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Ujian Capaian Pembelajaran IV (Elo 9): Academic Writing

Name : Muhamad Rizki Ramadhan Date : 31/12/2022

Student Number : 20210110116
Class : C

A. Compose a five-paragraph essay. The essay is argumentative essay. Make sure your essay has
introduction, body and conclusion paragraphs. Plagiarism will be graded zero.

Studying Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is a branch of science that has high standards to be able to graduate,
big risks are faced later when working so that highly competent students are needed to learn
many things such as designing, building, maintaining, and renovating all of which aim to save
living things. Designing buildings requires proper and appropriate analysis because being a
civil engineer feels like standing between two legs, namely heaven and hell, meaning that when
we succeed in making a work the reward is very, very much, on the other hand if it fails it will
be a sin because there will be many casualties. At present, the civil engineering department is
heavily influenced by technological developments, especially in the field of planning and
implementation. So that it can be said, civil engineering is a very difficult major.
There are lots of courses studied in the civil engineering department, ranging from
engineering mathematics, physics, chemistry, mechanics of materials, and statics. All courses
that are considered very difficult are included in the civil engineering department, this makes
civil engineering a very difficult major. In addition, having a practicum in each semester is also
a challenge in itself, where in each practicum there is a practicum report, the practicum report
itself is a frightening specter that must be faced by students majoring in civil engineering. In
addition to difficult subjects, skills are also a must-have to survive in the civil engineering
major, there are several skills that must be possessed, including skills in designing, calculating,
and finding solutions to the problems being faced.
These skills are really needed because civil engineering covers many things that must
be considered, starting from the safety of the people, reducing the risks that can occur, and
finding solutions to many problems when building something. As well as the existence of
competition from other civil engineering graduates and people who already have a lot of
experience, this is one of the reasons why civil engineering is very difficult, not only in the
lecture environment but also in the work environment.
However, there is an opinion that health-related majors such as medicine and pharmacy
are the most difficult majors. However, what people don't know is that majors such as medicine
only study about the human body and its diseases or you could say it is biology courses,
whereas in civil engineering itself it is not only studying subjects related to calculations but
also studying management. construction, where the knowledge of economics is needed to carry
out the budget plan (RAB). RAB is very important for development because time and cost
efficiency are things that must be considered by a civil engineer. If it is not paid attention to, of
course it will have an impact on the distrust of the people who own the project.
The variety of courses taken, both courses related to the calculations of planning a
building, designing a building, even studying construction management related to planning a
budget, coupled with practicum where practicum reports can have a deadline every week, is
enough to prove the difficulty. civil engineering department itself.

B. Write down your reference list here (if there is any).

The essay is argumentative 5 4 3 2 0 Total Score:
Originality* 5 4 3 2 0
Development 5 4 3 2 0
Improvement 5 4 3 2 0
Unity & Coherence 5 4 3 2 0
Punctuation & Spelling 5 4 3 2 0
*If the Turnitin score for plagiarism level is ≥ 30%, the essay will be graded 0.

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