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1) .

a. The pie chart below gives information of journal articles read per week by all
students, PhD students and junior lecturers at an Australian university.
b. Each pie chart shows percentages of journal articles read by all students, Phd
students and junior lecturers.
c. The box at the bottom of the pie charts describe the number of journal articles
read per week..
d. The proportions of all students reading 1 to 5 journal articles a week is highest.
The percentages of journal articles read more than 12 articles 12+ a week by
Phd students is highest. The number of junior lecturers reading 6 to 11 journal
articles a week is highest.
e. The percentages of all students reading 1 to 5, Phd students reading 12+ and
junior lecturers reading 6 to 11 journal articles a week are highest.
f. It is clear that the largest proportions of PhD students read more than 12
journal articles a week. On the other hand, all students and junior lecturers
read 1 to 5 and 6 to 11 a week has the highest percentages in the pie charts.
e. Overally, most students read between 1 to 5 articles a week. Most Phd students
read 6 to 11 articles a week. A tiny minority of junior lecturers read 1 to 5 articles a

2) .
a. how/and
b. Respectively For example
c. for example respectively
d. but whereas
e. Meanwhile
f. whereas/which but
g. that

3) .

4) .

5) .

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