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2120mm OD, 8.53 mm Thke STACK t ; x aI x | \ 2 i2.2m FL L ve 1486 N/m? WIND Fr araant Fa, ld Sita Calcvlation Support Anchor Anchor Method Fv (N) Fa (NW) Ma (N-m) With Shear Deforrn, Rigid Restraint Without Shear Deform| Rigié Restraint With Shear Deform, ‘V7,200 -33,700 83, 400 182, 800 -158, 800 -84, 700, ee i woo 1,800 21,600 155,300 Wituoat Shesz Deter] 1 sqq 59,900 185, 700 17500 N/mm Rest. j Figure 4, Effect of Shear Deformation Texan problem Is that when the pressure is removed the temperature will likely to stay st near operating for sone time. At this time the pipe moment ia not reduced but the pressure is not there to help prevent ovalization, Therofore, the iogical application is to toke inte account the increased stiffuess, but not the decreased stress intensification, SPECIAL FEATURES Bach pipe stress computer program has its own special features. These features are normally not available in benchmark problems, Theis functions need to be checked by spenial schemes. Since it 18 not possible 1o cover all the features, this discussion will concentrate on three popular items. They are support friction, bellow elements, and thermak bow- ing. (@) Support Friction ‘The support friction bas a very significant of- fect on the aualysis results in certain cases, The 8 arene most sensitive to the friction are rotating oq- uipment piping, long offsite piping, and tranamission pipe lines. For inslance, ata large rotating equip~ ment, the friction duc to a single support can often determine if the piping load exceeds the allowables oP not. ‘There are different ways of implementing the frfetion effect in the program, but they are not all equal. Some metnods require more computer time but are more inherently atable. Others are auick ‘bat prone to be unsatbie. A detailed discussion on this subject 18 given in 2 separate topic [6]. In this paper the discussion is limited to the quick check of the results. “The validity of friction application depends on the type of the system aaalyzed, If the sysiem ia yelatively rigid thon the anaiysis tends to be correct regardless of which method 8 used, On the other band, if the system is relatively flexible then the corsect analysis can only be achieved with certain methods. This is because in a flexible system the friction not only affects pipe force, it also has the poieniisl of chunging the dizection of the movement ‘Yo check toe friction featare, it needs 0 check its application on a ilexitle system. With a support load report similar lo Table 1 the function of the friction can be checked easily by the following steps: (2), If the piping is moving, then the resultant {rietion force should be equal to the normal support force multiplied by the iriction factor. The direction, uching on tho tupport, shoula be the Same ao the pipe movement. It reverses when acting on pipe. @), If the piping is stopped by the friction and not moving then the friction force should be equal ‘or smaller than the full friction force calculated in @. (3). Most importantly, the sbove friction force ie applied to the cystem, This can be chocked by balancing the nedul forces at the support location. With a support load report sunilar to Table 1, the application of the friction can be checked by comp- aring the total friction force against the total system force. They shonld be the same If no other external force is applied to the system. @). Bellow Element Bellow expansion joints can be simulated by the conventional zero length flexible connectors, However, to be able to represent the versatility of the tellow arrangements, the aze of bellow elements is pret ferred, Wit the bellow cloment, the program can easily simmalate all the common bellow expansion joints wuch ag single bellow, tied bellows, wniversal jpints, and pressure balanced universal joants. The program will correctly apply the flexibility of the joint in all the translational and rotational directions. It also applies the proper pressure thrast force at the end of the bellow. The more advanced program ean alse combine all three ditensional motions to calealate the equivaiont maximam axial displacement

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