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Team Development

For the project development, a team would be needed to form according to the roles needed
during the project. Team development would be passing through the 5 stages named Forming,
Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning.

Forming Stage

Team members would come from different background, interest, experience, and expertise. Moreover,
there would be culture and moral differences among the members. Therefore, I would need to start a
team building process before asking them to work as a team. Team building process would make the
members to understand the project objectives and goals and make them to be in common ground and
interest which would be the success of the project. Moreover, I would define detail job descriptions and
reporting hierarchy for each role in the project. So, they would not confuse about the role they would
play on the project team and that would reduce the conflicts relating to the role. Moreover, I need to
put right person according to their experience and expertise in the right place to avoid emotional
conflicts among team members. So that, they would reach each other out and find their way around
how they are needed to work together effectively.

Storming Stage

After forming a team, the team would start working together in the project. By working together, more
and more conflicts would occur as they would never worked together before as a team. However, some
of them would have encountered in other projects together and they would eventually make small
groups and alienate others from them. As this behavior can destroy the team spirit and affect the
success of the project, I have to reach each and every member and ask about the difficulties in working
together as a team. By doing this, I would know more about personal agendas, low morale issues,
conflicts over responsibility and control. Then, I need to persuade the affected persons or toxic
individuals and give them a chance to change their behaviors. If they fail to change and conflicts happen
again, I will have no chance left but to remove that person and replace with a new person to build a
team spirit.

They may also compete with each other for the status and for the acceptance of their ideas. They might
have different opinions on what should be done and how it should be done. In that case, I would take all
the available ideas and opinions and explain why I choose a particular idea/opinion. Even if I don’t use
any of their idea, I would tell them why I cannot use their idea briefly. So, they would be satisfied, and
they would eventually come up with the better ideas next time to win. Whenever there is a problem, I
would listen the whole history of the problem first and find a solution fairly together with team
members. So, they would feel respected and valued that they would give all of their best in the project.
By working together with them, I would also guide them how to solve the problems together, function
both independently and together as a team. This mentorship and emotional support would make them
work together as a team in a short time although I have to give much time.
Norming Stage

When the team reach to the norming stage, they would no longer focus on their individual agendas, and
they are working more effectively as a team and focus on developing a way of working together to
complete the processes and procedures. As I am respecting each opinion and explain the reasons even if
I am not accepting their ideas, they would have a culture to respect others and realize more about the
nature and processes of the project. As I am also solving the problems together and finding solutions,
they would eventually find themselves that working together as a team by sharing information is more
comfortable and easy way to get the job done efficiently.

Performing Stage

With the time pass, they would resolve team conflict themselves and solve the problems themselves as
they know what tools and process are needed and how it is needed to complete the job effectively. They
would start functioning at a very high level by focusing on reaching the goal as a group. They would feel
motivated and trust each other to get the job done. Even in this stage, I would monitor and guide them
at their jobs but not as strict as in the earlier stages. In this stage, they would have more freedom as
they can make decisions and solve problems quickly and effectively.

Adjourning Stage

When the project is coming to an end, the team members are moving off into different directions. Some
of them would continue to work as a team in the other project or in the daily operations. I would give
the rewards to outstanding persons during the project and host a farewell activity on celebrating the
success and departure of the members. As they have worked as a team successfully, they would capture
best practices for future use in their career.

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