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5 Yes/No and Wh- questions

1 Complete the dialogues with do, don't, does or doesn't.
0 Do you like dogs?
1 A: (1)                         Monica and Sally live with their parents?
B: No, they (2)                         . They rent a flat near the university.
2 A: (3)                         your sister help you with your Maths homework?
B: No, she (4)                         . She's not very good at Maths.
3 A: (5)                         your parents like cooking?
B: Yes, they (6)                         . They can make great spaghetti.

2 Write questions about the information in bold. Use the words in the box.

How many What What kind Which sport

What time When Where Who / with

0 I like football best.

Which sport do you like best?
1 They have their Spanish classes on Thursday.
2 I love my new mobile.
3 We wake up at 7 o'clock on Monday.
4 I go on holiday with my family.
5 My best friend lives in London.
6 Edward loves pop music.
7 Kim reads ten blogs every week.




2.2 Countable and uncountable nouns
1 Are these nouns countable or uncountable ? Write C (countable) or U (uncountable).
0 honey U
1 milk    
2 carrot    
3 lemonade    
4 apple    
5 bread    
2 Complete the sentences using the words in the box. There is one extra word.

any are how is not some there

0 Look, there is a bottle of ketchup over there.

1 You can't get            pizzas now. It's very early.
2 Why            there a bar of chocolate on the table?
3 There is            any lemonade left for you. Sorry!
4 There            two good Italian restaurants nearby.
5 I want to make            mushroom pizzas.

3 Choose the correct word.

0 There is / are some crisps in the bag.
1 We haven't got a lot / a lot of oranges.
2 How much / many bottles of water do you drink a day?
3 A: How many mushrooms are there on your pizza?
B: A lot. / A lot of.
4 My sister doesn't eat some / any chicken.
5 Do you have much / many salad?


3.5 Present Simple and Present Continuous

1 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or
Present Continuous.
0 I am talking (talk) to my best friend right now. We often talk (talk) on the phone in the evenings.
1 Hank is a mechanic. He                         (repair) a lot of cars. He                         (repair) an old Chevrolet today.
2 We never                         (use) computers in the classroom but today we                         (use) our smartphones.
3 It's 2 o'clock and I                         (have) lunch right now. I usually                         (have) lunch at 12.30.
4 They                         (study) at the library on Fridays but it's Tuesday today and they                         (study) at
5 Mary usually                         (listen) to pop music but at the moment she                         (listen) to rap.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Use the Present Simple or
Present Continuous.

have help practise spend take watch

0 I always have lunch at school.

1 Quentin never            his brothers or sisters with their homework. He says he has no time!
2 Our teacher            us to the Science Museum today.
3 I            between one and two hours a day using the Internet.
4 Ann and Margaret            a show at the theatre right now.
5 Walter            his guitar at the moment.

4.2 Comparative and Superlative adjectives
1 Complete the table with the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.

comparative superlative

nice (-0) nicer (0) the nicest

slim (1            (2) the           

beautiful (3            (4) the           

tidy (5            (6) the           

near (7            (8) the           

good (9            (10) the           


2 Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets.
0 I am younger than my brother. (YOUNG)
1 Moscow is                         Tokyo. (SMALL)
2 Phil is                         person I know. (INTELLIGENT)
3 Hungarian is                         language in the world. (DIFFICULT)
4 My grandmother is                         my grandfather. (OLD)
5 Greg is                         student in my class. (BAD)


5.2 must /mustn’t, don’t have to, should / shouldn’t

1 Choose the correct options.
0 You must / mustn’t feed the animals at the zoo.
1 You must / mustn’t talk during the exam.
2 You must / mustn’t be late for school.
3 You must / mustn’t work hard if you want to go to university.
4 You must / mustn’t talk on the phone in the classroom.
5 You must / mustn’t forget your homework.

2 Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t with the verbs in brackets.
0 Andrew wants to be an actor. He should go (go) to drama school.
1 Mark and Tom want to play music together in a band. They                         (practise) every day.
2 Ian wants to finish school with good marks. He                         (miss) any classes.
3 Mark loves helping people. He                         (become) a doctor.
4 James wants to be healthy. He                         (eat) a lot of fruit and vegetables.
5 My sister hasn't got much money. She                         (buy) so many new clothes.
3 Choose the correct word, A, B or C, to complete the sentences.
0 I A get up at 5 o’clock on Sunday. It's not necessary.
A don’t have to B mustn’t C shouldn’t
1 After school, you can go to college. You     get a job later when you have better qualifications.
A have to B should C must
2 My sister     go to school every day. She’s got a job!
A shouldn’t B mustn’t C doesn’t have to
3 Stephen hates working with numbers. He     be an accountant.
A mustn’t B shouldn’t C doesn’t have to
4 Tom’s parents say he     go to bed at 8 o’clock every weekday. They’re very strict!
A should B must C doesn’t have to
5 You     work hard if you want to do well in the test.
A have to B must C should


6.5 Past Simple: questions and negatives

1 Complete the questions with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple.
0 When did they play (they / play) table tennis?
1                         (they / practise) a lot before the tournament?
2 When                         (she / decide) to take part in the competition?
3 Why                         (Ian / wear) a costume during the race?
4 What                         (you / learn) at the summer camp?
5                         (our neighbours / play) badminton yesterday afternoon?
6                         (you / remember) to have a healthy breakfast?
7                         (the players / drink) a lot of water?
8 Why                         (your friend / go) jogging without you?

2 Make these positive sentences negative.

0 I dressed up as a mouse.
I didn’t dress up as a mouse.
1 Susan got enough sleep before the exam.
2 The world champion needed expensive equipment.
3 I could swim at primary school.
4 My favourite team was the best.
5 After the match, the players needed a rest.
6 We were proud of our coach.
7 They wanted to spend more time outdoors.


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