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inner core 内芯

radius 半径
diameter 直径
enormous 巨大的
derive from 派生自
plausible 貌似有理的
metallic 金属的
alloy 合金
fragment 碎裂
shatter 粉碎

silicate 硅酸盐
carbonate 碳酸盐
sulfate 硫酸盐

scatter 分散
conductor 导体
insulator 绝缘体
insulate 隔离

architecture 建筑学
physical expression of creativity 创造力的身体表现
prose 散文
ceramics 陶瓷
clay 黏土
fiction 虚构的事
aesthetic features 审美特征
genre 体裁
categorize 分类
fresco 壁画
siren 汽笛
be perceived as 被认为
dome 圆顶

occasional 偶尔的
despite 尽管
pottery 陶器
porcelain 瓷器
ceramics 陶瓷
vary 变化
utilitarian 功利的 --- practical 实际的
burial 埋葬
ritual 仪式
sculptures 雕塑

concerning 关于
glaze 上釉
kiln 窑
extend 延伸

describe --- description 描述

depict --- depiction 描绘
delineate --- delineation 描绘
embrace 拥抱

The tradition of religious sculpture extends over most historical periods

but is less clearly delineated than that of stonewares or porcelains,
for it embraces the old custom of earthenware burial ceramics with later religious
images and architectural ornament.

○ While stonewares and porcelains are found throughout most historical periods,
religious sculpture is limited to the ancient period.
○ Religious sculpture was created in most periods, but its history is less clear than
that of stonewares or porcelains because some old forms continued to be used
even when new ones were developed.
○ While stonewares and porcelains changed throughout history, religious sculpture
remained uniform in form and use.
○ The historical development of religious sculpture is relatively unclear because
religious sculptures sometimes resemble earthenware architectural ornaments.
prosperous 繁荣的
far-reaching 深远的
imitation 模仿
pigment 色素
unobtainable 无法获得

whereas -- while

decoration 装饰
aristocrat 贵族

Their significance may have remained clear /had the Chinese

not come under foreign influence.
if the Chinese had not come
imperial 帝国的
innovation 创新
fertility 富饶;丰产;

1. 翻译
2. 第二篇文章
3. 复习词汇,把生词中文意思写出来,发给我,100+词汇

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