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Unit 1.

1. Do you like green architecture?


2. Is there any beautiful architectural building in your neighborhood?


3. Is your house beautifully designed?


4. Can you name some architectural trends


5. what kinds of buildings do you dislike?


6. Do you prefer modern architecture or sustainable architecture?


7. how modern is the city/ town you live in?


8. how are you going to have your house designed in the future?


Unit 2.

1. what colors do you prefer for your clothes?


2. what colors are popular for houses where you live?


3. Can you give an example of camouflaging of animals?


4. What are the best colors for the rooms of your future house?


5. Can you name some animals with special camouflages?

6. Do you like houses with unusual colors?


7. How can colors be useful?


8. Do you like buildings that blend into their environments or buildings that are unusual?


Unit 3.

1. Think of a time when someone was rude to you. What did you do and say?


2. Can you give one example of good behaviors at school?


3. Have you ever seen/ heard bad manners of driving a car?

4 Have you ever been rude to your parents/ teachers? What did you do?


5. Can you name some bad manners of students in the classroom?


6. Can you share about the table manners at your family?


7. Do you agree that the ability to make a small talk is an important social skill? Why or why

8. Do you agree with the idea “Manners should be taught at home, not at school”?

Unit 4

1. How much time do you spend playing games?


2. how do you learn a new English word?


3. what lessons do sports or games teach you?


4.Can you talk about a game that helps people learn English?

5. How do you make lemonade?


6. what are your favorite games or sports?


7. How can games compare to real life?


8. What are the most important things to do when you develop a game?
Unit 5.

1. Which member of your family influence your life?


2. What is your definition of a family?


3. How do you look like your mom and dad?


4. What do you and your brothers/sisters have in common?


5. Do you spend more time with your family or friends?


6. Do you want to live with your family when you get married?

7. “A gram of blood is worth more than a kilogram of friendship”


8. What does this Spanish proverb mean to you?


9. How do you define the word “home”?


Unit 6

1. What do you think of DIY?


2. Have you ever had any DIY project?


3. Think of a time you tried to sell something, either online or in person. What did you sell?
And How was that experience?

4. “If something is broken, it’s best to throw it away and get a new one”

How do you think about the statement above?


5.. Do you like making things yourself?


6. Talk about something you prefer to buy new.


7. Have you ever repaired anything successfully?


8.Why do more and more people enjoy “DIY”?


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