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General Studies and Communications Skills (GSCS) Senior 4MCB, PCM, MCE, MEG.

Re-read your notes or books and then try to answer the following questions.

1. What are the objectives of learning General Studies and Communication skills?

2. How do you understand the concept of social cohesion?

3. Identify the factors of social cohesion and attempt to explain three of your choice.

5 National and humanistic values are the values promoted by the government and they include
resilience, benevolence, repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, and consensus-building. Explain
each of them in few words.

6. a) Explain some of the challenges of consensus building.

b) How can we overcome these challenges?

7. a) Explain ways in which your school is inclusive.

b) How does this promote social cohesion in the school?

8. Thinking of the active bystandership, explain how you can intervene to witness what is
happening in order to solve the problem of the victim. Talk about the steps and the polite ways to
be practised while intervening.

9. How does upholding of human rights promote social cohesion?

10. Human rights are sometimes violated in communities. Do you think this causes any social
problems? Explain your answer.

11. Explain briefly how individualism, discrimination and social injustice hinder social cohesion
and national unity.

12. Do you find any dangers if a country as a nation adopts the individualism theory? If yes,

13. Read the case study below then answer the questions that follow.

David was married to Doreen who came from a neighbouring clan. They live together happily.
One day, they had a quarrel and David physically assaulted Doreen. Doreen was very sad and she
packed her belongings and went back to her parents. When her parents heard the matter, they went
to the clan elders to report the whole issue. The clan elders decided that no one from the clan
should interact with members of David’s clan till they asked for forgiveness. David never involved
his clan and therefore no one went to the elders of Doreen’s clan to ask for forgiveness. Today, the
two clans live as enemies.


1. Analyse the problem in this case study. Show who or what contributed to each aspect of the

2. What values did David not have that made him beat up his wife?

3. What values did Doreen not have that made her run away from her husband?

4. What should David’s family or clan have done to show active bystandership?

5. Suggest possible strategies that can be put in place to restore social cohesion between the two


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