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Volume 10 Rezeqi.

(3) 2022, 36 Pelita

Jurnal – 40 Pendidikan 10 (3) (2022) 36 - 40

Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan

Journal of Biology Education
eISSN: 2502-3217 pISSN: 2338-3003



Salwa Rezeqi1*, Desti Santi Natalia Pasaribu2

Biology Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan, Jalan Willem
Iskandar Pasar V Medan Estate, North Sumatera 20221, Indonesia

*Corresponding author:


Article History This study examined to find out the review of media experts, teachers, and
Received December 2th, 2021 students on Quizizz and the increase of student learning outcomes to the
Revised March 30th, 2022 application of Quizizz in 11th grade of Public high school majoring in science
Accepted June 23th, 2022 at SMA Negeri 1 Sumbul. The population of this study was 11th grade
science students. The sample used in this study was 61 students using
Keywords: simple random sampling technique. The method used a descriptive mixed
Digestive System, Quizizz, Media method. Data were collected using questionnaires and interviews, and
Evaluation student grade lists. The results showed that the application of Quizizz had
received a score of 71 (good category) from media experts, a score of 91,2
(excellent category) from the teacher, a score of 94 (excellent category)
from students, and N-Gain scores in student learning outcomes of 0,71 (high
category). The highest N-Gain score was on the indicator of determining the
nutritional content contained in foodstuffs by conducting a food test.

This is an open access article under the CC–BY-SA license.

How to Cite:
Rezeqi, Salwa & Pasaribu, Desti Santi Natalia. (2022). Application Of Quizizz as an Evaluation Media on Digestive System
Materials. Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan, 10 (3), 36-40.

36 | J u r n a l P e l i t a P e n d i d i k a n
Rezeqi. Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan 10 (3) (2022) 36 - 40

INTRODUCTION Sonjaya and Fadlurahman (2018), the digestive

The quality of learning can be seen in terms system material requires students to understand
of the process and terms of results. Learning in the human digestive system's structure, function,
terms of process is said to be successful and and process. Implementing evaluation using print
qualified if all or at least most of the students are media such as exam papers will make students
actively involved active, both physically, mentally, passive during the activity. Printed media that
and socially in the learning process. The quality of circulate also presents less explicit examples of
learning in terms of results is referred to as images that lead to potential misconceptions
evaluation. According to Asru et al. (2014), among students. Therefore, we need an evaluation
evaluation is a systematic and continuous process media that can display images and videos to
to determine the quality (value and meaning) of facilitate the evaluation process in class so that it
something based on specific considerations and runs optimally.
criteria to make a decision. Research on the application of Quizizz
The achievement of development needs to evaluation media on digestive system materials
be measured, both the position of students as needs to be done so that in the upcoming
individuals and their position in group activities. evaluation activities, teachers and students can
Educators can develop the ability of these students use evaluation media that can support the learning
by knowing what they will do from the beginning process both in real and virtual classrooms, such as
to the end of learning. One is that using in the current pandemic period. The interactive
technology as a media evaluation can help the and fun Quizizz evaluation media feature makes it
continuity of student evaluation in learning easier for students and teachers to carry out
(Febriana, 2019). online evaluation activities. The problems
Evaluation media play a role in facilitating the described previously prompted us to research the
work of educators to find out student learning application of Quizizz as an evaluation media on
achievement in every teaching and learning digestive system materials.
activity in the classroom, and it is also expected
that able to motivate students to be more active METHOD
(Putri & Ermawaty, 2020). This study was conducted at SMA Negeri 1
Various types of test evaluation media can be Sumbul. The research started from April to May
used to facilitate teachers and increase students' 2021. The research population was all students of
willingness to participate in evaluation activities class 11th grade SMA Negeri 1 Sumbul, which
during the current Covid-19 pandemic. One consisted of 6 classes with 205 students. The
evaluation media that is easily accessible to sample used in this study was as many as 61
teachers and students is Quizizz, an interactive test students using a simple random sampling
based on applications and websites. Quizziz has technique. The study used a descriptive mixed
free complete lessons with activities included method. The instruments in this study were
about different topics. The assessment is accurate, questionnaires, interviews, and student grade lists.
and educators do not have to spend much time The score of the Expert, teacher, and student
grading activities. Quizizz provides feedback when questionnaire will be analyzed for each question
a game is played, allows teachers and students to item using the following formula:
see where mistakes are during evaluation, and
also has ways to entertain students between each Score review = 𝑥 100
𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒
question with memes. Irwan et al (2019) stated
that interactive evaluation media can foster Furthermore, the results of closed
student interest because of innovation, attractive questionnaires that were analyzed and compared
appearance, and designed to increase student with the criteria of achievement based on the
involvement and participation so that they feel respondents’ scores can be seen in Table 1.
challenged and enthusiastic in participating in
evaluation activities because nowadays, students Table 1. Criteria for achievement of questionnaire
are not interested in taking conventional tests. results
Digestive system material in humans is one of No Score Category
the biological materials taught in 11th grade every 1 0 - 20 Very Bad
semester. This topic has many abstract concepts 2 21 - 40 Bad
that cannot be seen but occur in the body (Ulfa & 3 41 - 60 Good
Rozalina, 2019). However, it is miserable that the 4 61-80 Very Good
biology teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Sumbul still does 5 81-100 Excellent
not use online evaluation media. According to Source: (Riduwan, 2016)

37 | J u r n a l P e l i t a P e n d i d i k a n
Rezeqi. Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan 10 (3) (2022) 36 - 40

Interview transcript data were analyzed Table 3. Media Expert's Review to Quizizz
descriptively based on the answers given by Evaluation Media
students in an interview that had been conducted. No Aspect % Category
The analysis of learning result data in this study 1. Learning Design 83,3 Excellent
consists of pretest data analysis, posttest data Visual Very
2. 75
analysis, and gain analysis. The students’ test Communication Good
scores were converted into a grade form with the 3. Software 86,4 Excellent
following formula: The features and services provided by
Quizizz are why teachers positively reviewed this
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑒𝑠𝑢𝑙𝑡 𝑆𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑠 medium. Quizizz media is beneficial for teachers in
Scores = 𝑥 100
𝑀𝑎𝑥𝑖𝑚𝑢𝑚 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒 preparing test questions and monitoring
Once the students’ scores had been known, a evaluation activities to provide reviews of learning
normalized Gain calculation was carried out to see outcomes. The critical feature helps teachers to
the increase in student learning outcomes. prepare questions related to the material to be
𝑇 −𝑇
g= 2 1 tested. Quizizz is a database containing hundreds
100%− 𝑇1
(Susanto, 2012) of quizzes that can be accessed, and teachers can
Note: use or edit them to meet evaluation needs. When
g : N-gain Score creating the quiz, the teacher can add images and
T1 : Pretest Score adjust the feedback students see after answering
T2 : Posttest Score questions on the quiz. Quizzes can be organized
The interpretation of N-Gain is shown in table into collections to make them easier to find and
2. set. Feedback appears in the teacher's memes
Table 2. N-Gain criteria (either premade or custom-made) that are
N-Gain Range Category displayed based on right or wrong answers. My
g > 0,7 High Quiz menu can be used to monitor students' work
0,3 ≤ g ≤ 0,7 Medium during evaluation activities. All the features owned
g < 0,3 Low by Quizizz become a solution to the problems
Source: (Arini, 2016) faced by teachers when using conventional media.
Looking at the weaknesses of conventional
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION assessment, namely the cost of procuring paper
Evaluation activities for learning digestive for problem doubling, less effective and efficient
system materials using Quizizz media conducted in correcting time, and errors when correcting,
11th grade of Public high school majoring in makes Quizizz the suitable medium to be used
science at SMA Negeri 1 have been going well. It during evaluation activities. Researched by
can be seen from the review of media experts, Munawaroh (2021) supported that the application
teachers, and students; and the N-Gain score of Quizizz online media evaluation contains
obtained from calculating students' pretest and principles that make it easier for teachers to
post-test grades. process and get positive responses from students.
Based on the expert's review results, it can The results of the teacher's Review to
be concluded that Quizizz media is goodly used as Quzizz evaluation media can be seen in Table 4.
an interactive evaluation media to increase
student learning motivation. Students get a Table 4. Teacher's review to material evaluation
pleasant learning experience without reducing the aspects and quizizz usage
clarity of the presentation of information and No Aspect Score Category
messages between teachers and students during 1 Topic Evaluation 93,7 Excellent
the evaluation process. In other words, Quizizz 2 Media Usage 90,6 Excellent
plays a significant role in facilitating evaluation In the aspect of the ability of the Quizizz
activities to be more optimal. By Kurniawan et al media application purpose, aspect got a score of
(2019), Quzizz is an alternative media to see 92,2 from the student. Excellent reviews from
students' conceptual understanding interactively students were obtained because Quizizz helped
and flexibly. This creative, innovative, challenging, them understand the general picture of the lesson,
and fun evaluation activity will increase positive gamification-based media with exciting features
motivation for children to learn (Aini, 2019). and services such as player characters, game
The results of the media expert's review to themes, memes, audio, animation, and videos
Quizizz as an evaluation media used in human which can be selected directly by students so that
digestive system material can be seen in Table 3. they can reduce tension while doing tests.

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Rezeqi. Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan 10 (3) (2022) 36 - 40

Students gave a score of 99,1 on the exciting in the form of pictures, tables, animations, and
aspect. Excellent reviews were obtained because, food test videos that can stimulate students'
according to students, the material evaluation memory during evaluation; therefore, students
activities of the human digestive system using understand what is asked by the question.
Quizizz media made it more vibrant, the learning, Munawaroh (2021) said that Quzizz has various
the experience became delightful and provided kinds of features. It is also practical, economical,
encouragement in achieving maximum learning and modern. Quizizz media evaluation can solve
outcomes. Dewi's (2018) opinion on the use of the limitations of using media such as exam
game-based media, such as Quizizz game media, papers.
has good potential to be used as a suitable The lowest N-Gain score is a problem on
learning medium because it can stimulate visual indicators of the analysis of food substances
and verbal components. Wibawa et al (2019) also needed by the human body every day from various
stated that the application of Quizizz built sources of information, as well as the
students' motivation and enthusiasm. When consequences caused by the excess or deficiency
motivation increases, students will be more of the substance. The N-Gain score obtained on
focused during the activity. the matter is 0,02; this indicates that the increase
Students' perception aspect obtained a score in the problem score is in a low category. The low
of 92. Based on students' reviews, it was known N-gain score can be caused by the following,
that Quizizz media provides convenience without namely: 1) the form of presentation of the same
making the media feel boring for students problem between pretest and posttest that only
participating in the evaluation of human digestive uses text without images and audio; 2) Evaluation
system material. This medium was equipped with using Quizizz is time-bound so that there is
music that provides calmness, funny memes, competition between students in answering each
encouragement, and support, as well as theme question; and 3) some students say they suddenly
designs that can be selected according to the quit the quiz and challenging to revisit so miss the
user's wishes (students) to reduce the sense of chance to answer the question. It is under the
tension and create the impression of fun and theory that states that there are five deficiencies
interactive evaluation. Supported by Kerrigan in Quizizz. One of these shortcomings is that it is
(2018), learners are more interested in using challenging to revisit the test (Munawaroh, 2021).
Quizizz media in conventional media that was While the sizeable N-Gain score of student
commonly used previously in learning evaluation learning outcomes is 0,71 in the high category, the
activities. high score of N-Gain states that Quizizz as a
Table 5 shows students' reviews of the medium of learning evaluation plays a vital role in
application of Quizizz as an evaluation media. providing convenience and facilities in the
exchange of information between teachers and
Table 5. Students’ review to Quizizz students, so that both students and teachers will
implementation be more passionate in following the teaching and
No Aspect Score Category learning process in the classroom. Sensory, space,
1 Media application 92,2 Excellent and time limitations on the process evaluation
purpose activities of the digestive system amid a pandemic
2 Interest 99,1 Excellent can be overcome with Quizizz. Objects learning the
3 Students’ 92 Excellent material of the human digestive system are too
large such as the torso, objects that are too small,
Mean 94 Excellent
very complicated processes such as the
Based on the analysis of learning data on
mechanism of digestion of carbohydrates and fats,
human digestive system materials, pretest and
and also experiments that cannot be done can be
post-test average scores of 40,1 and 81,5. After
replaced with attachments of images, photos,
students' test scores had been known, the
audio, presentation slides and videos at Quizizz.
normalized Gain (N-Gain) was calculated to
Purba (2019) stated that video and audio on
measure the increase between pretest and post-
Quizizz can help students to be more challenged
test scores. Based on the calculations that had
while working on problems given by teachers. Yan
been done, it was known that the highest N-Gain
Mei et al (2019) prove that Quizizz effectively
score was on the indicator of determining the
improves student learning outcomes. Quizizz helps
nutritional content contained in foodstuffs by
students to be able to concentrate well and
conducting a food test of 0,5 in the medium
become more active in answering the teacher’s
category. The increase in scores is due to Quizizz
media can help teachers deliver question material

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Rezeqi. Jurnal Pelita Pendidikan 10 (3) (2022) 36 - 40

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