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Model Test 03 8.

Write a short composition on “Slow but steady wins the race” 5

Class: Five Subject: English
1. Write the meaning of the words/ synonyms/ similar words. 5
Visit, Quickly, Finish, Angry, Competition, Soon, Furious, Popular, Beautiful,
2. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences. 10 Model Test 01
a) Why couldn’t the hare win the race?
b) Whom did they call to watch their race?
Class: Five Subject: English
c) What did the hare think himself before having a nap? 1. Write the meaning of the words. 5
d) What is Saint Martin’s Island? Contain, Understand. Delicious, Help, Enjoy, Make, Especially, Improve, Quietly,
e) What is special about Saint Martin’s Island? Volunteer-
3. Name the parts of speech of the underlined words. 5 2. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences. 10
i) Our blessings comes from above. ii) She takes after her mother. a) What is the main duty of a firefighter?
iii) He lost his all in a hurry. iv) Give place to your betters. b) Why is firefighting a challenging job?
iv) Don’t talk like that. c) How can Saikat improve his English?
4. Write the right form of verbs. 5
d) What is Food Pyramid?
i) We (do) the work for two hours before my father comes.
e) How many levels are there in a Food Pyramid?
ii) Without (read) more, you cannot learn more.
3. Name the parts of speech of the underlined words. 5
iii) Writing (make) an exact man.
i) He wanted the book which I brought yesterday.
iv) The rich (be) not always happy.
ii) Whose house is this? iii) Stop writing.
v) The mother and the daughter (be) walking
iv) The children are playing outside. v) Give me your all.
5. Make five WH questions from the given statements. 5
4. Write the right form of verbs. 5
a) We arrived there in the morning. b) The hare ran quickly.
i) He (suffer) from fever for five years.
c) The hare stood beside the tortoise. d) There are six galleries.
ii) The children (swim) now.
e) We usually use medicine to cure diseases.
iii) I (finish) the work before the sun set.
6. Translate into English. 5
iv) While I (walk) in the jungle, I saw a tiger.
i) ‡m evB‡i †h‡Z bv †h‡ZB e„wó ïiæ n‡qwQj| ii) iwdK Avmvi ci Avgiv wµ‡KU
v) It (rain) since morning.
5. Make five WH questions from the given statements. 5
iii) Avwg `k eQi hver XvKvq evm KiwQ| iv) †UªbwU mKvj 10Uvq †Q‡o hvq| v)
a) It was a fine day.
wgZz eBwU co‡Z _vK‡e|
b) The weather was nice in the morning.
7. Fill in the gaps with appropriate article. 5
c) The river Narasunda flows through the town.
i) I know ____ the man who came yesterday. ii) He speaks English like ____
d) There are candles on the cake.
English. iii) This is ____ unique chance. iv) Where did you put ___ pen I gave you.
e) The hare slept for an hour.
v) She is___ BA and her husband is _____MA.
6. Translate into English. 5
8. Write the past and past participle form of the verbs. 5
i) ‡m evB‡i †h‡Z bv †h‡ZB e„wó ïiæ n‡qwQj|
Smell, Spread, Leave, Throw, Hurt, Choose, Drink, Fight, Ring, Mistake
ii) iwdK Avmvi ci Avgiv wµ‡KU †L‡jwQjvg|
iii) Avwg `k eQi hver XvKvq evm KiwQ|
iv) †UªbwU mKvj 10Uvq †Q‡o hvq| v) wgZz eBwU co‡Z _vK‡e|
7. Write five sentences using the classification of the sentence. 5
8. Write a short composition about ‘A firefighter’ 10

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