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1. Floorplan guide lines ?

2. Well tap cells at on/off domain ?

3. What is endcap cell? Where will you place? What happen if don’t place?
4. Setup time and hold time
5. Channel length calculation and soft blockage and hard blockage?
6. What is congestion? Where did you see congestion in your block?
7. DRV fixing techniques?
8. Cloning algorithm?
9. suppose if our block have Clock Tran, data Tran, set up, hold, noise violations from these violations
fixing order in ECO stage?
10. Power plan for on off domains?
11. What is power switches working?
12. What is the difference bet ween HVT ,LVT and svt cell?
13. Can we place HVT and LVT side by side?(if cell have 4X size we can place)
14. What are the reasons for via not placing? How do you place via?
15. Suppose two different nets has 100 u length and 1u width and 2u width, how is delay between two
nets, and what is the dominating factor?
16.What is site ?

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