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Nychos was born in 1982 in Bruck an der Mur, in Austria.

He spent his childhood in the Austrian countryside with his father and his grand
father, who were hunters.
He was confronted at a very young age with this brutal and cruel environment, and
was genuinely traumatized by such an experience, which he later turned in a
positive way into art and a profound analysis of his paintings.
The cartoon universe comes from the ones he watched during his childhood,
including the cartoon “Watership Down”.
In 2005, he founded the “Rabbit Eye Movement”, a street art and communication
In 2011, he founded “THE WEIRD” crew composed of: DXTR, HrvB, Cone, Vidam,
Look, Frau Isa, Rookie, and The LowBrows.
Since 2012, Nychos has continued to get noticed, thanks to the many walls he
painted the United States, France, England, Canada, to the participation of other
renowned artists such as Revok, Arys, FlyingFortress and thanks to Instagram and
other socials.

Nychos slices up animals and innocent childhood characters with unflinching graphic
His work confronts the viewer with wicked insistence, using the shock of cartoon
violence as a vehicle for exploring subtler themes of mortality and temporality.
Nychos likes to peel these cartoon characters open and giving them human
His artwork reflects the psychology of an art scene in which creations are sometimes
swept away as soon as created.
Nychos also uses subtle imagery such as plastic in an orca’s belly, weaving political
commentary seamlessly into his pieces.

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