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Hotel Name Context of the P1.1 Rev.

organization. Needs and
expectations of interested

In order to make the appropriate evaluation of the results obtained in the SWOT matrix, the
following is considered:
- Once the threats and weaknesses of the organization have been identified, the Top
Management must evaluate the risk of these and take the appropriate measures

On the other hand, relevant interested parties could provide important risks to the
organisation if their needs and expectation are not met, so the EMR must carry out the
identification of these interested parties (D1.1-2). The EMR will establish if those interested
parties are internal or external and the EMR will rank the priority of the interested parties as
high, medium or law.


D1.1-1 SWOT analysis of the context of the organization

D1.1-2 Needs and expectations of interested parties record
D3.3-1 Risks and opportunities record

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