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SJF is optimal.

Shortest job first (SJF) scheduling algorithm is based upon the burst time of the process. The processes
are put into the ready queue based on their burst time. In this algorithm, the process with the least
burst time is processed first. The burst time of only those processes is compared that are present or
have arrived until that time it is also non-preemptive in nature its preemptive version is called shortest
Remaining time first (SRTF) algorithm.

The major advantage of this algorithm is that it gives the minimum waiting time for a give set of
processes and thus reduces the average waiting time for a given set of processes and thus reduce the
average waiting time .the disadvantage of this algorithm is that long processes may never be processed
by the system and may remain in the queue for very long time leading to starvation of processes.

Shortest job first can be either preemptive or non-preemptive. Owing to its simple nature, shortest job
first is considered optimal. Is also reduce the average waiting time for other processes awaiting
execution .shortest job first is also known as shortest job next (SJN) and shortest process next (SPN)

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