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Exploring the
Essentials of CPU
This presentation will cover the essentials
of CPU scheduling for optimizing
performance. We will explore different
scheduling algorithms and their advantages
and disadvantages. By the end of this
presentation, you will have a strong
understanding of how CPU scheduling
works and how it can be optimized for
maximum efficiency.
First-Come, First-Serve (FCFS) Scheduling

FCFS is the simplest scheduling algorithm,

where the first process that arrives is
executed first. However, it can lead to long
waiting times for processes that arrive
later. This algorithm is best suited for batch
processing where there is no user
interaction required.
Shortest Job First (SJF) Scheduling

SJF is an algorithm where the process

with the shortest execution time is
executed first. This algorithm is optimal in
terms of minimizing average waiting time,
but it requires knowledge of the execution
time of each process beforehand.
Round Robin (RR) Scheduling

RR is an algorithm where each process is

given a fixed time slice to execute in a
circular queue. If a process doesn't
complete within its time slice, it is
preempted and the next process executes.
This algorithm is fair and good for
interactive systems, but has overhead due
to context switching.
Priority Scheduling
Priority scheduling is an algorithm where each
process is assigned a priority and the highest
priority process is executed first. This algorithm is
flexible and can be used in many scenarios, but
can lead to starvation if a lower priority process
never gets a chance to execute.
CPU scheduling is a critical component of operating
systems and can greatly impact performance. Each
scheduling algorithm has its advantages and
disadvantages and should be selected based on the
specific requirements of the system. By understanding
the essentials of CPU scheduling, you can optimize
your system for maximum efficiency.
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