin
turn, he may demand that that unit be made a Charac acter
ter and its AV con verted to HitPoints. He
He may make this
demand even in the middle
mid dle of a battle.

Brik Wars: The Basic Guide 15

Optional Rule: DualSystem HitPoints :( 

 A slightly more compli
cated solution
solution is to con vert only some of a unit’s AV into HitPoints, leaving
leaving the rest as
ular Armor. The most appropri ate use of this would be to change a unit’s nat
appropriate natuural  AV
  AV to HitPoints, while
leaving all his AV bonuses from equip
ment as regu
regular AV. In this case, when the unit was attacked, only the
Dam age that exceeded the regu
regular AV would be applied to the Charac
ter’s HitPoints.

For acter
that Charac
Char instance,
ter tooka8unit withof1d6
points +4 age,
Dam AV he
Damage, could be con
would  verted
first maketohisa 1d6
ter with
d6 Armor 1d6 AV
Roll,sub and
ing 12
tract thatHitPoints.
from the If 
points of Dam age. Whatever was left over would be removed from fr om his HitPoints. If he rolled a 6 on his Armor
Roll, then his roll was a Crit ical Success
Success and he has avoided damage
damage altogether.

Optional Rule: Monster HitPoints :)

Even if you are playing
play ing a game with no Charac
ters, you may decide to use HitPoints if a single
single unit (usually 
some kind of monster)
monster) has such a high Armor Value that it would be impossi impos sible
ble for a player to do enough
damage in a sinsingle
gle turn to destroy it. In this case you are obliged to use Monster HitPoints. For Monster Mon ster
HitPoints, each pip
p ip counts as a number of regular HitPoints. What number
number you choose depends on how tough
the Monster’s
Monster’s armor is and how powerpow erful
ful the attackers are. (5, 10, TL, or 1d6 work well because they are easy 
to remember.)
remember.) Attackers
Attackers must do at least this much damage
dam age to remove each Pip; anything
any thing less bounces harm-
lessly off the Monster’s
Monster’s armor. If, even under these rules, an attacker could not possi
bly do enough damage to

hurt the Monster,

Monster, a Critical Success
Success on his Damage
Damage Roll will allow him to remove one Monster HitPoint.

Skill.  The Skill rating

rating is a combi
tion of dexter
ity, strength, training,
training, reflexes,
reflexes, wits, and dumb luck. It deter
mines a unit’s ability
ability to success
successfully make atattacks
tacks or perform
perform other actions.
actions. A unit’s Skill rating must always
con tain at least one
on e die; so for in stance, a unit would have a rating
rating of 1d62 rather than 2. A Trooper’s Skill
rating is 1d6.

Cost.  This final rating

rating refers
refers to the Construc
tion Point cost to purchase
purchase the unit. Like Armor,
Armor, the CP Cost of 
minifig units increases
increases with each TekLevel. This is not because
be cause more ad vanced soci
ies place more value in the
life of a single
single minifig, be cause frankly, they don’t. The in creased cost is due to the addiad ditional
tional training that is re-
quired to handle weapons
weap ons and equipment
equipment of greater and greater
g reater Teknologikal sophistication.
If you are not keeping
keeping track of TekLevels, you can choose any num number
ber to serve as your Troopers’ Armor
and CP Cost statis
statistics. 5 is the tra
ditional value, but you may increase
in crease or decrease this depending
depend ing on the speed
at which you want the casual
ties to mount.
 The cost of one Trooper does not include the cost of his weap ons and equipment, equipment, which are cov ered in
Chap ter Two: The Trooper’s Arsenal.

Optional Rule: Point Budgeting 

Dollars and guns are no substi

Dollars substitute
tute for brains and will power.
  –Dwight D. EisenEisenhower

CP costs have been included for every type of troop, vehi cle, weapon, and build b uilding,
ing, depending
depending on the item’s
gen eral useful
usefulness in bat
tle. You are in no way obli gated to pay any atten
tion to any of these point costs. There
are three ways to deal with CPs:

1. Igno
re CP
CPss Com
pletely (highly recom
mended) :)
Ignor ing CPs will save you an inordinate amount of time and trouble, especially
espe cially as your battles get
larger. If you can possi
bly avoid having to tally points, do it. Your pri
p rior
ity should be building a mili-
tary force with person
ity and unique charm. If you spend too much time tryingtrying to squeeze the most

Brik Wars: The Basic Guide 16

 value out of every CP, you will end up with an army that is boring boring and generic,
g eneric, and you will have sig -
nifiicantly handicapped your ability
nif ability to enjoy the battle that follows.
 To make this this work, every player puts together
together as big an
an army as he wants to field, limited
limited only by how 
much effort he wants to put into construct
con structing
ing build
b uildings and vehicles. If there only two sides in the
bat tle, then you’re usu ally going to want the armies to be of roughly
ro ughly equal strength. Your best guess is
probaably good enough when you try to even them out no need to whip out the cal cu
prob cula
tors. If there
are more than two sides, it is much less important
impor tant that the armies be of equal or even vaguely simi similar
strength, as long as no one army or alliance
alliance obviously
obviously has more power than all oth ers combined.
2. CP
CPss as
as an
an Aft
thought (second
(second best) :P
If you are determined
determined to field per fectly matched armies, have every side assembleassem ble however many 
forces they want, until everybody’s got about the same amount of mil miliitary strength (by your best
guess). Wait until this point before you let anybody
anybody even think about CP costs. We mean it if some-
body starts talking about their budget
bud get before they’re done building,
build ing, it’s time for the Ham mer of Dis
pline to make an appearance.
appearance. If you don’t have a Hammer
Hammer of Disci
Discipline, you can build one out of 
plastic bricks.
Once everyone
everyone is finished build
ing, have them each add up the total cost of their army. Which ever
total is highest
highest becomes the new point limit, and the players
players whose totals are below that limit may, if 
they choose, add units and equipment to their armies until they reach the point total.

3. Specific Pre Set CP Lim

its (avoid if possible) :( 
In some situ
situations, such as tourna
ments or BrikWars par ties, play ers may be asked to assem
ble their
armies at home and then transport
trans port them to wherever
wherever the battle
battle is being held. In sit uations like this,
the only way to assure evenly matched armies is to set a specific
spe cific CP limit beforehand.

Optional Rule: Limited Point Budgeting :P 

 Another way to avoid wast
ing time on point budget
ing is as fol lows: put all your minifigs, animals,
ani mals, weapons,
and equipment
equipment in a big pile. Players then take turns picking one item at a time from the pile (roll dice to see who
goes first). When everyone
everyone agrees that they have as many items as they want, toss the remainder
remain der of the piles
back into the contain
ers. Players
Players then start building armies out of the items they have cho chosen.
sen. If you put a
 weapon in a minifig’s hand, he becomes a Trooper. A tool makes him a Mechanik, a suitcase makes him a
Medik, and so forth.
In this way, you’ve built almost your entire army without
with out spending
spending a single
single point. Players
Players should try to
pick minifigs of their team’s color if possible; if they can’t, they should place them on stands of their team’s
Once you’re done putting
putting your main force together, you can start paying
paying attention
attention to CP costs again in
order to buy buildings,
buildings, vehicles,
vehicles, robots, and supernat
ural units.

1.4 Basic Combat

The art of war is sim ple enough. Find out where your

your enemy is. Get at him as soon
soon as you can. Strike him as hard as you can,
and keep moving.
 –Ulysses S. Grant

 There are two basic types of com

bat in BrikWars: ranged combat
com bat and close combat.
com bat. Ranged combat
combat takes place
over long distances,
distances, using guns, missiles,
missiles, rocks, decapi
decapitated heads, or what
ever else comes immedi diately
ately to
hand. Close combat
combat is when things get per sonal, and troop
ers take it upon themselves
them selves to engage each other
one-on-one with hand weap ons, fists, teeth, headbutting, elbowing,
elbowing, kneeing,
kneeing, kicking,
kicking, tickling, and sit
ting on the
enemy for extended periods of time.

Brik Wars: The Basic Guide 17

 The attacker chooses the weapon he wants to use and the target he wants to attack. An attacker may 
attack with one ranged weapon, with two hand weapons, weapons, or with any number
number of vehicle weap
ons, but each
attacker can only focus on one target
target in any given turn.
For each weapon the attacker is using, he makes sure the target tar get is within range of the weapon (in the case
of Close Com bat weapons,
weap ons, the attacker has to be able to touch the target
tar get with the weapon) and make an Attack
Roll. He does this by making
mak ing a Skill Roll (a Trooper would roll 1d6), plus or minus any Skill Modi Mod ifiers that
apply (you won’t have to worry about these until you get into Chapter Chap ter Three: Advanced Com bat). If his modimod i-
fied Skill Roll is equal to or greater than the Usage Rat Rating
ing (UR) of the weapon, he hits his target;
target; other
other wise,
 wise, he
misses. (In trivial
trivial cases, such as a Trooper breaking
break ing a glass window
window with a BaseballBat, the Rule of Fudge dic-
tates that you skip the Skill and Damage Rolls and just smash the window.)
 When an attacker success
suc cessfully
fully hits his target,
target, the attacking
attacking player rolls the Damage
Damage Roll of the weapon
being used, and the defending player rolls the Armor Roll of the target. If the Armor Roll is equal to or higher
than the Damage
Damage Roll, then the target
tar get sur vives unharmed; othother
er wise,
 wise, it is destroyed (or damaged,
damaged, in the case of 
 vehi cles and buildings).

Optional Rule: Variable Damage :)

If you want to make taking
taking damage
damage a little more excit
ing, you can change what happens
hap pens to a living
living or android
target when the Damage
Damage and Armor Rolls are precisely equal.
If you are using Stun rules (3.3.6: Getting
Getting Stunned), then the target sur vives the attack but is Stunned.
If you are will ing to get a lit
tle more complex,
complex, then if attacker is using a bladed weapon or a suffi
largecaliber gun, the minifig target
target sur vives the attack but loses a hand, arm, or leg (defender’s choice). The
limb is sepa
separated from the minifig and placed on the ground nearby. Place two red Pips on or near the minifig 
to show that it is wounded and bleeding. The minifig takes 1d6 Stun damage dam age from blood loss at the beginning 
of every turn thereaf
ter, until he or another friendly minifig spends a full turn ban daging the wound. (If the
damage was done by an energy-based attack, then the wound is instantly ban bandaged
daged by the cau ter
ing effects of 
the energy weapon). Once the wound has been ban b andaged, the minifig must not exert itself (no running,
running, jump-
ing, climbing,
climbing, or engaging
engaging in Close Combat
Combat of any kind) or the wound will reopen and must be rebandaged.

Optional Rule: Dimmy Kombat :P

In case of doubt, attack.

 –George S. Patton

If minifig combat
combat is taking
taking up precious gam ing time that you’d preprefer
fer to devote to other tasks (vehicle
(vehi cle combat,
troop movements,
movements, scarfing down pizza and beer, etc.), or if you aren’t prepared to deal with all the details and
minutiae of even the Basic Combat
Com bat rules (this is your first game, you have attention
atten tion deficit disor
der, you are
hung over, etc.), then the Dimmy Kombat rules are the way to go.
In Dimmy Kombat, all troops fight with equal talent, and weapons
weap ons are differ
entiated only by range. Reg
lar hand weapons
weapons (knives, swords, hatch ets) cost 1 CP. Polearms (spears, battleaxes, lances) cost 2 CP.
Shortrange weapons (pis(pistols,
tols, bows) cost 3 CP and have a range of 6"; longrange weapons
weapons (rifles) cost 4 CP and
have a range of 12".
 A Dimmy Kombatant gets one attack per turn, even if he has two weap weapons.
ons. When making
making attacks in
Dimmy Kombat, you can forgetforget all that crap about Skill, Damage,
Dam age, and Armor. As long as your minifig has a tar-tar -
get within the range of his weapon, just roll 1d6 to make the attack. On a 6, the target tar get dies. 5 or lower, the
attack fails.
Dimmy Kombatants cannot make attacks with their bare hands; they must pick up some kind of weapon
(almost anything
anything will do, but objects larger than a Brik are too heavy to swing around for this purpose).
pur pose). Dimmy
Kombatants cannot
cannot damage vehi
cles or buildings.
ally, you may decide to allow Dimmy Kombatants to use Dimmy Armor. Any removable remov able armor
item (helmets,
(helmets, shields, plate armor) can be bought for 2 CP and declared Dimmy Armor. If a unit wearing 

Brik Wars: The Basic Guide 18

Dimmy Armor is struck by an attack in Dimmy Kombat, he sur vives, but one piece of Dimmy Armor is
removed and dropped on the battle
field next to the unit. That piece of armor is ‘ru ined’ and cannot
can not be picked
up and reused by the unit or by other units.|
If you decide to use the Dimmy Kombat rules, ignore Chap ter Two: The Trooper’s Arsenal. Much of 
Chap ter Three: Advanced Com bat, and many of the spe cial troop dis distinc
tions in Chapters
Chapters Eight and Nine, will
be rendered
rendered irrele vant and should be ignored.
Destroyed vehicles are ripped apart, and the pieces are scattered
scat tered around the area in which the destruction
occurred. (If players are very attached to their vehi vehicle
cle mod els they can elect not to rip their con construc
apart.) Remove half the pieces from the playing field, leav leaving
ing “realis
tic” debris behind. If a minifig unit is
destroyed, leave his dead body wherever
wher ever it falls.
 You are encouraged
encouraged to vary the method of destruction
destruction to suit the nature of the attack. A Trooper hit by a
mis sile would leave scattered body parts and a spat
s patter
ing of small red pieces for blood. A gre grenade
nade tossed in the
cabin of a pickup truck would destroy only the front half of the truck. A blasted building building would lose an
appropriatesized chunk of wall. A Flyer hit by an experi
tal Annihihila
tion Ray would just disappear.

Optional Rule: Critical Rolls :)

I was a piti ful,
 ful, piti ful
 ful dice roller in my youth, and occasion
ally fall victim
victim to embarrass
ing relapses.
  –Shaun Sullivan, NELUG mem member ber

If a player rolls a Skill Roll or a Damage

Dam age Roll and all the dice end up on ones, the roll is an Auto matic Failure,
no matter
matter how easy the task he was attempting.
attempting. Contrari
Contrari wise,
 wise, if all the dice in a Skill Roll or an Armor Roll end
up on the dice’s high est numbers
num bers (i.e. sixes on d6s, tens on d10s, etc.), the roll is an Automatic
Auto matic Success,
Success, no mat-
ter how diffi
cult the task. If there is a contest
con test between two rolls, and both sides roll Automatic
Auto matic Successes
Successes or
Failures, ignore the Auto matic Success/Fail
Success/Failure rules and just resolve the rolls normally.

Optional Rule: Better Critical Rolls :)

 There are a lot of situ
situations where normal Critical Suc
cess rules lead to truly bizarre results (such as allowing
allowing a
 Trooper to punch his way through a mountain
mountain on one out of six tries). Especially for Skill and Dam Damageage Rolls,
you may want to handle your Automatic SuccessSuc cess rolls a little differently.
 Any time one of the dice in a roll ends up on the die’s highest number,
number, you may add one more of that die
to the roll. If the new die comes up on its highestnumbered face, then you may add an additional
additional die, and so on,
until you stop getting
getting such lucky rolls. Damage added in this man manner
ner does not increase the blast radius of an
Explosion or the Burn Level of a Fire.

The Troopers’ Arsenal

... because there cannot

cannot be good laws where there are not good arms, and where there are good arms there must be good laws, I shall
leave out the reason
ing on laws and shall speak of arms.
Machiavelli, The Prince 
 –Niccolo Machiavelli,

2.1 Weapons and Equipment

 The weapons
weapons and equipment
equipment listed in this chap ter are divided into a num
ber of major sections.
sections. Each section
con tains a table of statis
tics, descriptions,
descriptions, and sometimes
sometimes special rules for the group of weapons
weap ons or equipment
that they detail. The table headings
head ings are as follows:

WEAPON or ITEM.  This column

column lists the name of the weapon or item being described.

TL (TekLevel). Units with at least this level of tech no

ical sophis
tion will have no problem
prob lem using
using this
item. A unit one TekLevel be low this num
ber will be able to use the item with a 2 Skill Penalty
Penalty (although
(although not al-
 ways completely
completely a Crusader
Crusader might be able to fire a mus ket but will have no
n o idea how to reload
reload it). A unit who is
two or more TekLevels be low this num
ber will not be able to use the item for its intended
intended purpose at all.

2H (TwoHanded). If there is an X in this column,

col umn, then the item requires
requires two hands to use. The unit may or
may not be able to carry the item with only one hand, but he
h e must have both hands free before he can make use
of it.

CP (Construction Points).  This column

column lists the number
num ber of Construc
Construction Points re
quired to purchase
purchase this item.

RNG (Range).  The range of this item, usually

usually in inches. If there is a CC in this column,
col umn, it can only be used in
Close Com bat the unit carry
car rying
ing it must be able to touch it to the target.

UR (Usage Rating).  A unit needs to

to make a Skill Roll higher than this number
number to success
fully use the item.

CMP" (Cargo Movement Penalty).  This item is is heavy enough or clumsy enough that it encum
bers the unit car -
rying it. The unit’s Move rating
rat ing is decreased
decreased by the number
num ber of inches listed in this column.
col umn. If a unit is espe


BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  20

strong, it is less affected by Cargo Move

ment Penal
Penalties. For ev
ery point in its Power Rating
Rat ing above the usual 1
Power, it can ignore
ignore 2" of CMP".

DAMAGE or EFFECT. If a unit makes successsuccessful use of this item, it will ei ther do the damage
dam age dice listed in this
column, or have the effect
effect listed in this column.
col umn. A weapon
w eapon listed as ‘slow’ may only be used once every other
turn. Damage
Damage ratings
ratings marked with ‘exp,’ ‘stun,’ or ‘fire’ do Explo
sive (3.4.2: Explo
sions), Stun (3.4.4: Getting 
Stunned), or Fire dam age (3.4.3: Fire), re spec

Optional Rule: Quick and Dirty Armament :P 

Some people
people find BrikWars’ long lists of  Equipment for the AttentionSpan Im
 weapon stats a little
lit tle daunting.
daunting. Players
Players who
choose to use more than four or five basic Item CP 2H Range UR   -CMP” Damage/Ef
 weapon types often find that they have to Tool 3 — — — — Special
constantly return to the tables to confirm
Knife 2 — CC 2 — 1d6
 weapon stats, which
whi ch can become a source
of frustra
tion for their impatient
impatient oppo-
oppo- Pistol 3 — 6” 3 — 1d6
nents. For this reason,
reason, we’ve created
created a Rifle 5 — 12” 3 — 1d6+2
supersimplified set of equipment
equipment statistics.
Grenade 4 X — 3 — 1d10+3 (exp)
Using these simpli
fied statis
tics will
balance some what. For Armor
tend to affect game balance 1 — — —     -1”   +2 AV
this reason
reason it is better, although not com-
com -
pletely neces
sary, that if one player uses the
sim ple chart then all other play ers in the game also use the sim ple chart.
 These six item
item types can be used for almost
almost anything
anything you could want a minifig to carry. Damage
Damage types for
the weap ons may be changed to Stun, Fire, or Poison damage without with out affecting
affecting the other weapon stats, if one
of those dam age types is more appropri priate
ate to the spe cific weapon in use.

TOOL..  This covers any type of tool required by a special

ist unit such as Medikal Equipment
Equipment or a Mechanik’s
Repair Tool.

KNIFE..  Any hand weapon uses these Knife stats. Play

ers must use common
com mon sense to decide
decide whether the
 weapon requires
requires two free hands.

PISTOL.  Any shortrange weapon, such as a sling or a re volver. Some items in this cat cateegory, such as a
shortbow, will require
require two hands to use. Any ammu
am muni
tion asso
ated with a Pistol item (such as a quiver full of 
arrows) is free.

RIFLE.  Any lon ger-range weapon, such as an AK47 or a longbow.

long bow. Any nonex
sive ammu
ammunition as
 with a Ri
fle item is free. For a Rifle that launches explo
ex plosive
sive ammo, such as a ba zooka, ammu
am munition must be
bought sepa
separately as Grenades.

GRENADE.  Any thrown weapon or Ri Rifle

fle ammu
tion that explodes
explodes or causes another
another kind of area effect,
such as a Molotov
M olotov cock tail or a flashbang grenade.

 ARMOR.  Any armor

ar mor item above and beyond
beyond a Trooper’s basic
basic helmet, in
ing a shield, body armor,
armor, or a
fancier helmet.
If you want one of your minifig units to carry an item that does not fit into one of the six cate
ries, you
 will have to look up the item in the tables below as usual. Hopefully you will not need more than one or o r two
such items.

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  21

2.1.1 Breaking Stuff  Equipment

Equipment Armor
Armor Values

 Any equip
ment item or weapon can be broken
broken if it Mate
Materrial Color Minimum TL AV
receives enough damage,
damage, or if it is used in a Close
Air, Water Clear 0 (Stone
Age) 0
Combat attack and does
do es more dam
age than its own
 Armor Value. This can often hap happen
pen if a Pap
Paper, Glass 2 (IronAge) 1

superpowerful minifig swings a weapon designed for Cerramic, Tile

Ce 1 (Tribal
Age) 2
lesser mortals, or if one minifig smacks another with
Stone, Leather 0 (Stone
Age) 5
an object that was not designed to be used as a
 weapon, such as a por
lain vase. Wood, Bamboo Brown, Tan 1 (Tribal
Age) 10

In general, the dura

ity of an equipment
equipment item Iron Gray, Black 2 (IronAge) 20
depends on what it is made out of. Steel Gray, Black 2 (Medieval 30

Mithril Shiny Gold 2 (Magikal) 40

2.2 Ranged Weapons Adam

Adamantium Shiny Gold 5 (SpaceAge) 50

2.2.1 Pistols Eneergy

En Transpar
pareent 6 (StarAge) No Limit

Hokey reli gions
 gions and ancient weapons
weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.
  –Han Solo

If you do not have any POOP Classi

Clas sifi
tion: Pistols
handguns, almost any small piece Light Anti
try Ranged Weapons
 with a han
dle can be made into a
pistol. Just add cylin
ders and trans-  Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
par ent bits until the pistol is as big 
Pirate Flintlock 3 — 3 6” 3 — 1d6, Slow
and as fancy as you like.
If your minifig troops are Re Revvolver 4 — 3 8” 3 — 1d6

equipped with more than one kind Ma Machine

chine Pist
Pistol* 4 — 4 10” 2 (6) — 1d6
of pistol,
pistol, you should come up with Gyro Pist Pistol* 5 — 4 12” 2 (5) — 1d6
a good
go od con sistent way to tell dif
pistols apart. Either Im
ent kinds of pistols Impact
pact Pist
Pistol* 5 — 4 10” 3 (6) — 1d6+2

design a distinct
distinct style for each type, Siege Pistol 6 — 4 12” 4 — 1d10 Exp
use a specific
specific color of transpar
pieces for each type, or find some *Pis *Pistols
 (3.3.9: marked
Auto with
matic an aster
Fire) asterisk
isk can be used for Auto matic Fire at the UR listed in paren
pa renthe

other method that is easy to

remem ber and clear for every one in the game. For instance, you might decide that a pistol made of one piece is
a Gyro Pistol,
Pistol, a pistol with two pieces is an Impact Pis tol, and a pistol pis tol with three pieces is a Siege Pistol. If you
do not want to have to differ feren
ate between differdifferent
ent pistols,
pistols, then limit your troops to one type of handgun.
 After a Pirate Flintlock
Flint lock is fired, a minifig must spend a full turn reloading reload ing before the gun can be fired
again. If you don’t have any lowtek units on the field who need Pirate Pistols Pis tols or Revolvers,
Revolvers, you can use Pirate
Pistol and Revolver POOPs as Machine Pis Pistols
tols or Gyro PistolsPistols without
without fear of confu confusion.
 At TL5 or above, all Pistols may be bought as Stun weapons, weapons, firingfiring tranquil
izer darts, beanbags, or some
kind of stunbeam instead of nor mal rounds. A Stun Siege Pistol Pis tol will create
create an explosive burst of o f Stun energy.
Such weap ons will do Stun damage to organic tar gets, and no damage dam age to other targets. targets.

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  22

2.2.2 Rifles

He who lives by the sword, will eventu

ally be wiped out by some bastard
bas tard with a sawedoff shot gun.
  –Steady Eddy 
tion: Rifles
Rifles are among
amon g the most ver sa satile
tile Medium
Me dium Antiinfantry Ranged Weapons Weapons
of weapons.
weapons. Unlike a fragile
fragile Bow,
Rifles can be used as Clubs or  Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
Staves in a pinch, or as makeshift
Pirate Musket 3 X 4 12” 5 — 1d6, Slow
crutches, pinions,
pinions, splints, stabilizer
struts, etc. If you buy a Saber or a Shotgun 4 X 5 12” 3 — 1d6+1
Knife, you can attach it to the bar-bar - MaMacchine Gun* 4 X 6 16” 2 (5) — 1d6
rel of your Rifle at no additional
addi tional
Gyro Rifle* 5 X 6 16” 3 (5) — 1d6+3
cost, allowing
allowing you to use your Rifle
as if it were a spear. Imp
Im pact Rifle* 5 X 6 14” 4 (6) — 2d6+2

 As with Pis Pistols,

tols, if your Siege Rifle 6 X 6 18” 5 — 2d10 Exp
troops are carry
ing more than one *Ri *Rifles
fles marked with an aster
as terisk
isk can be used for Au tomatic Fire at the UR listed in pa ren
type of Rifle, you will need to pick  (3.3.9: Auto Automatic
matic Fire)
a consis
tent way to differ

muskets, Rifle types. scor
and phaser In future
ons scenar
pi sce
all many
been popunlikely
popu POOPs can be used as Rifles; laser crossbows,
ular weapons. cross bows, energy 
 After a minifig fires
fires a Pirate Musket, he must spend a full turn reloading
reloading before he can fire again.
 At TL4 and above, all Rifles can be boughtbo ught as nonlethal Stun weap
ons affecting liv
ing targets.
targets. At TL5
these rifles can be bought as Stun weapons affecting
affecting electronic and mechanical targets,
targets, firing
firing an ion blast or a
scram bling magneton beam. All TL6 Rifles can switch on the fly between doing normal nor mal damage
damage and firing 
Stunbeams that affect both living
living and mechani
mechanical targets.

2.2.3 Death Guns

tion: Death Guns
If you are the type who enjoys Troopportable Siege Weapons Weapons
mass destruction, you’re going to
 want to pass out some of these  Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
heavy hitters.
 A Can
non cannot carried Cannon
cannot be carried NA 10 16” 6   -3” 1d10+3 Exp
by minifigs. If you want to move it, Bazooka X 10 16”* 6*   -3” Special
it must be mounted on wheels and Death Gun X 10 16” 5   -2” 2d20 Exp
dragged around adding wheels to a
Sniper Cannon X 10 20” 5   -2” 3d6+4 Slow
Can non incurs no extra CP cost.
Can nonballs
balls and Gunpow
Gunpowderder must *Ba*Bazooka
zooka stats marked with an aster
pend on the damage
damage rating
as terisk
isk apply
apply when launching
rating of the ob ject being
launching grenades
being launched.
grenades or grenadesized ob jects. Damage
Damage will

be purchased
purchased and transported
transported sepa
rately. It takes a minifig one full turn to load a Cannon
Can nonballball in the front of the Cannon, Can non, and one full turn to load
gun powderder in the back; two minifigs working together can com complete
plete the two opera operations in one turn. To fire the
Can non, a minifig must have some means of lighting light ing the fuse a torch is best, but a minifig may also light the
fuse by shooting
shooting it with some kind of firearm.
 The Bazooka can be used
used to launch any roughly coconutsized
coconutsized object, such such as a water balloon
balloon or a human
skull; mostly they are used to launch grenades
grenades and mis siles. Unlike other guns, where minifigs are assumed to

be car
mis rying
siles ing
andsup ply have
then of ammu
minifigs lugin them
their pockets,
pock ets,the
around withfield.
This youmake
have ittosome
gre nades
nient for your Bazooka troop to move around very much. It takes a full turn to pick up a fresh round and load
it into the Bazooka.

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  23

 When firing a missile,

missile, flames shoot out the back of the Bazooka and 45° to either side. The mis sile’s ‘Mk’
num ber determines
determines the number
number of inches the flame shoots back ward and the Burn Level of the fire. For
instance, a MkII Missile
Missile would shoot 2" flames that did 2d6 Fire dam age.
 The Death Gun is a ridic
ulously massive
massive Rifle that shoots explosive
explosive bursts
bu rsts of superheated plasma. All
Death Guns have some kind of Blade attached as a bayo bay onet; these are free unless they are LightSabers. All
attacks with Death Gun bayo
bayonets have a UR of 6.
 The Sniper Cannon
Cannon is a big Rifle with an extended barrel
bar rel (attach an antenna to the end of a Rifle). It is a
‘slow’ weapon, because you have to stand still and aim for at least one full turn before you can fire it. How ever,
every consec
consecuutive turn you stand still aim ing at a target
target gives you a cumula
cumu lative +1 Skill Bonus when you finally 

2.2.4 Explosives

 A slip ping gear could let your M203 grenade

gre nade launcher fire when you least expect it. That would make you quite unpopu
unpop ular in 
what’s left of your unit.
  – PS
PS Maga
zine, August
 August 1993 issue, page 9

It’s hardly a BrikWar if there Classi

Clas sifi
tion: Explo
aren’t a healthy dose of explo- Generalarea Demo
sions. Explosions
Explosions are not always
the most precise
precise or elegant tac
ti--  Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
cal solution,
solution, but they are almost Gunpowder Barrel 3 X 3 — —     -3” 2d10, Exp
always the most entertain
 Where a laser might put a lit tle Can
little Cannon
nonbball* 3 X 2 — —    -3” 1d10+3 Exp

hole in a Trooper, a MkII Mis- MkI Explosive 3 X 2 (4) (20”) (6) — 1d10+3 Exp
sile will not only inspire him to MkII Explosive 4 X 3 (6) (22”) (7)   -1” 2d10 Exp
throw himself
himself into the air and
divide himself com po-- MkIII Explosive
himself into his compo 5 X 4 (8) (24”) (8)   -2” 2d10+3 Exp

nent parts, but all his buddies

bud dies in *Can*Cannon
Ball stats are included
included for Troopers
Troopers loading
loading Cannons.
Cannons. Cannon
Balls cannot
cannot be thrown. () numbers
numbers in
ses are for Missiles.
Mis siles.
the area will do the same thing.
Now that’s entertainment!
Explosives have four poten
tial uses: as grenades,
grenades, as bombs, as timed explosives, explosives, or as missilesmissiles (in the

chart, the numbers

a Bazooka, num bers in
except forparen
Can the
Cannon ses givewhich
balls, the statis
missiles). All types of explo
Can nons.
Cannons. sives
Any can be launched
nonmissile outwill
explosive of
have a Range of 16" and a UR of 6 when launched from a Bazooka.
Grenades and bombs look about the same; you can tell them apart because bombs are attached to Flyers,
 while grenades
gre nades are carried
carried by Troopers. Grenades are cylin cylindri
drical in shape, and increase in size depend ing on
their Mk rating.
rating. It is usually
usually a better choice to throw a grenadegre nade (3.6.3: Throwing
Throwing Objects) than to set it off in
Close Com bat. A typ typiical minifig can throw a grenade
grenade (Skill minus CMP") inches with a UR of 3.
 Timed explo
sives are the same size as the corre cor respond
sponding gregrenades,
nades, but square instead of cylindrical.
 Timed explosives
explo sives are coated with a special
special glue called “Glom.” Once the Glom has been acti vated  vated and the
explo sive is Glommed onto something,
some thing, there is no way to remove it, so be careful where you put those things.
It takes a full move ment phase to arm the explosive,
explo sive, set the timer, and Glom it onto a target. tar get. You can even
launch the explosive
explosive out of a Bazooka; it will Glom onto whatever whatever it hits.
 The timer of a timed
timed explosive
explosive can be set to any num ber of turns, includ including
ing zero (instant deto
tion). The
timer counts down by one at the end of every turn of the player that set it. When the timer reaches zero, the
bomb explodes. To keep track of the timer, you can set white Pips next to the explosive explo sive and remove one at the
end of every turn.

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  24

Missiles are usu

ally launched out of a Bazooka. In desper
ate situ
situations, a Trooper can set off a missile
mis sile by 
hand. He aims with a 3 Skill Pen alty, and he is automat
automatiically hit by the thrust flames as it launches (1d6 times
the Mk rating of the missile
mis sile in Fire damage
dam age (3.3.5: Fire)).
If you roll a Criti
Critical Failure
Failure on the Damage
Damage Roll when attack ing with Explosives
Explo sives (you roll all ones), it
means the explosive
explosive failed to go off. This does not mean it is a dud; the explosive
explo sive is armed and live. If someone
tries to pick up the explosive
explo sive to use again, a roll of 6 on 1d6 means that disturbing the explosive sets it off.
Shooting such an explo sive will always set it off.
If an explosive
explosive has not been armed, you may still attempt to set it off by shoot ing it. Mul ti tiply
ply the explo-
sive’s Mk rating
rating by 5. If you can do more than this amount of dam age to the explo sive in a sin single
gle attack, the
explo sive is set off, despite the objections of whoever is car carry
rying it at the time. Gunpow
Gunpowderder Barrels will always
explode when shot (by guns, not by arrows) or exposed to open op en flame.

2.2.5 Archery
 Archery weap
ons can only be Classi
tion: Archery
Lowtek Antiinfantry Ranged Weapons
loaded by a minifig with a Quiver,
although in a pinch a sin gle minifig
 Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
 with a Quiver could keep a whole
squad of archers supplied
supplied with Quiver 1 (X 1 — — — —  

arrows. Nocking an arrow in a bow ShortBow 1 (X 1 5” 3 — 1d6-1

takes no time at all. Quivers
Quiv ers never
MediumBow 1 (X 2 8” 4 — 1d6
run out of arrows or crossbow 
bolts. LongBow 2 (X 5 16” 5 — 1d6+2

 A ShortBow is not a good CrossBow 2 (X) 3 8” 3 (2) — 1d6+3 Slow

 weapon for foot archers, because
CompoundBow 4 (X 3 10” 3 — 1d6+2
its range is too short to keep
attack ers at bay. It is mostly useful
for hunting small game. However,
How ever, put a horde of ShortBow archers on horseback
horse back and you have the formula
for mula
for some of the most success
suc cessful ram
paging bar
bariians of TL12. Horses are fast enough to put the archers in
range of the target
target and get them back out again before they are exposed to counter
coun terat
Most Bows require two hands to fire. A CrossBow’s
Cross Bow’s main advantage
advantage is that it can be fired with one hand
or even by clock work (typi
(typ ically when triggered
triggered by a tripwire). With one hand, a CrossBow
CrossBow is fired at UR3, but it
is more accurate
accurate when using two hands (UR2). A minifig always needs two hands and a full turn to reload a
Cross Bow.
If an archer has a buddy standing
standing nearby with a torch or other source of fire, the buddy can light the
archer’s arrows as he fires them. Dam age from these arrows is con verted to Fire Damage (3.3.5: Fire). The
arrows must be fired on the same turn as they are lit, oth er wise
 wise they burn up and light the bow on fire, which
w hich
can be extremely inconvenient.
 At higher TLs, if archery weapons are used at all it is common to attach grenades or other devices to the
arrows. This does not
n ot cost any thing beyond the cost of the gregrenades
nades or devices.

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  25

2.2.6 Thrown Weapons

Though boys throw stones at frogs in sport, the frogs do not die in sport, but in earnest.

 Almost any object can be thrown Classi

Clas sifi
tion: Thrown Weapons
to bonk opponents
opponents (for most Lowtek Pro jec
objects, you can use the bludgeon
stats for shovels
shovels or hammers).
hammers). If   Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
you throw a hand weapon, us the Hand Weapons (Normal Weapons
Weapons Stats)
ular stats for that weapon as if it
Litttle Rok
Lit 0 — 0 — 2 — 1d6-3 Stun
 were used in Close Combat.
Some weapons
weapons have Range Big Rok 0 — 0 — 3 -(B)” B ´ d6 Stun
stats marked with a +P. The range Sling 1 — 1 +1 3 — 1d6 Stun
of those weapons
weapons is what the
Bolo 1 — 1 — 3 —    -1d6 Skill
minifig’s throw ing range would be
addi tional Net
if he had that many additional 1 — 2 — 3 —    -2d6 Skill

points of Power. This range can Boomerang 1 — 1 — 2 — 1d6-1Stun

never exceed ten inches times the Shuriken 2 — 1
 — 2 — 1d6-1

+P num
 Trooper ber. a Sling
using For would
example,have aa Chak
Chakrrum/Discus 2 — 3 +1P 2 — 1d6

range of 2d6", but even if he rolled AutoChakram 5 — 5 +2P 2 — 1d6+2

an 11 or 12 his range would be lim- lim - EngergyDisk 6 — 10 +2P 2 — 2d6
ited to 10". The range of thrown weapons
weapons is (Skill ´ Power)/Mass. Normal T roop
ers throwing
throwing normal
normal weap ons have a
Bolos (weights attached by  range of 1d6"(3.6.5: ThrowingThrowing Ob jects)
ropes, chains, or leather straps) and
nets (with weighted fringes) are
designed to entangle and dis disable
able enemies.
enemies. When a bolo or net first strikes a target, tar get, roll a con test between the
 weapon’s damage
dam age and the tar get’s Skill. If the tar get rolls as high or higher than the damage, dam age, then it escapes
unhindered; othothererwise, it becomes entangled in the bolo or net and falls over. The tar target
get may roll again at the
beginning of every turn to try and untan untangle
gle itself, or another friendly unit may help untan untangle gle the victim, adding 
add ing 
its Skill to the victim’s
victim’s roll. The friendly unit may also cut the victim victim loose with a blade; this ruins the bolo or
net of course.
 To use a bolo, net, or sling, a minifig must be able to swing it around above his head. If there are any 
head high obstacles within one inch, the minifig does not have enough room to swing the weapon and must try 
something else. If a minifig rolls a Critical FailureFailure when attacking with one of these weapons, weap ons, he suffers the
Ewok effect: he strikes himself
him self with the weapon for full damage.
If a boomer
boomerang ang hits a target,
target, it bonks it and falls to the ground.grou nd. If it misses, it automatautomatiically returns to the
thrower. The thrower automat
automatiically succeeds
succeeds when trying trying to catch the boomer boomerang.ang.
Shuriken are bought three at a time and repre rep resented
sented by the smallest
small est onedot PBBs. A unit can carry as
many shuriken as it likes, and can throw 2 per turn.
 A chakram or dis discus
cus is like a bladed DeathFrisbee. A unit throwing throw ing a chakram or discus discus can bounce it off 
of any number
number of objects, as long as the total distance dis tance trav eled is not greater than the max imum range of the
chakram. After each bounce, the chakram does 1 point less Damage, Dam age, and the thrower must make another Skill
Roll with a cumula
cumulative 1 Skill Pen Penalty
alty per bounce. If the chakram kills or destroys a tar get, it may slice right
through the target withwithout
out bounc ing off of it, at the thrower’s discre discretion.
tion. If the thrower attempts to catch the
chakram, heIfauto
the ground. matiically succeeds.
an AutoChakram succeeds. If ait normal
misses, normal
mati ever to
ically returns misses or does(or
the thrower zero Damas
comes age or less,
close as itsitremain-
falls to-
ing Range will allow).

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  26

 An EnergyDisk is like a super chakram. It can perform

perform the crazi
est curves and loops the thrower wishes,
allowing it to make impossi
impos sible
ble bounces and to hit impossi
impossible tar
gets, as long as it does not travel far ther than
its maximum Range. If an EnergyDisk misses a target
target or runs out of Range, it auto mat
matiically returns to the

2.3 Close Combat Weapons

2.3.1 Bludgeons
 Just about any object can be Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Bludgeons
turned into a bashing imple
ment Bonking
Bonk ing Weapons
by a determined
determined Trooper. How-
bludgeons are pretty weak,  Weapon
ever, bludgeons TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
so Troop ers use them only if they  Fists* 0 — — CC 2 — 1d6-1 Stun
have no other option. Bludgeons
Bludgeons Hammer — — — CC 3 — 1d6 Stun
cause Stun damage
damage to living tar
normal damage to other Shovel
gets, and normal — X — CC 4 — 1d6 Stun

targets. Club/Mac 0 — 1 CC 2 — 1d6 Stun

If a Trooper goes into battle
battle Staff 1 X 1 CC 2 — 1d6 Stun
emptyhanded, he has years of  BatteringRam 2 X S´ CC 6 — P ´ 1d6 Stun
unarmed combat
combat training
training to fall
back on. He will use his fists only  *Abam minifig can only use Fists if he has no other CC weapon. Do not try to punch anything
boo armor
armor or you’ll break your hand and look stu
any thing harder than

if he has no other weapon,

because the armor of enemy units can be pretty tough and the Trooper would prefer pre fer not to injure his hands.
Clubs include everything
everything from maces and nightsticks to base baseball
ball bats and tree limbs wrapped in barbed
 wire. These can can usually
usually be repre
sented by an antenna with a couple couple of cylinders stuck on it.
Staves hap pen when you let lit little
tle kids come over and play with your PBBs, and they break the heads off 
of your spears and pitchforks. Little
Little bastards!
BatteringRams are used by groups of minifigs to bash down large immobile immobile objects like doors and walls.
It is diffi
cult to hit a moving target
tar get with the Ram; of all the units in the group swinging swing ing the Ram, the one with
the least Skill must make a Skill Roll against the Ram’s UR of 6 in order to hit a mobile target. A Ram’s stats
depend on how big it is. Each BatteringRam is given a Size Mul ti tiplier
plier (Sx) based on the maxi max imum number number of 
minifigs who can grab and swing the Ram at the same time. The Ram costs Sx CP, and incurs i ncurs SxCMP". To find
out how much damagedamage a BatteringRam does, add up the Power ratings ratings of all the minifigs swinging
swing ing it. The Ram
does this many d6’s of damage
damage to its target.
Shovels and HamHammers
mers aren’t weapons you buy, they are provided as templates for impro vised weapons. weapons.
If you try and beat someone
some one down with something
something big and heavy like a Bazooka or a metal detec tor, use the
Shovel stats. If you’re swinging
swinging a toolsized object, like a wrench, a radio, the butt of a pistol, pis tol, or a coffee
coffee mug,
use the Hammer stats. Remem Rememberber that if it’s not designed to be used as a weapon, it will proba probably break when
you hit some one with it. Most equipment items have an AV of 3; if you do more than 3 points of damage dam age
thumping some body with them, they will break.
Most Close Combat
Combat weapons
weapons can be ‘turned’ to act as bludgeons. blud geons. If a Trooper wishes to stun rather than
kill a target,
target, he can hit it with the butt of a pistol, the flat of a blade, the blunt side of an axe, etc. Weapons Weapons used
in this manner
manner will use the stats of the equiv alent bludgeon. bludgeon.

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  27

2.3.2 Blades

I must say, to die with one’s sword still sheathed is most regretta
  –Miyamoto Musashi

 When a Trooper expects to do Classi

tion: Blades
some handtohand combat,combat, he Lacer
Laceraation Induc
reaches for a blade. More deadly 
than a mace, less clumsy than an  Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
axe, and with a million
million battle
battle-- Knife 1 — 1 CC 2 — 1d6-1
field uses including
including gutting
gutting and Shortsword 3 — 2 CC 2 — 1d6
dress ing opponents,
opponents, shaving,
and emergency whit whittling opera- Saber
tling opera 2 — 2 CC 3 — 1d6+1

tions, a blade is the perfect

perfect com-
com- Katana 2 — 4 CC 2 — 1d6+3
pan ion for any Trooper. Golden Broadsword 2 — 5 CC 3 — 2d6+1
 The golden broadbroadsword
and, to a lesser extent, the Chainsaw/Buzz
Chainsaw/Buzzssaw 4 (X 3 CC 6 — 2d6+1

katana, are not usually

usually given to LightSaber 6 — 10 CC 2 — 3d6+2
 Troop ers in the lower ranks. Double LightSaber 6 (X) 20 CC 2 — 3d6+2

Because of are
expense, they their
heldrarity and
mainly by 
gen erals
als and kings. The shortsword, saber, and knife are given to the foot sol diers, and they do the job well
enough, so who can complain?
com plain?
Chainsaws and Buzzsaws are excellent cutting tools but are very dif diffi
ficult to use in com
bat. The gyro-
scopic forces of the spin ning blade or chain make it tricky to swing around with enough skill to hit an adversary
adver sary
(this was a painful
painful lesson
lesson we learned during
during realworld testing).
testing). Usu ally, your troops will be using them against
inaniimate objects like locked doors and parked
inan park ed cars.
 A LightSaber is a pow erful weapon but very expen expensive.
sive. You don’t want to hand these out to just any -
body. Usually
Usually you find these only in the hands of the students of the Farce (either the virtu tuous
ous JetEye Knights
or the evil Syph Lords). If one has the Farce as his ally, he can use a LightSaber to do some pretty impressive
impres sive
things indeed. If one does not have the Farce as one’s ally, one often ends up chopping chop ping off one’s own limbs
 when swinging
swinging a LightSaber around.
 A minifig can use a Double LightSaber onehanded as if it were a normal LightSaber. If the minifig is
trained in the Farce and uses both hands, he can use the Double
Double LightSaber to make two attacks per turn, even
against differ
ent targets
targets (a rare ability
ability indeed); he can also defend against any num ber of Close Com bat attacks
at no penalty.
penalty. If a minifig is not trained in the Farce, any failed roll made while attempting to use a LightSaber
or Double
Double LightSaber results in the loss of one hand, arm, leg, torso, or head (player’s choice).

2.3.3 Spears
Spears are interest
ing weapons
weapons because they can be used for a number
number of purposes. Except forf or the lances, they 
can be used in close com bat or thrown as ranged weapons.
weap ons. But those minor applica cations
tions aside, the whole point
of having
having a spear is taking a firm grip on it and run
ning fulltilt at something.
something. If you’re riding
riding a horse or a motor -
cycle at the time, all the better. If you just mount a bunch of spikes on the front of your station wagon, better
 The tri
dent and the spear require two hands only when being used in Close Combat. Combat. A Trooper can
throw them with one hand or tuck them under one arm and rush someone.
some one. If a Trooper is using a Trident
Tri dent in
Close Com bat, he may choose to disarm
dis arm his opponent
opponent rather than dealing
deal ing damage.
damage. He makes his Damage
Dam age Roll
 vs. his oppo
nent’s Skill rather than Armor. If the defender is holding
hold ing more than one object, the defender
chooses which item is dropped.

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  28

Optional Rule: Getting Stuck :P Classifi

Classi fica
tion: Spears
tion Produc
Depending on your mood, you
may decide that spears and axes  Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
get stuck in their targets. Every 
Spear 1 (X) 2 CC 3 — 1d6 Max 10
time a spear or axe does enough
Trident 2 (X) 3 CC 3 — 1d6+1 Max 10
damage to punc puncture
ture a target’s
armor, it incurs a 2" Movement
Movement Wooden Lance 2 — 3 CC 3   -1” 1d6* Max 10
Pen alty on the followfollowing
ing turn
Iron Lance** 2 — 4 CC 4   -2” 1d6* Max 10
because the Trooper wieldingwielding it
has to pull it back out again. If  Steel Spike 4 — 3 CC 2 — 1d6-1 Max 10

nobody ‘unsticks’
‘unsticks’ the weapon, the   *Wooden and Iron LancesLances can normally
normally only be used in Charging
Charging attacks.
tar get is dragged around wherever
wher ever **An Iron Lance is very heavy and can only be wielded by a minifig with a Power of 2 or higher.
the weapon goes, and vice versa.
 A spear that is used
used in a Charging Attack (or held fast against an onrushing onrushing opponent)
opponent) has the capacity capacity to
do a great deal of additional
addi tional dam age. First the Col Collilision
sion Speed between the attacker and target target must be deter-
mined as in a regu
regular Collilision
sion (4.3.6: Colli
sions). For each full 5" in the Col lilision sion Speed, the Damage
Dam age MultiMultiplier
is increased by 1. If the Colli
Col lision
sion Speed is less than 5" then the attack is too slow to be a Charg ing Attack; the
attacker may make a regu reg ular Close Com
bat attack instead if appropriate.
For every point in the Dam age Multi Mul tiplier,
plier, the attacker takes a 1 Skill Penalty Penalty due to the high velocity. veloc ity. The
spear does its own Damage rating, rat ing, mulitplied by the Damage
Damage Multi Multiplier.
plier. If the resulting
resulting num ber is higher than
the spear’s Maxi
Maximum Dam age (listed in the Damage col column),
umn), the spear does only that Maxi Max imum Damage and
then shatters.
If a mounted soldier’s
soldier’s Charging
Charging Attack hits the target tar get but does not pierce the tar target’s
get’s armor, then the sol-
dier is knocked off of his steed.

2.3.4 Axes
 Axes are good for some cheap Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Axes
Close Combat
Combat power and range. Limb /Head/Torso Sepa
tunately, at the higher end,
they become kind of clumsy.  Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage

 Troop ers who choose to carry  Hatchet 1 — 2 CC 2 — 1d6

axes do so more because of axes’ PickAxe 2 X 2 CC 3 — 1d6+2

ing appearance
appearance than
BattleAxe 2 X 3 CC 4   -1” 1d6+3
because of merely practi
con cerns. Halberd 2 X 4 CC 5   -2” 2d6+1

2.3.5 Flails
In combat
combat situ
situations, whips and chains are disdained
dis dained by normal
normal Troopers,
Troopers, since they are not partic
par ticu
ularly lethal.
Besides the fringe mar ket of sadists, psycho
paths, and other torture special
ists, these products are primar
intended for lonewolf adventur
ers, because of their many useful
useful second
secondary functions. All types of whips and
flails can be used to grab objects, in order to (for instance) yank a weapon out of an enemy’s hands, swing 
across a bottom
less chasm, catch hold of a gargoyle
gargoyle as one is falling off a skyscraper,
sky scraper, latch onto the bumper of 
a passing
passing truck so one can enjoy being dragged over sharp gravel and rocks, etc. In order to grab an object or
unit, a minifig simply
simply has to make a nor mal Attack Roll with his flail. A suc s uccess
cessful roll means he has grabbed
the object without
without damagaging
ing it (unless he is using a hook,
ho ok, in which case the object takes damage
dam age in addition
addition to
being grabbed). If a minifig wants his whip to let go of an object, it does so automatically like magic!

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  29

Lassos include every type Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Flails
Pain ful Welt GenerGeneraators
of rope and vine. Leather whip
stats can also be used for rubber
rub ber
 Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
hoses, although rubber hoses are
flexible enough to ‘grab’ Lasso/Rope
not flexi 1 — (1) CC 3 — —  
objects. Flails can be any rope or Leather Whip 1 — (1) CC 3 — 1d6 Stun*
chain with a weight on one end
Chain 2 — (2) CC 3 — 1d6 Stun
(nun chaku, morning
morning stars, etc.).
 As with bolos, nets, and Flail 2 — 1+(1) CC 4 — 1d6+1 Stun

slings, a minifig attack ing with a Rope with Hook 2 — 2+(1) CC 2 — 1d6
flail must be able to swing it
dam age to unarmored flesh only. (  ) CP costs in paren
around over his head. If there *A whip does Stun damage parenthe
ses indi
cate CP cost per 5" of
rope length.
are any headhigh
headhigh obstacles
 within the ropelength of the flail,
the minifig does not have enough room to swing the weapon and must try some thing else. (When using a
 Whip, the minifig must have one free inch to either side and half the whip length free to the rear.) Any time a
minifig rolls a Criti
Critical Fail ure when attacking with a flail, he sufsuffers
fers the Ewok Effect, striking striking himself for full
 When deal ing with very long flail, it may take more than one turn to ‘let out’ the rope to its full length.
 The minifig must have the flail
f lail coiled up before swing
ing begins. Each turn he may expand
ex pand or contract the
radius of his swing by up to 2"; this process
process requires two hands. (A Whip does not have to be ‘let out’ in this
man ner, although it does have to be coiled up before each use.) If the flail strikes a target or other object,
o bject, the
swing momentum
momentum is canceled
canceled and the minifig must coil up the flail and begin again. If the flail strikes a target
target or
object more than 2" inside the radius of its swing, the rope wraps around the target tar get and does no further
fur ther

2.3.6 Incendiaries Classifi

tion: Incen
Con flagra
tion Cata
Give a man a fire and he’s 
warm for the day. But set fire to  Weapon TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Damage
him and he’s warm for the rest 
Flint and Tinder 0 — 1 CC (6) — Starts Fire
of his life.

 –Terry Pratchett, Discworld  TinderBox 2 — 1 CC (5) — Starts Fire

Matches 3 — 1 CC — — Starts Fire
Fire is scary stuff, and is a lot
Lighter 4 — 1 CC — — Starts Fire
more compli
complicated than most
types of damage (3.4.3: Fire). Torch 0 — 2 CC 2 — 1d6-1 Fire
Unless you’re willing
willing to put up Oil Flask 2 — 2 — — — 2d6 Fire 2
 with a lot of extra die rolls, Puddle
Puddle Radius
you might want to avoid using Molotov Cocktail 4 — 3 — — — 3d6 Fire 3”
Fire in your battles.
battles. Puddle
Puddle Radius
Firestarting equipment
GreekFire/Napalm 2 — 5 — — — 4d6 Fire 3”
(flint and tinder,
tinder, tinder
box, Puddle
Puddle Radius
matches, lighter) never runs
FireBomb 3 — 5 — — — 1d10 Exp
out of fuel, although if it gets + 1d6 Fire
 wet (except for the lighter) it is
ruined. It takes a long time to FlameThrower 4 X 6 8” 3   -2” 2d6 Fire*
start a fire with flint and tinder
tinder PlasmaGun 5 X 8 8” 4   -2” 3d6 Fire*
or a tinder
tinderbox; each attempt
() UR costs in paren
theses must be rolled to light a fire. *FlameThrow
*Flame Throwers and PlasmaGuns can be used for Full Auto
Au tomatic
matic Fire at normal
normal UR, with a maxi
max imum firing
firing arc of thirty degrees.
degrees. (3.3.9: Auto
matic Fire)

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  30

takes a full turn, and the minifig must make a Skill Roll against the equipment’s
equipment’s UR in order to light a fire.
 Torches never go out unless
unless they are deliber
ately put out or doused in water.
Oil flasks, Molotov Cocktails,
Cocktails, and GreekFire must be lit on the turn that they are thrown (or launched
from a Bazooka). If they are lit but not thrown, or if they are shot or other oth er wise
 wise ignited by an enemy, they 
explode in the minifig’s hands. If they are thrown but not lit, they create
cre ate a pud dle of fuel which can be lit at any 
later time.
 To use a Flame Thrower or PlasmaGun, minifigs must carry some sort of porta table
ble power source, fuel
tank, or backpack
backpack canis
ters. If the minifig takes more than three damage
dam age in a single
single attack, a roll of 1 on 1d6
means the fuel source explodes. If the fuel source itself is the target
target of attack, than if it takes 3 or more damage
dam age
it automat
automatiically explodes. FlameThrower fuel goes g oes up in a 1d10 explo
sion; PlasmaGun fuel creates a 2d10
Remem ber that any fire, including
includ ing the stream of fire from a Flame Thrower or PlasmaGun, burns every -
thing nearby. Fires do full damage
dam age within one half inch, and damage
dam age is reduced by 1d6 for every half inch after

2.4 SpecialPurpose Items

2.4.1 Armor 

Every now and then a soldier sol dier Classi

Clas sifi
tion: Armor 
gets it into his head that he Damage
Dam age Deflec
 wants to live through the next
bat com mon. Item
tle. It’s not very common. TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Effect
 The usual Trooper is so excited Shield 1 — 1 — — —    +2 AV
about the chance to maim and BigShield — 2 — — —     +4 AV
kill other Troopers
Troopers that thoughts
of personal  vival never have PlateArmor
personal sur vival 12 — 2 — — —     +1d6 AV

time to enter his head. When (No Helm Helmet) 0 — (-1) — — — (-1 AV)
they finally do, it’s time to either (Hel
met) 2 — 0 — — —   +0 AV
retire or pick up some armor.
 At TL2 or higher, all VisoredHelmet 2 — 1 — — —     +1 AV

 Troop ers and most other HorseBlanket 2 — 2 — — —     +2 Horse AV
minifig units come equipped
hel met, and this HorseHelmet
 with a standard helmet, 2 — 2 — — —     +2 Horse AV

is already factored
factored into their CP
cost and AV stats. If such a unit takes its hel met off, then you may apply the No Helmet Helmet stats. For a unit that
does not come equipped with a helmet,helmet, do not bother with the No Helmet
Hel met stats. They have already been fac-
tored in.
Shields only protect
protect a minifig from attacks on one side. Imagine
Imag ine an infinite plane defined by the surface
of the shield. If an incoming
incoming attack origi
originates from the side of the plane away from the minifig, the minifig 
receives the bene
benefit of the shield’s AV bonus. If the attack origi
originates on the minifig’s side of the plane, he
receives no bonus from the shield.

Optional Rule: Painted Armor :( 

Clothes make the man. Naked peo ple have little

little or no influence
influ ence on society.
  –Mark Twain

Some minifigs have armor painted right onto

on to their torsos.
torsos. If so, a player may decide that these minifigs have an
increased AV due to Painted Armor. This AV may be any amount, and costs 1 CP per +1 AV.

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  31

 A player who decides to take Painted Armor into account must pick an AV bonus for each type of 
painted armor worn by minifigs ini n his army. This can be hard to keep track of even in small battles and so the
use of Painted Armor is discour
dis couraged.

2.4.2 Equipment
Sometimes the Classifi
tion: Equipment
nature of a battle Special-Pur
Spe cial-Purpose
pose Items
 will offer special
oppor tuni
ties to the Item TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Effect
soldiers that have  JetPack 5 — 5 — — —    ´ 2 Straight-line
Straight-line Minifig
Minifig Move
the tools to take
Parachute 4 — 2 — — — Prevents Falling
Falling Damage
advan tage of them.
 These are those SuiteC
SuiteCase PsiAmp 6 — 10 5” — — Controls Normal
Normal Peopl’s
Peopl’s Brains
tools. Or some Preci
Precission Tool 1 — 3 — — — Some Special
ist Need Tools
of them, any way.
Skis 2 — 2 — — —    ´ 2 Move on Slick Surfaces
Sur faces
 There are all kinds
of tools you might Flippers 4 — 1 — — — Full Move Underwater

think up. These are Container 1 — 1 — — — Holds Stuff  

just a few that we Big BakPak 2 — 8 — —    -1” Contains Supplies

like, but they are
only pro vided as PowerPak 5 — 2 — —    -1” Provides 2 Power to One Device

examples; you are

fully encouraged
encouraged to make up new kinds of equipmentequip ment for your battles.
Parachutes are great for
f or deploy
ing Troopers
Troopers quickly, not just by dropping
dropping them from planes or space -
ships but also by loading
load ing them into cat apults, cannons,
cannons, or mass drivers
drivers and just launching
launching them wher wh erever they 
need to go. In TL4, parachutes
para chutes are big bulky cloth things that can only be used once and from a great height.
 They are far more practi tical
cal in TL5, thanks to AntiGrav teknology. TL5 parachutes
parachutes are compact, reusable, and
 work in any con diditions.
tions. An AntiGrav parachute is power erful
ful enough to let a SpaceParatrooper carry a POOP
 vehi cle with him as he falls.
SuitCase PsiAmps appear to be innoc uous suitcasessuitcases or medikal bags, but they are actually sin is ister
ter Brain
Con trol Devices that can be used to control
con trol any Civilians
Civilians within five inches. This isn’t as great as it sounds,
because Civil ians are pretty useless. If any CivilCivilian
ian falls under the influence
influence of more than one Brain Control Control
Device at the same time, he suffers
suf fers an instant and fatal case of Exploding Head Syndrome.
Some units in Chapter
Chapter Eight: Standard
Standard Combat
ants, such as Mechanix and Technix, need a set of Preci Pre ci-
sion Tools to do the special
ist jobs they were trained for. If you’re just using normal
nor mal Troopers,
Troopers, you won’t need
to buy any tools.
 A container
container is any PBB that holds things, such as a bar rel, chest, safe, or suit suitcase.
case. If you want to use one
of the small POOP back packs as a container, go right ahead. A back backpack
pack like this can hold two small toolsized
items, or one toolsized item and a bunch of gem and coinsized items. Since you can’t really put anything anything in the
small backpack
backpack piece, keep these items off to the side some where and try to remember which minifig’s back- back -
pack they are suppos
edly in.
 The larger adven
turer’s BakPak is like a magimagical cornu
pia of mundane
mundane supplies.
supplies. Any normal
normal supplies
you would expect to take on a hikinghiking trip or safari expedi
expedition can be pulled out of this backpack
back pack at any time. A
5" rope, a magnifyfying
ing glass, a sex tant, granola
gra nola bars, a compass,
compass, a first aid kit, fresh underwear and socks, note -
books, pen cils, and signal flares are onlyo nly a few exam
ples of what you might find, depending
depend ing on the TL. The
BakPak contains
contains no weapons unless they are bought separately.
PowerPaks are large bulky batter
ies that can be connected to large devices by a hose. PowerPaks add to a
system’s exist
ing Power, and can be used cumulacumulatively, but each PowerPak can onlyonl y pro vide
pro vide Power to one
device at a time. It takes one full turn to attach a PowerPak to a specific
specific device, but it can be detached instantly.

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  32

2.4.3 Communications Systems

Gongs, drums, pennants,

pennants, and flags are the means to unify the men’s ears and eyes. When the men have been uni fied
 fied the coura

 geous will not
not be able to advance alone, the fear
fear ful
 ful will not be able to retreat alone.
 The Art of War 
 –SunTzu, The

If you decide to play using com- Classi

tion: Commu
tions Systems
tion Translocation
mu nica
tion systems,
systems, then every 
squad of three to five Troopers
Item TL 2H CP Range UR   -CMP” Effect
must be able to commu muni
 with other squads so that orders (Yell
(Yelliing) 0 — — 8” — — Commu

can flow down the chain of com- Bu Buggle, Drums 2 — 0 12” — — Commu
mand. A squad that falls out of  Banner 2 — 0 * — — Commu
com muninica
tion becomes disori
(Hand Sign
Signals) 4 — 0 * — — Commu
ented and moves at half speed.
CB Radio 4 — 0 — — — Commu
*Ranges marked with an aster
as terisk
isk are only effec
tive with direct
direct li neofsight con tact but other
wise have
2.4.4 Magikal Potions unlim
ited range.

Magikal Potions of one kind or

another exist like
other names, in almost every age,
“stimu although in more teknologikally
or “SynthoHormones.” A magikal potion advancedcan becul
reptures theyby
re sented may beored
a colored
col by 
der (or mug, or chalice) with a trans par parent
ent colored
colored gem on top.
Most potions have an effect that lasts for 1d6 turns. The best way to handle handle this is as follows.
fol lows. As soon as
a minifig drinks a potion, place a white Pip next to him, indicat cating
ing that he is feeling
feeling the potion’s effects. At the
beginning of every turn there thereafafter,
ter, roll 1d6. If you roll a one, remove the white Pip. The minifig will start to feel
the potion’s effects wearing
wearing off; the effects will last until the end of that turn and then cease.
Drinking more than one of the same kind of potion does not n ot increase its effect or duration.
dura tion. A minifig can
feel the effects of more than one type of potion at the same time how ever.
Koke powder
powder is made by grindinggrinding the bones of inciner erated
ated Dimmies into a fine black char coal. This pow- pow -
der is then added to a secret reciperecipe of carbon
ated water and natu natural colors
colors and flavors.
 Jungle Juice is for mu mulated
lated from an extract of JawJaw blood. The JawJaws’ regener regen eraative enzymes have a
bizarre stimu
ing effect on a minifig’s muscu
muscular and nervous sys systems,
tems, allowing
allowing him to move and attack much
more rap idly than would normally
nor mally be possible.
Milk does a body good. Not only does it give a Trooper strong bones and muscles, it envelops envelops him in a
pro tective
tive energy field. This field appears as a glow g lowinging white aura with large black spots and an occasional occasional large
pink udder.
Blue Bull is made by pul veriz  verizing
ing glow ing crys tals that form in the depths of the ocean. While Blue Bull
doesn’t give a minifig wings, it does give him
the ability
ability to hover or fly around with a 5" Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Magikal Potions
Move. ScienScientists
tists are baffled
baffled by this Physi
Phys i cal Law Sus
phe nomeenon.
Ginnis is mostly made from fermented fer mented Item Color CP Effect
barley, but a tiny per percent
age of every batch is Koke Red 1   +1 Power for 1d6 Turns
soured in secret ancient vats which are home
 Junggle Juice
 Jun Green 2   +1d6" Move, +1 Attack, 1d6 Turns
to colo
colonies of magikal bacte bacteria
ria the likes of 
 which have never been seen else where. These Milk White 1   +1d6 AV for 1d6 Turns

bacte Blue Bull Blue 3 Minifig Can Fly for 1d6 Turns
ria give
powers the itdrink
ers that such
cancels theincredi
incred ibleofcura
effects get--
get- Ginnis Black 1 Cures Poison, Reenergizes Unit
ting stunned or falling unconscious; it also
Yak’s Blood Brown 0 Dummy! Do
Don’t Drink Yak’s Blood!

BrikWars: The Troopers’ Arsenal  33

eliminates the cor

tions of poison, fatigue, depres
sion, low morale, and inhibition.
 Yak’s Blood is gathered
gathered by tapping
tapping yaks. No good can come of doing this.

2.5 Creating New Weapons and Equipment

If you would like to create

cre ate new items or modimod ified Classi
tion: Armor 
 versions of existing
 versions existing items, it’s easy to do. But be Damage
Dam age Deflec
care ful! The more differ ferent
ent special
specialized types of 
objects you have in a battle
bat tle (and this also applies to Att ttri
butte Mod
d Effe
Ef fect
spe cialized units, vehi
cles, bases, and abili
abil ities), the
harder and more timeconsuming it is to keep track  TekLevel   ´ 2 total CP per -1 TL

of all of them. As you start spend ing more and 2- 2-Handed

Handed   +1 CP to make a 2H object 1H,
-1 CP to make a 1H object 2H
more energy trying
trying to keep track of all the details,
you will find that you have much less fun play p laying. Range   +1 CP per +4
Espe cially when you are just starting
starting out, keep -1 CP per -2"

everything as sim
ple as possi
ble three or four basic CC Weapon Length   +1 CP per +1/2" of length
types of weapons,
weapons, units, and vehicles
vehicles should be -1 CP per -1" of length

enough for most purposes.

purposes. After a few games you Usage Rating Rating   +1 CP per -1 UR
-1 CP per +2 UR
of have
statis a good
tics you can idea
howofmany difstill
while ferent
ent lists
having  Cargo MovePenalty   +1 CP per -1" -CMP"
a good time. -1 CP per +2" -CMP"
 The easiest way to create
create a new item is to find Damage   -1 CP per -2 Damage
the item in the charts above that most closely  +1 CP per +2 Stun Damage
matches your new item in form and func tion. Then -1 CP per -4 Stun Damage
+4 CP per +1d6 Fire Damage
mod ify it according
according to the follow
ing chart. It is crit-
crit- -2 CP per -1d6 Fire Damage
ical that you create
create the item you want first, and then +6 CP per +1d10 Explosion
Explosion Damage
 work out its stats on the chart. Only an Ano Anorak 
rak  -3 CP per -1d10 Explosion
Explosion Damage
+1 CP per +1 Poison
Poison Point
 would first work out ideal stats from the chart, and
-1 CP per -2 Poison Points
then try to invent an item to match them.
 You will get a better return on your CP Armor   +1 CP per +1 Armor
-1 CP per -2 Ar
invest ment if you cre ate your cuscustom
tom equipment
equipment by
improv ing the quality
quality of a weaker item rather than
by lessenening
ing the quality
quality of a stronger
stronger item, but regardless you should choose the method that is more appropri appro pri-
ate to the item you have in mind.
If you create too many modified items, or modify mod ify an item too heavily, the other players
play ers may become
resent ful and suspect
suspect that you are abusing
abus ing the system.
system. Whether or not the abuse is real or imag ined, suspisuspicion
and resent ment impair a group’s abil ability
ity to enjoy themselves
themselves and you are therefore
there fore honorbound to avoid even
the appearance
appearance of impropri
ety. It may become neces
sary for you to closely moni
mon itor your own thought patterns
dur ing prepararation
tion for a game and be prepared
prepared to apply the Hammer
Ham mer of Disci
pline to your own noggin
noggin when
you feel tempted to go overboard
o verboard with modifications.
It has been mentioned that by combin bining
ing certain equip
ment modififica
tions with specific
specific Trooper Perfor
mance Modifi fica
tions, players can gain an unfair advantages.
advan tages. Although the advantage
advantage is fairly slight, if you are
think ing of doing
d oing this, stop reading now. You are not worthywor thy of this game. For the honest
honest BrikWarriors who
remain, be careful to avoid modimod ify
ing a stat in one direction
direc tion in an equip ment item that you mod
modifyify in the other
direc tion with Trooper Perfor formance
mance Mods, for the sake of other players’ peace of mind.

If you
 with the canand
details not stats
cre atefrom
new item
Dis cussmodi
mod ify
ing the
idea withstats of an existing
the other exist ing As
players. item, then
long youcan
as you must
all come up
agree on
fair statistics and rules,
r ules, you can invent as many new types of equip equipment
ment as you like.

Advanced Combat

If your strength is ten times theirs, surround

surround them; if five, then attack them; if double,
double, then divide your forces. If you are equal in 
strength to the enemy, you can engage him. If fewer, you can cir cumcumvent
vent him. If outmatched,
out matched, you can avoid him. A small army 
that acts inflexi
inflexibly will become the captives
captives of a large army.
 –Sun-Tzu, The Art of War 

Under the Advanced Combat

Combat rules, things become a littlelit tle more complex.
complex. An attacking unit still makes a Skill
Roll ver sus the Usage Rat ing of his weapon, and if he hits, the tar get still makes an Armor Roll against the
Dam age. But in certain
certain situations, the Skill Roll will receive Skill Modi
Modifiers making it more or less diffi
cult to
hit, and there are many dif fer
ent ways a tar get can take damage.

3.1 Ranged Combat

You can go a long way with a smile. You can go a lot farther
farther with a smile and a gun.
  –Al Capone

3.1.1 Ranged Attack Modifiers

 There are a num
ber of situ
situations that affect the diffi
culty of hitting
hitting a target
target with a ranged attack. These situa-
tions are given Skill Modi
Modifi fiers,
ers, which are added to or subtracted
subtracted from a soldier’s Skill when firing. A pos posiitive
Skill Modi
Modifier means the soldier
soldier is firing under advanta tageous
geous condi
tions, and a nega
negative modi
modifier means the
shot is more difficult than normal.
First of all, a sol dier who wants to improve his chances of hitting hit ting a target
target can put some extra effort into
aim ing. If a unit stands still and aims for a full turn, he fires at +2 Skill. A soldier gets no bonus for aim
aiming. aiming
ing at a
tar get he can’t see.
 A fast-moving
fast-mov ing or distant
distant target
target is more diffi
cult to hit, and station
ary objects are easier
easier to hit. A unit or
object that has not moved for a Round or more is targeted at +1 to Skill. A unit that is moving mov ing quickly is tar-
geted at -1 to Skill for every full 6" it moved on its last turn. If a unit is moving moving quickly when it makes its attack,
it fires at -1 to Skill for every 6" that it moves during
during its turn. A unit firing target 15" away or more has -1
firing at a target
to Skill, and an additional
additional -1 for every additional
addi tional 5" of distance beyond 15". If a unit attacks a tar target
get that is
both distant and fast-mov
ing, only the larger of the two Skill Penalties applies.
If an attacker cannot see a target
tar get (because he is blind, the target
target is behind cover, the target
tar get is invisi
invisible or
cloaked, etc.), but knows or can guess where the target is, he can still try to shoot the tar target. knows precisely 
get. If he knows pre cisely 


Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 35

target is, he fires at -2 to Skill. If he knows where the target

 where an unseen target target is within half an inch, he fires at -5
to Skill. If the target is behind cover, the damagedam age from the attack must first punch through the cover, and then
the remaining damdamageage can be applied to the target.
 Typiical targets are assumed to be about the size of a minifig. If a tar get is very
 Typ v ery small, if it is behind enough
cover that only a very small target area is exposed to attack, or if the attacker is aiming aim ing for a spe cific small area
on a larger object, then it is harder to hit.hi t. If the target
target area is half the size of a minifig or smaller, it is attacked at
-1 to Skill. If it is the size of a minifig’s head or smaller, it is attacked at -2 to Skill. If it is the size of a minifig’s
hand or smaller, it is attacked at -3 to Skill. When calcu cal culating
lating NearMisses, Skill Penal alties
ties from small tar get areas
do not increase the MissedBy number.number. If the Skill Penalty from a small target target area make the differ
ence between
a success
ful attack and a miss, the attack has a MissedBy number of 1.

Optional Rule: Friends in High Places :)

Units attack ing from an elevated posiposition
tion have a couple
couple of big advantages
advantages over their lowly targets. First of all,
 what ever they are standing
standing on is usu ally enough to offer them some kind of cover, while the targets
targets below are
left exposed. In fact, if the ele vated units are lucky enough to have
have a Scout who can Tar
Target the units below, they
can launch attacks over the edge without expos ing them selves at all (8.2.2: Scouts).
Secondly, height gives many units a sig signif
nifiicant range advantage.
advantage. Thrown weapons,
weapons, archery weapons,
Ballistix, and Mass Drivers
Drivers all fire farther
farther from an ele vated position.
posi tion. When firing
firing one of these weapons
weap ons from a

high pointWhat’s
distance). to a low point,
more, foronly thefull
every horStory
tal range needs
of height to be taken
dif ference,
differ ence, into account
two inches (ignor
are added ingrange
to the the added
of thever tical
 When one of these weapons
weap ons is used to fire at a target
tar get of the same height or higher, range is calcu
cal culated
lated as
nor mal.

Optional Rule: Long Range :|

Some players find it hard to accept that a weapon’s effec
ness drops so abruptly from one hundred percent
per cent
to zero at the weapon’s Range limit. For this rea son, play ers may decide to let damage
dam age and accuracy
accuracy ‘taper off’
 when a weapon’s max maximum Range is exceeded.
 When firing at a target
target out side a weapon’s maxi
max imum range, for every one inch past maxi
maximum range, the
Dam age rat ing is reduced by one die (if there are multi
mul tiple
ple dice left in the damage
damage rating),
rating), or by one point (if 
there is only one die left in the damage
dam age rating).
rating). The attacker also takes a cumula tive -1 Skill Penalty for every 
extra inch.

Players may choose a differ
ent number
number of inches for the tapering
tapering effect if it better suits the game style.

3.1.2 NearMiss Rules

In Basic Com bat, when you fire a ranged weapon and miss, standard standard practice
practice is to feel momentarily
momentarily disap ap--
pointed and then move on to the next attack. In Advanced Combat, Com bat, there are a number of sit situ
uations in which
you’ll want to know exactly where the missed shot went. If you fire a missile, mis sile, it might miss by a few inches but
still catch the target in the blast
b last radius; if you throw a knife, you’ll want to see where it lands so you can pick it
up later. If you fire a laser at a base wall, you might miss the section
sec tion you were aiming
aiming for but still hit another
part of the base a few inches
in ches away. If you fire an assault rifle at a Trooper hiding
hiding in a crowd of bystand ers, you’ll
 want to see who the innocent victims are.
 Any time you make a ranged attack (throwing,
(throwing, firing,
firing, or launching
launching a weapon) and you fail the Attack Roll,
you or any other player may demand that the NearMiss rules be used to determine deter mine where the shot landed. (If 
no one makes such a demand, it would be b e a waste of time to use the NearMiss rules; the shot disap appears
pears with-
out a trace and you can move on to the next attack.)
Figure out exactly how much you missed your Attack Roll by–this is your MissedBy number. In other
 words, your MissedBy numbernumber is whatever num ber you needed to roll to hit, minus the roll you actually made.

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 36

MissedBy number determines the maximum

 The MissedBy  Where Did It Go?
num ber of inches your shot may have missed by,
depend ing on what kind of ranged attack you Type of Attack Maximum Distance Distance Firing Arc
 were making. Thrown Object One Half (MissedBy)" No Limit
Refer ring to the Where Did It Go? chart, Fired Minif Minifig Weapon 1 ´ (Miss
edBy)" 45°
you can quickly determine
determine the area where the
shot potentially landed (lim(limited max i- Siege Weapon
ited also by the maxi 2 ´ (Miss
 (MisseedBy)" 45°

mum range of the weapon). Where the Firing  Fir ing  Super Siege Weapon 4 ´ (Miss
 (MisseedBy)" No Limit
 Arc says ‘45°’ this means that the shot might Fired Minifig Weapons Weapons include
include all minifig ranged weapons
weapons that can be fired, or
minifig-scale projec
tiles that are launched by any means other than throwing
throw ing them, as
have traveled in any direction up to 45° away  with a spearthrower, baseball baseball bat, golf club, slingshot,
slingshot, etc.
from the direction
direction the weapon barrel
barrel was actu-
ally pointing.
How do you decide where in this target target area the shot lands? The bad news is, you don’t–your opponent opponent
does. (If you have more than one oppo nent, this will be whichever which ever opponentopponent controls controls or has the most vested
interest in the tartarget
get at which you were shooting.)
shooting.) Your opponentopponent may choose any target target within this area,
includ ing the original intended target
target or a differ
ent part of the intended target, target, but most often he will choose a
neu tral target
target like trees, the ground,
gro und, or the sky. He may also target another unit that is controlled controlled by you, him,
or an ally of either you or him. He may not targettarget units that are con trolled by players play ers that are not allied to either
of you, although such units may be caught in the BlastRadius of an attack.
 Your opponent
opponent may not choose diffi difficult
cult or impossi
ble shots. Shots cannot
cannot travel around corners or boo-
merang around to strike an object from
merang fro m the far side (unless you were throwing
throw ing a boomer
ang). Missed shots can -
not be so ‘coin
dentally’ pre cise that the objects they strike or the open
ings they pass through are smaller than
half a Blok or so, unless the Attack Roll was a Critical Failure.
If you run the NearMiss calcucal cula
tions and there are no interest
inter esting
ing alternate
alternate targets
targets in the potential
potential strike
zone, assume that the shot flew off into the sky and hit nothing noth ing of any importance.
importance. If a weapon was thrown,
drop the weapon on the ground in the vague area of the target. target. Move on to the next attack.

Optional Rule: Geometric NearMisses :P 

If you wish NearMiss rules were a lit
tle more consistent, you may want to use a geomet metric
ric system
system instead of fig-
ur ing inches after every shot. Your shot now misses by up to (MissedBy ´ 7.5) degrees, within the maxi
uring maximum
range of the weapon, regardless
regardless of what kind of ranged attack you’re making
mak ing (except for Super Siege attacks,
 which can’t really
really be handled geomet
cally since they are fired from out side the field of battle).

 why this ofisyou
rule are
stric tlyalready
strictly groan
optional. How ing at the
ever, withthought of the
a standard
standard proplas
clear tractors
tic and straight edges
triangle involved,
gle (you’ll and
want that’s
a pretty 
large one) and a little
lit tle prepa
preparation, this is much easier than it may first seem and can actu actually
ally be much quicker
than the normal NearMiss system.
Once you have your plastic trian angle,
gle, grab
g rab a permanent marker and a straightedge and pre prepare
pare to deface
your precicision
sion drafting
drafting tool. From each corner cor ner of the hypote
hypotenuse, draw long radiat
radi ating
ing lines in 7.5-degree inter-
 vals. By marking
marking each line with its cor re respond
sponding MissedBy num number,
ber, you will be able to quickly place any shot
 with a MissedBy num number up to 8. (If this explana
tion is unclear, please see the illustratration
tion in the corresponding 
section of the HTML rules r ules at
If you don’t have a 30-60 trian gle, you can find angles with PBB slopes. The angle of a 1 ´ 2 sloped Brik is
just about 45°, a 1 ´ 3 sloped Brik is slanted at about 30°, and a regu regular rect
gular Brik has per perfect
fect 90° corners.
Using these slopes as guidelines
guidelines (singly or in combi bina
tion), you can estimate
esti mate any angle
ang le you might want. How -
ever, using this method is almost certainlycer tainly more trou ble than it is worth,
wo rth, and should be avoided except in emer -
gency situations.

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 37

3.2 Close Combat

Don’t hit at all if it is hon

ably possi
ble to avoid hitting;
hitting; but never hit soft! 
  –Theodore Roose
–Theo Roose velt

 There are a couple

couple of situ
situations that affect the diffi
culty of close combat
combat as well. Except for those Skill Penal
Pen al-
ties having to do with speed, most of the modi mod ifiers for ranged attacks do not apply; there’s little point in stand-
stand -
ing around aiming
aiming Close Combat
Combat weapons,
weapons, and NearMiss rules do not apply (unless you’re feeling feel ing ridicu
in which case Close Combat
Com bat attacks miss by up to MissedBy/4 inches).
 The biggest
biggest differ
ence between ranged com bat and close combat
com bat is that every turn minifigs are locked in
close combat,
combat, both of them get to try and whack the arms, legs, heads, and torsostor sos off of each other. Every time
one minifig attacks another with a close com bat weapon, if the other one sur vives  vives and has a close comcombat
 weapon of his own, he has the chance to counter coun terat
tack. A minifig with two close combat
com bat weapons
weapons can attack 
 with both of them in a single
single turn; if his target
target also has a second
second close combat
combat weapon, he gets a second
second coun-
tack. Even if a defending
defend ing minifig has more close com bat weapons
weap ons than the attacking
attacking minifig, he only gets
as many counter terat
tacks as the number
number of times he is attacked. If a minifig has both hands free, he can use his
fists as a single
single close combat
combat weapon (not as two separate weapons,weapons, unless he is a Ninja). In a pinch, most
ranged weap ons or pieces of equip
ment can be used as bludgeon
ing weapons,
weapons, using the statistics for shovels
and hammers.
 A minifig wield
ing a long-hafted weapon (such as a spear, polearm, or battleaxe) cannot can not use it to attack 
anything closer to him self than half the length of the weapon. He may still use the shaft of the weapon to parry 
Units using Close Com bat weaponsweap ons automat
automatiically hit when attacking
attacking inanimate targets
targets like trees, mail-
boxes, dead horses, etc. If a unit is standing
standing in or on a moving
moving vehicle,
vehicle, he may attack the vehi cle as if it were an
inaniimate object, unless he attacks a part that is moving
inan mov ing relative to the part of the vehicle on which he is
If there’s one really tough guy on the field who’s causing
caus ing you trouble,
trouble, you can send a bunch of your guys
to gang up on him. The defender gets a sep arate set of counter counterat
tacks against each attacker, but every succes-
sive attacker incurs a cumula tive -2 pen alty to the defender’s Skill and Armor Rolls. No more than four
lative fou r
minifigs can gang up on a single
single enemy minifig at one time, other
oth er wise
 wise it gets so crowded that they start hack
off each other’s limbs by accident.
If a unit tries to break out of close combat, his oppo op ponents
nents each get one free attack on him with one
 weapon, and he getsgets no counter terat
Some spe cial units have a Close Combat
Com bat Bonus. This bonus is added to the unit’s Skill whenever
when ever the unit
attacks with or throws a Close CombatCom bat weapon, and it is added to their Damage Roll if they hit. It is also added
to their Armor or Skill Roll when defending
defending against a Close Combat attack, or against a thrown weapon.
 A unit
unit who is espe
ciallyy strong
strong will
will do more dam
age with Close Combat
Combat weapons.
weapons. If the unit’s Power rating
is more than one, multi
mul tiply
ply the damage
damage from the Close Combat Weapon by the unit’s Power rat rating.
ing. Remember
that the weapon may break if it does more than its own Armor Value in a sin gle attack (2.1.1: BreakingBreaking Stuff).

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 38

3.3 More Ways to Attack 

 We’ve given the Troopers
Troop ers a whole slew of weapons
weapons and toys with which they can blow each other to pieces,
and yet they still beg for more ways to kill each other. You can’t fault their dedi

3.3.1 Attacking on an Opponent’s Turn

When the opponent
opponent expands, I contract,
contract, when he contracts,
con tracts, I expand, and when there is an opportu
nity, I do not hit—it hits all 
by itself.
 –Bruce Lee

If a soldier
soldier or unit did not make any attacks on his pre vious turn and is holding his weapon in a ready position,
he can make an Opportu
Opportunity Attack dur
ing his opponent’s
opponent’s Movement
Movement Phase, when an enemy unit moves into
his field of fire (becoming
(becom ing a Target
Target of Opportu
nity). He fires at -2 to Skill, and cannot
cannot take any bonuses from
 A soldier can avoid this -2 Skill Penalty
Penalty if he specif
cifiically prepares
prepares to attack Tar gets of Oppor
nity at the
end of his turn. This is useful
use ful when a player wants to have one squad pro vide cover for another when advanc-
ing through open ter rain, or when he orders the troops man ning the base guns to fire at any thing that moves
(outside the base, that is). You can tell a soldier
sol dier is prepared
prepared to attack Targets
Targets of Opportunity because he is
kneeling or lying down. Changing
Chang ing to a kneel ing or prone position,
posi tion, or getting
getting back up from one, takes 1" of 
Move ment. To make a minifig kneel properly, turn his legs backwards.
In some cases, sol diers cannot
can not kneel or lie down and still have a good shot at the area they want to cover;
in this case, you must announce that your soldiersoldier is readying himself to attack Targets of Opportu tunity
nity and put
him in some kind of a ready position.
position. Even if he is already in the correct
correct position, get
ting ready for Opportu
nity Fire still takes 1" of Movement,
Move ment, and he must spend 1" of Movement
Movement returning
returning to normal
normal on the following 
turn before he can move normally.
Sol diers with Close Com bat weap weapons
ons may also attack Targets of Opportu tunity
nity if they did not make an
attack on their pre vious turn, although
although this is more rare. This attack is made at -1 Skill. If the Target Tar get of Oppor-
tu nity then turns and attacks the soldier,
soldier, the soldier
soldier may not counter
counterat attack
tack with the weapon he used in the
Oppor tunity
nity Attack.
If an enemy unit moves to make a Close Com bat attack on one of your sol diers, your soldier sol dier may take an
tunity Attack on the enemy unit first, if your soldier’s Close Com bat weapon is signif sig nifiicantly longer
longer than
the enemy’s (e.g., a halberd
halberd versus
versus a saber, a spear versus
ver sus a hatchet, etc.). If the enemy comes within range of 
your soldier’s
soldier’s Close Combat weapon but does not attempt to engage your soldier soldier in Close Com bat, your sol soldier
may also make an Opportu
Opportunity Attack. Close Com Combatbat troops who spend 1" of Movement
Movement prepar preparinging to attack 
 Tar gets of Opportu tunity
nity hold their weapons
weapons over their heads rather than kneeling.
Pilots driving
driving vehicles
vehicles may prepare them
selves for Opportu
nity Fire if their vehicle is not moving.
mov ing. Gun-
ners who have been at their posts for a full turn or more are always prepared prepared for Opportu
Opportunitynity Fire, unless for
some reason
reason they are at less than full alert. Computer-con
Com puter-controlled guns can never pre prepare
pare for Opportu tunity
nity Fire,
because even in the future, comput
com puters
ers made of ABS plastic
plastic have slow reflexes and poor target-antic
 A soldier’s
soldier’s legal field of Opportu
nity Fire includes whatever
whatever he can see, within the range of his weapon. A
sol dier’s field of vision extends to 45° on either side of whichever direction direction his face is i s point ing. A Siege
 Weapon on a tur turret
ret or hinge can fire at anything
any thing within the field of vision of the soldier
sol dier control
ling it, within
the range of the Siege Weapon, within the range of how far the turret tur ret or hinge can turn to point at the target. A
‘fixed’ Siege Weapon (one not on a turretturret or a hinge) is lim ited to a 45°
45 ° cone of fire, 22.5° to either side of the
direction the fixed weapon barrel
barrel is pointing.

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 39

3.3.2 Responding to an Opponent’s Actions

The army’s dis posi

tion of force evades strength and strikes weakness.
weakness. Water arranges its flow in accord with the terrain;
terrain; the army 
arranges its victory
victory in accord with the enemy. Thus the army does not maintain
main tain any fixed strate
strate gic
 gic con fig
tion, as water has no
con stant shape. One who is able to change and trans form
 form in accord
accord with the enemy and
and wrest vic
tory is called spiri
 –Sun-Tzu, The Art of War 

During your opponent’s turn, you should be thinking of ways to frus frustrate
trate his plans and thwart his success
suc cess
beyond mere Opportu tunity
nity Fire. If one of his trucks tries to run you over, jump out of the way. If his star frigate
is about to fire turbodisruptors, raise the shields. If his boogieman is about to spot you, duck under the covers.
 Actions taken on an opponent’s
oppo nent’s turn are called Opportu tunity
nity Actions, and are most often taken to respond to
an attack.
 To respond to enemy actions, a unit must notice and recog ognize
nize the action in time to take the proper
response. If he sees an enemy point a rifle at him, he may have time to jump for cover; if he only hears the
sound of the gun shot, it’s already too late. It is up to the players to determine
deter mine on a case-by-case basis whether
the reacting
reacting unit would conceiv
ably be able to respond in time. If this becomes a source of arguments that can’t
be resolved with a What I Say Goes Roll, dis allow Oppor Opportu tunity
nity Actions until you are ready to stop being a
bunch of Anoraks.
 To notice an enemy action in time to counter teract
act it, it must occur within the unit’s field of vision (deter-
mined bypected
the direction
any unexpected
unex direc tion Soldiers
noise. hisdiers
Sol face is pointing).
attempting The
ing to excep
move tion is
stealth ilyamove
stealthily unit on
at sentry
halftry duty, to
speed; who
turn sentries
to investi
sen inves
tries timust
make a Skill Roll ver sus a UR equal to how many inches away the soldier sol dier is. Units with the Stealth specialty,
such as Ninjas,
Ninjas, never make any sound and cannot be detected in this manner.
Once your unit has h as detected the enemy in motion, he must try and respond before b efore the enemy can com -
plete his action. This is resolved as a contest
con test of Skill. If the enemy action requires a Skill Roll, then the enemy 
rolls his Skill versus
versus the usage rating
rating of the action he is attempting
attempt ing to take; other
other wise,
 wise, he makes a Skill Roll
against a UR of zero. The reacting
reacting unit does the same, making
making a Skill Roll against the UR of the action he is tak-
ing in response, or against a UR of zero if his response
respo nse does not require a Skill Roll. However, the react ing unit
has a -2 Skill Penalty on this roll. Which ever unit’s Skill Roll exceeds his UR by more, acts first (or more skill skill--
fully, if success
success depends on skill rather than speed, as it does when w hen you are trying
trying to dodge a car whose driver is
trying to hit you). If both units’ Skill Rolls exceed their URs by the same amount, their actions occur at pre p recisely
the same time.
reacting unit can avoid the -2 Skill Penalty if he is properly
 A reacting prop erly prepared. He may specif cifiically pre
pare him-
self to take a certain
cer tain action at a moment’s notice (much like a soldier prepar preparinging for Opportu
Opportunity nity Fire), costing 
1" of Movement
Movement to prepare
prepare and 1" to return to normal
normal afterwards. He may also Focus on a single sin gle enemy unit or
small group of enemy units, so that he may react instantly to their actions. This state also costs 1" to enter or
leave. A minifig who is engaged in Close Combat Combat or who is the recipirecipient of a Close Com bat attack or o r a Col
sion automatmatiically Focuses on his attacker with no MovementMovement Penalty,
Penalty, unless he was Focusing
Focus ing on someone
else when he was attacked!
 The most common
common Opportu
Opportunitynity Action is to attempt to dodge an attack. The reactingreacting unit rolls against a
UR of zero; if he succeeds,
succeeds, he must jump a short distance
dis tance away–one inch if he remains on his feet, or two
inches away if he is willing
willing to land in a prone position.
posi tion. This may allow a knife fighter to jump inside past the
effec tive range of a halberberdier,
dier, an outmatched
outmatched fighter to escape from Close Combat, Com bat, or an unpopu
unpopu lar lar pol iti
iti cian
to dodge a sniper bullet. A unit attemptattempting
ing to dodge Automatic Fire must either jump out of the cone of fire or
behind some kind of cover or his dodging dodg ing will have no effect at all on his chances of getting hit.
 A second
second common reac reaction,
tion, when there is no room to dodge, is to parry an attack with a weapon or piece
of equipweap
Ranged ment.ons
In can
usedthe parry
to parry ing
as ifunit
Hammersthe UR S of
or Shov the
hovels weapon ing
he on
els (depending
(depend is using to parry
their size), with.
Bows will be ruined if used in this manner
manner and Pistols
Pistols are rela
relatively useless
useless for parry
ing. A very light weapon
(such as a knife or a saber) cannot
cannot be used to parry a very heavy weapon (such as a battleaxe or a mace), and no

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 40

rating. If one weapon is much more power

unit may parry the attack of a unit with a higher Power rating. pow erful
ful than the
other, it may do enough dam age to break the weaker weapon (2.1.1: Breaking
Breaking Stuff). A weapon used to parry a
blow cannot
cannot then be used to counter
tack; however,
however, if the minifig has a sec
ond weapon he may counter
 with that one. In this way, a minifig
minifig with two close combat
combat weapons
weapons can gain the advantage
advantage when he is attacked
by a minifig with only one.

3.3.3 Cumulative Damage/Combined Fire

If you have many units making
making attacks on a single tar get, you can decide that they are engag ing in Com Combined
Fire. After fig uring out how many of the units’ attacks hit the target,
target, add all the damage together and roll
ro ll it all at
once. If this is not enough to destroy the tar get, you may have another unit or group of units fire on the target.
 The damage
damage from this second
second group is not added to the Combined
Com bined Fire damage
damage of the first group, but it may 
be combined
combined into a new set of Combined
Combined Fire damage.
If the target
target to which you are attempt ing to do Com bined Fire damage is larger than a minifig, like a
build ing or a Giant Agdern Monster,
Monster, then all units partic
par ticiipat
ing in the Com bined Fire attack must be attack
the same minifig-sized area of the target.
tar get. If one or more of the units taking
tak ing part in the attack miss the target
area but come close enough to hit some other part of the target,target, the dam age from their attacks are handled
han dled sep-
arately and are not included in any Combined
Combined Fire damage.
If your target
target has a high Armor Value, like a concrete embankment
embankment or a steamroller,
steamroller, it might be impossi
ble for you to do enough damage
damage in one turn to destroy it. Instead, you can choose to do Cumula
Cumu lative
tive Damage
over a series of turns. Every time that you do Cumula
Cumu lative
tive Damage
Damage to a specific
specific area on the target
target without
destroying it, half of that dam age (round down) is added to that area’s Structural
Struc tural Damage.
Damage. (Put red Pips next to
the affected area to signify
signify how much Structural
Structural Dam age it has taken.) Dif
ferent parts of the tar
get may have
ferent amounts of Structural
Structural Damage.
Damage. Structural
Structural Damage
Damage is subtracted
subtracted from the target’s Armor Roll when -
ever that area of the tar get takes damage.
dam age. This will allow (for example)
example) Troop ers to bash down doors with bat-
tering rams or to chop down trees with hatchets.

Optional Rule: Organized Attacks :P 

 You may decide
decide that units may only partic
particiipate in a Com bined Fire attack if someone
some one organizes the oper
operaation -
combined assaults can’t happen
happen at random.
random. In this case, a minifig may only order a combined attack if:

1. He is a Squ
’s co
tions offi cer (he has a radio), in which case any member
mem ber of the squad
 within shouting
shouting distance
distance (8") may take part in the com bined attack.
2. He is
is pi
lotting a vehicle
vehicle and has some means of signal
ing other vehicles
vehicles (radio, a battle
battle flag, a bugle), in
 which case any vehicle
vehicle in commu
tions range may join him in a combined attack.
3. He is a her
o, a cha
chammpion, or some other sort of authority
authority fig ure, in which case he can order any 
lesser units within commu
communi nica
tion range to join in the combined attack. If he has no com mu muni
tion equipment
equipment himself,
himself, hope fully he is within shouting
shout ing dis tance of a unit who does. This unit may 
then relay the order and achieve the desired effect.

3.3.4 Automatic Fire

...the visual imagery

imagery of two Uzi-looking
Uzi-looking dark guns being held, clips extending
extending out the side, and sweep
ing across an area ... well,
that just tickles
tickles my Ameri
American violence-crav
ing funny bone.
 –Shaun Sullivan, NELUG Member Member

 As history
history progresses,
progresses, new kinds of weapons are develdeveloped
oped which have an extremely high rate of fire, signif
sig nifii-
cantly changing
changing the tactics of bat
tle. Rather than sighting
sighting a target and taking a shot, a sol
dier with an automatic
 weapon has the option
option of just spraying a whole area with gunfire and hoping
hoping he hits something
something important.

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 41

 A typ
typiical auto matic weapon has three fire f ire set tings: one-shot,
one-sho t, three-round burst, and full-auto. Any 
 Trooper can switch instantly between fire settings; Civilians
Civil ians unfamil
iar with automatic
automatic weapons
weapons have to take
-1MP" each time they switch settings,
settings, if they can figure
figure it out at all.
 An automatic weapon has two UR sta statis
tics. One-shot attacks use the first UR, and are han dled as a nor-
mal ranged attack. Three-round bursts and full-auto shots are consid considered
ered Automatic
Automatic Fire, which uses the sec-

ond ‘Auto’
fire multi
mul URthe
plies listeffect
ing inof
the theses.
ses. Auto
weapon’s UR is higher than a weapon’s standard
recoil. stan dard UR, because a high rate of 
 A three-round burst is used to attack a single sin gle tar get three times. Each round is rolled sepa
sep arately against
the weapon’s Auto UR, doing normal normal dam age. If mulmulti
ple shots hit the target, they do com bined damage.
Full-Auto fire is used to attack an area rather than a sin gle tar get. The area is determined by the range of 
the weapon and the arc through which the attacker swings the bar rel. For every fif teen degrees of firing arc,
there is a -1 Skill penalty
penalty to hit anything.
anything. (This is one more rea son why it’s nice to have a modimod ified 30-60 trian
gle as described above in the Geomet metric
ric NearMiss rules.) The attacker may attack as wide an area as he wishes,
even to the extent of spinning
spin ning all the way around, but keep in mind that the more area he covers,covers, the less likely 
he is to hit anything important.
 When a unit makes a full-auto
full-auto attack, the player
player must make an Attack
Attack Roll for every destruc
ble target
target in
the attack area. He rolls against the weapon’s Auto UR, minus the Skill Penalty for the size of the fir ing arc.
Pen alties
ties for the size of target
target area and dis tance still apply; mod
modiifiers for speed and aiming do not. The attacker
takes no Skill Penalty
Penalty for firing at tar
gets he can’t see (this is a good
g ood way to take out snip ers and stealth units).
Friendly and neutral targets
tar gets in the attack area are just
j ust as likely to take fire as the enemy units, so be careful!
If a troop weapon is used in full-auto fire, its clip is emptied
emptied and a minifig must spend a full turn replacing
the clip before the weapon can be fired again. For tu tunately,
nately, any minifig that carries
carries an automatic
automatic weapon will
always seem to have extra clips handy. Automatic
Auto matic Siege Weapons
Weapons are fed withw ith ammunition belts or high-capac-
ity energy magazines and so can be used in full-auto fire every turn.
Using Full-Auto fire to attack an area is one of the few ways in which a unit is allowed to attack more than
one target
target in a sin gle turn. A unit may use mul
ple automatic
automatic weapons
weapons to attack the same area. It may not com -
bine one Full-Auto attack with another Full-Auto attack target geting
ing a differ
ent area, or with any non-Full-Auto

3.3.5 Rasslin’
Units with arms and hands, or other grabbing append ages like robo-claws or croc
crocoodile mouths, can grab other

Com If the
bat targetthey
bonuses unitmay
would preIfferthe
have. not to be grabbed,
defender is carry then
ing orboth
wearunits must
ing any make
equip menta Skill Roll, plus
that gives any Close
bonuses to his
 Armor (e.g. from a Shield or PlateArmor), those those bonuses are added to his Skill Roll; if either
either combat
combatantant is car-
rying equipment
equipment that incurs a Movement
Movement Penalty,
Penalty, that penalty
penalty is subtracted
subtracted from his Skill Roll.
If the attacker’s roll is higher, then he has successsuccessfully
fully grabbed the defender. If the defender’s roll is
higher, not only has the attacker failed to grab him, h im, but if the defender wishes then he has grabbed the attacker
instead. If the roll is a tie, then neither
neither combat
combatantant has grabbed the other.
Once a unit has grabbed another unit, he may do with him as he pleases! If the unit is strong enough, he
can pick up the other unit and throw him or use whatever what ever pro-wrestling
pro-wrestling move he fancies.
fancies. If he is not strong 
enough to lift the other unit, he can hold it in place (if he is as strong or stron ger than the grabbed unit) or at
least slow it down (since the grabbed unit is now forced to drag it around).
If a unit has been grabbed and is not no t happy with the situsituation, it may try to break free (unless it obviously 
has no ability to do so). The grabber
grab ber and grabbee each roll as many d6es as they have points in their respective respec tive
Power ratings.
ratings. If the grabbed unit rolls higher than the unit grabbing grabbing it, then it has broken
broken the grabbing
grabbing unit’s
grip and can escape.

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 42

3.4 More Ways to Die

 All say, ‘How hard it is that we have

have to die’
die’ –a strange com plaint to come
come from the
the mouths of peo ple
 ple who have had to live.
 –Mark Twain

gen theget
eral to basic Attack
his soldiers
sol Roll/Dam agewilling
killed, if he’s Roll
will ingsequence,
to put upthere
with aare
fewa whole bunch of excit ing ways for the eager
extra rules.

3.4.1 Overkill

 There is a certain
cer tain elegance in treat
ing a battle
battle like a surgi
cal proce
dure, prudently allot
ting forces in measured
pro portions
tions to precisely elimi
elim inate each opponent
opponent and objective. Fortu tunately,
nately, elegance
elegance is a tempta
tion that is
easily resisted, and you will find a much deeper satis isfac
tion in hitting
hitting your opponents with many times as much
firepower as the situation really calls for.
 A given target
target can only absorb so much damage
dam age before allowing
allowing the rest (called Surplus
Surplus Damage)
Damage) to con-
tinue unimpeded.
unimpeded. If an object (or the part of the object in the path of the attack) is destroyed by an attack,
count the number
number of dice in the object’s Armor Value and subtract that many dice from the attack’s Damage Dam age
Rat ing, regardless
regardless of the rela
relative sizes of the dice. If there is more than one type of die in the Dam age Rating,
start by removing the largest dice.
 The attack contin
con tinues
ues along the same path
p ath (based on a straight line drawn from the attacking unit to the
cen ter of the target)
target) until its Range is exhausted or until the extent of its Surplus
Surplus Damage
Damage has been spent on
cessive tar gets. If the damage
dam age is the result of sev eral units acting
act ing together in a Combined
Combined Attack, then you
may have to compare
com pare several of these lines together to see how many of them hit any given There will be
cases in which it will be ambigu
ambiguous whether a target
target will or will not be struck by Surplus
Sur plus Damage;
Damage; determine
these cases with a What I Say Goes Roll.

Optional Rule: Ricochets :P 

 When Sur
plus Damage
Damage spills over after over whelm
ing a target, the con
ler of the victim
ized target
target may 
decide that the attack was deflected in a new direction.
direction. How far the attack can potentially
poten tially be deflected depends
on how much of its damage was absorbed.
If the number
number of dice absorbed is fewer than the number
number of dice of Sur plus, then the attack con
ues in a
straight line.
If the num ber of dice absorbed
abso rbed is equal to or greater than the number
number of dice remaining
remaining as Surplus,
Surplus, then
the attack may be deflected by as much as 15°.
If the number
number of dice absorbed is equal to or greater than twice the number number of dice remaining
remaining as Surplus,
then the attack may be deflected by as much as 30°. At three times as much, deflection may be 45°, and that is
the limit for attack deflection resulting
resulting from impact on a single
sin gle target.
target. The player may choose any new target
tar get
 within these lim limits
its as if choosing
choosing a NearMiss target.
 A suc ces
sive rico
ricochet is handled
handled in the same manner,
manner, compar
comparinging the second
ary Surplus
Surplus Damage
Damage to the
initial Surplus
Surplus Damage
Damage rather than to the damagedamage of the initial
initial attack.
 Although Surplus Dam Damageage will most usually
usually apply to ranged attacks, it is also possi
pos sible to do Sur
Dam age with a Close Combat Combat weapon, if a unit is strong enough and can swing a weapon through a large
enough arc to hit multimul tiple
ple targets.
targets. The larger the arc of the swing, the more inac cu curate
rate it becomes. The attacker
makes attack rolls as normal
normal for the first 30 degrees of the swing, with a -1 Skill Penalty
Pen alty for the next 30 degrees,
 with a -2 Skill
Skill Penalty
Penalty for the 30 degrees after that, and so forth.
If the Surplus
Surplus Damage
Damage is caused by a large bludgeon
blud geon or a colli
collision, then living tar
gets will take at most one
level of Stun Damage
Dam age before being knocked away a number num ber of inches equal to the number
number of dice remaining
remaining in
the Damage
Damage Rating
Rating of the attack. If the target
tar get cannot
cannot be knocked away because it is smashed into something 
some thing 
like a wall or down ward into the ground, then it takes the full damage damage without
without limitation.

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 43

3.4.2 Explosions

The bomb will never go off. I speak as an expert in explosives.

–Admiral William
William Leahy, US Atomic Bomb Project Pro ject

Units standing too close to an explo

sion may be caught in the blast radius. Any weapon with damagedam age measured
in d10’s (regular explo sives) or d20’s (radioac
(radio active,
tive, plasma, or concus
sion explo sives) does Explo
sion Damage.
 When an explosion
explosion goes off, it does full damage to everything within 2", damage
dam age minus one die (d10s or
d20s; d6es do not affect explosion
explo sion radius) to everything
everything within the next two inches, damage
dam age minus two dice to
everything within two inches past that, and so on until there are no more dice. If multi multiple explo
sions occur in
the same place, the ranges of the explo sions are deter determined
mined indi vidu
 vidually; their com
bined damage
damage does not
increase their area of effect.
 Any thing that is not nailed down when the explosion
explo sion hits, regardless
regardless of whether or not it sur vives the
explo sion, will be knocked 1" away from the center of the explosionexplosion for every die of damage
dam age that it takes.
 Things that are nailed down, like trees and walls,
walls, will only be knocked back if they do not sur vive
 vive the damage.
Heavy projec
tiles such as Cannon
Balls or boulders
boulders launched from CataCatapults can hit hard enough to cre-
ate explosions
explosions from concus
sion alone, but most explosions will be caused by some sort of chemi chemical or energy 
reaction. The intense heat created
created in these types of explosions tends to set everything
everything in the blast radius on fire.
In such an explosion,
explosion, for every die that comes up as an 8 or greater (on either 1d10s or 1d20s) in a target tar get
object’s Explosion
Explosion Damage
Damage Roll, the affected object’s Burn Level gains 1d6. In this manner,
manner, the object’s Burn
Level may be raised higher than wouldwou ld nor mally be possisible
ble for the object. (When a Burn Level is raised to a
bizarrely high level in this manner,
man ner, it is custom
cus tomary
ary to declare the object vaporized
vapor ized and remove it from play 
If a unit takes cover behind a wall of sand
bags or a big truck or some other large object, it can avoid tak-
ing damage
damage from the explosion.
explosion. However,
However, if the cover object is destroyed, or if it is knocked back far enough
that it strikes the unit using it for cover, the unit will take regu
reg ular explo sion dam age minus the Armor Value of 
the object he was using for cover.

3.4.3 Fire

There are five types of incendi

ary attack: The first is to inciner
ate soldiers
soldiers in their camp, the second
second to inciner
ate provi
sions, the 
third to inciner
ate sup ply trains, the fourth to incin
ate arsenals
arsenals and maga
magazines, and the fifth to disrupt
disrupt forma

 –Sun-Tzu, The Art of War 

 All good BrikWars players
players will admit to being pyromaniacs.
p yromaniacs. You can’t lovelo ve destruction and not enjoy setting 
things on fire. Sadly, including
including fires in a BrikWars game can become a com plex and time-consum
time-con suming task and
you will have to decide for yourself whether or not the benefits will out weigh the extra effort involved.
Reg ular Fires come in three Burn Levels:
Levels: 1d6, 2d6, and 3d6. When an object catches on fire, pile a bunch
of fire-col ored brix around it so it is clear to every
one that it is on fire. For a 1d6 fire, a pile of yellow
yel low brix will
do; for a 2d6 fire, yel low and red brix; for a 3d6 fire, use white, yellow,
yel low, and red brix together. This way you’ll
have no problem
problem telling
telling how hot a fire is. (If you prefer,
prefer, you may also stack pips or some kind of fire counters
next to the burning
burning object.)
In explosions,
explosions, or when flamma
ble fuels are pres ent, hotter
hot ter fires are possi
possible and may appear in unusual
colors. In these cases you will be obligated
obligated to use pips to keep track of objects’ Burn Levels.
 Any one or anything
anything that is on fire takes Fire Dam age equal to its Burn Level (i.e. a 2d6 fire would wou ld do 2d6
of Fire Damage to its victim)
vic tim) at the beginning
beginning of each turn. If this dam age is enough
enou gh to destroy the tar get, it is
burned down (if it is something
something like a tree or a grass hut) or burned to death (if it is something
some thing like a Trooper or
a SpaceMonkey).
 Any die that comes up a one on the Fire Damage Roll means that the fire died down one level (it loses
1d6 from its Burn Level for every die that comes up one). If the burning victim victim spends a turn rolling
rolling around on

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 44

getting sprayed with a fire extinguisher,

the ground or getting extin guisher, the fire rating
rating also goes down by 1d6. If the Burn Level is
reduced to zero, the fire has gone out. If the burning
burn ing vic tim jumps in a lake or is in airless
air less space or is other
other wise
sub merged in some liquid
liquid (excepting
(excepting liquids
liquids like molten
molten lava or gaso
gasoline), the fire goes out.
 Any die that comes up a five or a six on the Fire Damage Roll means that the the fire blazed up one level (its
Burn Level gains 1d6), limited
limited to the object’s maxi
maximum Burn Level. How hot a fire can burn is determined
determined by 

the size of theobject,

minifig-sized object such
as aAn equipment-sized
Trooper or a wholeobject,
pile oflike a book
books, or aatchair,
burns a max burns
imumat of
a max
1d6. A
such as trees, libraries,
libraries, and FireTruks, burn at a max imum heat of 3d6.
For any object
ob ject whose Burn Level has some how been raised higher than its max maxiimum Burn Level (usually 
result ing from involvement in an explosion),
explo sion), the object’s Burn Level automat
auto matiically loses 1d6 at the beginning 
begin ning 
of the object’s turn, after the Fire Damage Roll has been made.
Objects soaked in gaso
gasoline burn at 4d6 as soon as they are exposed to heat. Jet and rocket fuels burn at
5d6, nuclear and plasma fuels at 6d6. The fuel quickly burns off, and the object’s Burn Level automat
auto matiically loses
1d6 per turn as above, until it reaches its normal
normal maximum.
 Any time an object that is on fire touches or is touched by a flammamable
ble object, roll the first object’s Burn
Level. For every die that comes up six, the second
second object catches fire and gains 1d6 of Burn Level. (The sec ond
object’s Burn Level cannot
cannot be raised higher than the first object’s in this manner,
man ner, nor can it be raised higher
than its own
o wn maximum Burn Level.) Some things do not burn, like concrete or dirt or oceans. Some things
explode when they burn, like dyna mite, gun powpowder
der kegs, combus
combustion engines, and Hindenbergs.
If a fire is started on
o n a large flamma
ble object like a forest
forest or a Roman slave galley,
galley, the whole thing does-
n’t go up all at once - the fire takes a little
little while to spread. On large flamma
flam mable
ble surfaces,
surfaces, a fire spreads hori
tally by as many inches per turn as it has d6es in its Burn Level. It spreads twice this fast upward and half this
fast down ward. It is not a good idea to get too close to a fire - the flames extend for one on e half inch around the
object at full strength; they lose 1d6 of Burn Level for every half-inch further further from the object.
 A living
living unit who is on fire is unable to focus on any anything
thing except the fact that it is on fire, and so may not
make any type of attack, defend itself, operate heavy machin ery, or see where it is going. Well-trained units will
stop, drop, and roll; units with less pres ence of mind will run around in little circlescircles while making that hilar
breath less shrieking
shrieking noise that is unique to people
peo ple who are being hideously
hideously burned to death. A unit with the
Stealth specialty
specialty can resist this urge to shriek like a little
little girl; a Heroic unit may use a Stupenpendous
dous Feat to ignore
being on fire for a turn in order to take normal actions.

3.4.4 Getting Stunned

Certain condi
Certain conditions
tions wear down a unit slowly rather than killing it out right. Effects from con cussions, fatigue,
poison, dis
ease, hunger, and low morale are all lumped under the singlesin gle head ing of Stun Damage.
Most Stun attacks only work on certain
cer tain types of targets
targets - living
living beings and electri
cal systems being the
most commonly
commonly affected (although clever attacks may produce Stun effects in other tar targets
gets - a MonkeyWrench
in a giant Robot’s gears, for instance). If a unit takes more Stun Dam age than its Armor, or a combina nation
tion of 
Stun Damage and regular Dam Damage age that is more than its Armor, then the unit is Stunned or Exhausted. A
Stunned unit has half Power (round down, mini min imum 1) and takes a -50% Movement
Move ment Pen alty. If a unit
u nit takes
enough Stun Damage
Damage to Stun it when it is already Stunned, it is Dis abled (in the case of machines) or Uncon- Uncon -
scious (in the case of living
living beings). If a Disabled
Disabled or Unconscious
Unconscious unit is Stunned a third time, then it is killed or
 A Stunned minifig gener
gen erally
ally crawls around on its stom ach; an Unconscious minifig lies on its back. This
makes it easy to tell which minifigs are Stunned or Uncon scious. If for some reason reason you need your Stunned
minifig to stag ger around in an upright position,
posi tion, put one gray Pip next to it so that you don’t forgetforget that it’s
 To recover from Stun Damage,
Damage, roll a 1d6 at the end of the unit’s turn. On a roll of 6, an Uncon scious or
Dis abled unit becomes merely Stunned, and a Stunned unit returns to normal. nor mal. If the unit rests for a full turn
(this is automatic
automatic for Unconscious
Unconscious units), a roll of 5 will also be suffi

Brik Wars: Advanced Combat 45

Electrical sys
tems recover from Stun damage
dam age normally.
normally. Purely mechani
mechanical systems cancannot
not recover from
Stun damage
damage by themselves.
themselves. A minifig with the Mechanikal Abil
ity spe cialty can repair one level of mechani
mechan ical
Stun damage
damage if it works on the affected compo
com ponent
nent for one full turn.

Optional Rule: Extra Effort :)

In a desper
ate situ
situation, a unit can put forth Extra Effort,
Effor t, giving itself either an addi
tional 5" of Movement
Movement or 1
point of Power. Even vehicles
vehicles can be forced to put forth Extra Effort if forced to do so by a minifig with either
the Piloting
Piloting or Mechanikal Ability
Ability special
specialties. At the end of the turn, the unit must roll rol l 1d6 - if it rolls a 4 or
lower, then the unit is Stunned from exhaus
tion. if a Stunned unit puts forth Extra Effort, it can behave as if it
 were not Stunned, but at the end
end of the turn it must roll a 6 on 1d6 or it falls Unconscious.

3.4.5 Poison
Many units are sus cepcepti
ble to some form of poison.
poi son. Minifigs and animals
animals may be bitten
bitten by venom
ous snakes or
struck with poisoned
poisoned blowdarts. ComputComputers ers and androids may become infected with ComputerViruses.
Undead creatures
creatures may getg et spritzed with HolyWater. Sleep ing princesses
prin cesses may wake up to find a Dimmy kissing 
In each case, the poison
poi son does no damage on the turn it is received. The affected unit receives a number of
Poi son Points, indi cated by green Pips stacked next to it. From that point on, every time the unit begins a new 
turn, it takes 1d6 Stun Damage
Damage for each point in its Poison Rat ing. For every die that comes up ‘1’ in the Poi-
son Roll, remove one point from the unit’s Poi son Rating Rating - the poison has run its course.
If a Medik (or whatever
whatever type of specialcialist
ist is appropri
ate to the type of Poi son in use) gives Medikal treat-
treat -
ment to a Poi soned unit, he can remove 1d6-3 1 d6-3 points per turn from the unit’s Poison
Poi son Rating.
If a player wishes to cre ate a poipoisoned
soned weapon, it costs 1 CP per Poi son Point. WheneverWhen ever the weapon
does damage
damage to a vulner
vulneraable target,
target, the target
target receives Poison
Poison Points instead of taking
taking regular damage.
 Any unit that bites or eats a unit that has been Poisoned
Poisoned or is Poi son
ous runs the risk of being Poisoned
Poi soned
itself. Roll dice as if the biting
bit ing unit had been struck by a poisoned
poi soned weapon with as many Poison
Poison Points as are in
the bitten
bitten unit’s Poison
Poison Rating.
Some Poi sons do not kill their targets
tar gets but have other danger
ous effects. These Poisons render their vic-
tims Exhausted and Unconscious
Unconscious in the normal
normal manner
manner but have a final stage other than death. These include
alytic and mind-control
mind-control Poisons. Many supernat natuural creatures,
creatures, such as zom bies, were wolves, vampires, and
Dimmies, have poisonous bites that eventu tually
ally turn victims
victims into zombies, were wolves, vampires, and Dimmies.

Interacting With The Environment

If we want to engage in battle

bat tle in the country
side we must rely upon the strate
strate gic
 gic con fig
tion of power. Utilize
Utilize ravines to establish
ambushes. Lacking
Lacking ravines, we must conceal
con ceal ourselves
ourselves in the weather, darkness,
darkness, dusk, and fog, going forth where they will not 
expect it, suddenly
suddenly striking
striking their indolent
indolent forces. Then we will achieve results 
the T’ung Tien 
 –Sun Wu, from the T’ung

 There’s more to bat

tle than a bunch of guys standing
stand ing around shooting
shooting at one another. There are foxholes to
dig, minefields
minefields to lay, traps to disarm,
disarm, alarms to circum
circum vent, beach
heads to establish, pro vi
sions to secure,
ambushes to set, leaf lets to dis
ute, and big red buttons
buttons to push. No action that gives your army the slightest
slight est
edge should be overlooked;
overlooked; no battle
battlefield con
tion that may offer an opportu
nity should escape consideration.

4.1 Moving Around

When it is advanta
advanta geous, move; when not advanta
advanta geous, stop. Anger can revert to hap pi
ness, annoyance
annoyance can revert to joy, but a 
vanquished state cannot
cannot be revived, the dead ruler cannot
cannot be brought back to life.
 The Art of War 
 –Sun-Tzu, The

Gener als have little
little interest
interest in staging bat
tles on bare asphalt plains. Without
With out trees, innocent
innocent bystanders,
bystanders, and
small furry animals to take stray bulbullets
lets and get caught in explosions,
explosions, troop morale becomes almost impossi impos sible
to maintain.
maintain. As such, the thoughtful
thoughtful commander
commander will send the troops into locations
loca tions where they will have the
oppor tunity
nity to contend
contend with rough terrain.
Minifigs are not required to maintain
maintain strict mili
military posture
posture on the battle
field; depending
depending on the circum-
stances, it may beb e necesessary
sary to run in a crouched position,
posi tion, com mando crawl, or swim to reach an objective.
objec tive.
Chang ing from a stand ing to a crawling position or vice versa takes -1" of Movement.
Changing Movement. Run ning in a crouch
incurs a -25% MP. Crawling on all fours takes -50% MP. Commando crawling takes -75% MP. Swimming 
Commando crawling Swimming 
takes -50% MP, and swimming
swimming units may not rise or fall more than one Story (six Brix) under wa under water
ter per turn.
Move ment Penal
ties from posture
posture are not cumula lative
tive with Movement
Movement Modifi fiers
ers from terrain;
terrain; use only the
more restrictive of the two penalties.
Minifig and vehicle
vehicle movement rates are mod modiified depend ing on the type of terrain
ter rain over which they’re
mov ing. Moving moderate slope (30°, or 1 Brik per 3 Dots) incurs a -25% Movement Penalty,
Moving up a moder Pen alty, while mov-
ing up a steep slope (45°, or 1 Brik per Dot) gives a -50% Movement Pen Penalty.
alty. Units moving
moving down a moder


Brik Wars: Interacting With The Environment 47

slope receive a +50% Move-

Move- Movement
Movement Modi
Modifier Chart
ment Bonus, and a steep
slope grants a +100% Move-
Move- Posture
Pos ture (Minif
(Minifigs) Slick Patches (Wheeled Vehi
ment Bonus. Anything much Crouching   -25% MP Gravel, bumpy turf    -25% A/D, +25% Turn
steeper than 45° must be On All Fours   -50% MP Mud, standing water -50% A/D, +50% Turn

Fall overa orcliff
ing off fallen off of.
takes no Commando Crawl   -75% MP Oilslicks, ice -90% A/D, +100% Turn

time at all. Swimming   -50% MP

Optional Rule: Terrain

Terrain Quali
Quality (All Units) Obsta
cles (minifigs)
Heavy Loads :P  Paved Road   +25% MB <2" high No Penalty

If you don’t mind a little little Water or Wetlands -50% MP 2–5" high   -2" MP
extra paper work,
 work, you can add
>5" high Impassible
realism by adjust
ing units’
Cargo Capacity
Capacity as they travel Sloped Terrain Terrain (all units) Obsta
Ob stacles
cles (vehi
up and down slopes.Units
30° Uphill
Uphill   -25% MP < =1/4 wheel height Full Speed
can carry heavier loads if they
are going downhill,
downhill, but must 45° Uphill Uphill   -50% MP < = 1/2 wheel height   -50% MP
lighten their packs to go   + >
uphill again. 30° Downhill
Downhill 25% MB 1/2 wheel height Impassible
45° Downhill
Downhill   +50% MB
-CMP" is reduced by 
one quarter when trav travel
down a moder
ate slope, or by
one half when travel ing down a steep slope. -CMP" is increased by one half for units travel
traveling trav eling
ing up a moder
slope, and doubled for units travel
ing up a steep
s teep slope. Units falling off cliffs may carry as much as they like.
Units traveling along a well-paved road or path receive a +25% Movement
traveling Movement Bonus and +1 to any Piloting 
roll. Moving in, into, or out of liq
uid or swampy terrain
terrain (e.g. water, mud, quicksand,
quicksand, chocolate pudding)pudding) is done
 with a -50% Movement
Movement Penalty.
Ground vehicles
vehicles on wheels or tires are especially
espe cially vulner
neraable to traction
traction loss on poor terrain.
terrain. On gravel
roads or while off-roading on especially
especially bumpy terrain,
terrain, these vehicles’ Accel
Acceler eraation/Decel
tion/Deceler eration
ation rating
rating is
reduced by 25%, and their Turn Radius is increased by 25%. In large patches of mud or standing stand ing water, A/D is
decreased by half, while the Turn Radius is increased by half.
On an extremely slippery
slippery surface, such as an oilslick, ice, or a spilled crate of marbles,
mar bles, A/D is reduced by 
90%, and the Turn Radius is doubled.
doubled. The Pilot of the vehicle
vehi cle must make a Piloting Roll every turn; on a Crit i-
cal Failure
Failure the vehi cle loses trac
tion and is Out Of Control. Minifigs walking on o n such a slippery sur face must
make a Skill Roll every turn. If they roll a Criti
Crit ical Fail ure, they fall over, regard
less of how fast they were going.
It takes a full turn to stand back up again.
Minifigs can jump half their height verti ver tically
cally and half their Movement
Movement in length. This is part of nor mal
move ment, and costs just as much as walking or runningrun ning the same distance. Minifigs can hop onto or over any 
obsta cle two Brix high or less at no penalty. Obstacles
Obstacles more than two Brix tall must be climbed over, which
costs 2" of movement.
movement. Objects more than five Brix tall are impassi impassible.
ble. Walk around them.
 A vehicle’s
vehicle’s ability
ability to drive over obsta cles depends on so many fac factors
tors that there’s only one way to test it:
run the vehicle
vehicle into the obsta cle. If the front bumper doesn’t does n’t clear the obstacle,
obstacle, then it’s a colli
sion. If the
obsta cle hits the tires or treads of the vehicle
vehi cle (or the legs of the robot), then you may be able to drive over it. A
 vehi cle can drive over objects up to one quarter
quar ter the height of its tires, treads, or legs at full speed; objects up to
one half this height can be driven over with a -50% MP. Once you’ve gotten gotten the front tires over the obstacle,
check to make sure the chassis
chas sis between the front and back tires has enough ground clearance–if your vehicle
‘bot toms out,’ you’re stuck there!
 A Ground vehi vehicle
cle will ‘catch air’ if it moves quickly over the transi tran sition
tion between an uphill slope and
level ground. If v is the velocity
velocity of the vehicle
vehicle and r is the angle of the slope, then the vehi cle will be in the air

Brik Wars: Interacting With The Environment 48

for (v sin(r)/4) turns, the horizon

tal distance
distance the vehi- Ground Vehi
Vehicle Flight Chart
cle will travel during
during that time is equal to
(v²sin(2r))"/8, and the vehicle’s
vehicle’s highest
highest altitude
altitude will Vehi
cle Speed
reach (v sin(r))²"/8. But who wants to do all that
math? Just make estimates
estimates based on this handy chart.
An gle 05 10 15 20

ence  Jump
at best, in so
a roughvehi
mateis isangood
act sci- 1" Away, 6" Away, 14" Away, 25" Away,
0.2" High 0.8" High 1.8" High 3.3" High
 when fig uring out where they land. VehiclesVehi cles jumping 
jumping  15° 0.3 Turns 0.6 Turns 0.9 Turns 1.2 Turns
between two surfaces
surfaces of differferent
ent verti
cal heights will
2" Away, 10" Away, 24" Away, 43" Away,
fly farther or shorter distances than indi indicated
cated on this 0.7" High 3.1" High 7.0" High 12" High
chart; you will have to make a judgment
judg ment call for each 30° 0.6 Turns 1.2 Turns 1.8 Turns” 2.5 Turns
spe cific case. You may have to make a Piloting Pilot ing Roll
3" Away, 12" Away, 28" Away, 50" Away,
and use NearMiss calcu calculations
lations to decide where the 1.5" High 6.6" High 14" High 25" High
 vehi cle lands on very diffi
cult jumps. A ground vehi- 45° 0.8 Turns 1.7 Turns 2.6 Turns 3.5 Turns
cle cannot
cannot turn, acceler erate,
ate, or decelererate
ate while in mid-
air. If the vehicle
vehi cle was turning
turning when it left the ground,
it will continue
continue rotating while in the air; this will also depend on the judgment of the players.

4.2 Non-Combat Action

Besides keeping
keeping his armies well ordered and exercised,
exer cised, the prince should always be out hunting,
hunt ing, and through this accustom
accus tom the 
body to hardships;
hardships; and meanwhile
meanwhile he should learn the nature of terrain,
terrain, and recog
nize how mountains
mountains rise, how valleys
valleys open up,
how plains lie, and understand
understand the nature of rivers and marshes - and in this invest the greatest
greatest care.
 –Niccolo Machiavelli,  The Prince 
Machiavelli, The

Strictly speaking,
speaking, there is no action that can truly be consid
ered non-combat
non-combat action, and if there were then it
 would have no place in BrikWars
BrikWars except to serve as a caution
ary exam ple. Every type of action can be made to
further the vic
tory of one side or another. However,
How ever, some actions are less overtly aggres sive than others.
o thers.
Moving and attack
ing are suffi
sufficient for the content
ment of any Trooper, and any actions that take time
away from these two behaviors
behaviors are liable
liable to make them unhappy. Sadly, the needs of victory
vic tory often take prece
dence over the con cerns of morale, and Troopers must some sometimes
times act against their better instincts and take a
Non-Combat Action. Almost any anything
thing that a normal
normal person can do, a Trooper can do.
Usu ally a Trooper can perform a Non-Combat Action without any trouble. If for some reason rea son you want
to try something that seems especially
especially diffi
difficult, you and your oppo
o pponents will have to decide on a dif fi ficulty
culty rat-
ing for it (on a case-by-case basis) and then roll a Skill Roll against it.
 There are all kinds of Non-Combat
Non-Com bat actions. Civilians
Civilians go around making
making small talk and attending
attending to their
dreary, casualty-free
casualty-free careers. Slaves traipse about picking
picking up the debris of battle.
battle. Medix attend to the vivi sec section
of the dying. Soldiers
Soldiers try to disarm the MkIII Explosives
Explo sives that inevitatably
bly get glommed to their heads.
Most Non-Com bat Actions cost 1" of move movement.
ment. That is to say, taking
taking that action took a little
little bit of time,
and now the soldier
soldier has a little less time to spend on mov moving
ing around. Things like pulling
pulling a lever, opening
opening a door,
stand ing up or sitting
sitting down, and picking
picking up or setting
setting down objects fall into this cate
category. Other actions may take
a whole movement phase and possi pos sibly pre vent a unit
unit from mak
ing any attacks that turn, such as operat
ing a com-
puter, taking off a pair ofo f pants, or chew
ing out a soldier
soldier when you bust him back down to pri vate. vate. If the
the action
action is
some thing that a sol dier could still do at a dead run,
ru n, then it doesn’t slow him down any. Actions like this include
shout ing orders, dropping
dropping an object already in hand, sneezing,
sneezing, slapping
slapping oneself
oneself about the face, etc.
 Troop ers driving
driving vehicles
vehicles don’t usually
usually take a lot of Non-Combat
Non-Combat Actions, because they’re busy driving  driv ing 
 vehi cles. In the event that a driver needs to take a Non-Com bat Action while driv ing, the rules are a lit tle dif fer-
ent. Any action that would nor mally take a -1" movement pen penalty
alty now doubles
doubles the vehicle’s
vehicle’s TurnRate. Any 
action that takes a whole turn pre vents the driver from turning, acceler erat
ing, deceler
ing, or firing weapons.

Brik Wars: Interacting With The Environment 49

4.3 Brik Physix

 A success
success ful
 ful person
person is one who can lay a firm founda
foun dation
tion with the bricks that others
oth ers throw at him.
  –David Brink 

 Wargaming is fun,
you can! There’s fu n,
noand build
reason ingbuilding
the withing
build plastic
has is fun.the
stop when What
could Plastic
do both
Plas at theoffer
tic bricks samethetime?
ing com mander a chance to mod modify
ify the terrain in far more conconstruc
tive ways than just blasting
blasting craters
craters in it and
lit tering
ing it with smoking
smoking debris. Slaves can be sent out to collect
col lect loose Blox and pile them into walls for forti tifi
ca tion or stairs for overcom
over coming
ing obstacles.
obstacles. Mechanix can scavenge
scavenge the debris from crashed vehicles vehi cles to build
“like-new” machines. Medix can gather up the body parts of their deceased comrades comrades and sew up some tempo tem po--
rary vivi sect zombies. What other wargame offers that kind of interactivity? Here are the rules that tell you how
to get those bits where you want them to go.

4.3.1 Determining Mass

 As far as the laws of mathe

ics refer to reality,
reality, they are not certain,
certain, and as far as they are certain,
cer tain, they do not refer to reality.
  –Albert EinEinstein

 To know what you can do with an object, first you have to know how heavy it is. A Blok (a 2x4 Brik) is
BrikWars’ standard
standard unit of weight. All normal
normal minifigs weigh one Blok. Hand tools and weapons have no
appreciable weight (zero Blox). Vehicles, build ings, and other large objects weigh as much as their Size" rat ing 
times their ArmorX (see the Platform
Platform Armor Value Chart under 5.1.2: Armor). If an object has no defined
 Armor Value, figure
figure out about how many Blox big it is, and that’s how many Blox it weighs.
Objects that are “nailed down,” like trees, walls, and moun tains, have to be knocked
k nocked down before they 
can be moved.

4.3.2 Acceleration

 Even if you
you are on the right track,
track, you will
will get run over if you just sit there.
  –Will Rog

Most players will feel no need to keep track of accel acceler

eraation in BrikWars, and that is as it should be. Their
minifigs and vehicles
vehicles can acceler
ate or decelererate
ate instantly to any speed up to their respective
respective Movement
Movement Rat- Rat-
ings, unrestricted
unrestricted by the laws of physix and undamaged
undam aged by massive
massive acceler
acceleraation trauma. Some players
players will be
happy to ignore acceler
accel eraation except at criti
critical points in the middle
mid dle of a battle,
battle, such as when two opposing 
squads are try ing to push the same boulder
boul der in differ
ent directions
directions or when the outcome
outcome of a stock car race will
deter mine the fate of the Empire. A few playersplay ers really get into vehicle perfor
mance and decide to keep track of 
the acceler
acceleraation of some or all of the vehicles
vehi cles and robots in the game. A fringe minorityminor ity of players
players get so
excited about vectors
vectors and moments of inertia
inertia that they try to track the tra
ries of every object on the field.
(Hope fully these last few will be able to curb their enthu
asm while playing
playing with normal
normal humans or will be will -
ing to limit themselves
themselves to zero-gravity
zero-gravity astromek battles with like-minded physix geex.)
For any object that is going to be acceler
ated or deceler
ated, play ers must keep track of the object’s
o bject’s cur -
rent Velocity
Velocity at all times. The easieas iest way to do this is to create a Veloc
ity Stack. Stack together a number
num ber of 
Pips equal to the number
number of inches per turn that the object is currently cur rently mov ing. Lay this stack next to the
object, pointing
pointing in the direction
direction of the object’s motion. When the object feels acceler acceleraation or deceler
deceleraation, alter
the Velocity
Velocity Stack accordingly.
accordingly. If the addition
addition of acceler
acceleraation and velocity
velocity vectors
vectors becomes complex,
complex, you may 
 want to cre
ate one or more Acceler
Acceleraation Stacks of the proper magni
tude and direction
direction and lay them end-to-end
 with the Velocity
Velocity Stack in order to aid in visualization.

Brik Wars: Interacting With The Environment 50

 There are three basic situ

situations in which acceler
acceleraation comes into play. The first occurs when a vehi vehicle
cle or
large ani mal with an Accel/Decel ratrating
ing (A/D) acceler
ates or deceler
ates itself. Acceler
eraation or deceler
deceleraation up
to the unit’s max A/D may be added to or subtracted
sub tracted from the unit’s Velocity
Velocity at the beginning
beginning of the unit’s
turn, limited
limited by the unit’s maximum Move". The unit then moves as far as its Velocity Veloc ity indicates.
indicates. It may take
sev eral turns for the unit to acceler
ate to maxi
maximum speed or to come to a stop.

unit or The second

group situacon
of units tiontrolled
occursbywhena sinan
single player.isFirst,
acceler atedpartic
the (pushed,
par ticiipat pulled,
ing units lifted,
move blasted, etc.)what
up and get by a-
ever kind of grip on the object as is appropri appro priate.
ate. When all the units are in place, add their combined combined powers
powers of 
accel eraation together (the acceler eraation pro vided by each unit is equal to its Power rat rating
ing times five inches,
divided by the Mass of the object in Blox; see 4.3.4: Shov ing and Dragging Dragging Objects). The object is moved as
soon as its new Velocity
Velocity has been calcu calculated, dur
ing the turn of the player who accelerates it.
 The third situ
sit uation occurs when an object is acceler accel erated
ated by units belong ing to two or more players, play ers, or
 when no players
play ers are involved but the object is accel er erated
ated by a force independ
independent ent of any player (such as grav-
ity). In such cases the accel er eraation and movement
movement of the object can not be han handled
dled during
during any one player’s turn.
Units intend ing to par partic
ticiipate in the acceler
acceleraation must move up and get a grip on the object during during their own
turns, but determin
determining ing the acceler
acceleraation and movement
movement of the object is delayed until the beginning of the fol -
low ing round, before any players take their turns. At this time, all compet com peting ing acceler
eraation vectors
vectors are added
together and added to the object’s Veloc ity, and the object is moved. Par ticipat pating
ing units may then move along 
 with the object if their Move" per mits, but may take no other action. On O n their fol lowing turn they are consid
con sid--
ered to have already moved and must wait until the next round to move again.

Optional Rule: Gravity :( 

Mankind did just fine for thousands of years without
Mankind without having
having any concept
concept of gravity
gravity or how it worked, and
BrikWars is the same way. Except in very special cialized
ized games between playersplayers who take a bizarre and unhealthy 
interest in accel
eraation vectors,
vectors, keeping
keeping track of gravity will only make you crazy. When an object falls, it shoots
straight down and strikes the ground instantly without
without any further calculations.
If you insist on making
making things diffificult
cult for yourself,
yourself, then you may choose whateverwhat ever value for gravity 
seems best. Most of the basic phys ics of BrikWars are developed
devel oped around a grav ity with a down ward acceler eraa-
tion of four inches per turn per round (4"/t²). Real Realis
tic  grav
  grav ity, based on
o n minifig height, would be closer to
8"/t², and this value was used for some of the Ground vehicle vehicle physix to keep them from flying
flying into the air
every time they turn a corner. Higher or lower values may be appropriate in unusual circum cumstances,
stances, such as
near a black hole or on the moon.
 The best compro
mise may be to use a simple
sim ple grav ity model in which all objects fall four inches per turn
 with out acceler
ing. This does a surpris
surprisingly ade
quate job and requires much less work than any acceler acceleraa-
tion-based model.

4.3.3 Carrying and Throwing Objects

I didn’t
didn’t have time to pick up a rock.
 –Eric Joslin,
Joslin, NELUG member,
member, explaining
explaining his giant’s decision
decision to throw a sheep at an enemy wizard

Once you know the weight of the object you’re going to move, you have to know the Power of the unit
attempt ing to move it. Troopers,
Troopers, and most other minifigs, have a Power rating of 1. Draft horses have a Power
rating of 4. Vehicle’s
Vehicle’s Power ratings
ratings depend on the size of their Power Source. Units working together (minifigs,
 vehi cles, or both) can “team up,” combin
ing their Power for the purpose of lifting, carry
ing, pushing,
pushing, or drag-
ging objects, or pre vent
ing enemy units from doing any of the above.
Nor mal minifigs with a Power rat ing of 1 can pick up, set down, or
o r carry most normal
nor mal objects with no
Move ment Penalty.
Penalty. Picking
Picking up or setting
setting down an object weighing one-half Blok object costs 1" of move

Brik Wars: Interacting With The Environment 51

a one-Blok object costs 2". Carry ing a one-half Blok object incurs -25% Cargo MP; a one-Blok object incurs
Car rying
-50% CMP. Objects weighing
weighing more than one Blok have to be shoved or dragged around.
 As a more general rule, if if a unit or group of units has the ability
ability to pick things up (with arms, cranes, trac-
tor beams, teleki
sis, etc.), it can pick up objects weighing
weigh ing fewer Blox than one half of its Power rating
rating with no
Move ment Penalty.
Penalty. Picking
Picking up or setting
setting down objects weighing
weighing half as many Blox as the unit’s or group’s

Power costs 1"weighing

down objects of Movement,
weigh ment, andasthe
ing precisely
pre cisely manyobject
Blox as the-25%
incurs unit’sCMP while
up’s itPower
or group’s
gro is being carried.
costs 2" ofPicking
Move up orand
object incurs -50% CMP while it is being carried. Objects weighing weigh ing more than the Power rating rating cannot
cannot be
picked up or carried.
 The movement
movement of vehicles is not as heavily impaired when carry car rying
ing normal
normal cargo. For every (Power) pas -
sen gers, or every (Power) Blox of other cargo, the vehicle
vehi cle takes -1CMP".
 A unit can throw
throw any object it is carry
ing. This counts as an attack - a unit that throws an object can make
no other attacks that turn. The range of a thrown object depends on the unit’s Skill and Power, and the object’s
Mass in Blox (round up to 1 Blok for smaller items). The range of a thrown object is (Skill ´ Power / Mass).
For a regular minifig this will almost always be (Skill)". If multi tiple
ple units are working
working together to throw an
object, use the lowest
lowest of their Skill ratings. Close Com bat bonuses do not add to the range of a thrown object.
 A thrown object does as much damagedamage as if it had been used as a Close Combat weapon (including(includ ing extra
damage from a Close ComCombat
bat bonus). The target
target of a thrown object may try to catch the object if he has both
hands free and has not made an attack (if the target
target unit is on another
ano ther team, the attempt to catch must be taken
as an Opportu
Opportunity Action). The tar target
get makes a Skill Roll against the UR of the object (or the object’s near est
equivaalent Close Com bat weapon). If the Roll succeeds,
equiv suc ceeds, the unit catches the object; other
other wise,
 wise, he is struck by it,
even if the throwing
throwing unit missed its Attack Roll. A unit cannot catch an object thrown with more Power than
the unit’s own Power rating.

4.3.4 Shoving and Dragging Objects

Shoving and Dragging Objects
In order to push or drag an object, a number
num ber of factors
factors must be taken
into consid
ation. First, the strength of the units attempting
attempting to move Unit Force
it. Second,
Second, the inertia
inertia of the object, if it is already moving.
mov ing. Third, the Unit Power ´ 5/Mass of Ob ject
effects of gravity,
gravity, if the object is resting
resting on a slope. Finally, the effects
Ob ject Inertia
of friction, resist
ing the object’s motion. These four types of vectors
vec tors
are added together at the beginning
begin ning of each turn to deter mine the Origiinal Veloc
Orig Velocity
ity of Object
object’s velocity
velocity during
during the turn.
Grav ity
Level Ground: No Effect

Unit Force. For every point of Power a unit has, it can generate a 30° Slope: 2" Downhill
force equal to five Blok-inches per turn per round (5b"). That is to 45° Slope: 2" Downhill
say, it could accel
ate or decel
erate a 1-Blok ob ject by 5" per turn, a
60°+ Slope: 4" Downhill
5-Blok ob ject by 1" per turn, or a 2-Blok object
ob ject by 2.5" per turn, in a
single round. Accel
eraation is calcu
lated by di viding
 viding the total
total number
number Friction
of Blok-inches in play by the number of Blox in the ob object’s
ject’s Mass. If 
units attempt
attempt to push or drag an object already being pushed -1" for Every
object that is already Every Four Dots Contact
ing the
or dragged by another
another player, they must wait in order order to avoid mov-
ing the same object
object multi
ple times in the round. At the begin ning of  x0 if on Vaccum, Air, Ice, or Hydroplaning
the next round, before
before any of the players
play ers take their turns, all of the x.1 if Floating
Floating on Water
units in volved in the pushing and dragging
drag ging act at the same time, and x.5 if on Paved Survace
the object
object is moved accord
accordingly. Nei
ther the object
object nor any of the in-
in -
xAV if Attached
Attached to the Ground
 volved units may move again during that round.

Brik Wars: Interacting With The Environment 52

Object Inertia. How

ever fast and in whatever
what ever direc
tion the object
object is already moving will directly deter
mine the
sec ond accel
eraation vector
vector without
without any further
further calculation.

Gravity. If the object is rest

ing on level ground, then it feels no accel
ac celer
eraation from gravity.
gravity. If it is resting
resting on a
mod erate
ate slope (30°), then it is accel
ac celer
ated 2" in the downhill
downhill direc
tion. If it is on a steep slope (45°), then it is
erated downhill. If the slope is very steep (60°+ ), then the ob
ated 3" downhill. object
ject is accel
ated 4" downward.
Friction. Once you have added the first three vectors
vec tors together,
together, you have deter
mined the direc
tion the object
trav els and its ‘frictionless’ speed. The amount of slowing
slow ing due to friction
friction will depend
depend on the type of object
ob ject and
the surface
surface over which it is being
being moved. If the amount of friction
friction is greater than the amount of accel
gen erated,
ated, then the ob ject doesn’t budge.

suffer -1" of friction

Objects suffer friction for every four dots of contact
con tact with the ground. This assumes that the
ground is soft dirt or turf. Friction
Friction can beb e ignored if the object is moving on air, vacuum,
vacuum, ice, or hydroplaning 
on water. Fric tion is divided by ten if the object is floating
float ing in water or some other liquid.
liquid. Friction
Friction is halved if 
the surface
surface is flat and hard like asphalt, granite,
granite, or cobble
stones. Friction
Friction is halved again if the object rolls or is
on wheels. If the object is actually
actu ally attached to the ground when the pushing
pushing begins, then friction
friction is multi
by the Armor Value of either the object or the ground (1d10 for soft earth, 2d10 for stone or concrete),
con crete), which-
ever is less.
 Although this system
sys tem seems complex,
complex, pushing
pushing and dragging objects is extremely infrequent and in most
cases you will not have to take more than one or two of the above fac tors into considconsider
ation. If even that seems
like too much, you may ignore the system entirely and rule that any unit or group of units may push or drag on
object of its own size or smaller with a -1" MP.

4.3.5 Falling Objects

If an object is too big to throw, you might try dropping
drop ping it from a great height to get simi
similar results. Rolling
Roll ing boul-
ders off high cliffs or driving
driv ing burn ing jeeps off the roofs of parking
park ing garages into enemy encamp ments is sure to
fill your Troopers
Troopers with glee.
 A drop’s height is mea sured in Stories (one Story is equal to the height of six Brix). For the most part, a
dropped object falls straight down, but you can aim it a littlelit tle bit. For every story that it drops, the object can
move oneo ne inch horizon
tally (aim it with a UR of 3). Whatever
What ever it hits, the object does as much damagedam age as its
Mass times the number of full stories
stories that it dropped times 1d6. If the object has no apprecia
ble weight, it does
as much damage
damage as if it had been thrown. The object itself takes as much damage
damage as whatever
whatever it hits.
Rather than rolling
rolling dice, many play ers pre fer to take a minifig in hand and use it to phys ically shove the
object off of a precipice, allowing
allow ing the object to fall where it may.

4.3.6 Collisions
 The final way to move objects is by smash smashing
ing into them. Whether this involves one Trooper tackling
tack ling another
off his SkateBoard,
SkateBoard, a heavy tank smashing down the doors of a Base, or a supersonic
super sonic jet flying
flying into the side of 
an office building, collilisions
sions are the spice of life.
 When one object collides with another object, the first thing to determine
determine is the Colli
Col lision
sion Speed, or how 
fast the two objects were trav el eling
ing rela
relative to one another. Find out how fast each object was going on its most
recent turn. (The collid
col liding
ing object is usually
usually consid
ered to be going at full speed, even if the collilision
sion occurs
 within the first couple inches of its movement.)
movement.) If the objects were trav el eling
ing in about the same direction,
direc tion, the
Col sion Speed will be the differ
ence between the two objects’ speeds. If they were travel
traveling at right angles, the
faster object’s speed will be the ColliCollision Speed. If they were travel
trav eling
ing straight at each other, add their two
speeds together. If one object is station
ary, only he speed of the moving
mov ing object needs to be con sid sidered.
ered. If both
objects are station
ary, then someone has some explaining to do.

Brik Wars: Interacting With The Environment 53

 The heavier the objects, and the faster they are mov ing, the more dam damage
age is going to be inflicted. Once
you have determined
determined the Collilision
sion Speed, divide it by five inches and round down. This number
num ber is the Dam age
Mul tiplier.
plier. (If the two objects collide
collide at a speed of less than 5" per turn, any resulting damage
dam age is purely cos-
metic.) Objects do their own Armor Value in damage,
damage, times the Damage
Dam age Multi
plier. Against living
living targets,
targets, this
damage is counted as Stun Damage.

point For every die

of impact, of less
regard col lision
regardless sion
of damage
whether an vives
it sur objectthe
 vives receives, Objects
damage. is acceler
accel erated
that inchdown’
‘nailed directly
areaway from
excep to
this rule; if they survive the damage they remain station
sta tionary.
ary. In the case of a glancing
glancing blow, in which the col lilision
is not dead-on but where the two objects just clip each other at the edges, the objects only do as many dice of 
col sion damage
damage as will be neces
sary to move them out of each other’s paths.
If one object in the Colli
Col lision is a ‘soft body,’ such as a minifig,
m inifig, animal,
animal, or shrubbery,
shrubbery, it only causes half 
damage to the other object in the Col lision. If both objectsob jects are soft bodies,
bod ies, then they cause only half damage
dam age to
each other. How ever, they still get knocked back the full amount.
In colli
sions with landscape
landscape features,
features, bodies
bodies of water have an AV of 1. Bushes and shrubs have an AV of 
1d6. Soft ground and trees have an AV of 1d10. Con crete, stone, and asphalt have an AV A V of 2d10.

Large Targets

For the first few thousand

thou sand years after the end of the last ice age, the height of mil itary genius was to send a
bunch of guys to kill another bunch of guys. The balance
bal ance of power was shifted by improving
improving the construc
of hand weapons and the ways in which sacri rifices
fices were offered to a variety
vari ety of gods. Eventu
ally, techno
advances in other areas threw the whole system out of balance bal ance - farmers
farmers learned to construct
construct bridges and walls,
and hunters disdiscov
ered the advantages
advantages of chari
chariots and canoes. Before long civ ililizazations
tions were building
building frigates,
for tresses, ziggurats, cat
cataapults, tanks, stealth bombers, and starships. Making
Making war was suddenly
suddenly a lot more com-
plicated, and every aspiring
aspiring gen eral competed to build the biggest toys.
In BrikWars, larger construc
constructions built to carry, support,
sup port, and operate heavy weap weaponsons and high-powered
devices are built as Platforms.
Platforms. A Platform
Platform may be any type of vehicle, from bicycles to Panzer tanks, rafts to
supertankers, hang gliders to starfleet carri
ers, subma
submarines to death sat
lites, or simple
simple exosuits to planet
p lanet eat ing
robots. It can be any type of build ing, from a Quik-E-Mart to the Empire State Building, Building, from a shallow
shallow moun-
tain cavern
cavern to NORAD, from Baba Yaga’s walking walking hut to flying cas tles, from the domesd omes of Atlantis to an
orbital space fortress. Simpler
Sim pler Platforms
Platforms can form vital infrastructure, including high ways and rail r ailroad tracks,
bridges and tunnels,
tunnels, forti
fied walls and barbed-wire
bar bed-wire fences, dikes and river dams, stargates and irriga gation
tion canals,
landing strips, minefields, nebulae, black holes, and high-ten
sion power lines. The only limits limits on the types of 
Plat forms that can be built, and the uses to which they can be put, are the imagi imagina
tion of the player building 
them and the TekLevel of the civilization to which they belong.

5.1 Building Platforms

... the tendency

tendency is to build whatever
whatever one wants to make first, and then try to define it the way you envisioned
envisioned using the available 
rules. Instead of flip ping through an equipment
equipment section
section and looking
looking for the gun that does the most damage
damage (ala any RPG), peo ple 
are making
making something
something that looks cool to them and reflects their own style (big and pow er ful,  ful, small and fast, lightly armed but 
heavily armored, etc.). Peo ple
 ple have the
the exciting
exciting ideas in their head first, and then the rules are available
available to place them in the same 
con text as everybody
everybody else’s creation.
 –Shaun Sullivan, comment
commenting ing on NELUG’s BrikWars games

 When building a Platform, there are a number

num ber of steps to be followed
followed to determine
determine its costs and abili
abilities. The
first step is to build the model. (The point costs and statis
sta tistics will be based on the model’s construc
con struction,
tion, and
not the other way around!) The size of the model’s main body and the TekLevel of its civ ilization zation will


Brik Wars: Large Targets 55

determine the object’s basic statistics and cost. Complex
Com plex Interi
Later, weapons, devices, and pro
pulsion sys
are added to give the object the ability
ability to perform
perform If you build a Platform
Platform whose interior
interior has multi
useful functions. levels or is espe
cially compli
complicated, such as a nuclear
bat tleship or the Notre Dame cathe cathedral,
dral, it will be
difficult to move units around inside them unless
5.1.1 Size you take special care in the construc
con struction of the mod-
Once the model is complete, the first thing to els. There are a number
number of construc
construction meth
deter mine is the Size" rating of the main body of  that will give you easy access to Platform
Platform interi
the Platform.
Platform. When measur suring
ing a Platform’s Size",  The eas
easiiest method is to design all platplatforms
ignore any weapons,
weapons, devices (including limbs or so their interi
ors are ‘open-air,’ with no spaces fully 
other manipu
tors), or propul
sion systems
systems (includ-
(includ- enclosed. This is more appropri
appropriate to some
thing like
ing wings, wheels, helicop
ter blades, etc.) that a dune buggy or a trop ical shrine than, for instance,
extend beyond the main body. The shape of the a lunar lander or a sub ma marine.
Platform will determine
determine how the Size" is calculated. Failing that, walls and roofs may be b e made
removable or carefully hinged in order to give access
Class I Platforms are long and narrow narrow enough to to Platform inte
ors. They may also be left off of 
be safely defined
defined by a single
single dimen
sion: length. Ex- the model entirely, while still ‘exist
‘ex isting’ as far as units
am ples in clude wires used to carry electric
elec tricity,
ity, poles in the game are concerned. Remember
Remem ber that leaving 
used to hoist flags, radiora dio towers,
towers, and flying
flying broom- them out creates
creates a danger of con confu
sion over exactly 
sticks used for witch deliv de livery.
ery. Measure
Measure the length  where they begin and end, and may make it dif fi ficult
of the model in inches; this number num ber divided by b y 10 to keep track of specific points of dam age the miss miss--
is the Platform’s Size"S ize" rat ing. In gen
eral, the length ing walls and roofs may sustain.
of a Class I Platform is lim limited
ited to five inches times Each level of a model may be removable, remov able,
its civi
tion’s TekLevel. allowing access to the level under underneath.
neath. Alterna
tively, a player may choose to place only the ground
Class II Platforms are essen
tially flat surfaces,
surfaces, with level on the battletlefield,
field, and build all upper and lower
only two signif
signifiicant dimen
sions. Exam
ples include
include lev els
els sep arately
arately and place them off to one side.
paved roads, freestanding walls and fences, dams, Finally, a player may choose to build multimultiple
rafts, snowboards,
snowboards, drift nets, and flying carpets.
car pets. In models for a single Platform - one model of the
most cases the model will be roughly rect an angu
gular; Platform’s
Plat form’s exterior, which will be placed on the bat- bat -
twisting roads and walls can be treated as rad radii cally  tlefield,
tlefield, and one or more modelsmod els of the Platform’s
inte rior, which will be held off to one side.
the rectan
and Mea
mul surethem
ply the width and this
together; length
ber di vided
 vided by 5 is the Plat form’s Size" rating. Sur-
faces that rest flat on the ground may be of any 
size; a wall that stands upright
upright is limited
limited to a height of one Story (six Brix) times its civilization’s TekLevel,

Class III Platforms, the most common

common by far, are fully three- dimen mensional.
sional. Any structure that has an ‘inside’ is a
Class III Platform,
Platform, re gardless of how flat or narrow it may ap pear to be. Exam Ex amples
ples include dump
sters, tunnels,
sur face-to-air missile
missile batter
ies, office
office buildings,
buildings, Stonehenge, lighthouses,
lighthouses, aircraft
aircraft carri
ers, and flying
flying saucers.
Find the two most dis tant points on o n oppo
op posite
site sides of the model and mea sure the num n umber
ber of inches beb etween
them (this may require
require some rough
roug h esti
tion). This number
number times two is the Plat form’s Size" rat rating.
ing. A Class
III Platform
Platform can cover any amount of hori horizon
tal area, but its height above ground and depth below below ground are
lim ited to one Story times its civilization’s TekLevel, squared.

Brik Wars: Large Targets 56

5.1.2 Armor 
 The base CP cost of a Plat Platform
form is deter-
deter- Platform
Plat form Armor
Armor Value Chart
mined by its Armor and Size" ratings.
 This chart should make it fairly clear AV ArmorX Min. TL Equivalent to
 which Armor Value is i s most appro priate for   1d 1 d6 x.5 0 Rope, Drywall, Plastic, Flesh
any given Platform,
Platform, based on the materi
materials 1d10 x1 1 Plywood, Sheet Metal, Steel Cables
Ca bles
used in its construction and its TekLevel.
 To cal
culate the Plat form’s Mass and base 2d10
Platform’s x2 1 Unmor
tared Stone, Log Walls, Sandbags
cost, multi
ply its Size" by the multi tiplier
plier 3d10 x4 2 Concrete, Mortared
Mortared Stone, Armor
Armor Plating
listed in the ArmorX column
column of this chart.
4d10 x8 4 Heavy Steel, Rein
forced Concrete
 This is the num
ber of Blox in the Platform’s
Mass, and the numbernumber of Construc tion 5d10 x12
struction 5 Strongcrete, Force Fields

Points it will cost to build the main body of 

the Platform.
Mass = Size" ´ ArmorX 
CP Cost = Size" ´ ArmorX 
 The Armor Value of o f the Plat
form applies only to the exterior
exte rior wall of the Platform.
Platform. Interior
Interior structures
(wall parti
tions, end-tables, sofas, poison
poi son gas vents), exter nal devices (weap ons, tools, propropulpulsion
sion units), and

some types
 Armor Valueof Plat
the outer
uter isur
mum facearmor
(doors, windows,
1d6). dows,
If you any typelike
would of to
exposed hingethe
strengthen or axle)
Armor have the
of some or all of these objects, you must buy them as if they were separate Platforms
Platforms (usually
(usually with a Size" rating
of 1). Their new Armor Value cannot
cannot exceed the main Platform’s Armor Value.

Optional Rule: Subterranean Chambers :|

 There are many cases in which it is advanta tageous
geous to build Platforms
Platforms or parts of platforms
platforms underground,
underground, under-
 wa ter, in the sides of moun tain cliffs, or in the vacvacuum
uum of outer space. Unfortu
Unfortunately, the same factors that
make such a Platform
Platform less accessi
ble to enemies
enemies also make the Platform
Platform more diffi
cult (and expensive) to build.
 A Platform that goes under water water (subma
rines, habi
tation domes, bridge supports)
supports) or in outer space
(starbases, space shuttles)
shuttles) has its base cost doubled. Any damdamage
age that breaches the hull will cause a danger
dan gerous
leak, so consider building
build ing a series of interior pressure locks.
 A Platform
Platform that is under ground or built into a cliffside has its base cost tripled. If the struc tural integ rity 
of the outer wall is compro
mised there should be some kind of cave-in.

5.2 Platform Components

Once the main structure
structure has been built and paid for, it will need a series of spe
ized compo
nents if it’s going 
to function
function as anything
anything more than a storage shed.
Most of the sub-structures inside your Platform (walls, doors, ladders, furni niture,
ture, wiring,
wiring, plumbing,
plumbing, etc.)
and exte rior doors, win
dows, and airlocks are pro vided free of charge. Build whatever you like. There are only a
few cate
ries of Platform
Platform compo ponents
nents that have to be bought separately.
First, any minifigs (and their equipment)
equip ment) or other units required to operate,
operate, inhabit, or defend
d efend the Plat-
form must be bought sepa sep arately. Informa
tion on purchas
ing these items can be found else where throughout
through out
the rulebook.
Second, if the Plat
form has any powered
powered compo ponents
nents then it will require some kind of Power Source.
Power Sources are cov ered in 5.2.1: Power Sources.
 All Platforms
Platforms get their first set of comput
com puters
ers or controls for free. After that it’ll cost you. These are cov -
ered in 5.2.2: Controls.
If the Platform is a vehicle
vehi cle of some kind then it will need some form of Pro pulsion to move it around.
 This is covered
covered in 5.2.3: Propul
sion. Rules for handling vehi cles are cov
ered in Chapter Six: Vehi

Brik Wars: Large Targets 57

Finally, weapons
weapons and other special Platform
Platform Armor
Armor Value Chart
devices can be attached to the Platform.
 These are covcovered
ered in Chapter Seven: TL PowerSouce Max Power CP Cost
Siege Weapons.
Weapons. 0 Rocks, Gravity, Feet (None) *
For all of these compo
com ponent
nent types, 1 Horses, Men (Manual Lab
Labor) *

the compo
physi nent
ical must by
model be spe
repre sented
cific plason
tic 2 Elepha
ntss, Ma
c, Sl
avee Te
amss 10 Po
werr *

bricks. In order to damage

dam age or destroy  3 Wind, Steam Engines 15 Power, BD/3 3xPower
those compo
nents, attacks must be 4 Fossil Fuels,
Fuels, Nuclear
Nuclear Fiss
Fission 20 Power, BD/2 2xPower
directed at those pieces.
5 Cold Hydro
gen Fus
Fusion 30 Power, BD Power

6 Anti
ter Reac
Reacttion 40 Power, 2xBD Power/2
5.2.1 Power Sources
7 Hypermatter No Limit Power/5
 A Platform’s Power Source will deter deter-- *A Platform with no Power Source has its base CP cost halved. Any devices
devices or Siege Weapons
Weap ons
mine what weapons
weapons and devices can be mounted on the Platform Platform must be loaded and fired by manual
man ual la bor; these also h ave their CP
costs halved.
mounted on it, as well as a vehicle’s
vehi cle’s accel-
eraation and top speed.
 The Power Source of a Plat form includes any parts p arts of the model that are consid sidered
ered to be part of the
engine or fuel tanks (at earlier TLs, sails, water wheels,
 wheels, and windmill blades can be Power Source compo components).
If pieces of the main Power Source are damaged damaged or destroyed, the Power rating rating of the Platform will be dam-
aged. Pieces that transfer power from an engine to the rest of the Platform, Platform, such as pressure pres sure hoses, electric electric
cable, drive shafts, gears and axles, etc. are not con sid sidered
ered to be part of the Power Source. If these pieces are
damaged or destroyed, their ability to carry Power
to specific
specific parts of the Platform
Plat form will be impaired.
 When you have built your Power Source (the Power Lines
mod eling
ing does not have to be detailed or complex
com plex -
a pair of Blox on the underside
under side of a sedan can rep- rep - Normally,
Nor mally, power lines are consid sidered
ered to be far
re sent a finely-tuned V6), its type and size will underground
under ground and out of reach of marauding maraud ing Troop-
deter mine its statis
statistics. The type can be determined ers. If you would like to take the extra effort to con- con -
by finding
finding a rough equiva
equivalent in the Power Source struct elec tric poles, wires, and trans transform
formers ers to your
col umn. The size of a Power Source is measured by  variious buildings,
 var buildings, this is free and adds entertain taining 
its Blok-Dis placement (BD). This is the num number
ber of  strate
stra tegic
gic possi

2x4 Brix as
of space it would takeSource
the Power to occupy the same
(a rough amount
esti mate
estimate will  wires A build
lead ing ing
leading only
to the loses
build ingPower whensevered.
have been allered.
sev electrical
electri cal
be fine here). High-tension
High-ten sion electri
electrical wires carry 4 points of 
 The TekLevel and Blok-Dis
ment of a Power and will shock any grounded unit that
Power Source will determine
determine the maximum Power touches them for 4d6 Damage.
Damage. Wires leading from a
rating of a Power Source, as listed in the Max transformer
trans former to a building
building carry 2 points of Power
Power column,
column, although playersplayers may choose a and will do 2d6 Damage.
Damage. Electric tricity
ity from a severed
lower out put than the maximax imum rat ing in order to  wire can arc for as many inches as there are points in
save CP. Higher TekLevels can use Power Sources the wire’s Power rat ing, so even flying fly ing units may be
from earlier
earlier TekLevels; the Power of these compo compo-- consid
con sidered
ered ‘grounded’ if they are too close to a
nents will be limited
lim ited as if they were in the earlier
earlier grounded object.
 TekLevel but their CP costs will as cheap as the Players
Play ers who enjoy this level of detail may also
cur rent TekLevel would indicate.  want to consider
consider the joys of plumbing.
plumb ing. Sewer pipes,
 A Plat
form’s Power rating
rating is equal to the  water mains, wet walls and and drainage
drainage systems
systems all offer
Power rating of its larg largest
est Power Source. Power interest
ing tacti
cal possi
biliities and may pro vide
from multi
ple sources is not cumula lative.
tive. Power additional
addi tional routes for electri trical
cal wiring.
wiring. Plus, the
can not be
b e ‘used up’ by weapons and devices; a potential
poten tial combinanation
tion of water and electric
ity is too
enter taining
ing to be over
o verlooked.

Brik Wars: Large Targets 58

Platform with 2 Power can operate

Platform operate as many 2-Power devices as can be fit on the Platform, but can not operate
oper ate a
single 3-Power device.
Power Sources that run on combusti tible
ble fuels can be quite vola
vol atile. When ever such a Power Source is
destroyed, it explodes, doing a num ber of d10s of Explosion
Explo sion Dam age equal to its Power Rating.
Prior to TL3, all Power must be supplied
supplied mechani
mechanically by the manual
manual labor of minifigs and animals,
 which At
bought separately.
and above, all build
buildings in civilized areas are connected
connected to a power grid, and should include a fuse
box some where on the premises.
pre mises. This gives all buildings
buildings a free Power rating
rating of 2, which can only be inter rupted
by switching
switching off the fuse box or dam ag aging
ing the power sta tion somehow.
some how. If 2 Power is not enough to satisfy
sat isfy the
building’s inhabit
ants, then a sepa
separate Power Source must be constructed.

5.2.2 Controls

 Man is the best com puter we can put aboard a spacecraft...

spacecraft... and the only one that can be mass produced
pro duced with unskilled labor.
  –Wernher von Braun

 Any Platform
Platform with weapons
weapons or powered devices must have some kind of control system,
sys tem, repre
sented by spe-
cific PBBs on the physical model. Examples
Examples of Platform
Platform controls include steer
ing wheels, flight sticks,

 Weaponsons levers,
mounted buton
tons, andform
a Platform
Plat V ehicles
without cles
con with
trols canout
cannot con
cannot accel
fired. erate,
turn. Siege
also need controls.
controls. A minifig unit will have to be pres
p resent
ent at the controls
controls for them to be of any use. All con trols
must somehow
somehow be physically accessible to minifigs.
Con trols come in two types: Main Controls,
Controls, which are placed in some centralcentral location
location and control
control some
or all of a Platform’s
Platform’s systems,
systems, and Manual
Manual Con trols, which are mounted directly on the device they con control.
Every Platform
Platform gets one free set of Main Controls;
Controls; this will usually be able to con trol all devices and systems
sys tems on
the Platform,
Platform, although players may choose to place lim limits
its on which sys tems the Main Controls
Con trols control
control at the
time of construc
tion. Additional
Additional sets of Main Controls
Controls cost as many CP as the Platform’s
Platform’s Power rating.
rating. Backup
sets of Main Controls can come in handy if the first set is destroyed or falls under enemy control, control, or if the Plat-
form has gunners
gunners or other systems
systems special
ists who need separate sets of controls.
Every Siege Weapon and device mounted on the Platform Plat form can be equipped with a set of Manual Con -
trols, attached directly to the weapon or device,
d evice, at no additional
addi tional cost. Manual
Manual Controls
Controls will almost always over-
ride Main Controls.
Controls. At TL4 and higher, it is pos sible to build Man ual Con trols that are not mounted directly on
a device. These Remote Controls
Controls cost as many CP as the Power Requirement of the device. If a Remote Con -
trol unit con trols more than one device, it costs as many CP as the devices’ com combined
bined Power Requirements.
 After mid-TL4, most con control
trol systems are comput
ized. Main Controls
Controls become ComputerBanx and
Man ual Controls become ComputerConsoles. Computer secu security
rity is very loose, since Troopers
Troop ers aren’t partic
larly bright and tend to get killed faster than they can memo
mem orize new pass words. It takes one full turn for a
 Trooper to take
take control
control of a ComputerBank or ComputerConsole that he has gained access to. If enemy agents
gain control
control of all of a Platform’s
Platform’s ComputerBanx, the Platform
Platform belongs to them. If they miss even one, the
Plat form is still under control
con trol of the original owner. If enemy agents take control
control of a ComputerConsole, the
ciated device belongs to them for as long as they remain at the controls.
con trols. If they leave the ComputerConsole
and the device is still attached to a main ComputerBank, the ComputerBank can be used to reas sume control control
of the device for the origi
original own ers. At TL5 and higher, a minifig at a ComputerBank has the ability abil ity to cut
Power to any device that has fallen into enemy hands.
Only the side with computer control
con trol can use powered
powered Plat form devices like auto
matic doors, motorized

have been emplacements,
emplace ments,
destroyed, inter
then allnal
of com
ni cation
the Platform’s
Plat form’s sysered
pow tems,weap
and ons
so forth.
fire atIf-3all of aallPlatform’s
Skill, Plat
theform’s ComputerBanx
pow ered doors open,
the lights go out, the TVs are stuck on the Weather Chan nel, and the showshowersers only run cold water.

Brik Wars: Large Targets 59

5.2.3 Propulsion
Platforms with Propul
Platforms Propulsionsion systems
systems are called vehi cles. Each Pro
sion system
system on a vehicle
vehi cle must be well-repre-
sented by at least one PBB (wheels, pro pel pellers,
lers, jets, etc.) Differ
ent types of Propul
Propulsion sys
tems cost differ
amounts, and vary in performance.
In gen eral it is best to build Pro
sion systems
systems whose Power requirement
requirement is equal to the Power rating
rating of 
the vehicle
vehicle on which they are mounted. However, players players may choose any Power requirement
require ment for their Propul-
sion systems
systems at the time of construction; duringdur ing the game, if the Power requirement
requirement of the Propul
Propulsion sys
exceeds the Power rating
rating of the vehi cle, the stats and abilities of the Propulsion sys
tem are reduced to match
the lower Power rating.
Pro pulsion
sion systems
systems have a number
num ber of statis
tics, based on their TekLevel and Power require
CP Cost . The CP Cost of a Propul
Propulsion syssystem
tem is the amount of CP that must be spent to build and
mount the system on a vehi
ve hicle. If the sys
tem is to be powered
powered entirely
entirely by manual
manual la bor, its cost is halved.
Cargo Ca pac
ity"  (C").
 (C"). Propul
Propulsion sys
tems can carry a certain amount of weight before
be fore their Move" and
 Accel/Decel stats
stats are affected. For ev
every inch in the C" rating,
rating, one inch of Cargo Move ment Penalty 
( -CMP") can be ignored.
Cargo, weapons,
weapons, and de vices can be loaded onto vehi
cles until
until their Move" is reduced
reduced to a mini
minimum of 
4" per turn, or 10" per turn for Fly
ers. A vehi
cle’s Accel/Decel rat ing should always be at least 1".

 Accel/Decel  (A/D).
 (A/D). When using the ac accel
eraation rules (4.3.2: Accel
eraation), the A/D rating
rat ing deter
how quickly a vehi
cle can accel
ate or deceler
ate. The A/D rating
rating is nega
negatively affected
affected by Cargo Move
M ove-
ment Penal
ties. If a Propul
Propulsion sys
tem has the ability to Turn in Place, the A/D rating
rating will be marked
 with a TP.
 Max Move" . The Movement
Movement Rate for any Propul
sion system
system is deter
mined by Power and Mass (to calcu
late Mass, see 5.1.2: Armor):
Ar mor):
Movement Rate, in inches: (4 ´ Power²) / Mass For vehi
Movement cles of low Mass: (4 ´ Power²)/(Size" ´
If this Movement
Movement Rate is higher than the Max Move" rating rat ing as determined by the vehicle’s
vehi cle’s TekLevel, the
 vehi cle’s Movement
Movement Rate is reduced to the Max Move" rating. rat ing. When the Movement
Movement Rate is reduced in this
man ner, the vehicle’s A/D rat ing is not affected; it will reflect the orig
o rigiinal Movement
Movement Rate and is not lim ited by
Ground Propul
Propulsion cov
ers any type of Propul
sion that limits
limits a vehicle
vehicle to travel
traveling over solid ground. A
Ground vehicle
vehicle most often has tires or wheels, but can also ride on things like run ners and skis. Any type of 
Ground Propul
Propulsion that allows a vehi cle to turn in place, such as treads, repulsor lifts, or hover hov ercraft
craft propel
falls under the cate
category of Treaded Propulpulsion.
sion. (If you
 would like to build a vehi
cle with treads but don’t have Ground Propul
any tread PBBs, you can arrange long rowsrow s of tires on the
model and pretend
pretend that they have treads on them.) A Treaded
robot that walks on legs can be treated as a Treaded vehi-
vehi- Ground (or Legs)
cle, as long as the robot uses the legs for walk ing only. If  (Pow
/4)) CP
CP (Pow
/2)) CP
you want to use the robot’s legs for jumping, kicking, CP Cost
jump ing, kicking,
danc ing, picking
picking things up, etc., you will have to buy  Power" Power x 1.5"
them as Limbs using the Robotic Vehicles Supplement. Cargo
obsta-- Ca
Larger tires and treads can over come larger obsta Capac

cles–for every two full Brix of tire/tread height, add 1 CP 1/2 Move" 1/3 Move" (TP)
to the cost of the propul
pro pulsion sys
tem. (Use the height of  TL x 4 " TL x 3"
the largest tire–there’s no need to buy the height of each Max Move"
tire sepa

BrikWars: Large Targets 60

Thank God men cannot

cannot as yet fly and lay waste the sky as well as  Flyer Propul
the earth! 
  –Henry David Thoreau Flye
Fly ers HoverFlyers
(3 ´ P
ower) CP (4 ´ Power) CP
Flyers are any type of vehi cles that travel in the air CP Cost
or in outer space. A HoverFlyer is any Flyer that can
1/2 Power"" 1/2 Power"
hover and turn in place. Flyer propul
sion can be reprere-- Cargo Capac
sented by wings, propel pellers,
lers, jets, rocket thrusters,
thrusters, or
repulsor pods. 1/4 Move" 1/3 Move" (TP)
Flyers should be supported
supported above the surface
surface of the
TL ´ 6
 6"" TL ´ 5"
playing field by some kind of stand. This stand doesn’tdoes n’t Max Move"
sent anything
anything on the battle
field except the shadow if
the Flier, which has no more effect than you would
expect a shadow to have.
 A non-Hover ing Flier must travel at least (Size")+5" per turn in order to stay in the air. For specific details
on Flyers mak
ing landings
landings and takeoffs
takeoffs and on keeping
keeping track of altitude,
altitude, see 6.1.2: Propul
Propulsion Types.

Don’t talk to me about naval tradi

tion. It’s nothing
nothing but rum,
Boat/Train Propul
sodomy and the lash.
  –Sir Winston Churchill Boats & Submarines
Subma rines &
Trains Blimps
Boat Propul
sion can be repre resented
sented by sails and masts,
( Po
Power/2) CP (Power/2) CP
out board motors, sternwheels, or under wa  water
ter propel
ler CP Cost
drives. Train Propul
sion is repre
sented by train wheels or
Power x 2" Power"
maglev bars on the TrainTrax. SubmaSubmarine
rine and Blimp pro-
pro- Cargo CapacCapac--
pulsion is repre
sented by propel pellers
lers or jets. Large, slow  ity"
fan tasy and sci-fi vehicles
vehicles like sky barges, sand frieghters, 1/4 Move" * 1/4 Move" *
solar galle ons, etc. can also use the stats of Boats or Accel/Decel
Blimps. TL ´ 4 4"" TL ´ 3"**
Max Move"
For a Rowed Boat, the oars can be manned with
Gal ley Slaves (see 8.2.4: Slaves). Each Slave costs   *Rowed Boats and some Subma Submarines
rines and Blimps can Turn in Place (TP).
(TekLevel) CP and pro vides 2 Power. The con control
trol system **Sub
rines and Blimps can rise or dive a maxi
maximum of one Story per turn.

for Galley Slaves gengener

ally con sists of one Slave with a
drum to beat and one or more Troopers with whips. Any Boat rowed by minifigs, even the largest larg est quadrireme,
can Turn in Place.

5.3 Destroying Large Structures

BrikWars players
players come in allal l shapes and sizes and they all have different attitudes
atti tudes regarding exactly how 
destruc tive they wish to be. Some players put weeks of effort into individ vidual
ual models
models and have no interest in
seeing their hard work destroyed. Some just want to smash every everything
thing into the tini est possi
pos sible bits. Some want
to be able to draw distinc
dis tinctions
tions between the perfor formance
mance of each system that can be damaged, disabled, or
destroyed; others
others have no inclina nation
tion to keep track of details at that level.
 The most important thing to decide is whether to allow the tear tearing
ing apart of phys ical mod els. A model that
can be torn apart is Destructi
Destruc tible;
ble; a model that can’t is Non-Destructi
Non-Destruc tible.
ble. Players
Players can effect a rule mak ing all
models on the field either Destructi
Destructibleble or Non-Destructi
ble, or they may make a sepa sep arate decision for each
model, depend ing on the wishes of the model’s creator. In general it is best to allow destruction wher ever pos -
sible, but allow
ances have to be made for the players
play ers who have grown attached to their models mod els and for the
play ers who worry about losing track of whose PBBs are whose after the models mod els have been ripped apart.

Brik Wars: Large Targets 61

Because Platform
Platform Armor can be extremely tough, units attacking attack ing it will often want to take advantage
advantage of 
Cumulative Damage and Combined Fire in order to pen peneetrate it (3.3.3: Cumula
Cumula tive
tive Damage/Com
bined Fire).
Often, units will find it eas ier to penetrate a large Platform’s Armor through subter
sub terfuge
fuge than with brute force.

5.3.1 Component Damage

In the Compo
nent Damage
Damage system, units attack
ing  Heads-Up Displays
a Platform
Platform attempt to dam age and destroy indi vid- vid-
ual PBBs within the Platform
Plat form structure.
structure. This sys-  A quick way to keep track of Platforms’
Platforms’ varying
varying Sta-
tem is best when the attacking
attacking unit is smaller or tisti
cal Damage
Damage is to attach a Heads-Up Display  Dis play 
 weaker than the tar target
get Platform, or when the (HUD) built out of flat plates. The HUD has no
attacker wants to limit dam age to a specific area. existence in the game reality, but serves as a visual
Platform design ers are care
ful enough to hide aid for players.
the most important
important systems
systems on the Plat forms’ inte-
inte - Flat plates of varying
varying colors
colors are chosen, one
riors where they’re hard to reach. As such, the dot in width, their length determined
deter mined by the stat they
attack ers will have to find or create
cre ate chinks in the repre
rep resent
sent (a Move" of 15" would be repre rep resented
sented by 
exte rior Armor. The advantage of Com Compoponent
nent a plate 15 dots long). Dice are repre
sented by thicker
Dam age is that it can allow an attacker to bypass a plates: two layers of plates indicate
indi cate d6s, three layers
indicate d10s. If the stat is impaired, a num numberber of 
Plat form’s
access to thetough exteinnards.
soft juicy rior shell and gain direct black Pips are laid along the length of the plate,
Most PBBs on the exte rior surface
sur face of a Plat- incrementally obscuring
obscuring it. When damage is
form are consid
ered to be Armored. The excep- repaired, the black Pips are accordingly
accord ingly removed.
tions are any mov ing part (a hinge, swivel, gear,  Any col
ors may be chosen
chosen for the statis
axle, etc.) or device (weapons,
(weapons, propul
propulsion, control indicators
cators and for the background
background plate on which
systems, or other spespecial-pur
pose devices), unless they are mounted, according
according to the colored
colored pieces
the builder has paid extra CP to armor these PBBs available
avail able to the players;
players; statis
tics that do not apply to
(5.1.2: Armor). Armored PBBs have the full Armor the HUD’s Platform
Platform are of course omitted
omitted (e.g.,
Rat ing of the Plat form; all other PBBs have the buildings
build ings do not have propul
pro pulsion sta
tistics). These
Plat form’s Armor Rating
Rating minus 2d10 (mini(minimum colors
col ors are only sugges
armor 1d6). Background:
Back ground: Black.
 When a comcompo ponent
nent is attacked, for every  Movement: Blue. If a Plat
form has more than
point by which the Damage Dam age Roll exceeds the one type of propul
sion, each will require a sepa
sep arate

 Armor Roll, the com compoponent

nent takes one point of  row.  Accel/Decel: Green.
Func tional Damage
Damage (indicated
(indicated by stacking
stacking gray 
Pips on or next to the affected PBB). If the level of  Power: Yellow.
Func tional Dam age is as much or greater than the  Armor: Red.
Platform’s Power Rating,
Rating, then the compo ponent
nent is Controls:
Con trols: None. A blank row is left to
Dis abled (indicated by plac
ing a black Pip on or accomodate black Pips which
whi ch will indicate Skill Pen-
next to the affected PBB). alty points.
Except for attacks doing Stun
S tun Dam age, if the Skill: Gray. Most Platforms
Platforms don’t have their
Dam age Roll is at least twice the Armor Roll, the own Skill ratings however.
com ponent
nent is destroyed. On a Non-Destructi
Non-Destruc tible Cargo Cap.: White. Cargo Capacity
Capacity inches that
model, place two black Pips to indicate the PBB are used up by -CMP" are covered with gray Pips. If 
has been Disabled
Disabled and Damaged
Damaged Beyond Repair. the -CMP" exceeds the Cargo Capacity, gray Pips
On a Destructi
Destructible model, remove the PBB from are then placed on the Movement
Movement and Accel/Decel
the model
black Pips and
to thesetmodel,
it on the ground with
or remove two
the PBB Heads-Up Displays are mostly used for Plat-
from play entirely. When a compo component
nent is forms if at all, but many special
spe cial charac
ters and
destroyed, Surplus
Surplus Damage
Damage (3.4.1: Overkill)
Overkill) and supernat
super natu
ural creatures
creatures can also bene
benefit from HUDs
Explo sion Damage
Damage (3.4.2: Explosions) can then of their own.

Brik Wars: Large Targets 62

carry over to damage

dam age or destroy other compo
com ponents
nents in their paths. If a combus
ble Power Source is destroyed,
it explodes, doing as many d10s of Explosion
Explosion Damage
Damage as were in its original Power Rating.
 All Platform
Platform compoponents
nents are suffused
suffused with special
special conduit
conduit sys tems. Power from Power Sources and con-con -
trol from control
control systems
systems must travel along chains of adjacent
adja cent compo
nents in order to reach Plat
form devices.
Nor mally there will be at least one possi
pos sible chain in which none of the com
nents have been damaged.
dam aged. When
there is not, for every point of Functional
Functional Dam age on com
nents in the chain between the Power Sup ply and
the device, the Power pro vided to the device is diminished
diminished by one. For every point of Functional
Func tional Damage
between the control
control sys tem and the device, there is a cumula
cumu lative
tive -1 Skill Penalty
Penalty for any use of the device.
Devices receiving
receiving insuffi
cient Power will not function,
function, except for Propul
sion systems
systems whose statis
tics are
decreased to reflect the change in Power supply
supply (5.2.3: Propul
Propulsion). Devices with no specific Power Require-
ments (automatic doors, turret mounts, comput puters,
ers, blenders,
blenders, etc.) will continue
continue to operate until their Power
supply has been reduced to zero.

5.3.2 Generalized Damage

In the Gener
ized Damage
Damage system, units attack
ing a Platform attempt to do damdamage
age to the entire Platform in
gen eral rather than to any part or system
sys tem specif
specifiically. This system is best when the attacking
attacking unit is larger or
more power
ful than the defending
defend ing unit, or when the attack is not localized
localized to a specific
specific area of the target (e.g.
earthquake dam age to a sky scraper or shock wave damage to a starship).
 Attacks doing General alized
ized Damage
Damage must first exceed the target target Platform’s Armor RatRating.
ing. The effect is
then deter mined by the amount of leftover
left over Dam age and the Size" rat rating
ing of the Platform. The Platform may 
sim ply suffer an assortment of pen
alties to its attrib utes and abil
abiliities, in which case the attacker rolls
ro lls on the Sta-
tis tic Ker-Pow! Table, or it may suffer
suffer a single traumatic
trau matic effect, in which case the Platform
Plat form Ker-Pow! Table is
used. Which table play ers choose to employ is a matter of personal taste.
Dam age sustained
sustained by a Platform
Platform that cannot
cannot be easily
easily repre
sented on the physi
physical model should be indi-
cated on the paper on which the Platform’s
Plat form’s basic stats are recorded. If there are multi mul tiple
ple identi
cal Platforms
using the same statistic sheet, it is best to cre
ate a PBB ‘stand’ for the Platform
Platform and to place on the stand stacks
or rows of col ored Pips reprepre
ing the vari
various amounts and types of damage damage the Platform has sustained.

The Statistic Ker-Pow! Table

For every (Size") num ber of points of DamDamage

age a Platform
Platform sustains
sustains beyond its Armor Rating, roll oneon e die (1d6
for build ings or 1d10 for vehicles). All effects are cumu
cumulalative. If a result is rolled which cannot be applied to the
Platform, contin
ually decrease the roll by one until an applicacable
ble result is achieved.

Die Ro
Roll Effect
1 Ka-ping! (no effect)Damage deflects
deflects harmlessly
harmlessly off the Platform
Plat form surface.
2–3 Power System Damage
Damage (-1 Power) The Platform
Platform loses one point from its Power Rating.If
Rat ing.If Power is
reduced to zero, the Power Source explodes.
ex plodes.
4–5 Control Systems
Systems Damage
Damage (-1 Skill Penalty)
Penalty) Devices
Devices are oper
operated at a cumu
tive -1 to Skill.
6 Structural Damage
Damage (-1 die Armor)
Armor) The Platform
Platform loses one die from its Armor
Ar mor Rating.
Rating. If there are no
dice to lose, the Platform
Platform loses one point. If the Armor
Ar mor Rating
Rating is reduced
reduced to zero, the Platform
Plat form is
de stroyed.
7-8 Propul
sion Damage
Damage (-1" Move) The vehi
cle’s top speed is reduced
re duced by one inch. If the vehi
cle has more
than one propul
sion type, the damage
dam age is done to whichever
whichever propul
sion type was most recently
re cently in use.
9–10 Torque Loss (-1" Accel/Decel, -1 CC") The vehi
cle’s accel
ation and Cargo Ca pac
ity are each
de creased by one inch.

Brik Wars: Large Targets 63

The Platform
Platform Ker-Pow! Table
mine the amount by which the Damage
Damage Roll exceeds
exceeds the
Platform’s Armor
Armor Roll and compare
compare it with the Size" rating
rat ing of the Platform.

mor) Effect
Lesss than
Les than Size"
Size" poi
nts Ka-ping!
Ka-ping! (no
(no effe
Dam age washes over the surface
sur face of the Platform,
Platform, scratching
scratching paint, scuffing
scuffing chrome, and leaving
leaving ugly little
little burn

1 ´ S
 Siize" Smoking Engine
The Power Source is lightly damaged
damaged and begins
begins spewing
spewing out clouds of dense smoke, envel
ing the Platform.
Platform. The
smoke lasts for 1d6 turns. Any unit inside
inside the Platform
Platform or any unit firing
firing at or into the Platform
Plat form takes a -1 Skill
Penalty due to poor visibility.

2 ´ S
 Siize" Minor Contu
The whole Platform
Platform is shaken. Any minifigs op oper
ing controls
controls bash their elbows
elbows on the control
con trol panels
panels and receive
nasty bruises. Any minifigs walking
walk ing around stumble
stumble one inch in a random
ran dom direc
tion. Minifigs at the controls
controls each
take a -1 Skill Penalty
Pen alty for the rest of the b attle.

3 ´ S
 Siize" Badly Shaken
The whole Platform
Platform is shaken. Any minifigs who are not braced for impact
impact fall over. Every
one is momen
tarily con-
fused and must take a moment
mo ment to get their bearings.
bear ings. The Platform
Platform and its inhab
ants may make no actions
ac tions for the
ing round. A vehi
cle may stop or continue
continue at the same speed, but it cannot
cannot turn or fire weapons.

4 ´ S
 Siize" Shaken, Not Stirred
One minifig at a set of Main Controls
Con trols panics,
panics, causing
causing an intense
intense need to receive
receive his bladder.All
bladder.All other minifigs on
the Platform
Platform suf fer the ef
fects of Badly Shaken, de scribed above. The defend
de fending player chooses one of his own
minifigs to afflict
afflict with an intense
intense urinary
urinary emergency.
emergency. If there is a bathroom
bathroom on the Platform,
Plat form, the minifig runs to use
it. Other
wise the fig must exit the platform
platform and run for the nearest
nearest tree, fire hydrant,
hydrant, alley
way, or whatever
whatever is
available. It can do nothing
nothing else until
until it has spent a full turn there.

5 ´ S
 Siize" Road Rage
The minifig at the primary
primary weapon controls
controls becomes
becomes enraged
enraged and swears a Personal
Per sonal Death Vendetta
Vendetta against the
sol dier, vehi
cle, or weapon that hit him. All other minifigs on the Platform
Platform suffer
suffer the effects
effects of Badly Shaken, above.
The enraged
enraged minifig will do every
ev erything
thing in his power to destroy
destroy the offender.
offender. He can focus
focus on nothing
nothing else until
until that
at tacker has been destroyed.
de stroyed. It may become
become neces
sary for other minifigs on the Platform
Plat form to subdue
subdue their angry

6 ´ S
 Siize" Compo ponent
nent Loss
The shot hits a weapon mount, and a weapon is blown off. One weapon of the defender’s
de fender’s choice falls off of the
Plat form but is undam
aged. If the Platform
Plat form has no weapons,
weapons, the defender
defender may choose an impor
tant exte
rior de-

vice. If there
rior to are(Ifnothe
bust off. weap
form devices,
devices, the defender
is Non-Destruc
Non-De must
tible, choose
ble, then thesome signent
compo doesfeanot
isform exte--

7 ´ S
 Siize" Worse Compo ponent
nent Loss
The shot hits a weapon mount, and a weapon is blown off. Same as Com
nent Loss, above, except
except that the at-
at -
tacker gets to choose which de vice falls off.

8 ´ S
 Siize" Critical Compo
nent Loss
The shot causes a ma jor systems
systems overload.
overload. The defender
defender chooses a ma jor system
system to disable
disable from the follow
ing list:
• All Plat
formm weapons
• Onee Pla
On Plattform Power Source
• Onee Pr
On Pro
sion system
• Alll Mai
Al Mainn Co
• All exte
rior devices,
devices, includ
ing doors, hinges, and swivel turrets
turrets The defender
defender may not choose a system
sys tem that the
Plat form does not have or that has already been dis abled or de destroyed.
stroyed. If any of the disabled system’s
sys tem’s devices
are mounted on the Plat form exte exterior,
rior, at least half of them fall off.
(If the Platform
Platform is Non-De struc ti
ble, the exte
exterior de
vices that would have fallen off are instead
instead Disabled
Disabled and Dam-
aged Beyond
Beyond Repair.)

Brik Wars: Large Targets 64

9 ´ S
 Siize" Ma jor Structural
Structural Breach
The Platform
Platform is broken
broken into two roughly equal halves. All minifigs in the Platform
Platform are Stunned. Unbraced
Un braced minifigs
fall over. The defender
defender breaks the Platform
Platform in two, making
making sure the break is handled
handled in such a way that the two
sec tions can sepa
separate from one another.
another. Devices
Devices no longer
longer connected
connected to a Power Source or to controls
controls can no
lon ger be used. Propul
sion systems
systems may be signif
signifiicantly handi
handicapped by dragging
dragging parts or lost stabi
ers; in this
case vehi
cles receive
receive a -50%MP or the Propul
sion system
system is Disabled,
Disabled, whichever
whichever seems most appro
ate. Minifigs
and devices
devices within 1" of the breach are killed or Destroyed.
Destroyed. (If the platform
platform is Non-Destruc
Non-Destruc tible,
tible, all minifigs within
the Platform
Platform are killed and the main Power Source is Destroyed.)

10 ´ S
 Siize" Ka-Boom!
The Platform
Platform explodes
explodes in a huge plume of fire. Every
one on the battle
field, friend and foe alike, cheer at this beau-
tiful sight, so dear to a warrior’s
war rior’s heart.The Platform
Platform explodes,
explodes, doing
doing explo
sion damage
damage equal to its Armor
Armor Value. If 
the model is DeD estruc ti
ble, it is ripped apart. Half the pieces are removed
removed from play and half are left on the battle
bat tle-
field as smoking
smoking debris.
debris. Other
wise, the model is laid on its side or turned upside-down and considconsidered
ered Damaged
Beyond Repair.

If you get a result that can’t be applied to your Platform,

Platform, use the pre vious entry in this table and roll one
die on the Sta tis
tic Ker-Pow! Table.


Peo ple
 ple are broad-minded.
broad-minded. They’ll accept the fact that
that a person
person can be an alcoholic,
alcoholic, a dope fiend, a wife beater, and even a news pa- 
 perman, but if a man does not drive, there is something
something wrong with him.
 –Art Buchwald

Plastic brick enthusi

Plastic enthusiasts are model cit citiizens, but they do tend to pick their favorite construc
con struction gen
res and
gather into exclusive
exclusive and self-righteous
self-righteous cliques. Space fans look down on Castle Cas tle fans. Mecha fans look down
on Space fans. Technic
Technic fans look down on Mecha fans, and so on and so forth. The upshot is, every one of 
them has a pre
p rede
mined idea of the rela
rel ative impor tance of vehicles and how they should be han handled
dled in battle,
and God have mercy on the guy who tries to argue with them.
In order to cater to the stubborn
stub born preju
prejudices of these groups, BrikWars has several
several differ
different sys
tems for
han dling vehicles.
vehicles. The systems
systems are not mutually
mutually exclusive;
exclusive; different vehi
cles built under each system can all be
included in the same battle
battle or even on the same team without
without throwing
throwing everything
everything out of whack.
Basic vehicle
vehicle construc
construction is cov
ered in Chapter Five: Large Targets.
Tar gets. Just slap together a Platform
Platform and
stick a Propul
sion system
system or two on it.
Players who are inter ested in building much more com complex
plex vehicles, robots, or mecha, fine-tun ing every 
sub tle aspect of perfor
performance, and knowknowing ing their machines inside and out are advised to take a look at Sup ple-
ment RV: Robotic Vehi cles. War machines built using those rules are called Robotic Vehicles.
Players who are interested
interested in capi
capital ships, fleet maneu vers, and command crew organi organiza
tion will want to
read Supple
ment NF: NanoFleet Battles.
Battles. Vehicles
Vehicles built under these rules are called Fleet Ships.
Finally, players who have no time for all the involved
inv olved graphs and charts of even the basic
b asic vehicles
vehicles rules
 will want to use the Quick and Dirty Vehicles
Vehi cles rules to slap together some quick, generic machines and get on
 with the game. Vehi
cles built using these rules are called Timmy-Mobiles.

Optional Rule: Quick and Dirty Vehicles :P 

Not everyone
everyone cares enough about vehicles to put up with try ing to remem rememberber all the rules and stats in the basic
 vehicles system.
system. For the most vehicularly apathetic
apa thetic play ers, time wasted thinking
think ing about how their car works is
time that could be better spent getting
getting involved in the lives of their minifigs. For them, we pres ent the Quick 
and Dirty Vehi cles rules.
 A Quick and Dirty vehicle, or Timmy-Mobile, is bought in Timmy-Chunks
Timmy-Chunks (TC). Each Timmy-Chunk is
10 dots in area (e.g. a vehicle
vehi cle that was 31 to 40 dots in area would be four Timmy-Chunks). The Power and CP
Cost of a Timmy-Mobile will be determined
determined by the number of Timmy-Chunks used to build it. A Flying 

 Timmy-Mobile costs
costs twice as many
many CP as a non-flying Timmy-Mobile.


Brik Wars: Vehicles 66

 All weap
ons and equipment
equipment must be bought sepa
separately (Chapter Quick and Dirty Vehi
cles Stats
Seven: Siege Weapons). Any time a Timmy-Mobile takes more dam damage
than its 2d10 AV, bust off an appropri
appro priate Timmy-Chunk. Mechanix do Move:
not repair Timmy-Mobiles or use Timmy-Chunks in the repair of other TC
 vehicles. Power:

Regardless of what sys tems are used to construct
con struct a vehicle,
vehicle, all vehi-
vehi- 2d10
cles must adhere to the basic rules covered
cov ered in this chapter.
chapter. Armor:
Ar mor:
6.1 The Pilot
2 ´ TC CP
Normal Troop ers have all the skills neces
Normal necessary
sary to operate vehicles of their Flight Cost:
operate vehicles
own TL and earlier,
earlier, but they do so at a very rudimen
tary level. On any 
given turn, they can perform
perform only one of the fol low
ing tasks:

· Steer
ing the vehicle
vehicle and acceler
ing or deceler
· Fir
ing any one type of vehi cle weap ons at a single
sin gle target
· Oper
ing a single
single Siege Device such as shields or a cloak 

 When something
something goes wrong, such as a loss of traction or a drop in the Power supply,
supply, normal
normal Troopers
are at the mercy of the laws of physics.
phys ics. They don’t have the training
training to know how to deal with these common
com mon
prob lems.

Specialty: Piloting (+1 CP)

For one additional
additional CP, any minifig can be given the Piloting
Pilot ing Spe cialty and become a full-fledged Pilot. Pilots
are spe cial Troop ers who have the aptitude
apti tude and training
training to handle
handle high-perfor
mance and mili
military vehicles. Any 
unit with the Piloting
Piloting Specialty,
Specialty, on any given turn, can per form any two of the fol low
ing tasks:

· Steering the vehicle and accel

ing or deceler
ing, including forcing the vehicle to Exceed Per
mance Limits
Limits (6.2.1 Acceler
Acceleraation, Deceler
Deceleraation, and Turning)

· Fir
ing any number of vehicle weap ons at a single tar
· Oper
ing any number
number of Siege Devices or other com plex special
special vehicle
vehicle functions

For +2 CP, any minifig can become an Ace Pilot and perform all three tasks at once.
(For more minifig specialties and troop types, see Chapter Eight: Military Profes
als, and Chapter
Nine: Battle
field Irregu

6.2 Vehicle Performance

 A vehicle’s
vehi cle’s basic attributes
attributes (Size", Armor, Mass, Power, Move", C", and Accel/Decel rat ings) are deterdetermined
 when it is constructed (Chapter
(Chapter Five: Large Tar gets). These stats, and the type of pro pul
sion system
system in use, will
determine the basic per for
mance level of the vehicle.

Optional Rule: Vehicle Performance Modification :P 

In most mili
military organi
tions, equipment,
equipment, training, and vehicle types are heavily standard
ized. This is due in
large part to the fact that it keeps the gen
als from going insane trying
trying to keep track of the peculiar
ities of two

Brik Wars: Vehicles 67

or three dozen differ

ent types of custom
cus tomized
ized units and vehicles
vehicles on the battlefield. How
ever, in merce
nary out-
fits and among the more mav ererick
ick pilots, vehicle
vehicle mod ifi
tions are a common sight. In some mil itary organi
tions, whole divisions
divisions of vehicles
vehicles are given the same set of ‘standard
‘stan dardized
ized customizations,’ in order to gain the
per formance
mance advantages without causing confusion.
 The CP cost for a Vehicle
Vehicle Perfor
mance Improvement
Improvement is equal to the Power Rating
Rat ing of the vehicle
vehi cle or pro-
pulsion system
pulsion system to which it is applied. Each Perfor
mance Improve ment may only be applied to a sin gle vehi cle
or propul
propulsion system once.

Vehicle Performance Improvements

· Increased Top Speed . Increases the top speed of the Propul

sion system
system by 50%, after Movement
Movement Penalty 
· Improved Handling 
Handling . Decreases the Propul
Propulsion sys
tem’s TurnRate by 50%. Pilots have a +1 bonus to all
Piloting Skill Rolls.
· Improved Acceler
Acceleraation And Braking.
Braking.   Doubles the Pro
pulsion sys
tem’s Accel/Decel rating, after Move-
ment Penalty adjustments.
· High Torque. 
Torque.  A Propul
sion system’s
system’s Cargo Capacity
Capacity (C") is doubled.
doubled. The vehicle
vehicle pushes and tows
objects as if its Power were also doubled.
doubled. The vehicle takes no move
ment penal
penalties for
fo r mov
ing uphill
or over rough terrain.
· Built To Last. 
Last.  All inte rior struc
tures and external
external devices have the same Armor Rating
Rating as the vehicle’s
vehi cle’s
external armor.
· Lux
ury Edition.
Edition. Cushy
 Cushy suspen
sion gives a ride as smooth as glass, engine noise is reduced by 97.6%,
other features
features are as appropri
ate to the vehicle
vehi cle type (air condition
ing, CD player, leather interior,
interior, etc.).

Players who want to decrease the perfor

Players performance
mance of a vehicle
vehicle get no points back. However,
How ever, for every 
Disimprovement a vehicle
vehicle takes, it may take one Improvement
Improvement at no cost. A player does not have to take the
free Improvement
Improvement if he doesn’t
doesn’t want to. A vehicle
vehi cle or propul
sion system
system cannot
cannot have both an Improvement
and its corre
ing Disimprovement, and each Perfor
Performance Disimprovement may only be applied to a sin-
gle vehi cle or pro
pulsion system once. |

Vehicle Performance Disimprovements

· Decreased Top Speed . Decreases the top speed of the Pro

sion system
system by 50%, after Movement Penalty
· Decreased Handling 
Handling . Increases a Propul
sion System’s
System’s TurnRate by 50%. Pilots have a -1 penalty
penalty to all
piloting Skill Rolls.
· Decreased Acceler
Acceleraation And Braking.
Braking. Halves a Propul
Propulsion sys
tem’s Accel/Decel rating,
rating, after Movement
Penalty adjustments.
· Low Torque. The
Torque. The Propul
sion system’s
system’s Cargo Capacity
Capacity (C") is halved, and the vehicle
vehi cle pushes and tows
objects as if its Power were also halved. The vehicle
vehicle takes double the nor
mal Movement
Movement Penal
ties for
moving uphill or over rough ter
· Poor Manu
Manu fac
ture. All
 All Functional
Functional Damage
Damage done to vehicle
vehicle compo
nents is doubled.
· Pre
ously Owned . The suspen
sion is bad, the engine knocks, there’s an oil leak, and the vehicle
vehi cle backfires
every few yards. Add 50% to every Damage
Dam age Roll made against the vehicle
vehicle (round down), and any roll
made by the vehicle
vehicle or its pilot in which all the dice come up two or less is an Automatic Failure.

Brik Wars: Vehicles 68

If a vehi cle receives Per

mance Improve ments, they must be rep
sented on the vehicle
vehicle model some-
how, so that it is obviously
obviously a High Perfor
mance Vehicle.
Vehicle. A player might add a spoiler, racing
racing stripes, perfor
mance tires, a blower, high energy ion engines, a braking
brak ing parachute,
parachute, plasma-spitting
plasma-spitting quadru
ple exhaust, chrome
detailing, flame decals, etc.
Per formance
mance Disimprovements do not neces
sarily have to be repre
sented in any way. Leaving sec tions of 
the vehicle
vehicle primer gray or rust brown, making
making the vehicle a LowRider, putting
putt ing the chassis
chassis up on concrete
blocks, or putting
putting a Jaw-Jaw or a Dimmy behind the wheel are all fine ways of rep resenting a Low Perfor
Per formance
It is consid
ered extremely poor form to take Perfor
mance Disimprovements that will have no real effect,
 whether due to the nature of the vehicle or because
because of optional rules that are not going to be in use in a partic
lar game. Be prepared to get whacked with the Hammer of Dis Disci

6.2.1 Acceleration, Deceleration, and Turning

Players will have to decide for themselves
Players them selves how and whether they want to limit the accel eration, deceler deceleraation,
and turn rates for some or all of their vehi cles. In many bat battles
tles these factors will not make enough of a differ-
ence to be worth the extra trouble
trouble to keep track of, and should be ignored.
 A vehicle’s
vehicle’s basic acceler
acceleraation and deceler
deceleraation ability
ability is determined
determined by its Accel/Decel (A/D) rating.
rat ing. Like
the Move" rating,
rating, this number is decreased by what w hatever
ever Cargo Movement
Movement Penal
ties exceed the Cargo Capacity.
Capac ity.
 A vehicle
vehicle can accelererate
ate or deceler
ate its current veloc ity by any numn umber
ber of inches up to its A/D rating,
rat ing, at the
beginning of its turn (4.3.2 Acceler eraation). If a vehicle’s
vehicle’s A/D rating
rating is reduced to zero or less by -CMP" or
Func tional Damage, the vehicle can no longer acceler erate
ate or deceler
ate under its own power. It will con tinue
ing at the same velocity until slowed to a stop by an uphill slope, fric friction,
tion, or other units shoving on it
(4.3.4 Shov ing and Drag
D ragging Objects). The vehicle may be stopped more quickly by driv driving
ing it into a wall or
detonating large chunks of the chassis.
chas sis.
If a player decides to limit a vehicle’s
vehi cle’s ability
ability to turn, he must calcu
cal culate
late the vehicle’s
vehicle’s TurnRadius". The
 TurnRadius" indicates
indicates the tightest
tightest possi
ble radius at which a vehicle can make turns, and will vary from turn to
turn according
according to the vehicle’s
vehi cle’s current
current velocity.
velocity. There are two factors which deter determine
mine the TurnRadius". First,
a vehicle’s
vehicle’s TurnRadius" cannot cannot be shorter than the length of its own chassis from front to back, unless the
 vehi cle’s propul
sion type allows it to Turn in Place. Secondly,
Secondly, the vehicle’s
vehicle’s TurnRadius" can not be less than its
own current veloc
ity - if the vehicle wants to make a very tight turn, it will have to take it slow. These limits lim its are
affected by the Improved Handling
Han dling and Decreased Handling Performance Modifications.
Once the TurnRadius" has been determined,
deter mined, there are two ways to employ it on the battletlefield.
field. The first
 way is to keep track of the distance the vehicle has trav
traveled. When it has traveled the length of its TurnRadius",
it can turn 45 degrees. If its TurnRadius" is longer than its Move", it may have to wait a turn or more between
each 45 degree turn.
 The second
second method is to measure a length of string equal to the vehicle’s current
current TurnRadius". Place one
end of the string on the edge of the vehi cle on the inside of the turn, and pull the far end of the string taut,
directly away from the vehicle.
vehi cle. The vehi cle can then pivot around the point at the far end of the string.

Optional Rule: G-Force :P 

 When a vehicle makes a sharp turn, the passen
gers and objects inside may be subjected
sub jected to power
ful centrif
force. This force is measured
measured in Gs, one G being equal to the down ward
down ward acceler
acceleraation of gravity.
gravity. To calcu
the number
number of Gs induced inside a turning
turn ing vehicle,
vehicle, divide the vehi cle’s velocity
veloc ity squared by four times the radius
of the turn:

G-force of turn: (velocity)²/(4 ´ ra


Brik Wars: Vehicles 69

G-force may also be created

created by rapid acceler
accel eraation or deceler
deceleraation in any direction
direction in a single
single round. This
number of Gs is simply calcu
cal culated by
b y divid
ing the amount of acceler
acceleraation or deceler
eraation by 4.

G-force of accel
eraation: (accel
eraation)/ 4

 At a G-force
G-force of one, any object in the vehicle
vehicle that has not been secured will slide or be thrown around the
interior of the vehicle. If the vehi
cle is of a type that banks dur ing turns (air
planes and some spacefighters),
objects will not slide around during
dur ing turns.
Minifigs who are not wearing seatbelts can brace them selves in place and keep themselves
them selves from being 
thrown around until the G-force exceeds their own Power rating. rating.
If the G-force is higher than 3G, minifigs may begin to lose conscious
con sciousness.
ness. Every minifig exposed to
high-G acceler
acceleraation must make a Skill Roll vs. a UR equal to the number
number of Gs minus three, or take one level of
Stun damage.
damage. If the Skill Roll is less than half of the UR, the minifig takes two levels
levels of Stun Damage.

Optional Rule: Exceeding Performance Limits :P 

 A minifig with the Pilot
ing specialty
specialty can attempt to force a vehicle
vehicle to exceed the limits
limits of its A/D or
 TurnRadius" ratings. To do so he will need to make a Pilot
ing Skill Roll against a UR equal to the number
num ber of 
inches by which he attempts to increase or decrease one or both of these stats. If the Piloting
Piloting Skill Roll is suc-

ful, the maneu ver succeeds
happens. succeeds and the vehicle
vehicle can continue
continue on its merry way. If the roll rol l fails, some thing bad
 The nature of the bad result
result must be decided and agreed upon by the players players at the table (this may require
a What I Say Goes Roll). In almost all cases the result will be a sim ple Loss of Trac Traction
tion (defined later in this sec-sec-
tion), possisibly
bly accessorized by one or more Capsizings. If a Loss of Traction Traction result is not appropri
appro priate,
ate, then the
 vehi cle will typi
typically take a point of Func
F unctional Damage
Dam age to either the propul pulsion
sion system
system or to the Power Source.
In certain sit
uations a vehicle
vehicle will experi
ence a Loss of Trac tion. This might occur when a moped hits an
oil slick, when a mus cle car has its wheels shot out, when a jet-ski catches air off a big wave, or when a heli helicop
ter hits an inexpli
cable patch of airless vacuum.
vac uum. Minifigs with the Piloting
Piloting Specialty can delib delibererately
ately initi
ate a
Loss of Traction in most vehicles,
vehi cles, by pulling the emergency brake, cut cutting
ting the throttle, baking
bak ing the tires, or some
such maneu ver in order to rotate the vehicle vehicle sharply or to frighten pas sen sengers.
gers. This is called a Controlled
Con trolled Skid
and does not require any type of Piloting Skill Roll.
 When a vehicle experi riences
ences a Loss of Traction,
Trac tion, the driver no longer
longer has direct con trol over the direction
direc tion
or velocity
velocity of the vehicle.
vehicle. The vehicle contin
con tinues
ues moving
moving in whatever direction
direc tion it was moving
moving when traction was
lost. If the vehicle
vehicle was turning
turning at that criti
critical moment, it will continue
con tinue rotating
rotating at the same rate despite trav el eling
in a straight line. A Pilot execut
ing a Controlled
Controlled Skid can choose this rate of rotationrotation at the begin ning of the
skid, although the vehiv ehicle must travel at least as far as its own chassis length for every 180 degrees to its spin.
If the vehicle
vehicle is top-heavy
top-heav y or hits an obstacle while travel
trav eling
ing side ways, it will Capsize,
Cap size, falling
falling over on its
side and taking Collision Damage between itself and the ground. The Capsized vehi vehicle
cle will continue
continue skidding 
along, possi sibly
bly Capsiz
Capsizing sev
eral more times, potentially
potentially bringing
bringing itself upright once again. Boats and Trains
are especially
especially prone to Capsizing. Submarines are not. no t.
 When traction
traction is lost, a driver without
without the Piloting skill must wait for the vehiclevehi cle to regain it on its own.
 This is not an exact sci ence and players must be willing to tol er erate
ate some impreci cision.
sion. In general,
general, a spinning 
 vehi cle will lose 60 degrees of spin per p er turn, and a vehicle
vehi cle that is not spinning
spinning but is facing
facing in the wrong direc-
tion will turn to face the direction
direc tion of its motion (or in the exact opposite
opposite direction,
direction, if that is closer) at a rate of 
60 degrees per turn. The vehicle’s
vehicle’s motion will be slowed every turn accordingaccord ing to friction (4.3.4 Shoving and
Drag ging Objects). When the vehicle
vehicle has stopped, or when its spin has stopped and it is pointing point ing towards or

away A
from the with
driver direc
wit tionPiloting
h the of its
skill hastraction
additional andHe
option. themay
any Procontrol.
pulsion system
system on the vehicle
to add an acceler
accel eraation vec tor to the vehicle’s
vehi cle’s motion and/or rotation
rotation (4.3.2 Accelereraation), in addition to the
effects described in the last paragraph.
paragraph. A Pilot can only accelerate in a direction that his Pro pul
sion system
system can
point (this may cover a 90 degree arc if his car has front wheel drive), up to one half of the vehicles

Brik Wars: Vehicles 70

 Accel/Decel rating.
rating. The Pilot can also use the steering
steering system
system to add or sub tract 30 degrees from the vehicle’s
v ehicle’s

6.2.2 Propulsion Types

 A vehicle’s Propul
Propulsion type will limit where it can drive around. Boats stop moving
mov ing around when they’re not in
 water. Trains are limited to the range of their TrainTrax. Ground Vehicles
Vehicles can not drive around in midair. Fliers
Fli ers
can not dig tunnels
tunnels into the sides of mountains
mountains (though it’s fun to watch them try). Hover Fliers Fli ers cannot
cannot escape
the event horizons of black holes.
Ground Propul
Propulsion is straight
forward and should be easy for players to han handle.
dle. Almost any unusual situ situa-
tion which could affect a Ground vehicle’s
vehicle’s movement
movement will be covered
covered in 4.1: Moving
Moving Around.
 The Propul
sion type that gives players
play ers the most trouble
trouble is the Flier. A Flier is rep
r epre
sented on the playing 
area as a vehicle
vehicle with wings, pro pellers, etc., supported above the surface of the field by some kind of stand.
 The stand doesn’t
doesn’t repre
sent anything
anything on the battle
field except the shadow of the Flier, and has no n o more effect
than you would expect a shadow to have. Since Fliers Fli ers fly, they don’t take any movement
move ment penal
ties for rough
terrain, and they can fly right over buildings
buildings and obstacles.

Optional Rule: Altitude :P 

 Air planes
 planes are inter
ing toys but of no mili
military value.
 –Marechal Ferdinand Foch, Foch, Profes
sor of Strategy,
Strategy, Ecole Superieure de Guerre.

Gener ally, a Flier’s altitude
altitude is assumed to be one Story (six Brix) higher than whatever what ever surface
surface is directly 
beneath it. If players
players want to go to the trouble
trouble of keeping
keeping track of a Flier’s altitude,
alti tude, they don’t have to change
the height of the Flier stand every round (although they can if they want) - a stack of blue b lue Pips next to the base
of the stand is enough to indicate the num number
ber of Stories
Stories in the Flyer’s altitude.
alti tude. A Flier can climb (losing 2" of 
speed) or dive (gain ing 2" of speed) one story of alti altitude
tude per round. Unless it is dropping
drop ping bombs or firing
firing some
kind of hinged belly-guns, a Flier shooting
shooting at targets
targets more than a full Story lower than itself will have to drop its
nose and lose a full Story of altitude.
alti tude. Simi
Similarly, a Flier fir ing at tar
gets more than a full story above itself may 
have to raise its nose, gaining
gaining one Story of altitude. Unpowered Fliers (Gliders)
(Glid ers) either sacri
sacrifice 2" of speed or
lose one story of altitude
altitude every turn. Any non-Hover
non-Hovering travels less than (Size")+5" per turn automat
ing Flier that travels automat-
ically loses one Story of altitude.

rine does notrules
gaincan alsospeed
or lose be used to keep
in relation
rela track
tion to of a Sub
changes marine’s
marine’s depth below sea level, except that a Subma
in depth. Sub ma-
 To take off and land, non-Hover
non-Hovering ing Fliers
Fliers need a stretch of clear terrain or road way to use as an airstrip.
 A reg
reguular Flier needs to travel (Size")+5" per turn to achieve liftoff
lift off and to remain airborne.
airborne. If the Flier can
reach that speed before the end of the run way, or can deceler
ate from that speed within the length of a land ing 
strip, then everything
everything will be fine. Other
Otherwise, the Flier crashes into whatever
what ever is at the end of the strip.

Siege Weapons

I know not with what weapons

weap ons World War Three will be fought, but World War Four will be fought with sticks and stones.
  –Albert Ein

 Vehicles are nice for moving

 Vehicles mov ing troops around in a hurry, and bases are nice because they give troops a strong 
point of defense.
defense. But let’s not kid ourselves
ourselves - the real reason you want to have these things around is because
the weapons
weapons your sol diers are car
ing around just aren’t big enough to really satisfy
satisfy your appetite
appetite for destruc-
tion. Bases and vehicles jus tify their existence
exis tence by carry
carrying the really big guns.

7.1 Mounting Siege Weapons

 Any troop-level weapon can be mounted on a Platform for 1 CP (plus the cost of purchas purchasing the weapon), but
 who wants to buy troop-level weapons when there are Siege Weapons Weapons to be had? This is no time to wuss out.
 Take a look at the differ
ent sets of weapons in the charts throughout
throughout this chapter
chapter and you’ll see what we’re talk -
ing about. Siege weapweapons
ons are designed to be mounted, so the listed cost for buying the weapon is the cost of 
mount ing it.
Every Siege Weapon has a Power requirement
requirement (PwrRq).
(PwrRq). The Siege Weapon
Weapon cannot
cannot be acti vated
 vated unless at
least that much Power is being supplied
sup plied to it by a Platform
Platform Power Source, by porta
ble battery
battery packs, or by the
hard labor of slaves and beasts of bur den. A Siege Weapon does not ‘use up’ the Power supplied supplied by a Platform
Power Supply;
Supply; that Power is still also available
avail able to any other Siege Weapons
Weapons or devices that are attached to the
 What ever direction
direction a mounted weapon is pointing
point ing is pretty much the direction
direc tion it fires. A mounted
 weapon has a 45 degree cone of fire (22.5 degrees to either side and above and below the direc direction the weapon
is pointing). If a player wants to shoot at something
some thing that is not in that cone of fire, he’ll have to turn the
 weapon somehow.
somehow. If the weapon is mounted on a vehicle, vehicle, just turn the vehicle
vehicle to face in the proper direc tion.
If it’s on a building,
building, you’re not
no t going to have much luck trying to rotate the building.
building. Also, if if the weapon is
mounted on the top of a wall, and enemies
enemies are camped out at the base of the wall, the gun g unners are going to wish
they had some way to point the guns downward.
Good thing there are turrets
tur rets and hinges! For 3 CP, a player can mount a group of weapons and devices
on a tur ret or hinge that allows them one axis of rota tion. Any combi combina
tion of turrets and hinges that allows

multiple axes of rota

tion for a single
single weapon group costs 5 CP.

Brik Wars: Siege Weapons 72

7.2 Using Siege Weapons

Siege Weap ons are described in charts simi
sim ilar to the charts used for troop weapons.
weapons. Most of the column
column head-
ings are equivalent to those found in 2.2: Ranged Weapons.
 The two new headings
head ings are Size" and PwrRq. Size" describes the miniminimum length, usually
usually in inches, of 

the weapon
 weapon type,orand
weapon barrel.
it is only This in
included is case
the most generic
players way to
are unable to dif feren
think enti
tions els ofselves.
PwrRq indicates
indicates the Power Requirement
Requirement of the the weapon. The weapon can only operate operate if at least this amount
of Power is supplied to it.
Until the invention
invention of RobotBrains (Supple
ment RV: Robotic Vehi cles), Siege Weap ons can only be fired
by minifigs.
minifigs. With all those futuris
futuristic ComputerViruses, it’s too dan danger
ous to let comput
ers fire weapons.
weapons. A
minifig can either use man ual or cen
tral controls
controls to oper
op erate a mounted weapon (5.2.2: Con Controls).
trols). With manual
con trols, the minifig must actually be stand
ing or sitting
sitting next to the weapon
weapon (or weapon group). Cen Central
tral con-
trols are usu ally used by a Pilot to fire the weapons
weap ons on his vehicle.
vehi cle. Central
Central controls
controls can also be used by a
minifig at a base ComputerBank to control base weapons.
 A minifig cannot
cannot control
control Siege Weapons
Weapons both manually and centrally
centrally in the same turn. Which
ever one of
the two control
control meth ods he chooses to employ, he can con trol however how ever many weapons
weapons that type of control
gives him access to.
Each minifig can only shoot at one tar get per turn. If a player has two mounted weapons weapons and wants them
to fire at two separate targets,
targets, he’ll have to have a sepa
separate minifig firing each.
For larger Siege Weapons,
Weapons, the Usage Rating
Rating is beyond the maximum Skill Rolls Rolls of most minifigs. This is
inten tional; units firing
firing these guns should either focus on targets
tar gets large enough to get tagged by NearMisses
(3.1.2: NearMiss Rules), take advantage
advantage of Scouts’ Target
ing Spe cialty (8.2.2: Scouts), or pray for Criti
Crit ical Suc
cess Rolls (1.4: Basic Combat).
Combat). Siege WeapWeapons
ons are affected by the same Ranged Attack Modi Modififiers
ers as troop
 weap ons (3.1.1: Ranged Attack Modifiers).
If a mounted weapon is not manned by the side that owns it, an enemy can sneak up and use it for his
own nefarious purposes.
purposes. For weapon
weapon emplace
ments just sitting
sitting out in the wilder
ness, all he has to do is show 
up and he can use it right away. For weapons
weapons mounted on vehicles,
vehi cles, he has to get into the gunner’s
gun ner’s seat (if there
is one), or (more usually)
usually) elimi
eliminate the driver and commanmandeer
deer the vehicle.
vehicle. For weapons mounted on a com- com -
put erized
ized Platform,
Platform, once he takes control
control of a ComputerConsole on a weapon, there’s a good chance the Main
Com puter will cut Power to that weapon (5.2.2: Controls),
Controls), so he may want to bring some PowerPax.

7.3 Siege Ranged Weapons

7.3.1 Ammo-Free Guns
 The Ammo-Free Guns are divided into three groups. The first is Lasers, which cover all guns which fire in a
straight line (lasers, machine guns, phasers, etc.). Blasters also fire in a straight line, but their beams are com-
posed of phased energy which causes an explosion
explo sion wherever it strikes (disruptors, plasma cannons, antimat matter
pro jectors,
tors, etc.). Ballistix are any type of slug-thrower, launch
ing physical projec
tiles in a para
parabolic arc (tank 
can nons, mor tars, artillery, deck guns, etc.). Smaller Lasers and Blasters can be used for AutoAutomatic
matic Fire at TL5
and above (3.3.4: Automatic
Automatic Fire).
Fire). Blasters and Ballistix cause
cause Explosion
Explosion Damage wher wherever
ever they hit (3.4.2:
Explo sions). (In Ballistik
Ballistik Dam
Damage ratings,
ratings, only the d20s are used to determine an explosion’s
explo sion’s area of effect.)
Many of these weapons
weapons are ‘slow,’ meaning they must wait a turn between each firing, fir ing, or ‘2 ´ slow,’
mean ing they must wait two turns. If this becomes a problem
problem to keep track of, place white Pips on slow weap -
ons to indicate
indicate the number
number of turns before they can be fired again.
Lasers fire only in straight lines. If a Laser weapon com pletely destroys a target,
target, whatever
whatever Damage
Damage is left
over will continue
continue in the same trajec
tra jectory
tory to strike any object behind the origi
original target, within the maximum
range of the laser. Blasters expend all their
their energy in an explosion
explosion when they hit a tar get, and do not continue
con tinue
on in this fashion
fashion (3.4.1: Overkill).

Brik Wars: Siege Weapons 73

 While Lasers Classi

Clas sifi
tion: Lasers
Ge neric Ranged Siege Weapons
and Blasters fire in
straight lines,
 Weapon TL CP Range UR   -CMP” PwrRq Size" Damage
Ballistik weapons
fire in high para- Las MkI (4 16 20" (3 -1" (2 1" 2d6+2
(auto) (5) (6)   (4) 2d6 (auto)
bolic arcs. If a
Ballistik weapon is Las MkII (5 20 20" (4 -1" (4 2" 3d6+2
restrained from ele-
ele- (auto) (5) (7)   (6) 3d6 (auto)

 vat ing its barrel to Las MkIII 5 24 25" 5   -2" (8 3" 6d6
at least 30 degrees, Las MkIV 6 28 25" 6   -3" (12 4" 8d6 (slow)
 whether due to
mechan mal- BeamCannon MkV 6
mal- 30 30" 7   -4" (15 5" 10d6 (2 ´ Slow)

func tion or Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Blasters
because it is trying 
trying  Explo
Ex plosive
sive Ranged Siege Weapons
to fire underneath
an obstacle,
obstacle, its  Weapon TL CP Range UR   -CMP” PwrRq Size" Damage
maxiimum Range is
Bla MkI (5 15 16" (4 -1" (2 1" 1d10+2 Exp
halved. (The (auto) (5) (7)   (4) 1d10 Exp (auto)
mechaniical hinge
used to ele vate a Bla MkII (5 15 16" (5   -1" (4 2" 2d10+2 exp
Ballistik barrel
barrel is Bla MkIII (5 20 20" (6   -3" (6 3" 3d10 exp (slow)
pro vided free at no Bla MkIV (6 25 20" (7   -5" (  8 4" 4d10 exp (slow)
extra CP cost.) A
Yamato MkV (6 30 25" (8   -7" (12 5" 5d10 exp (2 ´ slow)
Ballistik weapon
can fire over the  Classifi
 Classi fica
tion: Ballistix
tops of obstacles
obstacles to Paraabolic Ranged Siege Weapons
Par Weapons
hit targets on the
other side. They   Weapon TL CP Range UR   -CMP” PwrRq Size" Damage
can be used to hit MrtrMkI 3 10 16" 5   -2" 2 2" 1d20 exp (slow)
distant enemies
side their range MrtrMkII
out 4 12 20" 6   -3" 4 4" 1d20+2d6 exp
of sight if one of 
MrtrMkIII 4 16 24" 7   -4" 6 6" 2d20 exp (slow)
their Scouts can
 Tar get the enemy  MrtrMkIV 5 18 28" 8   -5" 8 8" 2d10+1d6 exp
and relay the posi-
posi - (slow)

tion back to the BigBertha MkV 5 20 30" 9   -6" 12 10" 3d20 exp
Ballistik gunners. (2 ´ slow)

()–numbers listed in paren
ses are for guns used in Auto
matic Fire (3.3.4: Auto
Au tomatic
matic Fire).
 Weapons listed as (slow) must wait one turn be tween firings.
 Weapons firings. Weapons
Weapons listed as (2 x slow) must wait two turns between
between firings.
At TL5, all Ammo-Free Guns may be bought as Stun weapons, doingdoing Stun Damage
Damage to all tar gets. At TL6 and TL7, all Ammo-Free
Guns can switch on the fly between
between Stun and regu
regular Damage.

7.3.2 Ammo-Dependent Guns

 The Ammo-Dependent Guns are divided into two groups: grou ps: Cannons,
Cannons, which can only fire shells that were spe-
cifiically designed for them, and Mass Drivers,
cif Driv ers, which can fire anything
anything you can load into the launch chamber.
cham ber.
 Ammo-Depend ent guns operate under the same rules as Ballistik weapons,
weapons, in that they normally fire in par
bolic arcs but can be used for straight-line firing at half the range (except for some thing like a cat
cataapult, which
can only be used for para
par abolic attacks, for obvious
obvious rea sons). The 30-degree eleva
tion requirement
requirement is typically 
ignored for Pirate Cannons.

Brik Wars: Siege Weapons 74

Cannons   Classi
tion: Cannons
Special Payload
Payload Launching
Launching Siege Weapons
cover all the same
gun types as
 Weapon TL CP Range UR   -CMP” PwrRq Size" Max Payload
Ballistix, but are
more ‘realistik’ in Pirate
Pirate 3 5 16" 6   -1" 1 2" Cannon
ball (Explo
sive MkI)
that all the ammu-
ni tion has to be Cnn MkI 4 10 16" 4   -1" 1 2" Explo
sive MkII
bought sepa separately  Cnn MkII 4 12 18" 5   -2" 2 3" Explo
sive MkII
(see the next sec- sec-
Cnn MkIII 4 14 20" 6   -4" 4 4" Explo
sive MkIII
tion, 7.3.3: Ammo)
and loaded into the Cnn MkIV 4 16 22" 7   -8" 8 6" Explo
sive MkIV
 weapon somehow. Cnn Mk V 5 18 24" 8   -12" 12 8" Explo
sive MkV
 The costs above
are for weapons A Cannon’sCannon’s Damage
Damage is de termined
termined by the shells it fires.

that are auto-load-

auto-load-  Classi
 Clas sififica
tion: Mass DriversDrivers
ing; CP costs are General
Gen eral Payload
Payload Launching
Launching Siege WeaponsWeapons
halved if the
 weapon’s indi vid- vid-  Weapon TL CP Range UR   -CMP” PwrRq Size" Max Payload
ual shells must be
loaded manually. Drvr MkI 2 20 20" 7   -12" 5 3" 1 Blok (slow)
Drvr MkII 3 30 30" 8   -16" 10 6" 2 Blox (slow)
 A Cannon’s
Dam age rating
rating is Drvr MkIII 4 40 40" 10   -20" 15 8" 4 Blox (slow)
deter mined by the Drvr MkIV 5 60 50" 12   -24" 20 10" 8 Blox (slow)
shells it fires. Any 
MeteorGun MkV 6 80 60" 16   -30" 30 12" 12 Blox (2 ´ slow)
type of Explosive
can be designed to Mass Drivers’
Drivers’ Dam age is deter
de termined
mined by the Mass of the payload
payload and the Mk number
number of the Mass Driver: (Mass) ´ (Mk# ´ 1d10 exp)
be fired from a Ex Explo
sion size is deter
mined by the Mk#, and is not influ
in fluenced
enced by payload
payload Mass.
Can non, as long as Launched ob jects spend one round in the air and do not land un
til the begin
ning of the follow
fol lowing
ing turn.

it is not larger than

the Cannon’s
Cannon’s MaxiMaximum Payload
Payload rating.rating. If a Mis Missile
sile is fired from a Cannon, it may use its own Range or o r the
Range of the Cannon,
Cannon, whichever
whichever is greater.
Pirate Cannons
Cannons require the Cannon nonBall
Ball and GunPow
GunPowder der to be loaded sepa separately. Minifigs carry carrying
ing either
a Cannon
Ball or a GunPow
GunPowder der barrel
barrel take -3" of Cargo Movement
Move ment Penalty.
Penalty. Cannon
Balls are loaded by drop-
ping them into the front of the Can non, while powder is loaded by touch touching
ing the Barrel
Barrel to the back of the Can-
non. Fire is then applied
applied to the fuse (Cannons
(Cannons never run out of fuse) to fire the Cannon,
Can non, being careful
careful to keep
the GunPow
GunPowder der Barrel
Barrel away from any open flame. The Skill of the minifig lighting
lighting the fuse is used to make the
 At later TekLevels or in spe
cial situ
situations, larger Cannons
Cannons can be con verted to Black Pow Powder
der Cannons,
halving their CP cost. At TL4 and higher, Black Pow Powder
der Cannons
Cannons can have automatic
automatic fuses, elimi
nating the
need for open flame. Minifigs must load enough powder powder to meet the Power Requirement
Requirement of the Cannon;
Cannon; a
minifig with a GunPow
GunPowder Bar Barrel
rel can load 2 Power worth of powder per turn.
Mass Drivers
Drivers cover everything
everything from medieval
medieval catapults and trebuchets
trebuchets to high-tek rail guns and gravitik 
acceleraators. Mass Drivers
Drivers are expensive,
expensive, huge, slow, and extremely inaccuinaccurate
rate (make sure you’re familiar
familiar with
3.1.2: NearMiss Rules). On the other hand, they do amazing amazing amounts of damage at very long range, and can
deliver all kinds of fasci
ing and uncon ven ventional
tional payloads.
 A Mass Driver can launch any object that will fit into its launch chamber,
chamber, as long as the object does not
 weigh more than the Mass Driver’s Maxi Maximum Pay Payload
load rating
rating (4.3.1: Determin
Determininging Mass).
Mass). Mass DrivDrivers
ers can be
used to launch Flyers
Flyers when no run way is availavailable,
able, or to launch para
p aratroop
ers over enemy lines. His Histor
catapultists have enjoyed tossing
tossing piles of plague victims
victims over the walls of besieged cities,
cities, or great flying
flying bonfires
of burning
burning wood and coal. Typically, however, they just pile big heavy rocks into the scoop and let fly.

Brik Wars: Siege Weapons 75

If the object is launched in a para

parabolic arc (manda datory
tory for cata
catapults, optional for linear
linear acceler
acceleraators firing 
 within half their maximum Range), the object spends a full round flying flying through the air and does not land until
the beginning
beginning of the fol low
ing turn. Build a little ‘X’ and place it at the target
target point when the Mass Driver fires,
but do not make the Attack Roll and determine
determine the NearMiss point of impact until the object actu ally comes
down on the following round.
 When the object strikes, it does Explosion damage dam age equal to the Mass Driver’s Mk number
num ber times 1d10;
the damage
damage from this explosion
explosion is then multi
plied by the Mass of the launched object. *Only* the Mk number number
should be used in determin
ing the explosion’s
explosion’s area of effect (3.4.2: Explosions),
Explo sions), other wise
 wise bizarrely
bizarrely large explo
sions can result.
result. Launched objects take full damagedamage from their own impact, and do not typi typ ically sur vive
 vive to be
used twice.
 After a launch, Mass Drivers require a full turn to power back up again (two full turns for a MkV Driver).
In the case of catapults, this will require as many minifigs as it takes to meet the cat cataapult’s Power requirement,
 winch ing the throwing arm back into posi position.
tion. If the minifigs do not have enough Power to meet the requirerequire--
ment, the winching
winching time is increased accordingly;
accord ingly; e.g., at half the PwrRq winching takes twice as long. Most
Mass Drivers require some kind of aux auxililiary
iary loading
loading mecha
mechanism, such as a team of boulder-cart
boulder-carting slaves or or a
ical crane hefting bar
b arrels of industrial waste.

7.3.3 Ammo
Explosives are lots
Explosives Classifi
tion: Explo
of fun. At no extra Siege Demo
tion Weapons
cost, an explosive’s
Dam age potential
potential  Weapon TL CP Range UR   -CMP” PwrRq Size" Damage
can be con verted Gun Gunpow
der Barr
Barrel 3 3 — 3 — — — 2d10 Exp
to any of a wide
num alter- Exp MkI
ber of alter- 3 2 — 3 — 1 — 1d10+3 Exp

nate explosive
explosive pay- Exp MkII 3 3 — 3 — 1 1/2" 2d10 Exp
loads, depending 
depending  Exp MkIII 4 4 — 3 — 2 1" 2d10+3 Exp
on an army’s
Exp MkIV 4 6 — 4   -1" 3 2" 3d10 Exp
 TekLevel. Incen
diary phospho-- Exp Mk V
phospho 4 8 — 5   -2" 4 3" 4d10 Exp
rous, nerve gas, RyderTruk MkVI 4 10 — 6   -3" 6 4" 5d10 Exp

neutrino bursts,
tear gas, ink and Can Cannon
nonBalls are bought at half the CP cost of equiv
equivaalent-sized Bombs.
paint bombs, con- Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Explo
cus sion, biolog
biologiical Siege Demo
tion Weapons
agents, confetti,
and propapropaganda
ganda  Weapon TL CP Range UR   -CMP” PwrRq Size" Damage
pam phlets have all
Gun powder
der Barr
Barrel 3 3 — 3 — — — 2d10 Exp
been used to good
effect. Cheap, Exp MkI 3 2 — 3 — 1 — 1d10+3 Exp

pow erful,
ful, and able Exp MkII 3 3 — 3 — 1 1/2" 2d10 Exp
to affect large
Exp MkIII 4 4 — 3 — 2 1" 2d10+3 Exp
areas, an Explo-
sive’s only major Exp MkIV 4 6 — 4   -1" 3 2" 3d10 Exp

draw back is that it Exp Mk V 4 8 — 5   -2" 4 3" 4d10 Exp
can be used only  RyderTruk MkVI 4 10 — 6   -3" 6 4" 5d10 Exp
 The stats Can
nonBalls are bought at half the CP cost of equiv
equivaalent-sized Bombs.
listed above are for

Brik Wars: Siege Weapons 76

Explosives Missiles
dropped as Bombs
or fired from Mis-
Mis-  Weapon TL CP Range UR   -CMP” PwrRq Size" Damage
sile banks. If the Whd MkI 3 4 16" 6 — 2 1" 1d10+3 Exp
Explo sives are Whd MkII 4 6 20" 6 -1" 4 2" 2d10 Exp
bought as ammuni ni--
tion to be fired out Whd MkIII 4 8 24" 7 -2" 6 3" 2d10+3 Exp

of Cannons,
Cannons, they  Whd MkIV 4 12 28" 7 -3" 8 4" 3d10 Exp
do not require Whd MkV 4 16 32" 8 -4" 10 5" 4d10 Exp
com plex aiming 
Taktikal Nuke MkVI 5 20 36" 8 -5" 12 6" 5d10 Exp
and firing
firing mecha-
nisms of their own
Ignore UR, -CMP", and PwrRq ratings
ratings of Explo
sives that are bought as ammu
tion for Cannons.
and so incur no
-CMP" or PwrRq 
on the Platforms
Platforms on which they are mounted. When firing firing Missiles
Missiles and Bombs from Cannons, Can nons, use the Range
and UR of o f the Cannon (unless a Mis sile’s Range is higher).
 At TL4 and higher, the powder powder load and ball are normally normally packaged
packaged together in a single single conve
nient shell,
but Pirate Can nons and other Black Pow Powder
der Can nons require Can CannonnonBalls
Balls and GunPow
GunPowder der to be loaded sepa-
rately (7.3.2: Ammo-Dependent Guns). Cannon nonBalls
Balls are bought with the same stats as the equiva equiv alent Bomb
but at half the CP cost. GunPow Powder
der Barrels
Barrels never run out of GunPow Gun Powder der but will explode if exposed to flame,
lasers, hot lead, or heavy impact, so handle them with care.

7.3.4 Siege Close Combat

Massive guns and explo
sives are fine in their own right, but
bu t they pale in compar pariison with the legend
ary weap-
ons with names like Oxy-Acetylene Jaws of Death, Spiked Wrecking Wrecking Balls of Steel, Nuclear Buzzsaw Hand,
and The Ten-Story Blender. No matter which side wins or loses at the end of the day, it will be b e these titanic
machin eries
ies of destruction
destruction that capture
capture the imagi
tions of gener
generaations to come.
If you want to give your Platform
Plat form arms and legs (or ten ta tacles,
cles, tails, wings, etc.), you should take a look at
the Robotic Vehicles SupSupple
ment (Sup plement RV: Robotic Vehi cles). Your Robot can then use Siege CC
 Weap ons as if it were a giant minifig; other
oth er wise
 wise you’ll have to hard-mount them to the exte exterior
rior of your
 A Siege CC Weapon is likelike a Troop CC Weapon that has been gratu tuitously
itously and ridiculously blown out of 
propor tion. Troop CC WeapWeaponsons are designed to be used
by Troopers
Troopers with a Power RatingRating of 1. Because a Plat- Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Siege CC Weapons
form’s Power Rating can be many times larger, players can Tools of Glory
give them CC Weapons
Weapons that are that many times bigger, bigger,
stron ger, and more expensive. Origiina
Orig nall Tro
Troopop St
at NeNew w Si
egee Sta
 To con vert a Troop CC Weapon to a Siege CC Size Size ´ Sx
 Weapon, first choose a Size Mul Multitiplier
plier (‘SizeX’ or ‘Sx’). TekLevel TL + (Sx - 1)
 The Siege CC Weapon should be about this this many times as
big as the origi crit i- Two-Handed
original troop weapon, although this is not criti Same, if on a Robot with Hands

cal. The new weapon’s statis

tics will be as follows: CP Cost CP ´ Sx
Siege CC Weapons
Weapons can be further modified using the Us Usaage Rating UR + Sx
tomized Equipment
Equipment chart in 2.5: Creat ating
ing New Weap-
-CMP"   -CMP" ´ Sx (min -2")
ons and Equipment.
If your Robot picks up the weapon with hands or Damage Damage ´ Sx
claws, then you’re all done. The Robot uses the weapon Power Required (Sx) Power
just as a Trooper would use the equiva
equivalent troop weapon.
Maxiimum Dama
Max Damage/AV MaxDam ´ Sx

Brik Wars: Siege Weapons 77

If the weapon is welded directly to a Platform’s

Plat form’s sur face, it costs an extra SizeX CP. Hinges and tur rets
can be added as usual.

7.3.5 Siege Equipment and Armor 

Many kinds of Siege Classi

Clas sifi
tion: Siege Equipment
Equip ment and Special-Pur
Spe cial-Purpose
pose Siege Items
 Armor can be created
in simi
similar fashion
fashion to Item TL CP CP   -CMP” PwrRq Size" Effect
Siege CC Weapons:
Self-De 3 Pwr — — — Blows Power Source
choose the closest
equivaalent item of  Shield Projec
equiv jector
tor 5 4 — 1 4 Dots increases Armor
(per +1d6 AV)
troop equipment
equipment or
armor and modify
modify the ScanScanner
ner 5 2   -1" 1 4 Dots Scans Area
(per 5" Range)
stats according
according to
SizeX. If you want to Ve Vehi
cle Cloak  6 3   -1" 1 4 Dots Cloaks Moving Object
put a BullDozer
BullDozer blade (per 1 Blok)

on the front of your Base Cloak  6 10 — 2 4 Dots Cloaks Building

DeathSUV, for (per 1" radius)
instance, you can Teleporter 6 10   -1" 3 4 Dots Teleports Ob jects
‘siegeify’ a BigShield. (per 5 b")
 A BigShield with a
CP, -CMP", PwrReq, and Size" for all i tems except
except the Self-Destruct
Self-Destruct are cumu
tive if multi
ple copies
copies of the item are in
Size Multi
plier of 4
 would have a TL of 4,
cost 8 CP, have a Move ment PenaltyPenalty of -2", require 4 Power, and have 16 Armor in addition addi tion to the vehicle’s
nor mal armor rat ing. This Armor would n’t apply to the whole vehicle, vehi cle, just to the Bull Dozer blade itself. The
blade could then be used for smashing
smashing into obstacles and blocking weapons fire.
 There is no formula to cover the infi infinite
nite variety
variety of Siege Equip ment devices that you might come up
 with; you’ll have to dis
cuss the stats, point cost, abili abil ities, and appropri priate
ness with the other players players in the game
and make sure none of them feel it will be unbalanc unbal ancing ing or have other negative effects.
 The follow
ing table lists some popu pop ular Siege Equipment
Equipment devices; you will surely think of other possi pos sibili
ties. Even these basic
basic devices can substan
tially change the nature of a game, and you should dis cuss them with
other players
players before decid ing whether or not to allow them in any given battle.
For as many CP as are in the Power Rating,
Rating, a Self-Destruct device can be wired in to any Power Source to
induce cata
catastrophic failure.
failure. The device itself is extremely simple,
simple, consist
consisting of a sin
gle Big Red Button, occa-
sionally placed inside a locked compart
ment but more usually
usually left out in the open to tempt the ignorant
igno rant and
casual passers-by. A Manual
Manual Override,
Override, consist
consisting of a light switch, can also be included at no extra cost.
 The Self-Destruct controls
con trols can be placed on the Power Source or at any set of Main Controls.
Con trols. Any num
of Self-Destruct controls can be installed for a single Self-Destruct device at no extra cost, but a single sin gle
Self-Destruct Device can only affect one Power Source.
 When a Big Red Button is pressed, the Self-Destruct count countdown
down can be set for any num ber of rounds, or
may be set
set to go off instantly. The system
system can be disarmed
disarmed and reset by flipping
flipping a Manual Over
Ov erride
ride switch, if 
one exists.
 When the Self-Destruct device goes off, a mechani
mechan ical Power Source
S ource such as a sail, waterwheel, or wind-
mill will simply collapse, doing at best (Power ´  1d6) damage to any
simply collapse, anything
thing that happens to get caught in the
machin ery or smashed by falling parts. ComCombus
bustible Power Sources on the other hand, from steam engines to
nuclear fis sion pods to antimat
anti matter reactors, detonate and do (Power ´ 1d10) explo sion damage.
ter reactors,
Shield Projec
Projectors are a quick way to add Armor to a Platform
Platform without increas
ing Mass. The drawback
drawback is
that while the Shields are raised, the Power they use is not available
avail able to other weap ons and devices on the Plat-
Plat -
form, effectively
effectively lower
ing the Platform
Platform s Power Rating.
Rating. Devices whose
whose Power Require
ment is higher than the

Brik Wars: Siege Weapons 78

Platform’s decreased Power Rating

Platform’s Rating can no longer
longer be activated or used. Pro
sion devices still operate
operate at full
efficiency however.
Each Shield Projec tor (usually a 2 ´ 2 Brik or cylin
Projector cylinder)
der) must be placed in an exposed posi tion extruding 
extrud ing 
from the exterior
exterior of the Plat form, a tempt
ing target
target for enemy fire. Regardless of the Armor Rat ing of the Plat-
form, a Shield Pro jector’s base
b ase Armor
Ar mor Rat
ing is always 1d6, plus whatever
whatever bonuses it gets from raised Shields.
Ideally, a Plat
form with Shields should be con structed in a way to make it easy for players play ers to see how many of 
its shields are raised and lowered;
low ered; for instance, a number
number of switches equal to the number number of Shield Projec
can be placed in a row on one side of the Platform.
 At any point in a round, includ ing on other play ers’ turns, a Platform with Shields can deac ti vate  vate one or
more Shield Projec jectors
tors to free up Power, or it may deacti deactivate a nar
row section of shield
ing in order to allow 
pas sage of friendly units or other objects. Reac Reacti
ti vating
 vating shields, on the other hand, can only take place at the
beginning of the Plat form’s turn and at no other time.
Shields may also be purchased
pur chased specially
specially as Energy Shields, which pro vide 2d6 Armor vs. energy attacks
but no defense against physical pro projec
tiles, or Deflector
Deflector Shields, which provide 2d6 Armor vs. physi phys ical attacks
but have no effect on energy.
(A differ
ent set of Shield Pro jec
tor rules is available
available to Robotic Vehicles. See the Optional Rule: Robotic
Per formance
mance Modi
tion in Supple
ment RV: Robotic Vehicles.)
For Platforms with ScanScanners,
ners, Scanning
Scanning capabil bility
ity is bought in 5" chunks.
chun ks. A Scan ner that had 25" Scan -
ning Range, for instance, would cost 10 CP, incur -5CMP", require 5 Power, and use a Scanning Scan ning Dish with an
area of at least 20 dots.
dots. A Scanner
Scanner is always active, requiring
requiring no action on the part of the minifig opera operator, and
scans everything in a 45 degree cone around the direc direction
tion it is pointing
pointing (for this reason
reason many scanners are
placed on turrets
turrets and rotate once per turn). The scanningscanning unit knows
kn ows everything there is to know about any 
object within its scanning
scanning area, regard less of inter
ence, obstructions, or even Stealth (8.3.1: Nin jas), unless
the object is Cloaked. A Scanner
Scanner can detect a Cloaked
Cloaked object or unit on a roll of ‘6’ on 1d6. It makes a sepa separate
roll for each Cloaked object in its scanning
scan ning area, once per turn. A Cloaked object that is detected detected remains
detected for one turn, and then must be re-detected.
re-detected. Allied units in commu
cations range of the Scanning 
unit may attack detected Cloaked objects at -5 to Skill.
 A Scanner can be set to locklock on to any detected objectobject in a Target
ing Scan. While the Scanner is focused
in this way it cannot
cannot scan any other objects. Cloaked objects locked locked in a Target
ing Scan will remain detected
until the lock is aban doned or until they move out of Scan ning range. Allied units in commu com muni nica
tions range of 
Tar geted object at +1d6 to Skill, even if the target
the Scan ning unit may attack a Targeted tar get is Cloaked. This bonus is not
cumu lative
tive with other Scanners
Scanners or with bonuses from the Target Targeting
ing Specialty
Specialty of Scout minifigs (8.2.2: Scouts).
Cloaking capac
ity is bought in chunks of 1 Blok of Cloaked Mass for fo r Vehi cles and mobile units, or in
incremen tal 1" chunks of Cloaked Area radius for Bases and sta tion tionary
ary objects. For instance, a station tionary 
Cloaking Field that Cloaked everything in an 8" radius would cost 80 CP, require 16 1 6 Power, and the Cloaking 
device would have an area of at least 32 dots. A Cloaked and station tionary
ary object is effectively
effectively invisi
invisible. A
Cloaked unit or moving
moving object is not perfectly
perfectly invisi
invisible, but has the equiva
equivalent of a Ninja minifig’s Stealth spe-
cialty (8.3.1: Ninjas).
Ninjas). If a Cloaked unit firesfires a weapon, makes an attack, or has any physi physical interac
tion with an
enemy unit, it is Uncloaked until the beginning of its next turn.
Like a Shield Projecjector,
tor, Cloak ing devices must be placed exposed on the sur surface
face of a Plat form, and a
Cloaking device ‘uses up’ Plat Platform
form Power, decreasing
decreasing the Power available
available to other weapons
weapons and devices.
Cloaking devices may be deac deacti
ti vated
 vated at any time, but may only be reacti
reacti vated
 vated at the beginning
beginning of the Cloaking 
player’s turn.
 Tele portation
tion abil ity is bought in chunks of five Blok-Inches, meaning the Mass of the object teleported
times the distance
distance traveled.
traveled. A Teleporter with with a 20b" capacity
capacity could in a single turn send a 2-Blok object 10", a
5-Blok object 4", four 1-Blok objects 5", or any equiv alent combi combina
tion. The Teleporter can only send units
and objects from its Teleporter Pad or Teleport distant dis tant objects back to its
its Teleporter Pad. The Teleporter may 
be used to Teleport a distant
dis tant object back to its Teleporter Pad and then away to some where
some where else in the same
turn in a Double
Double Teleporta
tion, if this does not exceed the Teleporter’s maximaximum capacity
capacity for the turn.

Brik Wars: Siege Weapons 79

 When an object or unit is in the process of Tele Teleporta

tion, it is immobi
lized in an energy field.
field. The immo-
bilized object exists in two places at once (three if it is a Double Teleporta
Teleportation), both at its ori
gin and intended
des tina
tion. While immobilized, it is sub subject
ject to attack at both locations. If the Teleported object is a unit, the
unit materi rial
izes and remobilizes at its desti
tion at the beginning
beginning of the unit’s next turn. Oth Other
er wise,
 wise, the
teleported object materi
izes at its desti
tion at the beginning
beginning of the Teleporta
tion device’s next turn.
If a Teleporter is used to Teleport an unwill
ing unit, the unit may attempt to break free ofo f the energy field.
 To do so, the unit makes a Skill Roll against a UR of TL-2. TL-2. On a success, the Teleporter
Teleporter is unable to achieve a
lock; Teleporta
tion is aborted but the Blok-Inches that would have been used are still used up any way. If the
Skill Roll results in a Crit ical Fail ure, then there is a Teleporter Mal
tion (see below).
 Teleporters can
cannot Teleport objects through
through Shields, Energy Shields, or other force fields, but there is not
much else that hinders
hinders them. They can cannot
not Teleport objects into other solid objects or into any medium denser
than water. For every object that is Teleported, every every time that it is Teleported, roll 1d10.
1d10. (For multi
ple objects
being teleported together, roll once; for multimul tiple
ple units being teleported
teleported together, roll once for each unit.) On a
1, there has been a Teleporter Malfunc
Mal function
tion and you must roll 1d10 on the Heisenberg Ker-Pow! Table.

The Heisenberg Ker-Pow! Table

 Any time an object
o bject or unit is Teleported, a roll of 1 on 1d10 means there has been a Teleporter Malfunc
Mal function,
and the Teleporting player must make a Heisenberg Ker-Pow! Roll.
1d10 Tele
terr Mal
1 Doppelganger Syndrome
Syndrome Teleporta
tion proceeds
proceeds as normal
normal except
except that two copies
copies of the teleported ob ject arrive
arrive where one was
expected. The two ob jects are identi
cal in every
every way (if you aren’t able to scrap together
together an identi
cal PBB model on the spot you’ll
have to substi
tute a couple
couple of Blox and every
ev erybody
body will just have to use their imagi
imaginations.) If the dupli
cate ob jects are minifigs or
other intel
gent units they will seem to get along for the remain
der of the battle,
battle, but in the days af ter
wards they will inevitably
become deadly rivals.
2 Tempoporal
ral Misalign
ment Ob jects expe
ing Tempo
ral Misalign
ment move at double-speed.
double-speed. This is hardly nonotice
able when the
ob ject is something
something like a mineral
mineral sample
sample or a coffee
coffee mug, but for active
active units it can be quite excit
ing. Every
Every round, the affected
affected unit
takes its turn twice. At the end of the double-turn,
double-turn, roll 1d6.
1d6. When the die co comes
mes up ‘1’, the effect wears off.
3 Phase Shift The ob ject arrives
arrives slightly out of phase, causing
caus ing functional
functional impair
ment. Living
Living units are Stunned and somewhat
somewhat confused.
Me chaniical units have all their useful
useful stats (Move", Range, Armor,
Ar mor, Damage,
Damage, etc.) halved.
halved. At the end
end of each turn, roll 1d6. When
the die comes
comes up ‘1’, the phase realigns
realigns and the effect
ef fect wears off.
4 Unex
pected Delay
Delay Because
Because of an unknown
un known error,
error, Teleporta
tion takes even longer
longer than usual. The ob ject takes an addi
tional turn
to mate
ize, at which point a new roll on the Heisenberg Ker-Pow! Table
Table must be made.
5 Minor Target
ing Error
Error The object arrives
ar rives 1d6" away from its intended
intended desti
tion (Teleporting player’s choice). The object’s orien
ori en--
tation is anything
anything but right-side-up (oppos
(op posing
ing player’s choice).
6 Subatomic Drift The ob ject mate
ma teri
rializes correctly on the mac
scopic level but on the subatomic
sub atomic level ev ery
erything is all mixed up.
Living brains, computer
computer hard drives, and any other electri
cal or quantum
quantum data storage
storage is wiped clean. Minifigs become
be come vege
com puters
ers become doorstops.
7 Reversed Quantum
Quantum Polar
ity The ob ject seems to mate
ize correctly but is in fact a sim
simiilar but oppo
sitely-natured ob ject from an
evil paral
lel universe. Good minifigs become
become evil and evil minifigs become good. Loyal troops become become dirty traitors. Peace ful
ful heal
ers become
become homi
cidal death machines.
machines. Players
Players will have to brainstorm
brainstorm together
together and use their imagi
tions to think of the best “op-
“op -
po site na ture” for a given ob ject, espe
cially for something
something diffi
cult like a paper
paperweight or a bowling ball. Only in rare cases should the
new “oppo
site nature”
nature” be advantageous to the Teleporting player.
8 Catastrophic Target
ing Error
Error The ob ject misses slightly and is partially
partially (25%–50%) embed
ded in some other ob ject near the in-
tended target
target loca
tion. Active
Active units may still continue
con tinue to have limited
limited function,
function, depend
ing on which parts are unembedded; living
units may remain
remain conscious
conscious and complain
complain loudly for a turn or two before
before dying
dying a horri
ble and agonizing death.
9 Topol
ogy Mismatch
Mismatch All the parts of the ob ject mate
ize but in the wrong orien
orienta tation.
tion. And not just
just a little
little bit wrong, either.
ei ther.
Some parts are melted, some parts are a re mangled,
mangled, some parts are fine but just in the wrong place; overall
overall the ob ject appears
appears to have
gone through a Teleportational blender. There is no way to repair
repair the ob ject. If the ob ject previ
ously had danger
ous isotopes
isotopes or
chemiicals in contain
chem containment,
ment, then it’s time to clear the area because
because they are not in containment anymore.
10 Subs
pacce Pac
kett Los
Losss A tin
inyy par
partt of
of th
the ob
ob ject mate
izes correctly.
correctly. Where is the rest? It is a mystery.

Standard Combatants

It is not the critic who counts, not the man that points out how the strong man stumbled,
stum bled, or where the doer of deeds could have 
done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually
actu ally in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; 
who strives valiantly,
valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusi enthu siasms,
asms, the great devotions,
devotions, and 
spends himself
himself in a worthy
worthy cause, who at best, knows in the end the triumph
triumph of high achievement;
achievement; and who, at the worst, at least 
 fails while daring
daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither
neither victory
victory nor defeat.
 –The odore Roose
Roose velt

Every great Civililiza

tion has learned through bitterbitter experi
ence to maintain
maintain a standing army of trained mili mil itary 
pro fession
als. These dedi
dedicated sol
diers are the men, women, animals, ani mals, droids, and miscel
neous others
others who
risk their lives (and the lives of as many innocent
inno cent bystand ers as pos possi
ble) in a constant
constant effort to destroy as many 
ene mies and as much enemy property
property as they can, all in the name of their home Civilization.
In a typi
typical BrikWars game, each Civ Civiililiza
tion is repre
sented by a single color (or group of colors,
col ors, if a
player doesn’t
doesn’t have enough minifigs of a single sin gle color). A Civi
zation’s profes
sional soldiers
soldiers are required to
 wear suits of these colors,
colors, and their vehi cles and buildbuildings
ings feature these colors prom
promiinently in their paint jobs.
‘Cam ouflage’
flage’ means nothing
nothing to these hardened
hard ened minifig veter veterans
ans (true warriors
warriors do not learn French words, due
to the widespread suspi picion
cion that familiar
ity with the language
language inspires a sol dier to sur
der at the first sign of 

8.1 Soldiers

If one keeps his state founded on merce

nary arms, one will never be secure; for they are disunited,
dis united, ambitious,
ambitious, without
without disci
disci pline,
unfaith ful; bold among friends, among enemies
ene mies cowardly;
cowardly; no fear of God, no faith with men; ruin is post poned
 poned only as long as 
attack is post poned;
 poned; in peace you are despoiled by them, in war by the enemy. The cause of this
this is that they have no love nor
nor cause 
to keep them in the field other than a small sti pend,
 pend, which is not suf fi
cient to make them want to die for you.
Machiavelli, The Prince 
 –Niccolo Machiavelli,

 There are many types of sol

diers, from the generic Troopers
Troopers to highly trained special
spe cialists like Medix and
Mechanix. Most Civilizations
zations develop intense training
training pro grams for their own unique special
spe cialist units. Every 
type of soldier
soldier has its part to play during the course of a battle.
b attle.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 81

8.1.1 The Trooper 

It’s just a job. Grass grows, birds fly, waves pound the sand. I just beat peo ple up.
  –Muhammad Ali

 The Trooper, who was originally introduced in 1.3: The Trooper, is the stan-  Classi
stan - General sifi
tion: Trooper 
dard ‘grunt’ soldier of his Civilizazation. statistics of all other General
tion. The costs and statis Purpose Dispos
Purpose Disposable
able Infan
troop types are based on his basic model. Troopers Troopers are repre resented
sented by 
generic warrior
warrior minifigs of their Civi
Civ ililiza tion’s color, wearing some kind of  Move:
zation’s 5"

pro tective
tive helmet (unless their Civililiza
tion is one that has not yet devel oped Ar Armmor: TL + 1 AV (min 2)
Hel met Teknology, such as CaveMen or TribalMen). Skill: 1d6
For more informa mation
tion about Troopers
Troopers and an explana nation
tion of the basic
troop statis
tics, take a look back at 1.3: The Trooper. The two statis tics new  Cost:
tistics TL + 1 CP (min 2)

to this chapter are ‘Specialty’ and ‘Ratio.’ Speccialty:

Spe None

Ra None (troop)
Specialty   A regular Trooper never retreats,
retreats, is incor
ibly loyal to his Civi
zation, has no need for sleep, food, or compan
com panionionship,
ship, and is an expert in
the use of all weapons
weapons of his CiviCivilization’s
zation’s TekLevel. If he has any specialspecial training, pow
ers, or limita
tions be-
sides these normal
normal Trooper abili
abilities, they are listed under
un der the Specialty heading. A soldier’s special cialties
ties will
affect his CP cost.
Many troop Special
ties can also be given to equipment
equip ment items or Siege devices, whether through enchant -
ment or special teknology, and some Spe Special
ties can be bought in i n multi tiples
ples for cumulalative
tive effects. Players
should be cautious if they explore either of these appli ca cations
tions of the Specialty
Specialty rules, as there is a potential
poten tial for
In the case of the basic Trooper, he has no par tic ticuularly special abil
abiliities beyond his normal everyday tal talent
for kicking
kicking PBB butt. These are a few of the Special cialties
ties com monly assigned to oth other
er wise
 wise generic Troopers,
Troop ers,
and their associ
associated CP costs:

Specialty: Marksmanship (+0CP)

 The unit’s train
ing has focused
fo cused on the use of ranged weapons, at some cost to its skill in hand-to-hand combat.
 The unit has +1 to Skill when firing
firing a ranged weapon, and -2 to Skill when attacking with or defend
ing against
Close Combat weap
ons. This Specialty
Specialty is appropri
ate to units like archers, mus keteers, riflemen,
rifle men, or snipers.

Specialty: Shock Troop (+0CP)

 This unit’s training has focused on hand-to-hand combat, with a decreased empha emphasis
sis on the use of ranged
 weap ons. The unit has +1 to Skill when attacking or defending in Close Combat,
 weapons. Com bat, but -2 to Skill when making 
ranged attacks. This Specialty
Specialty is rarely seen after TL3, except among profes
sional athletes.

Specialty: Horsemanship (+1CP)

 Troopers of any age have a basic ability
 Troopers abil ity to ride the steeds appro priate to their culture.
cul ture. However, the ability to
con trol an animal
animal and make attacks at the same time takes an advanced skill in horseho rseman
ship. Without
Without this spe-
cialty, a unit mak ing attacks from horseback (or from the back of which ever ani mal on which he hap happens
pens to
ride) may not direct the animal
ani mal to turn, acceler
ate, or deceler
ate in the same round. (This is sim
simiilar to the Pilot-
ing Specialty
Specialty described in 6.1: The Pilot.)

Ratio.  The Ratio

Ratio statis
statistic is only used when play
pl aying
ing by the optional
optional Troop Ratios
Ratios rules.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 82

Optional Rule: Troop Ratios :P 

 With all the new breeds of warrior introduced in this this chapter,
chapter, it is possi
pos sible
ble for an army to be overbal
anced with
too many of the more power powerfulful troop types. If players
players are keeping
keeping careful
careful CP budgets to ensure evenly 
matched armies, the army with too many high-end troops will often find itself at a disad dis advantage
vantage to its qual ita
tively inferior
inferior but numeri
numerically superior
superior opponents.
opponents. If players
players are ignoring
ignoring point budgets and just building 
armies on the fly, it may seem unfair
u nfair if one player builds his army entirely out of superheroes and demigods. demigods. If 
this becomes a problem, consider
con sider forc ing every one to play by the Troop Ratios rules. If this isn’t a prob problem,
keep ing track of ratios will only waste everyone’s time and should be ignored.
Every troop type is given a Ratio statis
tic. There are no rules gov ern erning
ing the choice of a troop type’s Ratio,
and a group of players
play ers may choose to change or ignore the Ratio stats of specific spe cific troop types if the mood
strikes them. The Ratio statististic
tic has no effect on the CP costs or abili abil ities of units.
 Troop types that are not espe
cially unique, power
ful, or rare
r are have non o Ratio require ments and are counted
as generic ‘troops.’ A more special
spe cialized troop type’s Ratio will require a certaincer tain num
n umber of troop-level sol diers to
be bought and fielded before the special cialized
ized unit will be allowed. The Ratio requirements
requirements of multi
ple special
ized units must be satis
satisfied sep
sepaarately; if a player hopes to field two units with Ratio requirements of 5 and 7, a
total of 12 troop-level soldiers
soldiers must be fielded first.
Some spe cial units will have ratio num bers based on other factors, fac tors, such as the number of vehicles or
androids in the battle.
battle. The most pow erful units will be lim limited
ited to one or two per bat b attle,
tle, regardless
regardless of how many 
troops are in play. In gen eral, units with a higher Troop Ratio outrank
outrank units with lower requirements
require ments (except
for Synthetix, who are outranked
outranked by everyone).
 A group of play
ers may invent its own Ratio limits
lim its on items like vehicles,
vehicles, buildings,
buildings, or siege weapons.
weapons. In a
bat tle between teams of allied players, the group may decide that the units of one player’s army may be used to
satisfy the Ratio require ments of one or more of his allies.

8.1.2 Trooper Performance Modification

In the quest to produce new and superiorsupe rior types of soldiers
soldiers and special
ists, the great Civi
tions have left no
stone unturned. ExperiExperimen
mentaltal training
training programs,
programs, brain wash
ing, synthetik hormones,
hormones, magi magical talis
eugenic breeding
breeding systems,
systems, offerings
offerings to obscure gods, exposure
exposure to alien radia
radiation and alternate
alternate dimensions,
bio-mechanikal enhancement,
enhancement, and frequent calls to soldiers’ moth mothersers have all been employed with variable variable
effects. Little
Little do they realize,
realize, the easi
easiest way to pro duce better sol
diers is just to spend a couple of extra CP on
 The most direct way to improve a sol soldier
dier is to give him a Trooper Per for formance
mance Modifi fica
tion. These
mod fications
tions do not
n ot give a sol dier any surpris
sur prising new abilities, they just make him a little
little better or worse at
doing the things he h e can already do. As with all cus tom mod ifi fica
tions, it is better to use the Trooper Perfor Per for-
mance Modifi fica
tions to modify whole classes of troops rather than to make sep arate modifi fica
tions to several
vidual troops - uni forformity
mity is the key to keeping
keeping a battle
battle running
running smoothly. MultiMultiple
ple copies
copies of single
single Perfor
mance Improvements or Disimprovements are allowed but should be used cautiously.

· Fleet Feet. For addi tional +2" of Movement,

Feet. For each additional Movement, the troop’s cost is increased by +1 CP.
addi tional +2 Armor, the troop’s cost is increased by +1 CP.
· Thick Hide . For each additional
· Unusual Skill. For addi tional +2 Skill, the troop’s cost is increased by +1 CP.
Skill. For each additional
Strength. For each addi tional +1 point of Power, the troop’s cost is increased by +3 CP.
· Schwarzeneggerian Strength. For
Combat Bonus . For each addi tional +2 points of CC Bonus, the troop’s cost is increased by +1 CP.
· Close Combat
(3.2: Close Combat)

 When adding
add ing dice to a statis
tic, remem ber that 1d6 is equiv
equivaalent to 3.5 points, 1d10 is equiva
equivalent to 5.5
points, and 1d20 is worth 10.5 points. Always round up the final CP cost of the unit.
un it.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 83

If a player wants to get troops for a bargain

bar gain price, he can get a ‘slightly damaged
damaged goods’ discount
discount by giving
them a few Per for
mance Disimprovements.

 gish . For each -1" loss of Movement,

· Slug gish  Movement, the troop’s cost is decreased by 1 CP.
Easily . For each loss of -1 point of armor, the troop’s cost is decreased by 1 CP.
· Bruises Easily 
· But
ter fin
 fin gers. For each loss of -1 point of Skill, the troop’s cost is decreased by 1 CP.
 gers. For
· Wussy And Weak. If
Weak. If the unit has zero Power (it can not walk or manip
ulate objects), its cost is reduced
by 5 CP.

 You can
not give a unit both a Perfor
mance Improvement and the corre respond
ing Perfor
Disimprovement. No matter
matter how many Perfor
mance Disimprovements a minfig has, it will always cost a mini
mum of 2 CP.

8.2 Specialists
 Anyone who’s read this far into the rulebook proba
 Anyone prob ably already has
h as a few ideas for spe cial
ized troops he’d like to
toss onto the field. If you have an idea for a special
special ability you would like to give one of your troop types, go
right ahead and give it to them! You and your oppo nents will have to agree on a fair CP cost and lim limiita
tions for
the ability,
ability, and whether or not the troop type should have a Ratio requirement.
 We’ve included many examples of mil miliitary special
specialists and sta
tics below. Players
Players are encouraged to
ignore or modify
modify these examples
examples as they see fit, or to create entirely new types. Make sure all of o f your opponents
oppo nents
are aware of the types of units you’re fielding,
fielding, and their specific abili
abil ities and statis
tics (be honest
honest - ‘subter
is another one of those Frenchy words unknown to the PBB warrior).
Many of our example
exam ple troop types will have new special abili abil ities listed under their Specialty statis tistic.
 Where this is is the case, a full description of the Specialty
Specialty and its CP cost will be included in the support porting
ing text.

8.2.1 Amazons

For the female of the species

spe cies is more deadly than the male.
  –Rudyard Kipling

Once con fined to minor skir skirmishes

mishes and ladies’ auxililiary
iary clubs, women war- war-   Classi
tion: Ama
riors in the BrikWars uni verse
 verse were eventu
even tually
ally able to prove themselves
them selves the Elite Shock Troop
equal of their male counter
parts and the two were allowed to serve side by 
side in every battle,
battle, indistin
able except when they wore lipsticklip stick (and Move: 7"
sometimes not even then). For some women minifigs (or as the mil miliitant fem-
fem- Arm
Armor: TL + 1d6-3 AV
inist figs say, ‘wymynyfygs’), being merely equal wasn’twas n’t good enough and so
Skill: 1d6 CC + 2
they went ahead and became better.
Not every Civi
tion has been enlightened
enlightened enough to realize
real ize that the Cost: TL + 2 CP

best place for women is at the front lines of fierce battles,bat tles, fighting
fighting as elite Speccialty:
Spe None
shock troops. Such women are nicknamednicknamed ‘Ama
‘Amazons.’ Armored lightly for
Ra None (troop)
increased mobil ity (they wear stylish PBB girl-hair pieces rather than hel hel--
mets), Ama zons are trained to close distances
dis tances quickly in order to rapidly 
engage oppo nents
into defensive
defensive in hand-to-hand combat
emplacements. com bat before the enemy has time to dig 

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 84

8.2.2 Scouts
Fresh Scouts are picked from the ranks of newly recruited Trooper Cadets  Classi
 Clas sifi
tion: Scout
for ‘accel
ated field training.’
training.’ Since they have no true battle-expe
rience, AdAdvance
vance Target
Target Acqui
tion Special
these trainees
trainees are given the opportu
oppor tunity to act as Scouts for a time. They 
undergo a rigor
ous training
training reg imen which may last as long as two days, con
con-- Move: 12"
sisting of jog
ging and swim ming at the local YTCA. At the end of their train-
train- ArArmmor: TL + 1d6-4 AV
ing they are given a flimsy suit of ScoutArmor (often consist
consisting of noth
Skill: 1d6-1
more than a sash with one or two protec
pro tective
tive MeritBadges) and sent into the
field. Cost: TL + 4 CP

 The ScoutArmor’s light weight

 weight construc tion allows a Scout to move Spe
struction Speccialty: Targeting
swiftly and silently, and its near-useless
near-uselessness at deflecting attacks inspires
i nspires the RaRattio: None (troop)
Scout to move more speedily still. Scouts make every effort to stay under
cover and out of sight at all times. The Scout is not in the bat tle to fight any-
any -
one, but to reconnoiter enemy posi positions
tions and relay target
target locations
locations back to his buddies manning
man ning the big siege
Scouts are a jumpy and secretive
secretive bunch, and have many ritu rituals in which they pray to be spared the wrath
of MkV Missiles.
Missiles. It is during
during these ritu
rituals that the Scouts shave their heads in a cere cer emony known as “The
No-More-Hair Ritual.”
Ritual.” Scouts
S couts are repreresented
sented by a normal Trooper minifig, except that their heads have been
shaved in this closely guarded ritual,
ritual, known only to the Scouts themselves. Thus, Scouts wear noth ing on their
heads (no helmets,
helmets, hair, or hats). Scouts are not heavily armed and may not carry any weapon or item that
requires two hands (besides an occasional
occasional ShortBow) or incurs any kind of Move ment Penalty. Penalty. Scouts are not
allowed any armor besides their ScoutArmor.

Specialty: Targeting (+2CP)

Despite their restric tions, Scouts have their uses. A Scout has the ability to ‘tag’ enemy vehi
v ehicles,
cles, structures, and
units in order for his army to target
target them with siege weapons.
weapons. In order
o rder to tag an enemy tar get, the Scout must
remain within 10" of it and be able to see it. As long as the Scout keeps the targettarget tagged, his allies can ignore
any penal tar get with a +1d6 Skill Bonus. (This bonus is not cumu la
penalties for lack of visibility, and fire at the target lative
 with other Target
Targeting bonuses, and each Scout may only tag one tar get at a time.) If the allies are attacking
attacking with
tile weapons
weapons that can be sent over the tops of obstacles
obstacles (grenades,
(grenades, arrows, missiles,
missiles, Ballistik weapons,
Mass Drivers,
Drivers, etc.) then gunners
gunners can easily send attacks over walls and embankembankments
ments at enemies they can’t
even see.
Scouts must have some way to relay vital target
target informa
information to the gun ners. If CB radios are not avail
then the player must set up a Scout Net work
 work to relay informa
information back and forth. With flashing
flash ing mirrors,
mirrors, secret
hand gestures,
gestures, and complex
complex Scout dances, a Scout can rapidly
rapidly relay target and terrain informa
tion across any 
line of sight to a friendly unit with the power to interpret them - either another Scout, or any Heroic unit. The
preting unit can then pass the informa
information to all gunners
gun ners within shouting range (8").

8.2.3 Synthetix

The real problem

problem is not whether machines think, but whether men do.
  –B. F. Skin

Synthetix (Droids, or Golems at ear lier TLs), are minifig shaped and sized robots which can fight alongside
along side reg-
ular Troop ers. The mem
bers of the squad to which a Synthetik belongs constantly
constantly repair and upgrade their arti -
ficial comrade,
comrade, and treat it as if it were a real man.
Because Droids and Golems are not human, and made from synthetik mate ri rials,
als, their stats and abili
abil ities
 will be largely depend
ent on the teknologikal sophisti
sophis tication
cation of the Civi
tion that constructed
constructed them. All
Synthetix have built-in commu
tions devices (Golems can commu
cate by magikal telepa
telepathy, while Droids

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 85

have built-in radios), so their squads won’t need to carry one. However,However,   Classi
Classifi fica
tion: Synthetik 
cial General
General Infan
try Unit
Synthetix are not fully
fu lly auton omous and must be attached to a squad of reg regu
lar organic Troop ers. Synthetix may be given addi
tional special
ties in order to
Move: TL + 3"
act as Medix, Mechanix, Pilots, or almost any type of specialist.
Synthetix can be repre
sented by any regular minifig, but must have an Arm
Armor: TL + 1d6 + 2 AV

odd mechani
mechanical feature or two. If you don’t have any of the specialspecial android Skill: TL + 1d10-4
figs in your Civi
tion’s color, then you’ll have to take a regu
reg ular minifig and Cost: TL + 4 CP
do something like replace its legs with wheels or replace its head with a
altty: Stren
h (P
er:: 2)
vering jet. The head of a Synthetik cannot be a normal nor mal minifig face
Ro bot Brain
(either due to teknologikal limita tations
tions or to the social prejudices of the
Synthetik’s creators). Rattio:
Ra 1 for every 5 troops

Specialty: Robot Brain (-2CP)

 Any unit with a Robot Brain (a Droid)
Droid) must be in a squad,
squad, vehicle,
vehicle, or base with at least one human Trooper in
it. Regard less of the range of a Droid’s com mu muninica
tion systems,
systems, Droids are very insecure
insecure and must remain
 within 5" of a friendly human
human at all times. Any time
time a Droid finds itself
itself alone, whether because its its compan
have been killed or have traded
traded it in for a more upgraded model,
model, the Droid goes into a RoboPanik.
RoboPanik. A paniking 
Droid will abandon whatever its cur
rent mis sion is and do what
ever it can to get to the nearest
near est friendly humans.

If no friendly humans remain, the Droid becomes intensely depressed and loses all moti va
 vation to go on.

8.2.4 Slaves

Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased

pur chased at the price of chains and slavery?
slavery? Forbid
Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what 
course others
others may take, but as for me, give me liberty,
liberty, or give me death! 
 –Pat rick Henry 

Many Civilizations
zations make slaves of their pris on oners
ers of war or of the civilian  Classi
 Clas sifi
tion: Slave
pop ula
tions of conquered
conquered enemies,
enemies, but these slaves are often disloyal
dis loyal and Invol
In volununtary
tary Menial
Menial Laborer
prone to rioting.
rioting. Among the more enlightened
enlightened CiviCivilizations,
zations, Slaves are culled
from the popu populace’s unfor
nate mutants, who by some genetik accident acci dent Move: 6"
 were born with a horri rify
ing paci
pacifism. Unable to raise a weapon or fist in Ar Armmor: TL + 1d6-5 AV
anger to hurt another, these unfortu tunate
nate miscrecreants
ants can never know true
hap piness. As it becomes appar ent to their family teachers that they are Skill:
fam ily and teachers 1d6-1

 Vio lence Challenged,
Challenged, they are taken aside into Special Educa Edu cation
tion classes. Cost: TL + 4 CP
 There they are taught the skills of the Slave, like pulling plows, car carry
ing  Spe
altty: Strren
St engt
h (P
er:: 2)
 wrecked cars to the dump, and other menial tasks. All the while, they are Paci
Pac ifism
dosed with whatever
whatever experi
mental steroids
steroids are in vogue. This does not make Ra Rattio: None (troop)
them very intelligent, but they do become very strong.
 Although snubbed by normal nor mal Troopers,
Troopers, Slaves have one great advan-advan-
tage: their immense strength, which allows them to carry heavy loads. Slaves are useful use ful for quick assemblyassembly and
semblybly of barri
cades and forti
tions, and are often used to test for anti-per
sonnel nel mines, to draw enemy
fire, or as target
target practice
practice when all the civilians
civil ians have been killed.
Slaves have no Armor, they just run around in overalls overalls and a BaseballCap or HardHat, in the color of 
their Civi
tion. Minifigs from inferior
inferior clone brands make good Slaves, if you hap pen to have some and don’t
mind letting
letting everyone else find out. If you have any old minifig heads whose wh ose faces have rubbed off, and you
had to draw new faces with a Sharpee pen, and you slipped a lit
tle and the new faces look retarded, then those
make the best Slave heads.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 86

Specialty: Pacifism (-2CP)

 A paci
tic unit is a rarity
rarity in the BrikWars uni verse,
 verse, and normal
normal Troop ers react with hor ror and revulsion upon
meet ing a true Paci
Pacifist (some have been known to give in to con vul
con vulsive vomit
ing at the sight of large groups of 
Paciifists). A Paci
Pac Pacifist can not attack or make any attempt to harm any machine or liv living
ing creature except in
self-defense, and even then only if he is com pletely cornered
cornered with no avenue
avenue of escape. Some Paci
Pacifists are of 
such base nature that they will not fight even then.

Unit Variation: Timmy (Cost: 1 CP)

 When ram pant Juniorization causes a minifig to de-evolve (9.3.2: JawJaws and Dimmies), he becomes more
and more stupid
stupid and Dimmy-like in nature, and before long becomes Timmy, a kind of half-breed cross
between a regu
regular minifig and a vile Dimmy. This unfortu
unfortunate throw
back makes an excellent
excellent Slave, although
stupider than most. Because of their unfor
u nfortu
nate simi
ity to a Dimmy, any minifig who spots a Timmy, even
one of his allies, must drop everything
every thing and destroy him on sight. Medix will not try to save a dying Timmy,
although they may use them for experi
 To keep Timmies from running
running wild, it is best to have another unit act as a SlaveMaster keeping
keeping them in
line. A regu
regular Slave works best for this, since his Paci
Pac ifism prevents him from exter extermi
ing his Timmy 
charges, but sometimes
sometimes an indi vidual
 vidual Trooper or Engineer
Engineer can be trained to choke down his rage and direct a
team of Timmies. However,
However, if he sees other units (friendly or other
other wise)
 wise) attacking
attacking the Timmies, his disci
dis cipline
 will be forgot
ten and he will not be able to resist joining
joining in the Timmy-splatter
ing fun.
Unit Varia
Variation: Porter
Porter (Cost: TL + 2 CP)
In many early Civi
tions, prior to the invention
invention of the wheel or the har ness, heavy cargo had to be car -
ried or hauled by profes
sional Porters.
Porters. Porters
Porters were also hired to act as galley
gal ley oarsmen.
oarsmen. Porters
Porters are just like
Slaves except they are unhindered
unhin dered by any ridicu
ridiculous Pacifism.

8.2.5 Pilots
Pilots are the elite and cocky group of warriors
war riors who operate
operate a Civililiza
tion’s Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Pilot
 war machines. While any Trooper can pilot a vehicle,
vehi cle, the Pilots have the tal-
tal - Assault Vehi
Assault Vehicle
cle Oper
ent and educa
tion that give them the edge in vehic ular combat.
Before becoming
becoming a full-fledged Pilot, the Pilot Cadet must pass a spe- spe - Move: 5"
cial course called “Drivers’
“Drivers’ Ed,” which is offered at the local high school. In Arm
Armor: TL + 1d6-3 AV

Driv ers’
oper ingEd,
ating weapthe
weapons Cadet
ons learns
and commu
com arcane
muninica skills
tions such as
systems, anddriv
allel straight lines, Skill:
lelinparking. 1d6+2

Once a Pilot is given his vehicle, obsessively good care of it. Cost:
vehi cle, he takes obsessively TL + 2 CP
On the weekends,
weekends, with the week’s fighting behind him, the Pilot tends to his Spe Speccialty: Pilot
 vehi cle. Pilots follow a gru
eling reg
regiimen which involves meticu
meticulously polish
Ra None (troop)
ing and detailing the vehivehicle
cle inside and out. After the external protec pro tective
ointments have been applied, the Pilot carefully
care fully tunes and steam-cleans the
engine, with the help of his squadron’s
squad ron’s Mechanik. Finally, he vacuums inside the vehi cle, and cleans out the
ashtrays. If the vehicle
vehicle has tires, he rotates them.
Every armed vehicle must start out with a Pilot. The Pilot may be killed in mid-bat mid-battle,
tle, and then any 
 Trooper can come along and comman commandeer the vehi vehicle,
cle, but the vehicle
vehicle has to start the bat tle with a trained Pilot.
Unarmed vehicles
vehicles can start out with whomever
whom ever they like, since it’s not as important
impor tant that they have a skilled gun-
gun -
ner in the pilot’s seat.
 A Pilot may be reprepre
sented by a minifig with a visored racing helmet hel met or sunglasses
sunglasses or racing gloves or a
special driving
special driving hat or whatever
whatever is appropri
ate to his culture.
culture. Pilots speak mainly in trite clichés involving “the
need for speed” and the phrase “five by five.”

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 87

Specialty: Piloting (+1CP)

 Any Trooper can drive a car, fire a mounted Howit How itzer,
zer, or lock a group of Side Winder mis siles onto a tartarget,
but it takes a special
spe cial breed to do all three at the same time. If a unit other than a Pilot is try
ing to drive an armed
 vehi cle, he can either steer the vehicle
vehicle or fire one type of vehicle
vehi cle weapon, but he can’t do both on the same
turn. A trained Pilot can pull burly vehicle
vehi cle maneu vers and fire multi
mul tiple
ple weapon groups simulta taneously,
neously, all the
 while engaging in witty radio
radio chatter.
(For more detailed informa
tion on Piloting,
Piloting, see 6.1: The Pilot.)

8.2.6 Mechanix
Mechanix are members
members of the elite order that repairs and maintains
maintains the vehi-
vehi- Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Mechanik 
cles, bases, and heavy machinery
machinery of the Troopers.
Troopers. When a potential Vehicle
Vehi cle Mainte
nance Special
Mechanik is identi
fied in the Trooper Training
Training Cen ter, he is given a test for
Move: 5"
 Advanced Mechanikal Apti Aptitude.
tude. Troop ers who pass the test are given the
oppor tunity
nity to spend up to ten years receiving
receiv ing extra training
training at the Cita
Citadel of  Arm
Armor: TL + 1 AV
Mechanix. In the Citadel, the Mechanik trainee is taught to design, test, and Skill: 1d6
finalize machine blue
prints in his head. A skilled Mechanik can design a new 
Cost: TL + 3 CP
 vehi cle from wreckage
wreckage and spare parts in about ten sec onds; the fast fastest
est can
do it in five. Mechanix require tools with which to work, and some of the Spe Speccialty: Mechan ik
ikal A bi
sets of tools used by Mechanix have been in circu cir culation
lation for thousands of  Ra Rattio: 1 per Vehi
years, handed down from generation to generation.
Mechanix are handy to have around. Not only can they repair damage dam age
done to vehicles,
vehicles, but they can sal vage
 vage parts from wreck
age and cre ate new devices in the midst of battle. A
Mechanik must be equipped with at least one tool, such as a wrench, hammer, ham mer, robot arm, or nanoprobe hose.
 Tools cost 3 CP apiece. Mechanix typ typiically wear little
little police hats and are under no obligaobligation
tion to shave.
 Although they don’t usually
usually carry weap ons, they are as well trained in comcombat
bat as any Trooper and can put up a
hell of a fight if they get in a tight spot.

Specialty: Mechanikal Ability (+2CP)

Mechanix have two roles to play on the battle
field: they can repair damaged
damaged machines, or they can build new 
machines from wreckage.

Repairing Damaged Machines

 A Mechanik can try to fix a machine or machine
machine compo ponent
nent that has suf fered Functional,
Func tional, Statis
tic, or Platform
Dam age (5.3: Destroying
Destroying Large Structures).
Structures). To do so, he specifies which machine or machine com po ponent
nent he is
 work ing on, and what type of damage he is trytrying
ing to repair (a single
single machine or compo
com ponent
nent can theo
retiically be
affected by several
several dam age types at the same time).
 A Mechanik can cannot
not use parts that have been Destroyed. He cannot can not reacti
reactivate devices that have been
Dam aged Beyond Repair, although he can use them for purely structural structural purposes.
purposes. He must stand within
touch ing dis tance of the damaged
dam aged machine for the whole turn in order to put his skills to use. The machine (or
machine compo ponent)
nent) must not be in operation during
during that turn, or the Mechanik is likely to get a limb
munched off in grinding
grind ing gears. The Mechanik may attempt a repair as many times as he likes; each attempt
takes one full turn.
If the Mechanik is attempting to fix Functional
Func tional or Statis
cal Damage,
Damage, he rolls 1d6 for each tool he is
hold ing (a maxi
maximum of two unless the Mechanik has more than two hands). He may repair up to this many 
points of Functional
Functional Damage
Damage to any single compo ponent,
nent, or up to this many points of Statis
Statis tical
tical Damage
Damage to any 
single statistic.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 88

If the Mechanik is attempting to fix Platform

Plat form Dam age, he must first pick the entry on the Plat
Ker-Pow! Table that cor re
sponds to the damage
dam age sustained
sustained by the machine, and calcu
late the number
number that corre
sponds to that entry (some num ber times the Plat form’s Size").
 The Mechanik must gen gener
ate at least that many Repair Points to repair the damage.
Each full turn that a Mechanik operates
oper ates on a machine, he gen er
ates 1d6 Repair Points for each tool he is
using. For large jobs, he can create
create cumula
tive Repair Points over a series of turns, or work in a larger team. If a
Mechanik has one or more per sonal assistants (Slaves or Synthetix), he can add another 1d6 to his roll.

Building New Stuff From Wreckage

 When a Plat
form is destroyed, it is shredded
shred ded to bits and half the pieces are removed from play. The rest are
sprinkled over the area in which
wh ich the Platform
Platform was destroyed. Besides being obstacles
obstacles to foot traffic and serving 
as a grim reminder of the glitter
ing Plat form that existed only a short while before, this ran dom debris is raw 
mate rial for Mechanix to build something
some thing new, such as a small vehicle,
vehi cle, a tiny weapons
weapons platform, or patch work 
devices to weld onto a larger vehicle
vehicle or building.
First, the Mechanik must roll 1d6 to see if it is possi
possible to cre
ate a new device from a given pile of wreck-
wreck -
age on any given turn (if he has two Tools, he rolls two dice and uses the higher of the two rolls). If he rolls a
four or higher, he can get to work. On a roll of 4, the Mechanik has fifteen
fifteen seconds
seconds to reassem
ble the debris. A
5 gives him thirty seconds,
seconds, and a 6 gives him forty-five
fo rty-five seconds
seconds to build something
something new. An opposing
opposing player is
chosen to keep
Once the track
clock of
hasthe time limit.
started, the player whose Mechanik is engaged in reconstruc
recon struction may begin building.
 The player may use any loose pieces within three or o r four inches of the Mechanik (don’t bother mea measur
ing, as
time is precious),
precious), or any spare parts the Mechanik may have brought with him. He may also pull parts from
friendly Platforms
Platforms near the Mechanik, if those platforms
plat forms have been station
ary during
during that round. He may build
onto another object or Platform,
Platform, or he may continue
continue a reconstruc
reconstruction effort from an earlier turn.
Recon structed objects have an AV of 1d10, although they may be welded onto more mo re sturdy Platforms
Platforms or
objects. Reconstructed
Reconstructed Propul
Propulsion Sys
tems have a Movement
Movement Rate of 7", although this may be halved if the
recon structed vehicle
vehicle is dragging
dragging parts or other
other wise
 wise hindered. A new Power Source can be created as long as it
is at least a Blok in size; it will pro vide 2 Power. Only one Power Source can be createdcre ated for a single
single recon-
structed Platform.

Recovery Vehicles
 A Mechanik can have a sepseparate vehi cle all to himself. Vehicles
Vehi cles driven as Recov ery Vehicles
Vehi cles cost an extra 5 CP
and start out with up to 10 spare parts (parts like spare wheels, power and con trol cables, jets, consoles,
consoles, and
 wings; not parts like spare MkIII Lasers). The pieces car ried in the Recovery
Recov ery Vehicle are cho
sen by the player
and may be used to help create new vehicles
vehi cles from wreckage. Recovery
Recov ery Vehicles
Vehicles also get one free tow harness,
har ness,
to tow wrecks to safer areas so the Mechanik can work on them, or one free crane arm, to pick p ick up large pieces
of debris. Recovery
Recovery Vehicle equipment incurs -2" of Cargo Movement Penalty.
Vehicle equipment

Recovery Bays
Mechanix can also have base workshops
workshops and garages (at a cost of ten points)
poin ts) which start out with up to fifteen
workshop get +1d6 to all repair rolls. When build
spare parts in a parts bin. All Mechanix working in such a workshop building 
new objects from debris, Mechanix in a Recovery
Recovery Bay automat
matiically get a full minute
min ute of building
building time.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 89

8.2.7 Medix

Doctors are the same as law yers; the only dif ference

Doctors  ference is that law yers merely rob you, whereas
whereas doctors
doctors rob you and kill you too.
  –Anton Che

Medix are like Mechanix for minifigs. After initial ini tial training in the Trooper Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Medik 
 Training Center,
 Training Center, those desiring
desiring to become Medix move on to their Civi Civililiza
za-- Minifig Mainte
nance Special
tion’s Hypocritic College
College of Medix, where they spend many years learning learning to
mend battle wounds like No-Knee Syn Syndrome, Inversion, Move:
drome, Skull Inversion, 4"

Hyper-Extended Sternum,
Sternum, Melted Torso Disor Disorder,der, and the devas
tating  Ar Armmor: TL + 2 AV
 All-Bones-Fused-Together Trauma. Each Civi Civiliza
tion has its own version
version of 
Skill: 1d6
the Hypo
Hypocritic Oath, but most sound something
some thing like “I swear to do every-every-
thing in my power to keep our guys alive, and to pre vent the other guy’s guys Cost: TL + 3 CP

from remaining
remaining so.” This oath pre vents the Medix from taking taking counter
pro-- SpeSpeccialty: Medikal T ra
ductive mercy on wounded enemy soldiers and civilians. Rattio:
Ra 1 per 10 Troops
 At gradu
graduation time, the Medik is awarded his MediKit, which contains
high-tech field surgery gear such as BakTeen, industrial-strength BandAdes,
a rubber mallet, and a reus
able rectal/oral
rectal/oral thermom
thermomeeter. They are then sent off to perform per form their duties with a
spe cific battal
ion, to which they are attached for
f or the rest of their pro fes
sional lives.
 A Medik is best repre
rep resented by a minifig in a doc doctor
tor suit, wearing
wearing a backpack
backpack full of surgikal equipment,
equip ment,
and carry
ing a MediKit briefcase.
briefcase. (The MediKit should not be con fused with other units’ suitcases suitcases that are
PsiAmps and Brain Control
Control Devices.) A Medik needs both hands free to perform perform emergency
emergency surger surgeries,
ies, and so
does not normally carry weapweapons;
ons; how ever he is fully trained in their use, should he hap happen
pen to pick one up.

Specialty: Medikal Training (+2CP)

Medix have the abil ity to heal sol diers who have fallen in combat.
com bat. If he is lucky enough to reach a fallen com -
rade without
without get ting killed him
self, the Medik can administer medicines and perhaps
perhaps a skull replace ment.
 To raise a fallen
f allen friend, a Medik must be close enough to the victim
vic tim to touch him. The Medik then gets
one roll on 1d10. If the Medik rolls (TL) or below, the victim
vic tim is saved. The victim’s
victim’s con di
dition is upgraded from
Dead to Uncon scious on the next turn, and he may then recover as nor n ormal.
mal. If the Medik rolls above his
 TekLevel, however,
however, the soldier is lost for ever, and cannot be saved. A Medik only gets one try to save a fallen
 The Medik may make a sim simiilar roll (TL or lower on 1d10) to try and upgrade an Uncon scious unit to
Stunned, or a Stunned unit to Normal
Nor mal (or ‘Frisky,’ as this state is called in the Medikal books). The Medik gets
one attempt per turn, and the patient suffers
suffers no ill effects on a failed roll.

For 5 CP, a player can des ig
nate a Plat form section of any size to be a SickBay. Within this space, he may install
in stall
as many SickBeds as he likes. Each SickBedSick Bed must be installed with a 1CP ComputerConsole to per form
Medikal scans, moni
monitor vital func
tions, and let patients play video games to distract
dis tract them from the agoniz
pain. (If the army’s TekLevel is too low for ComputerConsoles, the player must still spend 1 CP on each Sick-
Bed for whatever
whatever Medikal tools are appropri
ate to the culture).
 When a patient is brought to the SickBay, a Medik can make as many many attempts to revive him as he wishes;
each attmept takes one full turn. If the Medik rolls a 10 on any such attempt, the patient is dead and cannot
cannot be
saved; throw him in the OrganRecycler. If a patient recover
ing on a SickBed
SickBed is moved by anyone
anyone other than a
Medikal techni
cian, moved to any where besides a differ
ent SickBed,
SickBed, or if enemies gain access to his SickBed’s
ComputerConsole, he is dead and can no longer
longer be saved.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 90

Optional Rule: Ker-Triage! :P 

If you enjoy playing with Medikal troops and don’t mind ripripping
ping apart your minifigs every now and then, you
might enjoy the more complex
com plex Ker-Tri age! rules. To use the Ker-Triage!
Ker-Tri age! Table, the attend ing Medik rolls 1d10
and adds his army’s TekLevel. He may add +1 to this roll for each additional Medik assisting
assist ing him.

The Medikal Ker-Triage!

Ker-Triage! Table

Ker-Triage! Roll
( 1d
1d10 + TL ) What Ha
Any time a ‘1’ is Battlefield
Battlefield stress causes the Medik’s hand to jerk invol
untarily, and he ac
cidentally  severs
 severs twenty or thirty ma jor arter
dentally  arteries.
rolled, regard
less The victim’s
victim’s status
status is downgraded
downgraded from Dead to Really
Really Really
Really Dead, and his funeral
fu neral is downgraded
downgraded to Closed-Casket.
of TL or other The victim
victim cannot be saved.
bo nuses
7 or less Despite a valiant effort, the Medik is un able to im improve
prove the victim’s
victim’s condi
tion. If the victim
victim is in a SickBay, his condi
con dition
is unchanged,
unchanged, and the Medik may continue
con tinue to make attempts
attempts on follow
ing turns.
If the vic
v ictim is be
ing treated in the field, then he is dead and can not be saved unless
un less he is taken to a SickBay.
8 The victim is saved, but one arm or both legs must be ampu am putated
tated (Medik’s choice).
Re move the ampu
tated limb or limbs from the victim’s
victim’s body. Status
Status is upgraded
upgraded from Dead to Uncon Unconscious.
scious. Victim
can not recover
recover to better than Exhausted/Stunned
Ex hausted/Stunned for the remain
re mainder
der of the battle.
If the victim
victim takes damage
damage or exerts
exerts himself
himself in any way (includ
(in cluding
ing engag
ing in any type of hand-to-hand combat),
com bat), he will
be gin bleeding
bleeding profusely.
profusely. He will take 1d6 Stun Damage
Damage every
every turn from blood loss untilun til a quali
qualified Medik re-bandages
9 A minifig with no legs can drag himself about at 1" for each arm. If he has a wheel wheelchair,
chair, he can wheel himself
himself around at
half speed if he has both hands free.
The victim
victim is saved, but one leg or hand must be ampu am putated
tated (Medik’s choice).
Same ef fects as for #8.
If the vic tim is in a SickBay, hands and legs are auto
au tomat
ically replaced
replaced with prosthetix. If the player didn’t
did n’t buy enough
Pi rate and Divers
Divers sets to have a ready supply
supply of hooks and peg legs (for shame!), he can make a pros prosthetic
thetic hand out of 
any off-color minifig hand, and a prosthetic
prosthetic leg with an off-color leg or by attach
ing a 1 ´ 2 plate to the back of one of 
the minifig’s legs. For the most part, these work as well as the origi originals, except
except that pre-TL5 prosthetic
prosthetic hands cannot
be used for things like pull
ing triggers
triggers and playing pianos.
10 The victim is saved but has a nasty head wound and a concus
con cussion.
Status is up
graded from Dead to Uncon
Unconscious. Vic tim is at -2 Skill for the rest of the battle.
battle. Put a red bandanna
ban danna or a
red 1 ´ 1 plate on the victim’s
vic tim’s head to serve as a bandage.
11–12 The victim is saved with no compli
Status is upgraded
upgraded from Dead to Uncon
13–14 The victim is somewhat
somewhat dazed but other
wise unhurt
Status is imme
Status immedi
ately upgraded
upgraded to Exhausted/Stunned.
15+ The victim
victim makes an instant
instant and mirac
ulous recov
Status is imme
ately upgraded
upgraded to Normal/Frisky.
Any time a ‘10’ is The victim’s
victim’s recov
ery is so mirac
ulous that it is a signif
nifiicant morale
morale boost. Status
Status is imme
immedi diately
ately upgraded
upgraded to
rolled regard
less Normal/Frisky.
Nor mal/Frisky. Either
Either the victim
victim or one of the attend
ing Medix may take a small per perfor
mance bonus,
bonus, such as +1 to Skill
of TL or other or +1" Move, at the player’s discre
tion. This bonus
bonus lasts until
until the end of the battle.
bo nuses If you roll a result
result that cannot
cannot be applied to a certain vic tim (for in instance,
stance, a 9 for a victim
vic tim who is already
al ready a quadru
am putee),
tee), keep subtract
ing one from the roll until you get a result that applies.

8.2.8 Technix

I believe that a scien

tist looking
looking at nonscientific problems
problems is just as dumb as the next guy.
  –Richard Feynman

 Technix, or Engineers,
Engi neers, are like Mechanix for buildings.
buildings. They carry a SprayCan of harden
ing ABS SprayFoam,
 which they use to weld broken
bro ken walls back together, and to create plas tic Brix to patch holes and build bar
cades. Engineers
Engineers often command
command a work-squad of Slaves.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 91

Engineer is repre
 An Engineer represented
sented by a nor mal Trooper with a SprayCan and a Classifi
Classi fica
tion: Technik 
Structure Mainte
nance Special
boy-hair piece. Even female Engineers
Engi neers adopt this hairstyle, because get
long hair stuck in a harden
ing Brik of SprayFoam can be a fatal incon ve ve--
Move: 5"
nience when in the midst of battle.
Armor: TL + 1 AV

Specialty: Technikal Training (+1CP) Skill: 1d6

Engineers are not given any special training
train ing at the Trooper Training
Train ing Center, Cost: TL + 2 CP
but earn their Technikal Degree by sending send ing away for a study-by-mail course
Spe Technikal T ra
from one of their Civi Civilization’s
zation’s second-rate
second-rate vocational
vocational colleges.
colleges. After they 
receive their diploma (in as little ship- Ra
little as nine months), they send $19.95 plus ship- Rattio: 1 per 3 Slaves

ping and handling for rush delivery

delivery of their SprayCan of SprayFoam.
Using this SprayCan, an Engineer
Engineer can produce
produce 1 Blok per turn, or any Brik, plate, or simple
simple slope of 
alent or lesser size, if he does nothing
noth ing else that turn. His band of Slaves can then assem ble the Brix into
large construc
constructions, such as bar barri
cades, bridges, or staircases.
staircases. A construction made out of piled Brix has AV 
1d10. If the Technik then spends a turn welding weld ing the construc
construction together with SprayFoam, it has an AV of 
 Alter natively,
tively, an Engineer
Engineer can direct Slaves to reassem
ble a broken
broken base wall from its debris, or use pre-
fab ricated
cated parts brought in by Supply
Supply Trucks to build weapon bunkers and defense tow ers. Pre fab fabriricated parts
cost half as much as the structure
structure they are designed to build, except for siege weapons
weapons and devices, which cost
full price. Piles of regular Blox can also be hauled in, costing 1CP for every (TekLevel ´ 2) Blox. The Engineer
uses his SprayCan to mortar the pieces together, and the struc
ture is as good as new.

8.2.9 Kamikazes

The secret of reaping

reaping the greatest
greatest fruit fulness
 fulness and the greatest
great est enjoyment
enjoyment from life is to live dan ger
  – Friedrich Nietz

Every now and then a Trooper gets bored with the normal nor mal humdrum
humdrum Classi
tion: Kami
ultra-violence, facing cer
tain death day in and day
d ay out; it takes a lit tle more to Suicidal
Suicidal Maniak 
get his adrena
adrenaline flowing.
flowing. Or maybe he’s a few days from retirement,
retirement, and
can’t stand the thought of not getting
getting to kill anybody
anybody anymore. Maybe he’s Move: 8"

just seenwho
one isJaw-Jaw too men
many. Arm
Armor: TL + 1d6-5 AV
 Trooper even more tallyFor
mentally what
unsta bleever
unstable thanrea son,
his a Kami
peers. kaze into
He goes is a
Skill: 1d6
battle with out any armor (and some
times without
without clothes), pumped up on
CroakaKola and looking for insane risks and suicide missions. Cost: TL + 1 CP

 A Kami
kaze appears to be a nor mal Trooper who hasn’t has n’t shaved or Speccialty:
Spe Kami
kaze Bomb
bathed in awhile, and he usually
usually wears some kind of funny hat. Rattio:
Ra 1 per 4 Troops

Specialty: Kamikaze Bomb (+1CP)

 What the Kami
kaze’s enemies
enemies don’t know is that a deadman’s switch in his brain is monitor toring
ing his vital signs. If
the Kamikaze
Kamikaze is killed (or holds his breath for more than half a turn), the switch sets off a 3d10 Explosive
Explo sive clev-
erly implanted in his cranial
cranial cavity, allow ing him to instantly create
cre ate large craters
craters deco
decorated with the particticu
remains of his own entrails. Naturally, his superi
superiors are fully aware of his explo
sive poten tial, and he is posi
tioned far away from friendly squads.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 92

8.3 Elite Troops

I figured
figured that if I said it enough, I would convince
con vince the world that I really was the greatest.
  –Muhammad Ali

For special
specialists, the abil
abiliities that set them apart from com
mon grunts are explic itly delineated.
delineated. But some troops
set them selves apart, not because of specific special
spe cial abili
abilities, but just by being heroic and able to do amaz ing 
things in general.
Heroes, as these super-soldiers
super-soldiers are called, have the unusual ability
abil ity to perform
perform Stupen
dous Feats. There
are all kinds of Stupen
dous Feats; these are only a few examples:

·  Attack
ing a second time (no automatic
auto matic hits)
· Moving a second time
· Grab
bing hold of a passing
passing vehicle
· Punch
ing a hole through a wall
· Climb
ing a sheer sur face
· Deci
ing the controls of an alien spacecraft
· Moving an impossi
bly large object, such as a building
build ing or mountain
· Leap
ing a great distance
dis tance
· Per
ing field surgery 
· Seduc
ing a female of another species
spe cies
· Repairing a vehicle with string and bub
ble gum
·  Throw
ing an object over a vast dis
· Inspir
ing Civilians
Civilians to band together for large-scale futile gestures
ges tures
· Etcet

It would be impossi
impossible to list all the possi
pos sible Stu
dous Feats a Hero might possi
bly attempt, but player
groups should be sure to establish
establish early exactly how Stupen
dous their Stupen
dous Feats can be. Depending
Depending on
the person
personal alities
ities of the play ers involved, Stu
dous Feats can be extremely silly, stupid,
stu pid, or bizarre, and the
best combine
combine all three quali
qualities. On the other hand, Stupen
dous Feats can be strictly limited
lim ited to dreary realism
or disal
lowed entirely. In a very serious game, Heroes might have the abilities of a Green Beret, a CIA Assassin, Assassin,
or an Airborne
Airborne Ranger. More commonly,
commonly, Stupen
dous Feats are limited
limited to what might be seen in a typi
typical action
movie, giving
giving Heroes the abili
abilities of Rambo, James Bond, Jackie Chan, Conan the Barbar barian,
ian, or Xena, Warrior
Prin cess. But there’s noth ing stopping
stop ping players from set setting
ting the limit even higher, giving
giving Heroes the abili
abilities of 
Super man, or Zeus, or God. As in all areas of BrikWars, you are not obligated to pay any attention to such petty
con straints as good taste and common
com mon sense if they will keepk eep you from doing something funny like having
hav ing your
Hero smash a vehi cle by throwthrowing
ing a build ing at it or picking
p icking up a road baseplate and turning it upside-down.
In order for a Hero to perform a Stu Stupen
dous Feat, the player declares exactly what kind of Feat his Hero
is trying
trying to accomplish, and then rolls 1d6. If his opponent
oppo nent wants his attempt to fail (and he usually
usually will), then
he also rolls 1d6. If the player attempting
attempt ing the Feat rolls equal to or higher than his opponent,
oppo nent, then the Feat suc-
ceeds. Other
Other wise,
 wise, the Feat fails, and the Hero suf suffers
fers whatever fate would normally befall someone who
attempted such a thing. Sometimes the fail failure
ure will have no partic
ular conse
quences, but in general
general the Hero
should suf fer some neg
negaative effect, and if the attempted Feat was especially
especially Stupen
dous then the conse
of failure
failure should accordingly
accordingly be Stupenpendously
dously Bad. There are no rules dic tat
ing the exact results of failure
fail ure in
any situation, but it is helpful
help ful to start by imagin
ing what would happen to Homer Simpson if he had made the
same attempt.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 93

Some extra-Heroic units can per form more than one Stu Stupen
dous Feat per turn. While
W hile such a Hero can -
not use a second
second Feat to try and undo a first Stupen
Stu pendous
dous Failure,
Failure, he can use the second
sec ond Feat to avoid or miti
mit i-
gate the conse
quences of that fail ure. Succes
Suc cessive
sive failures
failures will of course lead to compounded
compounded consequences.
 A Hero can only attempt a certain
certain number of Stupen pendous addi tional +3
dous Feats per round. A Hero costs an additional
CP for each Stupen
dous Feat avail able to him. Only units whose
w hose abilities are already outstand
ing can gain the
ability to per
form Stupen
dous Feats, so most Heroes have high statis
tics from a bunch of Perfor

8.3.1 Ninjas
In every Trooper training
training class, there is one kid with an impene
impen etra
ble air of  Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Ninja or 
mys tery. He doesn’t
doesn’t partic
particiipate in class dis cussions, and no one
o ne can tell what SpecialOp
he’s think ing. These kids mystify
mys tify their teach ers, and so the thought
ful educa
educa-- Covert
Co vert Oper
Operaative and Assas
tors kick them out of school and send them to study under the local Ancient
Move: 10"
ZenMaster. Invariably, it turns out that these kids are just near
sighted, but by
the time anyone
anyone finds this out it is too late and they are well on their way to Arm
Armor: TL + 1d6-2 AV
(+2d6 CC)
becoming Ninjas.
Ninjas are mys
ous men and women who spend their lives training  training  Skill: 3d6 +2

in secretSab
ations. gym nasiums,
otage perfect
per fecting
and assassi
assas ing
sina their
tion areskills
the in close com
Ninja’s bat and
pri mary
primary oper-- Cost:
covert When
focuses. oper TL + 16 CP
Spe Hand Weapons Only
defend ing against Close Combat
Combat attacks and thrown weapons,weap ons, a Ninja has an Stealth
almost impene
impenetra ble defense, giving him an additional +2d6 AV. A Ninja is
trable Spider
Spider Gymnastix
also filled with Spe cial Chambara Power, allowing allow ing him one Stupen
dous Feat Ra Rattio: 1 per 7 Troops
per turn, such as are frequently
frequently seen in no-budget kung-fu movies.
 A Ninja wears normal
nor mal Armor, but instead of a helmet,helmet, he has either a
NinjaHood, a topknot
topknot (made out of a one-dot switch piece), or a coni conical hat (made from the smallest
small est radar dish
piece). They often carry a grenade
grenade or time bomb in addition
addi tion to a melee weapon. Ninjas
Ninjas pre fer not
no t to drive vehi -
cles, but if they find them selves in con control
trol of one they’ll often set it on a collision course with an enemy base
and jump out at the last moment. If a vehicle carry carrying
ing Nin jas is destroyed, they all jump out in the nick of time,
tak ing no damage.

Specialty: Hand Weapons Only (-1CP)

Except for thrown weap ons, a Ninja cannot
cannot use ranged weapons.
weapons. Some soldiers assume that it is because the
Ninja is unwilling
unwilling to sacri
fice stealth to muzzle flashes and rifle reports. Oth
ers think it is because ranged weap-
ons offend the Ninja’s profes
sional sensi
ities. In fact, it is because Ninjas so heart
ily enjoy slicing and dicing 
their opponents
opponents (and civilians,
civilians, and small yapping dogs, and so forth), that to shoot one from a distance would
seem like a crimi
criminally wasted opportunity.

Specialty: Stealth (+2CP)

 The com
sion to pass unnoticed
unnoticed is so overwhelm
ing that a Ninja often finds himself
him self unable to raise his
 voice, make phone
pho ne calls, or turn on any lights in his house. This pattern of men mental
tal instabil
instability, com
bined with
years spent sneaking
sneaking up on his parents
par ents and frighten
frightening the neigh
bors, has given the Ninja the ability
ability to operate
in almost perfect stealth.
If a unit is not looking
looking directly at a Ninja (a minifig’s cone of vision extends 45 degrees to all sides from
the direction
direction it is fac ing), or if the Ninja has any signif
sig nifiicant cover (at least 1/3 hidden), then the Ninja goes
completely undetected.
completely undetected. Even if the unit saw the Ninja only moments before, the unit experi experiences
ences a strange
Stealth-induced amnesia
amnesia and forgets where the Ninja is. Even
E ven if the unit is the Ninja’s command
ing officer, and
the Ninja is maintain
ing constant
constant radio contact with positional updates, the C.O. will still be unable to detect
the Ninja under these conditions. The Ninja’s Stealth advan
tages are cancelled if he is Scanned or gets ‘tagged’

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 94

by a Scout, but fortu nately most Scouts have an extremely
ex tremely short life expectancy when within tagging range of a
 When a Ninja sneaks up on an enemy minifig from behind (except another Ninja), his first attack always
hits, and does +2 extra damage.
damage. Ninjas can
not sneak up on other Ninjas.
Nin jas.

Specialty: Spider Gymnastix (+3CP)

 A typi
typical Ninja stunt is to leap into a low-flying
low-flying Flyer, gar rote the Pilot, bean the enemy general
gen eral with the Pilot’s
itated head, send the Flyer careening
careen ing into an enemy BattleJeep, and jump clear at the last possi pos sible
ble instant.
 Thanks to hid hidden
den wires and camera tricks, Nin Ninjas
jas are able to leap amazing heights (up to two Sto ries
high), run up and down verti vertical
cal surfaces
surfaces (at the same speed
sp eed as horizontal ones), balb alance
ance on treetops
treetops or waving 
pen nants or the sur face of cresting ocean waves, ignore Move Movement
ment Penal
Penalties from harsh ter terrain,
rain, sur vive
 vive terrify-
ing falls with no fear of damage,
damage, and climb ropes with no free hands. As long as they remain in motion, almost
any sur face is as easily
eas ily traversable for the trained Ninja as level pavement.
For a less disci
dis ciplined indi vidual,
 vidual, jumping
jumping around like an insane spi der monkey
monkey in zero gravity
gravity would be an
end in itself, but for the Ninja the use of these manic gymnas gym nastics is strictly lim
l imited to fur
ing his goals of 
mass homicide.

8.3.2 Heroes

We can’t all be heroes because somebody

somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.
  –Will Rog

Heroes are Troopers

Troopers who display
display feats of strength, speed, and agility beyond Classi Classifi fica
tion: Hero or Offi
the abili
abilities of other Troopers,
Troopers, on a regu
regular basis. After display
displaying excep
excep-- Elite Dis
able In
tional abilities in the Trooper Train
ing Cen ter, a Hero spends three or four
extra years in the Hero Training
Training Camp, where he hones his advantages, prac- Move:
advantages, prac- 5"

tices the projec

tion and enunci
enunciaation of his stage voice, runs drills at thrusting 
thrusting  Ar Arm
mor: TL + 1d10 AV
out his chest and walking
walking groin-first, collects
collects capes, scarves, and sashes in a Skill: 1d10 +2
 variety of colors
colors and fab rics, and poses for Trooper Train
ing Center recruit
ment posters.
posters. Heroes are well aware that they are symbols
symbols of their Civi za-- Cost:
Civililiza TL + 8 CP

tion’s power and glory. Having

Having a Hero on the battlefield is such a morale Spe Speccialty: 1 Stupen
dous Feat

booster that reg Rattio:

Ra 1 per 7 Troops
Heroes areular Troopers
very ers are
effi cient
efficient killdriven
killers, intoserve
ers, and a blind
as patriotic
tacti frenzy.
cal leaders
lead ers of force
divisions when no ChamChampipions are available. They have all the abili abil ities of nor
mal Troopers,
Troopers, only more so. They also have the handy ability abil ity to perform
perform one Stupenpendous
dous Feat per turn. They 
are repre
sented by minifigs with visored helmetshel mets and fancy Armor, and often wear some accessory such as
feath ers in their helmets
helmets or braided epaulets.

8.3.3 Champions

Kill a man, and you are a mur

derer. Kill millions
millions of men, and you are a conqueror.
con queror. Kill everyone,
everyone, and you are a god.
  –Jean Rostand

 When a Hero has been fighting

fight ing steadily for a few decades, his skills, postur
pos turing,
ing, and oratory
oratory abili
abilities increase

even beyond
man ages their
to live already-super
through human
a hundred
hundred man levels.
battles If by
or so, somehave
he will comgained
and andtige
pres dumb luck he
he needs to
be called a Champion.
Champion. Tales of the great Champi
Championsons circu
circulate through
out the Civililiza
tions, often making them
legends within their own lifetimes.

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 95

mal Troopers
Troopers and Heroes are so blood thirsty and vicious
v icious they’ve Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Champion
Champion or
Com mander 
been known to attack themselves
themselves out of sheer battle frenzy, and Champi
Cham pions
Elite Elite Dispos
able Infan
follow in this grand tradi dition
tion of adrenaline-induced moronitude. However,
 when they pull
p ull the trig
ger in such a situation, their natural combi
tion of  Move: 10"
catlike reflexes and dumb luck causes them to miss themselves and hit the
fuel line of the cloaked DeathSloop sneaking making it spin Ar
sneaking up behind them, making Armmor: TL + 1d10-3 AV
off and destroy the nearby enemy base in a glori glo rious crash-land
ing, igniting a Skill: 1d10 +2
for est fire that consumes
consumes three divisions
divisions of the enemy expedi
tionary force Cost: TL + 21 CP
 waiting in ambush on the other side of the hill.
Spe 3 Stupen
dous Feat
 As a Hero is to nornormal
mal Troopers,
Troopers, so is a Champion
Champion among Heroes.
 The most impor tant advantage of the Champion over the mere Hero, Ra
important Rattio: 1 per Player
beyond some enhanced statis statistics, is the fact that Champi
Cham pions have *three*
pendous Feats *per turn.* Now that’s something
some thing to write home about!
Cham pions
ons are repre
sented by minifigs with visored helmets, fancy Armor, braided epau lets, capes,
sashes, cloaks, and any other accessory
accessory they can drape over their Hercu
Her culean
lean phy siques. They should be dressed
in the most gar ishly extrava
extrav agant suit that players
players can slap together, with all the flame decals and racingrac ing stripes.
Cham pions
ons are very vain, and you want to be able to tell them apart. Champi Cham pions
ons usually
usually have a thick and
odied accent when they talk, and action-movie-hero per p erson
ities. Players
Players should know the name and

ality of every Champion
Cham pion they field, if not every Hero.

8.4 Civilians

I don’t believe that the big men, the poli

pol iti
cians and the capi
ists alone are guilty of the war. Oh no, the little
little man is just as keen,
wise the peo ple of the world would have risen in revolt long ago.
 –from the diary of AnneAnne Frank 

Sadly, not every minifig in the BrikWars uni u niverse is cut out for service in the army of a major Civi
 Whether due to phys physiical, psycho
logiical, or philosoph
philosophiical weakness,
weakness, many unfortu
nate indi vidu
 viduals are denied
the opportu tunity
nity to take part in their Civililiza
tions’ campaigns
campaigns of mass destruc tion. Even so, this unhappy major -
ity still has its purpose
purpose to serve. Without
Without the teeming
teeming Civilian
Civilian hordes, who would build the war machines? Who,
like rutting
rutting ver min, would breed the next gener gen eraation of Troopers? How would the milimil itary finance its opera-
tions, without a large audience for their wars on pay-per-view?
pay-per-v iew?
For many Troopers,
Troopers, the blood, gore, and agony they cause among their enemies ene mies is only half the fun. To
them, piles of steaming
steaming enemy corpses are only appe tiz tizers
ers in antici
tion of the main course of terror, disfig
dis fig-
ure ment, and lifelong
lifelong psycho
logiical trauma that they can bring into being by stag staging
ing battles
battles in the midst of 
inno cent and unsuspect
unsuspecting ing Civilian
Civilian populations.
Civilians come in all styles and flavors, and there are any number num ber of ways to handle them. The Civilians
may or may not be allied with one side or another ano ther in a given bat tle. Players may decide that they have to be
bought with Construc
tion Points, or they might be supplied
sup plied along with the scenery.
scenery. They can be controlled
con trolled by 
one player or another,
ano ther, or con trol can be divided among or even shared by several sev eral players.
players. Civilians will almost
never have any serious
seri ous effect on the outcome
out come of a battle
battle (unless one of the Champi
Cham pionsons refuses to fight until he
gets some dough nuts, in which case his Civi Civ ililiza
tion had better hope one of the local Civilians is a PastryChef).
Civilians exist only to add a little light-hearted fun and casual casual casu alties, so there’s no need to stress out over
how their ini tial placement
place ment and control are hanhandled.
dled. Just go with whatever
whatever your playing style suggests.
Before the game begins, play ers should briefly dis discuss
cuss whether or not there will be Civilians
Civil ians in the game,
 whether or not they will have Civil Civilian
ian Buildings
Buildings and Civilian
Civilian Vehicles
Vehicles and Civilian MailMailBoxes
Boxes and Civilian
FireHydrants and so forth, where and how many of these things are going to be scattered around on the battle bat tle-
field, and who’s going to take care of movingmov ing them around. One simple sim ple way to handle it is to only force
fo rce each
army to pay for and con trol whatever
what ever Civilian
Civilian Special
ists happen
happen to be working directly for the military force,

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 96

Civilians free as scen ery. At the end of each round, after all play
and to place all other Civilians players
ers have moved their mili
tary units and Civilian
Civilian Special
ists during
during their respective
respective turns, there is a Civilian
Civil ian Turn during
during which the players
assume control
control of roughly equal portions
por tions of the remaining
remaining Civilians
Civilians and direct them in their everyday mun dane
tasks. This can slow the game down a bit, but the Civilian Turn can serve as a useful useful break to relax, step out to
hit the refriger
eraator or bathroom,
bathroom, and explore
exp lore the complex emotional
emo tional melo drama of the soap-opera
soap-op era lives of 
common Civilian minifigs.
Civilians may occasion
ally form small armies of armed rabble,rab ble, if the mili
mil itary units get them riled up
enough. It can sometimes
sometimes be fun to play out battles
bat tles in which one or more armies has a large Civil ian compo
nent, just to watch the Civilians
Civilians get blasted in a futile attempt to fight against vastly superior forces. Civilians
may sometimes
sometimes receive unexpected
unexpected assistance
assistance from unaffil
filiiated Troop
ers with whom they have shared pizza or

8.4.1 Normal People

Laws that forbid

forbid the carry
ing of arms disarm
disarm only those who are neither
neither inclined nor determined
determined to commit
commit crimes. Such laws 
make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants;
assailants; they serve rather to encourage
encourage than to prevent
prevent homicides,
homicides, for an 
unarmed man may be attacked with greater con fi
dence than an armed man .
 –Thomas Jeffer

Most Nor mal

mal Peo ple don’t have the sense enough to get the hell out of a war Clas
People Classi sifi
tion: Normal
Normal Person
zone, and end up stumbling
stum bling across streets filled with gyro fire and exploding 
explod ing  Auton
Au tono omous Target
Target Dummy
 vehi cles on their way to work at the office, barber bar ber shop, sporting
sporting goods
store, or local restaurant. Occa
sionally, Nor
Normal People will band together in Move:
mal People 4"

riots, revolts, and uprisings

upris ings against govern
ment oppression
oppression or in support
support of  Ar
Armmor: TL + 1d6-4 AV
their local sports team. Other times, they will grow tired of the local war- war - Skill: 1d6 -2
lords’ contin
ued raids for sup plies and enter
ment, and take it upon them-
them -
Cost: TL - 3 CP
selves to try and fend off the brigands.
brig ands. Regard less of the situ
sit uation, a Normal
Per son heading
heading out onto the battle
battlefield hasn’t got much to look for ward to Spe
field hasn’t Speccialty: None
besides getting splattered. Rattio:
Ra None (Troop)
Nor mal People
People do not have the training
training to use Death Guns, or any 
other mili
military-only weapons like MisMissiles
siles and Assault Helicop
ters. They can
figure out how to use most handhandguns
guns and Close Com bat weapons,
weap ons, but don’t expect them to be very effectiveeffective
 with them.

8.4.2 Abnormal People

 Even if the
the voices aren’t real, they
they have some
some awfully good ideas.

Every now and then an honesthonest and hard working group of o f sol diers will be Classi
Classifi fica
tion: Abnor
mal Person
inno cently doing battle
battle in an urban area, mowing
mowing down stray Normal Peo- Auton
Autono o mous Nutcase Tar
get Dummy
ple as usual, when suddenly some Psychotik will do some s omething
thing totally 
unexpected like blow up a bridge, plow through a bri brigade monster Move:
gade in his monster 4"

truck, or acti vate
 vate a whole pile of MkIII Lasers he’s secretly installed all Ar Arm
mor: TL + 1d6-4 AV
over the exterior
exterior of his house. The most typi
typ ical Abnormal People
Peo ple have the Skill: 1d6
stats listed above, but crazier
crazier types can be assigned other point values
depend ing on exactly how Abnormal they are. In tem peraament, most Cost:
temper TL - 1 CP (Min 1)

 Abnor mal People
People are either Mad Bombers, Para noid Arms Stock Stockpil
pilers, or Spe
Speccialty: None
Suicidal Maniaks. In appearance,
appearance, they invariably come in one
on e of three Rattio:
Ra 1 per 10 Normal People

BrikWars: Standard Combatants 97

fla vors: the unshaven blue-col

lar psycho
psycho who’s missing a hand,
h and, arm, leg, eye, or face; the jet-setting
jet-setting business
man sociopath
sociopath with his suit, briefcase,
brief case, sunglasses,
sunglasses, and carefully
carefully sculpted hair; or the homicidal
homi cidal postal worker.
 There are no restrictions
restrictions on the kinds of weapons an Abnor
mal Person can get his hands on and learn to use.
Better yet, they don’t care at all who gets mowed down in their quest to reach their targets.

8.4.3 Belligerent People

 While most Normal
Normal People
People spend a battle Normal Things, there are Classi
battle doing Normal Classififica
tion: Bellig
ent Person
some who don’t react well to violence.
vio lence. Some even go out of their way to Auton
Au tonoo mous Pain In the Butt
seek out violence
violence for the sole purpose
purpose of not reacting
reacting well to it. These are
peo ple who live and work on whateverwhatever land the players chosen as Move:
players have chosen 4"

their battle
field, and who feel an unusual personal duty to defend their Ar Armmor: TL + 1d6-3 AV
com munity.
nity. In more modern
mod ern commu
communi nities,
ties, these will be policemen
policemen and Skill: 1d6
guards men. In more primi
prim itive soci et
ies, these will be the hunters and war-war -
Cost: TL  CP (Min 1)
riors. It
I t will often
o ften be appropriate, especially
espe cially in more primitive societ eties,
ies, to
give the Bellig
erent People
People one or more copies copies of the Shock Troop Spe Speccialty: None
Specialty (8.1.1: The Trooper). Rattio:
Ra None (Troop)
Bel ligerent Peo
ple may be groups of Smuggling
Smuggling People
People defending 

their hideouts
be a bunch with Impact
of Islander Pisthrow
People tols and
spears, or aMkI Lasers,
group or they may 
of BlackBelt People from the local Brikido dojo, or a
castle full of Aristo
cratic Peo ple with fenc
ing swords poking
poking your Troopers in their armored bottoms, and so
forth. Unlike an Abnormal
Abnormal Person, their pri primary
mary goal is to keep their commu
com munities
nities safe, rather than to kill as
many Troopers
Troopers as they can. As long as Troopers
Troopers respect the local laws and citizenry, the local Bel lig
ent Peo-
ple will leave them alone. On the other hand, Bellig
Bel liger
ent People
People are pretty weak, so it’s no big deal if the troops
 want to take a few squads in and shoot up the town.

Alternate Species

Humans are not the only battle-wor

thy creatures
creatures under the sun, and on some battle
fields they are not even the
most intelligent. Besides all the horses, crocodiles, dinosaurs,
dinosaurs, sharks, dragons,
dragons, and other hostile
hostile beasts a warrior
might encoun ter, in some settings
set tings the warriors
warriors them selves might be aliens, mutants, elves, giants, werewolves,
or any of a number
number of sentient
sentient Species.
Species. A few examples of alter
nate animals
animals and intelliligent
gent humanoids
humanoids will be

custom in this chapter,
Species. chapter, but more importantly,
importantly, rules are also pro vided allowing
allow ing players
players to create their own

9.1 Custom Species

Base Species
Species Stats
 When creat
ing a humanoid
humanoid Species,
Species, or any Species
Species the up to the size of a Horse, it
is best to start with the base sta tistics of a Trooper. (The TekLevel of most ani ani-- Move: 5" Normal
mals and many monsters
monsters is effectively
effectively zero, so their base Armor and CP cost will
Armor: TL+1 (min 2)
be 2.)
tistics can then be adjusted upwards or down wards using the Trooper Skill: 1d6
Per formance
mance Modi
tions (8.1.2: Trooper Perfor
mance Modi
tion), summa
summa-- Power: 1
rized here:
IQ: Sentient
Spe cies smaller and lighter than Troopers can have zero Power and still
CP Cost: TL+1 (min 2)
move around;
objects, how
and they evernot
may they cannot
attack not move
with orCombat
Close carrybat
Com objects
weapons than equip
ons or throw ment
objects of 
any size. Statis
Sta tistic
tic Modi
 With larger Spe
cies, it’s best to start by building 
them as Vehicles (ignoring
(ignor ing TL limits
limits and the 5CP mini
min i-
Sta tisttic: To Improve To Disimprove
mum cost where neces
sary). With the basic statis
tics in
hand, the player can proceed to flesh out the Species’ Move Movement:
ment:   +1CP per +2"   -1CP per -1"

ing charac
tics. Armor:
Armor:   +1CP per +2 AV   -1CP per -1 AV

Skill:   +1CP per +2 Skill   -1CP per -1 Skill

9.1.1 Form Power:   +3CP per +1 Power   -5CP per -1 Power

 The most immediate aspect of a new Species

Species is its form.
Different Spe
cies come in all shapes and sizes, but the advantages
advan tages and disad
vantages of size and shape alone
tend to can cel each other out and so do not have any effect on a Species’
Spe cies’ CP cost. Larger creatures can reach

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 99

farther and jump higher, but offer an eas ier tar get area for enemy attacks. Smaller creatures can hide eas ily and
sneak into tight spaces, but much of the world remains out of their reach.
 What can affect a Species’ CP cost is whether it has any body parts that grant
gr ant it special
special abili
abilities. A Body 
Part’s cost is determined
determined by its length in inches and its Usage Cate
Category (Fine Manipula lator,
tor, Coarse Manipu
Manipula lator,
Non-Manip ula
tor, and No Use). Whether a body part plays a part in the Species’
Spe cies’ means of locomo
locomotiontion is
ignored, since Movement
Movement is bought separately with out taking body parts into account.
 A Species
Species may have any or all of the follow
fol lowing
ing items or their equiva
equivalents at no cost:

· Up to two 1" arms with hands (Fine Manipu

· One 1" mouth with teeth, bites for 1d6 Dam
age (Coarse Manipu
· Up to four 1" legs with feet (Non-Manipu
·  Tail and wings (No Use)

 To buy a new body

body part, or to upgrade an existing
existing body part, first decide its Usage Category.

Fine Manipulators (+1CP per +1" length)

 Ape hands, rat claws, eagle talons, alien energy
energy tendril clusters
Fine Manipu
tors are any organs that are function
ally equiva
equivalent to the human hand. They can be used to pull
triggers, scratch itches, play pianos, swing swords, dig with shovels, sort tiny plastic blocks, and fur
per form any function
function of the other Usage Categories.

Coarse Manipulators (+1CP per +2" length)

Octopus tentacles, monkey tails, elephant trunks, dog mouths
Coarse Manipu
tors can be used for lifting, carrying, and occasion
ally throw ing larger objects, and they can
sometimes be used for climb
ing or hanging from. They cannot
cannot be used for preci
sion work like attacking
attacking with a
 weapon, although they may themselves be weapons
weapons and can be used for attack.

Non-Manipulators (+1CP per 4" length)

Horse hooves, man feet, dinosaur tails

Non-Manip ula
tors are prehen
sile body parts that might be used in locomo
tion or balance
balance and are sturdy 
enough to be used for shoving
shov ing or striking
striking attacks.

No Use (Free)
Cat tails, dragon wings, ant antennae, fish fins, snail eye stalks
No Use body parts are prehen
pre hensile
sile and may in fact be quite useful for pur
poses of locomo
tion, balance,
balance, or sen-
sory percep
tion, but are not sturdy enough to shove objects or be used in attacks.
Except for “No Use” parts, any body part may be used to strike objects or enemies.
ene mies. By default, this attack
has a UR of 2 and does (Power x 1d6) Stun Damage. For +1CP, a body part can be con verted from Stun to
normal Dam age, which is i s more appropriate for parts with teeth oro r claws. Creatures
Crea tures attack ing with their own
limbs can typically only make one attack per turn, regardless
regardless of how many dan gergerous
ous body parts they have.
Body parts that are specially
specially designed to be used as weapons
weap ons (such as a scorpion’s tail oro r a sword
nose) can be enhanced with the Custom
Cus tomized
ized Equipment
Equipment modi
ers (2.5: Creat
ing New Weapons
Weapons and Equip-
ment). If there is a weapon or equip ment item that closely approxi
approx imates the func tion of the body part, you can
save time by simply
simply paying
paying the point cost of that weapon or equipment item.
Powerful crea tures with long limbs can often strike multi
mul tiple
ple opponents
opponents in a single swing. See 3.4.1:

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 100

9.1.2 Movement Species

Spe cies Propul
sion Modi

One of the most important distin tinguish

char acter
istics Spe cies is its means Land Creatures
tics of a new Species Creatures
of locomo
tion. Non-humanoid
Non-humanoid Species
Species built Nor
mal Ground Propul
Propulssion (Arms and Legs) First 5" Free +1 per +2"

off of sion
cle stats will in
already (No Ground Propul
Propulssion) (-5CP)
pro pul factored
factored to theirhave
human oids with extra pro pul sion types must Wall Crawling
pulsion Crawling +2CP

buy them sepa

separately. If possi
possible, it is best for Gym Gymnasnastics
tics (Takes No Dam age from Falls, +1CP
human oids with multi
ple propul
propulsionsion types  Jumps Up to Move" High or In Any D
i rection)
rec tion)

to have the same Movement

Movement Rating Rating in each Bur Burrows
rows through Soft Earth   +3CP per +1"
cateegory; this will be easier
cat easier to remember and Tun Tunnels
nels through Solid Rock    +5CP per +1"
cut down on bookkeeping during the game.
If a Species uses its limbs l imbs to move Sea Creatures Creatures
itself around, then any loss or injury of those
Swims and Breathes Under
ter +1CP per +2"
limbs will incur Movement Penal Pen alties
ties or pre-
 vent one or more kinds ki nds of
o f movement alto- alto - Only Breathes WaterWater (Suffo
cates in Air)   -1CP

gether. When such a situation arises, it is up Sky Creatures Creatures

to the play
p layers to determine what Move Movement
ment Floats 1" Above Ground 0 CP
Pen alties
ties are appropri
ate according
according to the
Floats up and Down Only (No Lateral Lat eral Floating)
Floating)   +1CP per +2"
Spe cies’ specific
specific physiology.
Some Species
Species have poor motor skills Glid Gliding
ing Flight (Lose 1 Story of Alti
tude or 2" of +1CP per +3"
or erratic behav
b ehavior, and up to half of their Speed per Turn)

move ment is completely ran random.
dom. Random
Random Flight (Min. 5" Speed per Turn to Stay Aloft)   +1CP per +2"
move ment costs half as much as the same Hover flight +1CP per +1"
type of regu
regular move ment, and the direc direction
of motion is determined by a 1d6 1 d6 roll on the Space Creatures
Ker-Stag ger! Table.
No Need for Air or Life Support
Support   +1CP
Stag gering
ing direction
direction is rela relative to the
direc tion the unit is facing,
fac ing, and stagger
move ment takes place prior to normal normal
move ment. A unit does not staggerstagger if it is at rest.  The Ker-Stagger!
Ker-Stagger! Table

9.1.3 Intelligence 1d6 Direc

tion of Stagger
 While most of the actors on the BrikWars stage are 1 The un
unit fa
fall s on itits fa
face or
or turns up
upside down.
assumed to have a certain basic level of intelliligence, gence, 2 Backwards
ani mals and monsters
monsters are often some what lack lacking
ing in
this area. As long as members Species have the 3
members of a Species 45° back and left or 45 ° back and right (enemy’s
(en emy’s choice)

basic cogni
tive ability
ability to follow orders,
o rders, act inde
pend-- 4 Dead left or dead right (enemy’s choice)
ently, and keep focused on sim ple tasks, they are con con-- 5 45° front and left or 45 ° front and right (enemy’s
sid ered Smart and their behavior
behavior and CP costs are choice)
unaffected. 6 Forward
 An indi vidual
 vidual animal’s
animal’s Intelli
gence may vary 
 wildly from the Intel liligence
gence level typi
typical of its Species;
its CP cost should be adjusted upwards or o r down wards to reflect this.
Even if a Species
Species is capable
capable of standard
standard minifig intelli
gence, they may be subject sub ject to lapses of judgement
judge ment
and periodic
periodic idiocy.
idiocy. If so, indi vid
viduuals of that Spe cies are given a Stupid
Stu pidity
ity Rating,
Rating, and they must make a Stupid-
ity Roll at the beginning
beginning of every turn and consult the Idiot Ker-Duh! Table. To keep Stupid Stupidityity Rolls from

Wars: Alternate Species 101

Aniimal Intel
An Intelli
gence Chart

Wild Wild ani

animals flee from perceived
perceived threats unless
unless cornered
cornered or wounded. They may attack
at tack without
without provo
tion if
-4 CP a weaker oppo
nent intrudes
intrudes on its terri
ter ritory,
tory, comes
comes between
between it and its offspring,
offspring, or appears
appears tasty.
ples: Alli
Alli gators,
 gators, lions, mice, birds, T-rexes

-4 CP A Tamebyani
tacked anone)
imal or
actsasthe same as a Wild an
food. aniimal, except
except that it does not perceive
per ceive minifigs as threats (unless
(un less at-
amples: Sheep, cows, pigs, chickens, cats

Trained A Trained ani

animal can follow
follow the simple
simple orders
orders of any minifig riding
riding it or holding
hold ing it on some kind of harness.
har ness. If 
-3 CP the ani
animal escapes,
escapes, or if its handler
handler is killed, it behaves
behaves as if Wild. It may then be recap
re captured
tured and ridden
ridden or har-
nessed by minifigs belong
be longing
ing to any team.
amples: Draft horses, oxen, ele

Loyal A Loyal an
a nimal can follow
follow the simple or ders of any friendly minifig within 5", includ
in cluding
ing orders
orders that carry the ani
-2 CP mal great distances
distances from its master.
mas ter. If sepa
separated and without
without fresh orders,
orders, the ani
animal seeks out its master
mas ter or
the nearest
nearest friendly minifigs. If all friendly minifigs have been killed, the ani
an imal de fends the bod
Ex amples:
ples: Dogs, falcons,
falcons, con jured or summoned
summoned beasts

Smart A Smart ani

animal can act inde
ently, without
without orders
orders from minifigs.
-1 CP Examples:
amples: Warhorses, wolves, monkeys
mon keys

Sentient A Sentient
Sentient ani
animal is as smart as any Trooper (which is not as impres
sive as it sounds). Depend
ing on its ana
an a-
0 CP tomiical limi
tom limita
tions, it may be able to use tools, give orders
orders to less intel
in telliligent
gent ani
animals, or even speak.
ples: Dragons,
Dragons, magik famil
iars, parrots

 Idiot Ker-Duh Ta ble

Roll Effect
Critical The unit may make actions
actions as intel
gent as those of any Trooper during
during the turn, although
although possi
bly for stupid
stupid reasons.

4 or more The uni t behaves as normal.


3 The unit forgets his orders

orders and must be reminded
reminded in simple
simple terms for 1/2 of his move
ment phase. If there are no units
nearby who can tell him, he must turn back and seek some out on his own. If there are no units he can ask, he wanders
wan ders in a
random direc
tion as for #2 below.

2 The unit becomes confused

confused and wanders
wanders in a random
ran dom direc
tion for its full movement
move ment phase (Roll 1d6 on the Ker-Stagger
Ker-Stagger Ta-
ble for the direc

1 The unit’s mouth falls open and drooling begins,

begins, possi
bly followed
followed by loss of bladder
bladder or bowel control.
control. The unit takes no ac-
tion this turn.

0 The unit attacks the nearest

nearest recog
able target:
target: enemy,
enemy, ally, or other
wise. If this result
re sult is rolled for a Stupid
Stupid Squad, squad
mem bers do not attack
attack each other, but instead
instead pick a nearby ob ject, unit, or squad to gang up on.

-1 The unit attempts to destroy

destroy any equipment
equipment it is carry

-2 The unit falls asleep. It may attempt to wake up on follow

ing turns as if it were Uncon
Un conscious.

-3 The unit stupidly attacks

attacks itself.
itself. If this result
re sult is rolled for a Stupid Squad, the squad members
mem bers all attack one an

-4 The unit is under enemy

enemy control
control for one turn. The enemy
en emy player may not direct
direct the unit to under
un dertake
take actions
actions beyond
beyond the
unit’s intel

-5 The unit forgets to keep living

liv ing and falls dead.

-6 The unit forgets to exist

exist and disap
slowing down the game, it is best to limit the num ber of Stu pid troops on the table, or arrange Stupid
slowing Stupid troops
into Squads and then make a sin gle Stupid
Stupidity Roll for the entire Stupid
S tupid Squad.

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 102

Reguular Sentient
Sentient units are assumed to have a Stu-
Stu- Sample
Sample Stupid
ity Ratings
pidity Rating
Rating of 5; that is to say, without
with out even rolling 
they always achieve a ‘behaves normal’ result on this Stu
‘be haves as normal’ Stup
pid# CP Cost Exam
ple Units
chart. If a Species’ Stupid
ity Rating
Rating is converted to 5 0 CP Regular Troopers,
Troopers, Civil
lowered, their cost is decreased by -1CP for 1d6
dice and lowered,   -1 CP Drunken Troopers, Hippies
every point below 5 in the Stupid
ity Rating.
1d6-1   -2 CP Orcs, High School Football Players

2d6-5   -3 CP Trolls, Alien Worm Masses

9.1.4 Special Abilities
2d6-6   -4 CP Attack Blobs, Poli

You can’t help respecting

respecting anybody
anybody who can spell ‘Tuesday,’
‘Tuesday,’ even 3d6-11   -5 CP Nintendo Game Sprites, AOL Users
if he doesn’t
doesn’t spell it right. But spelling
spelling isn’t everything;
everything; there are
days when spelling
spelling Tuesday
Tuesday sim ply doesn’t
doesn’t count.
  –Rabbit (A.A. Milne)

 Any really good Species

Species has a special
special ability
ability or two, in order to justify the extra hassle
has sle of fielding
fielding it. There are a
num ber of differ
ent ways to handle
handle special
special abili
abilities. Special
Special movement
movement types, modi
modified stats, and extra limbs
have been covered
covered above. Special
Special abilites that mimic the abili
abil ities of troop or Siege weap ons or equipment
equip ment items
are bought with the same stats as the equivalent item.
 Any remaining special abili
abilities are bought as Troop Special
ties (8.1.1: The Trooper). Any Troop Specialty 
Spe cialty 
described in Chapter
Chapter Eight will work well as a Species’
Spe cies’ special
special ability,
ability, and new Troop Special
Spe cialties
ties can be
invented using these as a model. A number
number of additional
additional possibilites are included with the example
exam ple Species
(If you are using Supple
ment SP: Supernat
ural Powers, you can also create spespecial
cial abili
abilities as if they were
Super natuural abilities.)

9.2 Animals

I loathe peo ple
 ple who keep
keep dogs. They are cowards
cowards who haven’t
haven’t got the guts to bite peo ple themselves.
  –August Strindberg 

 While any type of ani

mal can be built out of PBBs by a suffi suf ficiently
ciently clever player, most of the animals
ani mals in a
BrikWars battle
battle will be the ones spe cially provided as POOPs
PO OPs by one PBB company or another (and of those,
most will be Horses). The stats of these standard animals
ani mals are listed below as exam ples.

9.2.1 Domesticated Animals

 A cat will look down to

to a man. A dog will look up to a man.
man. But a pig will look you straight in the eye
eye and see his equal.
  –Winston ChurChurchill

 The most basic and com mon type of ani mal is the Horse, and so the Horse is used as the example
example to demon
strate the develop
ment of an animal Species. A horse has four 1" legs, a tail, and a mouth; there are few enough
limbs that they are all pro vided free of charge.
 We start with
with the Base Species
Species Stats for animals:
ani mals:

MV:5" AV:2 SK:1d6 Pwr:1 IQ:Smart CP:2

 A Horse is faster,
faster, hardier,
hardier, and stronger
stronger than a minifig, but less intelli
gent. We make the follow
ing modi
cations to statis

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 103

MV:+5" AV:1d10+1 SK: – Pwr:+2 IQ:Trained

(+2.5 CP) (+2.25 CP) — (+6 CP) (-3CP)

Rounding up the CP Cost, we arrive at the fol

ing results:

MV:10" AV:1d10+1 SK:1d6 Pwr:13 IQ:Trained CP:10

Further special
Further specialized
breeds of Horses can be Type CP Move" Pwr Skill IQ Armor Special
cre ated in the same Horse 10 10" Norm 3 1d6 Trained 1d10+1 None
man ner.
DraftHorse 10 8" Norm 4 1d6-2 Trained 2d6 None
Live stock and herd
animals have been RidiingHorse
Rid 10 15" Norm 2 1d6 Loyal 1d10 None
included (and used as WarHorse 15 12" Norm 3 1d6+2 Smart 2d6+2 None
pro jectiles)
tiles) in more than
one BrikWars game, but Kicks with the front or back legs does (Power x 1d6) Stun Dam age. Bites do 1d6 Dam age. Both attacks
at tacks have a UR of 2.
as there are not yet any 

cies. POOPs, their stats are not listed here. On the other hand, there are several
Spe several types of available
available ‘pet’

9.2.2 Savage Beasts

Wild animals
animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture
tor ture and death of his fellow
fel low creatures
creatures is amusing
amusing in itself.

 Wild animals
animals usually
usually avoid large battles
battles and typi
typically only become involved if the battle
battle threat ens their lair or
their off spring, or if they
are captured,
captured, starved, Pets
and released in the mid-mid-
dle of a battle
tlefield. Cap- Type
field. Cap- CP Move" Pwr Skill IQ Armor Special
Puppy 2 6" Norm 1 1d6 Loyal 1d6 None
hid den animals
hidden aniunder
mals can be
secret Bite:UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:1d6
trapdoors or launched
Kitty 1 8" Norm 0 1d6+2 Tame 1d6-1 Gymnast
from catacatapults (either
sit uation can be danger
danger- Bite/Scratch: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:1d6-2
ous for the animal, Bunny 4 5" Norm 1 1d6 Smart 1d6+1 Gymnast
depend ing on who lands
le)) 2 Hand
s, Use
Usess Mini
figg Weap
ons Up to TL2
on what).
Mon key 5 4" Norm 1 1d6+1 Smart 1d6 Gymnast

9.3 Monsters 4 Hands, Uses Minifig Weapons

Weapons Up to TL3

Par 1 2" Norm 0 1d6 Sentient 1d6-2 Talks
Horri fying
ing monsters
monsters are 12" Fly
a pleasant
pleasant addition
addition to Bite/Scratch: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:1d6-4
any field of battle.
battle. Most Falccon
Fal 8 3" Norm 1 1d6+2 Smart 1d6-1 None
mon sters can be pur- pur-
15" Fly
chased as intelli
minions of one side or
minions Bite/Claw: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:1d6

the other, but they are

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 104

more commonly found Vermin

Ver min
running wild. Untamed
sters may behave Type
mon CP Move" Pwr Skill IQ Armor Special
like regu
regular wild animals,
animals, Snake 1 3" Norm 0 1d6 Wild 1d6-2 None
they might defend a trea-
trea- 1" burr

sure or location,
location, or they  Bite: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:1d6 Poison
Poi son
might just attack every-
Spider 1 2" Norm 0 1d6-1 Wild 1d6-3 WalCrawl
thing in sight.
Bite: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:1d6 Poison

Scorpion 1 2" Norm 0 1d6 Wild 1d6-2 None
9.3.1 Monster 
Specialties Sting: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:1d6 Poison
Poi son

Hence it is neces
sary to a Beasts
 prince, if he wants to
main tain his position,
position, to Type CP Move" Pwr Skill IQ Armor Special
learn to be able to be 
evil, and to use or not  Croco
Crocodile 7 6" Norm 1 1d6 Wild 1d6+3 None
 6" Swim
use this ability
ability according

to necessity.
necessity.  –Niccolo Croc Chomp: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:1d6+3
Pollar Bear
Po 6 8" Norm 2 1d6 Wild 1d6+3 None
The Prince  Maul: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:2d6

Bunny 5 10" Norm 0 1d6+2 Wild 1d6+3 None

 There are many SpeSpecial
cial-- (Vorpal) Flying Bunny Chomp: UR:3 RNG:CC DMG:2d6 +1
ties that are partic
appro priate
ate to monster
Sea Creatures
Spe cies. Here are a few.

Specialty: Evil (0 CP) Type CP Move" Pwr Skill IQ Armor Special

For monsters, Evil is a Dol Dolp

phin 1 6" Swim 1 1d6 Tame 1d6+1 None

much more serious

serious mat- Ram At tack: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG: 1d6 Stun
ter than simple
simple choices Shark 1 6" Swim 1 1d6 Wild 1d6+2 Br. Water
between right and wrong
Bite: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:1d6
and abstract compar
sons between Adolf Hit-Hit- White Shark 3 8" Swim 2 1d6 Wild 2d6 Br. Water
ler and Mother Teresa. Bite: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:2d6
Evil is far more defining 
Sword 1 6" Swim 1 1d6 Wild 1d6+2 Br. Water
and irre vo
ble than
some paltry
paltry philos
philosoophy  Chainsaw Nose: UR:5 RNG:CC DMG:2d6+1
or way of life: it’s a Oc Octo
toppus 2 4" Swim 2 1d6 Wild 2d6 Br. Water
union membership.
Ten tacle
cle Crush: UR:2 RNG:CC DMG:2d6 Stun
 After a long 
appren ticeship
ship in a
Monster Guild, a monster-in-train
mon ster-in-training
ing is allowed to go into practice
practice as a Journey
man Monster
Monster only after he joins
the local chap ter of his Evil Work
Workers’ers’ Union. Once he is a card-carry rying
ing member
member of Evil, he may only ally with

other Evil units

other Evil monsters
monsters and
if they getthe
in slaves ofifEvil
his way, theymonsters,
mon sters,
annoy him,or or
hiswrath of the union. He may still fight against
own amusement.

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 105

Specialty: Attacked on Sight (-2CP)

Some monsters
monsters inspire such out rage and hatred that any intelli
intel ligent
gent minifig that spies them must drop every -
thing and attack with every means at its disposal.
disposal. Hatred for these monsters can inspire bit ter enemies
ene mies to band
together and dedi
dedicated pacifists to take up arms. Only
O nly the most Evil units are immune to this compulsion.

Specialty: Contagious Bite (+1CP per Poison Point)

Quite a few ‘classic’
‘classic’ mon sters are blessed with a venom
ven omous
ous bite that changes victims
victims into monsters
monsters like them-
selves if not treated in time: vampires, were wolves, and zombies, to name a few. A Con Contatagious
gious Bite attack 
(UR:2 RNG:CC) injects the victimvictim with Monster
Monster Poison.
Poison. This poison
poison behaves just like normal
normal Poison (3.4.5:
Poi son), gradu
gradually making its vic
tims Stunned and then Unconscious.
Uncon scious. After Unconscious
ness, instead of dying,
the victim
victim turns into a copy of the monster
mon ster that bit them. This new monster,
monster, no longer Unconscious or
Stunned, zips around at full strength biting victims of its own.
(If you plan to use Con ta
gious creatures
creatures in a battle,
battle, be sure to bring a supply
supply of extra figures
figures to repre
their increasing numbers if neces essary.)

Specialty: No Flesh (+3CP)

Monsters composed of bone or rock have h ave no soft flesh and so can ignore many kinds of damage.
dam age. Units without
flesh have no need to breathe and are immune to fire, poi son, gas, vacuum, and cold. Cutting attacks (swords,
knives) and impaling
impaling attacks (spears, arrows, rifle bullets) do half dam
age. Explosions,
Explosions, bashing attacks, and col-
lisions do full damage
dam age and are the best way to deal with a No Flesh opponent.
oppo nent. Electric
ity and energy attacks are
also effec tive, as they can cause No Flesh mon sters to explode.

Specialty: Modular (+(AVx3)CP)

 A mod
modu ular creature’s
creature’s parts are tied together by magic or by  Speed Limits
Limits for Ampu
Amputees tees
nanoprobe goo or by some other spe cial method that allows them to
reattached once they have been knocked off. Any attack that Miss
be reattached Missing
ing legs:   -2" per Missing
Missing Leg

exceeds the creature’s Armor Value does not kill k ill the crea
ture but No legs: 1" per Arm
instead knocks off one body part (limb, torso, or head). Multi Mul tiple
ple No legslegs or arms
arms:: 1 Dot,
Dot, Pull
Pulling Self
Self by
by Teeth
body parts can get knocked off by a single
sin gle attack if it does many 
 Just a head: 0"
times the creature’s AV in damage.
 When body parts are sep sepaarated, they are still ‘alive’ unless
destroyed separately (each has an AV equal to the origioriginal unit’s AV). Limbs will crawl back towards the torso
(or any nearby limbless torso of the correct
cor rect Species)
Species) at 1" per turn. If a head
less torso has limbs to move with, it
 will move towards the nearest
nearest amputated
amputated head at half speed. A sin gle modu
mod ular crea ture may reat reattach
tach one body 
part per turn instead of attacking.

Specialty: Regeneration (Unit cost doubled)

 All damage
damage taken by a Regener erat
ing unit counts as Stun damage. Whenever the unit takes damage from a cut-
ting weapon or an explosion
explo sion that is greater than his Armor, he loses one limb (defender’s choice), in addition
addition to
nor mal Stun effects. The wound closes instantly, so there is no fur ther dam age from blood loss as with regular
ampu tation
tion (8.2.7: Medix). If the unit loses both legs, it also loses its pel vis.
pel vis. If it has no limbs to lose, then it
loses a torso instead and is reduced to just a head. If the unit has no torso to lose, then the head is destroyed
and can no longer regenerate.
 A regener
ing unit makes its Stun Recovery
Recov ery roll at +1. If the roll is success
successful, the unit may upgrade from
Stunned to Normal,
Normal, from Unconscious
Unconscious to Stunned, or even from Dead to Unconscious,
Uncon scious, unless the corpse has
been inciner
ated or the head has been gibbed somehow.
 As long as the unit’s head is still attached
attached and oper
operaational, it can regrow lost body parts. A lonely head can
regrow its torso, the torso can regrow an arm or a leg, and an arm can regrow a hand.

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 106

Specialty: Replication (Unit cost tripled)

 A Repli
ing unit has all the pow ers of a Regen er
ing unit, with the additional
addi tional ability
ability that any amputated
amputated part
can now grow into a whole new creature.
creature. Hands can grow arms, arms or legs can grow torsos, and torsos tor sos can
grow new heads. (New heads arrive Stunned.) Com po ponent
nent body parts can be attacked and destroyed at the AV 

of the(If
youinalplan use Repli
Rep licat
ing crea tures in a battle,
bat tle, be sure to bring a supply
sup ply of extra figures
figures to repre
their increasing numbers if nec necesessary.)

9.3.2 JawJaws and Dimmies

If the radiance
radiance of a thousand
thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky that would be like the splendor
splendor of the Mighty One... I am 
become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds.
Oppenheimer, quoting The Bhagavad Gita, Alamogordo,
 –J. Robert Oppenheimer, Gita, Alamogordo, New Mexico,Mexico, 1945

No figures
figures are more hated in the BrikWars uni verse  verse than JawJaw and Classi
tion: JawJaw
Dimmy. Through out every age of history, in every mysti mys tical
cal dimension
dimension and Mother Nature’s
Nature’s Waste Disposal
every corner
corner ofo f the galaxy, these vil
lains erupt in virulent hordes to destroy 
the very underpin
nings of civi
zation. In filthy swamps, caves, cesspools,
cess pools, Move: 5"

and gar bage dumps, they spawn until their numbers

num bers are great enough to stage Arm
Armor: 3
attacks on unsuspect pecting
ing minifig settle
ments. Strangely, though simi sim ilar in
Skill: 1d6
many ways, JawJaw and Dimmy hate each other and are bitter bit ter enemies,
enemies, and
the disaf
fected minifigs who worship
worship them in under ground religions
reli gions are just TL 1 (Tribal)

as acrimonious. Cost: 2 CP
 The true ori origin
gin and nature of JawJaw’s Dungan species is a mystery, mys tery, Speccialty:
Spe Evil
but it seems to be at least partially
partially directed by some kind of collec col lective
tive hive Attacked
Attacked on Sight
mind. Rumors abound of a complexcomplex heirarchy of Dungan subspe subspecies, includ
includ-- Replilica
Rep cation
ing a mysteteri
ous Dungan Undermind, but these have never been confirmed.  Atttacks:
 At Bite UR
UR:2 Rn
Dungans are especially
especially attracted to the refuse of o f civilization,
zation, and typically 
Dmg: (2 Poison) + 1d6
breed in sewers
sewers and garbage
garbage dumps. Their favorite
favorite foods
fo ods are garbage, rotting
corpses, and sewage,
sewage, although they can eat liter
ally anything
anything with no ill effect. Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Dimmy
 JawJaw worworship
pers view the Dungan race as the physi physical embodiment
embodiment of  Society’s
Soci ety’s Lowest
Lowest Common

Nature’s cycle of death and rebirth, destruction and recreation, and chaos Denom
and order.
Move: (4" stagger) + 2"
 JawJaws dress in filthy, slimy rags and matted fur pelts. Two huge, lep- lep-
rous ears drape over their backs; glowing orbs squint maliciously
maliciously from their Arm
Armor: 3
bul bous eyestalks, and rotting
rotting sewage drips from their crocodilian maws. Skill: 1d6-1
 Their breath alone is enough to kill the most hard hardened
ened Trooper, and any 
Power: 2
chunk of flesh that gets chopped off can grow into a whole new Dungan.
 Their only weaknesses are their abysmal
abys mal Stupid
Stupidity and bizarre lanlanguage
guage (fea-
(fea- TL 0 (CaveMan)
turing “words” like ‘meesa’ and ‘big bombad’), which seems expressly  Cost: 4 CP
designed to force any intelliintelligent spe
cies they encounter to react with
Spe Evil
homicidal rage. Attacked
Attacked on Sight
In any developed
developed civililiza
tion, there are power
ful forces with names like Conta
Con tagious
gious Bite
‘Mar keting,’
ing,’ ‘Polit
‘Politiical Correct
ness,’ ‘Mass Culture,’
Culture,’ ‘Insti
ized Reli-
Reli- Atttacks:
At Bite UR
UR:2 Rn
gion,’ and ‘Public EduEducacation’
tion’ that advance their interests
interests by engender dering 
con formity,
mity, igno rance, and sloth while claiming
claim ing to do the exact opposite.
oppo site. Dmg: 1d6 Dimmy Poison

Minifig citizens are subjected

subjected to beer commer
com mercials, fast food, ath athlete-wor
ship, pop music, and pontif
ing authority
authority figures who are happy to relieve them of any obli
tion to think 
for themselves.
themselves. Over years of contin
uous exposure, some minifigs begin to “Juniorize,” a process of 

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 107

lution in which minifigs lose all indi vidu
ality and conform
conform to every lowest
lowest common denomdenomiinanator.
tor. At first,
they become simple Timmies (8.2.4: Slaves), out-of-shape slobs in base baseball
ball caps and gaudy T-shirts who stare
 wide-eyed and fasci cinated
nated through hours of profes fessional
sional wrestling,
wrestling, televan
ism, and junior college
college courses. If 
 Juniorization is left unchecked, the Timmies eventu tually
ally experi
ence total loss of brain function and become
horrifying flesh-eating Dimmy zombies.
Slack-jawed, hol low-eyed, and unwashed, Dimmies stag stagger
ger drunkenly
drunkenly around in the tattered
tattered rags of their
base ball caps and T-shirts, munching
munching on whatever
whatever minifigs they come across. Any minifig receiving receiving a Dimmy 
bite is infected with Dimmy poison
poi son and may become a Dimmy themself. Dimmies are semi-intelli semi-intel ligent and
capa ble of building
building simple
simple structures
structures and vehicles,
vehicles, although they will always settlesettle for the easi
easiest and most
half-assed design solution,
solution, using the smallest
smallest num ber of parts. Dimmies are irresistably attracted to POOPs P OOPs
(espe cially BURPs) and will collect
collect them in great worthless hoards.
Dimmy worship
pers see in Dimmy the ulti mate role model for Bud Buddhist
dhist self-negation and Confucianist
social harmony.
harmony. As inappro propri
ate as this may seem to any thinking
think ing person,
person, Dimmyists are philosoph
opposed to question
ing proposisitions,
tions, and especially
especially to searching
searching for correct solu tions where rough guesses will

9.3.3 The Horrifying Undead

 Either this man

man is dead, or my watch has stopped.
  –Groucho Marx

 While not command

com manding the same level of all-con all-consum
suming hatred as a JawJaw or a Classifi
tion: Zombie
Rot ting Meat Sack 
Dimmy, zombies,
zombies, skeletons, and other undead creatures creatures can be frighten
ing and
disgusting in their own
ow n right. Undead creatures may be espe especially
cially vulner
vulneraable to Move: (4" stagger) + 2"
‘holy’ minifigs and ‘blessed’ weap ons, accord ing to the whims of the play players;
these will have to be handled
handled as special cases. Arm
Armor: 5

 An indi vidual
 vidual Zombie’s big biggest
gest dream is to stagger
stagger into a back water town, Skill: 1d6-1
bite a bunch of hillbil
hill billies
lies and start to raise a Zombie
Zom bie army. By munching
munching the deni
deni- Power: 1
zens of progres
sively larger and larger towns, Zombies
Zom bies hope to one day achieve
TL Any
the numbers
numbers neces
sary to be recog
nized as a sover
eign Zom bie nation, and end
their perse
cution and misun
ing by the living
living minifigs with the tasty, tasty  Cost: 6 CP

brains.Being already dead, Zom bies suffer Speccialty:

Spe Evil
suf fer no ill effects from pain, poison,
poi son, lack of  Dead Flesh
air, or extreme temper
tem peraatures. Chopping off their limbs will slow them down but Conta
Con tagious
gious Bite

oth er wise
 wise cause no ill effects. If a Zombie
Zom bie is set on fire or doused with acid, its
flesh will eventu
ally burn off, and the Zombie
Zom bie will become a Skeleton. Classifi
tion: Skele
Unhin dered by the Zombie’s
Zombie’s hundred
hundred pounds of dead flesh, a Skele Skeleton is Meat Support
Support Structure
much quicker and nimbler.
nimbler. Although no longer
longer able to deliver Zombifying bites,
Move: 6"
the Skele
Skeleton has the nifty ability to reas
ble itself from spare Skele
Skeleton parts
 when it gets smashed to bits. Arm
Armor: 1
 A Ghost is a mys teteri
ous and dreary indi vid
ual; its glory days are far behind but it Skill: 1d6 + 1
isn’t quite ready to leave. A Ghost can
not make any kind of attack, although it can
Power: 1
carry small objects, deliver messages,
mes sages, create
create spooky sounds, and cause all kinds of
mis chief. A Ghost spends most of its time in an intangible state, allow allowing
ing it to TL Any
travel through floors and walls and render
rendering it immune to any physiphys ical attack; Cost: 9 CP
however, the Ghost must solidify
however, solidify to speak or carry objects, during
during which time it is Speccialty:
Spe Evil
extremely vulner
vulneraable. Rumors of Ghosts hav ing the ability to turn invisinvisiible are No Flesh
incorrect, although a Ghost can fake invisi
invis ibil
ity by quickly floating
floating behind a wall Modu
Mod ular
incorrect, although a Ghost can fake invisi
incorrect, invis ibil
ity by quickly floating
floating behind a wall
or descending into the floor.

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 108

intan gible
It is rumored that two Ghosts in an intangi ble state may do battle
battle with one Classifi
tion: Ghost
Mis placed Soul
another, armed and as danger
dan gerous
ous to one another as they were when they were liv -
ing minifigs.
Move: 4"

Armor: 2

9.3.4 Cave Monsters Skill: 1d6

 Although the undead can do a passable
passable job of guard
g uarding histor
his toriical relics
relics and dusty  Power: 0
antiques, the really big piles of treasure
trea sure look out of place unless they’re stuck in a
TL Any
cave with a big cave monster
monster defending
defending them.
BurpMan is the most egregious
egregious of all POOPs, a Big Ugly Rock Person per - Cost: 3 CP
ma nently cast in a bizarre posture with only a single sin gle mov ing part: his pow power
ful Spe
Speccialty: Evil (usually)
throwing arm. Despite appar apparently
ently being designed by a team of Dimmies, Intan
In tangi
BurpMan remains a force to be reckonedreck oned with, thanks to his immense strength. At Atttacks: None
BurpMan has the additional
additional ability
ability to tunnel
tunnel into solid rock and masonry, allow-
ing him to quickly
q uickly camoflauge himself by burrow rowing
ing into a cave wall and hold-
hold - Classi
Clas sifi
tion: BurpMan
ing very still, or to tear a large boul der (up to 4 Blox) from the earth to use as a POOP Monster
deadly shot-put (either act takes a full turn’s Movement).
Mov ement).
 These stats are for the tiny POOP Drag Dragons
ons that are hardly the size of a horse; Move: 3"
1" Tunnel
players may build
players b uild larger Dragons and give them more impressiveimpres sive statis
statistics. In
addi tion to their fire breath and deadly cunning,
cunning, many Dragons
Dragons are able to cast Ar Armmor: 2d6+5
magik spells and take advantage of the latest lat est technol
technolo ogies, especially
especially when it
Skill: 1d6
comes to setting traps and designing cave secu security
rity systems. High-tek Dragons
are especially
especially fond of hiding
hiding computer-tar
puter-targeted emplacements in Power:
geted machine gun emplacements 3

hidden wall panels. TL 0

Drag ons’ famous fire breath can be switched to other breath types as nec- nec- Cost: 20 CP
essary. Dragons
Dragons fighting
fighting Skele
Skeletons and BurpMen may choose to switch to a
cor rosive
sive acid spray. Non-Evil DragonsDragons might employ an unconscious scious-- SpeSpeccialty: Evil (usually)
No Flesh
ness-induc ing mist. Light ning bolts, frost
f rost beams, and even clouds of o f darkness
dark ness
are not
no t unheard of, and after long
l ong Friday and Satur day nights some Dragons At
urday Atttacks: Smash UR:2 Rng:CC

find themselves
themselves with the unexpected abil ity to breathe large half-digested vol vol--
umes of beer and livestock.
Drag ons are wickedly
wickedly intelli
intelligent and most place no value in chiv chivalry,
alry, Classi
Clas sifi
tion: Dragon
manship, or fair play. They are happy to confuse, frustrate, and Low-Tek Flamethrower
alize oppo nents with dirty tricks and cheap shots, and if pos possi
sible will
Move: 5"
never place themselves in dan danger
ger at all. Because of their wiliwiliness and ability 
ability  10" Flying
to fly, Drag ons would be very hardh ard to pin
pi n down if not for their one weak -
Ar mor: 1d10+2
ness: treasure. Drag
ons defend their treasure
treasure hoards to the death, and can
sometimes be lured into the most obvious
obvi ous traps by suffi
ciently large piles of Skill: 1d6
gold. A Dragon on the wing is as elu sive as the wind, but if you can Power: 2
threaten his hoard then he’ll have to come to you.
TL Any

Cost: 20 CP
9.4 Humanoids Speccialty:
Spe Evil (Sometimes)

In a regular BrikWars game all minifigs are assumed to be Humans of a Atttacks:

At Bite/Claw UR
UR:2 Rn
Dmg: 2d6
short, squat, boxy variety.
variety. However, many battle genres call for whole
assortments of humanoid spe cies to be tossed against one another. A sci-fi Fire
Dmg:Breath UR:3
2d6 fire Rng:8"
game can have any number of o f alien species vary ing from the nearly-human Fire Breath UR:3 Rng:8"
to amorphous
amorphous tentacled spore clouds and energy spheres. Fantasy set tings Dmg: 2d6 fire (full-auto)
have their own traditional forces, pitting elves, dwarves, and halflings

Brik Wars: Alternate Species 109

against orcs, trolls, and giants. With few excep tions, mem bers of these races can take any Spe cialty available
available to
ular minifigs, and can be integrated
integrated into any TekLevel or genre (space Orcs in starfighters, dark age
Klingons at the Bat tle of Hastings, industrial
indus trial age Fairies
Fairies in the land ing craft on D-Day, medi eval Vorlons taking
up the defense of Minas Tirith, and so forth).
On paper, designing a new humanoid
human oid Species
Species is as simple
simple as choosing a Spe
cialty or a stat modi
mod ifier or two
to apply to all members of the race. It’s rare for a humanoid
humanoid race to diverge wildly from the basic Human stan-
dard, and members of those races tend to show up only in ones and twos in a much larger group of less unusual
troops. The real trick to making
making new humanoids
humanoids is in try ing to build them out of PBBs in such a way w ay that they 
can be easily
easily distin
guished from regu
regular Humans. It may therefore
therefore be easier
easier for a player to design his new Spe -
cies based on the minifig pieces he has available
avail able in large quanti
quantities, rather than pick a spe
cies from a movie or
book and then scramble
scramble for the pieces he would need in order to build appropriappro priate
ate minifigs in the necessary 

9.4.1 Fantasy Races

 While there are few
f ew standards
stan dards when it Exam
Ex ample
ple Fantasy
Fantasy Races
comes to alien races (most alien races
in BrikWars are discov
dis covered
ered using the Size Races Modifi

time-tested method of replacing  replacing  Short Halflings Sp: Marksman

ship (0CP)
minifig’s heads with other pieces), (2 sillies sillies for legs) Gnomes None (0CP)
pop ular fantasy
fantasy races have held stead-
stead - Goblins
Gob lins Sp: Evil (0CP)
fastly to the mod els set forth by J.R.R.
 Nor mal Dwarves Sp: Shock Troop, Power +1 (+3CP)
 Tolkien (and sub subse
sequently robbed of  (stan (standard
dard minifig) Orcs Sp: Evil Stu
ity: 1d6-1 CC Bonus
Bonus +2 (-1CP)
their depth and grandeur
grandeur by decades of
juvenile Dungeons & Drag ons play- Ta
Dragons Talll (1-B
(1-Bririkk bo
s) Humans
Hu mans None (0CP)

ers). For this reason,

reason, we will use a Elves Skill +2, Move +2" (+2CP)

quick scatter
ing of fantasy
fantasy races as Very Tall Elf Lords Skill +1d6, Move +4" (+4 CP CP)
examples of new humanoid
hu manoid Species. (2-Brik boots)
Most fan tasy races are little
lit tle more V.V.Tall Wing
Wi nged
ed Men
Men Two
Tw o 2" wi
s, Fli
ghtt +8"
+8" (+4C
than standard
standard Humans of a differ different
ent (2b boots,1b waist)
size, which is unfortu
nate since regular
minifigs all have identi
cal dimensions.
Rather than try to build fig ures from scratch out of other PBBs, players players can add or replace PBBs below a
minifig’s waist to quickly make a shorter or taller minifig. A ‘short’ minifig gets his legs replaced with two 1 ´ 1
cyl inders,
ders, and possi bly two 1 ´ 1 plates for shoes. A ‘tall’ minifig keeps his legs and has two 1 ´ 1 Brik boots
attached to the bottom.
bottom. Very tall minifigs have boots that are two Brix high, and very very tall minifigs have a 1
´ 2 Brik inserted between the legs and torso (the arms start to look pretty short at this point). Larger human -
oids can beb e made using other minifig types (there are several available), available), or even by using non-PBB action fig-
ures. Minifig size variations do not change a unit’s cost or statis sta tistics
tics until the point where indi vidual  vidual limbs are
longer than 1". (The legs of minifigs with 2-Brik boots b oots are slightly longer
lon ger than 1", but in the interest interest of expedi
ency this can be safely ignored.)
 A indi vidual
 vidual of a fantasy race is bought
bou ght as a normal unit (whether a Trooper, Special Specialist, Hero, or Civil Civilian),
and then given the the one or two modi mod ifiers appro
appropri priate
ate to the race. Subspe
Sub species
cies are just as easy to create; Dark 
Elves would be Elves with Sp: Evil, and Wood Elves would be Elves with Sp: Marksman Marks manship. ship.


Because BrikWars is so open-ended in scope, placing

plac ing very little
little limit on the types of battles
bat tles and circum
that might arise within the game, this rulebook could easily
eas ily be extended another hun dred pages or more with
guidelines and examples
examples for additional situations both danger gerous
ous and amusing. How
ever, the book is already 
too large by far for all but the morbidly
morbidly obsessed. Its length makes it impractical for quick refer
ref erence,
ence, unweildy 
 when printed out, and daunt
ing to first-time read ers. Therefore
There fore we reserve the large bulk of additional
additional material
for later supple
ments and instead turn to a brief dis cussion of the real-world ins and outs of organizing a game.

10.1 Gathering Opponents

 A man can
not be too care ful
 ful in the choice of his ene
  –Oscar Wilde

Coming to grips with the ponder

pon derous
ous bulk of the BrikWars rulebook and assembling
assem bling a present
able army can be
time-con suming tasks, but the stum
bling block that ultimately
ulti mately defeats many aspiring
aspiring BrikWars players
players is the
quest for willing oppo
nents. Younger
Younger players
players are especially handi
hand icapped in this regard. Besides being crippled

by curfews
lished adult and dependent
BrikWars ent ondue
groups their parents
to the drinkfor
drinking and por
debauch erythey
debauchery thatare barred
runs from
ram pant some of
between theersmore
play in theestab
stages of the game.
If you have never played BrikWars before, there are two good ways to start. The first is to set up a small
game with one or two close friends. It’s best if you are at ease with the people peo ple you choose for opponents,
opponents, since
dur ing your first game it’s inev ita
ble that big mistakes
mistakes will be made and everyone
every one is bound to end up looking 
stupid at some point. If you are already a mem member ber of a gaming
gaming group or a club of PBB enthusi
asts, you should
have no diffi
culty finding
finding a gullible
gullible chump or two that can be suckered into a ‘quick’ game. It’s no prob lem if 
your friends can’t muster
muster PBB collec
tions of their own, as you can eas ily share yours; the impor tant thing is get -
ting them to show up in the first place. Hes ita tation
tion on their part can often be overcome
overcome by vague promises
promises of 
punch and pie, pizza and beer, or any refreshment
refreshment combi
tion involving doughnuts.
 The sec
ond good way for first-time players to break into the game is to hook up with an existing 
BrikWars group, whose experi experienced
enced play ers are often happy to act as guidesgu ides to newcom
ers. Unfortu
 well-established groups are geograph
geo graphically
ically scat tered, and ‘of
ten happy’ does not mean ‘al ways
 ways happy.’ (It’s sad
that there have been so many indi vidu
 viduals who need to be reminded of this, but please remember that these are

Brik Wars: Campaigning  111

pri vate
 vate groups and, no matter how enthuenthusi siastic
astic you are about BrikWars or PBBs in gen eral, you should not
auto matiically assume that they will admit you, nor should you think that they are in any way obligated to do so.)
If nei ther of the two rec
mended options prove feasi feasible, the third and infe rior course is to try and
arrange a game with complete
com plete strang ers. Internet newsgroups are invaluable
invalu able in this regard, and many players
play ers
have been able to find opponents
oppo nents by making pub lic posts in their local academic
aca demic or profes
sional newsgroup, or
in newsgroups specially
specially geared towards tableletop
top wargamers or PBB enthusi
asts. The newsgroups of the Lego
Users’ Group Network ( are partic ticu
ularly excel lent in this regard (and in many other
regards besides). There is always an element
ele ment of danger
danger involved when meeting
meeting with strangers,
strangers, so be careful
 what personal
per sonal informa
tion you give out in any public
public or private exchange. Remem
Remember ber that not only your life
but quite possi
possibly a good chunk of your PBB collec
col lection
tion may be at risk; muti la
tions and murders
murders are small trage
dies compared
compared with the potential theft of so many valuable bricks.

10.2 Game Types

Before play ers can begin assem

as sembling armies and psyching
psych ing themselves
themselves for the impending
impend ing carnage, it’s important
to establish
establish what type of game is going to be played, either through con versa sation
tion between players or by the
exec utive order of the event’s host.
hos t. A dis
cussion pinning down the genre, setting, technol
ogy, army types, and
minedof by
tle iscol
just the thing
lections availtoable
availablegettoevery one’sers,
the play gears
espeing. Many
cially of theindeci
the venue sionsthe
which will be already
game is set. deter-

10.2.1 House Games

Players who are lucky enough to live in a household
Players house hold with like-minded indi vidu
 viduals (fam
(famiilies, dorm-mates, co-op
co-hippies, etc.) will have the easiest time set ting up bat
tles with the least required plan ning. The sched
espe cially, becomes much less criti
crit ical; there’s no need to set strict deadlines
dead lines for arrival, setup, cleanup, or
depar ture. Everyone’s
Everyone’s already in the house by default, and as long as a corner
cor ner or room can be set aside for
awhile, a battle can be extended over sev eral nights if neces
nec essary.
sary. Any arguments
arguments about the units other players
play ers
are building
building can take place while they are in the midst of building them, giving
giv ing plenty of time for revision as
 An occasional drawback
drawback of house games is that players
players must often draw from a commucommunal colcollec
tion of 

to this and
problem resources start to the
is to increase dwinsize
dle of
then thecom peti
brick tition
col for raw
lection tomaterial
mate rial can
around the become
combinedfierce. Theofbest
weight thesolution
solu tion
play ers
involved. While that is clearly the most practi tical
cal method, there are three alternate
alternate options. First, a quick way 
can be found to divide the remain ing bricks into an appropri appro priate
ate number
number of piles, each player then choosing 
one; diplomacy
diplomacy and exchanges must be set up in order to obtain pieces from for eign piles. Second, Sec ond, simi
similar to
the system
system described in the Lim ited Point Bud Budget
geting Optional Rule (1.3: The Trooper), play players
ers may take turns
pick ing minifigs, tools, and other
o ther basic pieces from the bricks that remain. The third and best method is to set-
tle all arguments
arguments by a judi cious application of pro-wrestling moves.
Play ers that engage in a series of house games will find themselvesthemselves play ing the same opponents
oppo nents over and
over again; this can be both a weakness and a strength. Diplomacy, Diplo macy, which is not a major factor in most
BrikWars games, will become more and more important as a his history
tory develops
develops between players. Over a contincon tinu u-
ing progres
sion of games, the person
personalaliities and relation
ships of their armies will develop and solidify,
solid ify, and
mem ora
ble heroes, charac acters,
ters, and unit styles will recur and evolve. Treacher
Treacheriesies and debts of grati
gratitude between
tions, oaths kept and forsworn
forsworn between rivals, every act of nobility nobil ity and every dirty trick will lin
ger in the
mem ories of minifigs for several
several battles
battles to come, and may even develop into a kind of virtual world history.
On the other hand, diplo
diplomatic rela
tions between a limited
lim ited number
number of players
players can quickly stagnate
stagnate and it is
best to bring in new blood as often as pos si
ble, either by inviting
inviting friends to the house to join games or by going 
 with housemates to games hosted elsewhere. This can have hidden dan dangers
gers - because BrikWars tends to
encour age the develop
ment of house styles and house rules, the play ing styles of dif differ
ent groups can be so

Brik Wars: Campaigning  112

simiilar as to seem almost like differ
ent games entirely, and smaller differ
dif ferences
ences that are over looked at first
can later suddenly flare up as points of bitter conten
con tention.
tion. When visit
ing in a foreign
foreign group, or host ing a vis
in your own group,
gro up, be flexible and pre pared to deal with friction in unforeseen areas.

10.2.2 Club Games

Play ers who aren’t lucky enough to be able to set up games among members mem bers of their own house can get many 
of the same advantages
advantages by setting
setting up regu
regular games in a club set ting. BrikWars games can be held as occa sional
events in existing
existing clubs of wargamers or plastic-brick
plas tic-brick enthusi
asts, or new BrikWars-specific
BrikWars-specific clubs can be
Club gamers quickly become familiar with each others’ oth ers’ gaming styles, so after the initial breaking-in
period everyone
everyone becomes comfort
able with the club’s inter pre
tion of the rules and arguments
arguments are typi
minor. Club games have much of the conti continu
ity enjoyed by house games, with the additional
additional advantage
advantage that it
is much easier
easier to induct new members
members and vary the person
alities at play. Play
ers are usually in close enough
con tact (through phone calls, e-mail, newsgroup postings,
postings, or meeting
meeting by chance in PBB stores) that any uncon-
uncon -
 ventional ideas can be thoroughly
thoroughly discussed
discussed before the date of battle.
New clubs are usually
usually small enough that meetings
meetings can be hosted by indi vid vidual
ual members,
members, but as the club
grows they may need to investi
gate renting
renting larger spaces. Meeting
Meeting halls, churches, and colleges
colleges will often rent
large rooms at reason
able prices. Many bars and restau
rants also have rooms set aside for parties
parties and pri vate
func tions, and will further
more be happy to supply
supply partic
particiipants with beer and refreshments.
refreshments. Finally, very out-
go ing clubs can stage battles
battles in public
public areas or even host events at con ven
tions in order to show off their brick-
laying prowess
prowess and attract new members.

10.2.3 Hosted Games

Players without
Players without clubs can try their luck at invit
ing the partic
pation of
o f complete strangers,
strang ers, usually
usually by posting
posting to
relee vant newgroups or on a public
rel public commu
commu nity
nity bul le
letin board. (Flyers
(Flyers targeted
targeted at a spe cific commu
com munity such as a
col lege or a church are less likely to attract axe-murder
axe-murderers ers and other malcon
tents than flyers
flyers posted in places
like laun dromats or on telephone poles.) A hosted game is eas ily used as a trans transpar
ent ruse to stimu
stimulate the later
formation of a BrikWars club.
 There may be a good deal of pre-game discussion between a few of the players, players, but many attendees
attendees can’t

then on even
make to RSVP.
sure The
the infor host
ma will
tion is there
avail fore
able to have
spe cific decisions
intends deci sions
to par ticiiabout
partic the basic
ing game
pate, including
includ guestsrules,
may arrive unexpectpectedly
edly and at the last min ute. This infor
tion should be included in the game announce -
ment, or the game announcement
announcement should include a note letting letting inter ested par ties know where they can find this
mation, usually
usually via a web site, phone number, or e-mail address.
mation that needs to be made avail able by the host includes:
 The time and date of the game, including times for setup, game com commence
ment, cleanup, and at what
time linger
ers will be uncer emo
ously booted out and the doors locked behind them.
 The location of and direc
tions to the gam ing venue, whether that be the host’s home or some public pub lic or
rented space.
 Any special
special rules or restrictions
restrictions on the type or behavior
behavior of the play ers invited. This is most often seen in
the form of age requirements where alco alcohol
hol will be consumed,
consumed, but require ments can also be handed down by 
the venue in use–for example,
exam ple, many public spaces pro prohibit
hibit smoking
smoking or firearms, and may be sub subject
ject to noise
lim its or behavior and dress codes.
 The style of battle being staged,
staged, especially concern
ing the setting,
setting, TL and CP limits, and any other special
lim tations,
tions, requirements, and custom rules in effect. This can be supported with a nar narra
tive or backstory 
explaining the cultural and polit
politiical moti vations from which the conflict arose.
 Which ser vices
 vices and resources will be pro vided by b y the host, which will be
b e pro vided by
b y the guests, and
 which may or may not be provided but any gener generos
ity from the guests would be appreci
appre ciated.
ated. Examples
Examples include

Brik Wars: Campaigning  113

tion, venue fees, refresh ments, meals, spare troops for guests with out PBBs of their own, BrikWars
exper tise and printed rulebooks, dice, and even chairs and tables. It’s common
com mon to ask guests to bring build
and other items of PBB scenery
scen ery to help build up a con vincing backdrop
backdrop for the game.

10.2.4 Convention Games

In pre paring
 paring for battle
battle I have always found that plans are useless,
useless, while planning
planning is indis pensable.
  – Dwight D. Eisen

Hosting a BrikWars game at a con ven  vention

tion takes all the difficulties of a regular hosted game and increases them
by an order of magni
tude. A con ven
tion game must be set up to accomodate the casual passer-by, and this is
no small task. Guests cannot
cannot be expected to have PBB armies with them, have any famil iar iarity
ity with BrikWars
rules and concepts,
concepts, hold to any preset
pre set schedule, or even to behave with the most rudimen
rudi mentary lev levels
els of decency,
matu rity, or honesty.
honesty. The group hosting
hosting the game (and it really should be a group rather than a sin gle indi vid-  vid-
ual, however
however overachieving he may be) must be prepared pre pared to pro vide for every lack, and to deal flexiflexibly with the
unexpected probproblems
lems that are certain to crop up because no amount of prep prepaara
tion can fully antici
anticipate or
defend against the stupid
ity and malice of the general public.
 The easi
easiest games to hold at con ven ventions
tions are brief and carefully
carefully crafted scenar
ios, in which the battle
goals, and all armies have been designed, balanced, bal anced, and provided by the hosts. If the con ven  vention
tion is of plas-
tic-brick enthusi
enthusiasts, and the hosts have a few expe experi
enced play ers to spare, they can try to quickly cal cu culate
scores and stats for whatever
what ever creations the guests may bring to the table. If the hosts are lucky enough to know 
that guests will be familiar
famil iar with the BrikWars rules, at least to the point that they can score their own armies,
they can arrange a more open game setting setting in which custom armies will be allowed. If the games are set up in
such a way that there will be winners
win ners (this is not always the case, especially
especially in free-form games in which players players
may come or leave as they will), then the hosts may wish to bring small prizes to award to the victors vic tors or to play -
ers who play especially well.
 There are a number
number of roles that the hosts need to fill in order to take the burdenburden of work off the shoul- shoul -
ders of unwitting
unwitting con ven vention
eers, who for have paid good money to attend and have little lit tle or no patience for
having to do any think
ing of their own. At the bare minimin imum, each game should have one experi expe rienced
enced person
act ing as a referee
referee and overall
overall GM (Game Master Master or General
General Manager, depend
ing on your prefer erence).
ence). The
GM clears up any confucon fusion
sion over the rules, keeps the play ers informed of their units’ options and abili abil ities, and

makes quick
everything decrees
runs in unusual
smoothly sit uthe
and that ations not
play covered
ers enjoy themin selves,
the rulebook. Themem
and other GM’s priof
bers mary
the job
hosting to team
them selves at the GM’s disposal
dis posal in order to quickly deal with small or large crises as they arise.
 A second optional role is that
that of the RA or Rules Rules Assistant.
Assistant. This position
position is filled by an experi
expe rienced
enced indi-
 vid ual who is familiar
famil iar with the ins and outs of the ruleboook and has a copy with w ith him either in printed form or
on a laptop.
laptop. A GM who wishes to remain true to the rulebook can call on the RA at any time for quick refer ref er-
ence on obscure rules. However, depending
depend ing on the priorpri oriities of the host ing group,
g roup, it may be better to eliminate
the RA’s position,
position, and when the GM is unsure of any rule he can just make a quick best guess and thereby 
avoid any pause in gameplay.
PAs or Produc
Production Assis
tants are subject
subject to the whim of the GM and can be used for any menial or
degrad ing task. PAs can be sent to bark game announcements,
announce ments, gather refreshments,
refreshments, set up and take down
tables and games, restrain rowdy and bel b ellig
ent guests, and put out small fires.
fi res. Expe rienced PAs can be asked
to help coach insecure
insecure guest players
players or to take the places of playersplay ers who are forced to leave unexpect
unex pectedly.
edly. Even
if the conven
tion venue provides its own security, it is critical that at least one or two burly and sharp-eyed PAs
are keep ing an eye on the bricks and mak ing sure they don’t acciden acci dentally
tally make their way into guests’ pockets.

Brik Wars: Campaigning  114

10.2.5 Internet Games

 There have been occasional

occasional discus
discussions over the years of run
ning a BrikWars-by-email game; none of these dis-
cussions ever resulted in an actual game being played, although some have come close. Any such game would
require incredi
incredible patience from the players and a sizable time-commit mitment
ment from everyone
everyone involved. Armies
by necessity
necessity would be either extremely small or extremely simple;
sim ple; the host over seeing the game would have to
spend a good deal of time with a digi
dig ital cam
era and graphics editing
editing pro gram to keep play ers updated about the
state of the game. So far the opportu
ties offered by this medium have yet to out weigh
 weigh the increased demands
of time and effort made on the players, and so for the time being BrikWars PBEM remains an impractical

10.3 Gaming Style

It takes some time and prob ably sev eral games before the playing
play ing styles of groups and indi viduals really start to
crys tallize.
tallize. Gaming
Gaming style has less to do with whether a group prefers
prefers combatmeks over magik spells, and more
 with which aspects of gameplay they value and the type
type of overall
overall experi
ence they look for. Some of these con-
sid erations
ations are discussed
discussed briefly here.

10.3.1 Gaming Experience

BrikWars differs
differs in a number
number of
o f ways from other superfi ficially
cially simi
similar games, and players
players new to BrikWars
come equipped with expecta
tions and ideas about the way the game should be that in many cases simply
simply don’t
apply. Most of their miscon
tions burn off in the first round or two of the bat tle. Here are a few common

 Myth #1. If there is a rule, players

players should follow
follow it.
Players who try to fol
Players fo llow all the rules, especially
especially new players,
players, will find that a sin gle turn can drag out
to a length of several
several hours or more. Now mat ter how much we try to empha emphasize
size keeping
keeping things sim-
ple at first, new players
players will always try to bite off more rules than they can chew, and that is part ofo f the
natural BrikWars learning
learning curve. When players
players become more experi
enced and familiar with the sys-
sys -
tem, they can start using larger and larger portions
portions of the rulebook and still keep the game moving 
mov ing 
along at a steady clip.
 Myth #2. Turns last five to ten min
For new players with small armies (100–200 CP), sin single
gle turns will typ ically exceed an hour in length.
Speed improves over time; more expe ri rienced
enced play ers can han
dle a regular-sized army (300-500 CP) in
twenty to thirty minutes
minutes if they stay focused.
 Myth #3. A battle lasts several dozen rounds.
 Thankfully, although indi vidual
 Thankfully,  vidual turns take such a long time, it does not take very many rounds to
decide a battle’s
battle’s outcome.
outcome. Unless players are unusually
unusually timid and conser
conser vative,
 vative, the eventual victor
vic tor of 
a BrikWars battle
battle should be clear after four or five rounds, although it may take another four or five
to make vic tory official.
 Myth #4. Games
Games are played until a winner
winner is decided.

Maybe half of all BrikWars games are played to the bitter

bitter end, whether due to time constraints or
because it has become clear who the even tual victor
victor will be. BrikWars players
players either learn to take their
enjoyment from the experi
tial and visceral
visceral plea
p leasures
sures of
o f the begin
ning- and mid-games, or design
enjoyment from the experi
enjoyment experien
tial and visceral
visceral plea
p leasures of
o f the begin
ning and mid games, or design
their battles
battles as goal-oriented
goal-oriented scenar
ios in which the conclu
conclusion will be quickly decided.
 Myth #5. Pow
Power ful
 ful armies
armies and units
units are the best armies and units.

Brik Wars: Campaigning  115

 Armies that are power

ful, well-balanced,
well-balanced, and perfectly
perfectly special
ized for the task at hand are the best, if 
the game being played is one in which victory
victory is the chief prior
priority. In BrikWars, having
hav ing fun is the chief
priority. To this end, an army that is hand
handiicapped, off-bal
ance, and blessed with unique and inappro
inap pro-
priate special
specialties will be supe
rior to an army crafted for victory.
vic tory. By their very nature they engender
unconventional action, heroic bravery, desdesper
ate risks, unlikely successes, and hilarious failures.

10.3.2 Age vs. Youth

Many aspects of gaming
gaming style show a close cor re rela
tion with a player’s age, and for this reason
rea son younger
younger players
can badly disrupt
disrupt the groove of an adult gam ing group. The youngestyoun gest players
players tend to focus on the game itself,
tak ing undue pride in the size and power of their forces, seem ingly unaware that their army’s size is based on
their parents’
parents’ income, their units’ strengths are just digits
digits on paper, and that there is no reason
reason to be impressed
by the fact that they gathered
gath ered more minifigs rather than fewer and they chose to write larger digits dig its rather than
Other young players,
players, hav ing been told they are ‘ma‘mature
ture for their age’ and not realiz
real izing that the phrase has
never been anything more than a euphamism for ‘so ‘socially
cially unpleasant,’
unpleasant,’ hope to impress everyone
everyone with their
finely-devel oped characacters
ters and ability
ability to sensi
sensitively role-play
rol e-play their commanders on the field of bat battle.
tle. Values
like ‘sensi
‘sensi tivity’
tivity’ and ‘taking
‘taking things seriously’ are so antithet
anti thetiical to the BrikWars ethic that they require no further
Both of these types of players can have great success
success and enjoyment as long as they can find others of like
mind with whom to play; they do not integrate
integrate well with normal
normal play ers unless their peculiar
pecu liar disabilites can be
mitiigated or cured somehow.
mit somehow. In any case, being young, they are better off going go ing out and find ing some real fun
rather than trying
trying to simu
simulate it with plastic
plas tic bricks.
 Adult players
players have a much lower toler
ance for standing
standing around trying
trying to impress one another
ano ther with trivi -
alities (although this toler
ance can rise sharply the moment an available
available member
member of the opposite gen der enters
the room). BrikWars at its best is a social lubricant,
lubri cant, an excuse for friends and like-minded indi vidu
 viduals to get
together and compare con construc
tion techniques,
techniques, discuss
discuss the state of the plas tic-brick market,
mar ket, engage in some
light-hearted and friendly com pe peti
tion, and to eat, drink, and be merry for a few short hours before returning
returning to
the intermi
ble grinding
grinding monotony
monotony of the dreary days they waste on jobs and families.

10.3.3 Minifigs vs. War Machines

BrikWars action is divided between two scales, and many players pre fer one over the other, sometimes some times even
one to the exclu sion of the other. Troop-level play ers think in terms of crawling
crawl ing through rubble,
rubble, gaining access
to control
control panels,
panels, tak ing cover and linlining
ing up sniper shots, scaling
scaling walls, breaching
breaching gates, dig ging trenches, and
so on. Platform-level players
play ers think in a larger scale - plowing through foot squads, pounding
pounding buildings
buildings to rub-rub-
ble, war head launches, car
pet bombings,
bombings, and so forth. At the small scale, troop ers are the key to sur surgi
cally gain-
ing control
control of critical platforms
platforms and locations;
locations; at the large scale, platforms
platforms are the key to stra te
gi cally
cally directing 
campaigns of mass destruc tion, and troop troopers
ers are the bloodsacks whose burst carcasses
carcasses are used to keep score.
It will quickly become clear which players’
players’ modes of thought tend towards either extreme, and for them there
are several
several supple
ments and optional rules which will bring out details and emphasize emphasize one mode while
marginalizing and streamlining the other.
 A fan of minifig combat
com bat will prefer
prefer small theaters
theaters and dense environ
ments - jungles,
jungles, tunnels,
tunnels, building 
riors, and rubble all allow minifigs to be used to their full potential.
potential. Vehicles
Vehicles and buildings
buildings should be
designed with full interior
interior layouts,
layouts, and they should be filled with minifig-acces si sible
ble features - com
ers to
hack, control pan
els to access, cables and hoses to cut, air ducts to hide in, engines to sab otage, and so forth.
Minifig combat
combat can gain new levels
levels of excitement using the Variable
Vari able Dam age (1.4: Basic Combat)
Com bat) and Ker-Tri-
age! Optional Rules (8.2.7: Medix). Minifigs with Supernat
Supernatuural Pow
ers (Supple
ment SP: Supernat
ural Powers)
 will be stra
gically critical. Time spent han
dling vehicles can be minimized by using the Quick and Dirty 
 Vehicles Optional Rules (Chapter Six:Six: Vehicles).

Brik Wars: Campaigning  116

 A fan of platform
platform combat
combat will prefer
prefer wide-open spaces and varied
varied environ
ments - high ways, lakes, rivers,
deserts, and plains give buildings
buildings and vehicles
vehicles room to breathe and allow the great est freedom
free dom for Siege
 Weapon fire. Chap
ter Eight: Standard
Standard Combat
ants can be ignored almost entirely, with Troopers
Troopers and Pilots
being the only meaningful unit dis distinc
tions (although Mechanix and Technix may also have a part to play).
Dimmy Kombat (1.4: Basic Combat)
Combat) and Quick and Dirty Armament (2.1: WeapW eapons
ons and Equipment)
Equipment) are good
 ways to cut down on minifig-related overhead.
over head. The Robotic Vehicles
Vehicles and Nanofleet Battles
Battles Supple
ments are
fine recom
tions for any vehicle supremacist.

10.3.4 Many vs. Few

 A sin gle death is a tragedy.

tragedy. A million
million deaths is a statis
  – Joseph Sta

BrikWars battles
battles have ranged from tightly-knit sce nar narios
ios involving
involving fewer than a dozen troops, to epic cam-
paigns involving sev several
eral hun dred minifigs. This vari
variaation in scale can dramat
dramatiically change the dynamdynamicsics of the
In a very small battle,
battle, each minifig and unit is criti
critical. Their stats, abili
abilities, and personalaliities can be heavily
tomized, even to the point that the game bordersbor ders on role-playing.
role-playing. The more detailed and complex complex Optional
Rules can be brought into play, since playersplay ers will have much more time and energy to devote to indi vid  vidual
units. Uncon ven
tional tactics,
tactics, even ones for which rules must be invented on the spot, become quite feasible.
In a very large battle,
battle, in which great multi titudes
tudes of units are involved, unifor formity
mity is criti
critical if the game is to
move for ward at any pace. If a column of infan infantry
try is fielded, they must be identi
cal troops with identi
cal abili-
ties and identi
cal weapons;
weapons; if a squadron
squad ron of vehicles
vehicles is pur chased, they should be in all ways the same. Keep the
num ber of indi vid
 viduals and unique units to a bare miniminimum - a general or Hero or two, noth n othinging more. All Plat-
forms should be given Heads-Up Displays Dis plays and use the Statis
Sta tistic
tic Ker-Pow! Table to calcu culate
late damage
damage (5.3.2:
Gen eral
ized Damage).
Damage). Identi
cal minifig troops should be arranged in large Squads (see the Optional Rule
below), allowing
allowing large groups to move and attack as one unit. Any distin distinguish
ing effect short of death that
 would destroy the homogene neity
ity of a minifig’s Squad (Stun Damage, poison, poi son, wounds, etc.) should be ignored
com pletely. Minifig abili
abilities that are indi vidual
 vidual in nature, espe cially Stupen
Stu pendous
dous Feats, should also be avoided.
Large groups of individualistically-oriented
individualistically-oriented minifigs should have their stats downgradeddowngraded (e.g., an army of 
Ninjas could instead use the stats of Amazons).

Optional Rule: Squad Warfare :)

Minifigs with identi
cal stats and equipment
equipment can be handled
handled with great efficiency if they are arranged in Squads.
 The forma
tion, joining,
joining, subdi
subdi vision,
 vision, and disso
tion of Squads require no formal
formal decla
tion; a group of identi
cal units are a Squad when they take action together and they are indi vidu  viduals when they act separately.
Measurements taken when mov moving
ing a Squad or calcu
calculating the Range of its attacks will require some esti-
ma tion. A Squad’s location
location is consid
ered to be roughly the center
cen ter of the group of minifigs from which it is
com prised; it is from this point that an attacking
attacking Squad calcu
lates Range, and to this point if the Squad is the
 victim of an attack. Because all stats and Skill Modi Mod ifi
ers are the same for all members of a Squad, all their
 Attack Rolls can be made at the same time; of those attacks that succeed, suc ceed, all the Damage
Damage Rolls may then be
made at the same time. The Dam Damageage Rolls are combined
combined if the Squad is attacking
attacking a single target
tar get (3.3.3: Cumula
tive Damage/Com
age/Combinedbined Fire). If the Squad is attacking
attacking another Squad, count the number of Dam Damageage Rolls that
exceed the Armor Value of a sin gle mem ber of the target target squad, and that is the number of casualties inflicted.
If any member
member of the squad sufferssuffers an effect that differ
ates him from other members
mem bers of the Squad (a
stat penalty
penalty or boost, a condition such as ExhausExhaustion
tion or Poison, a bro
ken weapon, etc.) then he can no longer
lon ger
be counted as part of the Squad and his rolls must be made separately.

Brik Wars: Campaigning  117

10.3.5 Messy vs. Neat

BrikWars players
players can choose to insulate
insulate themselves
themselves from the hor
ho rri
ing effects of the vio lence they wreak upon
the battle
field’s hapless
hapless plastic
plastic inhabit
ants, but for sheer sadistic
sadis tic pleasure
pleasure there’s nothing
nothing like tearing
tearing machines
and minifigs into tiny shreds and allowing
allow ing a rain of blood
blo od and bits to fall from the sky. When tearing apart
destroyed units and scenery,
scenery, messy players
players may even wish to add extra material
material to simu
simulate the splattermarks of
blood, fuel, and other vital interior
inte rior fluids.
fluids. There are many pros and cons to the ‘destruc structive’
tive’ and ‘non-destruc-
tive’ attitudes
attitudes towards individual models.
Espe cially for minifigs and animals,
animals, tearing units into bits is morbid,
mor bid, sadistic,
sadistic, and disgust
ing - it’s easy to
see why players enjoy it so much. However, However, certain cir circum
stances tend to quell their enjoyment.
enjoy ment. Most com- com-
monly, a player will refuse to partic ticiipate in this celebra
tion of carnage
carnage and suffer
ing because he has become too
attached to his model to bless it with the honor of rapid and cat cataastrophic disas
bly. Other players should try 
to treat him with pity and understanding, and con continue
tinue the game as best they can. Another important
impor tant handicap
to model destruction occurs when sev s everal
eral players
players bring models
models built each from their own collections of plas plastic
bricks; if the scattered
scattered debris of several
several mod els becomes inter intermixed
mixed then it can become very diffi dif ficult
cult to deter-
mine afterwards which bricks belong to which player.
If players
players can overcome
overcome these obstacles,
obstacles, they will find that a messy and destructive
destruc tive atti tude has its own
advan tages. Bro ken
ken models and smoking wreckage help to cre create
ate that crucial
crucial battle
field atmosphere
atmosphere of destruc-
tion and despair, and their pres ence offers unique tac ti tical
cal opportu
opportuni nities.
ties. Loose chunks can be used for cover,
as projectiles, or to crecreate
ate obsta
ob stacles; ruins and wreck
age can be shaped or collapsed
col lapsed to surprise enemies
ene mies and
shift the gross physi
phys ical lay
out of the field. The jobs of Medix, Mechanix, and Engineers are much less exciting 
in an unmessy environment.
 There are many interme
inter medi
diate steps between absolute mess messiiness and neatness;
neatness; players can choose certain
mod els to be destructi tible
ble and declare others
others involiate. If there is a worry that pieces from differ different
ent collec
 will be mixed up, players
players can find a way to distin
guish their own bricks (by reserving cer tain colors col ors to specific
play ers, or by marking
marking their bricks somehow).
somehow). If red bits are to be scattered
scat tered wher ever blood pools seem appro-
priate, these should all be supplied
supplied from one player’s colleccollection to avoid confusion afterwards.

10.3.6 Scenarios and Goals

 Eric [Joslin]
[Joslin] is trying
trying to devise a way to incor porate
 porate troop goals into the game - that is, have objectives
objectives (hidden
(hidden disks? secret docu
ments? women’s lin ge gerie?)
rie?) hidden
hidden in the building,
building, so that annihi
ing the enemy is grand and all, but you still have to pro tect 
some of your vulner
vulneraable troops so they can search for the items. And wear them, and model them for their comrades.
com rades.

 –Shaun Sullivan, NELUG member


By default, the goal

go al of a BrikWars battle is to kill all opponents,
oppo nents, with the largely-ignored secondary objective of 
leaving at least one friendly unit alive at the end. Players
Players whose tactics are timid and inde indeci
sive may benefit
from a declalara
tion of more specific
specific goals and victory
victory condi
conditions. Exam
ples have included collect
ing valuable
treasures, res cu
cuing or assassi
ing important
important charac
ters, escaping
escaping a location
location or pre vent
ing such an escape, kill-
ing the largest num
ber of JawJaws and Dimmies in a nearby swarm, and even defac ing the effigy of a promi prom i-
nent BrikWars author. There have even been games in which the objectives objec tives of one or more players have been
kept secret from all other players until the battle
battle was over. At the opposite
opposite end of the scale, a BrikWars battle
bat tle
might be no more goal-ori ented than an internet deathmatch, with a sim simple
ple environ
ment and marked zones for
units and squads to respawn as they die.

Brik Wars: Campaigning  118

10.3.7 Speed

 A good solution
solution applied with vigor now is better than a per fect
 fect solution
solution applied ten minutes
minutes later.
  –George S. Patton

 As players become com fort fortable

able with the game they nat urally begin to grav g raviitate towards a certain game speed,
keep ing events moving
moving at a fairly regular pace. When the game seems too slow, they start ignoring ignoring the more
com plex rules and looking
looking to those Optional Rules that streamline play. When the tempo starts to pick up
(espe cially in the later rounds when forces are dwindling
dwindling and indi vidual
 vidual actions take on greater impor tance),
they will turn again to some of those more detailed rules which were deemed too time-con sum suming
ing earlier.
earlier. But
in general,
general, when in doubt, fast is better than slow and there are many ways to improve game speed.
 A very simple way to improve effi efficiency
ciency is to find ways to let more than one player take action at the
same time. If the game is divided between teams of players, players, let all players
players on a team take their turn simulta simul ta--
neously. If the forces of two opponents
oppo nents are so far divided that they could not possi possibly
bly reach or affect one
another on that turn, let them take their turn together. If players
players wish to engage in nego ti tiaation or to discuss
discuss the
rules, they should save the con verversa
tions for when their own turns are over ov er if pos
p ossi
ble, letting
letting an unin volved
player continue the game.
 Another factor in the speed
speed of progres
sion is the amount of time players take in delib delibererat
ing their moves.
outmuch ofTime
say ing. the delib
spent tion as possi
deliber sible
eraation should
dur be taken
ing the care ofbe
turn should before
appropri turn
ate to actually
actu ally begins;
the importance
impor goes
of the with-
being taken. Arranging
Arranging the forma mations
tions of your legions for general
general inspection
inspection should not require the same
invest ment of thought and time as when those legions have been reduced to a few desper desperate
ate men and they have
to make a titanic effort to save the empire.
 A final element
element to consider
consider is the rela
relative bellig
ence of the players.
players. While a valid method for long-term
tegic-level action, defensive
defensive play is inap pro propri
ate in BrikWars, which is a tacti
cal-level game and often sub-
ject to cruelly
cruelly brief time constraints.
constraints. Be proactive! Aggressive
Aggressive action can not only keep your oppo nents off-bal -
ance and force their actions, it will also acceler
accel erate
ate the pace and allow the game to reach its conclu conclusion
sion in fewer
In some cases play ers will have no choice but to begin setting time lim limits
its on individ
ual turns. This will
force sluggish
sluggish players
players whose to learn to prior prioritize.
itize. Time limits
limits can easily become a source of bad feel feelings
between players whether strictly or loosely enforced, so be cautious cautious when consid sider
ing their use.

10.3.8 Referees

The wicked leader is he whom the peo ple despise. The good leader
leader is he whom the peo ple
 ple revere. The great leader
leader is he of whom the 
 peo ple
 ple say, ‘We did it ourselves.’ 


In some games it can be valuable

valuable to have a referee.
referee. Besides acting
acting as a guide and coach for inexpe
inex peri
rienced play-
ers, a referee can make fast rules decisions
deci sions for the uncon ven
tional situations that crop up. More impor tantly, a
referee has the ability
abil ity to keep secrets from the play ers, and that opens up a whole new realm of tac tacti
Nor mal BrikWars games are arranged with all informa
infor mation avail
able to all players;
players; there are no
n o secret
s ecret abil i-
ties, hidden
hidden units, unknown effects, undiscov
ered terrain,
terrain, or subter
fuge of any kind. Players
Players have full oversight
over each other’s calcu cula
tions and conduct,
conduct, and that frees them from ever having hav ing to suspect
suspect anyone
anyone of cheat-
ing. A dedi
dedicated referee
referee must be willing
willing to take all the respon si
ity of oversight onto himself, in order to cre-
ate myster
ies for all players
players and to allow them to keep secrets from one another.
Many types of scenar
ios are only possi
ble with a referee; only he will know the solutions
solutions to puzzles that
must be solved, the locations
loca tions of traps that can be sprung, the strengths of unknown monsters,
monsters, and the value of 

Brik Wars: Campaigning  119

hidden treasures.
treasures. A referee
referee can even take such a control
controlling role that the game becomes almost like a role-play -
ing game, taking
taking the part of charac
char acters
ters in the scenario and giv ing each of them distinct
dis tinct person
aliities as they 
interact with the play
ers’ units, and important
important informa
tion which they may or may not choose to reveal.

10.3.9 Campaigns and Diplomacy

Diplomacy is the art of saying
Diplomacy say ing ‘nice doggy’ until
until you can find a rock.
  –Will Rog

In BrikWars games with only two players, diplo macy has hardly any func function
tion beyond the occasional
occasional arms-con-
trol agreement. With larger num numbers
bers of players, espe cially over the course of sev several
eral games, diplomacy can
become a pivotal factor.
Some players
players pre fer to play a straight
for ward
 ward game in which, once the alli alliances
ances and enmities
enmities have been
decided, they are invioinviola
ble for the duration of the game (though not nec neces
sarily between games). There is great
plea sure to be taken in a good clean game, in which all play ers are true to their words; this is in keeping keep ing with the
gen eral open and hon est spirit of BrikWars in gen general.
eral. On the other hand, some players find a much greater g reater
depth and richness
richness in a game or series of games in which alliances alli ances can shift and treacher eries
ies can be sprung by 
sur prise. Players
Players should be sure to make clear which of these two types of games is being played, because a mis -
derstanding on this issue can ruin r uin a game for unsuspecting players.
 As a series of games progresses,
progresses, players’
players’ unique senses of taste and design will come through throug h in the shape
of their forces. As their indi vidual
 vidual styles sta bilize,
bilize, they start to imagine
imagine the Civililiza
tions from which their armies
spring, and the ideals,
ideals, attitudes,
attitudes, and important
important charac
ters of those Civililiza
tions. Once this starts to hap pen,
diplomacy within the game become less and less about direct relations between the play players
ers and more and more
about imagined rela relations
tions between the Civilizations
zations and the charac acters
ters on the field. A single player might have
mul tiple
ple Civi
tions with differ
ent tacti
cal strate
strategies, and several
several charac
ters in each; as a history
history of interac
 with other CivCiviililiza
tions and charac acters
ters builds, each will begin to develop its own person personality
ality and opinions,
sometimes in wildly opposite
oppo site directions.
directions. All this role-playing
role-playing non sense is purely left to the discre cretion
tion and imagi
na tions of the players involved, unimpeded by any rules or limitations.

The End 

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