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going, it is better not to go.

» A corollary to this would he, «When there is a choice

of either eating or not eating, it is better not to eat. When there is a choice of
either dying or not dying, it is better to die.»
When meeting calamities or difficult situations, it is not enough to simply say that
one is not at all flustered. When meeting difficult situations, one should dash
forward bravely and with joy. It is the crossing of a single barrier and is like the
saying, «The more the water, the higher the boat.»
It is spiritless to think that you cannot attain to that which you have seen and heard
the masters attain. The masters are men. You are also a man. If you think that you
will be inferior in doing something, you will be on that road very soon. Master Ittei
said, «Confucius was a sage because he had the will to become a scholar when he
was fisteen years old. He was not a sage because he studied later on.» This is the
same as the Buddhist maxim, «First intention, then enlightenment.»
A warrior should be careful in all things and should dislike to be the least bit
worsted. Above all, if he is not careful in his choice of words he may say things like,
«I’m a coward,» or «At that time I’d probably run,» or «How frightening,» or «How
painful.» These are words that should not be said even in jest, on a whim, or when
talking in one’s sleep. If a person with understanding hears such things, he will see
to the bottom of the speaker’s heart. This is something that should be carefully
thought about beforehand.
When one’s own attitude on courage is fixed in his heart, and when his resolution
is devoid of doubt, then when the time comes he will of necessity be able to choose
the right move. This will be manifested by one’s conduct and speech according to
the occasion. One’s word is especially important. It is not for exposing the depths
of one’s heart. This is something that people will know by one’s everyday affairs.
Aster I took up the attitude of a retainer, I never sat sloppily whether at home or in
some other place. Neither did I speak, but if there was something that could not be
done properly without words, I made an effort to settle things by putting ten words
into one. Yamazaki Kurando was like this.
It is said that even aster one’s head has been cut off, he can still perform some
function. This fact can be known from the examples of Nitta Yoshisada and Ono

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