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Non-zero Sum Game Theory on Cooperation

and Defection

Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the

Prisoner’s Dilemma to determine the most effective strategy teach us
about the value of cooperation and defection?”

IB Extended Essay – Mathematics


Essay Word Count: 3949

Exam Session: May 2019

Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

Table of Contents:


Axelrod’s Tournament…………………………………………………..4

What is Game Theory?………………………………………………….5

Idea of Rationality and Maximization…………………………………...6

The Nash Equilibrium.…………………………………………………..7

Simple Strategies in IPD…………………………………………………8

Creating a Tournament………………………………………….……….9

Repeated Tournaments………………………………………….……...14

Evaluation of Research………………………………………….……..19

The Value of Cooperation and Defection………………………………19

Works Cited………………………………………….………………...21

gzz786 1
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

The research question of this Mathematics Extended Essay is “How can designing an

iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to determine the most effective strategy

teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?” on the topic of the application of

Game Theory. I have decided to use the context of the applicability of mathematics to solve both

real and abstract problems, as this would enlighten me in the idea of decision making in a

mathematical sense, whether it would be beneficial to aim for cooperating to a mutual benefit or

opting for a solo victory.

The problem I wanted to investigate came from the Axelrod’s tournament around 1980,

wherein Robert Axelrod, a professor of Political Science invited strategists all around the world

for his Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma (Axelrod Project Developers).

To summarize the game, the Prisoner’s Dilemma is a hypothetical scenario presented in

Game Theory that teaches about cooperation and defection (Duignan). There are multiple

versions of the game but the original scenario is as follows: Two criminals were caught and are

separately interrogated and no communication between criminals was allowed. They were both

given a choice: to confess or to remain silent, with the outcomes based on both of their choices.

Should both remain silent, their sentences would be reduced. If both confessed, then both will be

given a long sentence. If one confesses and the other remained silent, the confessor goes free and

the one who remained silent receives a much longer sentence (Kuhn). Here is the summary of the


gzz786 2
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

Fig. 1 - this table is an example of the outcomes between each player’s choices, with the goal to have the least
amount of points , corresponding to the amount of years spent in prison as possible. ("Prisoner's Dilemma")

Looking at the table above, both player’s choices affect the overall outcome, and that one

player’s choice will not lead to a definite conclusion. In analyzing the payoffs in fig. 1, a few

observations can be made:

● In any situation, a player can be better off and earn less points by confessing

● The most amount of points generally (worst overall outcome) is attained when both

players confess.

● The least amount of points in total (best overall outcome) is reached when both players

remain silent

● The best individual outcome is when you would confess and your opponent decides to

remain silent

● The worst individual outcome is presented when you chose to remain silent but your

opponent confesses

gzz786 3
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

Axelrod’s Tournament
The Axelrod Tournament is where the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma (IPD) was introduced,

with the main difference being that the game is repeatedly played by the same players. Robert

Axelrod wanted Game Theory experts to submit a line of computer code, called agents, that

when played in a round-robin tournament against one another 200 times each, would lead to the

maximum amount of payoffs in his Iterated version(Axelrod project developers). The main

difference between this and the original version, mainly the large number of rounds, is that these

“agents” can learn from each other to gain “experience” and may adapt in future rounds. Another

difference is the terminology used, changing from a prisoner’s choice to remain silent or confess

to a more general version of cooperate and defect, which is more applicable to real life than the


Fig. 2 -Axelrod’s tournament was set up so that mutual cooperation would yield 3 points, mutual defection 1
point, exploiting a cooperator would yield 5 points and being exploited would receive 0. The goal of this game
is to have the most amount of points by the end of the tournament (Moore).

For the sake of convenience and ease in understanding, I would refer to the codes in the

Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma as “players”. To shorten the terminology, I will occasionally refer

“C” as cooperation and “D” as defection.

gzz786 4
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

Looking at Axelrod’s iterated version, I calculated the most noticeable outcomes in a

pair’s 200 rounds:

• The most points a player could receive:

o All-D exploiting All-C = 5 x 200 = 1000

• The least points a player could receive:

o All-C being exploited by All-D = 0 x 200 = 0

• The result of a constant mutual cooperation:

o All-C against All-C = 3 x 200 = 600

• The result of a constant mutual defection:

o All-D against All-D = 1 x 200 = 200

For me to further investigate this game, the knowledge of game theory comes into play.

What is Game Theory?

Game theory is the study of the processes in which interacting choices between players

can lead to outcomes with respect to the utility or preferred outcome of those players. An

important concept in Game theory is the idea of rationality and the assumption of maximization,

in which each player makes their choice which leads to their own maximum payoffs in the game.

To explain the game in a more mathematical sense, the Prisoner’s Dilemma is an

example of a two player non-zero sum game, in which the gains of one player are not equally

offset by the losses of the other, in other words both players can ,but not always simultaneously

win or lose. A major difference between a zero and a non-zero sum game was that non-zero sum

games are not strictly competitive and have different degrees of cooperation between players. In

gzz786 5
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

a zero sum game there would be a definite winner and a definite loser which can, but not always

be avoided in a non-zero sum game.

Going back to the Prisoner’s Dilemma, cooperation is seen in the entire game even if

communication is not allowed, as the outcome is decided based on the combined choices

between players. The highest degree of cooperation is made when both players decide to remain

silent as this would give the most amount of points combined between both players.

If a player chooses to cooperate, two different outcomes are presented:

● The other player cooperates, leading to a gain in both players. This is considered as the

socially optimal solution as players aim to maximize their total payoff

● The other player defects, leading to a gain in only one player. This is called a locally

optimal outcome for the other player since this maximizes personal utility

Since Game Theory and the Axelrod Tournament is based upon the idea of maximization,

players are likely to defect when they are certain that their opponent would cooperate.

It would seem that cooperating would be a terrible decision, and defecting will always

lead to a better local scenario for the player, but that is where a concept in game theory comes in:

Idea of Rationality and Maximization

In game theory, rationality is one of the main concepts used to determine the limit of a

player’s actions. This is based on the idea that players would only choose the option that would

benefit them the most, thus maximizing their gain. In the Prisoner’s Dilemma, a rational choice

would be when one player defects regardless of their opponent’s choice, making the choice of

cooperation irrational. However, when both players use this idea of rationality to maximize their

gzz786 6
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

gain, would lead to a paradoxical situation in which the rational play leads to a poorer outcome

than irrational play ("Rationality and Game Theory"). This is further explained in another


The Nash Equilibrium

Another difference between these two types of games is that a non-zero sum game would

have the existence of a Nash equilibrium, a situation in which no player can benefit by changing

their current strategy (Duffy).

In a game such as the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma, a Nash equilibrium is achieved when

both players repeatedly decide to defect. This is the case as it would be unwise for a player to

change his/her decision to cooperate and be exploited. Going back to the research question, this

outcome, mutual defection, would be considered as the lowest overall value in cooperation and

defection, where both players would try to “stab each other in the back”. This breaks the idea of

rationality, in which each player, hoping to gain from the other by thinking rationally/defecting,

instead ending up both worse off than had they both be “irrational” and cooperate.

This presence of a Nash equilibrium prevents players from defecting all the time. This is

shown by the iterated prisoner’s dilemma, as consistently defecting would lead to a very low

outcome when compared to constant cooperation (Darity). Although, an important thing that I

noticed is that that the socially optimal solution, when both players cooperate, is not considered

the Nash equilibrium, as one player would always benefit more from exploiting the other player

and defecting.

gzz786 7
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

Simple Strategies in Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma

In the Axelrod Tournament, the strategies a few main and common strategies were found being seen in
the entries/code given by strategists. (Axelrod project developers)(Moore)
1. Constant Cooperation

a. Easily exploited by defecting, but rewards cooperation

2. Constant Defection

a. Gains points no matter what, but receives less through mutual defection

3. “Tit-For-Tat”

a. Starts by cooperating, then copies the last action taken by the opposing player

4. “Grudger” (Spiteful)

a. Starts by cooperating, then permanently switches to defecting if the other player


Constant cooperation and constant defection are easy to understand, as they do not

change their choice under any circumstance. “Constant Cooperation” risks punishment for

mutual cooperation, the highest overall outcome. “Constant Defection” on the other hand, is

more of the safer strategy as it would be impossible for a player to gain nothing each round, and

would either gain one or five. On the other hand, the other strategies might seem a bit confusing,

so this is what they would do when against a test strategy I made to explain what they would do

under certain circumstances:

Round # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Random D D C C D C D
“Tit-For- C D D C C D C
Round # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Random C D C C C D C
“Grudger” C C D D D D D
Fig. 3 – Choices made by “Tit-For-Tat” and “Grudger” against a Random Strategy
gzz786 8
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

As shown by the first table, “Tit-For-Tat” would always cooperate in the first round, and

replicates the last action the opponent uses, labeled in blue and orange pair of diagonal boxes.

“Grudger” only needs one defect from the opponent before permanently defecting as seen in the

red boxes on the second table.

As I made the tables above, I noticed some basic ideas and concepts of each strategy,

“Tit-For-Tat" tries to balance out the overall score by reciprocating the opponent’s last actions.

The “Grudger” strategy does intend on cooperating but heavily punishes those who defect even


Creating a tournament
The Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma is not only a small one versus one competition similar to

the original version, but a large tournament. This meant that each player would compete against

every other player a set amount of rounds each. (Jensen). Here is a table I made to show the

results of two hundred rounds, similarly to the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma:

gzz786 9
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

Fig. 4 – Table of the results of 200 rounds in an Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma, with the IPD grid beside as a basis
in finding the values

The table above includes the score of two hundred rounds between each player. For now I

have not included the interaction by a player to a similar strategy shown in black squares as I

wanted to have a simple tournament where players go against everyone but itself. I have placed

the table for the IPD beside it for reference. Here is how I calculated the numbers for the


• Constant Cooperation vs Constant Defection:

o This would be similar to the exploitation scenario shown in explaining the IPD.

§ Constant C = 0 x 200 = 0

§ Constant D = 5 x 200 = 1000

• Constant Cooperation vs Tit-For-Tat AND Constant Cooperation vs Grudger AND Tit-

For-Tat vs Grudger:

o Three of these would be similar to a mutual cooperation as none would start

defecting that will lead to retaliation from Tit-For-Tat and Grudger.

§ Constant C = 3 x 200 = 600

§ Tit-For-Tat = 3 x 200 = 600

§ Grudger = 3 x 200 = 600

• Constant Defection vs Tit-For-Tat AND Constant Defection vs Grudger:

o These two are similar in results because both Tit-For-Tat and Grudger cooperates

in the first round, but due to Constant Defection the rest of the rounds will lead to

a mutual defection. This meant that round 1 would always be (D,C) in favor of

Constant Defection and the rest of the 199 rounds would be (D,D)
gzz786 10
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

Round # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Cons. D D D D D D D
Grudger / C D D D D D D
Fig. 5 – Table regarding how Constant Cooperation would go against either Tit-For-Tat or Grudger

§ Constant D = 5 + (199 x 1) = 204

§ Tit=For-Tat = 0 + (199 x 1)= 199

§ Grudger = 0 + (199 x 1)= 199

After calculating the score for each set of rounds for each player, I then calculated the total

score each player received throughout the small tournament:

• Constant Cooperation

o 0 + 600 + 600 = 1200

• Constant Defection

o 1000 + 204 + 204 = 1408

• Tit-For-Tat

o 600 + 199 + 600 = 1399

• Grudger

o 600 + 199 + 600 = 1399

As seen from the results above, Constant Defection has the highest overall score. This

would imply that in a situation where everyone’s strategies were unique yet predictable, the one

that would exploit the most players/rounds would end victorious. I would say that this is the case

as it obtained the highest amount of points against the Constant Cooperation, which is more than

a third of the second highest points in a set, 600. Since Constant Cooperation never retaliates,

gzz786 11
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

Constant Defection would be able to exploit it for all 200 rounds, unlike against Tit-For-Tat and

Grudger, which is only exploited on the first round. Although I believe that a different result will

be obtained when players uses their strategy against itself, as Constant defect would be in a

massive disadvantage. To remove this total uniqueness of each strategy I decided to calculate the

result when a strategy goes against itself and add them to the total:

• Constant Defect vs Constant Defect:

o Similar to the All-D vs All-D scenario in the Iterated Prisoner’s Dilemma

§ 1 x 200 = 200

• Constant Cooperation, Tit-For-Tat & Grudger against itself:

o For a similar reason since no one would have the incentive to defect, mutual

cooperation is constant throughout the 200 rounds

§ 3 x 200 = 600

I decided to add this as in most of the time, players don’t have a unique strategy, and may

end up going against someone with a similar plan. This would also be applicable in real life, as

when people interact with one another in either a different or a similar way (Moore). In the first

version of the tournament, defecting would easily be the best choice, but up against itself would

lead to a different story . If I included these scores in the tournament, the results would be as


• Constant Cooperation:

o 1200 + 600 = 1800

• Constant Defection:

o 1408 + 200 = 1600

gzz786 12
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

• Tit-For-Tat AND Grudger (having similar results):

o 1399 + 600 = 1999

Looking at these results, the highest score in the previous tournament, Constant

Defection, became the lowest in this version as it was not able to exploit itself. On the other hand

Tit-For-Tat and Grudger benefit from itself through mutual cooperation, but is not as naïve when

up against defection. This shows how effective it is to learn from the previous round and decide

whether to change their decision in future rounds, while sticking to a selfish strategy would be


Since in a real life situation where some people have in most cases similar levels of

cooperation and defection, I decided to create a different tournament in which there would

multiple people having the same strategy against everyone, both people with different strategies

and their own.

Repeated Tournaments
Comparing the first tournament, where players get to battle other players once, trust is

only made in a single set, and a player would not need to go up against that particular player for

the rest of the tournament. Here is how the repeated tournament goes (Case):

Fig. 6 – diagram of how a repeated tournament would be played

gzz786 13
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

1. There would be 3 players sharing a similar strategy, and would play a tournament as

usual, going against everyone including players with the same strategy.

2. The bottom 3 are eliminated. If there is a tie, then randomly select between them.

3. The top 3 are being “cloned”. If there is a tie, then randomly select between them.

4. Repeat until only one strategy remains or a continuous tie occurs.

This is done based on the idea that people tend not to replicate “losing” behaviors and

tend to imitate “successful” behaviors (Case). For the sake of ease, I limited the number of

rounds per set to 20. I decided to remove the Grudger strategy in this tournament as it would act

similarly to Tit-For-Tat.

Here are the calculations I needed for a network map I intend to make to represent this

repeated tournament:

• Constant Cooperation:

o When against Constant Cooperation:

§ 20 x 3 = 60 x 2 players = 120

o When against Tit-For-Tat:

§ 20 x 3 = 60 x 3 players = 180

o When against Constant Defection:

§ 20 x 0 = 0 x 3 players = 0

o Total Score = 120 + 180 + 0 = 300

• Constant Defection:

o When against Constant Defection:

§ 20 x 1 = 20 x 2 players = 40

gzz786 14
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

o When against Constant Cooperation:

§ 20 x 5 = 100 x 3 players = 300

o When against Tit-For-Tat:

§ 5 + 1 x 19 = 24 x 3 players = 72

o Total Score = 40 + 300 + 72 = 412

• Tit-For-Tat:

o When against Tit-For-Tat:

§ 20 x 3 = 60 x 2 players = 120

o When against Constant Cooperation:

§ 20 x 3 = 60 x 3 players = 180

o When against Constant Defection:

§ 0 + 1 x 19 = 19 x 3 players = 57

o Total Score = 120 + 180 + 57 = 357

Fig. 7 – Network graph of the first tournament with the total scores for each strategy

gzz786 15
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

The results show that Constant Defection still wins in this style of tournament.

Since the bottom three players being Constant Cooperation, being crossed out in the next

figure, they will be replaced by the top scorers. This leaves a 6 vs 3 in favor of Constant

Defection as shown by the image below:

Fig. 8 – Results of the first tournament. The winners to be cloned are being represented with crowns while the
losers are being crossed out

Now that Constant Cooperation has been eliminated by Constant Defection, they would

have no one left to exploit in the second tournament:

• Constant Defection:

o When against Constant Defection:

§ 20 x 1 = 20 x 5 players = 100

o When against Tit-For-Tat:

§ 5 + 1 x 19 = 24 x 3 players = 72

o Total Score = 100 + 72 = 172

• Tit-For-Tat:

o When against Tit-For-Tat:

§ 20 x 3 = 60 x 2 players = 120

o When against Constant Defection:

gzz786 16
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

§ 0 + 1 x 19 = 19 x 6 players = 114

o Total Score = 120 + 114 = 234

This time, Constant Defection ends up hurting one another, while Tit-For-Tat has been

helpful to each another and the new network map has developed:

Fig. 9 – Results of the second tournament

For the final tournament I’m sure it will be clearly visible which strategy wins:

• Constant Defection:

o When against Constant Defection:

§ 20 x 1 = 20 x 2 players = 40

o When against Tit-For-Tat:

§ 5 + 1 x 19 = 24 x 6 players = 144

o Total Score = 40 + 72 = 172

• Tit-For-Tat:

o When against Tit-For-Tat:

§ 20 x 3 = 60 x 2 players = 120

o When against Constant Defection:

§ 0 + 1 x 19 = 19 x 6 players = 114
gzz786 17
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

o Total Score = 120 + 114 = 234

Despite Constant Defection having the advantage in the first part of the repeated

tournament, their strategy was their own undoing when more and more players imitate their plan.

This leaves Tit-For-Tat the last strategy standing:

Fig. 10 – Results of the third and final tournament, as only one strategy remains

This would always be the result when the number of players, rounds or in most cases,

strategies were put in. Constant Defection or any “harsh” strategy will take out the more “naive”

strategies, but when up against those that can retaliate while “encouraging” cooperation will be

removed over time. In the IPD, most winning strategies employ a “Tit-For-Tat” style proving

this idea to be true.

Evaluation of research
In making the two types of tournaments, I have made a number of assumptions based on

what I have learned. First, although cooperation between people eventually leads to a greater

success, being able to adapt against defection is crucial to avoid being used. This is seen as the

player that uses Constant Cooperation receives the lowest points in both tournament styles.

Another assumption made is to always start by cooperating. This rule is prominent in Tit-For-Tat

gzz786 18
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

as well as Grudger because when up against itself would lead to a back-and-forth cycle of

defection. In a real life situation, immediately rebelling against a community would lead to doubt

and eventually weaken the integrity of the entire group. Lastly, not everyone can be predictable.

The simulations I made were based on the fact that each strategy would stick to their respective

rule, which is not present in real life. People make mistakes and may unintentionally make a

wrong decision that, when unknown to others as an accident may lead to a spiral of defection.

The Value of Cooperation and Defection

In making this tournament to distinguish the usefulness of cooperation and defection to

be connected to real life, I would say that defection would be more valuable only in a limited

number of circumstances. If there would only be “one round” then defection would be profitable

as there would be no chance of revenge in the future. When you are certain that the “opponent”

would be gullible and would easily exploited would defection be more valuable as the opposition

would be stubborn enough to change his or her strategy. When you are able to know who you are

up against would defection be beneficial, but only in the right timing. Due to these very specific

circumstances, defection is hardly valued overall as it does not easily comply with real life

situations and would only present yourself as selfish, changing the views of other people towards


On the other hand, an adaptable cooperation, and not total cooperation, proves to be more

valuable in a large number of circumstances, especially in real life. This allows the more

cooperative ideas and people to flourish while slowing down the progress of more defective

ideas. When communication is being added, proving oneself to be cooperative would cement a

gzz786 19
Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

stronger bond when mutual cooperation is achieved. Overall, cooperation is invaluable proven by

the most effective strategy in an iterative format of the Prisoner’s Dilemma.

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Research Question: “How can designing an iterative tournament of the Prisoner’s Dilemma to
determine the most effective strategy teach us about the value of cooperation and defection?”

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