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NewCastle United Case

Emotions, passion, and excitement are some of the pleasant sentiments experienced by football
fans. However, some adherents transcend the moral line and become hateful. Football suffers
when the sport's ugly side comes to the fore. In this scenario, the supporters are seen wearing
Arab clothes, which in my opinion is neither equitable nor fair.

In general, sharing culture is a good thing. Someone who wishes to share aspects of their culture
has the ability to disseminate information about their beliefs, history, and way of life. You, in
turn, have the opportunity to learn more about another culture while also sharing your own. But,
as you presumably taught in kindergarten, sharing and taking are not the same thing. Similarly,
loving another culture and appropriating features of that culture are two very different things and
many individuals don't know where one stops and the other begins.

I dug a little more into this case, and it was noted in an article that the pressure group among
other commentators rushed into action the instant a handful of fans decided to have some fun by
donning traditional Arab robes and headdresses. Meaning, they did not like the way their
traditional clothing was depicted by someone who did not belong to that culture. There was an
outpouring of emotion. That tells you a lot about the scenario. People who sincerely wish to
appreciate a culture show respect for its people and customs by engaging only when encouraged
to do so. Appreciation allows for the exchange of ideas and cultural awareness.

So, it's all about what you're seeking to accomplish and say with your use of the cultural
component, and how you represent the culture, and if it's not your culture, you shouldn't be
representing it at all, instead leaving the natives of the culture to represent themselves.

Cultural appropriation occurred in this case.

The management reacted appropriately, raising awareness for such sensitive topics is critical
since it prevents such mistakes from occurring. And it was not, in any way, an overreaction. I
have also read that the charity has offered to conduct "educational sessions" for these errant
supporters, instructing them on why such cultural stereotypes are improper and disrespectful.
That is excellent situation management, we can constantly improve by learning and educating
Finally, I'd like to emphasize that there is actual racism at football games because people feel
safe and protected in their crowds and are free to express their true feelings. Racism is also
inferred as a technique, which is regrettable because it has an impact. Racism is ingrained in the
culture. Just because you only observe it in particular situations doesn't mean such situations are
the cause of racism or advocate for it.

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