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Franshesca: Good evening, I have got a reservation for today at 5.00 pm.

Qorianka: Good evening. What´s your name, Miss?

Franshesca: My name´s Franshesca Saenz.
Qorianka: Oh yes, you have got a reservation. Please come this way.
(Follow her)
Qorianka: This is your table, please take a seat.
Franshesca: Oh, Thanks. Could you bring me the menu, please?
Qorianka: Of course, take the menu.
Franshesca: Mmm everything looks delicious. Please give a moment to choose.
Qorianka: Sure,I will be back in a moment to take your order.
(Two minutes pass)
Qorianka: Are you ready to order?
Franshesca: Mmm not yet, what do you recommend?
Qorianka: All the food here is very delicious, but I recommend the lasagne or the raratouille.
Franshesca: Good, I´d like to eat the raratouille.
Qorianka: OK. Would you like a dessert with that?
Franshesca: Yes, I´d like some strawberry ice cream for dessert.
Qorianka: Sure. Anything to drink?
Franshesca: Yes, I´m thirsty. I´d like a vase of frozen lemonade.
Qorianka: Good choice. Is that all then?
Franshesca: Yes, please.
Qorianka: OK. Your order will be ready within 20 minutes.
(20 minutes later)
Qorianka: Miss, your order is ready.
Franshesca: ÑMMM This looks amazing!
Qorianka: Enjoy them. I hope you like them.
Franshesca: Thanks.
(The girl eats her food)
Qorianka: Did you like the food?
Franshesca: Yes, everything was very tasty.
Qorianka: Thank you, this is your bill. Do you want to pay by cash or credit card?
Franshesca: I wish to pay with cash.
Qorianka: OK.
(withdraws and pays)

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