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*Believing Is Seeing*

Q: I wanted to share with you that I went to Atlanta, Georgia last week to
visit my family. And everybody in my family that I've ever met was there.
And it was the first time in about fifteen years that we'd all gotten
together. What I wanted to ask you about was that, when I left here to go
back there...

B: Yes.

Q: ...and in the four days that I spent there, I felt like there was a big
energy shift - like I was a very different person when I was there than
when I was here, before I left. Now, since I have come back to California
again, I feel like I'm yet a different person. And I haven't quite figured
out what that person is yet. In other words...

B: What does that person want to do?

Q: Well, that's part of my problem, because...

B: Your what? Part of your what?

Q: I don't feel the level of excitement and the...

B: One moment. One moment please!

Q: Yes.

B: Will you do me a favor?

Q: Yes.

B: Thank you. You don't have to, but will you?

Q: Yes.

B: Thank you. Repeat after me: That is a part...

Q: That is a part...

B: ... of my joy to discover.

Q: ... of my joy to discover.

B: Rather than "that is a part of my problem."

Q: That feels better.

B: Thank you. Continue.

Q: Well, part of my joy to discover...

B: Yes?

Q: ... was that for the last four days, since Sunday when I came back
here, the level of excitement that I have been used to feeling...

B: Yes?
Q: ... in the last year or so...

B: Yes?

Q: ... hasn't been there.

B: Ahhh! Very good! What you have changed now is a typical transformation
for many of you. You will create in your life, at intervals, the idea of
feeling the excitement in a certain way. But if you stop to really think
about it - even though it seems as if you're feeling it within yourself -
you are actually/, actually/, feeling it around you.

And the idea of when it no longer seems to be around you is when you
actually now have the opportunity to know you have met the level of that
vibration, so it no longer seems to be there. You have simply acclimated to
it so easily that it doesn't appear to be any different than you. And
that's your cue to use it in whatever way, shape or form you desire.

And as soon as you use it, you will then accelerate to the next level, then
feel the excitement building again, acclimate to that, use it; on and on
and on forever. So that the idea is not to feel that you have lost the
feeling of excitement, but that you have simply matched it. And now you can
use what previously, to this point, seemed to be more energy than you were
used to using.

Q: Okay, that's ...

B: You follow me?

Q: I follow you. However, I don't...

B: However what?

Q: I don't know what I desire to use the energy to do.

B: All right. Why are you doing whatever you are doing in your life at
this time?

Q: Because that's what I was doing before I left.

B: All right. Does that excite you? Yes or no? Do you know what you don't
want to do, if you don't know what you /do/ want to do?

Q: No. I'm feeling like I don't know what's going on.

B: You do not know what you do /not/ want to do?

Q: Well, I guess...

B: Let me put it this way: is there something you are doing that you no
longer prefer to do? Yes or no?

Q: Yes.

B: Are you sure?

Q: No.
B: Why do you think it is so difficult to be sure?

Q: I guess it's because I'm afraid of letting go of those things.

B: What would happen if you did? Or what do you fear would happen if you

Q: I'd become destitute on the streets.

B: Oh, destitute! How dramatic!

Q: Yes, it is, isn't it?

B: Now, may I ask you a question?

Q: Yes.

B: If you really stop and picture it, do you honestly - now you can say
yes, I don't care - do you really honestly believe you will be absolutely
destitute to the full extent of the meaning of that word?

Q: Of course not.

B: All right, then. Then you don't have to be so melodramatic about it.

Q: You asked me what could happen.

B: Yes. But I am asking you what you really believe will happen, not just
what is possible for someone. What is possible for you? I'm talking to you.

Q: Maybe what I fear would happen is that I would let go of everything and
nothing would come in to replace it. And I would just be flowing...

B: How is that possible?

Q: I don't know.

B: Do you know - as you have heard many times - that nature does not allow
a vacuum to exist?

Q: Yes.

B: Do you understand what that means?

Q: Yes, a little.

B: Then understand you cannot create a hole without something filling it.
It's not possible. There cannot be non-existence in your existence. If you
change, things have to flow in the direction you change them into; they
have to. They have no choice. No choice. You are at the controls. The way
you steer is the way your whole reality will follow - has to be that way.

Q: So what you're saying is that I don't have to have something to replace

it with, before I let go of something else?

B: You already do have something to replace it with. And when you let go,
you'll find out what it is.

Q: Hmm.
B: The reason you don't know what you want to do is because you're not
willing to let go of what you don't want to do, enough to allow yourself to
realize what it is you already - somewhere within you - know you really
want to do. Did you understand that?

Q: Some of it.

B: When you hold on to something you don't want to do strongly enough, you
may not make even enough room for even the awareness of what you want to do
to come in.
You have to let go a little bit, at least enough, at least to make at least
enough room for the awareness of what you want to do to come in. You are
not letting go at all.

Q: Mhmm.

B: Let at least something go. You're going to be in control. You can

regulate it; you have that much control. Let it go at least a little bit,
and make at least enough room for this little teeny tiny awareness to come
in and say: "Pssst! Look over here. This - well, all right, I won't scare
you - this might be something you would be interested in. I'm not saying
you have to be excited about it right now, but this might be something
you're interested in."

Allow enough room to at least be aware of what it is that does excite you.
Because you do know; but you're not allowing yourself to know that you know
it. You follow me?

Q: I follow you. But how does that connection...?

B: All you need is trust.

Q: Trust.

B: Trust. Let me tell you - I can do no better than this - when you do
that, and when you trust it and act on it, the only thing that I can tell
you is that I absolutely guarantee it will work. But I can do no better
than that. That's up to you to find out. I cannot - and no one else can
prove it to you - but you will prove it to yourself. The second you decide
that's what you want to believe, it will happen. Remember: believing is
seeing; not the other way around.

Q: Mhmm.

B: So if you are not willing to believe it, you will not see it. But I
guarantee it! The second you are willing to believe it, you will see it;
and nothing can stop it. Nothing can stop it; absolutely nothing can stop
it! Nothing.

We once talked to a member of your society, affectionately called the

Wizard, and we gave an analogy. Perhaps... now, this may or may not work
for you, but it might work for some of you. We are not saying that you have
to literally believe this is true in a mechanical sense. But it might shake
up your perspective and turn it around a little bit.

Rather than assuming that you have to, in a sense, pull something into
existence, why not assume that anything that you do not specifically deny
reality to will come into existence. So that then all you have to think
about are the things you /don't/ want; and then everything else will happen.
You can do it that way, if that works better for you.

But understand: every single circumstance has an equal opportunity and an

equal energy to manifest in your reality. So simply take it for granted
that all the wonderful, positive things that represent the person you say
you would like to be, will occur. And the only things that won't are the
things that you don't prefer. You follow me?

Q: Mhmm.

B: See if that works for you. But trust it. Allow yourself to be relaxed;
allow yourself to center; allow yourself to meditate in a relaxed and
joyful way.

And remember: if you are actually enjoying the process of discovering, then
you are not being impatient waiting for something better to come along. The
more you enjoy where you're at, the quicker you realize any other probable
reality you may also desire
to be.

Q: Wait. Can you say that once more?

B: The sooner you enjoy where you are in the now...

Q: Yes.

B: ... the more likely you make it that you will attract other
opportunities for you to act upon. The longer it takes for you to enjoy
where you are, the more you keep other opportunities at bay, because you
have not finished learning what you need to learn from where you are.

Q: Ahhh... yes. That's... yes....

B: So relax into where you are, and that will create the space to let more
things come in.

Q: Thank you very much.

B: Thank you very much.

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