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: Waste not Want not Grammar Desk02 : Expressing purpose

Warming Up :

Teacher asks his PPs : what is the purpose of using solar energy ?

PPs answer :

1- we use solar energy to / in order to / so as to protect our environment.

2- We should wear masks so as not to be contaminated
In order not to
Not to
3- People should stand together so that they eradictae all sorts of pollution.
a. What does the link word « to / in order to / so as to » express ? Choose the right answer :
a)Reason b) Purpose c) Result
b. What are their negative form ?
c. Complete the reminder :
in order to + ……………………………….
so as to

so that + …………………………………..

Practice : Task 01 : Choose the correct expression of purpose :

a- A lot of measures were taken ………………….. fight pollution.

b- We should build damns ………………………….we can avoid water shortage.
c- People don’ t live near airports …………………………………suffer from mental diseases.
d- We need water ………………………………….. we can survive

Task 02 : Ask question on the underlined word :

We should use solar energy in order to protect our environment.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ?

Task 03 : Combine pairs of sentences using connectors in brackets. Make necessary changes when possible

1- a) we plant trees. ( so that )

b) we want to reduce the effects of global warming.

2- a) we gave the homeless new blankets and some food . (so as to)

b) we want to make them a lit bit happy.

3- a) we want to reduce air pollution. ( to)

b) we should walk or ride a bike.

4- a) we dont want to waste our natural resources ( in order to)

b) we must conserve our natural resources .

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