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"So let us make bold to say that religion is a product of the normal man.

that man
is closest to tiWe truth when he is most religious and most certain
of an infinite destiny.... It is when he is good that he wants virtue to
correspond to an eternal order; it is when he contemplates things in a
dis#interested manner that he finds death revolting and absurd. How can we but
suppose that it is in moments like this that man sees best?"

Whoever is a teacher through and through takes all things seriously

only in relation to his students-even himself

With one's principles one wants to bully one's habits, or jus#tify, honor, scold,
or conceal them: two men with the same princi#ples probably aim with them at
something basically different

A matter that becomes cear ceases to concern us. What

was on the mind of that god who counseled: "Know thyself!" Did
he meahi: "Cease to concern yourself Become objective!"- And
Socrates?-And "scientific men"?

What? A great man? I always see only the actor of his own

Whatever is done from love always occurs beyond good and


Madness is rare in individuals-but in groups, parties, na#tions, and ages it is the


To our strongest drive, the tyrant in us, not only our reason
bows but also our conscience.

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