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Bashar: Channeled by Darryl Anka

'Time & Aging" from "Shock Wave"


Questioner: I'm wondering if there might be an imaginary model. I'm

looking for a model, that I might be able to affect the aging process

Bashar: Did you say aging?

Q: Yes.

B: Live in the moment. The more you live in the moment, the more you
become absorbed literally in the moment, doing what you love to do, the
less you will age. All of you know the experience of saying that, "time
flies when you are having fun." You know that time isn't really flying,
and in all reality it isn't just that you are ignoring the passage of
time. You create time, and when you do something that allows you to be so
focused that you come out of it and say, "Oh, many hours have passed, where
did the time go?" You actually did not create that time. If you feel,
feel like you only experienced about one half hour, when perhaps to the
rest of the world three hours went by, you have actually only aged one
half hour. Living in the moment, staying in the moment, following your
excitement and staying in that vibration, unlocks you from the time
matrix, and allows you to experience yourself as relatively ageless.

Now, the idea is that when you then realize that three hours have passed,
what you're simply doing is automatically, and by choice, reconnecting
yourself to the time stream that all of you have agreed to share -- because
you don't want to necessarily completely divorce
yourself from that matrix. Otherwise you will not be able to interact
with many other people on your planet, at this time. But the more you all
live in the moment, the more you'll be able to interact within the Now, and
the less aging you will experience, because you are literally creating less
time. And when you stay in the moment you are creating less details, you
are allowing yourself to see the big picture of what you are doing, and
allowing your Higher Self to allow the details to be pulled into position
automatically. You don't have to fragment your consciousness to take care
of worrying all the details, or juggling all the details into place. The
fewer details, in that fashion, that you pay attention to, the less time
you need to get done what you need to get done. Do you follow along?

Q: Yes.

B: Does that model work for you?

Q: Yes, quite a bit. I was wondering about when we're asleep...

B: Yes?

Q: Do we actually physically age at a slower rate then?

B: Yes. Yes, because you are living more in the now, in your more natural
state -- what you call or remember as a dream. Now, in a sense, remember
that you are in fact dreaming right now; your physical reality is, in a
sense, actually more truly the dream. The physical reality is actually, in
a sense, more truly, really the real you. This is a dream of time and
space, when you wake up you will not necessarily experience time and space
as much any more. You understand?

Q: Yes.

B: Does that help you?

B: Yes, very much.

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