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Practice Sheet

Complete the following sentences by filling in a, an or the as may be suitable.
i) Copper is ___useful metal.
ii) Do you see _____blue sky?
iii) Honest men speak ____truth.
iv) The world is ____happy place.
v) He is not ____ honourable man.
vi) ____able man has not always distinguished look.
vii) _____Mr. Rajib whom you met last night is my uncle.
viii) Man is _____only animal that uses fire.
ix) He is _____taller of the two boys.
x) I would like to join ____army.
xi) _____almighty Allah is our sustainer.
xii) I don’t like ____white of an egg.
xiii) I caught him ____neck.
xiv) He gave me pen. ____pen is worth writhing.
xv) It is _____X-ray machine.
xvi) ______tiger that is hungry is more ferocious.
xvii) _____darkest cloud has a silver lining.
xviii) Yesterday ______European called at my office.
xix) The children found _____egg in the nest.
xx) The guide knows ____way.
xxi) English is ____language of ____people of England.
xxii) Which is _____longest river in Bangladesh?
xxiii) _____Ganga is _____sacred river.
xxiv) He saw _____most wonderful sight.
xxv) He thinks he is _____Rabindranath.
xxvi) ______ant is an industrious being.
xxvii) He can play _____piano.
xxviii) I saw ______one-eyed man when I was walking on the road.
xxix) At last the best in him got _____upper hand.
xxx) _____Nelson is a British warship.
xxxi) ____mother rose in her.
xxxii) He is _____FRCS.
xxxiii) She is _____untidy girl.
xxxiv) If you see him, give him _____message.
Insert articles where necessary.
i) Eskimos make houses of snow and ice. ii) Who wishes to take walk with me?
ii) There is nothing like staying at home for comfort. iv) Man cannot live by bread alone.
iii) Time makes worst enemies friends. vi) The brave soldier lost arm in battle.
iv) Draw map of Bangladesh. viii) The river was spanned by iron bridge.
v) Where did you buy umbrella? x) Have you never seen elephant?
vi) Only best quality is sold by us. xi) Where there is life there is hope.
According to syllabus
Fill in the gaps with a, an or the and put a cross where no article is needed.
a)____ email is a means of sending messages between computers. To send and receive b) ___ emails
you need access to the internet. c) ____ Internet Service Provider (IPS) will provide you with d) ___
connection software which is often free. This will give you e) ___ internet access, storage for incoming
mails and f) ____ capability to read your messages.

Once he went a) ___ hunting in a deep jungle. Many b) ___ best was moving to and fro. Suddenly we
noticed c) ___ ewe. It was looking at us. d) ___ ewe had e) ____ unique beauty. We could not kill f) ___
ewe as it would be g) ____ unkind deed. In fact, we are not rude by h) _____ nature.

Unfair means in the examination is a) ___ offence. It degrades b) ____ standard of education. If the
students of c) ___ country do not acquire true d) ____ education, there will be no development for e)
___ country. f) ____ examinee should read seriously so that he can cut g) ___ good figure in the
examination. To acquire true education should be the only aim in life of all h) ___ students in the
examination. i) ___ educated man cannot support j) ___ unfair means if the examination at all.

Bangladesh is a) ___ independent country. We won freedom on b) ___ December 16, 1971. This
freedom was won as c) ___ result of great sacrifice. d) ___ great many people laid down their lives for e)
___ freedom of the country. f) ___ man who loves his country is g) ___ patriot. h) ___ real patriot loves
his country more than his life. Being patriots, we all should try to make i) ___ effort for the welfare and j)
__ progress of our motherland.

___true friend is b) ___asset, he stands by his friend in c) ___ time of danger. He is not d) __ greedy
person. He always wishes for e) ____welfare of his friend. But it is f) ___matter of fact that g) ___ ideal
friend is very rare today. My best friend’s name is Nipa. I know her for h ____ last six years.

Raju is a) ___ indigent boy. He comes of b) ___ needy family. But he is diligent and upright. He has c) ___
unique vision for life. He believes that honesty is d) ___ key to success. Moreover, he has e) ___ deep
sense of patriotism. Being imbued with these ideals, he shapes f) ___ dream of his life. From g) ___
dawn to dusk, he works hard. He never squanders time, wastes money and dissipates h) ___ energy. His
only aim is to reach i) ___ apex of success. We need j) ___ ideal boy like Raju.

Truthfulness is a) ___ greatest of all b) ___ virtues which makes c) ___ man really great. If we do not
cultivate the habit of speaking d) ___ truth, we cannot command e) ___ confidence of others. f) ___
man whom nobody believes can never be great in life. We might succeed once or twice by telling g) ___
lie but it never brings a good result. h) ___ lie never lies hidden. Today or tomorrow it comes to light.
Then i) ___ real character of j) ___ liar is revealed and nobody believes him.

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