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REPORT January 2023

TOP 7 Bitcoin and Altcoins

Analysis from Bitcoin Financial

Bitcoin Financial

555 Mapleview Dr West Barrie ON Canada

Wholly owned by Aardvark Holdings INC,

Ontario Corporation #5033355

Report by Jeff Hawkins


Copyright © January 2023, all rights reserved.

1 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Please read the disclaimer

This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment
situation you, the reader, must do your own due diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial
advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any
decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on
the information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are
responsible for the decisions you make with your finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.

1) Strategy
2) Market trend forecast
3) Bitcoin BTC
4) Ethereum ETH
5) Binance Coin BNB
6) Cardano ADA
7) Doge Coin DOGE
8) HEX
9) Chainlink LINK
10) Summary
11) Appendix

Three strategies for Crypto

***All prices in this report are calculated in United States Dollars $USD.

At Bitcoin Financial we recommend that the best time to own Bitcoin is today. In order to own
as many Bitcoin and valuable Altcoins as possible, a strategy is necessary to ensure long term
accumulation of wealth. Our timeless method of BUY LOW and SELL HIGH is the long term
strategy to grow wealth at Bitcoin Financial. We sell at the peak and buy when Bitcoin and other
cryptocurrencies are at a discount price.
In January 2023, we are not near the bottom of the cryptocurrency market. Rather we see that
there will be another big leg down, DROP, recession in the market. This forthcoming drop in
2023, is an incredible opportunity for new investors to get in and position themselves for the next
bull market in digital assets. The feeling you should have is one of incredible optimism as the
price of Bitcoin might fall as low as $1444 USD. Although no one can predict the bottom of a
market, we can prepare ourselves to take advantage of current market trends.

2 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Strategy #1 Dollar Cost Average
Dollar cost averaging is a proven strategy to buy digital assets where you are not trying to find
the bottom, rather, you are buying every week, every fortnight or every month to arrive at the
best dollar cost average price. At Bitcoin Financial we will begin our Dollar Cost Averaging
program once Bitcoin hits our target price range around $7000 USD. We will be buying Bitcoin
and also the Top Altcoins in this report starting at XBT $7000.
For example, Fred has a $100,000 to invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum and his trigger to buy price
arrives around Bitcoin $7000. Immediately, Fred starts his dollar cost averaging as follows:
• Fred allocates $50,000 into Bitcoin --- dollar cost averaging every week: $3000
• Fred allocates $50,000 into Ethereum --- dollar cost averaging every week: $3000
• Fred spends $24000 per month on Bitcoin and Ethereum.
Fred keeps his dollar cost average going until he has accumulated his requisite number of Bitcoin
and Ethereum. By dollar cost averaging Fred will get the best price for these assets long term,
without the worry of trying to time or find the bottom of the market.
What if I only have $10,000 to spend?
Same dollar cost average approach applies again, just using $10,000 instead.
Strategy #2 Divide into Thirds
By dividing the digital asset (already bought) into thirds you can be better prepared to sell the
peak of a market AND take profits on the way upward in a bull market.
For example, lets imagine that you bought 1 Bitcoin today at $17,000 USD. We recommend you
divide that ONE Bitcoin into three parts as follows:
1.0 Bitcoin into thirds:
1) 0.50 selling on the double at $35000 or better = $17, 500, initial investment returned,
remaining Bitcoin is FREE
2) 0.35 selling on the double at $65000 or better = $22,750 profit.
3) 0.15 holding portfolio, or selling $120,000 = $18,000 profit
• Total investment = $17,500 for one bitcoin
• Total potential return: $58,250
By selling half / .50 of the asset when price doubles, you always have the cash on hand to go
again, no matter what happens in the market. Also, selling on the double protects your capital
from the market volatility in the crypto space. By holding one third back, you also have an
opportunity to sell the digital asset at the top which minimizes risk and protects capital.

3 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Strategy 3: Trade for Bitcoin or Ethereum NOT DOLLARS
In the next bull market, consider selling, trading your digital assets for Bitcoin or Ethereum NOT
DOLLARS. In this way you can accumulate as much XBT and ETH as possible. Do not sell
your coins for fiat dollars, but trade your assets upward for Bitcoin or Ethereum. In the next bull
market, both Bitcoin and Ethereum will increase substantially and will outperform the USD
manifold. Therefore, it is essential to accumulate as much XBT and Ethereum as possible to
maximize your profits at the peak of the next bull cycle.

Market Forecast: Long term Trend in 2023 is DOWN BEARISH

Although the long term trend is DOWN, bearish, that does not mean the cryptocurrency market
cannot rally or spike up higher in the medium to short term. These spikes are called BEAR
market rallies and significant profits can be made by experienced traders.
Day trading is not what we do. We are interested in the long-term trend buying low and selling
high, and that long term trend is DOWN and we believe a DROP is forthcoming in 2023 as
Figure 1 highlights:
Figure 1 Total cryptocurrency market cap as of December 25, 2022.

4 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Since the overall direction of the entire crypto market is down, we are waiting patiently for our
buy price target to activate. The next section will discuss our TOP 7 coins, digital assets that
have epic potential for creating wealth in the next bull market cycle.
Although the current trend is Bearish in 2023, long term the Cryptocurrency market cap is
projected to reach 10 TRILLION dollars.1 Yes folks, 10 Trillion. That is, approximately 3.5
times the recent bull market of 2021. Imagine what 3.5 X in the cryptocurrency space could do
for the price of digital assets in this report.

Bitcoin Ticker BTC or XBT

Bitcoin Rank: #1 of all crypto2
Coin Count: 21 million, no new coins will ever be created, EVER AGAIN, which makes Bitcoin
deflationary. It is estimated that 4-6 million bitcoins are lost, so there are about 15 million coins
being accumulated. Bitcoins are becoming scarce and scarcity drives price higher.
Peak Price 2021: $65,000 and wicked up to $68,692
Next Bull Market price targets: $65,000, $144,888, $264,000 + per Bitcoin.

Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and by far the most popular digital asset, controlling the
vast majority of trading in the space. Often called the new digital gold it has recently been added
to the balance sheet of many corporations and even whole countries (El Salvador, Central
African Republic) are adopting Bitcoin as legal tender, medium of exchange in their economies.
Expect the trend of “Bitcoinization”3 to pick up momentum in the future.
The importance of Bitcoin becoming legal currency of a country cannot be overstated.
Intelligent and hard-working people in Africa and South America already realize the detrimental
impact of inflation and corruption of centralized government has had on their life savings. What
people around the globe require is a decentralized means to exchange value for their labour and
to store personal wealth. The People want Bitcoin, a decentralized system of accounting that

Olive, Toronto Star, Dec 24, 2022
All Coins are subject to change in RANKING.
Max Keiser term.
5 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
stores and increases the value of personal wealth over time without the intervention of any
government or bank.
Bitcoin Strength: Peer to Peer, the network is autonomous and not controlled by any person,
government or individual. Proven track record of 10+ years in operation which means Bitcoin
succeeds as digital gold.
Strategy: Start dollar cost averaging at $7000 and keep buying all the way down to $1444 USD.
HOLD onto Bitcoin as a long term investment. Measure your wealth by how many Bitcoins you

As Figure 2 shows, we believe Bitcoin is looking to return to the Fibonacci 61.8 retracement
level. Our reload zone is between Fib levels 61.8 -78.6. Many analysts are already calling for
Bitcoin to reach $9000 but all will realize the truth with Bitcoin: “Just when you think it cannot
go lower, it GOES lower. Just when you think it cannot go higher, it goes Higher.”

Ethereum Ticker ETH

Ethereum Rank: #2
Coin Count: 122, 373, 866
Peak Price 2021: $4864
Next bull market price targets: $4600, $7777, $12,833 +

6 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Ethereum with its network enables smart contracts, staking of its native token and other projects
to run on the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. We expect that in the current bear market,
Ethereum will be returning to new LOWS. Figure 3 shows the buy zone price of $477 which
corresponds to the 61.8 Fibonacci level:

In a Bear market, Ethereum tends to fall further, decline more than Bitcoin. When Bitcoin gets a
cold, Ethereum catches a fever. This is why we have stink buys waiting. I mean to say, it is a
good idea to place orders all the way down under $100 to try and catch a hammer wick
downward on Ethereum. Admittedly, these stink buys are unlikey, but, they can hit leaving you
plush in ETH. See Appendix one as an example.
Strategy: Start dollar cost averaging at $500 and keep buying all the way to $5.00 to catch a
hammer wick down. When you hit your hammer wick down, remember us kindly.
Advantage Ethereum
Ethereum has enabled staking for its holders to earn a passive income while holding onto ETH.
It is no exaggeration to say ETH must be part of your digital asset portfolio for the future. ETH
has the potential to eclipse Bitcoin and become the most dominant blockchain network in the
world. By dollar cost averaging in at $500 and the potential to rise to $25,000 in the future, you
would be well advised to own Ethereum as part of your long term asset portfolio.

7 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Binance Coin Ticker BNB
Binance Coin Rank: #5
Coin Count: 159,968,027
Peak Price 2021: $690
Next Bull Market price targets: $688, $1344 and $2111

Binance coin is owned and operated by Binance the world’s biggest crypto currency exchange
which ensures the coins continued success4. The BNB coin likes to mirror the algorithmic
pattern of Bitcoin and as such we can expect to buy this at much lower prices in 2023. For us,
we are looking to add Binance coin to our portfolio on sale anywhere around $7.5 as Figure 4

Strategy: We will place stink buys at the following levels: $3.33, $1.53 and 0.50 cents. The
.50 cent level is a level that BNB has hit in the past and might return if a double bottom wick

all force majeure events aside
8 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Binance Advantage
BNB coin has the potential to return to its former high of $690 and therefore is an essential part
of any digital asset portfolio. As long as more and more people are onboarding with Binance
exchanges globally, you can expect Binance coin to grow. Binance coin is a great buy anywhere
under $10.

Cardano Ticker ADA

Cardano Coin Rank: #9
Coin Count: Billions and billions which is why you can buy it for cents.
Peak Price 2021: $3.10
Next Bull Market price targets: $2.77, $4.44 and $7.77

Cardano is one of the few academically researched blockchain networks founded by Charles
Hoskins. Cardano is designed to replace Ethereum and because of its academic back testing has
few of the problems or dramas of other blockchains. With its staking, smart contracts, release of
its own stable coin DJED, and commitment to quality; more and more projects are opting to use
Cardano as their all-in-one blockchain solution.
Figure 5 shows that Cardano is already in a buy zone and anything below 0.20 cents is excellent
to accumulate ADA.

9 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Strategy: Place stink buys for ADA at 1.61.8 level between 0.015 and 0.011. Hold and stake
the ADA coins until the next bull cycle. Staking ADA usually returns between 4-6% passive
Cardano Advantage: “Retire wealthy, Retire in Cardano.”5
Cardano has been purposefully designed to accommodate and meet new challenges. As a result,
the project becomes more relevant with each iteration. Whereas other projects are often forced
out of the market because they can no longer compete in the same space as Ethereum. Cardano
evolves, grows stronger, and even surpasses Ethereum which is why we believe ADA is set for a
huge price increase in the next bull phase.

DOGE Coin Rank: #8
Coin Count: Billions and billions
Peak Price: 0.75 cents
Next Bull Market price targets: 0.68 cents and $1. 22

DOGE is the original MEME coin in the crypto space. Elon Musk has come out in strong
support of DOGE and as long as Elon is tweeting about DOGE coin, we can be sure that there is
a real possibility of this coin reaching the dream level of $1.00 or more. With his tweets, Musk
already drove the price of DOGE to 0.75 cents.
Having said that, please keep your expectations low in regard to DOGE and do not allocate much
capital into the coin. Because DOGE has billions of coins its cheaper to buy and a small
allocation can return big profits provided you are willing to accept the risk and hold DOGE for
years until the next bull market.
We recommend dollar cost averaging into DOGE at 0.0033 cents and buying 200$ allotments
until you hold a bag full of the DOGE coin. Figure 6 shows:

David Ward quote, trading view.
10 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Strategy: Dollar cost average and be ready with stink orders all the way down to .0003 cent.
When buying or selling coins with BILLIONS, be very careful of how many zeros these coins
DOGE Advantage
As long as Elon Musk is tweeting his support for DOGE, we will take advantage of a proven
trend. $600 into Doge coin can net you a massive return if you are patient and wait to sell in the
next bull market. After all, it is where you buy that makes profits.

HEX Ticker HEX

Hex Coin Rank: #14
Coin Count: Billions and billions
Peak Price: 0.47 cents
Next Bull Market price targets: 0.44 cents, .075 cents and $1.15

HEX was created by Richard Heart with the insight of using staking and fixed TIME deposits
like a bank to return interest on HEX coins. This is all done without any 3rd party intermediary
and HEX is not sold on any major global exchanges for the explicit reason to avoid hacking or
meltdowns in the price. Fixed deposits on the HEX blockchain means that HEX holders can
decide how long they want to stake their coins and how much of a return they want on their
staking. HEX empowers you to accumulate wealth over time.

11 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Challenge of HEX: Hex is difficult to buy and you need to sign up for a Meta Mask account
(ETH network) using Google. Use Google and YouTube to walk yourself through the process.
These technical challenges do not take away from the underlying value of HEX as an asset in
your portfolio. We recommend dollar cost averaging into HEX at .0075 cent which corresponds
to the 78.6 Fibonacci retracement level:

Strategy: Start buying small allottments of HEX from .0075 all the way down to 0.00012. We
do not recommend going all in on HEX, rather small conservative buys are a safe way to position
your portfolio and protect capital.
Advantage HEX
Staking is the projects market advantage as HEX empowers you to accumulate passive income
with high returns in HEX coin. HEX’s innovative fix term deposits and positioning on
decentralized exchanges means the project is well prepared for the future of defi finance. Must
be part of any long term portolio.

Chainlink Ticker LINK

Chainlink Coin Rank: #27
Coin Count: 467 000 000
Peak Price 2021: $53.00
Next Bull Market price targets: $33, $118, $135 +

12 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Chainlink is known as the “King of the Altcoins” because it has never experienced a significant
drop since its debut in the crypto space – until now.
Chainlink is an oracle that allows artificial intelligences of different blockchains and smart
contracts to communicate seemlessly with one another. Chainlink has these features ready to
plug and play into any blockchain which is an incredible technical advatntage for the future of
defi and decentralization. As a result, we believe Chainlink can shock the world in the next bull
In the current Bear market, Chainlink will experience the mother of all drops. We recommend
adding Chainlink to your portfolio from $1.55, which is between 61.8-78.6 Fibonacci
retracement. Continue dollar cost averaging all the way down.

Strategy: Stink buy for LINK at 0.25 cents and all the way down to .02 cents.
Advantage Chainlink
Because of its interoperability and oracle capability for smart contracts, Chainlink is uniquely
placed to succeed in the future and must be part of your digital asset portfolio. Something you
can buy at $1.00 can go to $100 and higher IF Chainlink can climb back into its parabolic
channel noted on the chart.

13 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
The TOP 7 Bitcoin and Altcoin
These 7 coins will leave you well positioned for the next bull market. While no one can predict
when the market will bottom or when the next top will be, we can begin to position ourselves to
take advantage of the current trend.
With the strategies provided you can be much better prepared to reap rewards by harvesting the
correct coins, buying at the bottom and selling at the top of the next bull market. I would caution
the reader to “never go all in” on anything you might have read in this report or found on the
internet. Please consult with your personal financial expert in these matters before making any
financial decisions.
At Bitcoin Financial we will be allocating our capital across these 7 assets, striking a balance that
matches our financial resources, financial goals and personal situation. Bitcoin Financial can
definitely help advise you in finding the correct balance with your personal, business or
retirement portfolio.
Please do not hesitate to contact us by email: to act as your
trusted Broker in Bitcoin and digital assets. A Free Consultation is available on Zoom.
International clients welcome!
I hope this report helps you grow in financial freedom over the next 10 years. Simplicity,
Transparency and Trust, that is Bitcoin Financial.

Jeff Hawkins
Bitcoin Financial, Barrie ON
January 1, 2023.

The opinions expressed in this report are entirely the property of Bitcoin Financial. While we
have done our best to compile the report with 100% accuracy, truthfulness to the facts as we
know them, inevitably circumstances change and there will be errors. We are solely responsible
for any errors that appear in the report.

14 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.
Appendix #1 Hammer Wick DOWN Shiba Inu / USDT =
December 20, 2022
We do NOT endorse Shiba INU. However, the chart below is useful for showing the power of
looking for Hammer wicks down to buy. This can and will happen again to other projects in the
space and even those coins highlighted in this report. Be ready to capitalize.

Copyright © January 2023, all rights reserved.

15 Disclaimer
This report is compiled for educational purposes ONLY and none of the information herein constitutes financial advice. In any investment situation you, the reader, must do your own due
diligence according to your personal financial situation. Dr Jeff Hawkins is not a financial advisor and at no time are any of the information in these reports to be construed as encouragement to
buy or sell cryptocurrency. Making any decision to buy or sell any ASSET including Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency is your sole decision and at your own risk. You must not rely on the
information provided in any of the reports provided by Jeff Hawkins or Bitcoin Financial to make any financial decisions. Only YOU are responsible for the decisions you make with your
finances. The report enclosed herein is for educational and informational purposes only.

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